How to paint a Raven Silver (Hell's Rebels)

Game Master Jesper Roland Sørensen

Gameplay map

Rebellion sheet

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Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

Even with the cobblestones of Argent Avenue and the foliage of Aria Park still wet from the morning’s light rain, dozens of Kintargans have gathered along the facade of the opera house to protest the city’s new lord-mayor, Paracount Barzillai Thrune. The city’s new leader was appointed by Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II, in the wake of the previous lord-mayor’s sudden flight from the city, an event that still has local rumormongers whispering furiously.
In a scant seven days, Paracount Thrune has instituted martial law, a curfew, and seven outlandish and polarizing proclamations. These actions and more have called many of Kintargo’s dissatisfied citizens here on this overcast morn. There’s been no sign yet of Barzillai Thrune himself, and the opera house’s doors remain tightly closed—as they have since the man chose the landmark as his new home—but judging by the growing sound of the protesters, he surely can’t ignore the scene on the streets below much longer.

As the hours wear on more and more citizhens press into the area. You hear the protesters call for their new lord-mayor to lift his unreasonable restrictions, while others call for an end to foreign rule and demand a proper election to determine Lord-Mayor Bainilus’s successor. Many seem content merely to yell and agitate, but a growing minority show their unabashed support of Barzillai Thrune by arguing back at the protesters.

Stationed outside the opera house are a dozen dottari guards and a scowling woman who seems to be ordering the others around.

Perception 20:

You catch glimpses of a figure watching the proceedings from behind a mostly curtained window on the opera house’s third floor

I just placed you on the map you can move to where you want to stay during the protest, it's a big crowd.

Male Human Urban Ranger 7 | hp -70- 70/70 NL [0] (0 taken by Bicks)| AC 22, t 15, ff 19 | Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +5 | Init +5 (+3 outside Kintargo) | Perc +15 (13 outside Kintargo) | Speed 20 ft. | FE humans +4; evil outsiders +2 |Conditions: longstrider

A young man dressed all in brown makes his way through the growing crowd throughout the morning, listening in on conversations to better get a feeling for what the locals think of the new Lord-Mayor, Barzillai Thrune. He always returns to a fountain across from the front doors of the Kintargo Opera House to sit, rest, and think a bit.

Perception Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

HP: 27/27 Spells Init +14, AC/T/FF 12(16)/12/10(14) | F+2 R+3 W+5 | Perception +9 (+11)

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

'Good. He's watching.'

Meliora's eyes narrow as she focuses on the figure moving around up on the third floor, grinding her teeth with barely contained rage between fits of muttering under her breath.

"Stupid Thrune... destroying paradise to put up a thrice-damned bank and closing down my favorite place to sell scrolls to so you could live in it and have your stupid operas put on just for you like a stupid opulent king or something, who do you even think you are anyway... you're going to get yours, you know... I'll see to it you get yours right in your thrice-damned face. And then I'll take all of yours and shove it so far up your bank that they'll be up to their ears in gold and I can buy the whole place... yeah, then I'll spend the money on a solid week of me time, so that I can unwind because this? This is bull and you're going to pay for it, Thrune... You messed with the wrong diviner this time... I'll have you know that..."

All of the rambling likely doesn't make a great deal of sense, but her wrath-filled muttering certainly makes her feel a little better. She's been needing something to focus on, and the protest is certainly a great place to release some of her anger.

M Human Investigator (Psychic Detective/Conspirator)HP 7/7 | AC 16/12/14 | CMD 13 | Fort -1 Ref +4 Will +3 | Per +5 | Init +2 (inspiration 4/4)

"Click , Click, Click" Paullo's cane went as he made his way inside the protest, taking a quick look around seeing if there is anyone that looks interesting in the crowd that me could get close to. Surely there was bound to be a couple of people like that in the protest. He didn't really expect anyone to recognize him either. with his hair dyed and face covered in ash like a peasant.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Disguise: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Female Dhampir Gunslinger/alchemist (Mysterious Stranger) hp 36/36 AC21 T17 FF16 F:+ 7:R+11: W+4

She had wanted to get closer of course to the gates of the opera house if only to get a better view but she had, as usual arrived far too late to do so and she wasnt going to push through crowds... especially since she couldnt find Miss Micheria anywhere. She had mentioned being there with a guard? a guest a friend? Canacha hadnt been paying that much attention really she had been stewing over no mint in her night tea.

perception 20: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Also looking to spot Micheria!
She was scanning the crowd and the opera house really from a bench near the water when she almost fell off her awkward perch as she noticed the figure along the third floor behind the curtains...She squinted and tried to further make out the figure holding up a hand and covering her eyes to try and block out the damnably bright sun.

