Dr Lucky

GM Tallgrass's page

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. 431 posts (466 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

@dickie - Don't stress too much about it. If you have an in-character post from another game you're in, or just a bit of background for your character, that will suffice. I'm not looking for a novel - just a taste!

@Iff - In response:
1. Ideally, a post or two a day would be my minimum. I have a flexible job, so I can check in all day, but I realize that's a luxury many may not have.
2. I think I'll do Roll20 or Dropbox. I think Roll20 seems like the easiest option, though. I've used it a little in real life, so I'm mostly familiar with it.

Guys. I'm so sorry. Things be crazy with life and work. I'm not dead and I want to keep things going. Let me get through this weekend, and then we'll get moving again.

Thank you for your patience and apologies for the extreme lack of posts.

Neither of you are able to identify anything particularly interesting about the bar.

Gen - my apologies. I forgot you posted that earlier!

Prior to the speech...
Though most of the individuals gathered on the Senate Floor appeared to be engaged in political debates or discussions, all look up as Gen raises her voice for the toast. The room raises its collective glasses in agreement - including Baron Okerra, who nods and smiles in appreciation of the compliment. Okerra, a handsome bear of a man, stands a head taller than the crowd, and while starting to show his age with flecks of white in his black hair and beard, he retains a youthful smile and gentle eyes.

During the speech...
As Tru and Lucius move towards the staffer, you hear the murmurs from the crowd. "Excuse me!" "How rude!" "No appreciation for the rules..."

Due to your breach of etiquette, you will each receive a -2 penalty on influence checks for the next two rounds.

As Tru approaches and speaks to the staffer, he lets out a small yelp of surprise. He whispers, "I'm sorry, milady - the guards just instructed me to place this bar near the beehives ta' keep the bees calm for the evening and prevent any incidents." He extends the small bar for you to inspect if you'd like.

Your group's combined effort has made quite an influence on the entry to the party. The room has noticed you're here - and that the Gala is better for it.

As Lucius makes his way through the crowd, he learns a little about about Maxillar.


Nearly every Taldan recognizes commander-in-chief Maxillar Pythareus as Grand Prince Stavian III’s right hand and a fanatical supporter of the throne. He believes in political might and economic stability through military supremacy, advocating for new wars of conquest against wayward colonies like Andoran and Cheliax, or even Qadira.

Maxillar is a muscular man in his early forties. Years under the elements have weathered his skin, and he keeps his silver hair closely cropped. He wears a green-and-blue tabard emblazoned with Taldor’s official coat of arms, publicly declaring his loyalty to the nation more than anything else.

The high strategos is direct and confident, cutting to the heart of any topic. He despises politics, preferring to focus on matters of military and strategic concern. His presence here is a formality; Maxillar would much rather be inspecting troops or training on horseback.

Weaknesses: Handle Animal, Ride, or Swim
Successful use of these skills when interacting or conversing with Maxillar will offer benefits when trying to influence him.

Because you got a 20, I went ahead and divulged this info, but in the future, please let me know what skill you're using to do your checks. It's not a big deal (we're still figuring this social "combat" stuff out together!), it just helps determine whether you're on the mark or not.

One of the guests, seeing Tru and Amandine admiring the artifacts approaches. "See that crossbow there - the one marked Dignity's Barb," she says, pointing at an old wooden weapon sitting upon a large purple pillow. "That's 'spose to be a famed weapon of the Seventh Army of Exploration. It was displayed in the case centuries ago, but it was lost and replaced with a reproduction. The one currently on display is just a cheap fake!" she says, giggling conspiratorially. She then goes on to detail the crossbow’s history as a weapon that gloriously slew a raving Kellid warlord.

Thanks to those insansely high rolls, you've managed to reach the second tier of benefits for having influenced the Arcade. This benefit will be revealed in the next set of social rounds!

In the courtyard, Indir manages to catch the attention of the princess - but only momentarily. Slim and athletic, Princess Eutropia bears the distinctive cheekbones and nose of her Stavian father and grandmother. Despite the ostentatious jewelry she wears, her gown and hair are more conservative than that of most of the gala’s attendees. "Excuse me sir, I must beg my leave. Please enjoy the Gala." she says, stepping towards the garden's stone railing.

The crowd has migrated towards the courtyard, and the rest of you naturally follow.

A tall woman, sporting the finest of Absalom’s fashion, clinks her glass and the crowd falls almost instantly silent. You see her then help the princess onto the railing, allowing her to be seen above the crowd.

"My friends, colleagues, and assorted enemies, it is wonderful to see you all out in your finery beneath the beautiful stars tonight. With any luck, the weather will be the only thing that refuses to change this evening.

“We have all gathered here tonight to honor Master Kalbio of Breezy Creek, a master artisan and true patriot, for his exquisite skill and service to our glorious empire. Master Kalbio demonstrates so eloquently that a heart may be noble regardless of the stature of one’s birth, and while it may be premature, I hope to be the first to congratulate you, sir, on the exaltation you will see tonight and welcome you into the ranks of Taldor’s long-lived aristocracy.

“But we gather here to discuss matters of state, as well. And just as the exaltation reminds us that our glorious empire must always look out into the world to refresh the greatness of its leadership, we must all look out into the world around us and see how it has grown. The child-nations our empire birthed—Andoran, Cheliax, Lastwall—have grown strong by examining the great traditions they inherited from our motherland, and embracing those relevant to this new world and discarding those that held them back. So too will we, this very night, examine one of Taldor’s oldest traditions—primogeniture—with eyes wide open, to determine whether it has held us back from the glory and stability our wayward states have found.

“Our obligation tonight is not about one person or one vote in the senate. It is about the nation we love and about ensuring that nation does not fall behind the times. We are the inheritors of mighty Azlant, and I say that we must work together to avoid sharing that old empire’s fate. Taldor endures!”

Eutropia’s speech concludes. She hops down from the railing and is suddenly inundated with supporters and critics.

GM Stuff:

Amandine Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Gen Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Kunala Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Indir Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
Lucius Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Tru Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Lucius and Tru:

During the speech, one of the serving staff breaks off from the group and heads toward the apiary near the edge of the courtyard. You managed to notice the strange movement and that the staffer is carrying a strangely colored bar.

So the timing of this is a little awkward. You notice this strange behavior about halfway through the speech, so we're kind of going back in time slighlty, if you want to take any action.

We need to see how Lucius and Tru react to their spoiler info before moving forward.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy 4th of July, all! I’ll push things forward after the holiday!

Ah, yes. You'll receive direct instructions for when that task is needed. Apologies for not thinking that one through/making it clearer!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

That's the way it's done, Tru! Using your knowledge or personal interaction skills will allow you to influence a specific area or individual. For an area, there is no "discovery" action - just influence.

I was going to keep this next bit of info "hidden" from you guys, but I think it might be helpful to better explain the way this system works. Each area has a DC relating to different social skills (Appraise, Knowledge, Performance, Persuasion, etc.). Every point that your checks exceed that DC (or heaven forbid, fall below it) is added up to (or subtracted from) certain thresholds for an area. Each threshold gained earns you benefits for having influenced that area, and once a threshold is met, you can no longer fall below it (unless you do something absolutely heinous). I won't share any specific DCs or how far you are from meeting the thresholds, but I will let you know when you've met one.

Does that help?

The people milling about the Arcade are impressed with Tru's knowledge of the items. In particular, a middle-aged woman names Copernia Vau seems to take notice of her knowledge of the artifacts.

You've positively influenced area A1!

There shouldn't be any more info needed. If there's any questions, let me know.

It's critical that you read the mechanics section - hopefully all of the relevant information for how the social rounds and influencing rooms and individuals works is in there.

And thank you both for your grace!

