GM Tallgrass |

Hello brave, beautiful and talented adventurers! After years sojourning away to explore other lands (and...ahem...game systems), I've returned to the Paizo boards eager to launch one - and only one - PbP campaign.
As the title states, I'll be running War For The Crown - the first adventure module I've read in a while that has me positively salivating with excitement and possibility. I’ll be recruiting 6 players (more than I’d like, but being familiar with - and guilty of - PbP attrition, it seems prudent).
Player Application
To apply, please complete the (hopefully minimal) steps below.
0. Download and read the Player's Guide.
1. Develop a character concept using the criteria/questions below. You don’t need to totally complete the crunch (unless you want to) - that’s just there for your information and to let you know what you’re signing up for (though it’s all fairly standard).
2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.
3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
I don't really want people to spend time building a full character (unless you want to or already have one in the oven), so I'm just asking for a general concept. I've posted the character creation guidelines just so you know what you're signing up for, but don't feel pressured to go through all the rigamarole of creating a complete character until you're selected.
As for your background, put as much or as little effort into fleshing that out as you want. I prefer characters with deep backgrounds, but also understand the effort associated with building something creative/interesting. If you have one you'd like to share, great! If not, no worries.
1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
3. How does your character make a living?
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
6. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
The following is for information only - you don’t need to completely build a character to apply.
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. 20-point ability buy.
3. Good or neutral alignments only.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only.
6. Two traits. One must be a campaign trait. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory). I'm fine with flavor tweaks to make traits align better with your character's story, but please let me know that you're making the tweak before you assume I'm ok with it (I probably will be).
8. Average gold for buying starting gear for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
1. I’ll be using Roll20 to manage combat. I’m not really sure how this will play out, but my expectation is that I’ll just screenshot the combat maps and share the link. I’m open to suggestions, though.
2. The reason I’m so excited about this AP is the intrigue and politics and incredible opportunities for roleplaying. Some of the rules in the AP require dice rolls and some lightly complicated crunch - where possible, good, character-driven roleplaying will supersede or enhance die rolls.
I think that’s it! Let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.
I look forward to the applications!

Helikon |

Dotting for extreme interest!
I have an half-orc social inquisitor in my mind.
1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
He has been living in Oppara for all his live
3. How does your character make a living?
He is a judicator, a military judical officer (Like a 40k Commissar)
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
In battle a melee fighter and Intimidator. Out of battle a social animal with above average diplomacy, intimidate, sense motive and perception.
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
Concentrate on being a useful party member with high burst damage.
6. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
Prigs life changed when one day he saw an assassination attempt on Lord Claudio Vernisant, just in front of the church of Abadar. Prigs was sitting close, hoping that the devout people would even give a half-breed as himself a coin or two in mercy.
Two black clad women jumped the noble and while one held the man the other tried to stab him with their dagger. Feeling his chance of a lifetime Prigs jumped in the womans left leg and bit her muscled flesh. Yelling in pain the dagger, coated in poison, that was meant to end the nobles life found its mark in the young boys flesh. But that distraction was enough and the temple guard was able to drive the assassins away.
Lord Claudio Vernisant took the deeply wounded boy home and took care that a cleric would treat the young boys wounds. But the wound was deep and even with the best care the recuperation took quite some time. During that time Lord Claudio, a widower of 43 winters fell in love with the young abadarian cleric Pierre de Hubertin.
After 2 weeks in coma Prig woke up and for the first time in his life saw a real bed, with blankets of pure white osirian linen. A young priest with soft brown eyes was sitting next to the bed and offered the young boy a hand to guide him to the owner of the estate, if he felt strong enough. Not wanting to show any weakness Prig walked on very unsteady feet to the lounge, almost dropping twice but keeping on his feet his raw determination.
Seeing the noble he fell to his knees and begged him to not send him back. Alas that was too much for the not yet completely healed wound and he fainted. When he awoke again the priest called for Lord Claudio and the nobleman, quite impressed and deeply grateful accepted him into his service. Prig was overjoyed and vowed to be worth it and pledged his loyality to the man.
Lord Claudio had heard many a vows in his life and he was of opinion that every vow was meant to be broken. Was he in for a surprise! Over the next 5 years Prig not only learned hard and tirelessly to learn how to behave in a nobles house, only once earning the belt for a minor transgression, involving a very expensive Tian vase, but was utterly und completely loyal to his master. He even reported his accident to his master, although no one would have thought him responsible and demanded the belt as punishment, as it was the common practice in the household.
He was also instrumental to keep the relationship between the young priest and his Lord secret, once even resisting magical commands to spill the truth. Pierre was his secret tutor, lecturing him in the art of courtly war, the tenants of the faith of Abadar and how to fit in.
As the years went by Lord Claudio understood he would not marry again, he was much too happy with his younger lover and that if he died his nephew Vicious Leveticus would inherit the title. A fact that gave the lord ulcer. Half in jest Pierre one evening remarked why he wouldn´t adopt the boy Prig. Lord Claudio looked at Pierre as if he thought his lover had lost his mind, but then he saw the potential. And truth to be told he couldn´t deny that it would be a colossal finger to his nephew.
With all the guile of 40 years of courtly war they arranged that Prig was given another identity, as the long lost cousin of a distant uncle and Lord Claudio adopted the young half-orc and gave him his new name. Viscount Lucian Vernisant.
But that was not enough, booth Claudio and Pierre knew that, so they took care that Lucian took his vows to Abadar, fasting for 5 days and nights, speaking the 22 sacred names and afterward bought a commission in the Taldorian Legion as a Judicator, a rank equal to a first lieutenant, tasked with the judicial duties in the Legion, with the right to pass judgment or to be the defender of the soldiers.
For two years Lucian was sent to the border Legion building his network and establishing a spotless record. He is known as a rising star in the army.
Now he has returned to Oppara to work in the military high command.
Lucien´s real father has seen him a few weeks and ago and knows his true heritage. He is ready to blackmail his son, threatening all the hard work Lucian has done. He just waits for the right moment.
The woman Kara was contacted by Vicious Vernisant and bribed to keep an eye on the estate, so that Vicious can one day take what he believes is his birthright.

