Jaisuns Council of Thieves PBP Experiment

Game Master Jason Schimmel

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4-99 MAPS:
XperimentalDM wrote:
Aaron Burr wrote:

Aaron looks annoyed, "Fine then, the hard way it is good sir..." He moves toward Catsby and attempts to grapple.

Grapple: 1d20+9

Catsby tries to strike you with his cane as you grab hold.

1d20-1, 1d4-2. "Unhand me you fiend!

Aaron has him.

Alcibades you are up.

Male Human Ranger 13 Mythic 1

"Into the bag you go!" Aaron states as he gets hold of the uppity cat.

XperimentalDM wrote:
Aaron Burr wrote:
Diplomacy: 3d6+1

The dolls seem unconvinced.

The idol hops up in front of Aaron.
The strawman walks next to aaron.
Real round 1
Miss molly give Kragar the doe eyes from the doorway. Will save sir.
Draggy breaths fire on Kragar then rolls into Aya's square. Reflex Save as well my good man.
Catsby ogles Alcibades Disconcertingly, will save. He then walks up in front of David.
Aaron is up

Will Save:1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7

Reflex Save:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

Will Save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Assuming i save and something crazy doesn't happen.

"My friend does not try to hurt you. Nor will the rest of us if you yield!"

Diplomacy 3d6 + 16 ⇒ (3, 1, 5) + 16 = 25... If i have an action left i will breath a slowing breath on as many as i can... it is a cone... i will make sure to get no one in our party...if a dipomacy is my action then i will wait till next round

The Exchange

F half-elf cleric

Aya shouts, "Catsby, Noooo!"

Once she sees Draggy rolling her way, she readies to take a swing with her glaive.

"Stop bothering us! Why can't you leave us alone!"
Diplomacy 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (5, 2, 1) + 12 = 20

5 ft adjust if he's not a square away (reach weapon)

Attack w/glaive (if he doesn't back off):1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Damage: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

4-99 MAPS:
Kragar "Krug" Skull-Smasher wrote:
XperimentalDM wrote:
Aaron Burr wrote:
Diplomacy: 3d6+1

The dolls seem unconvinced.

The idol hops up in front of Aaron.
The strawman walks next to aaron.
Real round 1
Miss molly give Kragar the doe eyes from the doorway. Will save sir.
Draggy breaths fire on Kragar then rolls into Aya's square. Reflex Save as well my good man.
Catsby ogles Alcibades Disconcertingly, will save. He then walks up in front of David.
Aaron is up

Will Save:1d20-1

Reflex Save:1d20+5


Miss Molly's innocent stare causes you to feel a pang of guilt over attacking a child's toy. You are
Creatures with the nauseated condition experience stomach distress. Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move actions per turn.
for 1 round.
In this state you somehow manage to get out of the way of Draggy's flames.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

Will Save: 1d20+7

Assuming i save and something crazy doesn't happen.

"My friend does not try to hurt you. Nor will the rest of us if you yield!"

Diplomacy 3d6+16... If i have an action left i will breath a slowing breath on as many as i can... it is a cone... i will make sure to get no one in our party...if a dipomacy is my action then i will wait till next round


Catsby's monocled ogle makes you feel dirty inside. You are nauseated for 1 round. In this case I will consider the spoken words and diplomacy check a move action. Either way you can't slow breath this round.

Catsby seems to consider Alcibades words, "Stand down comrades, stay vigilant. What proof do you have?"
It is Kragar's turn then.

The Exchange

F half-elf cleric

oops, i thought kragar had his turn...i'll chill for now. PEACE OUT

Kragar moves up to the creature who sickened him, and commands his mount to do the same. Talon will ready an attack incase these foul things decide to attack again.

