Heroes' Rewards (Table 2)

Game Master NielsenE

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Use the 750 gp for any last minute supplies you want to buy. The king has also arranged for you to use horses in relays to catch up with the main caravan, but you don't get to keep the horses once you reach Daelsend. So if you want permanent mounts, that would come out of the 750.

You can also create three NPCs to journey with you. Up to 5 level if NPC classes or 3rd if PC. They won't leave Daelsend to adventure with you, but they can help out there and will start off friendly to you. (There will be other NPCs in the caravan and community that might not be)

Male Half-elf HP: 74 AC:23T: 22 FF: 16/Fort +10/ Ref+11/ Will+13(15 vs enchantments/mind affecting effects)/ judgement 1/day CMB: 5 CMD:22 /init.+9

I call dibs on one NPC :3

Male Half-orc Ranger/Skirmisher 1
HP: 11/11 | AC:17 T:13, F:14 | CMD:18, CMB:+5 | Save (F+4, R+5, W+2) | Init:+3 | Perc: +9
Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +9, Stealth +5 (+7), Survival +7, Swim +6 (+8)

Dibs on another

Male Halfling Barbarian (War Dog) 1, HP:14 AC:16 /Fort +5/ Ref+3/ Will+0 Init:+4

Can we make a spymaster be one of them? And I feel like a level 5 expert would be highly useful too as a master of coin or something.

Male Half-orc Ranger/Skirmisher 1
HP: 11/11 | AC:17 T:13, F:14 | CMD:18, CMB:+5 | Save (F+4, R+5, W+2) | Init:+3 | Perc: +9
Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +9, Stealth +5 (+7), Survival +7, Swim +6 (+8)

I am thinking an expert farmer, clerk, drillmaster, tanner or blacksmith. Mostly leaning toward a blacksmith because it fits in with my history.

Male Half-elf HP: 74 AC:23T: 22 FF: 16/Fort +10/ Ref+11/ Will+13(15 vs enchantments/mind affecting effects)/ judgement 1/day CMB: 5 CMD:22 /init.+9

I can make the spymaster, fits with my class and the like I believe.

Male Half-elf HP: 74 AC:23T: 22 FF: 16/Fort +10/ Ref+11/ Will+13(15 vs enchantments/mind affecting effects)/ judgement 1/day CMB: 5 CMD:22 /init.+9

er, what are the "rules" for making the NPC.

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

Versys - good piece of artwork you reference.

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

Do you all have the NPCs covered? I can take a crack at creating one if still needed. If they are covered, what do we have?

I am not familiar with the kingdom "positions", but am guessing councilor would best suit Little Bird, but would welcome party input.

Do we need to talk to any of the other NPCs - the Dukes, Magister, Treasurer. Kenza would want to speak with the Magister if there was time, just for introductions.

GM_Eric wrote:

He spends a bit of time outlining the resources in the caravan 60 build points worth.

He also tells you briefly about some of the other powers in the kingdom that you might want to meet with as mentioned in the discussion thread.

Do we need to build a caravan? If so what can I do to help?

I have not had a chance to read into the ultimate campaign, but will do so this week/weekend.

Roll20 Maps

You don't need to build the caravan, its abstracted away generally.

The rules for the NPCs 15 point build (they're still better than average), 5th level NPC or 3rd level PC class. 1/2 WBL. Core races only.

You have time for one more interview. Let me know who it wants to be with.

Female Aasimir (Garuda Blooded) Inquisitor/1

I just had a thought (which is probably dangerous I know).
Should we think about assigning the roles first before creating the npcs then take it from there? Or am I just tired and not making much sense (this is a genuine possibility).

Roll20 Maps

That's definitely a possibility.

Male Halfling Barbarian (War Dog) 1, HP:14 AC:16 /Fort +5/ Ref+3/ Will+0 Init:+4

That sounds good to me. I am not sure what we would want for the third NPC.

