The Little Game Master |

Oleg smiles, "I can certainly help you out wiv rations. But feel free to look around the storehouse. Also, if you can't find someting you vant, I can have it ordert."
As you peer through Oleg's belongings, you find a nice pile of furs and other animal hides, simple weapons and projectiles, a few potions kept in a chest, locks, tools, and kits and a great deal of other things you'd expect.
Pretty much, if you want it he's either got it now, or can have it here in a week (with the rest of the money for your items).

Sir Andreas der Eisfalke |
I do not want to take all your money so lets say we sell you everything for 400 gold coin now and 653 due to us later or could we use it towards credit for items right here?
What type of potions do you have there?
Andreas keeps looking through the items and it seems that he is looking for specific items.
We will need enough rations and animal feed for a weeks journey, a compass, Chronicler’s Kit, Mapmaker's Kit, four Survival Kits, Common type if you have them. I think that should do for the time being at least.

Sir Andreas der Eisfalke |
After talking with Oleg and finishing business with him, Andreas makes his way over to the job board. He comes up to Annurain.
What do you think, Can we remove any of these jobs from the post?
Andreas looks over the jobs that are listed on the board.
Job Board post.
Well we have dealt a blow to the bandits in the area but until this Stag Lord is dealt with, we can expect to see more bandits in the future. These others are interesting enough, maybe when we are exploring we will come up on one of these jobs. Falgrim Sneeg, now that is a name you do not forget. Care to join me in a talk with a noble about his job post here?
Andreas looks over at Gage and his cousin.

Gage G |

Perception, because why not...: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Gage notices Andreas's gaze and waves, continuing his circuitous inquiries into his half brother's whereabouts.

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Looking over the board and talking as he is
"Well I don't know where any of these are other than the bandits, so we should go and explore as we were asked and see what we can accomplish, other than mapping the place out that is."

The Little Game Master |

Oleg agrees to your terms and tells you the different potions that are there: CLW, Purify Food, Purify water, etc. You also find the other items you're looking for without issue.

Sir Andreas der Eisfalke |
If you are willing to part with those three potions, I would be happy to take them off your hands. Now if my math is correct we should still have a credit of 570 gold coins. Does that sound about right?
22 Rations, 42 days of animal feed, 1 Chroniclers Kit, 1 Map Makers Kit, 4 Survival Kits, Common, a Compass, a potion of Cure Light Wounds and 2 Potions of Purify food and Drink.

Mamise Iwani |

Mamise heads back to the group and looks at the job board. "If we are to explore for now, we could use the chance to do something that's not so vexing. Moon Radishes and Fangberries, for instance. We'll chart a map of the place and grab some plants on the way back, then we can go hunting for the whateverwyrm, the boar or Mister Sneeeeeeg."

Sir Andreas der Eisfalke |
That is a good idea...Falgrim Sneeg...If he is in the area...most likely is set up with another bandit group like Kessler's. We might want to just go and cut the head of the snake before he gets word that we took out thirteen of his men. Word will reach him soon enough, we might want to take advantage of that beforehand.
Seeing Gage wave at Andreas and the others at the job board..
Well this will be interesting....
He looks at the others before he walks over to the two noblemen.
anyone else wish to join me in a chat with Lord Kesten?
With that, he walks over towards Gage and his cousin.
Andreas straightens his body and prepares himself to deal with the noblemen and his politics. He gives a simple nod to the mercenaries that are watching him walk by. His words and manners remain respectful and neutral. He gives a proper greeting warranted by someone of their station.
My Lords, good morning to you. Lord Kesten I presume?
Let see what type of noble you are....
Andreas extend his hand towards the noblemen waiting for him to respond. Weather or not he takes the offered hand or not, Andreas continues on without hesitation.
My lord I was hoping that you could shed some light onto your interest in Falgrim Sneeg. This hardly seem like a job for a man of your standing and could have been dealt with by a magistrate from Brevoy. Has he shown disrespect to House Garess in some fashion?

The Little Game Master |

After a bit of figuring in his ledger, Oleg nods to Andreas in regards to the deal.
When Andreas' hand is offered, Kesten takes it and shakes heartily, "It's just Kesten, if you please; anyway it would be Lord Garess, as Kesten is my given name, but it'll do just fine this far out from the Court. As to your question, suffice it to say that this particular brigand has shown disrespect to my troop and me personally, hence the casual nature of the wanted poster. He's naught much other than a bandit to the Magistrate, but he's worth a bit more to me and mine."

