About Bret Doften"What's more satisfying? A hunt where the animal just gives up and rolls over, or one where the quarry makes you work for it?" Statblock:
Male Human Cavalier (Huntmaster) 1
NG Medium Humanoid (Human) Deity: Erastil Homeland: Varisia, Sandpoint Init +2; Senses Perception +5
Edwin Statblock:
Male Animal Companion 2
N Small Animal (Dog) Deity: N/A Homeland: Varisia, Sandpoint Init +3; Senses Perception +5, low-light vision, scent
5 Minute Background:
Step 1: Write five things about your character’s concept and background, five things that you think are the most essential parts of your character. You don’t have to stop at five, if you like... this is just a minimum. 1) Bret was found as an infant outside his grandpa's doorstep one night, wrapped up and crying. The old man, a retired and decorated soldier from Magnimar named Calimun Doften, took pity on the child and adopted him.
Step 2: List two goals for the character that you, as a player, think would be cool to see accomplished in-game. 1) I would like to see Bret hunt a big threat to Sandpoint, like the Sandpoint Devil, and bring it back to show his grandpa that he's finally finished his training and become a true soldier.
Step 3: List two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. 1) Bret's grandpa, Calimun, is dying. At his older age, it's not a surprise, but he's fallen ill recently, and while he carries it stoically, both he and Bret know that he hasn't recovered much in weeks. While his grandpa is at peace with this fact, Bret is not, and the prospect of losing his only known family worries him.
Step 4: Describe three people that are tied to the character though blood, romance or honor. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. 1) Kayla McFerris - The daughter of a local blacksmith, and one of Bret's first romantic pursuits. Of all the women Bret has run into, she seems to be the most easy-going about his constant romantic pursuits, and has indulged him from time to time in them. She has evolved into a good friend over the years and finds Bret's behavior amusing, if perhaps not always good for his reputation or well being. 2) Ryan Sardonis - A local ranch hand and athletic rival to Bret, the two have a long standing history of trying to one-up each other, particularly in archery and wrangling... usually with Ryan beating him out, much to Bret's frustration. 3) Obrek - A hobgoblin poacher who prowls the Sandpoint Hinterlands searching for rare creatures and stealing hard won goods from other hunters. Bret and he have clashed on more than one occasion, trading blows, but never getting the upper hand on one another. Obrek has earned Bret's eternal animosity when he poached one of Bret's first catches - a Sandpoint Stag that was Bret's first solo catch. Step 5: Describe three memories that your character has. 1) The day Bret received Edwin as a birthday present. His grandpa gave him the dog saying it was his responsibility to care and raise him from the runt of the litter to a suitable hunting dog. Bret was just concerned with how adorably small he was. 2) Triumphing over Riptide. Bret had spent three days tracking and setting traps for the enormous reefclaw, and it all culminated in a quick clash that lasted barely a minute. The most poignant aspect of the victory was the adrenaline high afterwards. Hours of planning and hunting for such a quick finish was an incredibly satisfying sensation. 3) The first time Bret picked up a real sword. His grandpa had made him practice with wooden swords and sticks for what seemed like eons before he allowed Bret to pick up a real weapon. The first time he held the weapon in his hand, it was a heavy moment. His grandpa told him "to be given a sword is to be given power. I want you to have respect and appreciation for that power before you get it, not after you've used it wantonly and damaged something." Boon Pride