Status: None none | NOTES F Brawler 4 | HP 49/49 | AC:21 T:14 F:17 | Init +4 | Per +6 | Fort:+5 Ref:+6 Will:+1 | CMB: +8 | CMD: 22 | +6/+6 Flurry 1d8+3 | +8 Unarmed 1d8+3x2 | +7 Cold Iron Gauntlet 1d4+3x2 3/4 Martial Flexibility LOOT SHEET

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

A muscular woman with brilliant red hair and a well crafted shield on her back stands near the mage watching the crowd. She refuses to be caught up in the moment seeing that this may be a more dangerous situation then what she had expected and, frankly, not happy that Meliora may have been right to bring her.

Meliora Castafiore wrote:

All of the rambling likely doesn't make a great deal of sense, but her wrath-filled muttering certainly makes her feel a little better. She's been needing something to focus on, and the protest is certainly a great place to release some of her anger.

Maybe she was right to have me accompany her, such anger. I should probably be angrier then I am.

Know Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

She scans the faces in the crowd looking for anyone with a known propensity for violence.

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

The crowd gathering in the market square consists of Kintargo partisans who despise Cheliax’s tightening grip on their city and demand local rule.
Economic conservatives who feel the squeeze as Thrune enacts new taxes and business policies.
Advocates of democracy whose bitterest complaint is Thrune’s appointment instead of legal election.
Anarchists who hope the protest turns into a good riot.
And Chelish loyalists who support Thrune’s actions to curb the city’s dissentious streak.

During the protest there are several kind of actions you can take, each action takes an hour to perform.


Initiative Jack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Initiative Lena: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Initiative Meliora: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32
Initiative Paullo: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Initiative Vallerian: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Initiative Micheria: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Initiative Canacha: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Turnorder: Meliora, Canacha, Jack, Lena, Paullo, Vallerian, and Micheria

Listen for Rumors: Anyone wandering the crowd can listen for rumors and learn more about what’s going on in Kintargo’s new political landscape. Perception or Diplomacy check to gather infomation. Roll 1d10 if you take this action

Pilfer: You can use the large gathering to line their pockets, lifting purses or goods from the street vendors. Sleight of Hands check.

Rabble Rouse: You may want to better organize the protest by attempting a Diplomacy or Perform check.

Search for a Contact: Depending on the options they selected from the Hell’s Rebels Player’s Guide, some PCs might have come to the protest in search of a mysterious contact said to be wearing a black leather glove on his right hand and no glove at all on the left. Perception check.

Silence Undesirable Elements: With five distinct factions among the protesters, the message delivered is a jumbled mess. Characters can try to silence or outshout elements of the crowd they disagree with. Bluff or Intimidate.

Watch the Crowd: You can simply choose to watch the crowd for anything unusual. A PC who does so can attempt a Perception or Sense Motive check

Female human Warpriest of Milani 6 Init +1; Senses Perception +6 AC 18, T 11, FF 17 hp 49/49 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8, Blessings 0/6, Fervor 0/6

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Lena makes her way to the protest. She comes in from the south. She is wearing black red armor with a few small white accents. She happens to be carrying a rose as if on her way to deliver it to someone. She carefully studies the crowd looking for any others in red and white or carrying roses.

I doubt any of the Rose are here today. It's probably foolish to look, but I have to try. What's the use being sent here by the goddess if you can't find any of the followers. She sighs in frustration, and makes her way to near the fountain where she can keep her back to it and away from the crowds.