Howdy all! The gameplay thread has been updated. Things have been a bit crazier at work than I anticipated. Thank you for your patience!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Once you're all gathered in the make-shift shelter, the woman speaks quickly. "My name is Kathann Zalar. I apologize for the pretense - we have a common friend, and I'd like to be of assistance." Noticing Lucius' attempt to play it cool, she adds, "You have nothing to fear from me, but there are others on the inside who won't be so kind. Let me help make sure you don't raise any suspensions."

She then quickly inspects each of you. If she finds any contraband on your person, she provides tips on how to properly conceal the equipment. This grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to hide these items for the remainder of the evening.

Once the brief "inspection" is complete, she opens a door leading into the main building, allowing you to bypass the line. "Best of luck tonight," she says quietly, shutting the door behind you.

Directly in front of you, 100 white marble steps lead to the senate of the Taldan empire. You hear the sounds of hundreds of people already gathered ahead of you. Once you ascend the stairs, you see a magnificent building ahead of you.

The Taldan senate is the seat of the senatorial branch of the Taldan government. The structure has existed in one form or another for millennia, though natural disasters, sabotage, and war have partially leveled it several times in the empire’s grand history, leading to many large-scale repairs and revisions. The current senate building is a grandiose, T-shaped edifice constructed from white marble. Ostentatious columns carved with glorious scenes of the nation’s history surround the building on all sides.

You are now free to socialize with gathered dignitaries and guests!

You have one social round to attempt to influence a specific location (see below for mechanics). Unfortunately, the major nobles and senators you need to influence are either predisposed or not yet arrived, so your missions involving them cannot begin yet.

The Senate of Taldor:

Senate Map

Here is a description of the following areas. I'm not doing it all in ooc font, because I find it tiresome to read. :) Additionally, I'll add all this to the Campaign Info tab.

There are more NPCs filling the senate. The map doesn't show it (obviously) and the descriptions below only highlight major NPCs. But imagine this place is packed to the brim with people.

A1. The Arcade of Triumphs
This entry gallery celebrates Taldor’s abundant military and political glories. Banners and trophies line the halls of the arcade, some displayed openly while others rest behind intricate glass cases, while armor stands and display cases present countless artifacts belonging to great heroes and soldiers. A score of Taldan Phalanx troops stand at attention, acting as both ceremonial honor guards for the senate and guides to some of the military assets on display.

Major NPCs Present: High Strategos Maxillar Pythareus

Missions: Theft & Spy

A2. Courtyard (Senate Exterior)
Breathtaking gardens surround the senate building. Catered patios segregated by short iron fences, coordinated military displays, and even a makeshift zoo of imported animals and magical beasts fill the few open spaces here, even including a small hive of bees busily pollinating the exotic flowers and making the honey used by the senate kitchens. Many of the senior nobles enjoy the breaks between ceremonies in this open space.

Major NPCs Present: Lady Gloriana Morilla and Princess Eutropia

A3. Emperor’s Hall
This gathering space before the senate chamber is set aside as the property of the emperor, and features countless statues and portraits of previous grand princes. While formally these chambers are for the use of the emperor, no grand prince has ever maintained an office within the senate building, and the space is understood to be public meeting rooms by silent agreement.

The Emperor’s Hall sees rotating use throughout the night for various backroom deals, and serves as a private space where you can meet quietly.

A4. Gallery
The second floor of the senate building (not shown on the Senate of Taldor map) acts as an observation deck to the events of the main floor, with offices for various senators lining the outer walls. This area of winding passageways is typically open to noble observers and senatorial aides. Much of the gallery is dedicated to entertaining the children of various nobles, with extravagant performances occurring throughout the upper balconies of the senate building.

Major NPCs Present: Countess Abrielle Pace and Wyssilka the Fantabulous

Missions: Discovery

A5. Imperial Archives
The Imperial Archives could have been Golarion’s greatest collection of transcribed knowledge, had any care been invested into its upkeep. Centuries of redirected funding and senate-sanctioned pruning of “sensitive information” has ruined the once immaculate reputation of the archives. This vast library now acts as a repository of haphazardly curated books, senate minutes, and genealogy records left open to the scrutiny of uncaring nobles. During the Grand Day of Exaltation, a host of rising aristocrats and aspiring courtiers here tout their knowledge of Taldan history.

Major NPCs Present: Duke Leonard Centimus

Missions: Discovery

A6. Senate Floor
Normally closed to non-senators, the vast, circular senate floor is open to special guests during the Grand Day of Exaltation, and myriad would-be nobles take the opportunity to duck in and live out a few moments of power fantasy, issuing mock legislation or engaging in lively debates.

Major NPCs Present: Baron Nicolaus Okerra and Kalbio from Breezy Creek

Missions: Politicking

A7. Servant Area
While several hidden corridors crisscross the senate building, allowing servants to come and go without disturbing the assembled politicians, this area houses most of the storerooms, workshops, and kitchens where the building’s small army of servants bustle around to maintain the facade of opulence. Even this area, never meant for noble eyes, is of exceptional quality, though the gilt has worn thin on most corners, and here and there cheap repairs mar artistic furniture.

Missions: Sabotage

Senate Mechanics:

Social Rounds
During social rounds (considered to be roughly 15 minutes each), you can attempt various skill checks to influence NPCs or to generally carouse a specific area of the senate. You may attempt only one major action each round, including influencing an area, influencing a specific NPC (both detailed below), or attempting mission-related skill checks, but you can travel freely around the senate between social rounds to investigate or influence new areas or characters.

Social Round Actions
Influencing an Area
A PC can attempt an appropriate skill check for one of the areas of the senate, hobnobbing and impressing the general crowd in that area. There are benefits to influencing areas, including information and future social "rewards" (such as making it easier to influence an individual in the area).

Influencing an NPC
A PC can attempt various skill checks to influence the NPCs. Each social round, a PC can move to any location in the Senate and select a single NPC in that area as her target to influence. She then attempts either a discovery check or an influence check.

A discovery check allows a PC to learn either one of the skills she can use to influence the target or a weakness that grants her (and any other characters with whom she shares this information) a bonus on future influence checks. The exact skill for a discovery check varies; learning an influence skill normally requires a successful Sense Motive or Knowledge (nobility) check. Learning a target’s weakness requires a successful skill check using the skills and DCs listed in parentheses in the target’s Weakness entry; I (the GM) can reveal the skills needed to recognize these weaknesses without need for a separate discovery check - just ask.

An influence check is an attempt to win the target’s favor. A successful skill check counts as one success, indicating growing affection or respect for the PC. Each NPC has a unique number of successes needed to gain their favor.

A failed discovery or influence check can be attempted again in subsequent rounds with no penalty unless otherwise noted.

Mission Checks
Each mission has its own specific skill checks and may be attempted during any social round of the evening. It may be best to "soften the crowd" before attempting your check, or perhaps you prefer to just get the dirty work out of the way so you can enjoy the evening.

That's all part of the fun, isn't it Lucius? :)

And unfortunately, you can't blend in as the woman saw you with the others.


The inspection doesn't seem routine - but it also doesn't seem hostile at all. In fact, you notice the woman looking around cautiously to determine whether or not there are people paying attention to your group entering the tent.

Hey guys - just waiting to see how folks handle this before pushing forward!

The woman is unfazed by your bluff attempt. "I know for a fact you were accompanied. Your companions were attempting to entertain the crowd, if I'm not mistaken? Aha - I believe they're approaching now!"

As the group walks forward, the woman points in a direction, indicating a small temporary structure butting up against the senate building. "If you'll please step inside, this inspection will take but a moment." She waits by the door, but is clearly impatient for you to enter.


The woman appears to be one of the many inspectors tasked with ensuring those who enter the senate building aren't concealing anything off-limits. She appears to be a typical law enforcement official.

Lucius, sadly, no - by the time the inspection happens, everyone would've been waiting for quite a while.

Excellent. I’ll recruit another caster and keep things moving.

Again, my apologies for the delay. Thanks for sticking with me!