Quintius Opar |

1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
Slayer (Velvet Blade)
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
Lifelong resident, hence the name.
3. How does your character make a living?
He is kept by a noble family to eventually serve as consigliere.
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
He can be a beast of a face, but also hold his own in melee combat. At first, at least, he will want to keep violence out of the sight of the general public, but has no qualms playing dirty.
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
Eventually, I forsee him taking an alternate identity, either via levels in vigilante, or, if you'll allow it, the rules for other classes to use masked identities.
6. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
Quintius is the bastard son of a man from a minor Taldan house (House Morilla if that doesn't mess with the AP story) and a barwench. Born especially comely and athletic, the house even "allowed" his mother to serve the house while he was groomed as a friend (and one day servant) to the man's actual children. He saw how his mother and other commoners were treated while he was pampered, but she begged him not to cause a problem. She was still begging him when she died.
With her gone, Quintius was treated even more like part of the family. His charm and skill grew with each passing year.
So did his hatred. He practiced spying on his so-called family, stealing and smuggling minor household items. He studied the noble houses of Taldan in particular. They weren't all outright monsters, but plenty were. He kept mental notes on which houses and which nobles deserved retribution most.
As the AP begins, he wonders why he's been invited by Lady Martella Lotheed to this event. Famous house, hard to get good information on, but something about them smelled. Still, the invitation required looking into. Either they were aware of his activities and plans and wanted to help him or blackmail him OR they had no idea and this could be an opportunity to get to a place where his true plans can finally begin.

Domeric |

Usmo here. I can post once a day at least, and I am in two other PbPs.
1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
Occultist Arcanist
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
They live in Northwestern Taldor, and arrived in Oppara a few days before the Grand Day of Exaltation
3. How does your character make a living?
They are a member of the nobility, their house gains significant income from trade between Taldor and Andoran.
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
My build is primarily built towards conjurations. In combat, it will likely focus on summons and area control, and as we level up, buffing the martials. Out of combat, knowledge checks, and, as we level up, utility spells.
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
Nothing too fancy here. I'll likely just continue to focus on my spellcasting, keep picking up feats related to that.
6. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
Ticio Trias was born into a minor noble family in Northwestern Taldor, which has historically made its wealth from trade between Andoran and the empire. They were an old and proud house, which was said to even include the blood of dragons in their ancestry. As the eldest son and presumably heir, he quickly found himself saddled with the weight of certain expectations, not all of which he was capable of meeting. Though an intelligent individual, he is also quiet and bookish, not terribly well suited to navigating courtly intrigues. His interests have always laid in the arcane arts. While some might say his head is in the clouds, in truth, it is often in other worlds entirely. Extraplanar creatures and the idea of beings from beyond the stars have always fascinated him, and he is driven by insatiable curiosity when it comes to such things. But, he understands the importance of his responsibilities to his family, and as such is determined to carry them out.
Most of House Trias resides at their family lands in Northwestern Taldor, however, they maintain a small manor in Oppara. Thus, when the Day of Exaltation arrived, Ticio traveled to Oppara at the urging of his parents, to form ties with the many other notables that would no doubt be present in the capital. Thus, upon his arrival, Ticio found himself pulled into the intrigues of one Martella Lotheed. Perhaps here, he will be able to form new ties for his house, and even help to fix Taldor's ailing system before it is too late.
At the end of the day, Ticio is a member of the nobility, and though perhaps more interested in his magical research than politics, is by default a supporter of the general status quo form of government, but recognizes the need for reform if it is to sustain itself. In truth, Ticio does not truly wish to be the one to inherit. He has one sister, Camellia, who is a year older than him. Though the two are close to each other, she has consistently proven herself to be more charismatic, more ambitious, more adept and generally more interested in the political intrigues necessary to maintaining the house’s position. Ticio considers her to be far more deserving of the position than he is, and the two of them would be all too happy to see a change in Taldor’s laws that allowed both of them to pursue their dreams.

Edril |

Unchained Rogue (Bandit Archetype)
How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
Has lived in Taldor all his life, and Oppara off and on for several years.
How does your character make a living?
Partially as a sneak-thief, and largely as an information broker. Being a halfling, he has connections, and can occasionally draw on them to learn secrets that nobles speak in range of their servants.
What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
In battle, rogue. Melee sneak attack. Tiny target, two weapon fighting and all that jazz.
Out of combat, there's the sneaking, the thieving, the trapfinding. You practically always need a skill monkey. While not necessarily the strongest with diplomacy, makes up for a lot with stealth, disguise, etc.
Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future?
Probably remain unchained rogue.
What is your character's backstory?
Will delve into this if selected, have a basic one ground out, but don't want to dedicate too much time and energy at this point.
I can generally post once or twice per weekday.
Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
Playing 6 (in various levels of activity), Running 3 (2 quite active, 1 ending.)

Helikon |

2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.
I usually post in every of my PBP at least once per day (If the plot moves, or if there is anything going on!!)
3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
Quite a few.
I GM three at the moment, too.

theasl |

Heh, I'm technically playing in 7 PbPs and GMing one over two forums, but two seem to have died, another two are on life support, and (to mix my metaphors) one is struggling to even get off the ground, so it's looking likely that I'll have time for another one. I don't really have a set schedule, so my posting times and rate are inconsistent, but I'm usually able to do at least 1/day.
As far as character...the only one I've got built so far is unfortunately eeeeeevil so I've got to go back to the drawing board.

![]() |

Well, might as well apply for this.
Pacus is a 1/2 Orc Courtly Hunter. I expect his animal Companion (a leopard) to be at least as much a character as Pacus, ESPECIALLY when I can afford a ring of eloquence :-).
I can guarantee to post at least once a day (with the obvious rare exceptions) as long as there is something that has happened to respond to. I usually check the game at least twice a day
I'm playing in several games right now (7 in total) but 3 are quite slow (I post less than once per 2 days)
1. Pick a Class.
Courtly Hunter
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
His family lives in the north of Taldor, near to the Vedrudan Forest.
He has been living in Oppara for about 6 months
3. How does your character make a living?
He is a bodyguard/aide to Lady Lotheed
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
In battle, he is mostly a melee character with some support spells and, of course, an animal companion
Although the courtly hunter isn't as powerful as a regular hunter it is still fairly good. But definitely it takes a bit of a hit as compared to a normal Hunter.
Out of combat he is quite good at social skills. And, especially at level 2 and 3, his animal companion will make a superb scout (both socially and in situations where stealth is useful)
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future?
Definitely a Hunter for quite a few levels. Beyond that, unclear. Would depend to some extent on where the story goes and what the party needs.
He is a 1/2 Orc with the Overlooked Mastermind racial trait. Although I expect all the characters to quickly be informed, he goes by 2 "identities". He usually pretends to be human and goes by his actual name Pacus. Sometimes it is more convenient to be a obvious 1/2 Orc in which guise he goes by the name Pac.
Pacus is the third son of a minor noble family, a family located in the north of Taldor near to the Verduran Forest.
Although it is not particularly noticeable and can be fairly easily concealed he is a half orc. Somewhere hidden in his mothers ancestry is, obviously, orcish blood.
Not at all surprisingly, the Bursio family has not been eager to let their friends and neighbours know of what they see as a stain upon their family honour. Whenever Pacus was allowed to mingle with his peers he always had to disguise himself as human and was never allowed to stay long enough that his disguise would become noticed.
Left largely isolated by his family Pacus spent considerable time with his uncle Dinius, a recluse who lived in the Verduran forest. On a recent trip there he met Angela, a young leopardess, and they became firm friends.
No longer content to live such a sheltered life Pacus has struck a deal with his family. They used their connections to get him a job as a bodyguard with Martella in Oppara, a city that his family and their friends almost never visit. In turn, Pacus agreed to, when in the north, conceal his identity as a half orc to the greatest extent possible.
It is known by the other people working for Martella that he is a half orc. When it is convenient he accentuates his Orcish features and goes by the name of Pac. When convenient, he conceals his Orcish features and passes for human and goes by the name of Pacus. He isn't trying to conceal anything from his fellow employees and they all know who he is. It is just that sometimes a large threatening half orc with no apparent social graces is effective, sometimes a more polished human with good social graces is more effective.
Pacus is a good looking, well dressed man usually wearing armour and carrying several weapons. He has a well groomed beard and mustache. Whenever socially acceptable he tends to wear a hat.
Pac is often also dressed in good clothing but of a far gaudier bent than Pacus. He has a beard and mustache that are somewhat wild and poorly tended. He drools a little at times, showing his small fangs. His clothing accentuates his slight green colour.
Angela generally wears leather barding entwined with ribbons and streamers. She is a good looking specimen of her species with bright, mischevous eyes.
Pacus is usually wearing armour and a shield since his job, after all, IS bodyguard.
He is a fairly cheerful, reasonably moral person who tries to do good when it is convenient. He is pleasant and basically a "nice" person. He likes both animals and children and cannot abide anybody who abuses either. He dotes on Angela
As Pacus he is well spoken and is obviously of gentle birth. He is, however, still somewhat slow intellectually and not very well educated.
As Pac he speaks in the short sentence fragments of somebody who is clearly mentally challenged.