Sir Andreas der Eisfalke |
Andreas listens to the noblemen give his story.
My oligopolies Lord Garess, it was not my intention to slight you in any way. I assumed...incorrectly...that you wanted to keep the Falgrim Sneeg situation from house Politics. You being this far out from Brevoy and in the company of non Garess troops. I apologize.
Andreas looks at the companions around the area.
I dare not speak for everyone but I think we can help you out. We will keep an eye out for him as we continue our exploration of the greenbelt. Any details about that man that we should know...weapon of choice, does he have a weakness that we need to know of?
Andreas will talk to the others before he gets ready to head out with the prisoners to Restov.
If anyone would like to join me, I would welcome that additional arms. We should make good time traveling the road and be back in a day or two. I will hire some experts to come and take a look at the outpost. I was hoping to get those siege engines up and operational.
As for exploration....I think we should just head due East until we hit the river then follow it south a bit. Take the wagon with us to help carry supplies and anything that we may find out there. If you would like to move faster we can load up the horse and come back with the wagon if it is needed?
He looks off into the distance...
I think we should try and hit this Stag Lord as soon as possible.

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"We should all go, no point splitting us up so that something can befall us divided."
Says Gird to all the party members

The Little Game Master |

Andreas looks at the companions around the area.
I dare not speak for everyone but I think we can help you out. We will keep an eye out for him as we continue our exploration of the greenbelt. Any details about that man that we should know...weapon of choice, does he have a weakness that we need to know of?
"Sneeg is a swordsman and a bowman. He is a fearsome warrior, with a bloodlust that honestly scared me more than once. We mostly just thanked goodness he was on our side. As far as weaknesses go, that bloodlust sometimes works against him. He once ran headlong into a ditch chasing after an enemy that mocked him."
Could've sworn I said it before, but the men Kesten is with are wearing Brevic colors. They're clearly official soldiers of Brevoy.

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"Lets be off then, we have exploring to do when we get back." Gird says impatiently

Mamise Iwani |

"Uhmmmm, if you're going to Restov, I believe I'll stay here and help the guys out. Horses give me nausea. We'll go around the woods as soon as you come back."

Derra Clawstrider |

"Hm....I think it would be best for someone else to take these prisoners back to Restov. I feel that we should stay here and continue our campaign against the Stag Lord."
Derra reminded the others of the soldiers from Brevoy.

Sir Andreas der Eisfalke |
Making sure these prisoners are escorted back to Restov is helping us with our campaign against the Stag Lord. When these bandits are in the custody of Restov, I will not worry about them joining up with their leader. The Stag Lord is a priority. If we can remove him, then the bandits will scatter to the winds. Plus we do not know how long that secret password will be valid before they change it.
Andreas looks around the companions.
We know that the Stag Lord is somewhere on the Northwest shore of the Tuskwater. We have a lead on the mites that are reportedly in possession of Svetlana's Ring. They are east by Southeast of the Thorn River Camp and are in an old sycamore tree
Andreas makes his way to Lord Garess
My Lord, If I may trouble you for a moment...in private.
Once they are away from the others.
My lord I wish to ask of you a simple favor. We are in need of a armed escort. One that would be willing to see these prisoners back to Restov. I was hoping you would be willing to do such a favor for me and to see a letter delivered to the head Magistrate of Restov.

Sir Andreas der Eisfalke |
Andreas extends his hand towards Kesten.
I thank you. This will be of great value to us.
Andreas walks away to write his letter
The letter is on simple paper sealed with wax.
Lord Magistrate,
I have asked Lord Garess to escort these prisoners to the City of Restov to be tried on the crimes of banditry. It is my understanding that Adwoa Idowu has escorted three other bandits to you for judgement. In all these bandits have been plaguing the area around Oleg's Outpost.
I felt it proper to explain the situation that we came into with the bandits. A few days ago my companions and I entered Oleg's Trading post prepared to explore the Greenbelt. It was brought to our attention that the outpost was being taxed by these bandits. We laid in wait for them to arrive. They showed and immediately started to extort a tax on Oleg. We asked for them to surrender and they refused. In this conflict one bandit was struct down. Soon after the other three bandits were subdued. The bandits were some what willing to give us information on the whereabouts of other bandits. This camp was not too far from the outpost and we felt it was important to remove this threat. Riding to the camp we made contact with half of the bandits. We once again asked for them to surrender and they refused. When their leader was struct down, the fight went out of them. The next day brought back the other half of the bandits. This group was the smartest of the bunch and surrendered without a fight.
Most of the bandits are your typical bunch but some show promise and simply have made poor choices. Two of the bandits were very helpful in aiding us against the others. Information was willingly given that saved lives on both sides of this conflict. We have elected to give these two individuals a second chance and have sentenced them to work off their debt to society with us. This will be a timed sentence and when they are finished are free to go. It is our hope that we can redeem these two and make the a valued part of a civilized culture.
There are two Dwarven women by the names of Felta and Elsa. Both have made poor choices but Elsa is stubborn and refuses help in amending her ways. Felta is too loyal to her sister to accept such help. Elsa has been very helpful with information on a bigger bandit threat that we are investigating at this moment. I feel that the women are not your typical bandits, just a product of poor fate and bad choices. They should be punished but I ask you to hear their story before passing judgement.
Yours in Service,
Sir Andreas der Eisfalke