The crowd surrounding you looks annoyed by the musical outbreak at first - they're all far too proper to "lower" themselves enough to show that they actually enjoy themselves. But as the music and dancing picks up - turning from a simple hum to a full-blown song and dance - others begin to clap and join in.

You've managed to warm up the crowd in advance of getting into the Senate Hall! Any who saw/heard your performance will be predisposed to like you a bit more!

The rotund man turns his nose up Lucius. "I don't believe I was speaking to you, sir." He tips his head forcefully towards the happy crowd. "Why don't you go bother one of those simpletons?"

As Indir makes his way to the front of the line, he catches the attention of one of the inspectors. She approaches him after he speaks with the Duke and says, "Excuse me sir, but will you please accompany me for a random inspection? And I believe you were with some companions, yes? Will you please collect them as well?"

Whoa - sorry about the lack of posts last week. I got slammed by work. I'm back in action this week, though!

Howdy everyone! Sorry about last week - I don't intend for this game to die, I just got swamped at work.

Are you guys still with me?

Sorry for the confusion - you're about to head to the Gala. There you'll be engaging in a series of events AND have time to tackle your missions.

Answering Lucius, Martella says, "High Strategos Pythareus should be in the Arcade of Triumphs most of the evening, I imagine. He'll want to be standing next to the displays of his greatness and prowess, I'm sure.

"I will be able to message all of you at once or individually, but you will only be able to communicate back to me," Martella says. "You don't need to speak aloud - merely think your response and I'll receive it."

Turning to Amandine with a wide smile, she says, "I admire and appreciate your ambition, but I've already engaged another to help handle that task. You should be plenty occupied with yours and, more importantly, you must make time to enjoy yourself!"

In response to the cricket inquiry...
"Oh, do you like it? I'm quite proud of it. It's purely mechanical - I, sadly, wasn't 'blessed' with the magical aptitudes the rest of my family possess." You are able to hear a slight edge in her voice as she shares this. "But when magic fails, ingenuity steps in!" She stows her cricket and stands.

Looking at the remaining items on the table, she says, "Will someone please stow the rest of these on their person? I'd rather not be clinking around the Senate Hall tonight - or to be burdened during any possible dances," she adds with a small smile and tip of the head to Kunala.

Draining her goblet, she appears ready to head out the door and to the Gala. "You should all head to the Senate Hall. I imagine there will be quite a line for you to get in. Unfortunately, I was unable to secure you exclusive entrance, so you'll have to wait in line with the other aides and guests. Hopefully this is the least pleasant portion of your evening. I'm off as well, though to my fortune, I get to avoid the tedious line. May you have good fortune and great success tonight!" She turns and leaves the cafe.

It is a short walk to the Senate Hall, but Martella was correct - the line to enter the Hall is exceedingly long. Taking your place at the back of the queue, you immediately notice that it moves ponderously slow as well. Adding to the annoyance (or perhaps removing it, depending on your perspective), there are countless vendors hocking their wares to those waiting in line. They appear to mostly worthless pieces of junk - cheap Taldan flags or phony "artifacts of significant historic value".

Around you, many of the people bemoan the wait. "Don't they know who I am?!" a rotund man with too much makeup, wearing an expensive, but mostly unflattering outfit, says loudly to no one in particular. "Just wait until Senator Karthis hears of this. He'll be outraged!" He is far from alone in the complaining.

The entire affair is quite tiresome.

But, seeing as how there is no other way into the party, you get to wait with everyone else.

NOW you get to interact a bit - albeit waiting in a tedious line.

Gen, you went a little too far forward. It’s not a problem at all - but we’re all still at the cafe. I do appreciate the enthusiasm, though!

Which leads me to Tru’s question. We’re about to head to the gala. Without being too “game-y,” there Is a schedule of events that will happen at the gala, with a certain number of social rounds (as described in the campaign info) in between some of the events. So you will experience the major happenings at the gala, and then attempt to tackle your missions during the intervening social rounds. Does that make sense?

Also, thanks for the affirmation. 100 PbP points to you!

Ok! The first gameplay thread is up. Let's get this party started!

Visitors flock to Oppara in the days leading up to the Grand Day of Exaltation. The populace of the city doubles during this time, making Oppara larger than any other city in the Inner Sea region, save Absalom. The self-importance of the already prideful Taldan people swells in equal measure. Street vendors sell traditional Taldan foods—anchovy skewers, anglebobs, canal crossings, clamguards, jubilee pie, honeyflake, long wine, yonder tarts, and more—including regional delicacies from separated provinces such as Andoran mince and Chelish raven cake. Family banners and provincial flags drape the sides of most buildings, with merchants hawking heraldry ranging from replica banners of the old Armies of Exploration to wooden swords and handheld Taldan flags for children. Taverns offer themed drink and food, with varying bars adopting well-known nobles from the long history of the empire as their mascot or self-declared patron.

Alongside all the pomp and circumstance filling Oppara is a noteworthy moment in history: the imperial senate is poised to hold a historic vote to end primogeniture. The potential end of the millennia-standing law of succession is the talk of the town. Streets and taverns are abuzz with conversations; some wish to see the law thrown down to pave a way for Princess Eutropia to ascend to the throne, while hardliners (especially elder nobles) believe the vote to be another wound in the great history of the empire, allowing not only the rabble-rousing Eutropia to inherit family power, but every ill-deserving woman. Regardless of the outcome, both sides of the debate agree that life will go on, and despite the serious ramifications of primogeniture’s potential end, the streets of Oppara hold no signs of unrest during the jubilant celebrations of the Grand Day of Exaltation.

You have cause for additional anticipation: you’ve been engaged by Lady Martella Lotheed, the illegitimate daughter of the prestigious Lotheed noble family and a burgeoning spymaster. She's asked you to function as a covert agent to help ensure the vote "goes the right way." In return, she’s promised you each a payment of 150 gp upon successful completion of your (as yet undisclosed) tasks, in addition to the extraordinary access and prestige granted by attending one of Taldor’s most exclusive and high-profile political events. To assist in your preparation, she’s also offered a 30-gp line of credit at her favorite tailor, Thread Rare, and to loan you enough high-quality costume jewelry to complete your outfit.

It is two days before the Grand Day of Exaltation, and you have been instructed to find your way to an old, charming, but relatively quiet tavern near the Oppara Arena in the bustling Grandbridge district. It is there you will meet with Martell and your peers to learn more about what specifically is being asked of you and meet the rest of the crew.

The tavern is easily found, and upon entering, you spot Martella immediately. As the first party member enters, she looks up from the thick book in front of her and smiles widely, gesturing towards the open chairs at her table.

Let the adventure begin!

The gameplay thread is updated, as is the Campaign Info tab. Please review that, as two sections - Senate Rules and Senate Mechanics - have been added, and will be important moving forward.

Again, I apologize for pushing things forward so hard. I know the best part of PbP is the character development and conversations. I don't want to strip those out of this game, but I DO want to keep the momentum moving forward, at least until the plot does that for us.

Thanks everyone!


You notice Martella's head tip almost imperceptibly to the side after your story is complete - it seems she knows you've mislead the group, but is also unconcerned with correcting you.


Nah - no need. I'll give a summary of how it works. They streamlined things a little for this AP, for the better, I think.

The Day of The Gala
The day is finally here. You spent the preceding days working or preparing for tonight's festivities. But all of your anticipation and groundwork has lead you to this moment. As you were instructed, you've all made your way to the appointed spot one hour before the Gala beings.

Long, golden beams of the setting sun dance through the cafe’s smoky interior, highlighting breads, cheeses, and wine bottles behind the only counter. Martella sips casually from a steaming mug, dressed in an elegant but reserved gown—at least by Taldan standards. The familiar hand-sized brass cricket buzzes quietly on the tabletop beside her.

“I’m so pleased you could join me this evening,” she begins. “Please order whatever you like; the fig jam is particularly lovely here. And feel free to speak candidly.” she adds, nodding to the brass insect on the table.