Cnut Bjornsson |

This is Ouachionian. This alias was used for a similar character in a previous WFTC recruitment. That character was a wereboar-kin skinwalker, but I think I'll go human this time since you said you'd prefer core races. The bones of the background and crunch will be similar, but I'll tweak it a bit.
1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
He's originally from Ullerskad in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, but moved to Taldor several years ago to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather, a retired Ulfen Guard. He's been in Oppara for a year or so.
3. How does your character make a living?
Mostly serving as a bodyguard for various nobles, while he tries to build up enough of a reputation to have a shot at joining the Ulfen Guard. Also some more general mercenary, caravan guard, etc duties.
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
Cnut is intimidating. He's also got pretty good perception and climb skills, and speaks Skald, which, combined with the Glint-Tongued trait, should help the group in any dealings with Ulfen like Ulfen Guardsmen, the Vinmark family, etc.
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
Likely the Ulfen Guard prestige class. Stalwart Defender is also a possibility. If not one of those, probably just stay straigh Barbarian and focus on killing all the things.
6. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
The one provided in this alias is pretty close to what I'll use (just as a human rather than skinwalker). In sum, he was largely raised by his grandfather, a retired Ulfen Guard, and after his grandfather passed away he headed to Taldor to follow in his footsteps. Since arriving he's been working his way to prominence as a bodyguard and mercenary in Taldor.

ExiledMimic |

1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
Unchained Rogue or Bard (concept is flexible for whatever the party wants)
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
Their whole lives.
3. How does your character make a living?
I envision a 'fixer'. Not the leg breaker type, just the kind who happens to find a way to stack the deck against someone. Think Nathan Ford from Leverage. Willing to scam people into doing what he wants against their own ends.
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
In battle either a flanking partner or a buff-bot (depends on what the party may need, but I'm partial to the Rogue). Out of combat a skill monkey/manipulator who approaches conflict like all of life is a chess board. Kind of like how the nobles treat the lives of low-born like him.
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
Mechanically... I dunno? Depends on what fits the party best. Naked I'd say skill-junkie/master manipulator. But if we have a bard in the party and I'm playing a Rogue, then less social skills obviously (as bards are masters of social skills). So... I dunno yet? I build around party members usually.
6. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
A lowborn commoner who got tired of being forgotten by the ruling class. Lives don't work properly at the bottom and he wants to fix that, but he can't just demand better (doesn't work). He has to arrange it so the pieces fall into place for him. So he treats people of power the same way they've treated him and his their whole lives: as pieces to move on a board.
He's not above engaging in combat, but he prefers to make one enemy think another enemy is causing their misfortune and attack each other. Then swoop in and collect the spoils while the law castigates them for their actions. His only real friends are the people at the bottom. People who are hurting under the current stagnation of the country. And he's perfectly willing to let the rich and powerful each themselves for their own self interests while he and his profit in their wake of their stupidity.
(Maybe that's more concept/personality than backstory, but I'll tweak specifics when I make a sheet to fit the idea)

theasl |

Heh, I'm technically playing in 7 PbPs and GMing one over two forums, but two seem to have died, another two are on life support, and (to mix my metaphors) one is struggling to even get off the ground, so it's looking likely that I'll have time for another one. I don't really have a set schedule, so my posting times and rate are inconsistent, but I'm usually able to do at least 1/day.
As far as character...the only one I've got built so far is unfortunately eeeeeevil so I've got to go back to the drawing board.
I think I've got something of an idea:
1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
Archivist bard, elven.
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
Moved not long ago (a few years, probably) from Kyonin, probably Greengold, to Oppara.
3. How does your character make a living?
Her patron, a noble of the Basri family, employs her as a librarian and researcher while paying for most of her expenses, though she's kept up with the writing and calligraphy that brought her to Oppara in the first place. She also holds occasional scholarly lectures and speeches about Kyonin and its elves.
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
Make ALL the knowledge checks! Plus the usual bardish jack-of-all-trades magic and skill-simian buffoonery, and probably stereotypically elven archery when all else fails. Fair warning, though, I haven't played a bard before (because this is totally me), so I may seem like I have no idea what I'm doing - and it'll probably be true.
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
Not really sure. I don't really plan out builds beforehand, instead letting things grow more organically. I don't tend to multiclass at all, though.
6. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
Very roughly: an elven scholar from Kyonin whose several published treatises on elven-human history and relations brought her to Oppara under the patronage of the Basri, noble ambassadors of Taldor. Despite all of her education and knowledge, she's baffled at the premise that women aren't allowed to rule a country (see: Queen Telandia Edasseril of Kyonin) and hopes to teach the wisdom of the elven way to the people of her new home.