Female human Warpriest of Milani 6 Init +1; Senses Perception +6 AC 18, T 11, FF 17 hp 49/49 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8, Blessings 0/6, Fervor 0/6

Lena decides to watch the crowd. She's watching for anything unusual or interesting. I wonder if this will be a peaceful protest or blow up like a powder keg. With so many people here yelling, I don't see how this can end peacefully.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

HP: 27/27 Spells Init +14, AC/T/FF 12(16)/12/10(14) | F+2 R+3 W+5 | Perception +9 (+11)

Prescience: 1d20 ⇒ 19

With Thrune himself nowhere to be seen properly yet, and Meliora herself being a powder keg of anger about to explode, the Chelish Loyalists are the closest thing she's got to the man himself.

Having a good feeling about her chances to accomplish something, she stands up on the bench near her and turns in the direction of the most of them. She starts screaming at the top of her lungs for them to shut the nine hells up because nobody actually cares what they have to say and that Thrune had screwed up everything and maybe some people like mint with their tea thank you very much. She went on to ramble about the fire that started right when he got here and she attempts to deal with any of their interruptions by simply getting louder and making fun of their stupid faces, clothes, tastes, or obvious tea-and-mint hating ways before telling them to go count some grain like a good dog. This segues into commenting that someone else in the crowd should sell them to Thrune for some silver! Clearly they're over 50 pounds, after all.

She's acting cavalier since she has someone there to watch her back, and so she figures the odds of her being attacked in a crowd like this are lower than normal. Also because she might have had a small dose of liquid courage before the meeting so she isn't properly thinking about what may happen should she distinguish herself publicly as an angry shouting loon, but who's counting?

Silence Undesirable Elements towards the Chelish loyals, using my Prescience result. 19-1+2=20 on intimidate.

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

Lena notices that there seems to be some sort of unusual subcurrent in the crowd’s movement, as if there were an organizing force among the people.

Meliora you seem to be able to scare the loyalists making the scatter through the protests, and stop spreading their message of Thrunes wise decision and great job, making the city a place for everyone.

Status: None none | NOTES F Brawler 4 | HP 49/49 | AC:21 T:14 F:17 | Init +4 | Per +6 | Fort:+5 Ref:+6 Will:+1 | CMB: +8 | CMD: 22 | +6/+6 Flurry 1d8+3 | +8 Unarmed 1d8+3x2 | +7 Cold Iron Gauntlet 1d4+3x2 3/4 Martial Flexibility LOOT SHEET

Mic watches the crowed, alert for trouble that could be coming their way. If she spots [u] Canacha [/u] she will gesture for her to join them.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

She does not however leave Meliora's general vicinity while doing this. When Meliora starts yelling she superstitiously moves her shield from her back to her arm mumbling to herself.

"Well if there wasn't going to be a problem before the odds have just increased greatly. At least she has passion."

Male Human Urban Ranger 7 | hp -70- 70/70 NL [0] (0 taken by Bicks)| AC 22, t 15, ff 19 | Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +5 | Init +5 (+3 outside Kintargo) | Perc +15 (13 outside Kintargo) | Speed 20 ft. | FE humans +4; evil outsiders +2 |Conditions: longstrider

Jack moves throughout the crowd, surreptitiously eavesdropping on various conversations, trying to pick up any juicy rumors. He always returns to his spot near the fountain. There he spies a couple of interesting women: one who is somber, silent, and carries a rose, the other who is white-haired though young, loud, obnoxious, and anti-Thrune. Jack scowls at her, fearing she'll incite a riot, but he gets a chuckle when the lady says the Thrune 'dogs' must weight at least 50 pounds and suggests the crowd capture and turn them in for the proclamation's stated reward.

Diplomacy Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Rumor: 1d10 ⇒ 4

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

Micheria's guard trained eye keeps a close look around her charge and sees someone in the process of lifting a few coins from the handbag of a middleaged woman a few feet away.

Jack listens to the two women talk about Thrune , when a young man comes to join them and says: "I've been hearing some strange noises around the old livery again. I hope Barzillai gets the goverment together enough to tear that old eyesore down."