After the food is ordered and pleasantries exchanged, she withdraws a small pouch from her belt and withdraws seven brooches. She hands one to each of you. "Please pin this badge to your chest," she says, pinning one - which is slightly larger and more ornate - to her jerkin. " The badges once belonged to the staff of the long-dead Senator Voritas, whose family line was involved in the senate for nearly a thousand years before dying out about a century ago. Senators and other politicians of note traditionally hand out badges like these to guests they invite to events, identifying them at a glance as guests rather than sitting senators or staff. This means no one will question your presence at tonight's affair."

"But in addition to their historic and symbolic value, they shall prove quite useful. You see, your badges are attuned to mine, allowing us to communicate freely throughout the evening. I'll be able to send telepathic messages to you, and in return, you'll have one minute to respond in kind."

"I will spend the evening in the senate gallery should you need me - but now is the best time to ask any questions that require clarification regarding your tasks. Do you need any additional information?"

Once Martella feels confident you know what to do, she says the following (just trying to keep things moving):

"Overall, tonight promises to be a historic evening, but an evening of work nonetheless. And in the sort of work you’re embarking upon, the line that divides success and failure is drawn by the people you know. You have your own tasks to accomplish, but I’m counting on you to support one another to ensure success and discretion. If you need assistance, kindly ask for it. If your assistance is required, give it. And if I’m to be blunt, I would like just once in my adult life to simply enjoy a gala I attend, rather than scamper about with clandestine busywork. If you all complete your work without need of me to clean anything up, I will happily double my promised fee," she says with a smile. It's clear she's not too intense about this last request, but quite serious about her promise of pay.

"To further aid in tonight's tasks, I've procured several items," she says, withdrawing another pouch from her belt. She looks around the cafe briefly before spilling the contents onto the table. "Please divide these as needed."

The items are two vials of Liquid Blade, eight smoke pellets, a single dose of Soul Stimulant, and two vials of Dust of Illusion

“I trust your activities won’t occupy your entire evening, so by all means, enjoy the party and make friends. This is an excellent opportunity for you to begin your own political ambitions, but do be discreet. Well then, shall we be off?”

Hey everyone! Glad to see you’ve all checked in. I’ll post the first gameplay update shortly.

I’m excited to get started with you all!

Hey everyone. So sorry for the lack of an update post today. Things got a bit wild st work and I was unable to get things moving. We’ll resume shortly!

Hello and welcome to the game! I'm excited to get started with all of you. Take some time to get to know one another here in the discussion thread, before we move to the game.

Please complete you character using the information below. Let me know when that's done.

Character Creation:
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. 20-point ability buy.
3. Good or neutral alignments only.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only.
6. Two traits. One must be a campaign trait. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory). I'm fine with flavor tweaks to make traits align better with your character's story, but please let me know that you're making the tweak before you assume I'm ok with it (I probably will be).
8. Average gold for buying starting gear for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
10. We'll be playing with the Background Skills variant (thanks for pointing me to that, Amadine!). Please add two background skills to your character, and adjust your current skill selections as needed.

A Couple of Things:
1. Please put the following in the Class area of your profile. Obviously replace the numbers with your information.

Init +3 | Perc +10 | AC 15 / T 15 / FF 11 | HP 11/11 | Saves F +5/R +3/W +6

2. We'll be using Roll20 for combat and maybe sharing some information about the campaign (though most of that can live here on the boards). Please let me know if you have any issues/concerns about that.

3. When doing a skill check, please roll the dice - even if you don't know if your check is valid or needed. I might ignore your roll if it is unnecessary (or if you do a good enough job roleplaying that the dice check is replaced by your creativity), but it speeds thing up if I don't have to ask for it.

4. This is a big one: I'm not really a rules-heavy guy. I believe the rules are in place to give boundaries to the narrative, create tension, and provide an agreed-upon framework. As such, I won't be checking your character sheets for accuracy. I'm assuming we'll all be honest with stats and abilities. Please don't make an ass out of you and me. ;)

Thanks, everyone - we'll get the game started once everyone's characters are good to go!

Lucius, yes, you can use the trait to aid someone else! The missions can be collaborative, but one individual is “responsible” for ensuring it gets done.

To everyone, I’ll be updating the gameplay thread tomorrow morning! Ideally, I’d like to be moving on to the pre-Gala meet up, as that’s where the adventure REALLY begins.

Thanks for putting that together, Amandine - you get +200 PbP points!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Trudeau, the party will be a snobbish affair - so elite that even I wasn't able to secure us an invite. As such, you won't be attending the party. Instead, you'll be heading to the servant area to locate and sabotage an expensive, rare bottle of wine they've secured as their 'prize offering' for the evening. If there's another task you'd prefer to tackle, I'd understand."

She turns to the group at large, looking you each in the eye as she speaks. "I have no doubts about your ability to complete these tasks. You've each been chosen for both your abilities, as well as your spoken or unspoken devotion to our esteemed nation. I'll hand over a bit more information about each mission, but then I must be off. Feel free to stay and chat and get to know one another - I am certain, that despite our impending victory, there will be quite a bit more work ahead of us."

She slides small scraps of parchment across the table to each of you.


You see the following scrawled in neat handwriting: I have legitimate needs for a senatorial aide to serve as both a cover for my other false aides and to run communications between allied politicians. This is shouldn't be a difficult task, but it will be the most time-consuming, requiring you to run messages between various politicians.

Navigating the crowded senate floor to deliver messages quickly requires you to be nimble or forceful. As you deliver the messages, you'll have to wait for the reply and then deliver a follow-up message. Despite all this running back and forth, you should still have plenty of time to enjoy the festivities.


You see the following scrawled in neat handwriting: I am confident we have gathered the votes necessary, but I despise loose ends. Please uncover the true dedication of two senators: Duke Centimus and Countess Abrielle Pace. It is unknown if either supports the bid to end primogeniture, and while their votes will be apparent after the senate convenes, I'd prefer to discover their positions in advance, as well as the reasons each noble holds their position.

Divining each noble’s motivations will require you to successfully read the motives of the individual or perceive any giveaways. This can only be done once you or one of your peers has put the noble at ease.


You see the following scrawled in neat handwriting: My orchestrations have swayed a great number of reluctant senators, and I require a vast web of influence to maintain that. To that end, I would like you to make a strong impression on Baron Nicolaus Okerra and remind him of certain debts he owes me. While Baron Nicolaus Okerra isn’t a senator, his war record and general popularity make him an influential figure—one whose reputation helped sway a number of otherwise neutral votes.

You can accomplish this task by successfully charming the baron, or through intimidation. I will say the latter will prove quite a bit more difficult, but shouldn't be impossible.

I didn't realize the person you were attempting to Politick wasn't a senator - my apologies for not reading better!

Trudeau (assuming you keep the mission):

You see the following scrawled in neat handwriting: Some people are too powerful - or in this case, stubborn - for us to influence their votes, but that doesn’t mean we can't enjoy some petty revenge. I would like to exact some retribution against my admittedly - and temporarily - more powerful half-brothers, who have contributed a large bottle of rare, 150-year-old red wine from my family's holdings in the Opparos province. I will provide a single syringe filled with a putrefying agent to render the wine embarrassingly undrinkable. You musn't steal the bottle and you must conceal any signs of tampering; it needs to be drunk at dinner and appear to be of terrible quality or - perhaps even more scandalously - a forgery.

You'll have to to recognize the correct bottle in the crowded kitchen, and then inject the putrefying agent without leaving any trace of tampering.


You see the following scrawled in neat handwriting: I need someone to keep tabs on my political rivals and update me if they alter their tactics. There is one who I most notably want to keep an eye on: High Strategos Maxillar Pythareus. You must stay close to the military commander, watching for unusual behavior or listening for snippets of conversation, and warn me if he takes any unusual actions, all while remaining unobtrusive.