Amandine Santon |

I'm very excited to see this announcement!
Here's my character submission. A half-elf Psychic Detective Investigator.
0. Download and read the Player's Guide.
Done and done.
1. Develop a character concept using the criteria/questions below. You don’t need to totally complete the crunch (unless you want to) - that’s just there for your information and to let you know what you’re signing up for (though it’s all fairly standard).
My character is already finished, created for another WotC campaign that lost its GM after the first couple of weeks. I'll recheck the details, but the previous creation guidelines are the same as these so everything should be to requirements.
2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.
I can post daily without any problem. Sometimes I can post multiple times per day, but it depends on my work schedule day to day.
3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
I'm currently GM for 1 campaign, and playing in 10. That might should like a lot, but about half of the campaigns I'm playing in are very slow moving with about 1 update per week. My campaigns list shows more, but the others are dead but not deactivated.
1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
Investigator (Psychic Detective), probably with a 1 level dip in Inspired Blade Swashbuckler at 2nd or 3rd level.
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
She's lived in Oppara her entire life.
3. How does your character make a living?
Shop girl in a rare books store full-time by day. Part-time courtesan some evenings at the Exaltation Club.
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
She's a Knowledge and skills character with very good social skills out of combat. In combat she will be an opportunistic fighter who mainly provides combat support. The Psychic spell list should make her a better support character both in and out of combat than the standard investigator, with the cost of some combat effectiveness.
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
Aside from the possible single level dip, she will go straight Investigator all the way through. I'll be keeping her social skills primed throughout. Her campaign trait is Young Reformer, so with Slight of Hand and Disable Device added in, she can be a good Rogue substitute. By mid-levels she should be decent in combat, but by higher levels she'll probably be focusing more on casting than fighting.
6. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
This avatar is the character I'm submitting. Her full backstory is written up in the profile. She was briefly used in a previous campaign so if you want to see how I roleplay her, she has some game posts you can check out.

LizArdoc |

Elizabeth Ardoc, run away daughter from Kaer Maga reporting for duty. Crunch is in profile and I will type up some more here.
To apply, please complete the (hopefully minimal) steps below.
0. Download and read the Player's Guide.
1. Develop a character concept using the criteria/questions below. You don’t need to totally complete the crunch (unless you want to) - that’s just there for your information and to let you know what you’re signing up for (though it’s all fairly standard).
2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.
Pretty much every day
3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
Several months
3. How does your character make a living?
Part-time scribe and artist
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
Arcane knowledge, potential item crafting, area control magic
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
Full wizard


I'm interested indeed.
0. Done.
1. Female Human Cleric of Cayden Cailean. As a member of the Arch-conservative Talbot family this means she's considered an outcast and a disgrace.
She is a native of Oppara, she grew up there and knows many of the nobility.
She lives off a minor inheritance and is looking for some type of adventure to make a fortune of her own.
She will bring healing to the party, out of battle she is very charming and knows important people. Not always a positive thing in her case. :)
Katrina wants to change Taldor. She sees it as stagnant and doomed unless change is made and the old guard lose their stranglehold on power. That this would mean her family falls is something she is aware of and has accepted. There is no room in their world for her and so she returns that feeling.
2. Daily, multiple times in fact. I'm home based and on my computer for much of that.
3. I am running 5 games, with a 6th looking likely. I am playing in 9. 2 of those seem to be dying due to GM fatigue. The others are still ongoing, but slower than a post a day schedule.

Cnut Bjornsson |

Forgot a couple of things:
1. Develop a character concept using the criteria/questions below. You don’t need to totally complete the crunch (unless you want to) - that’s just there for your information and to let you know what you’re signing up for (though it’s all fairly standard).
2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.
3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
1. See previous post.
2. 1 a day is easy unless we’re in combat and it’s not my turn or something. With that lone exception, I can do more than one a day without much trouble.
3. Technically 10, but one of those looks like it’s about to end in a TPK, and a couple of the others may not continue much longer either, just looking at the declining post frequency and whatnot. At any rate, I only work part time right now, so I’ve got plenty of time on my hands.

Eric Sklavos |

Here's my submission: A human Paladin of Abadar.
1. Augusta Omarian, Human Paladin of Abadar
2. Augusta was born and raised in Oppara
3. Augusta makes a living escorting high end goods for merchants and nobles and overseeing the fair exchange of commerce.
4.In battle: Frontline fighter. Out of battle: Diplomat and party’s moral compass (Paladin of Abadar Code of Conduct).
5. Long term will depend on the party. Initial vision is a frontline fighter, keeping with Paladin as he levels
6. Abridged background: Campaign Trait: Child of Oppara
Augusta grew up in a minor noble family who owned a very lucrative Taldan antique brokerage. Augusta was 9 years old when his family’s business was nearly robbed. A thief came into their warehouse while Augusta and his parents were there, pulled a sword, and demanded they empty their coffers to him. A paladin of Abadar by the name of Photius happened to be around and confronted the thief. The thief turned his weapon him and yet, even unarmed, Photius still didn’t back down and stopped the robbery, but not before getting stabbed himself (don’t worry, the wound wasn’t fatal). Augusta, witnessed the entire confrontation and was dumbfounded by the man’s willingness to put himself in harm’s way for a complete stranger. When he approached Photius and asked him why, Photius smiled and explained that bandits are a plague and he has sworn to make sure they come to justice. This encounter inspired Augusta. It was all he could think about. He felt the tug of Abadar and went to the Temple of Abadar to find Photius and learn all he could about this calling. For the next 10 years he trained under Photius and the Temple of Abadar, until Abadar himself filled him with his holy aura to make him a champion of civilization and prosperity.
I can post at least once a day during the week (sometimes more when needed). Weekends are sometimes a little more sparse.
Currently I'm not playing in any PbP games, but I'm running 2 concurrent Emerald Spire campaigns.

BlueFireDragon |

I am currently a goblin in Goblinized Kingmaker that just recently started and am also starting a RotR campaign here in about a week. I have multiple opportunities to check the boards for posts, and even on my busiest day, I can post at least once.
As for my character, I'll submit a general character concept for consideration. If selected, I'll be recycling one of my alias (of the same name), just so you know.
Luna Stargazer
1. Tattoed Sorcerer (Fey Bloodline)
2. Luna was born and raised in Oppra, and of the minor noble house of Stargazer.
3. Luna's cost of living is taken care of by her family, though they do not like it.
4. Luna will be a face if needed for the party, and be able to charm and cast other spells for out of battle needs. Will know a few battle spells for when battle is necessary.
5. Full Sorcerer.
6. Luna's birth was a huge contravesry, as she was born out of wedlock. Her mother's actions scandilized her family and made her the black sheep, and only tradition kept Luna from being tossed on the street. What was worse was the deformity that she seemed to be born with. Her mother never revealed her father's identity, but he couldn't have been fully human, as Luna was born with animalistic ears and a tail.
On top of her strange appearance, Luna's blood also carried power, as her sorceress abilities soon surfaced. Her powers alienated her even further from her magicless family.
As the black sheep, Luna was ostracized around her family, except during public events when she was treated politely while she covered her 'special traits'. Stubborn and proud of her features, her family was quite shocked when she had a Varisian give her several noticeable tattoos.
Of her family, only two were kind to her. Her mother, who accepted her as she was and loved her, though she never revealed her father to her, and her cousin. Her sole cousin was also the heir of the family. However, he was a sickly child, so Luna's position in the family was tenuous as she was the next in line after him. Well, at least if the vote goes as expected soon. As sickly as he was, he was rarely exposed to the politics of Oppra, which is why Luna felt she could get along with him so easily.
The politics was what Luna hated the most, though. Politics that stood on deceit and tradition, Oppra's system was quite corrupt and unable to grow to accomadate change. It was this system that made Luna's birth and appearance so demeaning, and so Luna hopes to one day change the system. The only thing that has kept her from leaving is her mother and cousin, neither of which would leave.
The upcoming vote will determine Luna's future on whether she can even be an heir as a woman. Her family has decreed her banned from the meeting from her recent rebellious behavior. However, Luna recently met a woman who agreed to get her in. She can't wait to see her family's faces when they notice her.
As for her personality, Luna is quite an energetic and impulsive girl that likes to make her point quite loudly. She is initially distrustful of any noble and often grows to dislike most, but is willing to show respect to any that honestly earn it.