Status: None none | NOTES F Brawler 4 | HP 49/49 | AC:21 T:14 F:17 | Init +4 | Per +6 | Fort:+5 Ref:+6 Will:+1 | CMB: +8 | CMD: 22 | +6/+6 Flurry 1d8+3 | +8 Unarmed 1d8+3x2 | +7 Cold Iron Gauntlet 1d4+3x2 3/4 Martial Flexibility LOOT SHEET

Always has to be some fool taking advantage doesn't there. I guess this kind of leadership emboldens.

Mic gives a quick look around to insure no immediate other trouble is brewing and taps the would be thief on the shoulder. There is a grim smile on her face and she simply shakes her head back and forth and mouths a word.


As long as the action stops that is the end of things.

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

The would-be-thief doesn't even turn to look on Micheria, he darts away afraid it's on of the Dottari. The woman he was about to relive of her valuebles turns to thank you. "Thank you so much miss. A little reward for your troubles and thanks for helping me." She opens her coin purse and hand Micheria some gold pieces: 1d6 ⇒ 5.

Female Dhampir Gunslinger/alchemist (Mysterious Stranger) hp 36/36 AC21 T17 FF16 F:+ 7:R+11: W+4

Eyes wide at seeing someone she knew by the fountain she moved from her perch near the benches and hurried closer as much as she could through the crowd.

"Mic! glad to see you here!"

She called out jostling through the crowd a huge smile on her pale features.

Female human Warpriest of Milani 6 Init +1; Senses Perception +6 AC 18, T 11, FF 17 hp 49/49 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8, Blessings 0/6, Fervor 0/6

Lena notices the undercurrent in the crowd. I wonder if it's from the yelling young woman or someone else organizing something.

In case what she's sensing it's more than just an angry woman. She tucks the rose into her belt, slips her buckler on, and puts her hand on her mace just in case. About that time she hears a young woman call out a name, and turns to watch the pale smiling woman move toward and past her.

As the woman passes, Lena whispers. "Watch out there's something going to happen I think. Better to be ready than not. I'd say."

Female Dhampir Gunslinger/alchemist (Mysterious Stranger) hp 36/36 AC21 T17 FF16 F:+ 7:R+11: W+4

She almost stumbled past the blond woman and for a moment blinked at her strangely.

"Something? going to happen? Oh wont that be so neat! I hope they take away the mint restrictions their just silly, Come on, if you think something bads gonna happen we should get to my friend Mic! Shes like the best of keeping people in line i think one time we were at this tea house and a sick man came in...."

She continued to ramble about how good her friend was at keeping people in line pratcially grabbing Lena's hand and pulling her torwards her destination.

Status: None none | NOTES F Brawler 4 | HP 49/49 | AC:21 T:14 F:17 | Init +4 | Per +6 | Fort:+5 Ref:+6 Will:+1 | CMB: +8 | CMD: 22 | +6/+6 Flurry 1d8+3 | +8 Unarmed 1d8+3x2 | +7 Cold Iron Gauntlet 1d4+3x2 3/4 Martial Flexibility LOOT SHEET

Waving off the proffered gold "No, just here for with a friend but thank you." Mic's head swings around when she hears her name.

"Canacha come closer and bring your friend there. This might go ass up I fear. If something happens lets try to deescalate shall we?"

Doing her best to keep the situation under control she continues to look about now unsure which way she should focus. Blast it, this was easier with a crew!

When the other women approach she widens her stance to control an area about her just in case.

"Meliora people are getting charged it seems. Speak your mind but... it might be best to deescalate a bit."

M Human Investigator (Psychic Detective/Conspirator)HP 7/7 | AC 16/12/14 | CMD 13 | Fort -1 Ref +4 Will +3 | Per +5 | Init +2 (inspiration 4/4)

Paullo heads towards the disturbance that a young woman is causing near the fountain I hope she isn't dumb enough to start something in this crowd. This crowd is waiting to go up and burst like a fireball. as he is walking towards them he is listening for anyone saying anything that would catch his interest. Paullo uses his cane to nudge people out of the way.

Diplomacy (listen to rumors): 1d20 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 10 + (3) = 151d10 ⇒ 7<-- 1 pt inspiration.
stealth (hide in crowd): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

HP: 27/27 Spells Init +14, AC/T/FF 12(16)/12/10(14) | F+2 R+3 W+5 | Perception +9 (+11)

"And another thing--!" Feeling great at having accomplished her objective, Meliora weaves off onto another tangent as she becomes at best peripherally aware of Mic's friends coming over. She's very lost in the moment of releasing her pent up rage.

