OZ-M1; "Ozymandias" |

Ozymandias sits in the bar, or rather crouches awkwardly, his full weight not easily supported by the furniture. The large robot doesn't order a drink, but does his best to seem cheery if the others do so as well. He looks their newest acquaintance up and down, then beeps. "Herman. You seem competent enough, do you wish to accompany us? One of our number seems to be... less than interested in heading out with the caravan. Your help would be appreciated." He pauses for a second, then lets out what almost sounds like a sigh. "I apologize. I'm told I can be... blunt. Perhaps others might have started with small talk."

Xocualtuatl |

Herman enters the bar, scanning the room for any deputies or anyone who looked like they maybe connected to the Sheriff.
Taken aback by the newly met automaton. Do they view me as an ally, foolish having just met me. Working with them could serve to my end, they seem like a good capable lot.
"Well I'm humbled that you'd consider me working with you fine lot, I'd be pleased to join you if you'd all consider it. Truth be told, I'm looking for the Sheriff of this town here, he offered me a job I'm sure he'd extend that offer to you as well."

Mira Oralia |
The strides they were taken towards the masked man were of a singular intent, and with the goal this close, she works not be denied. Communication was already made in the way she looked to get his attention, a finger held up on indication of her intent to secure a bath for herself. In her other hand, and rolling around her fingers was certainly coin enough, if the dull gleam of it was gold, and not something else. "One. Full service."

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Johnny dusts off his hands and pulls out his formulae book and hands it across saying here is what I have
1st: 3/day
1.targeted bomb admixture
2.cure light wounds
3.bomber's eye
4.expeditious retreat

Verra Vulcan |

Verra smiles at Johnny as they compare notes. "Well, alright. Glad to see we can add a few to your stash as well."
Cure Light Wounds, Shield, True Strike, Disguise Self, Heightened Awareness, Expeditious Retreat, Endure Elements

A-23 ''Alexandr'' |

Alexandr turns to regard Ozymandias for a moment and says nothing at first. Finally he breaks his silence.
''Are you sure we should be so quick to invite this man with us? We don't even know for sure that this man has anything to offer us.
He thinks about that for a moment and then turns to the newcomer.
''No offense meant of course, I just don't know you and you look like someone nearly murdered you.''
He indicates the bloody shirt as he says the last part.

OZ-M1; "Ozymandias" |

"The difference between nearly murdered and murdered is a bullet, yes? Considering he's alive, I would say the bullet found its mark. Where we're likely to go is dangerous. By that metric, it seems he has something to offer." Ozymandias sits their eerily still for a moment, until his head turns on a swivel while his body remains motionless. "I am not so foolish as to bring in a stranger with open arms, but a friend is born from mutual enemies. Adrien told me that." A low whine escapes from the eidolon, and his lights dim as his posture slumps. "Something similar, at any rate. What do you suspect, he'd kill us all in the dead of night? Somehow I suspect he wouldn't evade near murder six times in order to manage that."
Unlike Alexandr, Ozymandias makes absolutely no mention of their new compatriot, talking as if the man had ceased to exist for the moment.

Xocualtuatl |

"I beg your pardon good sir, but I didn't become a Shield Marshall by mere coincidence or nepotism. I earned it by my own two hands, as for my wound, it was to save the life of another. I'd take another bullet if it meant defending the innocent."
Herman shakes his head makes his way to the bar, "say barkeep, would you happen to know where I can find the Sheriff or one of his fine deputies? I had a prior appointment that I missed of his."

GM Metal God |

The Last Stand - the Sinkhole
Herman, OZ, Mira, Erissa, and Alexandr
Mira's drink is brought around as Herman stands to ask of the barkeep the question regarding the Sheriff.
Erissa shrugs at OZ and A-23's discussion, "I agree with OZ. Why before we captured our bounty, none of us knew each other either. That seems to have turned out well so far. We have some minor celebrity for having done so. It would look bad if the Magnificent Seven show up with just six no?"
The barkeep points to a table, from this angle, you can see that the Sheriff is with the large group in the middle of the room. With several bodyguards around, it won't be easy to reach him. "He's a meeting with those folk from Freedom. They're payin' big money to get some locals to help them. Got to be lots round here'd do it to. Big pay and it'd be a way outta this hell hole of a town! Wish I could swing a sword so well!"
The barkeep hands you a scroll.