ExiledMimic |

Noticed I forgot these. My mistake.
I can do 1/day. More if needed. However it depends on RP moments. I've seen games where I can post every third day because it's non-story RP time and two other characters are a heavy focus and I can take a backseat temporarily and other games where I've posted 5 and 6 times a day when needed.
3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing.
One at the moment.

Black Dow |

Dotting for great interest.
1. Develop a character concept using the criteria/questions below. You don’t need to totally complete the crunch (unless you want to) - that’s just there for your information and to let you know what you’re signing up for (though it’s all fairly standard).
Pick a Class▸ Leaning toward a Dwarven High Guardian Fighter - working name of Kolvig.
How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?▸ Kolvig hails from Maheto, near the World's Edge Mountains, where he has lived all his life.
How does your character make a living?▸ Bodyguard (am hoping to link backgrounds with one of the other PCs if selected as I enjoy collaborative concepts). Prior to his he's from a mercantile family so I'll try and tip the nod to his in his build.
What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?▸ In battle Kolvig will be a frontline bulwark, who'll provide defence to his ward and stereotypical dwarven grit and combat savvy. Out of combat I plan on selecting the Taldan Patriot campaign trait - will allow him to be somewhat of a student of Taldan history (he'll not be a dumb fighter - rather a warrior-scholar). He'll staunchly believe in the wealth, status and opportunity that has been afforded to the dwarves of Maheto by Taldor.
Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future?▸ Most likely continue as a vanilla fighter for the most part. If the group needs gaps to be filled, may consider dips to cover these bases. Possibly look at a Prestige Class as that is an area my previous PCs have never ventured into.
(Optional) What is your character's backstory?▸ Apart from the tidbits above I'll flesh this out more fully in a separate post.
2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that.I can post most days at least once. Depending on workload this can be higher, but I aim for at least a post per day.
3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing. I'm currently a player in 6 ongoing pbp games here on the boards. Two are long time games (13K est 2008 & 7k est 2016), whilst some are slower burners, but I'm an active player in them all. I also run a Starfinder game for a change of (s)pace :)

Cuàn |

I'd love a War for the Crown game
I'll be submitting a Human Cleric of Tsukiyo. Still on the fence about archetype usage. The idea is that he has been working as a clerk on consulate/embassy of Amanandar for the last 2 years. Originally he'd be from Amanandar, Taldor's last remaining colony.
In combat he'd be more of a controlling and debuffing figure, a type of cleric sometimes called a bad touch cleric. In addition he'll be a healer and an occasional summoner.
Out of combat he's a decent talker and a better listener. In addition he's a reminder of Taldor's greatness, being from the last remaining colony.
He served two of the mandatory five years as a cleric in the army, his work consisting of dealing with the recently deceased and help surviving comrades deal with the loss where needed.
When he got the opportunity to join the new ambassador to Taldor, a devout man, he leapt at the opportunity. Mainly because he wanted out of the dreariness of his military service.
Taldor was an odd surprise. He had expected progress from the Taldor from their own history books yet it was mostly the same. The people had moved on from there but the nation hadn't. The way they treated him was even more baffling. On the one hand they hailed him on the greatness of Taldor's colony while at the same time seeing him as some backwards bumpkin. The last was something he considered quite amusing, considering his observations on the state of the nation.
I'm in 1 other pbp at the moment. As for posting, 1/day is fine.

Vrog Skyreaver |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Okay, I'll dot as I know almost nothing about this AP (which makes it super exciting!)
Since it sounds like it's intrigue based, I'm going to go with my standby of:
1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable. Mesmerist
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live? My character is more-or-less a court hanger-on. He moves through the court but doesn't appear to have any agenda other than being near power.
3. How does your character make a living? Ostensibly as a political consultant for various merchant houses vying for political power, but mostly he just mooches off of his various contacts.
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle? In combat, he will disable at least one enemy combatant a round, using mental manipulation magic and abilities. Out of combat, he's one of those people that everyone in places of power seems to know and at least tolerate, if not like. Think Tyrion Lannister from game of thrones: he doesn't really do much, but most people seem to like him or at least tolerate him, and he has the cache to be able to namedrop to get out of trouble.
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too! He's mechanically going to be a core Mesmerist, and I'll likely dip into Enchanting Courtesean as fast as I can to make my enchantment spells more-or-less unidentifiable.
6. (Optional) What is your character's backstory? [I]Growing up poor, when his powers manifested themselves, he changed his name and used his abilities to set himself up as the rumored cousin of far-away nobility. He has used his magical abilities to convince key people of his nobility, and so many people consider him a token of prestige (i.e. having him as a guest is something you would mention in passing to another noble).[I/]
With the above being said, if you do not want to have someone in your game that specializes in enchantment spells, let me know and I'll be more than willing to create a different character.

Black Dow |

(Waves to Vrog and Nik de' Shade) - in the same boat, an AP I know nothing about which does indeed make it equally intriguing and exciting (especially in the Age of the Spoiler we live in).
@GM Tallgrass: Quick question for you - I'm a big fan to traits, is Additional Traits feat permissible as a starting character feat?

Nikolaus de'Shade |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

*Waves back to BD* - sadly Sio isn't available for this one :)
I'm playing around with combinations which will lead into Master Spy since this seems to be THE adventure path for that. So...
Question to the GM: Would you permit the existence of non-evil Assassins? Possibly justified by a religious calling of some sort - Calistra most likely. I want to take the first level of it and then go into Master Spy for Death Attack synergy (and some faint glimmers of combat effectiveness!)
If not, then no worries, I'll work on it from another angle.