You'll have to be perceptive and pay attention to any verbal and non-verbal cues, and you must be relatively close while remaining unnoticed.


You see the following scrawled in neat handwriting: To further undermine the influence of the recently disgraced Earl Calhadion Vernisant, I would like to see some of the historical artifacts that the earl donated to the senate vanish from the Arcade of Triumphs before it is unveiled prior to the evening’s vote. You're free to keep the items; I wishes only for their disappearance to further embarrass Earl Vernisant and his allies. The artifacts won't be secured, as the senate assumes anyone sophisticated enough to attended this crowded gala would never dream of stealing anything on public display. Their folly is our gain.

There are five items that will be on display: a buckler, a dagger, a fan, a journal, and a spyglass. Only three will need to go missing to cause embarrassment. There will be plenty of distractions around you, but you will want to ensure you're unseen as you stow these items - it would be quite embarrassing to get caught. You shouldn't have any real trouble - we have guards in our pocket - but please don't get caught.

Seeing that you each have your task, she nods and stands. "Let's reconvene in two days time - after you've had a chance to secure any additional equipment or clothing you'd like for the Gala. Meet me at the Flaming Magnolia Cafe, two blocks from the Senate Building an hour before the Exaltation Gala begins. I wish you well and I'll see you soon." She stows the cricket in her satchel and says with a wry smile, "Keep the conversation light now."

With that, she pats Indir on the shoulder and heads out of the tavern.

I won't always railroad or provide such little time for interaction with NPCs - this first bit was just to get the adventure rolling. Feel free to interact as you'd like, and then describe any preparations you'd make before the meet up in two days' time!

Welcome Mattastrophic/Gabrielle. Lurk away!

@Amandine: There is a series of "social rounds" that function similarly to combat. I'll explain more soon, but your tasks will be carried out over a series of rounds with the appropriate checks. That's just the mechanics, though. From a narrative perspective, you'll have plenty of time to do more than just your specific task. Depending on how quickly you succeed (or fail), you would be able to move on assist someone else, mingle with the other influential guests, or just enjoy the festivities.

"I'm glad to see such eagerness for cooperation!" Martella says, beaming. "It's perfectly fine for you to assist one another, but I'd like each of you to take responsibility for one task. Most of them shouldn't take more than a few minutes, leaving you plenty of time to enjoy the party, make connections, and learn more about our dear senators."

In response to Amadine: "Well, the best insurance is not getting caught," she says with a wink. "But of course, we do have friends responsible for guarding the party. Should you get caught, you won't face serious legal consequences. It will be quite embarrassing for you - and me - so let's just avoid that if we can, yes?"

In response to Lucius: "We're interested in Duke Centimus and Countess Abrielle Pace. All of the senators will be gathered at the Exaltation gala in two days time. All of the tasks will be completed then. And due to the nature of the gathering - and the number in attendance - a stranger approaching and discussing the most-pressing issue of the day won't be out of place at all. I'd just make sure you are as charming as possible, so as not to give away your stance on the issue."

So if I understand it correctly, here's what's you've all taken responsibility for (these are in the order presented originally):
Delivering Messages - Kunala (Note - this is the most time-consuming task. You should still have time to enjoy the festivities, but you'll have less than others.)
Uncovering Loyalties - Indir or Lucius
Undermining Senators - Unclaimed
Politicking the Senator - Genevieve
Sabotaging the Party - Trudeau
Spying on Senators - Unclaimed
Stealing Artifacts - Amandine

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Oh Indir," Martella says, standing. "Welcome! These 'jewels' are ladies Trudeau Clement, Amandine Santon and Genevieve Ree Merosett and Mr. Kunala Var...Kunala. Mr. Kunala." She returns to her seat, turning to Indir when he takes his place next to her. "I trust you had no trouble finding the place? I have to confess - I'm a bit surprised you came. I have heard rumors, but even my sources have failed to uncover anything concrete of your past OR present."

Before you have a chance to respond, the final member of the group arrives. "Oh no, Lucius. You're not late at all. Not a bit. We've all only just recently arrived."

Once everyone is settled and hydrated, Martella returns her book to her satchel and withdraws a hand-sized, brass cricket, placing it on the table. She seems to squeeze it and a soft buzzing sound can be heard. "I'd like for us to speak candidly. This little gadget will ensure we maintain our privacy. I am beyond thrilled that all of you have shown up tonight - and so promptly. As you're aware, in two days' time, the future of our nation will finally take a step forward or remain stuck and stagnant. I am a part of a large contingent eager to see the former realized. We are quite confident that we have the votes necessary, but one can never be too careful. That is why you are here."

She leans in conspiratorially. "As I stated in my letter to each of you, there are several tasks I need your assistance with. Each one shall be handled by each of you - and you will be able to choose the one that best suits your talents. I'll take care of the one you don't choose."

"Firstly, I need someone to serve as an aide, running messages between our allied senators. This isn't a difficult task, but it is time-consuming and will require someone with stamina and grit."

This task requires successful Escape Artist or combat maneuver checks.

"Second, I need someone to help uncover the loyalty of two specific senators. I despise loose ends, and we don't know how these two will vote. I'll need someone able to set the senators at ease and discern their honest opinions."

This task requires successful Sense Motive or Perception and influence checks.

"Next, I'd like to discredit a few of the senators backing primogeniture. We know we won't be able to win them over, but they have considerable influence and this will undermine their authority after the vote."

This task requires successful Sense Motive checks or coordinating with another PC and Bluff or Lingusitics checks.

"There is a certain senator who has wavered in his loyalty to our cause. While I believe he'll still vote with us, I'd like to ensure he stays reliable in the foreseeable future."

This task requires successful influence or intimidation checks.

"I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't above petty revenge. There are some outspoken senators who simply need to be put in their place. In this case, it is my half-brothers. I'd like to spoil a party they're hosting."

This task requires successful Appraise, Knowledge (nobility) and/or Disable Device checks.

"I'd like to keep my eye on some specific rivals and stay in the know if their tactics shift. This requires a keen eye, and the ability to remain unobtrusive."

This task requires successful Perception or Sense Motive and Stealth or Disguise checks.

"Lastly, I'd like to undermine an additional rival by stealing some of the artifacts he has donated to the senate. You may keep the artifacts - I merely wish to see them disappear."

This task requires successful Sleight of Hand checks.

She takes a deep breath. "Whew. That's it. Feel free to ask any questions you may have before selecting, and once you choose, I'll hand over more specific details."

@Indir: I don't see a Campaign trait listed. Also, are you human or kitsune?

Kunala, no apologies necessary on the intro - it'll be 100 posts before you settle into the perfect persona. :)

"Oh Genevieve, I'm delighted you've arrived," Martella says warmly. "Please, have a seat. Would you like anything to drink? I'd normally offer something to eat, but there's nothing here that I'm sure would be up to your normal standards. They do have a lovely honey ale that...oh, excellent!" Martella interrupts herself mid-sentence to welcome the next arrival.

"Ah, yes. I thought you two might be acquainted," she says. "Despite how big this city is, it's remarkable how many people know one another. It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Amadine. And Genevieve, thank you for accepting the invitation. It has been too long. I'll take the blame for that - as you'll soon hear, there's been quite a bit occupying my time."

Upon Trudeau's arrival Martella rises in greeting. "You do indeed have the correct place, Trudeau. I'm glad you've arrived - it's little surprise that the ladies are on time, but we are all too familiar with waiting on our masculine peers, are we not?" She adds with a wink.

Almost as if on cue, Kunala sweeps into the room. "Aha - he's earlier than I anticipated after last night's dalliances" she says to the three of you. As Kunala approaches the table and bows, she returns the gesture and smiles warmly. "Kunala, it is always a pleasure. I am glad you patronized our local vendors - their offerings are far better than what's available in this establishment. I trust you successfully celebrated last evening?" she says playfully.