GM Metal God |

The Last Stand - Doc Brown's
Verra & Johnny
As the night wears on Emma grins, "Nice tyo have not one but two so interested in what interests me!"
As extracts and other gear are created and smelted, Emma too shares some insight as to her own experimentations.
Each of you may learn one new Formulae from her, your choice.

Mira Oralia |
Half of the drink that had been handed to Mira was downed in the span of a few seconds, the liquid just what she had been wanting since the edges of this town came into view. Heaving a long sigh, she finally began to feel herself relax, and she tuned into the discussion that was happening around her. The talk of money and law did interest her, now that she was not distracted by attaining the comforts of civilization. The scroll that was handed to the lawman interested her, and she leaned over as best she could, scanning its contents.
A small grunt bespoke her interest, the intonation conveying that she was considering the offer. She turned her head to Alexandr and Ozymandias, begrudgingly acknowledging to herself that it was too good to miss. "That looks like our next job, provided the lot of us're going to stick together. Can't speak for everyone, though, but money like that's not to be dismissed too easily." She took another swallow from her mug, and turned her attention to the meeting going on, leaning back against the bar to make no attempt to hide her regard. If she could get a sense of these folk before they started negotiations, then they were going to be better off.

A-23 ''Alexandr'' |

After hearing what Oz, Mira and Erissa have to say on the subject, Alexandr holds his hands up in surrender.
''Very well, very well. If he wants to come with us he is welcome.''
He sounds a little bit irritated at being ganged up on.
I was just trying to make a joke. Note to self humor does not translate well from an Android.
Turning to the man in the ruined shirt Alexandr gestures at the table.
''Well I guess you're welcome to join us if that's what you desire. What will you be drinking sir? The first is one me.''

GM Metal God |

The Last Stand - the Sinkhole - Herman, OZ, Mira, Erissa, and Alexandr
Before Herman can respond to Alexandr's offer one the guards around the Outlanders' table approaches yours, "The Mayor has asked that you come by the table of the Freedom delegation? Will you join them?"

GM Metal God |

The Last Stand - Outside City Streets
Verra & Johnny
As you head away from Emma's workshop, the hour has grown late. Hopefully the others have already locked up and agreement and the two of you will merely be walking into the celebration.
Townsfolk, the few who are not at the town square fair, nod to you as they pass by. The town is uncommonly festive considering how dour the townsfolk generally are.
As you close in on the Tavern where the rest of the group is currently located you see three figures who stand out. They wear heavy cloaks draped across their bodies and hoods over their heads. They are not locals, perhaps they are from the Freedom delegation? They head away from the Sinkhole though.

Mira Oralia |
The Last Stand - the Sinkhole - Herman, OZ, Mira, Erissa, and Alexandr
Before Herman can respond to Alexandr's offer one the guards around the Outlanders' table approaches yours, "The Mayor has asked that you come by the table of the Freedom delegation? Will you join them?"
It looked like her bath was going to have to wait. Mira pushed herself up off of where she was lounging against the bar, and composed herself, fixing the guard with a calm look, and then a glance at the others with a raised eyebrow. "We will join you shortly", she responded. It probably helped that she was still pretty dusty, and clearly just arrived. It would definitely lend credence to some of the rumors going around about them. Her hat was taken off the bar next to her drink, and she gestured for the guard to lead the way.

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some of the Technic League fellas, friends of the Acolyte no doubt digging around near by. We turned in our bounty but I would hate to have to chase it down all over again. Go in the bar and get some of our friends help?

Verra Vulcan |

Verra nods. "Can you be sneaky? See if you can keep an eye on where they go, and I'll go grab the others." She gives Johnny a small hug, as if old friends are parting, and slaps him on the back. She then heads for the bar.

A-23 ''Alexandr'' |

Picking up his drink, Alexandr pours the rest of it down his throat and slams the glass back down on the table. Tossing a few coins down next to his empty glass, he straightens his clothes and moves to follow Mira and the guard.

Verra Vulcan |

assuming she runs into them as they're leaving or getting ready to leave the bar...
Verra nearly bumps into Mira as she enters the saloon. "Just who I was looking fer. Umm, we may have a slight problem." She leans in close to whisper in Mira's ear (not against Alex or Ozy, but against others who may be listening in).
"There may be members of the Technic League in town, possibly looking to spring our acolyte friend from the hoosegow."