GM Tallgrass |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hey everyone! Glad to see there's some interest. I've tried to answer all the questions below, but let me know if I missed you.
@Black Dow - Yes - the additional traits feat is allowed.
@Nikolaus de'Shade - I'm intrigued by the idea of a non-evil Assassin. Assuming you can play well with others and not just kill off NPCs (I assume you wouldn't), I think it could be an interesting angle.
Current Applicants
I've tried grouping you based on some very generic buckets - I realize some classes/characters blur these lines, but this helps me keep things organized. If I've missed the mark, please let me know!
Cnut Bjornsson - Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Augusta Omarian - Human Paladin of Abadar
Black Dow - Dwarven High Guardian Fighter
Ticio Trias - Human Occultist Arcanist
Elizabeth Ardoc - Human Wizard
Luna Stargazer - Human Tattooed Sorcerer (Fey)
Vrog Skyreaver - Human (?) Mesmerist
Helikon - Half-Orc Inquisitor
Katrina Talbot - Human Cleric (Cayden Cailean)
Cuàn - Human Cleric of Tsukiyo
Quintius Opar - Human Slayer (Velvet Blade)
Edril - Halfling Unchained Rogue (Bandit)
Pacus - Half-Orc Courtly Hunter
ExiledMimic - Human Unchained Rogue or Bard
theasl - Elven Archivist Bard
Amandine Santon - Half-Elf Investigator (Psychic Detective)

Nikolaus de'Shade |

1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
Gaius has lived in Oppara for the last decade or so, ever since he arrived from Kyonin as a lowly attache to an elven diplomatic mission.
3. How does your character make a living?
By day he works at the elven embassy as a minor functionary and ambassadorial aide. In this capacity he has met a number of Taldor's movers and shakers - although they wouldn't remember him, and has a working understanding of power in Taldor, both in the senate and on the streets.
By night Gaius follows his other mission, that of reforming the empire. He does so through pamphlets, and popular cartoons, signed 'Vox' and lampooning many traditionalists and conservatives. Recent cartoons have featured prominent conversations between a bright young woman and her father, who insists that everything the young woman does is, in fact, done by his dog 'because women are not capable of doing anything useful'. The fact that the two characters have marked Stavian features is often remarked upon...
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
In combat Gaius will use an elven curveblade, and Lethal Grace to boost his damage output. Hidden Strike/Sneak Attack will add considerable extra damage under the right circumstances.
Out of combat Gaius will have strong social skills - bluff and disguise will be highest, but his diplomacy should give him an edge in most social situations. He'll be best with some preparation, where he can find out about targets before hand and infiltrate/appear as someone completely different.
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
Vigilante 6, Assassin 1, Master Spy 9
6. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
To follow [at some length]!
Question for the GM: Would you count Hidden Strike dice as sneak attack/vice-versa? If I take Stalker I'll end up with 3d8 of Hidden Strike and another 3-4d6 of sneak attack eventually. How would you like to deal with this? I can simply be an Avenger Vigilante if that would help :)

Kobolum |

Okay so I was going to submit an application but here's the thing, my idea for the character would make him so weak that I would have to use good roleplay to make up for it. And when I say weak I mean week, I mean he'd be more like an NPC than an actual PC. so I wanted to know if you'd be okay with that before I actually made a submission. I do have another idea I can submit instead.
And since I know you'll have to ask here's the idea. Old elf ex-cleric of Aroden.
And yes I do mean an elf with old stat modifiers who takes levels of ex-cleric.

Domeric |

Okay so I was going to submit an application but here's the thing, my idea for the character would make him so weak that I would have to use good roleplay to make up for it. And when I say weak I mean week, I mean he'd be more like an NPC than an actual PC. so I wanted to know if you'd be okay with that before I actually made a submission. I do have another idea I can submit instead.
And since I know you'll have to ask here's the idea. Old elf ex-cleric of Aroden.
And yes I do mean an elf with old stat modifiers who takes levels of ex-cleric.
In case you haven't already considered it, there is the Channeler of the Unknown archetype.
You're still basically an ex-cleric, but, at least you still have actual class features.

Kolvig Gyldersonn |

Sadly I don't think I can keep up the tradition of BD and I submitting linked characters this time...
Unless you want to do a Legolas/Gimli vibe BD?
Alas I think this time might be a stretch lol... despite the old elf/dwarf sparring partner notion. Can't see your elven diplomat-by-day, rebellious provocateur-by-night having the need for a dwarven minder/bodyguard (and no I'm not being your Kato!)
GM Tallgrass: Here's the placeholder profile for my WIP Dwarven Fighter - as you'll see from the build thus far I'm going against type regards skills etc (been a fun challenge regardless of if I'm lucky enough to make the final cut)
Plenty still to infill and I'll get cracking on the fleshed out background tomorrow.

Amandine Santon |

Actually there are a couple of changes I'll need to make to match character creation guidelines.
I'll need to adjust equipment to reflect average gold down from max gold.
Before I make the other changes I'll ask about them though.
1. Would you be alright with taking a drawback and extra trait?
2. Would you be alright with using Background Traits?

Kobolum |

In case you haven't already considered it, there is the Channeler of the Unknown archetype.
You're still basically an ex-cleric, but, at least you still have actual class features.
That doesn't really work. Clerics of the unknown are still gaining power from something and is implied that they have been abandoned by their faith if they didn't fall away from it themselves, and that it happened recently.
Aroden is a dead god and at this point he's been dead for over a century. The idea isn't 'I believe I'm following a god whose no longer listening to me' it's 'I'm following a god who's no longer there.'

![]() |

Dotting for interest
1. Arcane Duelist Bard (Melee focused bard)
2. Permanent resident of Oppara?
3. Part of the military
4. Melee combatant, some buffing and minor spellcasting
5. Mostly focused on the melee aspect. May dip into some fighter, but not 100% sure yet. Plan on being a charismatic, semi-skillful melee combatant.
6. Not 100% defined yet, but thinking of a sort of Kingmaker vibe. Likely from a noble house, in the military, wants to get his pick on throne for glory and power.

GM Tallgrass |

@Tricio Tricas: I'll keep it open until next week sometime - I'll be sure to post plenty of warning when recruitment draws to a close.
@Nikolaus de'Shade: Hmm...I'm actually not sure. I'd have to do some research on what others do/have done. I've never encountered that before. I think Avenger seems like the easiest solution - but I don't want to neuter your concept because I'm lazy (but I AM lazy...)
@Kobolum: If your character dies, you can always just roll up a new one. :) I'm intrigued by the idea of an intentionally gimped character - but you'd have to roleplay REALLY well to make up for the lack of contribution for the roll playing.
1. As long as the drawback is in service to good/authentic character development, and not just to add a min/max trait.
2. Which one do you have in mind? Again, I'll probably be ok with it, as long as it leads to an interesting, well-developed character - not an optimized combat/dice-rolling machine.
Updated Applicant List
Cnut Bjornsson - Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Augusta Omarian - Human Paladin of Abadar
Black Dow - Dwarven High Guardian Fighter
Ticio Trias - Human Occultist Arcanist
Elizabeth Ardoc - Human Wizard
Luna Stargazer - Human Tattooed Sorcerer (Fey)
Vrog Skyreaver - Human (?) Mesmerist
Dakcenturi - Arcane Duelist Bard (no idea where this class should actually live)
Helikon - Half-Orc Inquisitor
Katrina Talbot - Human Cleric (Cayden Cailean)
Cuàn - Human Cleric of Tsukiyo
Quintius Opar - Human Slayer (Velvet Blade)
Edril - Halfling Unchained Rogue (Bandit)
Pacus - Half-Orc Courtly Hunter
ExiledMimic - Human Unchained Rogue or Bard
theasl - Elven Archivist Bard
Amandine Santon - Half-Elf Investigator (Psychic Detective)
Nikolaus de'Shade - Elven Vigilante
Again - please let me know if I missed your questions or application!