"Diabolists! They're everywhere around here and they get all the work and all the love! It's so ubiquitous that any spellcaster who wants to make a copper in this town had better know how to conjure imps and deal with devils of every sort. What about the good old arts of olden days? Like telling the thrice-damned future! When was the last time someone actually went to a diviner for anything? Ruddy never, that's when! They can only peer into the freaking future, but no, why would anyone ever bother talking to one of them! We can call a devil and make a contract to have it tell the future instead, all for the low low price of your immortal soul! Wizards today have to pay good enough money for a degree from any proper college as it is, but the job market these days expects you to give up bits and pieces of what Pharasma should be judging just to make a living wage! It's pure, 100% bullpuckey!"

It has little to do with the subject at hand, of course, but Meliora's ability to complain is as unfocused as it is vitriolic. Mic's warning was heeded in her quieting down and trying to start at a more level volume this time around... but her attempts to lower her volume wound up going by the wayside as she got into it. Being awkward at best and a shut-in at worst, a responsible or controlled public speaker she isn't.

Female human Warpriest of Milani 6 Init +1; Senses Perception +6 AC 18, T 11, FF 17 hp 49/49 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8, Blessings 0/6, Fervor 0/6

Lena allows herself to be drug along behind the other woman. This person named Mic sounds like someone to be next to in a fight. She's slightly surprised to see that person is not a young woman.

She moves up next to her. "Nice to meet you. Mic isn't it. I agree something feels off. Like there's an undercurrent organizing. I thought it was the young lady, but I don't think so. It feels more organized than her um speech seems to be. I'm Lena by the way."

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

Paullo walks by a pair of younger men talking about women, when one of them says “I hear that bodyguard of Thrune’s, that woman Nox, is half devil. She’s too ugly to be just human, that’s for sure!”
The women I linked on page 3 of the gameplay map.

Status: None none | NOTES F Brawler 4 | HP 49/49 | AC:21 T:14 F:17 | Init +4 | Per +6 | Fort:+5 Ref:+6 Will:+1 | CMB: +8 | CMD: 22 | +6/+6 Flurry 1d8+3 | +8 Unarmed 1d8+3x2 | +7 Cold Iron Gauntlet 1d4+3x2 3/4 Martial Flexibility LOOT SHEET
Meliora Castafiore wrote:

"Wizards today have to pay good enough money for a degree from any proper college as it is, but the job market these days expects you to give up bits and pieces of what Pharasma should be judging just to make a living wage! It's pure, 100% bullpuckey!"

I am dieing here. To good!

Lena wrote:
"She moves up next to her. "Nice to meet you. Mic isn't it. I agree something feels off. Like there's an undercurrent organizing. I thought it was the young lady, but I don't think so. It feels more organized than her um speech seems to be. I'm Lena by the way."

Mic extends a hand to the new arrival while keeping her eyes out for additional issues. "She means well and has reason to be upset. Lets keep our eyes open, she seems to have the crowds attention at least."

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

She continues to look about the area but might be a little less focused now. "There was a pickpocket earlier, not much honor in some of the crowd it would seem. I though everyone would be here for the same thing, issues with them in there." At the end she points a thumb at the building.

M Human Investigator (Psychic Detective/Conspirator)HP 7/7 | AC 16/12/14 | CMD 13 | Fort -1 Ref +4 Will +3 | Per +5 | Init +2 (inspiration 4/4)

Paullo turns and make's a leg to the two young men. "greetings, today sirs, this is just a fine day isn't it. I couldn't help but overhear you two talking about Thrunes Bodygaurd. I was wondering if you could add more about her. I would hate to be on the side of someone Thrune hates."

shifting attitude to Friendly Dip chk: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

The two men shake their heads "We don't know anything about her, other then she is standing up there barking orders at the dottari."

You can all do a second action in the protest now.

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

Lena Silas

Lena takes some more time studying the crowd.
Sense Motives: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

She notices that the crowd’s general mood is agitated and discontented, but not overtly violent.

