GM Sappy's Rise of the Runelords - Little Heroes

Game Master Sapiens

Maps and Handouts

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Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

In case it wasn't clear, you are up: one of the foes is unconscious and the other is prone and on fire after a spectacular string of failed saves.

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

I'm not sure about your intentions: are you investigating the doors, checking the rubble on the ground, or moving further?

Also, I have some busy days ahead, so posts will still be irregular for a while. Sorry.

Male Human Slayer 2 | HP 11/18 | CS 3/3 | F +4 R +6 W -1 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 CMD 17 | Init: +4 Perception: +4

James is looking at the floor for clues - I'm okay if there aren't any, and it shouldn't stop other people.

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

We seem to have hit a bit of a snag: I'll move you to a more interesting room soon.

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

I'll update soon, things are pretty hectic at the moment but they will settle down in a couple of days.

Male Drow Magus (Kensai, Sphere Magus) 2, AC 18, T 18, FF 13 | F +2/R+3/W+3 | HP 11/11 | CMB +1, CMD 16/11F | Init +3 | Perception +1 | Condition: None

Sorry for my lack of posting, I'm dealing with a case of laryngitis that just isn't going away, which of course makes dictation difficult/impossible. (I seem to get sick every year around this time, on top of my normal issues.)

Please bot me as necessary for now. I'll be back ASAP.

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

To the games I'm GM-ing: I'm starting my holidays, which involve juggling myself between several family houses and a trip. I'll be more spotty (even more than I've been lately) until the first weeks of January.

In the case of this one, maybe we shouldn't start a combat encounter in such a time, so perhaps we should wait until after the holidays to go in?

Male Human Slayer 2 | HP 11/18 | CS 3/3 | F +4 R +6 W -1 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 CMD 17 | Init: +4 Perception: +4

Up to you, I think. Running a combat can be stressful for a GM.

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

I'm back from my holidays! You can expect a post in the next 24 hours, barring unforeseen circumstances.

Back from holidays! Business should resume shortly.

This post is long overdue. You've most likely noticed that my posting rate has taken a downfall recently. I've been through some changes in my life recently, and I hoped that once the situation stabilized I would go back as before. But it's not happening, and I feel more and more tired whenever I open the latest posts of one of the campaigns I'm GM-ing. At this point it feels evident that I'm going through some GM burnout.

I like this campaign a lot, and I want to give it the attention that it deserves. I had planned to bring it to the end of the current dungeon before taking a break, but I don't think I have it in me right now to deal with a boss fight. Still, this should be an interesting one, so I think that the best thing for me to do is to either put things on hiatus immediately or ask someone to take over, at least for the fight. I'd like to know what you think about it.

In any case, I'm going to keep on these boards as a player, and I have every intention of coming back to GM-ing with a fresh mind and ideas at a later time, hopefully not further than a few months. However, if you'd prefer to keep playing, feel free to look for another GM on the boards (or someone with Laundry knowledge could take over, or you could rotate, how you prefer). I'd rather see this campaign fly free than take it down with me.

Male Human Slayer 2 | HP 11/18 | CS 3/3 | F +4 R +6 W -1 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 CMD 17 | Init: +4 Perception: +4

I can very much empathise - I'm thinking of writing a similar post for my game, so taking over isn't really on the cards for me.

I've really enjoyed the game, and James will be one of those characters that stays with me. I hope you are alright to come back to it, but I can very much respect the need to take a break. If you do come back energised at a later date, I'd love to keep playing.

Male Drow Magus (Kensai, Sphere Magus) 2, AC 18, T 18, FF 13 | F +2/R+3/W+3 | HP 11/11 | CMB +1, CMD 16/11F | Init +3 | Perception +1 | Condition: None

Sorry I didn't post sooner, my voice has been strained lately. This game is my favourite of all the play by post games I've been a part of, so I wanted to say thank you for that!

Take the time you need to recharge, I'll still be here when you come back. :-)

F Gnome Incanter 2 HP 14/14 | AC 15/13/13 +4 giants | F 3 R 3 W 3 +2 illusions/fire | Init +4 | Perc +2 | Blast 1d20+6 1d6+3 DC 16
Spell Points 5/6 Corrupting Touch 6/6 Movement Burst 6/6 SLA 5/5

I can't take over the campaign at all either, but I also will be happy to continue if I can after as long as it takes until you're ready.

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