Glorious Golarion Goblins Galore! (Inactive)

Game Master Blue Drake

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Dark Archive

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Oi 'av been on de edge av me cage! Oi canny wait ter fend oyt if I'll be millin' for Zarongel's glory!

Alright. Recruitment is closed. I'll be going over the apps over the next few days. Might have the choices up by tomorrow, but I also just joined another PbP, so there's some distraction as we set up to start there. However, there are not nearly as many applicants to have to wade through as my last.

Dark Archive

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Yer got into de Kingmaker game, didn't yer? Yer jammy goblin dag. Rhonir did not.

Gettin' into a pbp game 'ere is loike gettin' a job oyt av college. It's an entry level posishun dat requires tree years av experience

It is. That's why I'm still stuck at Wal-Mart. But, yep, I got into the Kingmaker game, which I'm pretty excited about. There are a whole lot of players of various levels, and only a small handful of reliable GM's.

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I hate walmart :( My list is too long and I have to go down every single isle and every single row to make sure I didnt forget something :,(
It seems like it is easier for me to spend 10,000 bucks then it is for me to spend 100. (rolls eyes)

Alright, the decisions are made. Below are the ones chosen for the group.

Duck Pumpkin Skullbasher
Cap'n' Dogbeard

I'll be setting up the Discussion Tab now, so check in there. The first gameplay post will probably be on Fri.

Dark Archive

Hey, GM Drake, thanks for choosing Groglurk. I can't wait to dive into the game!

Liberty's Edge

GM Drake: any room for another goblin? :) (is this for PFS and... does it unlock a goblin PC?!???!? :) :) :) )

( I know this is closed by keep me in mind if you ever run anything like this again! :) )

Not at the moment, and it isn't for PFS.

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