Thorn's End Guard

Ton'iel Wexley's page

811 posts. Alias of JamZilla.


AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +4 Dex) | HP 43/43 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs Enchantment) | Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 8 | Perc +9 | Base Atk +3; CMB 7; CMD 17

About Ton'iel Wexley

Male Elf (Magus) 5 (Eldritch Archer)

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Orc, Sylvan

Init +4 = +4 (Dex)
Perception +9 = +5 (ranks) +3 (class skill) +1 (Wis)

AC 18 =10 +4 (Dex) +4 (Armour) +0 (Shield) touch 14, flat-footed 14

HP 43 5d8 +5 (Con)

Fort +6* =4 (Magus 5) +1 (Con) +1 (resistance)
Ref +6* =1 (Magus 5) +4 (Dex) +1 (resistance)
Will +6* =4 (Magus 5) +1 (Wis) +1 (resistance)
*+2 vs enchantments

CMD 17 = 10 +3 (BAB) +0 (Str) +4 (Dex)

Speed 30'
CMB +7 = 0 +3 (BAB) +0 (Str) +4 (Dex)

+1 Inferno Pistol
Ranged: Attack +7 = +3 (BAB) +4 (Dex) +1 (Magic) Dmg 1d6 (20/x2)

Masterwork Longbow
Ranged: Attack +7 = +3 (BAB) +4 (Dex) +1 (Masterwork) Dmg 1d8 (20/x3)

Masterwork Scimitar
Melee: Attack +7 = +3 (BAB) +4 (Dex) +1 (Masterwork) Dmg 1d6 (18-20/x2)

Acrobatics +3
Appraise +3
Climb +4
Craft Alchemy +9
Diplomacy -1
Escape Artist +3
Fly +3
Heal +1
Intimidate +5
Knowledge (arcana) +10
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8
Knowledge (engineering) +7
Knowledge (planes) +8
Perception +9
Spellcraft +11
Stealth +3
Swim +3

Favoured class bonus = 1/6 new Magus Arcana x5

Concentration: d20+8* = 5 (Magus) + 3 (Int)
*+2 to cast defensively
DC 14 + SL = 10 (base) +3 (Int) + SL


0: All
1: Blade Tutor's Spirit, Colour Spray, Coin Shot, Enlarge Person, Grease, Mudball, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Silent Image, Snowball, Vanish

2: Bull's Strength, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray


Arcane Pool +2 (Ability):

At 1st level, the magus gains a reservoir of mystical arcane energy that he can draw upon to fuel his powers and enhance his weapon. This arcane pool has a number of points equal to 1/2 his magus level (minimum 1) + his Intelligence modifier. The pool refreshes once per day when the magus prepares his spells.

At 1st level, a magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level. These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking with existing weapon enhancement to a maximum of +5. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack with themselves.

At 5th level, these bonuses can be used to add any of the following weapon properties: dancing, flaming, flaming burst, frost, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst, speed, or vorpal.

Adding these properties consumes an amount of bonus equal to the property’s base price modifier. These properties are added to any the weapon already has, but duplicates do not stack. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before any other properties can be added. These bonuses and properties are decided when the arcane pool point is spent and cannot be changed until the next time the magus uses this ability. These bonuses do not function if the weapon is wielded by anyone other than the magus.

A magus can only enhance one weapon in this way at one time. If he uses this ability again, the first use immediately ends.

Bonded Weapon (Ability):

At 1st level, an eldritch archer gains a bonded object as per the wizard’s arcane bonded object; it must be a ranged weapon, and it can’t be used to cast a spell once per day. Holding her bonded item does not prevent the eldritch archer from providing somatic components for her spells.

Spell Combat (Ability):

At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty).

Instead of a light or one-handed melee weapon, an eldritch archer must use a ranged weapon for spell combat. She doesn’t need a free hand for ranged spell combat. The eldritch archer cannot accept an attack penalty to gain a bonus on concentration checks to cast a spell defensively.

Ranged Spellstrike:

At 2nd level, whenever an eldritch archer casts a spell that calls for a ranged attack, she can deliver the spell through a ranged weapon she wields as part of a ranged attack. Instead of the free ranged attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, an eldritch archer can make one free ranged attack with a ranged weapon (at her highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell. The attack does not increase the spell’s range.