HP: 27/27 Spells Init +14, AC/T/FF 12(16)/12/10(14) | F+2 R+3 W+5 | Perception +9 (+11)

Prescience: 1d20 ⇒ 9

As her angry rambling comes to another lull, Meliora takes a good look around to see who's there. Of the groups that she hasn't stared down, there's three that she doesn't really have any issues with... and a bunch of jerks trying to escalate things into a riot.

What was it that Mic had said? Deescalate? Maybe she can do so in an escalatory manner. Escalatory is a word, right? Right. 'Course it is.

Intimidate: 1d20 - 1 + 2 ⇒ (8) - 1 + 2 = 9

"And as for you stupid idiots who're just here to start a bunch of trouble for the sake of starting a bunch of trouble! Don't think I don't see you! You--" She winces, having just bitten her own tongue, and takes a sharp breath in. "Ow, ow, ow."

Deep breath. Exhale.

"Anyways! Y-you idiots need to shut up too! Nobody's gonna' get anywhere if the entire city is set on fire! That's where you keep your stuff, right?!" She's pretty clearly lost a lot of her fire thanks to the flub. She should have listened to her bad feeling about things... but that's life sometimes.

Male Human Urban Ranger 7 | hp -70- 70/70 NL [0] (0 taken by Bicks)| AC 22, t 15, ff 19 | Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +5 | Init +5 (+3 outside Kintargo) | Perc +15 (13 outside Kintargo) | Speed 20 ft. | FE humans +4; evil outsiders +2 |Conditions: longstrider

Jack continues to keep a low profile, unlike a certain white-haired rabble-rouser. Although he continues to seek out more rumors, he also keeps an ear open to catch this woman's name, in case her words spark violence.

Not that she'd likely be hard to track down: the only white-haired diviner in the city who uses the curious term 'bullpuckey.'

Diplomacy (Gather Info; +2 circumstance bonus): 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 2 = 23
Rumor: 1d10 ⇒ 10

Status: None none | NOTES F Brawler 4 | HP 49/49 | AC:21 T:14 F:17 | Init +4 | Per +6 | Fort:+5 Ref:+6 Will:+1 | CMB: +8 | CMD: 22 | +6/+6 Flurry 1d8+3 | +8 Unarmed 1d8+3x2 | +7 Cold Iron Gauntlet 1d4+3x2 3/4 Martial Flexibility LOOT SHEET

Continuing to keep her eyes open Mic relaxes just a little. She had expected something to be instigated while Meliora was, well, ranting. As she has calmed down Mic relaxes just a bit. She glances again at Meliora to make sure no one is approaching and then addresses her friend.

"Canacha good to see you. Do you think he" [b] she gestures to the opera house again "will actually respond to a group like this? Might be better if we can just sit down and parlay." [/b]

While talking she keeps an eye watching the crowd for a shift in behavior hoping to intervene before anyone goes to far and gets physical.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Female Dhampir Gunslinger/alchemist (Mysterious Stranger) hp 36/36 AC21 T17 FF16 F:+ 7:R+11: W+4

"Oh I hope so. Some of these new rules are ridiculous. No mint? How is that even something the government worries about. Like You would think taxes, or the poor, or crime or anything really would be more important than telling people not to put mint in their tea. I mean really?"

While the mage woman's rant died down it seemed Canacha's was just getting started. She hopped up onto the fountain and scanned the crowd.

" If we find more pickpockets you should do that thing with your knuckles... you know the one where they snap and pop. I bet you could make someone pee themselves."

She began almost as flippant as ever.

perception: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 2 = 16

M Human Investigator (Psychic Detective/Conspirator)HP 7/7 | AC 16/12/14 | CMD 13 | Fort -1 Ref +4 Will +3 | Per +5 | Init +2 (inspiration 4/4)

Inwardly Paullo groans I hate it when people talk about a subject they don't know about " Good day then gentleman." Paullo says with a tilt of his hat. Continuing to look for more rumors among the masses Paulo starts listening to anyone he can find.

Diplomacy listen to Rumors: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 301d10 ⇒ 10

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

Meliora attempts to silence the anarchist seems to have the opposite effect of what she wanted, at least they thought it very amusing and a sign of thier troubles is beginning to work on the crowd.

