GM Peachbottom's Curse of the Crimson Throne
Game Master
Chapter Six: Crown of Fangs
Part Three: Legacy of Blood
Charisma Rerolls: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to reroll a Charisma-based check. She must abide by the new result (although if she has additional Harrow Points remaining, she can use them to attempt additional rerolls).
Destiny Shall Not Be Denied: A PC can spend a Harrow Point as an immediate action to force the GM to reroll a d20 roll. She must abide by the new result (although if she has additional Harrow Points remaining, she can use them to force additional rerolls).
Psychic Wrath: A PC with levels in a class that grants bonus spells based on her Charisma score can spend a Harrow Point to increase the power of a spell from that class’s spell list as she casts it. She increases the spell’s DC by 2 and gains a +4 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance and a +2 bonus on attack rolls for that spell.
Roll Card: Gain a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based checks. In addition, he treats his caster level as if it were 1 higher when casting spells gained from a class that grants bonus spells based on his Charisma score.
So..we're just heading off with him in there all alone?
So Iolana, you said you've been reading up on the gameplay thread, what do you want your character to be doing recently?
Lucien might need some help with that last vampire, depending on how the dice roll. Maybe we can get you into the end of combat to help.
Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |
I was thinking I could be walking by the entrance to the ally while looking for work, and hear the commotion. I'd be curious enough to sneak down the alley to see what is going on. Or I could see Sebastian while he's exiting the alleyway.
Lucien is up. I'll get a post up tonight to introduce Iolana.
Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |
I had another idea. If it works better for story purposes, I can wait to join the group until after the combat. Cressida Croft could need something that would take four people to do. Because your group is down one, she suggests you talk to me.
Either way we could say my character has been doing small jobs for the Guards for a little while, and she trusts me to work with you. I’m not the hero of Korvosa that some of you are, but I’ve made myself useful to the Korvosan guards in small ways. Doing work for the city guard could partially explain why I’m not just a first level character, and have some gear.
Well after this, we'll finally get to do the Chapter 2 Harrowing, because I'll do it myself, and I can include Iolana in the reading as well, so that works out I guess.
Harrow Cards for Iolana:
Roll Card: 1d9 ⇒ 4 The Brass Dwarf
Card 1: 1d6 ⇒ 4 1d9 ⇒ 5 The Mute Hag
Card 2: 1d6 ⇒ 4 1d9 ⇒ 7 The Eclipse
Card 3: 1d6 ⇒ 6 1d9 ⇒ 6 The Courtesan
Card 4: 1d6 ⇒ 3 1d9 ⇒ 1 The Trumpet
Card 5: 1d6 ⇒ 1 1d9 ⇒ 1 The Paladin
Card 6: 1d6 ⇒ 3 1d9 ⇒ 4 The Brass Dwarf
Card 7: 1d6 ⇒ 6 1d9 ⇒ 1 The Empty Throne
Card 8: 1d6 ⇒ 5 1d9 ⇒ 3 The Joke
Card 9: 1d6 ⇒ 2 1d9 ⇒ 8 The Crows
Ok. I spent tonight writing up all the harrow readings and they are complete. I'll be able to do them once Nadya leaves and Iolana is introduced.
LG male human (Chelaxian) paladin of Abadar 5 | HP: 41/47 | AC: 20 (10 Tch, 20 FF) | CMB: +8, CMD: 21 | F: +9, R: +4, W: +7 | Immunity: disease, fear | Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +3 | Speed 20 ft | Special abilities Smite Evil 2/2 | Divine Bond 1/1 | Lay on Hands 7/7 | Aura of Courage 10 ft. | Active Conditions None
Hey guys, sorry for disappearing but I was forced to spend some days away from home and any kind of decent internet connection. I'm back now.
LG male human (Chelaxian) paladin of Abadar 5 | HP: 41/47 | AC: 20 (10 Tch, 20 FF) | CMB: +8, CMD: 21 | F: +9, R: +4, W: +7 | Immunity: disease, fear | Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +3 | Speed 20 ft | Special abilities Smite Evil 2/2 | Divine Bond 1/1 | Lay on Hands 7/7 | Aura of Courage 10 ft. | Active Conditions None
Not yet. I'll post for the vampires and Nadya once I get home from work today. Then your turn.
Let's finish this fight up so Iolana can join us guys. The vampire has less than 10 hp remaining. You can do it. =)
Everyone gains 1,750 XP. The new total is 13,328 / 15,000 to 5th.
Iolana will have the same XP. Everyone will have the same XP totals.
Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |
There's no rush on finishing up. I just wanted to check in. Thank you for the updated XP total.
I have an idea to get you involved now, Iolana. I'm going to get you involved in the next plot hook. Stand by, I'll work on a post.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
The fast-forwarding of the destruction of the vampires was a very good choice, GM. Stuff like that can be difficult to coordinate between characters in PbP. It was going to get done one way or the other, and I'm glad it could be handled so tidily.
Hopefully the guys are still with us.
I'll allow you to utilize Sebastian's blacksmith home for the silver weapons. I love opportunities to incorporate a character's backstory into the game. You can also easily find the weapons in the Gold Market as it the largest market in Korvosa. So you can get them for full price at the market now or for half price at Sebastian's if you take a walk over there. Whatever weapons you are looking for will be available. I know you guys won't go crazy.
I suggest Sebastian's place as well because that would be a good place to finally get this Harrow Reading in and drop off Nadya.
I'll get a post in once I get home from work.
Also, Iolana, I like your characters posts. I don't think it is too much. I think strongly expressing your ideals is a good thing.
Ayako spends 20 gp for 20 silver sling bullets
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Iolana, it's definitely not too much. Otherwise, what I did also would have been too much. Sebastian miiiiiiiiiight be a lil' bit racist, and it's good that Iolana is willing to confront that.
