GM Metal God |

Playing in 20+ games and running 26 (soon to be 27) is time consuming. Outside of the boards I have a fairly busy work schedule and of course a life!
Often I find that if I fall behind in updates, I need to make time to simply update a Discussion Thread to inform the PCs of a particular game that I am either going to be posting later in the day or week or will be on a break form the boards for one reason or another.
To save time updating so many damn threads I am going to open this thread and link all of my DM aliases (and PC aliases) to this thread to inform people as to status.
Of course if people feel the need to ask other questions outside of PbP feel free to do so but mainly this will be a thread dedicated to ensuring that my PCs know my status and to assure everyone that even though I may have some absences away from the boards (or particular games) that new thread will always be up to date with my status.

Storyteller Shadow |

*Mira dismounted when the fight began. What happens to the mount?
S#%~ sorry bout that, the mount bolts!
Update now!

GM Metal God |

As much as I am enjoying this fight wit Mutated Flies, I'll try to prioritize and get past this battle this week so it doesn't drag on too long!

Verra Vulcan |

I know Shadow's out of town, but just a heads up. I will be out of town til Monday. I hope to still be able to post, but please bot me if needed. Thanks.

OZ-M1; "Ozymandias" |

Hey guys, this is a blanket notice going out to all of my games here on the boards. While I am thankfully outside the path of Hurricane Harvey, current projections for Hurricane Irma are sending it barreling up the coast of Florida to sweep much of the eastern coast of the United States. As I live directly on the ocean, I'm already gearing up for a potential evacuation at the moment. While hopefully all I get is a lot of rainfall, it's likely that by the time Irma hits Maryland it will still be at least a Category 3 storm, if not worse. I will have my laptop and such in the case of an evacuation, but I likely won't be able to post with any real schedule or frequency. Moreover, given that I live more or less directly on the ocean, it's more likely than not that if I'm forced to evacuate there will not be a home for me to come back to after the storm passes. The island is not built to withstand that kind of storm, and the last time something anywhere near that deadly swept through, it made an inlet where there used to be a road. My point being, if I'm hit by the hurricane it's very likely I will be off the boards for a long while, or at least my posting will be sparse and intermittent.
I'm sure I'm not the only one following the storm on the news, but I'll do my best to keep everyone updated on my status. It's likely the storm, if it hits me at all, will make landfall here early next week. If you see on the news that the storm has hit Maryland and you don't hear from me, that's probably why. I just wanted to put this message up now as I'm prone to losing power during storms and I didn't want to leave anyone hanging.
Thanks for understanding,

GM Metal God |

Vacation has left me with having lost the status on a 7th player. I do not remember seeing any submissions... Let me know if I did miss any!
If not, that spot is now wide open.

Erissa Baine |

Hey guys and gals.
So posting this in all my games. My job is sending me south (closer to the path of the hurricane) for additional training, so I might not have internet for a few days, depending.
I will post as I am able, but that might not be all that much (even after the hurricane) as I have been told to expect longish hours. Feel free to bot me as needed. I should be there for about three weeks, give or take.

Erissa Baine |

So still having to post from my phone, but we didn't have much negative affect from Irma beyond the internet.

GM Metal God |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If you're going to go the Wastes at the very least you should see One while here right? ;-)

GM Metal God |

Sorry for the delay there, got sick as all hell that last week or so and it hurt my board productivity!
Took us some time BUT as I have no intention of having this particular group back in the Wastes until MAYBE the Adventure Paths are over, I figured a little ride around would not hurt.
Now that you are here, and have received your catchy name from a guy whose opinion holds some water around here, we can start to move the plot of the AP's forward. Time to collect your reward, roll Joseph OUT of the group and our new PC into the group. After all, you are not the Magnificent Six.

GM Metal God |

Joseph is gone but I have a replacement coming for you all the next day.
We may have also lost Erissa. I am going to give her Player another week to reappear before I recruit.

The Emerald Duke |

Transmission received.... signal strength weak....
Origin: Blocked
Message cypher.... decoded. Beginning playback:
Hey all,
I am- <corrupted code> -ery sorry that this took so long to get out.
Good news first: I am alive and very much kicking. My training at- <corrupted code> -is completed,
and I have somewhat more reliable internet connection.
Bad news: My job has sent me abroad, and as such my work hours have increased. Worse, my internet is not
as reliable as it was stateside. This is not to say that I cannot resume play again (assuming there is a
spot for me still... I know I was gone for a bit, and if I have been replaced I understand) just to say
that I might be only able to post once or twice a day.
At- <corrupted code> -ny rate, glad to be somewhat back and hoping that y'all are doing well!
The Emerald Duke
End Transmission.

GM Metal God |

I'll be holding Duke's spot for a while but I've a 7th who should be joining by mid next week. I am thinking that by Thanksgiving with a bit of a jolt in the posting rate we can get out of the Waste and heading in the direction of the area where the first Module of Kingmaker will begin ;-)

OZ-M1; "Ozymandias" |

A heads up for all my games; I'm going to be camping from Monday to Wednesday, so I won't be able to post. I should have Internet on my phone, but posting from my phone is a real chore (even ignoring the logout issue I still have on mobile) so I will be silent for a few days. I may keep up if I can get Paizo to reliably work on my phone, but if not I'll catch up when I get back.