"I apologize If I don't speak clearly...::blurp:: I am feeling a bit ill. I do not know what physical proof I have but i will tell you the part of the story I know of this places history and what has befallen the last pathfinders to reside here. ::wretch::"

3d6 + 16 ⇒ (5, 2, 1) + 16 = 24

If i am allowed to continue to talk. I describe how i know about the fall of the pathfinder house and the Chellish rule. Sense motive 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (4, 6, 4) + 10 = 24 (this is to make sure they don't seem aligned with chelliax...if they do i will not continue) I will also tell them about the cache ... the candles (that let us speak to the dead) and the fallen pathfinders and there wishes/ personalities. I think the description of how they acted may be the biggest proof. I will also explain about the artifact and shadow beasts.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

"I apologize If I don't speak clearly...::blurp:: I am feeling a bit ill. I do not know what physical proof I have but i will tell you the part of the story I know of this places history and what has befallen the last pathfinders to reside here. ::wretch::"


If i am allowed to continue to talk. I describe how i know about the fall of the pathfinder house and the Chellish rule. Sense motive 3d6+10 (this is to make sure they don't seem aligned with chelliax...if they do i will not continue) I will also tell them about the cache ... the candles (that let us speak to the dead) and the fallen pathfinders and there wishes/ personalities. I think the description of how they acted may be the biggest proof. I will also explain about the artifact and shadow beasts.

The dolls listen as you spend a minute or two explaining the situation (What exactly are you telling them about the artifact?). In any event, Catsby looks at Aaron, "If you would be so kind as to put me down." He then looks at Alcibades, "If you are truly friends of the pathfinders. Speak the oath."

ooc... after going back a character sheet or two it looks like Alcibades wrote down the oath but John did not... I think we got it from when were using the candles and had to speak it once before...

"Generally i beleive only pathfiners knows the oath but in order to help us we were told it by a fallen pathfinder..." Alcibades then speaks the oath / reads it if he wouldn't remember.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

ooc... after going back a character sheet or two it looks like Alcibades wrote down the oath but John did not... I think we got it from when were using the candles and had to speak it once before...

"Generally i beleive only pathfiners knows the oath but in order to help us we were told it by a fallen pathfinder..." Alcibades then speaks the oath / reads it if he wouldn't remember.

Yes you did get the Delvhaven Oath. It was needed to open the Wave Door. I still need to know what you told the dolls about the MorrowFall and the shadows. That it is related? That it will might stop them?

That you want to take it?

Sorry for not answering all of your questions...

I tell them we are looking for it because it may be a source of the shadows in west crown.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

Sorry for not answering all of your questions...

I tell them we are looking for it because it may be a source of the shadows in west crown.

Catsby nods approvingly at Alcibades recitation,

"What do you hope to accomplish when you find this... item?"

Sense Motive on Catsby 3d6 + 9 ⇒ (5, 3, 2) + 9 = 19

If don't sense anything suspicious... Like he is supporting the artifact doing what is currently doing... or he is hidding something ... I will tell him that i wish to stop the shadow beast from attacking west crown and will try to figure out to 'turn off' the ability of the artifact if it is truly the source of this mischief.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

Sense Motive on Catsby 3d6+9

If don't sense anything suspicious... Like he is supporting the artifact doing what is currently doing... or he is hidding something ... I will tell him that i wish to stop the shadow beast from attacking west crown and will try to figure out to 'turn off' the ability of the artifact if it is truly the source of this mischief.

You get the sense Catsby is being protective. "That is a lofy goal, but we can not grant you access to the item only Bisby can do that. Nor can we allow you to do further damage to Delvehaven."

"Where is bisby?"

OOC Is he the one we beleive to be a vampire?

"I believed him dead."

"Perhaps you can come investigate Delvhaven with us and insure we don't do any damage."

"Is there anyone else here?"

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

"Where is bisby?"

OOC Is he the one we beleive to be a vampire?

"I believed him dead."

"Perhaps you can come investigate Delvhaven with us and insure we don't do any damage."

"Is there anyone else here?"

No Bisby is the one who brought the artifact from the Mawangi expanse. His chronicler Sivanshen Ilnerik is the on who is believed to have turned into a vampire.

"Others? No, we know of no others, but we can take you to Bisby. He is nearby."