Mira Oralia |
Pausing in her stride to the table, Mira listened to what Verra had to say and her expression darkened as she tried not to frown too hard in the face of their potential employers. She was not in the habit of risking her life to take down some villain only to have that work undone by some cultists. There was a moment of thought before she gave a disgusted sigh, and raised her hat to shield her face from the caravan masters. "How many of 'em did you see?" She was looking forward to a bath and a soft bed, but if they were planning to spring the Acolyte, they had issues.
A muscle twitched in her jaw as she dropped the hand that was shielding her face and turned to the other two, stopping her movement. The jury was still out on the lawman, but this was a good time to see what he had. "Alexandr, Ozymandias, looks like we've got some problems..." A look was given to Herman, challenging him. "One lawman t'another, there might be some issues."

Mira Oralia |
Her lip curled up at the thought of them wandering around. "If they're here f'r th'acolyte, we know where they have to be if they plan t'free her. She considered something and nodded after a moment. "Johnny is going t'need a hand if things go sideways." Around them, the tavern continued its business, the ale flowing and the low din of conversations going on around them. A couple times, she had caught mention of Ozymandais', in the sense that someone their size was not often seen, and much less entertained. "They're also wantin' to talk to us about work", she gestured over to the caravan masters.

Xocualtuatl |

Herman nods to barkeep, he slips his hand into his pocket and retrieves a small set of reading glasses.
Hmm, very interesting.
As Herman reads through the scroll, he nods and passively agrees to Alexandr's offer, it was then something dawned upon him.
"Wait did your companion say you were the Magnificent Seven?"

GM Metal God |

The Last Stand - the Sinkhole - Everybody BUT Johnny
Alexandr nods to Herman, "Indeed, rumors do spread quick in this town".
The soldier notices that the group has stopped and heads back to where Verra and Mira are whispering to one another, "Is something amiss?"

GM Metal God |

The Last Stand - Outside City Streets
The Deputy who answers screams an draws his weapon, "You lousy bastards! Yer all under arrest!"
The lead League members places his hands up, "We are Diplomats. Official Diplomats of the Technic League. Rest assured, we are credentialed. Shoot us and there will be repercussions..."
The Deputy keeps his weapon raised as he continues to eye each one suspiciously, "What do you want?"
"We have come to collect the criminal Acolyte Kharzess".
The Deputy for a moment is speechless.

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outside the jail

OZ-M1; "Ozymandias" |

"For the acolyte? Are there—" Ozymandias stops his question short, realizing why the others had been quiet. "Which way did Johnny go, do you know? We don't want him caught on his own without any help. We can talk about work later." Ozymandias stands and heads toward the door, his tattered cloak dragging behind him. "She's not getting away."

Verra Vulcan |

Verra mumbles to herself, "yes, I heard him, but I...". She turns to the guard, smiling. "Well, I hope not. We may jus' need to run go grab our friend real quick. And we can meet you shortly to talk about that job."
She tells Ozy the way that Johnny was headed. "I s'pose we could split up if that's called fer. We'd cover more ground that way."

Mira Oralia |
A stickler for making sure that a job was done correctly, Mira was all for the lot of them going to make sure that the Acolyte did not escape without them there to attempt to prevent that from happening. "I'll head t'where we dropped Kharzess. They'll 'ave to come get her if they want her. Lawman, y'mind giving a fellow adherent of the law a hand? There's a cell we need t'visit."
That last part was said to Herman, since the more members of the law that they had on their side, the stronger their position was. It would also give her a fair look at what he was capable of, hoping that they would not need to shoot to keep their prisoner in jail where she belonged. Confidently, she strode out of the bar, intent on seeing that cell remain closed with its occupant. Evening was on them, and if it got too dark, they were going to be at a bit of a disadvantage.

OZ-M1; "Ozymandias" |

"We can split up if you want, or we can stick together. But I'm not letting that ver-ver-vermin get away." Ozymandias strides out of the bar in the direction Verra pointed, looking for Johnny. "If you're coming, then follow me. If not, keep together. Don't let them take Kharzess." Standing up to his impressive full height, Ozymandias draws his pistol and heads down Johnny's route as he tries to find the man.
Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33

Xocualtuatl |

"I'd most humbly oblige madam." Herman tips his hat and accompanies Mira and Ozymandias out of tavern.
Once outside Herman whispers to his new found companions,"I say we stick together for now. Once we have a lay of area we can coordinated a better plan to better suit our needs."

A-23 ''Alexandr'' |

Alexandr nods at the newcomer's words.
''I am inclined to agree with you, it will best suit our purposes if we stick together. Having said that however, most of us do not carry any official title here in the city, Should we not send one of our number to warn the Sheriff of a possible jailbreak?''
Alexandr follows along behind the group as he makes his suggestion.