Micheria notices that there seems to be some sort of unusual subcurrent in the crowd’s movement, as if there were an organizing force among the people.

Canache's keen eye notices another pickpocket with her hands down a young man's backpack to the right of her.

Jack and Paullo both hear the same rumor from different sources from what looks like some happy bar customers “Clenchjaw’s tavern has gone bad. I used to love drinking there, it was always a nice place to relax. Since the Night of Ashes, though, the place is crowded and talk about politics has exploded, as has the number of brawls. We got enough fighting on the streets these days. Whatever’s causing these brawls at Clenchjaw’s has ruined one of the last places we have to escape the violence. Just a matter of time before the new government shuts the place down, I guess."

Female Dhampir Gunslinger/alchemist (Mysterious Stranger) hp 36/36 AC21 T17 FF16 F:+ 7:R+11: W+4

"Hey you! You dirty theif! I see you! Mic look!"

She began howling pointing at the woman trying to slide something out of the man's pack. She hopped up and down on the edge of the fountain pointing out the trouble maker for Mic to beat up.

Male Human Urban Ranger 7 | hp -70- 70/70 NL [0] (0 taken by Bicks)| AC 22, t 15, ff 19 | Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +5 | Init +5 (+3 outside Kintargo) | Perc +15 (13 outside Kintargo) | Speed 20 ft. | FE humans +4; evil outsiders +2 |Conditions: longstrider

I figure there's about a 20% chance Jack would be back at the fountain when Canacha starts yelling and pointing out the thief, so....

20 Percent: 1d100 ⇒ 49

Nope, Jack's not in right now. Nothing to see here.

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

A couple of dottari were nearby when they head Canacha yell theif, they quickly rush in on the would be thief and captures her. While they are dragging her away in manecles, the young man thanks Canacha. "Thanks alot miss, I'll make sure to keep my coinbag closer from now on." He pulls out a few coins for her as thanks.
Gold pieces: 1d6 ⇒ 4

M Human Investigator (Psychic Detective/Conspirator)HP 7/7 | AC 16/12/14 | CMD 13 | Fort -1 Ref +4 Will +3 | Per +5 | Init +2 (inspiration 4/4)

Paullo sees the exchange between the woman at the fountain and the guards. Paullo mutters "Narc.." and moves a little away from the fountain.

Status: None none | NOTES F Brawler 4 | HP 49/49 | AC:21 T:14 F:17 | Init +4 | Per +6 | Fort:+5 Ref:+6 Will:+1 | CMB: +8 | CMD: 22 | +6/+6 Flurry 1d8+3 | +8 Unarmed 1d8+3x2 | +7 Cold Iron Gauntlet 1d4+3x2 3/4 Martial Flexibility LOOT SHEET

Well that is one way to deal with a pickpocket. Next time I will just have to be more physical.

"Sharp eyes Canacha. Canacha and Meliora, see if you can spot any pattern to this group. I may be crazy but it feels almost like someone is pulling the strings here."

She will continue to study the crowd with this new thought in mind.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 drat

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

Seems the crowd is still growing here at the beginning of the third hour of protest. There is still no word from the new lord mayor, however the talk are beginning to spread around the crowd that he maybe isn't even at the opera house today.

You can all attempt a new round of protest actions.

I oversaw a check Paullo made about Nox earlier, the info about her was hidden on a page I didn't look on. So you actully learnt this bit "Nox has likely bound herself to a devil, an uncommon but not unheard, of ritual performed to gain additional power in this life at the expense of agony in the afterlife. It’s a distasteful ritual for many Chelaxians, especially those who already have power, but it can be tempting indeed to those one step removed from the resources afforded by nobility."

HP: 27/27 Spells Init +14, AC/T/FF 12(16)/12/10(14) | F+2 R+3 W+5 | Perception +9 (+11)

"I-I'll look in a minute! I just... I have revenge to get really quick!" Meliora replies, arms folded and her demeanor clearly cross as she again tried to work up a feeling about the situation.