Kragar speaks up, "Now, I'm no master tactician (although its pretty close, ha ha!), but it seems to me that this is our chance to really get the drop on this Bisby character. These... things... can make sure we clean house. We need a plan, and we need them to help us. Surely there must be some critical information they have not yet told us.

OOC: Ok so i forget what we learned about Bisby besides that he found the artifact. How long ago did this happen (how old should Bisby be? What else do we know about Bisby? If you are not sure what we found out or my character wouldn't remember i will try to make some knowledge checks.

Knowledge Local: 3d6 + 16 ⇒ (3, 4, 1) + 16 = 24
Knowledge History: 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (6, 5, 5) + 11 = 27
If there are any other knowledges that migth help let me know.

I ask the group, "What do you guys remember about Bisby?"

To Kragar, "We just want to talk to Bisby he isn't our enemy." (I give Kragar a knowing glance trying to say I don't beleive this but it is better to act that way to the dolls. I would rather the dolls not see this.) Bluff 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (6, 3, 1) + 11 = 21

OOC rules:
You can use Bluff to pass hidden messages to another character without others understanding your true meaning. The DC of this check is 15 for simple messages and 20 for complex messages. If you are successful, the target automatically understands you, assuming you are speaking in a language that it understands. If your check fails by 5 or more, you deliver the wrong message. Other creatures that hear the message can decipher the message by succeeding at an opposed Sense Motive check against your Bluff result.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

OOC: Ok so i forget what we learned about Bisby besides that he found the artifact. How long ago did this happen (how old should Bisby be? What else do we know about Bisby? If you are not sure what we found out or my character wouldn't remember i will try to make some knowledge checks.

Knowledge Local: 3d6+16
Knowledge History: 3d6+11
If there are any other knowledges that migth help let me know.

I ask the group, "What do you guys remember about Bisby?"

To Kragar, "We just want to talk to Bisby he isn't our enemy." (I give Kragar a knowing glance trying to say I don't beleive this but it is better to act that way to the dolls. I would rather the dolls not see this.) Bluff 3d6+11

OOC rules:
You can use Bluff to pass hidden messages to another character without others understanding your true meaning. The DC of this check is 15 for simple messages and 20 for complex messages. If you are successful, the target automatically understands you, assuming you are speaking in a language that it understands. If your check fails by 5 or more, you deliver the wrong message. Other creatures that hear the message can decipher the message by succeeding at an opposed Sense Motive check against your Bluff result.

You know he lead the expedition that brought back the artifact. He and Illnarik were the only two to return. Some said he returned to the lodge to set up final defenses, others thought he fled to Absolom with Illnarik. His final fate is unknown. This was all a good 100 years ago.

"How old is Bisby now?" "Is Bisby here?!" I say excitedly. Bluff 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (3, 4, 2) + 11 = 20 "Lets go see him."

I give a look of caution to the group...hiding it from the puppets...
Bluff 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (4, 4, 3) + 11 = 22

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

"How old is Bisby now?" "Is Bisby here?!" I say excitedly. Bluff 3d6 + 11 "Lets go see him."

I give a look of caution to the group...hiding it from the puppets...
Bluff 3d6 + 11

"I do not know how old father is, but he is indeed here at delvehaven. I can show you."the others move towards the door and Let Catsby pass. He begins to enter the hallway. I will need to know who follows and how.

Kragar looks at the puppet, puts on his best 'squishy human voice', "So.. what has bisby been up to all these years? The pathfinders are very worried! I wonder why Bisby never made contact. Ah well."

Sense motive to see if these evil toys are about to kill us 3d6 - 2 ⇒ (1, 3, 5) - 2 = 7

Kragar will fall in line behind alcibades

The Exchange

F half-elf cleric

Aya looks around to see what the other toys are doing. Are they following Catsby? Staying behind? She doesn't want any surprise attacks while walking away from them.

I will follow. What way is he going? The devil door or somewhere else? If we start to go into a new area let me know.

"Are there any traps we should be careful not to trigger?"

