Jaisuns Council of Thieves PBP Experiment

Game Master Jason Schimmel

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I move up with kragar.

David a detect magic please.

Detect Golems

Are the glyphs a language or do they look more magical?

Spell Craft 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (5, 2, 2) + 11 = 20
lingustics 3d6 + 5 ⇒ (5, 2, 3) + 5 = 15
perception of the room in general 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (2, 2, 2) + 10 = 16

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

I move up with kragar.

David a detect magic please.

Detect Golems

Are the glyphs a language or do they look more magical?

Spell Craft 3d6+11
lingustics 3d6+5
perception of the room in general 3d6+10

No Golems. You recognize the glyph as the pathfinders symbol, the glyph of the open road.

4-99 MAPS:
Kragar "Krug" Skull-Smasher wrote:
XperimentalDM wrote:
Kragar "Krug" Skull-Smasher wrote:

Kragar moves up and searches the doors.


You walk through the intersection past Alcibades and head over to the double doors. They seem safe, and unlocked. You glance around for a moment an realize the hallway opens up into a chamber. To the north on an upraised stage, gold, green and magenta mosaic tiles form an intricate glyph on the floor of this half circle chamber of a road vanishing onoto the horizon. The battered and blasted remains of a stone statue that may have once depicted a human adventurer lie scattered throughout the lower souther half of the room.

The room is about 20 feet wide and goes to the north for about 25 feet. The back of the room is semicircular. 15 feet into the chamber there are two 5 by 5 alcoves. one east and one west.

Kragar motions the others forward, steering clear of any of the glyphs for now. "Is this statue the same guy we were looking for before?"

Kragar ponders smashing up the glyphs, and is wary of any tricks at this point.

Well that is both very loud and very time consuming as you have to smash up a large section of the floor. To thoroughly destroy the 10 by 20 mosaic takes about 2 minutes given Kragars massive strength.

XperimentalDM wrote:

Well that is both very loud and very time consuming as you have to smash up a large section of the floor. To thoroughly destroy the 10 by 20 mosaic takes about 2 minutes given Kragars massive strength.

Kragar thinks this is a pretty good plan. "This might draw some attention. Heh Heh Heh" If no one objects, Kragar will begin to smash up the tiles just to be on the safe side. "Don't trust anything in here."

Up to you Kragaar. I doubt the pathfinders will like it but it may be fun. I put my continual flame stone away and move a bit into the darkness.

I get Kazar out and ask if she sees anything strange? (I make sure to swivel here around the room. If not tell her please tell me if someone is coming.

The Exchange

F half-elf cleric

I would prefer that we not just wantonly destroy things. We have better ways to use our time. I don't want to attract ALL our enemies at once.

Perception on the room w/Glyphs: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 2, 2) + 12 = 18

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

Up to you Kragaar. I doubt the pathfinders will like it but it may be fun. I put my continual flame stone away and move a bit into the darkness.

I get Kazar out and ask if she sees anything strange? (I make sure to swivel here around the room. If not tell her please tell me if someone is coming.

"mksjdkjskjd, nothing here either. If i see it I will tell you mbuusn,ndijmndk hunnnnn hunnnnn"

4-99 MAPS:
Aya wrote:

I would prefer that we not just wantonly destroy things. We have better ways to use our time. I don't want to attract ALL our enemies at once.

Perception on the room w/Glyphs: 3d6+12

Aya doesn't note anything additional in the room.

I move on to the next door. At the door. I run the macro...

Golems (scarab)
Magic (Kazar)
Traps (I guess Krug)
Perception for nioses and such on other side 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (3, 3, 6) + 10 = 22

If all looks clear i will open the door (presuming it is not locked).

3d6 + 10 ⇒ (5, 1, 4) + 10 = 20

Are there more doors then the double doors we saw from the end of the hallway? These are the doors i intend to check / open.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

I move on to the next door. At the door. I run the macro...