If the spell can normally affect multiple targets, only a single missile, ray, or effect accompanies each attack; if the spell allows multiple attacks and the eldritch archer can make additional ranged attacks as part of a full-round action with spell combat, one additional ray, missile, or effect from the spell accompanies each subsequent ranged attack the eldritch archer makes in the same round until all attacks allowed by the spell are made. Unused missiles, rays, or effects remaining at the end of the eldritch archer’s turn are wasted.

This ability alters spellstrike.

Arcane Accuracy (Magus Arcana):

The magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant himself an insight bonus equal to his Intelligence bonus on all attack rolls until the end of his turn.

Spell Recall:

At 4th level, the magus learns to use his arcane pool to recall spells he has already cast. With a swift action he can recall any single magus spell that he has already prepared and cast that day by expending a number of points from his arcane pool equal to the spell’s level (minimum 1). The spell is prepared again, just as if it had not been cast.

Precise Shot (Feat):

You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency - Firearms (Feat):

Magical Lineage: Snowball (Trait):

Pick one spell when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell that add at least 1 level to the spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s final adjusted level.

Robot Slayer (Trait):

You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls against robots and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by robots.


Msk Longbow
Msk Chainshirt
Msk Scimitar
Ink (2)
Inkpen (2)
Scroll case
Potion Cure Light Wounds (1)

41 gp

Carrying Capacity
Light 0-33 lb. Medium 34-66 lb. Heavy 67-100 lb.
Current Load Carried 31 lb.


The android shot first.

Ton was fast, but nothing like this. He pulled the arc pistol from it’s holster at his belt with the smooth, practiced motion that comes with hundreds of draws. An instant after his keen eyes registered the flicker of motion in the android’s shoulder, muscle memory took over and the weapon was in his hand.

Except it wasn’t. It was tumbling through the air, falling from a hand that was instantly limp, the strength flooding from it as though a breach in a dam had formed.

The bullet ripped through his lower belly and smashed his pelvis to dust and splinters, exiting through his back and lodging into the oak chair on which he sat. The blast was loud enough to rattle the glass in the window beside them and raised the table a full inch. The weapon was in the android’s hand, beneath the table, concealed from view but nothing could hide the roar of that weapon and the stench of black powder and blood.

The entire world tumbled end over end as he was uprooted from his seat and sent hurtling through the air to crash onto the hard wood of the tavern floor. He watched through glazed eyes as Wulf engaged the android, swinging his hammer with mighty blows but so far as he could see as the light faded, none actually landed.

The last thing he saw was the weapon, kicked here and there in the melee, the tiny blue lights at the centre of his fading vision like the last star in the sky before storm clouds close in.


It was six months ago that Ton Wexley sat in a tavern not entirely dissimilar to the one that would eventually change his life forever. In one hand he held a half-crumpled piece of paper, in the other was a rolled cigarette of cheap tobacco that burned unsmoked almost to his knuckles. He read the contract over for the thousandth time.

It was written in silvery ink and stamped with the gear-like emblem of the Technic League. He had no affinity with them, with any group in truth, but that group of technologists were rumoured to overly exert political and economic power. Someone more savvy might have been concerned with that, but he had been paid a hundred gold up front with the promise of two hundred more on completion. Politics was never his game in any case.

Ton was a Scrapper, someone who made a living ‘decommissioning’ rogue robots that over the years had gone haywire and now roamed the countryside generally causing havoc. Normally he worked for small communities that had been having trouble with a reconditioned farming unit or even a guard ‘bot or two that had decided for whatever reason to turn it’s metallic fists on unsuspecting travellers.

But this was different. They had hired him to decommission an android. From what little he understood about them, a living creature.

His pale eyes flicked from the contract to the weapon the Technic League had loaned him, a beautiful firearm of creamy white metal and glowing blue lights. It lay on the bar like a terrible, wonderful table decoration.

He’d been riding with the broad-shouldered human for the last six weeks. He found him pretty intense, angry a lot of the time. Didn’t matter, he had bills to pay and the man’s hammer was probably worth it’s weight in gold for the added muscle. Besides, he liked him. Couldn’t take much of a joke but he didn’t suffer fools either, and that was good.