Roll20 Maps

So no requests for the final interview? If I don't hear one by tomorrow morning, I'll narrate you into the journey.

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

Kenza would like to talk to the Magister - if the group wants to come ok - otherwise she would be just as happy to talk arcane shop alone.

Kenza would ask him about any particular arcane related legends regarding the area.

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

Kenza can play out the Magister meeting, or you can summarize and get us on the road.

Male Halfling Barbarian (War Dog) 1, HP:14 AC:16 /Fort +5/ Ref+3/ Will+0 Init:+4

Sounds good to me

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

I think Versys has a good idea. Even with 3 NPCs we will have 2 vacant positions from those that normally have vacancy penalties. Is Theodor automatically the "ruler/viceroy" as Mayor of Daelsend?

*POSITION means the position WILL incur a vacancy penalty.
I did not list positions that do not have vacancy penalties (e.g. Royal Enforcer)...not to min-max, but I would assume that our characters would identify which vacant positions have more detrimental effects on their efforts. I then entered any references by either the player or suggested by another player and entered those into the below.....I am not trying to dictate or even suggest any final version, just hoping to help frame the discussion.

*RULER OR VICEROY = Theodor (as mayor?)/Jibjib/all others (Not something Kenza would want even though she has a high CHA)
*MARSHAL = Kyras/Jibjib/Drawg
SPYMASTER = Versys/NPC to be created by Kyras
*WARDEN = Drawg/Jibjib

Kenza would be best suited to Councilor, Grand Diplomat, or Magister. Based on the requirements Councilor would be the most "natural" position for her.
I would also suggest a NPC treasurer.

Male Half-orc Ranger/Skirmisher 1
HP: 11/11 | AC:17 T:13, F:14 | CMD:18, CMB:+5 | Save (F+4, R+5, W+2) | Init:+3 | Perc: +9
Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +9, Stealth +5 (+7), Survival +7, Swim +6 (+8)

I could give the blacksmith ranks in finance. As a business owner he would need to know money.

Warden or Marshal are really the only two psitions listed above that Drawg would be effective at filling.

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

I do not understand all the Kingdom rules, and their implications for the character level game.... I do not see the how a blacksmith NPC would be more beneficial. The kingdom building should facilitate the creation of multiple smiths. And there is a big difference between pricing nails and making change and understanding the economics of a national treasury... an expert or aristocrat NPC seems like a better build for the needs at hand, and more in keeping with the other NPC builds. What subtleties am I missing?

Male Half-orc Ranger/Skirmisher 1
HP: 11/11 | AC:17 T:13, F:14 | CMD:18, CMB:+5 | Save (F+4, R+5, W+2) | Init:+3 | Perc: +9
Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +9, Stealth +5 (+7), Survival +7, Swim +6 (+8)

Would any of us know that kind of person and if so, would we really trust them? Remember we are being sent to a place by people who would rather see us not succeed. The most important trait I want in an NPC is trust.

Drawg trusts the blacksmith. The community we are dealing with is in a shambles at the moment and the economy is really non-existant. So it probably isn't that complicated. Additionally if we bring an expert craftsman, he will bring apprentices and his ability and name will attract business from other areas.

Also perhaps the blacksmith could become an expert in finance as the town grows and his responsibility increases with his knowledge. The blacksmith was also a village councilman so it is feasible he could have a level of diplomat or expert.

From a role-playing standpoint, Drawg already mistrusts most humans unless they are from a rural community. He also mistrusts most city people regardless of race. So it will be a hard sell to get him to acquiese to not include someone he knows. Difficult but not impossible.

Male Halfling Barbarian (War Dog) 1, HP:14 AC:16 /Fort +5/ Ref+3/ Will+0 Init:+4

Kenza should be ruler heh. Good cha!