Golems (scarab)
Magic (Kazar)
Traps (I guess Krug)
Perception for nioses and such on other side 3d6+10

If all looks clear i will open the door (presuming it is not locked).


Are there more doors then the double doors we saw from the end of the hallway? These are the doors i intend to check / open.

I think we need to clearify. You are at the double doors are the end of the E-W hall. Those doors are not open. The hall opened up into a room to the north of the doors. The E - W ends about 10 feet past the double doors you are standing near. When Kreagar said he move up to the doors i assumed he ment the double doors. The door on the north wall was not opened by the stairs. The door in the south hall was never approached and the room in the north hall has not been entered. So please clearify what you mean by next door so I can respond appropriately.

The closest one... so i guess the double doors.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:
The closest one... so i guess the double doors.

You swing open the double doors. You are forced to squint as bright light emanates from the room. The room is 20 feet wide just inside the door then opens to a full 40 feet across. The room is brightly lit by numerous glowing crystalline lanterns hanging from the ceiling. A a large summoning circle of inlaid silver and cold iron sits in the center of the room. 45 feet to the south is a massive floor of red metal, decorated with a devil's head. Strange runes decorate the doors border. In the northeast portion of the room is a large desk carved from a block of red stone.

Perception checks.

The Exchange

F half-elf cleric

I think we can assume the macros are in place - d magic, d golemz, etc...

Perceive: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (4, 3, 6) + 12 = 25

Read Magic on the runes if they are anything magic-like.

*note* Both of our Magic Circle Against Evil should still be in place

Perception 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (1, 6, 6) + 10 = 23

I have Karza out and ask here what she sees... generally Erniyes have 16 mod so Perception Karza 3d6 + 16 ⇒ (3, 2, 6) + 16 = 27. Or whatever you want to do for that plus True Seeing.

4-99 MAPS:
Aya wrote:

I think we can assume the macros are in place - d magic, d golemz, etc...

Perceive: 3d6+12

Read Magic on the runes if they are anything magic-like.

*note* Both of our Magic Circle Against Evil should still be in place

Karzeh, glances around frantically as you hold her up. "There's a seam at the bottom of the desk. Its got runes around it like the ones on the door!." Aya and Alcibades also notice the seam. Aya the runes on the door do not look magical. They look a bit like the characters used in the common alphabet, but not quite the same.

Hmmm Linguistics for both sets of runes: 3d6 + 5 ⇒ (2, 2, 4) + 5 = 13

I do a quick search around the room. I do not enter the summoning circle.... I assume that is different then just looking around if not don't worry about it ... Search 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (1, 2, 5) + 10 = 18

I then go near the next set of doors. I will detect gollems and make a perception check for sounds. 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (1, 1, 2) + 10 = 14

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

Hmmm Linguistics for both sets of runes: 3d6+5

I do a quick search around the room. I do not enter the summoning circle.... I assume that is different then just looking around if not don't worry about it ... Search 3d6+10

I then go near the next set of doors. I will detect gollems and make a perception check for sounds. 3d6+10

Alcibades does not recognize the language, or find anything new. The detect golems comes up negative. You don't hear anything unusual.

4-99 MAPS:
XperimentalDM wrote:
Alcibades wrote:

Hmmm Linguistics for both sets of runes: 3d6+5

I do a quick search around the room. I do not enter the summoning circle.... I assume that is different then just looking around if not don't worry about it ... Search 3d6+10

I then go near the next set of doors. I will detect gollems and make a perception check for sounds. 3d6+10

Alcibades does not recognize the language, or find anything new. The detect golems comes up negative. You don't hear anything unusual.

Aaron has steped up to be near David and or Aya.

David is picking up a moderate conjuration Aura on the big red door.

k Arcana Summoning circls 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (6, 6, 6) + 11 = 29

Khazrae Kuelata

The Exchange

F half-elf cleric

Aya goes over to check the desk and its "seam" - perception: 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (3, 4, 4) + 12 = 23

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

k Arcana Summoning circls 3d6+11

Khazrae Kuelata

While I already mentioned this on gchat, Ill reiterate with it out in the open. The summoning circle is appropriate to use for binding a summoned creature with things like magic circle againt <alignment> turned inward and dimensional anchor.