Nikolaus de'Shade |

I'll go Avenger then, at least provisionally. Make things easier for you :) I suppose that puts me in the 'Martial' group...?
Ever since the First Army of Exploration surged from Taldor’s borders and swept through Galt and into the River Kingdoms, Kyonin has watched with interest, and more than a little apprehension. Although the magical wards which had protected the forest from Earthfall diverted the attention of the rapacious human armies it became clear to the elves that Taldor was a force which would not be easily stopped or sated.
Unable and unwilling to meet the human armies with sword and spell the elves sought a more subtle means of control, to divert the river rather than dam it, to deflect the interests of the Taldan generals and, when this could not be done, to engineer situations within the empire that would force the recall of the Taldor’s armies. Their first success was diverting the Third Army of Exploration west across the Inner Sea coast, rather than further north. Elven support and diplomacy ensured that the Fourth Armies incursion into the Five Kings Mountains was brief. Some particularly conspiratorially minded scholars even say that the Gorilla King was forewarned of the path of the Sixth Army of Exploration, and that elven advisors leant their magic to cloaking his forces in the hours before Taldor suffered its worst ever defeat.
Whether or not this is true, Kyonin has devoted considerable resources to its diplomatic ties with Taldor. Its embassy in Oppara oversees one of the largest elven concentrations outside Kyonin itself and it does so with more than strongly worded diplomatic missives, it also leads the operations of the Black Sting throughout the Empire.
One of the elves great weapons in their relationship with Taldor, the Black Sting is a state-sanctioned splinter group of the Calistrian church. Worship of Calistria has long been part of the elven psyche, and the Black Sting uses her teachings on vengeance and careful planning to aid them in diverting the empires of man. Bribes, favors given or received and murder are all tools the Black Sting uses in Taldor, Cheliax and Andoran to safeguard their borders – but it was in Taldor that they were first formed and it is in Taldor where they still operate in the largest numbers.
Gaifortheran is the child of diplomats. His father, Aelthryn, long served in the Taldane diplomatic mission and it was there that he met his eventual wife, a half-elf who came to the embassy to escape a small mob of drunken men who had pursued her through the streets, desiring their own pleasure with the ‘knife-eared trash’ that had spurned them. They were averted, without violence, by the embassy guards, but later that night the leader and two others pitched from one of the cities bridges into the swift River Porthos and drowned – unable to swim to safety. Aelthryn never commented on the ‘incident’ as it became known in family circles, but from that day forth he took a more active role in the embassies business, encouraged by Trevana – who loved her city and her country both.
Upon the birth of their son Aelthryn and Trevana returned to Kyonin to raise their son in the true elven fashion. It was, therefore, not until he himself was grown up that Gaifortheran returned to Oppara, to take up a junior post at his father’s embassy. He did not go as a simple clerk however. His parentage, mixed Taldane and elven, made him an elf of interest and when he began to demonstrate talents for disguise and subterfuge, as well as a rudimentary but growing political intelligence, he was selected for training by the Black Sting.
His first assignment, in the embassy where his parents met, was to observe the succession situation in Oppara as Princess Eutropia made her play for the repeal of primogeniture. ‘Vox’, the political cartoonist, was his own idea but the pot stirring effect of his cartoons soon received approval from his superior in the clandestine organization. Emboldened by the effect of his cartoons Gaius, as he refered to himself in more ‘civilised’ company, began to meet with other activists and reformers, each with their own plans to change Taldor and the world. Gaius smiled, shook hands and listened and each night, as he prayed to Calistria, he recounted the secrets he had gained, and swore anew his oath; to protect Kyonin and the elven people, by any means necessary.
Some background for Gaius and Vox, his eventual alter ego. Hopefully I've done a decent job of setting up his motivation and a bit of background. Sorry for the essay on Taldane history at the beginning!
7. How often can you post/contribute?
A fair bit. In the games which move fast I post at least twice a day, often more. Wednesday is a slow day since I run a RL game that day but otherwise I usually get plenty of posts in.
8. How many Pbp games are you in?
22...5 as a GM (with one more solo game waiting to see if the player wants it), 2 solo/duo games, 3 PFS tables and the remainder are 'normal' games at a variety of paces. I guess this demonstrates my commitment to the site if nothing else! :)

KingHotTrash |

Here is my application for the game as well!
1A. I am planning on playing a Human Swashbuckler with the Daring Infiltrator archetype.
2Q. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
2A. My character has was born in Oppara in a minor noble house that earned the ire of Pythareus after his father stood against the commander. His family's reputation was ripped apart and their social circle diminished into nothing. Since then, moves have been done against them and the family's wealth has diminished into nearly nothing. Most of their valuables have been sold off in order to keep the family afloat
3Q. How does your character make a living?
3A. My character has since taken to the way of the sword and skullduggery, learning how to manipulate and deceive. It started with small espionage work but with the offer from Martella Lotheed, he sees an opportunity to try and restore his family name and take vengeance against those who had destroyed their reputation.
4Q. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
4A. In combat, my character will assist the front-line with mobility and precise striking and his benefit from his trait (Disgraced Noble). He'll be an excellent manipulator and deceiver outside of combat and I plan on him being quite skilled with most of the social skills in the game.
5A. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
5Q. I don't plan on being really fancy; just going to go Swashbuckler all the way.
6A. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
6Q. A real rough outline is that my character with be very Count of Monte Cristo. He will protect the princess's life and assets but he also seeks vengeance on those that had ruined his name.
7Q. How often can you post and contribute?
7A. I am often around, being unemployed, but even while working I can generally do two posts a day minimum.
8Q. How many PbP games are you already in?
8A. I am only in two games at the moment and one of them seems to be dying off now.