"Did Bisby create you? How old are you all?"

"Do you know how you were created?"

4-99 MAPS:
Aya wrote:
Aya looks around to see what the other toys are doing. Are they following Catsby? Staying behind? She doesn't want any surprise attacks while walking away from them.

They move to walk aside Castby as he exits the double doors the part entered. He is heading into the hall.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

I will follow. What way is he going? The devil door or somewhere else? If we start to go into a new area let me know.

"Are there any traps we should be careful not to trigger?"

"Did Bisby create you? How old are you all?"

"Do you know how you were created?"

"Yes Bisby created us all. I don't recall how old we are.. Time just seems to slip away since the lodge closed. No. I do not know how father created us only that he did.

The Exchange

F half-elf cleric

Aya follows the lot of toys. Whichever one is closest to her, Aya will attempt to chat it up.

Diplomacy 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (6, 1, 4) + 12 = 23

So what have you been doing all this time here? It must be very lonely.

4-99 MAPS:
Aya wrote:

Aya follows the lot of toys. Whichever one is closest to her, Aya will attempt to chat it up.

Diplomacy 3d6+12

So what have you been doing all this time here? It must be very lonely.

The Mawangi idol silently glares at you through his mask. His little wooden hands flex on the dagger he holds and a drop of a thick green liquid drips off. He looks you up and down and then turns away and shuffles after Catsby.

Presumably Aaron and david stick close to Aya. as you all move into the hallway. Catsby leads you to back to the hallway intersection and then turns to the south. The 10 foot wide hallway leads 30 feet south where a single strong iron door on the west wall his hung. As Catsby approaches you hear the click of the lock opening. He stands to one side his hands resting on his can, "Father is within. Perhaps he will grant you what you seek."

To catsby "Are you coming in?"

I use the scarab to detect golems.

I also give David the look to use d magaic.

After detecting golems i will give the scarab of golem bane to Kragar. "Perhaps you should hold onto this for now."

"Does Bisby always stay down here?"

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

To catsby "Are you coming in?"

I use the scarab to detect golems.

I also give David the look to use d magaic.

After detecting golems i will give the scarab of golem bane to Kragar. "Perhaps you should hold onto this for now."

"Does Bisby always stay down here?"

"If father asks our presence we will enter. We have no gifts for him at this time. Father has been here since the lodge was closed. We bring him things when we can find them."

As David begins to cast Mr. Straw gently pokes him with his pitch fork, and speaks in a scratchy voice, "No funny business."

XperimentalDM wrote:
Alcibades wrote:

To catsby "Are you coming in?"

I use the scarab to detect golems.

I also give David the look to use d magaic.

After detecting golems i will give the scarab of golem bane to Kragar. "Perhaps you should hold onto this for now."

"Does Bisby always stay down here?"

"If father asks our presence we will enter. We have no gifts for him at this time. Father has been here since the lodge was closed. We bring him things when we can find them."

As David begins to cast Mr. Straw gently pokes him with his pitch fork, and speaks in a scratchy voice, "No funny business."

Kragar gets out his other elixer of animal growth and stuffs it into his belt. He eyes the doll with the knife and remarks, "I can't help but feel like your friend there wants to stab someone..."

Can we see into the room? Is it lit or dark in there? If it is dark i will let Kragar proceed ... otherwise i will enter the room.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:
Can we see into the room? Is it lit or dark in there? If it is dark i will let Kragar proceed ... otherwise i will enter the room.

No the door is unlocked. I never said it opened.

Is it clear how the door was unlocked? I will open the door. 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (6, 6, 6) + 10 = 28 perception

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:
Is it clear how the door was unlocked? I will open the door. 3d6+10 perception

No. As you approached you heard the door unlock. Opening the door you look into a dark room. In the shadowy light you can see that it is 25' by 25'. The walls are lined with bookshelves and a velvet couch rests along the southern wall. Upon the couch sits a single skeleton clad in long decayed rags, its arms tightly wrapped around a a burlap bundle holding unseen objects. A scattered pile of junk sits on the floor before the skeleton, a corona of treasures and clutter alike. On the wall opposite the skeleton you can just make our a message scrawled in common, "He who steals from me dies by my hand." A grizzly heap of skeletal remains in the center of the room seems to testify to this threat.

