MageHunter |

Hello Paizo Community,
So I did already have this guide made, but for privacy reasons made a new e-mail account for the Google Docs, and did not write down the password... :( I made a new account and made sure to write down the password,
So I'm reposting it here, with some new updates.
The Rage Prophet is a prestige class that requires an oracle/barbarian multiclass. It ends up with powerful (sometimes higher DC's than straight oracle) spells, supplemented by rage powers, innate divination spells, and surprisingly high accuracy against some extremely common enemies. If you're playing WotR, or CotCR, you'll be pretty happy with this.
In my last thread I wasn't as open to suggestions, so I'm going to try and work on looking at feedback more carefully, as people's intentions got lost in the internet medium. Previous discussion here.
Without further ado, here is the guide. Thank you.

MageHunter |

Hey 666bender. Thanks!
Firstly, I agree on rage. Every Rage Prophet needs the feat at least once.
The character effectively works out to be a 3/4 BAB character, but Spirit Guide can provide a nice buff against Outsiders and Undead, and Reckless Abandon gives a neat attack roll bonus. That on top of buffs and you should be golden.