Mamise Iwani |

As the chatter on what to do approaches its conclusion down, Mamise claps her hands. "Fine then. Are we alright? We'll explore the area, look for the herbs, get to the mites who stole Svetlana's ring and... that's basically it. A map to the place sounds lovely. AND it won't be necessary to travel on horseback, we'll go quite slow if we are to explore. Right? Right?"
At the last words, her face turns hopelessly hopeful.

Gage G |

Gage wears a sympathetic expression as he rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Actually, a heavily encumbered donkey (like Caladrel) only moves 30' per round...

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At Mamises hopeful words "Right..

The Little Game Master |

Seventeen hours of rigorous exploration and travel lead you to a dusty balding of the plains just southeast of Oleg's Trading Post. It's about an hour til midnight, but the moon is one phase past full and in the dim light flooding the area, you can see the long-decayed bones of large animals strewn about a large area.
At the center of the area of bones, you see some spindly legs just beneath what appears to be a mass of earth covering a hole.

Mamise Iwani |

No way I can make that check.
Trying to keep her mind working after the hike, Mamise spins some tales on the road. "...and still, after forever and a day, the smoke from his pyre rises from the mountain, reaching towards the moon, striving to meet his love. Ah, ever so sad, that tale. Beautiful, though, even if she was a major pain. It's better told in Sylvan, I believe, but-"
She's cut short as they stumble over the bones.
"Alright, this I don't like. Grain of salt and all, but I believe there's something predatory around here. Faber fortuna mea!" The air moves slightly around Mamise for a second, as if moved by a heat source.
Embrace Destiny allows me to save a dice roll for later use within a minute.
Embrace Destiny: 1d20 ⇒ 10

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Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Yeah me too... maybe it's asleep, look for a nest or lair."
Gird will keep an eye out for anything .. looking for a nest or something it could be lairing in, in case it's still around."[/b]
Gird will casts Sift and look around more of the area

Gage G |

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
"C'mon, these bones are too old, you guys worry too much.
Lighten up!" Gage casts Dancing Lights overhead to punctuate his pun as much as anything.

Sir Andreas der Eisfalke |
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
Gage, while I do appreciate your attempt at levity...We are in the wilderness. Anything could be dangerous to you and the rest of us. I agree that this could just be a pile of bones from some poor animal that was struck down by a pack of wolves or something else but we can not take the chance that it is not that Innocent.

The Little Game Master |

I assume Gage cast Dancing Lights in his own square, I put a yellow circle around him to indicate daylight.
Spider: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Andreas: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Gage: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Gird: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Mamise: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Derra: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Spider: Moves to Gage.
Spider: bites: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 Gage for 1d6 ⇒ 4 damage, poisoning him, then moves back to trapdoor
Andreas' sense of danger was clearly well founded, as he had barely got out the word "innocent" when Gage cried out in pain. As everyone looks, in the light of Gage's spell, eight eyes gleam back at them, eight legs skitter a spider the size of a man straight back under what you assumed--incorrectly it seems--was a rock.
See the Round Summary for damage and effects. Party up.

Mamise Iwani |

"Ew, ew, EW! You just had to make light on hostile ground, eh, Gage? You know I like parties, but the woods are not a place for revelry. You want to paint a target on your face, while you're at it?"
Can't very well bluff, can't hide, doubt that commanding it to fall would help with those eight legs... Note to self, get a crossbow for next time.
Mamise unclips a flask of alchemist's fire and hurls it at the monster, fangs bared in a snarl.
Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4

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Gird will look and see how the trap door lid might be removed or destroyed.. what is it's composition etc?

The Little Game Master |

Spider: Moves to Gage.
Spider: bites: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 Gage for 1d6 ⇒ 4 damage, poisoning him, then moves back to trapdoor
Mamise: Alchemists' fire, no effect
Gird: perception, no roll
Mamise's alchemists' fire crashes against the trap door in a quick, but ineffective flash of flame.
Gird can tell that the door is made from bits of dirt, rocks, bones, and other errata, seeming to be held together by dried mud of some kind.
Gird can still act. Everyone but Mamise is up.