Photinè Michèle |

Wow yes, I've had a character in mind for War for the Crown for a while now. Here's some basic info, I'm working on a character sheet and fleshing out her backstory.
She's a refined and mature middle-aged human lady, noble by marriage, once young and full of hope and passion, now somewhat jaded, but hoping to use Martella's opportunity to make a difference and find meaning in life again.
1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
Arcanist with the Tarot Student archetype
1. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
Photinè Michèle was born and raised in Isarn, but was arranged a marriage into a minor noble family in northeastern Taldor when she was nineteen. She has lived here for twenty and two years now, and Taldor is more her home than Galt ever was. She is used to travelling for important events, and has been to Oppara for various parties and celebrations, and to attend the Day of Exaltation at least a few times.
3. How does your character make a living?
Most of her husband's fortune was made through trade of wine, figs, and olives. When he died, nearly nineteen years ago, she managed his estate until her only son came of age; since the responsibility passed to him, she has continued to live there freely. In lieu of any real duties, she has thrown herself completely into her hobbies, namely art, spiritualism, attending social events, and toying with younger men.
4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle?
Strong social skills, namely diplomacy, perception, sense motive (class skills from the Tarot Student archetype), knowledge skills, and the use of Occult Skill unlocks (also from Tarot Student.)
Use of spells to buff the party/debuff enemies
5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too!
Heavy investment in social and knowledge skills, focus on enchantment and divination spells, and will pick up some healing spells as well.
6. (Optional) What is your character's backstory?
A brief overview;
Galtian by birth; Taldan by self-determination.
Raised in a country of constant change, Photinè was once young and hopeful, believing in the power of the people, hoping to use her position to elevate the oppressed and downtrodden.
Over time, that was lost: the birth of her son, quickly followed by the death of her husband, the duties of the head of the household thrust upon her; the relief of passing on that responsibility, and the realization that she has done little else with her life has left her jaded, and bored, and hollow.
She tries to drown those feelings in extravagance: the finest wines, parties, ostentatious displays of occult magic, younger men and women... But none of that can give her what she truly wants, even after all this time: to make a difference, to cause real change, to feel like her life has a greater purpose.
I can post at least 1/day, often more. I'm in just one other PBP campaign right now (and several offline, but those are once monthly.)

Storyteller Shadow |

ST Shadow Submission - Genevieva Ree Merosett Human Noble Noble Scion.
These days I've been on top of posting and try to check i at least 3x a day so a 1x a day rate should be fine for me.
1. Class Sorcerer 1
2. Gen has lived in Oppara her entire life much to her chagrin - see detailed background below.
3. Gen is a bureaucrat that works for the Crown - like her entire family before her. She also moonlights as a Researcher for the Library or anyone that she can convince to utilize her skills.
4. Gen has significant connections through her Noble family and uses her Charm (Charisma as well as innate Charm magic) to have her way with people. In combat she is a Magic Missile machine. Her Blood is that of the Abyss so in close quarters her claws literally come out - see the crunch below.
5. Gen has been training her entire life to be a Wizard and is innately magically talented. I want to multi-class her as a Wizard who finally "blossomed", I plan on her being a conjurer with a subspecialty in Enchantment. I may also do a Rogue dip depending on the party make-up.
6. See below.
Her dreams led her to begin the study of magic, on her own of course as her parents wished her to be a Cleric. As the next few years went by her magic did grow, what was odd was that the spells she studied very little or not at all were the ones that she excelled at.
As a Scion of the Noble House Merosett, she was expected to become a fixture in the bureaucratic machine that is the Crown. Thus despite her rebellious teenage years, Genevieva was brought into the "family tradition" upon her 21st birthday and became, like her entire family before her, a bureaucrat. It was either that or be disowned and with a life of privilege like the one she had Gen chose "enslavement" over poverty.
Despite her position, Gen has been trying to find work as a Researcher to gain access to further her Arcane Knowledge and add spells to her spellbook! Her specialty as a Researcher is obscure facts and knowledge and she is given to believing and trying to prove or disprove conspiracy theories. Currently she is working on a theory that there are dark forces who seek to utilize the Exaltation Gala to do just that! Of course, no one believes her...
Of course Gen will be there as an honored guest who is a Scion of the Merosett family.
Female Human Sorcerer 1
Chaotic Neutral Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +3
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (Dexterity +2)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
BAB +0
Melee Dagger -2 1d4-2
Melee Quarterstaff -2 1d6-2
Ranged Daggers +2 1d4+0 (5 Located on Bandolier)
Sorcerer Spells Known (Sor 1st; concentration +):
1st (2/Known - 4/Day)— Charm Person, Magic Missile
0 (at will)—Mage Hand, Dancing Lights, Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead
Str 7, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 9, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 10
Feats: Noble Scion, Additional Traits
Traits: Child of Oppara +1 Appraise & Knowledge Nobility (Class Skill) + Noble Outfit, Signet Ring & 200 GP Non-Magical Item worth 200 GP or less,
Looking for Work (Perception is a Class Skill) (Second Darkness Campaign Trait),
Arcane Temper - +1 Initiative & Concentration,
Conspiracy Hunter (Diplomacy as a Class Skill and +1 to Diplomacy) (Council of Thieves Campaign Trait).
Skills: 2+INT Mod +1 Human = 6 (Ranks)
Class Knowledge Planes (1) +7, Appraise 0, Bluff (1) +7, Craft 0, Fly 0, Intimidate o, Knowledge Arcana (1) +7, Profession 0, Spellcraft (1) +7, Use Magic Device 0. Perception (1) +3. Diplomacy (0) +4.
Non-Class Stealth (1) +3.
You gain a +5 bonus on Bluff checks to send secret messages and Sense
Motive checks to discern secret messages. You halve the time required to search through archives, navigate government offices, review contracts, or otherwise work with the complex bureaucracies your family has mastered for generations.
SQ Abyssal Bloodline:
Eschew Materials, Cantrips,
Bloodline Power – Claws (Ex): At 1st level, you can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. These attacks deal 1d4 points of damage each plus your Strength modifier.
Bloodline Arcana - Whenever you cast a spell of the summoning subschool, the creatures summoned gain DR/good equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level (minimum 1). This does not stack with any DR the creature might have.
Quarterstaff. Dagger (5). Bandolier. Spell Component Pouch.
Noble Outfit, Signet Ring, Courtier’s Outfit, Entertainer’s Outfit, Scholar’s Outfit, Explorer’s Outfit, Traveler’s Outfit (2). Backpack.
Family Ring - Electrum (Future Arcane Bonded Object) (Worth 200 GP!)
Spellbook: oth ALL (minus Nercomancy & Transmutation).
1st: (6) Mage Armor, True Strike, Summon Monster I, Sleep, Expeditious Retreat, Disguise Self.
4 gp
Special Abilities
Appearance & Personality:
Genevieva is a young human brunette female. She is generally well dressed while out and conservative by day for her Researcher job. Very sexy librarian.
Roguish at heart she will not hesitate to use her good looks to get her out of (and sometimes into) a jam.