Prescience: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Things felt, at best, average. Meliora thought things over again for a moment, before giving up on the idea of swaying anyone else. To be fair, she couldn't do it anyways. She'd just got lucky with the Thrunies because nobody liked them. She herself was no leader and as inspiring as a rock.

Falling silent, she sullenly looked around the crowd to try and get a sense of things.

I'll use it on a Perception. 11+8=19

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

Micheria notes that the crowd’s general mood is agitated and discontented, but not overtly violent.

Meliora spots yet another pickpocket in the crowd, this time a young halfling seeming to be on a roll with his mischievous deeds.

HP: 27/27 Spells Init +14, AC/T/FF 12(16)/12/10(14) | F+2 R+3 W+5 | Perception +9 (+11)

Is he pickpocketing an obvious anarchist? Like one of the guys who she was trying to shut up before.

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

He seems to target noble looking chelaxians, possibly some loyalist of Thrune

HP: 27/27 Spells Init +14, AC/T/FF 12(16)/12/10(14) | F+2 R+3 W+5 | Perception +9 (+11)

On the one hand, he's breaking the law. On the other hand, he's breaking the law in a way that inconveniences people she doesn't like because screw nobles and especially screw anyone who supports Thrune.

She'll remember the guy's face for later, but doesn't say anything herself.

Male Human Urban Ranger 7 | hp -70- 70/70 NL [0] (0 taken by Bicks)| AC 22, t 15, ff 19 | Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +5 | Init +5 (+3 outside Kintargo) | Perc +15 (13 outside Kintargo) | Speed 20 ft. | FE humans +4; evil outsiders +2 |Conditions: longstrider

With the protest remaining orderly and (for the most part) civil, Jack continues to weave through the crowd, eavesdropping to learn any interesting rumors.

Diplomacy (gather info; +2 circumstance): 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 2 = 24
Rumor: 1d10 ⇒ 10

M Human Investigator (Psychic Detective/Conspirator)HP 7/7 | AC 16/12/14 | CMD 13 | Fort -1 Ref +4 Will +3 | Per +5 | Init +2 (inspiration 4/4)

Puollo continues to watch the crowd carefully for any signs of trouble after getting the general mood of the place. seeing the guards take away a pickpocket he tries to take advantage of everyone's momentarily distraction by swiping gold from anyone that looks like a noble nearby.

My tithe for healing to keep the streets safe, oh.. thank you Mr. Noble, sir........

Pilfer: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (12) + 8 + (4) = 24
(use inspiration on Sleight of hand checks for free in kit.)

Status: None none | NOTES F Brawler 4 | HP 49/49 | AC:21 T:14 F:17 | Init +4 | Per +6 | Fort:+5 Ref:+6 Will:+1 | CMB: +8 | CMD: 22 | +6/+6 Flurry 1d8+3 | +8 Unarmed 1d8+3x2 | +7 Cold Iron Gauntlet 1d4+3x2 3/4 Martial Flexibility LOOT SHEET

As the protest continues Mic becomes increasingly unsure exactly what is to be accomplished.

"Meliora, Canacha, there seem to be many messages. Maybe I could narrow the field by driving some off."

She approaches one of the folks Meliora was directing her ire at and sees if she can drive them off.

"My friend there, she didn't like you. That means I don't like you. Maybe... go home... now."

Intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 crap

Liberty's Edge

Gameplay map

Jack you hear some more people talk about what is going on at the Clenchjaw’s tavern, nothing new but you get a sense something there might be worth looking into at some point.

Paullo you find a noble dressed in Thrunes colors from top to toe and slip you hand into his pocket and relieve him of 1d6 ⇒ 2 gold pieces.

Micheria you seem to have as much success as Meliora in your attempt to silence the anarchists. "Old woman go mind yourself another place, we have this spot." You were 1 off form making it.

Female human Warpriest of Milani 6 Init +1; Senses Perception +6 AC 18, T 11, FF 17 hp 49/49 Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +8, Blessings 0/6, Fervor 0/6

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Lena tries to sense what the crowd is up to as she follows Mic through it. She gets distracted by the insult to her new acquaintance. "That's not very nice calling her names. You should be ashamed." Of course they won't be ashamed, but I have to say something to show Mic I have her back."

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