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

1) I really do not know the scope of people that our characters know - Kenza probably doesn't know a financial expert here, but I do not know the blacksmith either, and I would trust the kingdom's treasury more in the hands of someone capable than a sub-par blacksmith.
2) Not sure why Drawg trusts the blacksmith - has Drawg been to this town before, otherwise none of us have met him?
3) By reputation he isn't even that good as a blacksmith....
Although you say "bring" a blacksmith... bringing another blacksmith would definitely upset the current one, skilled or not - if he has friends in town (likely) we can start off by offending the current blacksmith and half the town by bringing in a new guy, which means we would have to set up shop for him by either building a second forge, or kicking the legitimate owner out of the current building. Leaders or no, it would be rightfully perceived as theft.
4) Where did him being a councilman come from - did I miss this in the earlier description of the blacksmith?
5) I assume (yeah - I know what that gets me!) that the NPCs are not inherently loyal minions, despite the fact that the rules do make the assumption that leaders are working for the common good. Regardless, Kenza will openly opposed to having "buddies" be given positions of power and influence without qualification - the people of Daelsend deserve better from their leaders than cronyism.
Would like to hear what other players thoughts are...?

Male Half-orc Ranger/Skirmisher 1
HP: 11/11 | AC:17 T:13, F:14 | CMD:18, CMB:+5 | Save (F+4, R+5, W+2) | Init:+3 | Perc: +9
Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +9, Stealth +5 (+7), Survival +7, Swim +6 (+8)

The blacksmith in question is part of my backstory so you have have not met him. As for being a councilman that is part of the blacksmith's backstory. However Drawg will acquiese if you find his idea distasteful.

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

Drawg - I did not read backstories. I do not want to influence how I have Kenza perceive the party members by having that info. This way I can make missteps on my own. If I need to read it to help move things along, I will, but I am trying to limit Kenza's reactions to what Kenza knows.

Kenza would be hesitant to make a blacksmith treasurer... bringing him could be possible - as long as his introduction to the current blacksmith was well handled. But as much as I hate doing things based on game mechanics, I would recommend an alternate NPC as we are limited to three. A spymaster works for kingdom building, and could be useful in the micro game. The blacksmith is slightly redundant in the micro game, and potentially problematic to the kingdom building. I do value the fact that this something the Drawg character would bring up, and value that character based story idea, so I am not trying to dismiss it out of turn.
I do not want this to be a Drawg-Kenza player decision though, I believe the other players need to provide input before a fair resolution is reached. I will be happy with whatever the group decides.

Male Halfling Barbarian (War Dog) 1, HP:14 AC:16 /Fort +5/ Ref+3/ Will+0 Init:+4

I personally think that we need people we can trust in a given role. I know this is a bit of meta-gaming, but we can create these extra NPCs so they fit what our party lacks. I see it as sort of calling on our friends who we know would be good in a given position. I see Drawg's blacksmith friend as someone who has had experience with coins and managing things before. He's not going to continue being a blacksmith (at least not full time), he's going to be the treasurer.

Male Half-orc Ranger/Skirmisher 1
HP: 11/11 | AC:17 T:13, F:14 | CMD:18, CMB:+5 | Save (F+4, R+5, W+2) | Init:+3 | Perc: +9
Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +9, Stealth +5 (+7), Survival +7, Swim +6 (+8)

Exactly JibJib. I figure it is someone that has a little business experience that will translate into a treasurer's skills.

Female Aasimir (Garuda Blooded) Inquisitor/1

From my perspective on this I think we need to ultimately decide our characters roles, GM Eric already said that we wouldn't get vacancy penalties for are


Positions that will need to be filled (ie leaving them empty triggers the vacancy penalty)

Ruler, Councillor, Marshall, Warden, Treasurer

so as long as we can fill them all is well I am still kind of keen for versys to go spymaster but equally if we need her elsewhere then fair enough.

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

Yeah - kinda got sidetracked with the whole blacksmith thing....