Amandine Knowledge Results:

Grand Day of Exaltation
The Grand Day of Exaltation is the one day every year when the emperor can elevate a commoner of unusual skill or service to the ranks of nobility.

Because people travel from all over the empire to witness the exaltation, many balls and political events take place in the preceding week, and the senate usually votes on matters of national importance immediately beforehand.

This year’s noble-to-be is a wide-eyed weaver from the village of Breezy Creek, whose beautiful tapestries have adorned the royal palace and many other royal homes for a decade.

Prince Stavian III
Grand Prince Stavian III is the emperor of Taldor.

Grand Prince Stavian III has no male heir, and he has refused to have any further children since the tragic death of his only son, Carrius, in a riding accident 20 years ago. With the emperor getting on in years, some people worry how this will affect succession.

The emperor has made no secret of his disdain for Princess Eutropia’s social crusades, especially her efforts to overturn primogeniture so she can inherit the throne, but he has been uncharacteristically quiet about it this past year. Rumors abound that his health is slipping and he has accepted her efforts.

Martella Lotheed
The wealthy Lotheed family has been a strong supporter of the Stavians for almost 100 years. They have a long family tradition of arcane magic, adding to their wealth and prestige.

Martella is the black sheep of her family, being a result of an extramarital dalliance with a Qadiran diplomat. She lacks her family’s gift for magic as well, adding to their resentment.

Despite her family’s disdain, Martella still commands some wealth and has extensive contacts, having attended the Sinora Academia, Taldor’s most exclusive girls’ school.

Princess Eutropia
Princess Eutropia is the adult daughter of Grand Prince Stavian III and has a scandalous reputation for making trouble and fighting in the streets.

Eutropia is a social reformer, eager to establish schools and other public resources for the poor, and remove political or family restrictions for women and various minorities. Rumors have circulated for a decade that her ultimate goal is to overturn primogeniture—Taldor’s ancient law stating that only male heirs may inherit the Lion Throne—and become the first empress of Taldor.

The princess’s reputation for “fighting in the streets” largely hails from her skill as a fencer, a sport she excelled at during her schooling at the Sinora Academia. Many times in her twenties she matched blades with chauvinistic politicians who would otherwise refuse to let her speak or act within political circles, and those early public duels helped her win unexpected support for her later social reforms—as well as a reputation as an impolite, unladylike brute.

I'm not sure what you were aiming for with the Diplomacy roll. What'd you have in mind there?

Genevieve Knowledge Roll:

You recognize the Clement name - it's a minor noble house - but you haven't heard of Trudeau.

You'd know when it was appropriate or not based on living in Oppara. No need for a check. I'm not sure about the form of performance, but I think a goo charm check against your GM (i.e. give me a good enough description/explanation for why you'd be wearing them) should make it possible.

Also, the gameplay thread is live! I know Vrog is finalizing his character, but feel free to go ahead and check that out as you're able!

Visitors flock to Oppara in the days leading up to the Grand Day of Exaltation. The populace of the city doubles during this time, making Oppara larger than any other city in the Inner Sea region, save Absalom. The self-importance of the already prideful Taldan people swells in equal measure. Street vendors sell traditional Taldan foods—anchovy skewers, anglebobs, canal crossings, clamguards, jubilee pie, honeyflake, long wine, yonder tarts, and more—including regional delicacies from separated provinces such as Andoran mince and Chelish raven cake. Family banners and provincial flags drape the sides of most buildings, with merchants hawking heraldry ranging from replica banners of the old Armies of Exploration to wooden swords and handheld Taldan flags for children. Taverns offer themed drink and food, with varying bars adopting well-known nobles from the long history of the empire as their mascot or self-declared patron.

Alongside all the pomp and circumstance filling Oppara is a noteworthy moment in history: the imperial senate is poised to hold a historic vote to end primogeniture. The potential end of the millennia-standing law of succession is the talk of the town. Streets and taverns are abuzz with conversations; some wish to see the law thrown down to pave a way for Princess Eutropia to ascend to the throne, while hardliners (especially elder nobles) believe the vote to be another wound in the great history of the empire, allowing not only the rabble-rousing Eutropia to inherit family power, but every ill-deserving woman. Regardless of the outcome, both sides of the debate agree that life will go on, and despite the serious ramifications of primogeniture’s potential end, the streets of Oppara hold no signs of unrest during the jubilant celebrations of the Grand Day of Exaltation.

You have cause for additional anticipation: you’ve been engaged by Lady Martella Lotheed, the illegitimate daughter of the prestigious Lotheed noble family and a burgeoning spymaster. She's asked you to function as a covert agent to help ensure the vote "goes the right way." In return, she’s promised you each a payment of 150 gp upon successful completion of your (as yet undisclosed) tasks, in addition to the extraordinary access and prestige granted by attending one of Taldor’s most exclusive and high-profile political events. To assist in your preparation, she’s also offered a 30-gp line of credit at her favorite tailor, Thread Rare, and to loan you enough high-quality costume jewelry to complete your outfit.

It is two days before the Grand Day of Exaltation, and you have been instructed to find your way to an old, charming, but relatively quiet tavern near the Oppara Arena in the bustling Grandbridge district. It is there you will meet with Martell and your peers to learn more about what specifically is being asked of you and meet the rest of the crew.

The tavern is easily found, and upon entering, you spot Martella immediately. As the first party member enters, she looks up from the thick book in front of her and smiles widely, gesturing towards the open chairs at her table.

Let the adventure begin!

The Roll20 link has been added to the top!

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I haven't ever thought about Bucklers in any meaningful way before. I'm on board with their being drawn quickly and used more like a normal shield.

Excellent! Everyone is checked in. I think we've got a pretty remarkable group here - I'm excited to see where we go!

@Vrog: I'm intrigued by the possibility of Dominate Person in the context of this AP. I need to do a little more research into the spell, as I've never run or been a part of a game that had a enchanter. It should be interesting. Proceed as planned - unless, of course, you want to play something else.

@Kunala: Having a buckler strapped to one's arm during political sessions wouldn't be allowed. Having one at fancy galas would be met with derision and judgement - which in this particular game may be more detrimental than breaking the law. :) People do carry their weapons, but for the most part they're ceremonial or symbols of power. For certain gatherings, weapons are "peace-bound" so as to not be immediately accessible, but still on your person.

@Lucius: What Campaign Trait are you taking?

As for the time zone, I'm CST, but I'll be checking and posting mostly during the day. I'll try to keep things moving as possible, even with our opposing schedules.

Also, I didn't realize I could just share a link to the Roll20 game, so I don't need your email addresses. (I promise to not add the email addresses of those who've already messaged me to some obnoxious sales email list.) To join the game, click here. Initially I'm not planning on using Roll20 for much more than the combat maps, but we'll see how things progress.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Martella stared hard at the pile of parchment in front of her. She’d just spent hours poring through the dossiers of talented, clever, likable prospects for the important tasks she had in store. Each had its merits and all were worthy of being selected. But there could be only six.

She took a final glance at her copious notes - there were multiple lists with various combinations of names and group compositions, scribbles about an individual’s history, lines drawing connections between the names - before tossing them aside with a small frown. She knew the six she had chosen would be remarkable, but she couldn’t help but mourn not getting to meet and adventure with those who were not selected. ”Ah well, Martella,” she said aloud. ”The Day of Exaltation isn't going to patiently await your decision. Best to be done with the pondering and hand-wringing and just get on with the choosing.”

She stretched a fresh sheet of parchment in front of her and scratched the following names onto its surface:
Amandine Santon
Genevieva Ree Merosett
Lucius of House Praetor
Trudeau Clement
Vrog Skyreaver

Satisfied with her selections, she stowed the large pile of parchment away in an easily accessible drawer. She knew that should she have need for additional people, there were plenty from which to choose. She blew out her lantern and, quite exhausted, she headed to bed, eager to begin what she had set in motion.

