Sauklas |

I expected a cue in the discussion thread for the new players to enter the Gameplay thread. I checked the gameplay thread to see how combat was going and noticed Master Nekht-Mutf had posted, then scrolled up to see the post of December 28th inviting us to join. Sorry for any delay I may have caused. I’ll be able to post an introductory post later today.

Silas Silvermane |

Welcome to the game. Its moving a bit slowly still, but we should get into some fun action soon!

Silas Silvermane |

So, I thought I would suggest one more step to save the message you posted on the other board. Once you have the map fully formed you can copy the image with print screen and paste into Microsoft Paint as one image that can be cropped and put into the Slides screen.
If there are a lot of moving parts it can help to just merge them all. Assuming you do not need them to be moving parts later anyway.

Garwrick Quay |

sorry for the inactivity, school got hectic starting back up and then i had a pretty gnarly case of food poisoning over the weekend and into MLK Jr. Day. Should be back in full form soon.

Silas Silvermane |

I will be traveling from 1/26 through 1/29. I should have good access to the internet and be able to post in the evenings. But feel free to bot as needed.

GM Tarondor |

This message is going out to everyone I play with. Or really, anyone who happens to see it. Don’t be shy.
I’m a long (really long) time GM and my home game has been online since 2020. But it has also dwindled in size and I’d really like to have more great players! So, since we play online that means anyone could potentially play with us. Interested? Just drop me a Private Message!
My players and I are in the last book of an Adventure Path (Age of Ashes) and we’ll be wrapping it up in the next 2-3 months. When that’s over, we’d really like to have more players. 6 to 7 players would be ideal. Right now we are 3 players plus me.
We play every other Sunday from 12-6 Eastern time. We -don’t- use any VTT’s (your GM finds them distracting). We just talk over Discord and use Google slides for images and maps. Works great and there’s zero learning curve.
One thing I’ll be doing differently this time is that instead of me telling the players what we’re going to play, I’m going to offer the players a choice of 5 or 6 potential campaigns I’d be willing to run (including a few different game systems) and let the players tell me what they want to play. I expect we’ll be playing Pathfinder 2e, but if the players prefer sci-fi or superheroes we might be using a different system.
So anyway, if you’d like to join us and want to have some input in what we play, now’s your chance to get involved!
I’m Tarondor. My real name is Scott Nolan and I’m a lawyer, a dad, a husband and a big ol’ nerd whose RPG credentials go back to the 1970's. I love pretty much every style of gaming from “kick in the door” to deep roleplaying. I don’t care if you’ve got forty years of experience or if you’ve never played the game, so long as you’re good at getting along with others and don’t think that “what? It’s what my character would do!” is an excuse for screwing your party.
My own style leans towards epic quests. You can get an idea of my GMing style from the many games I run here on the Paizo boards. You can also check out my various guides to character classes and whatnot by clicking on my Profile.
Ooh. Everyone is welcome, but leave your baggage and agendas at the door. We’re just here to sling dice and have fun.
If you’re interested, let me know!

Master Nekht-Mutf |

The spell says "disperses fog and mist", which is why I cast it.
If GM rules it can't do that, I would cast Dispel Magic instead.

GM Tarondor |

Yeah, it's a gray area and I'm going to retroactively decide in your favor. The issue was whether it would only disperse mists in its own area of effect (the gust is a 5' line and the cloud is a 40' wide burst). But that's pretty much the only good use of Gust of Wind, so I'm going to say it worked the first time and you're free to do something else now.

Tilver Arnholm |

Some long days this week as I host a workshop. I may not find time to post.

Silas Silvermane |

Sounds good to me. I am just not sure where the next door is, but I head there!

Silas Silvermane |

I thought that was the door we went through to get to the round tower area.

GM Tarondor |

Folks, I want to apologize for my absence. It was a combination of several personal things going on, filing taxes (I own a few businesses so it takes awhile) and having a fairly bad case of bronchitis (which I’m still not over). Nonetheless, I wish I had posted to let you all know I’m still alive.
My plan is to return to all my games tomorrow (Thursday the 20th).

Silas Silvermane |

Have Fun!

GM Tarondor |

Hey folks! I’m back.
For our 35th anniversary, the wife and I took the kids to the Black Hills and Yellowstone National Park. Saw the Badlands, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Jewel Cave, Devil’s Tower, the Bighorn Mountains, Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. We saw bison, bears, bighorn sheep and elk up close (relatively) and even (supposedly, I’m not sure) a mountain lion at some distance. Despite our best efforts, we saw no wolves.
A came home with a bonus gift: COVID. So I’m taking things slowly, but I’m getting back to my games today.

Tilver Arnholm |

Good luck recovering! I hope you feel better soon.
I'm going to be traveling this next week for work. I probably can post, but it may not be consistent.

GM Tarondor |

Dear GMs and Players:
I apologize for my absence over the last 8-9 days. I have suffered a serious bout of COVID. That plus the stresses of business and family have really beaten me up, physically. I am now up and out of bed, but I continue to live life in the slow lane.
I don’t want you to worry about me. I’m not gone, but I do ask your patience.
If I am your GM, I will return soon. If I am your player, I will understand if you remove me from the game.
Best Regards
Scott / Tarondor

Dain Slumsaint |

Sorry for the lack of posts, guys. My dad died last week and I've been spending a lot of time travelling between NH (home) and CT (parents house) to help out my mom. Things should be normalizing soon, I hope to be back to posting this weekend.
Bot Dain as needed. His available spells are up to date in his character sheet.

Silas Silvermane |

I am sorry, work has slammed me and affected my posting this week. I have a big deadline for next week and all my time is being thrown into that. Please bot me as needed while I take care of this.

Silas Silvermane |

I will be on vaction over the holiday weekend. It sounds like my internet access will be pretty bad. Please bot as needed.

GM Tarondor |

I owe you, my players and GMs, an apology for my ongoing absence. My daughter is now 1 month old and it’s me who generally cares for her at night, meaning I’m getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night. It’s not that I don’t have -time- to play these games, it’s that I’m so mentally blasted I don’t have the energy.
As she moves into her second month of life, she is sleeping slightly longer and I hope for more sleep and thus more play in the weeks to come. Thanks for bearing with me. I will eventually get back to the old me. :-)

Tilver Arnholm |

Apologies, but life has hit a rough patch, and my motivation for my games is low. Not abandoning everyone, but please bot me as needed for now.

Silas Silvermane |

I will be on vacation from Thursday through next Monday. I am not sure how much I will be able to post in that time. Feel free to bot me as needed.