One question to move forward with this...is Theodor the Ruler/Viceroy based on his being named Mayor of Daelsend? Otherwise, based on my earlier listing, these are the "penalty applies positions" and any name associated with them by the player or someone else.

MARSHAL = Kyras/Jibjib/Drawg
TREASURER = Blacksmith
WARDEN = Drawg/Jibjib

If there are no objections, I would see Kenza as Councilor. Add her CHA bonus to Loyalty.

Male Half-orc Ranger/Skirmisher 1
HP: 11/11 | AC:17 T:13, F:14 | CMD:18, CMB:+5 | Save (F+4, R+5, W+2) | Init:+3 | Perc: +9
Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +9, Stealth +5 (+7), Survival +7, Swim +6 (+8)

Drawg will take Marshal. After reading further in the Kingdom Bulding section, Marshal is the best fit for Drawg of the positions we need to fill. Warden looks like it is for larger settlements and of course Drawg is not about large settlements. You also get a bonus based on survival ranks which as a tracker Drawg will continue to increase.

Male Half-orc Ranger/Skirmisher 1
HP: 11/11 | AC:17 T:13, F:14 | CMD:18, CMB:+5 | Save (F+4, R+5, W+2) | Init:+3 | Perc: +9
Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +9, Stealth +5 (+7), Survival +7, Swim +6 (+8)

That leaves Versys or Kyras as Viceroy. I recommend we use the term Viceroy as well. I will post our "illustrious" blacksmith later this evening.

GM were we provided with a list of current residents of the town and/or a list of current tradesmen that are still living in or near the town? We had a big hubaloo about replacing the existing blacksmith before we even knew if there is a blacksmith already there. If we were not provided with a list, then a census of the community should be top priority.

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

Unless Theodor is Viceroy by virtue of being named Mayor...

Also, Kyras had wanted to make an NPC spymaster, but I believe that is the position Versys prefers so they will need to sort that out.

Is Jibjib suited to enforce the laws of the kingdom WITHIN the city? I am sure he would be excellent at ensuring the leader's safety... but a barbarian may not have the right temperament to be the law and order kinda guy....

And we DO know that there is a blacksmith there...

Oskar said the following:

GM_Eric wrote:
"We've heard, as no doubt most of you already know, that Daelsend is close to completely destroyed. I believe they still have a blacksmith, though the soldiers say he's not good for much, and several farming families. Very little in civic, religious, or defensive infrastructure survive. So I think you're basically starting from scratch, and dealing with a rather superstitious populace.

... it was part of the Gameplay. Unlike the "illustrious" blacksmith that was dug out of your backstory... so there. (Insert visual of Kenza, tongue stuck out, thumbs in her ears, fingers wiggling).

Male Half-orc Ranger/Skirmisher 1
HP: 11/11 | AC:17 T:13, F:14 | CMD:18, CMB:+5 | Save (F+4, R+5, W+2) | Init:+3 | Perc: +9
Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +9, Stealth +5 (+7), Survival +7, Swim +6 (+8)

You do realize Drawg is not much more civilized than JibJib right? You do also realize that Drawg's species enemy is human... In particular urban humans.

Male Half-orc Ranger/Skirmisher 1
HP: 11/11 | AC:17 T:13, F:14 | CMD:18, CMB:+5 | Save (F+4, R+5, W+2) | Init:+3 | Perc: +9
Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +9, Stealth +5 (+7), Survival +7, Swim +6 (+8)

Alright so Kyras should be the Warden then. Versys as the Viceroy/Ruler unless we want to let the noble be the ruler, which I am not sure is a good idea. Kenza as the Councilor, Blacksmith as the Treasurer, Drawg as the Marshal and JibJib as the Royal Enforcer. Remember we have three other NPCs, one of which should be able to fill at least one of the above roles.

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1


Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

Drawg - No.

Kyras never mentioned being Warden. He thought he would be a good Marshal, the position you assigned yourself. Although, I do agree he would probably make a good Warden.