Aya the seam appears to be the edge of a hole or something covered by the desk.

I would like kragar to detect traps and then try to move the desk / open the seam.

I am not sure what his modifiers are.

Male Human Ranger 13 Mythic 1

How big of a hole? Like hidden cache hole or hides a corpse hole?

4-99 MAPS:
Aaron Burr wrote:
How big of a hole? Like hidden cache hole or hides a corpse hole?

Like the size of the massive stone desk.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

I would like kragar to detect traps and then try to move the desk / open the seam.

I am not sure what his modifiers are.

Nor am I, but I shall roll attempt to make reasonable assumptions.

Kreagar doesn't think there are any traps. He pushes with all his might and is unable to make the desk move at all.

I will take a 20 or 18 or whatever to search the desk for a button or mechanism to open the desk or get it to move. My modifier is +10. i will ask Khazrae to look with me an show her around as I search. I beleive her mod is 16.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:
I will take a 20 or 18 or whatever to search the desk for a button or mechanism to open the desk or get it to move. My modifier is +10. i will ask Khazrae to look with me an show her around as I search. I beleive her mod is 16.

You take 3 minutes and scour the area. Neither of you seem able to find a switching mechanism.

Kragar, unless the group objects, will attempt to rend the desk into tiny little pieces. To help it along, I will consume a potion of giant growth if I feel like im not getting anywhere (doing no damage).

Kragar's attack without GG is 2d6+15, this grows to 3d6+17 with GG

4-99 MAPS:
Kragar "Krug" Skull-Smasher wrote:

Kragar, unless the group objects, will attempt to rend the desk into tiny little pieces. To help it along, I will consume a potion of giant growth if I feel like im not getting anywhere (doing no damage).

Kragar's attack without GG is 2d6+15, this grows to 3d6+17 with GG

Kragar takes a mighty swing 2d6 + 15 ⇒ (6, 6) + 15 = 27, and cuts a deep groove into the large stone desk. The desk is damaged but doesn't break. You might be here for awhile...

XperimentalDM wrote:
Aya wrote:

I think we can assume the macros are in place - d magic, d golemz, etc...

Perceive: 3d6+12

Read Magic on the runes if they are anything magic-like.

*note* Both of our Magic Circle Against Evil should still be in place

Karzeh, glances around frantically as you hold her up. "There's a seam at the bottom of the desk. Its got runes around it like the ones on the door!." Aya and Alcibades also notice the seam. Aya the runes on the door do not look magical. They look a bit like the characters used in the common alphabet, but not quite the same.

Kragar tries to make sense of the runes, inbetween slashes at the desk (OOC: I will spend all of my time huffing and puffing at the desk unless something else occurs).

Linguistics: 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 1, 2) + 4 = 9

Kragar stares at the glyphs at a while trying to discern some hidden meaning:[disable device] 3d6 + 9 ⇒ (1, 6, 3) + 9 = 19

Are there similarities between the other runes in the room and the ones under the desk?

Kragar asks the head, "So what do these runes mean? -- I'll personally make sure you can eat the face off of one of your hated enemies when we are done here."

Alcibades holds out Khazrae and says, "Well any Ideas?"

"Kragar while you take the desk apart I will watch one of the doors. Everyone i suggest you watch one of the doors encase an enemy enters. I will ready an action to breath if someone i don't reconognize comes through one of the doors. I will ready at the door we haven't been through with the devil head on it. Someone may also want to keep an eye on the summoning circle."

4-99 MAPS:
Kragar "Krug" Skull-Smasher wrote:
XperimentalDM wrote:
Aya wrote:

I think we can assume the macros are in place - d magic, d golemz, etc...

