Sir Andreas Eisfalke Von Ulm |

Regardless of who this person is or what they did...we will respect the dead. The body will be treated with respect and handled with care. Rillka has the right idea. We should return home and intern the body.
Duzz are you alright to continue?

GM_Coreyllon |

The group returns with the body and then rests for the night.
I am going to assume that you get a drawing or description of the man instead of bringing the dead body around town with you.
In the morning the group starts asking around and discovers that the man is probably a recent visitor to town named Kundal. He arrived less then a month ago and spends most nights getting into a drunken stupor in the inn and then looking worse for the wear in the mornings when he is seen around town. Kundal has a room rented out at the inn currently that is paid for until the end of the week.

GM_Coreyllon |

You ask and they provide you the key and tell you it is the second room upstairs. You are able to enter the room without issue and although it is obvious that someone has been staying here, the room is currently empty and you are pretty sure the previous occupant is currently at the Shrine.
If you wish to look around or do anything else, please feel free to make the rolls or state the spells you are casting.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

Upon awakening the following morning, Saoirse spends some time singing herself a haunting, healing tune that repairs the majority of the damage done to her body by the previous axe wounds, before getting dressed and joining the council members to look further into the origins of the night's attacker.
Cure moderate wounds: 2d8 + 4 ⇒ (8, 7) + 4 = 19 +4hp natural healing
Finding the now unoccupied room, she quickly searces it for any sign of something left behind, or any indication that this Kundal wasn't acting alone.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Duzz "Li'l Lamb" |

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
"Not everything has a deep hidden purpose." Duzz says as they search. "He could very well be just a loner. No friends or family because of his curse, so he roams around the lands, skipping town when the deaths start to pile and suspicions to rise."

GM_Coreyllon |

As the three of you look around there is nothing immediately obvious around the room.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

"You're likely right." Saoirse says, as she finishes going through the room. "It might be a good idea to keep records of newcomers to town...maybe check in with the inns and boarding houses once a month, find out if the farmers have hired any new hands...things like that."

Rillka Cloudhopper |

Yes, let’s start keeping tabs on everyone… it will make it easier when we round up people and treat them like criminals. Rillka’s tone and the scowl on her face indicate that she is not in favor of this plan.
Perhaps a less formal method of learning about our cities goings on… I have noticed that a charming women, and in particular pretty charming women can learn a great deal. Even more than a list of names tells… if only we had someone pretty and charming… Rillka looks directly at Saoirse with the last part.

Albert Malek Garess |

"While I do think this man was responsible for not removing himself to somewhere where he could not harm others, we also cannot make the mistake of being overvigilant. After all, how many werewolves can there be wandering through the River Kingdoms like this?"

Saoirse Oparaeal |

While Rilka's acerbic response draws a look, the following thinly veiled flattery does not go unnoticed...or unappreciated. "I guess I have my work cut out for me then...hopefully less painful in the future...and without ruining a nice blouse!" she quips with a grin.
"After all, how many werewolves can there be wandering through the River Kingdoms like this?"
Knowledge Local (Curse of Lycanthropy): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
"No idea, but it's definitely less than zero."

Rillka Cloudhopper |

While people are willing to talk with you, most tall folks are good at forgetting I am a person and talk freely around me. I think we could make a good team gathering info - if you are interested? Rillka says to Saoirse. Better get some cheap blouses, following Tall Folk around, [b]she says with a head nod towards Andreas, [b] is extremely hard on the wardrobe.
More importantly, what now?

Sir Andreas Eisfalke Von Ulm |

Find out what details you can about this...person.
I am not too fond of going to extreme measure to know who is in our lands. However, taking a more active role in the comings and goings of those in the city would not be a bad idea.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

While people are willing to talk with you, most tall folks are good at forgetting I am a person and talk freely around me. I think we could make a good team gathering info - if you are interested? Rillka says to Saoirse. Better get some cheap blouses, following Tall Folk around, [b]she says with a head nod towards Andreas, [b] is extremely hard on the wardrobe.
"Definitely interested, though I can't see how anyone would find you forgettable. But we'll see what we can find out!" Saoirse says with a grin.
"Other than chatting people up in the tavern and around the town for information, is there anything else pressing that needs attention?"