Xocualtuatl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Howdy y'all, it will be a pleasure to join the M7.
Just need to make a few little tweaks to my character, site has been funky here and there which doesn't help.

GM Metal God |

Give me some specifics on the amount of rounds/magazines you want so I can calculate costs and creation time folks :-)
Update now.

GM Metal God |

I heard from Erissa's player that he is overseas and still interested in playing but availability is limited. As we are moving at the speed of slug, I've opted to keep that PC around at least until I start getting more consistent with posting.
If we are in the heart of the AP and there is still no posting from Erissa, I'll bring in a replacement PC.
Oh and updates are up and running once more.

Verra Vulcan |

Dear all,
Having computer problems. Will likely be unable to post for a few days. Apologies. Please bot me as needed. I hope to be back soon, but with the holidays, my computer repair may be delayed.

Xocualtuatl |

I've been as busy as storyteller it seems, I will update my part tonight.

Storyteller Shadow |

It’s pretty late at night as I am writing this. I’ve been through a significant amount of struggles through the past two years (actually through the past 41 but especially the past 2). I’ve had worse stretches of time before but I believe that these past struggles were due to my own lack of maturity and self-awareness at the time those events took place.
Likely those events were necessary for me to experience to survive the events of the past two years and get through them as well as I have. Physical ailments, getting older and requiring more sleep, bankruptcy, and ultimately divorce. You know life is not going swimmingly when going to work feels like a vacation.
Regardless, when I first started getting involved in PbP on the boards it was a chance to play, finally! I’d been DMing for the bulk of the time that I’ve played table top that I was enjoying being able to be a player for once. Then with so many damn flaky GM’s I just started running games and well, things snow balled from there.
Life was fairly stable at the time the normal ups and downs. Then about two years ago, I started getting into PbP as a way to escape reality. Sort of the same ways drugs were casual and enjoyable for me as a teen and ultimately led me as close to suicide as I ever want to get again.
I am not saying that PbP has made me suicidal but I am saying that I recognize that I was using PbP as a coping mechanism to avoid a bad marriage. PbP did NOT lead to the failure of my marriage but it did contribute to my ability to tune it out.
I make a decent living but between bankruptcy and divorce I’ve little to show for it (well except for this killer book and RPG collection ). I could point the finger at my soon to be ex-wife but when you point one finger at a person, three more point back at you. I could have prevented things from becoming this bad and I chose not to. I did it, ironically, because I believed that if I had the marriage would have ended and ended badly, so much for best intentions. I am not going to second guess myself, what happened happened. As divorces go, this one has been rather amicable as we have put our daughter first and ourselves second.
Being married to someone who makes as much if not more money then you (depending on sales that year) places one in a position to “take it easy” when it comes to being aggressive about making money (well it placed me in such a position anyhow perhaps because making money does not move me).
Early on in my career I had an opportunity to become a premiere M&A Financial Services Tax Attorney in a Big 4 Firm. It’s a big deal and potentially a lot of money but I did not really want it because I knew I would be working a lot and traveling a lot. My ex agreed that I should turn it down as she did not want to be married to a workaholic and that was not who I wanted to be anyway. Nor do I want to be that person now. (In yet another twist of irony, she has become a workaholic, funny how things turn out).
I do not regret the decision though I do lament the loss of income that such a decision would have brought to me.
All of this rambling nonsense is leading to the point of this post, I need to work more. Not at my current job nor do I want to get a new job, I actually like being there as odd as that sounds (to me). I need to get a second and perhaps a third job, side gigs. At 41 about to turn 42 with no retirement and no savings for my daughters college, I can no longer hope that the ex’s business will come through as an investment plan. Even if it does, I will not be the beneficiary of that largesse. I need to make up for 11 years of being “comfortable” simply working.
Thus, it is with heavy heart that I am announcing that I will need to close down a number of the threads I run and withdraw from a number of the games I am a PC in.
I suppose this decision will not be a surprise to many of you as my posting rates have been abysmal since these events took a turn for the worse (in some respects the better to be honest) since Thanksgiving of 2017.
I am not generally a person that feels remorse or guilt but I do feel a level of disappointment with having to make this decision. I apologize for disappointing many of you who put work into PCs relying on my consistency as a GM/DM over the course of the past several years.
My plan had always been to run a hardcore dose of RPG’s until my daughter was a teenager and then, spend my free time writing the novel I had been working on since before she was born. I had hoped that over the next 9 years or so I could wrap up most of these campaigns and the few that remained would be more manageable.
Life has not worked out that way.
The good news is that I will still run several games but the current load is too much for me to handle in this transition. The further good news is that I believe this will allow for those games to move along much more quickly.
By tomorrow I will have made my decision as to which games I will keep and which I will shut down.
Thank you all for taking the journeys with me despite the lack of length or resolution of so many of them.
I will still be around just in a diminished capacity so this is not goodbye just a “be seeing less of you”.

Storyteller Shadow |

Unfortunately, this is one of the games that I will need to close.
As this is an AP, you may be able to find a replacement DM.
Good luck and good gaming all.