LG male human (Chelaxian) paladin of Abadar 5 | HP: 41/47 | AC: 20 (10 Tch, 20 FF) | CMB: +8, CMD: 21 | F: +9, R: +4, W: +7 | Immunity: disease, fear | Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +3 | Speed 20 ft | Special abilities Smite Evil 2/2 | Divine Bond 1/1 | Lay on Hands 7/7 | Aura of Courage 10 ft. | Active Conditions None
I'll subtract 160 gp (100 gp oils of magic weapon [x2], 10 gp for beggars, 50 gp for local tradesmen) from Lucien's sheet as soon as the GM confirms Lucien's purchases.
Lucien and Ayako's purchases are fine.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Does anybody know of items that could help ward off lycanthropy that we might find for purchase? Or at least give bonuses to saves in case we get affected?
As Ayako mentioned, you can purchase Antiplague for 50 gp. It will give you a +5 bonus to Fortitude saves against disease for 1 hour. She also has the wand of remove disease for emergencies. Lycanthropy counts as a disease.
You can also spend a harrow point to reroll a Fortitude save.
Maybe some alchemist fire for killing shriekers at range. Ayako has darkvision and might be able to spot things in the dark but no one else has it so I doubt people want to be in the dark.
(In a defunct game I was in, everyone but one had darkvision which made that advantage moot because the 4th kept complaining about being in the dark)
The first time I ran this campaign all four players had dark vision. It was two aasimar, a tiefling, and a sylph. Not needing light does have advantages.
Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |
I have burning hands, oil, grease, and spark that might help burn the shriekers as well.
I'd buy some silver sling bullets, but Iolana has a grand total of 3 gold sails. I can't contribute to any of the purchases personally.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
I'm moving today. I should have a post up this evening.
Removed money for Lucien's purchases from his character's sheet.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sorry, it's been a long week. Finally moved in, and internet was installed today! Lucien, thanks for reminding me; I still need to deduct Sebastian's purchases.
EDIT: I've deducted 50 gold sails for the antiplague and 7 silver shields for the reefclaw pasties with thileu-bark sauce. I'm not sure if I'll buy a silver rapier or not, but I'll decide shortly. It may be better to simply get an enchanted sword Never mind, you need a +3 weapon to overcome DR/silver with magic. Silver rapier it shall be.
Reefclaw pasties? So there are lobster strippers?
How did you want to approach? If it is a shrieker, Cressida informed you that it is set off by light or movement (within 10 ft).
Ayako could lead in the darkness with her darkvision.
Too bad about your rebels game. Never fear, I'll be trying to get a piggy familiar for Ayako.
Treasure sheet updated.
Nadya also had a wand of Magic Missile and Cure Moderate Wounds which I'll allow you to redistribute.
Hmm. Wand of MM to Iolana and CMW to Lucian
Everyone gains 2,250 XP for the encounters in the wererat sewer dens which is just enough to reach 5th level.
Your new XP total should be 15,578 XP. 6th level is at 23,000 XP.
Ayako Level 5
HP 4+2=6
+1 all skills except profession
Feat: Iron Will
+1 Second level spell a day
1st: Shadow Trap
2nd:Lesser Restoration
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sebastian level 5
Level: +1 Swashbuckler
HP: 6+2+1 = 9 (Favored class bonus)
BAB: +1
Saves: Nothing
Skills: +5
Class abilities: Swashbuckler Finesse
Feat: Improved Disarm
Soon I will have my little piggy. Little piggy! Oh my lovely piggy! I shall dress you in frocks and have a little baby carriage.
LG male human (Chelaxian) paladin of Abadar 5 | HP: 41/47 | AC: 20 (10 Tch, 20 FF) | CMB: +8, CMD: 21 | F: +9, R: +4, W: +7 | Immunity: disease, fear | Init: +0 | Perc: +7, SM: +3 | Speed 20 ft | Special abilities Smite Evil 2/2 | Divine Bond 1/1 | Lay on Hands 7/7 | Aura of Courage 10 ft. | Active Conditions None
Shamelessly borrowing the template from Sebastian.
Level: +1 paladin
HP: 6 (class) + 2 (Con) = 8
BAB: +1
Saves: Nothing
Skills: 2 (class) + 1 (human)
Spells per day: +1 (1st level)
Class abilities: Divine bond (weapon)
Feat: Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Favored Class Bonus: +1 hp
Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |
Me too
Iolana Level 5
Level: +1 Sorcerer
HP: 3 (class) + 1 (Con) = 4
BAB: Nothing
Saves: Nothing
Skills: 2 (class) + 1 (Human) + 1 (Favored Class Bonus)
Know Planes
Spells per day: +1 (1st level) +1 (2nd Level)
Level 1: Enlarge Person
Level 2: Invisibility
Bonus Spell: Scorching Ray (Bloodline Energy Type)
Feat: Combat Caster
Get ready for extra large smites from Lucian
Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |
Ayako wrote: Soon I will have my little piggy. Little piggy! Oh my lovely piggy! I shall dress you in frocks and have a little baby carriage. Are you getting an animal companion?
YES! Inside joke but cows and pigs tend to show up a bunch.
The Knowledge on the key was a DC 16 Knoweldge Religion check but since Lucien is a Paladin of Abadar, I'll allow him to recognize it automatically as a key as belonging to a private deposit box at an Abadarian temple.
It sounds like you guys want to go selling this afternoon, so I'll type something up going that route. The key just leads to a little more treasure, no need to make a big deal about it. I'll include what you find.
What did Sebastian have before the +1 rapier and +1 chainmail? Masterwork versions of each? I'll sell those off too.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
He had a masterwork rapier and masterwork studded leather armor.