GM_Coreyllon |

There is a list of items that the players were informed about. Saoirse and Druzz may be familiar with some of them as well. You can find them here. You also need to just explore a lot of the lands that are unexplored for the nation to grow.

Sir Andreas Eisfalke Von Ulm |

We should explore the region around us to make sure that lands remain safe and secured. This is important for us to grow.
We have heard rumors of a work or something like it in the area. Something about a turtle and elven ruins.

GM_Coreyllon |

With the decision to explore made, the group spends several days preparing and invitations to explore are made to Druzz and Saoirse as several other allies for the party retire or decide to stay home and build up their own interests in the growing nation.
After a few days, Sir Andreas and the company have handled all of the immediate pressing issues and are able to prepare to go and explore.
You have up to six weeks to explore before you have to be back to check on the government. Where do you want to go?"

GM_Coreyllon |

The night before the group heads out once more there is a conference meeting in which Duzz and Saoirse are asked to join the council and aid in exploring the kingdom.
The next morning the group gathers their mount and gear and rides north. The group follows the same path they used to hunt for the missing boy as they again enter the unexplored lands just south of the capital.
Anyone Home?: 1d100 ⇒ 36
Your exploration begins along the banks of the Tuskwater. As you move along you hit a swampy area of land. You soon see a dilapidated mud-brick hut that sits on top of a small hummock in the middle of the fetid marsh. A thin tendril of bluish smoke trickling through a gaping hole in the moss covered roof.
The region around the hut is a roughly 80 ft diameter are of solid ground, thick with bog grass and dotted with small cattail-clogged pools. A scarecrow is propped up midway between the gate and door to the hut. The solid region is surrounded by a waist-high wooden fence, in which a single gate hangs askew. A fist-sized rusted iron bell hangs from a hairy length of rope to a crooked post next to the gate.
As you stop short of the area, a lone crow caws noisily from the top of a nearby cypress tree.
You can give me a Local check if you have it. If you wish to use some other spell or skill to know more about what you see, feel free to let me know what you do.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

As the party slowly approaches on horseback, Saoirse takes in the secluded hut, noting the scarecrow that brings to mind rumors and tales she's gathered about the region's more reclusive folk.
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

GM_Coreyllon |

Saoirse Oparaeal |

"There's an old wive's tale, used to scare wee ones into being good. Talks about an old crone they call Old Beldame, that lives in a swamp to the south. If there's a kernel o' truth to the folktale...this would probably be it." Saoirse says, making a subtle warding gesture with her left hand.

GM_Coreyllon |

Sir Andreas Eisfalke Von Ulm |

Taking the hint from Rillka...
Be nice until it is time to not be nice.
His eyes look up to the crow.
Be respectful of the crows. The are highly intelligent and I hear can hold grudges for great lengths of time.
He tips his head at the crow.
The large man dismounts and walks towards the gate and stops short at the sight of the bell.
Looking at it and then at the dwelling beyond, Andreas gives the bell a ring.
Hail to the residence. Would anyone be home?

GM_Coreyllon |

See KM Handouts for the picture of Old Beldame.
Sir Andreas rings the bell and shortly after a face peers out of a window. You see a green tinted face with stringy white hair and pointed ears. From this distance the face seems to be unhappy at your presence and the figure calls out in a high pitched voice that seems unhappy at your presence, "What? Who are you? Why are you bothering me?"

Rillka Cloudhopper |

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
See, just an old tall folk woman... kinda hoping for a hag or something interesting... Rillka says just loud enough that those around her can hear.
Sorry to bother you! We are from the settlement to the north. We wanted to talk. We mean no harm or offense. Rillka adds louder with a big wave, so the older woman can see her.

Albert Malek Garess |

Albert dismounts and takes up position near Sir Andreas. His sword hangs in its sheath, and he leaves his spellbook in his saddlebag

GM_Coreyllon |

The old woman scrunches up her face and says, "Eh... I am busy. You think potatoes peel themselves? Go away!"
She currently seems unfriendly. If you wish to influence her in order to have a conversation, you can feel free to make a Diplomacy check."

