Wayward Crusader

Cathryn's page

10 posts. Alias of Groundhog.



About Cathryn

Cathryn d'Envers
NG Female Human Sister in Arms Cavalier 1
Action Points/Hero Points 3/0
Init +2; Perception +3
AC 20, T 12, FF 18, CMD 16, FFCMD 14
Hp 13, 1d10
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0
Speed 20ft.
Longsword +4, 1d8+3
Longbow +3, 1d8
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 15
Feats 1-Power Attack, H-Combat Reflexes, B-Heironeous' Inspiring Sword, 1C-Escape Route
Traits Helpful, Irrepressible, Purity of Faith
Skills Diplomacy +6, Knowledge(Nobility) +5, Knowledge(Religion) +5, Perform(Oratory) +3, Perception +3, Profession(Cooking) +3, Profession(Farmer) +3, Profession(Soldier) +3, Survival +3

Special Abilities Maiden’s Order(Dragon edicts), Half-hearted Challenge 1/d, Tactician(1/d, 3rds)

Longsword 15
Heavy Wooden Shield 7
Chainmail 150
Longbow 75
20 arrows 1
Dagger 2
Explorer's Outfit
48gp to spend on gear

Background The Envers family is a long line of knights and noblemen. Cathryn's farther died when she was very long, and she grew up on stories of his bravery. Sadly, there's not much opportunity for a young squire to prove herself around here, the lands being at peace as they are. She's in Hommlet to petition sir Rufus to take her on as a squire, having heard rumors that he was a full member of the Knights of the Hart. He turned her away though, and she's kind of unsure what to do next. For now, she lingers in the village.

Personality Cathryn is out to prove herself and measure herself against the family history, and it kind of shows. She values honor, heroic deeds and glory. She might come off as a bit of a self-centered reckless gloryhound, and she kind of is, but she also happens to have a genuine desire to help people.