"Hail, Bisby!"

If i do not hear a response i ask, "Is that Bisby?" I motion to the skeleton holding the bundle.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

"Hail, Bisby!"

If i do not hear a response i ask, "Is that Bisby?" I motion to the skeleton holding the bundle.

Catsby nods sagely

To Catsby "Can i expect a response from him?"

3d6 + 9 ⇒ (3, 4, 6) + 9 = 22sense motive

"Do you know who wrote that message?" I motion to the scraw.

3d6 + 9 ⇒ (1, 6, 6) + 9 = 22sense motive

I wait for an answer from Catsby.

The I enter just inside the room. I toss/role one of the gems of continual flame towards (not at or to) just close to what we pressume to be Bisby. I hope this gives me a better look.

3d6 + 10 ⇒ (5, 2, 4) + 10 = 21perception

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

To Catsby "Can i expect a response from him?"

3d6+9sense motive

"Do you know who wrote that message?" I motion to the scraw.

3d6+9sense motive

I wait for an answer from Catsby.

The I enter just inside the room. I toss/role one of the gems of continual flame towards (not at or to) just close to what we pressume to be Bisby. I hope this gives me a better look.


"Father responds to us. He may not answer you immediately. Father wrote the message soon after the lodge was closed." You step inside and toss the gem. You can see that a few items seem to have survived under the tatters he wears. His skull stares out blankly.

Kragar gathers up 4 of the vials of holy water, and dumps it on the skeleton.

"I think we have a situation here. These... things... I am thinking they are some evil lich's playthings. Explain this!"

Kragar gets out his blade and wand, and plants his feet wide.

"By the flame of the Everlight, show yourself and be judged!"

Kragar motions to Talon to keep an eye on the toys, and to devour one as quickly as possible if they cause trouble.

That being said..."Bisby! We have been sent by fellow pathfinders to help protect westcrown and hopes to reopen the lodge. What say you?"

Diplomacy 3d6 + 16 ⇒ (3, 2, 3) + 16 = 24

I try to get this out significantly before kragaar reaches the skeleton Bisby.

If Kragaar starts to get close to 'attacking' the skeleton I move up to get within 30 feet and ready and action to breath.

4-99 MAPS:
Kragar "Krug" Skull-Smasher wrote:

Kragar gathers up 4 of the vials of holy water, and dumps it on the skeleton.

"I think we have a situation here. These... things... I am thinking they are some evil lich's playthings. Explain this!"

Kragar gets out his blade and wand, and plants his feet wide.

"By the flame of the Everlight, show yourself and be judged!"

Kragar motions to Talon to keep an eye on the toys, and to devour one as quickly as possible if they cause trouble.

As Kragar pours out the first vial of holy water, Bisby's skull rises off of the skeleton and shouts, "THIEVES THIEVES THIEVES!" initative.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

That being said..."Bisby! We have been sent by fellow pathfinders to help protect westcrown and hopes to reopen the lodge. What say you?"

Diplomacy 3d6+16

I try to get this out significantly before kragaar reaches the skeleton Bisby.

If Kragaar starts to get close to 'attacking' the skeleton I move up to get within 30 feet and ready and action to breath.

You do get to say this, but get no response until Kragar pouts out his water.

The Exchange

F half-elf cleric

Initiative: 1d20 ⇒ 15

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Does the holy water seem to have any effect?

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

If i had time to ready my breath. Line of fire 3d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 4) = 12 If i didn't i will wait to see what happens until my turn in intiative.

The Exchange

F half-elf cleric

"Must you always do the most drastic thing, Kragar?!!" Aya shouts.

Aya glances at the toys to gauge their reaction - Perception 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (6, 1, 6) + 12 = 25

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