To my fellow Paizo board users: I can't stress how difficult this decision was. The amount of creativity on display was remarkable. Thank you all for the applications - it was a treat reading through them.

To those selected: Please head over to the Discussion Thread and finalize your characters.

Hello and welcome to the game! I'm excited to get started with all of you. Take some time to get to know one another here in the discussion thread, before we move to the game.

If you haven't already, finish up your character using the criteria below.

Character Creation:
1. All characters begin at level one.
2. 20-point ability buy.
3. Good or neutral alignments only.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed.
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only.
6. Two traits. One must be a campaign trait. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory). I'm fine with flavor tweaks to make traits align better with your character's story, but please let me know that you're making the tweak before you assume I'm ok with it (I probably will be).
8. Average gold for buying starting gear for your class.
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.
10. We'll be playing with the Background Skills variant (thanks for pointing me to that, Amadine!). Please add two background skills to your character, and adjust your current skill selections as needed.

A Couple of Things:
1. Please put the following in the Class area of your profile. Obviously replace the numbers with your information.

Init +3 | Perc +10 | AC 15 / T 15 / FF 11 | HP 11/11 | Saves F +5/R +3/W +6

2. We'll be using Roll20 for combat and maybe sharing some information about the campaign (though most of that can live here on the boards). Please let me know if you have any issues/concerns about that. Please PM me with your email address so I can invite you to the game.

3. When doing a skill check, please roll the dice - even if you don't know if your check is valid or needed. I might ignore your roll if it is unnecessary (or if you do a good enough job roleplaying that the dice check is replaced by your creativity), but it speeds thing up if I don't have to ask for it.

4. This is a big one: I'm not really a rules-heavy guy. I believe the rules are in place to give boundaries to the narrative, create tension, and provide an agreed-upon framework. As such, I won't be checking your character sheets for accuracy. I'm assuming we'll all be honest with stats and abilities. Please don't make an ass out of you and me. ;)

Thanks, everyone - we'll get the game started once everyone's characters are good to go!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

@RobL8675309: Yes - we'll be using Background skills.

@Litejedi: I love the concept, but I'll have to think about it about more. It does simplify things, but creates something else to keep up with. I'll read through the whole PDF and give it some thought. Thanks for sharing it!

@Lei-Lan Minh: I don't really have any issues with either. Since we'll be using Background Skills, some of these Trait switches may not be as needed.

@Kunala: Good catch - and something I likely wouldn't have noticed. :D

Current Applicants 

Cnut Bjornsson - Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 

Augusta Omarian - Human Paladin of Abadar 

Nikolaus de'Shade - Elven Vigilante (Avenger)
KingHotTrash - Human Swashbuckler (Daring Infiltrator) 

Baldwin Karthis - Arcane Duelist Bard 

Kunala - Human Ranger (Dandy)
The Chess - Human Brawler (Snakebite Striker)
Red Heat - Filthy, No-Nonsense Martial Fella
Ironperenti - Halfling Swashbuckler
Kurtis Stavian - Human Fighter (Aldori Swordlord)
Lucius of House Praeto - Fighter (Shield)
Kevan of Fairview Heights - Halfling Swashbuckler


Ticio Trias - Human Occultist Arcanist 

Elizabeth Ardoc - Human Wizard 

Luna Stargazer - Human Tattooed Sorcerer (Fey) 

Vrog Skyreaver - Human (?) Mesmerist 

Photinè Michèle - Human Arcanist (Tarot Student) 

Genevieva Ree Merosett - Human Sorcerer


Helikon - Half-Orc Inquisitor 

Katrina Talbot - Human Cleric (Cayden Cailean) 

Cuàn - Human Cleric of Tsukiyo
Gedeon Lem - Elven Ex-Cleric of Aroden
Lei-Lan Minh - Human Cleric (Blossoming Light)
Trudeau Clement - Human Cleric (Evangelist)
Thrym Thyrsson - Human (Ulfen) Cleric


Quintius Opar - Human Slayer (Velvet Blade) 

Edril - Halfling Unchained Rogue (Bandit) 

Pacus - Half-Orc Courtly Hunter 

ExiledMimic - Human Unchained Rogue or Bard 

theasl - Elven Archivist Bard 

Amandine Santon - Half-Elf Investigator (Psychic Detective)
Finneas Entwhistle - Gnome Prankster(Bard)
Sigur Folstad - Human (Ulfen) Skald (Battle Scion)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Whoa! There’s quite a bit more interest than I anticipated. I’ll check in tomorrow and answer all outstanding questions, but since we’ve had such a flood of applications - making my job harder than I’d like - I’ll be closing recruitment at 5:00 p.m. CST tomorrow, June 11.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

@Amandine: Ah - I stepped away from Pathfinder around the Unchained release, so I haven't spent time with any of that content. I absolutely LOVE background traits, so yes, once the party is chosen, we'll be adding that concept to the game.

As for the specific drawback, I approve - but I will exploit it if you're chosen. :)

Black Dow: No worries. Recruitment will be open for a bit longer. You've got time.

Current Applicants
Cnut Bjornsson - Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Augusta Omarian - Human Paladin of Abadar
Black Dow - Dwarven High Guardian Fighter
Nikolaus de'Shade - Elven Vigilante (Avenger)
KingHotTrash - Human Swashbuckler (Daring Infiltrator)
Baldwin Karthis - Arcane Duelist Bard
Kunala - Human Ranger (Dandy)

Ticio Trias - Human Occultist Arcanist
Elizabeth Ardoc - Human Wizard
Luna Stargazer - Human Tattooed Sorcerer (Fey)
Vrog Skyreaver - Human (?) Mesmerist
Photinè Michèle - Human Arcanist (Tarot Student)
Genevieva Ree Merosett - Human Sorcerer

Helikon - Half-Orc Inquisitor
Katrina Talbot - Human Cleric (Cayden Cailean)
Cuàn - Human Cleric of Tsukiyo

Quintius Opar - Human Slayer (Velvet Blade)
Edril - Halfling Unchained Rogue (Bandit)
Pacus - Half-Orc Courtly Hunter
ExiledMimic - Human Unchained Rogue or Bard
theasl - Elven Archivist Bard
Amandine Santon - Half-Elf Investigator (Psychic Detective)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

@Tricio Tricas: I'll keep it open until next week sometime - I'll be sure to post plenty of warning when recruitment draws to a close.

@Nikolaus de'Shade: Hmm...I'm actually not sure. I'd have to do some research on what others do/have done. I've never encountered that before. I think Avenger seems like the easiest solution - but I don't want to neuter your concept because I'm lazy (but I AM lazy...)

@Kobolum: If your character dies, you can always just roll up a new one. :) I'm intrigued by the idea of an intentionally gimped character - but you'd have to roleplay REALLY well to make up for the lack of contribution for the roll playing.

1. As long as the drawback is in service to good/authentic character development, and not just to add a min/max trait.

2. Which one do you have in mind? Again, I'll probably be ok with it, as long as it leads to an interesting, well-developed character - not an optimized combat/dice-rolling machine.

Updated Applicant List
Cnut Bjornsson - Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Augusta Omarian - Human Paladin of Abadar
Black Dow - Dwarven High Guardian Fighter

Ticio Trias - Human Occultist Arcanist
Elizabeth Ardoc - Human Wizard
Luna Stargazer - Human Tattooed Sorcerer (Fey)
Vrog Skyreaver - Human (?) Mesmerist
Dakcenturi - Arcane Duelist Bard (no idea where this class should actually live)

Helikon - Half-Orc Inquisitor
Katrina Talbot - Human Cleric (Cayden Cailean)
Cuàn - Human Cleric of Tsukiyo

Quintius Opar - Human Slayer (Velvet Blade)
Edril - Halfling Unchained Rogue (Bandit)
Pacus - Half-Orc Courtly Hunter
ExiledMimic - Human Unchained Rogue or Bard
theasl - Elven Archivist Bard
Amandine Santon - Half-Elf Investigator (Psychic Detective)
Nikolaus de'Shade - Elven Vigilante

Again - please let me know if I missed your questions or application!