Perceive: 3d6+12

Read Magic on the runes if they are anything magic-like.

*note* Both of our Magic Circle Against Evil should still be in place

Karzeh, glances around frantically as you hold her up. "There's a seam at the bottom of the desk. Its got runes around it like the ones on the door!." Aya and Alcibades also notice the seam. Aya the runes on the door do not look magical. They look a bit like the characters used in the common alphabet, but not quite the same.

Kragar tries to make sense of the runes, inbetween slashes at the desk (OOC: I will spend all of my time huffing and puffing at the desk unless something else occurs).

Linguistics: 3d6+4

Kragar stares at the glyphs at a while trying to discern some hidden meaning:[disable device] 3d6+9

Are there similarities between the other runes in the room and the ones under the desk?

Kragar asks the head, "So what do these runes mean? -- I'll personally make sure you can eat the face off of one of your hated enemies when we are done here."

Perception checks everyone.

Kragar will need a snickers bar... he's not going anywhere for a while.
Hack Hack Hack
2d6 + 15 ⇒ (6, 3) + 15 = 24
2d6 + 15 ⇒ (5, 3) + 15 = 23
Kragar doesn't recognize the runes.
2d6 + 15 ⇒ (4, 5) + 15 = 24
2d6 + 15 ⇒ (6, 4) + 15 = 25
Just looking at the door, you can't figure out what the heck to do. The runes are probably related though.
2d6 + 15 ⇒ (6, 6) + 15 = 27
2d6 + 15 ⇒ (2, 3) + 15 = 20
The runes on the door and the desk seem the same.
2d6 + 15 ⇒ (2, 3) + 15 = 20
2d6 + 15 ⇒ (5, 1) + 15 = 21
"DOn't know it... don't. Looks like common, but but older... much older. Don't make promises you can't keep fleshwad."
2d6 + 15 ⇒ (2, 6) + 15 = 23
2d6 + 15 ⇒ (2, 4) + 15 = 21
At this point Krug has been hacking away for a minute straight. Its getting a bit tiring. He has cut about a quarter of the way through the desk.

4-99 MAPS:
Alcibades wrote:

Alcibades holds out Khazrae and says, "Well any Ideas?"

"Kragar while you take the desk apart I will watch one of the doors. Everyone i suggest you watch one of the doors encase an enemy enters. I will ready an action to breath if someone i don't reconognize comes through one of the doors. I will ready at the door we haven't been through with the devil head on it. Someone may also want to keep an eye on the summoning circle."

Khazrae says, "No. I wasn't down here much. I really don't know alot about this section of the lodge. I heard about problems with statues and haunts and killer dolls."

Kragar picks up the head and headbutts it. "Fleshwad?! Look here, head, I don't care what god forsaken hole in the planes you come from, You will show some respect or you will go back in the damned box."

Kragar shows off his martial prowess by wielding the head like a pair of nunchukau while giving his little speech.

Intimidate: 3d6 + 24 ⇒ (3, 3, 2) + 24 = 32

"Now, no hard feelings, Head, but if we are going to work together there has to be an understanding. I am Kragar of the Skull Crusher clan, Knight of Saranae, and you may take my word as bond. If I SAY you will get to chew on a face, you damned well better believe you will get there. Now stop your bickering and act more like the creature you supposedly came from, head."

Kragar continues to hack at the desk.

Perception while hacking away to notice anything (drawers etc)

3d6 + 7 ⇒ (3, 5, 2) + 7 = 17

Kragar wonders that since the door features a demon's head, if we can open it with... a Demon's head?!

While holding head. "Kragar you are more then able to scare Khazrae without shaking her. Last thing we need is to make this devil any less sane. If you insist to shake it around I will let you but i would prefer you just leave her in my hands for now."