Duzz "Li'l Lamb" |

"She isn't wrong. Potatoes are very stubborn plants." Duzz says, shrugging. But then he turns to the crow.
Casting Speak with Animals
"You are definitely not peeling potatoes, my noble friend. Do you mind talking to me for a moment?"
Wild Empathy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

GM_Coreyllon |

The crow flies down and lands on the wooden fence.
"What? You think I am too old and incompetent to peel my own potatoes?" the old woman cries out apparently insulted that you do not think she is capable of taking care of herself.
If everyone offers to aid with the potatoes and succeeds, maybe you can get somewhere with that. But it might be easier to try a different track. The old woman seems to have a strong personality.

Sir Andreas Eisfalke Von Ulm |

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
Ma'am I know that you are more than capable of handling any task that comes your way. It takes a lot of skill and knowledge to remain out here in these lands...and not only survive but thrive.
If I may...
He steps a step to the side to make himself more visible to the woman but remains on the outside of the fence.
I am Sir Andreas Eisfalke von Ulm. We are, as my friend here states, from the new community to the north and east.
At this point he looks off in the direction of the new city.
The Stag Lord is no more, and we have taken over his base of power. A community has grown around the old fort. We have come out into the wilds to explore. To meet our neighbors and to foster friendships and even broker a fair exchange of goods.
I understand if you wish to keep our exchange at a distance, but I was hoping we could talk in a more relaxed environment.

GM_Coreyllon |

The old woman seems to contemplate your words for a moment and then shrugs and says, "Fine, you can come in...but wipe off your shoes. I don't need more mud in my house." She cackles at that and then her head disappears back inside.
As you reach the door, the old woman calls for you to enter and you open the door to find a hut that is comprised of a single room roughly 20 ft. in diameter with a few sparse furnishings. The hut has a dirt floor and thatched roof. Various herbs and swamp weeds hang from the rafters. In the center of the hut, a large cauldron sits over a fire and is bubbling away. The old woman seems to have returned to peeling potatoes.
Duzz, feel free to talk to the crow as much as you want. He seems friendly to you, but reluctant to pass the fence.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

As they enter, Saoirse makes sure to use prestidigitation to clean any dirt from the party's boots (or hooves) before entering Beldame's hut.

Rillka Cloudhopper |

Is there a knowledge roll or arcana to determine if the scarecrow is some sort of guardian creature or simple magic trick (animated object with a light spell or an illusion kinda thing...) and any sort of guess as to the herbs?
Arcana +11, Nature +5, Local +6

GM_Coreyllon |

You can give me a Knowledge: Arcane check to know about the scarecrow.

GM_Coreyllon |

You enter the hut, what would you like to do or say?

GM_Coreyllon |

The woman glances back at you and says, "Those around here call me Old Beldame. So you took out that annoying Stag Lord huh...He tried to boss me around once or twice but learned to stay away eventually...or maybe you just took care of that. Several other dangers around though."

Albert Malek Garess |

"What kinds of dangers?," Albert asks. "We wish to make this land safe for our people, and we would appreciate any forewarning of what to expect."

Sir Andreas Eisfalke Von Ulm |

Madame Beldame, tis a pleasure to meet you.
The large knight nods slightly.
I agree with my friend here. The stag lord was just one such danger in the area. The more we know about the region, the better it will be for all. Taming the lands is one thing, but we also wish to make friends as well. Trade is a prominent part of the future.

GM_Coreyllon |

Old Beldame pauses in dealing with her potatoes and taps her knife against the potato for a moment as she is thinking and then says, "Well, there is the mad hermit west of here in the forest. I would be careful if you run into him. His eyes aren't right."

Duzz "Li'l Lamb" |

While the others enter the hut, Duzz remains outside to talk to the crow. From a pocket, he fishes some berries and offers it.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

Knowledge lOCAL (Mad Hermit) : 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Never heard of him!