Ton had the lithe frame of his kind but he sagged in the shoulders and had terrible posture from too many nights sat on too many bar stools like this one. He had talent in the arcane arts but his application was poor. All his life he had done just enough to get along and had taken the fast silver over the hard-earned gold and done so gladly with a smile on his face and some smart-ass remark to go with it.

But when it came to the work. He was unshakeable.

These machines had caused a lifetime of hurt for many and his new partner in Steadfast Revocations - the name of his little robot-hunting company - was testament to that. He’d told the story of how he had come by his… disfigurement… a layer of tough grey metal that sat beneath his skin in ragged patches that made him look like some kind of half-finished sculpture.

Ton was nothing if not a practical man. Some might have called it manipulative but he needed to get this job done and make a success of Revocations if he was ever going to get anywhere. So he had used that terrible memory to offer Wulf a job hunting robots.


It was strange that Ton would think back to that night now, when he were lying in a pool of his own blood and his friend lay beside him. With a kind of distant curiosity he watched Wulf spasm rhymically, defeated in a way he hadn’t seen but a thin line of drool ran down his beard like the froth on the lips of a rabid dog.

As darkness slowly took him, it wasn’t regrets over the wife he had and lost, the father he had left in tears and the son who hated the guts that were probably spilling out on that sawdust floor. It was the thought that the Technic League might have somehow set him up for this…. And that it was a machine that did it….

The days that followed were a daze of pain and fever. Technic League arcanists had recovered him and Wulf and healed them only enough so that they could talk. But there was only one topic they were interested in - what happened to the android and more importantly, what happened to the gun they loaned him.

Both were gone.

A weapon that cost more than he would earn in even five of his long elven lifetimes had disappeared and so they turned them out into the street. In some ways he was fortunate to leave with his life, though he was broke, half-healed and delirious with infection. Wulf seethed with an anger the like of which Ton had never seen, swearing revenge on the Technic League.

Ton didn’t carry a gun now. He couldn’t afford even a broke down old musket. Instead he wore a longbow strapped across his back that Wulf himself and bent out of a yew tree. He also didn’t walk far any more if he could help it. His pelvis didn’t repair properly and he had an irregular step that made his bootfalls sound like a beating heart.

But Steadfast Revocations had continued. Job after job, just trying to make ends meet. And those unsteady legs carried on walking too, sometimes loaning Wulf’s massive hammer as a kind of walking stick, sometimes leaning on the big man himself. After days, those legs had carried him now into Torch, a pretty backwater place made famous by some technological marvel.

He wasn’t especially interested in that. But rumours that someone called Khronnir had recovered a deactivated robot had surfaced, and worried him too. If there were one down there in those unexplored ruins beneath the town then who knows how many more there might be, and some may even need decommissioning. It was a danger to the town and an opportunity for them.


Ton stands over six feet but looks shorter because he is hunched and stoop-shouldered. His lank hair is often greasy and tied back simply and it is very rare that he doesn't have several day's growth on his chin.

He could be handsome if he paid even a small amount of attention to his appearance but his eyes are often bleary and bloodshot from alcohol or smoke and his clothing is usually rumpled and whatever he has reasonably clean stuffed into his bag.


Ton is grumpy, curmudgeonly, passive-aggressive, foul-mouthed and generally dismissive. He is often the most intelligent person in the room and has grown to realise that he often disappoints people because he simply doesn't put the effort into interpersonal relationships.

On the other hand he is very loyal to the few people he calls friends and, despite often having shakes from one too many drinks, he is steadfast, determined and iron-willed.

Party role:

Ton'iel is going to become a powerful ranged damage-dealer with a sprinkling of useful skills and a range of both debuffing and buffing spells, making him a well-rounded member of any team.

Build notes:

1 - Precise Shot
3 - Weapon Focus Longbow
3 - Arcane Accuracy


1 - Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearm)
3 - Precise Shot
3 - Arcane Accuracy
5 - Rapid Reload
5 - Rapid Shot
6 - Enduring Blade
7 - Rime Spell? Intensify spell?
9 - Reach Spellstrike
11 - Extra Arcane? (Spell Blending - Named Bullet)
11 -
12 - Distant Spellstrike
13 -