"I will use her to help me keep an eye on possible attackers while you cut this thing up." Perception: 3d6 + 10 ⇒ (1, 4, 2) + 10 = 17 Perception: Khazrae 3d6 + 16 ⇒ (1, 6, 4) + 16 = 27

The Exchange

F half-elf cleric

Perception 3d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 3, 1) + 12 = 18

Aya will Guidance Kragar in his attempts to break the desk.

4-99 MAPS:
Aya wrote:

Perception 3d6+12

Aya will Guidance Kragar in his attempts to break the desk.

Aaron 3d6 + 11 ⇒ (4, 4, 5) + 11 = 24

David?3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5) = 8

Kazrae shouts, "They're Here!"
Surpirse round. Only Aaron and Kazrae act. A single move or standard action.

initiative from everyone else please:
catsby 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
miss 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
straw 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
idol 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
draggy 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Intiative 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

Oh wait, these arent invisible anymore, NEVERMIND! :p

The Exchange

F half-elf cleric

Initiative: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Once Aya can see Catsby, she will happily exclaim its name.

Also, circle against evil should still be active around me...

Male Human Ranger 13 Mythic 1

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

I shout out, "What can we do to make peace? You are fine members of this lodge and we seek not your destruction. We can work together to bring this lodge back to glory."

4-99 MAPS:
XperimentalDM wrote:
Aya wrote:

Perception 3d6+12

Aya will Guidance Kragar in his attempts to break the desk.

Aaron 3d6+11


Kazrae shouts, "They're Here!"
Surpirse round. Only Aaron and Kazrae act. A single move or standard action.

initiative from everyone else please:
catsby 1d20+6
miss 1d20+6
straw 1d20+6
idol 1d20+6
draggy 1d20+6

Ok for layout purposes Kragar is by the desk in the NE corner. Aya is next to him for guidanceing. Aaron is near them as well based on prwvious comments to me. Alcibades was ready to breath at the red door. David we shall say is nearer the red door as well. Remember from the double doors to the red doors is 45 feet.

Miss Molly Enters just inside the double doorway!
Draggy Rolls next to Kargar and Aya.
Catsby Addresse Alcibades in a small but snooty voice as he moves towards him, "I am afraid good sir that you seem to be ruffians and thieves. To this their can be one response."
Aaron you are up!
Alcibades No action
Kragar No Action
Aya No action
David? No action

Male Human Ranger 13 Mythic 1

Aaron sheathes his sword, before speaking. "Ruffians we may be, but we are not thieves. We have come here under the guidance of the Pathfinder Guild, the legitmate one not those Chelixian dogs who abandoned and sealed this place. What can we do to prove this to you?"

Any checks required?

4-99 MAPS:
Aaron Burr wrote:

Aaron sheathes his sword, before speaking. "Ruffians we may be, but we are not thieves. We have come here under the guidance of the Pathfinder Guild, the legitmate one not those Chelixian dogs who abandoned and sealed this place. What can we do to prove this to you?"

Any checks required?


Male Human Ranger 13 Mythic 1

Diplomacy: 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (2, 3, 6) + 1 = 12

4-99 MAPS:
Aaron Burr wrote:
Diplomacy: 3d6+1

The dolls seem unconvinced.

The idol hops up in front of Aaron.
The strawman walks next to aaron.
Real round 1
Miss molly give Kragar the doe eyes from the doorway. Will save sir.
Draggy breaths fire on Kragar then rolls into Aya's square. Reflex Save as well my good man.
Catsby ogles Alcibades Disconcertingly, will save. He then walks up in front of David.
Aaron is up

Male Human Ranger 13 Mythic 1

Aaron looks annoyed, "Fine then, the hard way it is good sir..." He moves toward Catsby and attempts to grapple.

Grapple: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

4-99 MAPS:
Aaron Burr wrote:

Aaron looks annoyed, "Fine then, the hard way it is good sir..." He moves toward Catsby and attempts to grapple.

Grapple: 1d20+9

Catsby tries to strike you with his cane as you grab hold.

1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12, 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1. "Unhand me you fiend!

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