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hey everyone! Glad to see there's some interest. I've tried to answer all the questions below, but let me know if I missed you.

@Black Dow - Yes - the additional traits feat is allowed.

@Nikolaus de'Shade - I'm intrigued by the idea of a non-evil Assassin. Assuming you can play well with others and not just kill off NPCs (I assume you wouldn't), I think it could be an interesting angle.

Current Applicants
I've tried grouping you based on some very generic buckets - I realize some classes/characters blur these lines, but this helps me keep things organized. If I've missed the mark, please let me know!

Cnut Bjornsson - Human Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Augusta Omarian - Human Paladin of Abadar
Black Dow - Dwarven High Guardian Fighter

Ticio Trias - Human Occultist Arcanist
Elizabeth Ardoc - Human Wizard
Luna Stargazer - Human Tattooed Sorcerer (Fey)
Vrog Skyreaver - Human (?) Mesmerist

Helikon - Half-Orc Inquisitor
Katrina Talbot - Human Cleric (Cayden Cailean)
Cuàn - Human Cleric of Tsukiyo

Quintius Opar - Human Slayer (Velvet Blade)
Edril - Halfling Unchained Rogue (Bandit)
Pacus - Half-Orc Courtly Hunter
ExiledMimic - Human Unchained Rogue or Bard
theasl - Elven Archivist Bard
Amandine Santon - Half-Elf Investigator (Psychic Detective)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hello brave, beautiful and talented adventurers! After years sojourning away to explore other lands (and...ahem...game systems), I've returned to the Paizo boards eager to launch one - and only one - PbP campaign.

As the title states, I'll be running War For The Crown - the first adventure module I've read in a while that has me positively salivating with excitement and possibility. I’ll be recruiting 6 players (more than I’d like, but being familiar with - and guilty of - PbP attrition, it seems prudent).

Player Application
To apply, please complete the (hopefully minimal) steps below.
0. Download and read the Player's Guide. 
1. Develop a character concept using the criteria/questions below. You don’t need to totally complete the crunch (unless you want to) - that’s just there for your information and to let you know what you’re signing up for (though it’s all fairly standard).
2. Share how often you can post/contribute to the game. I don't want to put unrealistic expectations on the group, but I'd like to shoot for one post per day on weekdays. If we go faster, I'm down with that. 
3. Share how many other PBPs you're currently playing. 

Character Concept:

I don't really want people to spend time building a full character (unless you want to or already have one in the oven), so I'm just asking for a general concept. I've posted the character creation guidelines just so you know what you're signing up for, but don't feel pressured to go through all the rigamarole of creating a complete character until you're selected.

As for your background, put as much or as little effort into fleshing that out as you want. I prefer characters with deep backgrounds, but also understand the effort associated with building something creative/interesting. If you have one you'd like to share, great! If not, no worries.

1. Pick a Class. All Paizo-created classes are acceptable.
2. How long has your character lived or been in Oppara? If they’re not from Oppara, where in Taldor do they live?
3. How does your character make a living?

4. What will your character contribute to the party in and out of battle? 

5. Mechanically where do you foresee your character going in the future? If you don't have a plan, that's ok, too! 

6. (Optional) What is your character's backstory? 

Character Creation Guidelines:

The following is for information only - you don’t need to completely build a character to apply.
1. All characters begin at level one. 
2. 20-point ability buy. 
3. Good or neutral alignments only.
4. All Paizo-created races are acceptable, but core races are preferred. No custom or third-party races are allowed. 
5. Paizo-created classes and archetypes only.
6. Two traits. One must be a campaign trait. Try to pick traits that align with your backstory, not just add to your character's stats (or figure out how to add stat-boosting traits into your backstory). I'm fine with flavor tweaks to make traits align better with your character's story, but please let me know that you're making the tweak before you assume I'm ok with it (I probably will be). 
8. Average gold for buying starting gear for your class. 
9. Max HP at level one, roll or 1/2 HD + 1 thereafter.

A Couple of Notes:

1. I’ll be using Roll20 to manage combat. I’m not really sure how this will play out, but my expectation is that I’ll just screenshot the combat maps and share the link. I’m open to suggestions, though.
2. The reason I’m so excited about this AP is the intrigue and politics and incredible opportunities for roleplaying. Some of the rules in the AP require dice rolls and some lightly complicated crunch - where possible, good, character-driven roleplaying will supersede or enhance die rolls.

I think that’s it! Let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.

I look forward to the applications!

Hello, friends! So sorry for the delay. Client website issues have taken my full attention. We will resume shortly!

Love always,

About Shiro Mafune

With loose clothing, swashbuckler's boots, and an armored coat, Mafune bears the rough countenance and weathered look of one who has had many voyages at sea.

Mafune was a retainer of lord Hidaiyoshi Asama of Kyosa prefecture. When a band foreign bandits assaulted the lord’s castle, Mafune stood in defense of his lord’s family, but the bandits were too strong. Using high magic and force of arms, they stole the precious jade sutra scrolls and the holy statuette of saint Orime, bodhisatva of the just, and killed the lord and his family. Mafune, staggered with wounds, made a last ditch effort to avenge his lord as the bandit’s wujen attempted to teleport the victorious thieves. His blade struck the wizard just as the spell reached completion, and the bandits and Mafune all vanished in a flash, reappearing 50 feet over Absalom harbor. Mafune awoke later having been rescued by nearby fishermen.

Spending some months in Absalom, Mafune pawned most of his possessions, save his wakazashi and sword “Shigoro”, in search of mysterious bandits but to no avail. With no money and no contacts, Mafune relinquished his search and began to eek out a living as best he could. Absalom being the most cosmopolitan of Golarian’s many cities, Mafune spent three years adjusting to his new surroundings, learning the language and about the culture. His encounter in the harbor lead him to the sailing profession, in the hopes that some day he might find himself sailing back to Minkai.

Shigoro is Mafune’s ancestral sword, a three-body blade forged five generations ago during his clan’s expansion into the Kyosa prefecture. Shigoro is said to have cut the belly of a thunderous oni giant, and once in the hands of Mafune’s uncle, cut down a horse and rider in one stroke during the battle of the three bridges. Despite its legacy, the sword has a humble appearance with a laquered maple scabbard and patinaed steel tsuka bearing a wave motif.

Shiro Mafune
Samurai (order of the dragon) 1
NG medium human
Init +2; Senses normal; Perception +0

AC 16 (+4 armor, +2 dex)
Cmd 16
Hp 13 (+2 Con, +1 FC)
Fort +4 (2), Refl +2, Will +0
Defensive Abilities
Resolve (Ex) (1/day)

Spd 20’
katana +5 (1d8+4/18x2); deadly
katana power attack +4 (1d8+7/18x2); deadly
dagger+3 (1d4+3/19x2)
Special Attacks
Challenge (+1 melee attack, +1 damage against chosen target, -2 AC to other opponents)

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; Cmb +4;
Acrobatics +7 (1 rank, +2 dex, +1 trait)
Climb +7 (1 rank, +3 str)
Intimidate +4 (1 rank)
Profession (sailor) +4 (1 rank)
Survival +4 (1 rank)
Swim +7 (1 rank, +3 str)
Weapon Focus (katana)
Power Attack
Traits Fencer, Captain's Blade
Languages Common, Tien
Faction: Andoran
Fame: 0; Prestige: 0
Fencer (+1 damage on AoO with blades)

traveler's outfit
armored coat
daggers, 2
belt pouch
flasks of oil, 2
tindertwigs, 5
rope, hemp
4.52 gp