Gage G |

Fort vs poison?: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 well, I doubt it's DC 4 xD
Gage shifts his weight as he readies his own flask of fire.
"Well, at least it wasn't catapult cable this time." Gage says through gritted teeth
"Also I think it's time to share a little story of arachnid squishing and daring do..."
Inspire Courage for +1 atk & dmg and +1 vs fear & charm

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Gird will draw his mithril shortsword and move to beside the trapdoor.. ready in case it opens again

The Little Game Master |

Correct, Master Gage, you fail the fort save (1/4). STR dmg: 1d2 ⇒ 1
Spider: Moves to Gage.
Spider: bites: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 Gage for 1d6 ⇒ 4 damage, poisoning him, then moves back to trapdoor
Mamise: Alchemists' fire, no effect
Gird: perception, no roll; move and draw sword
Gage (5/9 HP) (13/14 STR): Failed fort save (1/4), 1 STR dmg. Readies alchemists' fire flask.
Derra & Andreas are up.

Sir Andreas der Eisfalke |
Andreas looks over at Gage as he walks towards the hiding spot of the spider. Are you Ok...?
He steps past Derra...
Derra cover my left flank...
He draws his weapon and readies his shield. Walking with purpose, he strolls right up to the rocks. He gives a simple nod to Gird and points at the rocks.
Can you pry that open?

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Gird attempts to pry the trapdoor open
"I assume it'll jump out quick, if I can open it."
Str open: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

The Little Game Master |

Gird already used his action this round.
Spider: Moves to Gage.
Spider: bites: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 Gage for 1d6 ⇒ 4 damage, poisoning him, then moves back to trapdoor
Mamise: Alchemists' fire, no effect
Gird: perception, no roll; move and draw sword
Gage (5/9 HP) (13/14 STR): Failed fort save (1/4), 1 STR dmg. Readies alchemists' fire flask.
Andreas: Draw weapon, move.
Derra is up.

The Little Game Master |

Spider: Moves to Gage.
Spider: bites: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 Gage for 1d6 ⇒ 4 damage, poisoning him, then moves back to trapdoor
Mamise: Alchemists' fire, no effect
Gird: perception, no roll; move and draw sword
Derra: Move, draw weapon
Gage (5/9 HP) (13/14 STR): Failed fort save (1/4), 1 STR dmg. Readies alchemists' fire flask.
Andreas: Draw weapon, move.
Derra has a BAB, she can draw as she moves, do you want to give her a standard action? Or ready one?
The spider skillfully pops out of its trap door and attacks a well-armored Gird, retreating back into it afterward, but not before a reinvigorated Gage gets off his readied flask of alchemist's fire, burning the creature.
Spider (3 dmg): leaves trap, bites: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 Gird's armor for no damage, then moves back to the trap door.
Gage (5/9 HP): Fort: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15 (success!). Readied alchemists' fire flask 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19 1d6 ⇒ 3.
Party up! I'll still let Derra get in a standard action in Round 1 unless you just want to move on.

Mamise Iwani |

Dagger at the ready, Mamise stands ready for additional arachnid attacks, while keeping an eye on her companions. Oh, I just wish I knew what his mother looked like...
Readied action to throw a dagger if the spider resurfaces. Using my previous 10 for a 13, and Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Sir Andreas der Eisfalke |
After reading the ready action...Derra will move and ready an action to attack the spider as it comes out. In order to do that she had to move back 5 feet (20 feet move)
Derra Bot
Attack: Long Sword: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Gage G |

Gage moves closer and readies his whip to latch onto the trap door.
MA = move 10? feet
SA = readied action: next time the trap door opens, Gage will try to use his whip as a rope + grappling hook to keep it open.
Until now I thought that Gage would only use that trait for party tricks...

The Little Game Master |

Spider (8 dmg): leaves trap, bites: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 Gird's armor for no damage, then moves back to the trap door.
Gage (5/9 HP): Fort: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15 (success!). Readied alchemists' fire flask 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19 1d6 ⇒ 3.

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Gird uses studied target on the spider and then attempts to attack it
Mithril shortsword: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Mithril shortsword damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Sir Andreas der Eisfalke |
Andreas steps forward and attempts to pry the stone up so the other may attack at will.
Strike when that thing comes back out.
Strength Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Trying to use my sword as a lever to clear the opening. I think my AC will drop as I should not be able to keep my shield in front of me.