Kyras nominated Versys for Spymaster or high priest, and Versys indicated that was the position she preferred. So let Versys be Spymaster.

We still have not heard from GM-Eric if the Ruler/Viceroy is Theodor as "Mayor", that may be out of our hands.

We do not have 3 other NPCs, we had 3 total (and 5 NPC levels total). The Blacksmith is one, we have 2 more NPCs.

For consideration....
Spymaster = Versys
Royal Enforcer or General = Jibjib
TREASURER = "Illustrious" Blacksmith
WARDEN = Kyras (if willing)
+2 additional positions to be NPC filled

Male Halfling Barbarian (War Dog) 1, HP:14 AC:16 /Fort +5/ Ref+3/ Will+0 Init:+4

I agree with Drawg about not letting Theodor be ruler, but otherwise the positions look good Kenza.

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

Jibjib- do you see "you" as more of the enforcer or general?

Also - I am not suggesting we let Theodor be Viceroy - I am simply asking if his being named "Mayor" by King Oleg, per Duke Marcus's proclamation takes that decision out of our hands... If he is not the "ruler", we will have to figure out the implications for leadership, as there will be two legitimate authorities a Mayor and the Viceroy. And Theodor could very well be a source of opposition - a noble youth disgruntled that the "heroes" have been given his birthright. If Theodor is Mayor but not Viceroy - Kyras as ruler?

Which also means we should have Kyras create an NPC other than a spymaster... and have the third created.

What level is the "illustrious" blacksmith? I would suggest no more than 2, leaving 2 other levels for one NPC and 1 level for the third.

Male Half-orc Ranger/Skirmisher 1
HP: 11/11 | AC:17 T:13, F:14 | CMD:18, CMB:+5 | Save (F+4, R+5, W+2) | Init:+3 | Perc: +9
Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +9, Stealth +5 (+7), Survival +7, Swim +6 (+8)

No no no. I believe each NPC may bea lvl 5 NPC or a lvl char class. I dont think it was a Total of 5 levels.

And no, we are in charge per what I heard. The Viceroy is the King's representative. So is a different position than the mayor. We CAN make theodor the viceroy but I dont recommend it.

Female Aasimir (Garuda Blooded) Inquisitor/1

As I say if you'd like Versys elsewhere then I am happy for her to fill another role.
As far as Theodor goes if only we had a pile of charm person scrolls :p

MAB: +4; RAB +3 | AC: 17; T: 12; FF: 15; CMB: +4; CMD: 16 | Fort: + 4; Ref: +2; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2; Stealth +6; Survival +2
[HP: 12/12]

Hate to intrude into this side but has anyone heard anything from Eric lately?

Male Half-orc Ranger/Skirmisher 1
HP: 11/11 | AC:17 T:13, F:14 | CMD:18, CMB:+5 | Save (F+4, R+5, W+2) | Init:+3 | Perc: +9
Knowledge (geography) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +9, Stealth +5 (+7), Survival +7, Swim +6 (+8)

Hmm I wonder if we have lost our DM. Has anyone checked to see if he has posted on the other table?

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

Saturday IS from the other table.....

MAB: +4; RAB +3 | AC: 17; T: 12; FF: 15; CMB: +4; CMD: 16 | Fort: + 4; Ref: +2; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2; Stealth +6; Survival +2
[HP: 12/12]

How could you forget somebody you've never met? :(

Female Halfling Sorcerer / 1

Well... it is only Friday....

MAB: +4; RAB +3 | AC: 17; T: 12; FF: 15; CMB: +4; CMD: 16 | Fort: + 4; Ref: +2; Will: +4 | Init: +3; Perc: +2; Stealth +6; Survival +2
[HP: 12/12]


Female Aasimir (Garuda Blooded) Inquisitor/1

Are we dead in the water? Haven't seen or heard anything from eric for a little while...

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