GM Levi's Eberron PbP - For King and Country

Game Master Levis

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Ok what I have for the shifter Rogue so far (Sorry it is taking so long but Ive spent the last few days floored with the Flu) Also just wanting to check but does this campaign use traits at all?


If it is not to bold to suggest I was thinking a way Tika could be introduced is being a prisoner of the group currently attacking the party (Maybe she decided to pick the wrong persons pocket?)

The Exchange

4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 4, 4) = 18/14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 6, 1) = 13/12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 3) = 10/ 9
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1, 6) = 18/17
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 4, 6) = 20/16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 6, 3) = 21/18

Not too shabby.

Any news on the Dreamscarred Press stuff?

Also, are you keeping Kalashtar as is, or pathfinderizing it?

Edit: Found my answer for the DSP stuff.

Edit 2: I also found stuff regarding Kalashtar.

Edit the third: Are you still having the rolls Organic, or has that changed? I was looking over the rolls for Tika and the CS, and they don't fit.

Edit IV: Three things. Are you allowing an Artificer class, if so, is it the one from the Eberron books or this, and I'm running out of different ways to denote Edits.

Dark Archive

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:

Edit the third: Are you still having the rolls Organic, or has that changed? I was looking over the rolls for Tika and the CS, and they don't fit.

Ah I'm using the racial modifiers someone presented on these forums believe it is +2 Dex, +2 Wis -2 Cha

The Exchange

I was referencing the fact that you didn't keep the stats where you rolled them.Using organic with your rolls and racial mods, your strength would be a 14, dex 15, con 14, int 16wis 15, and cha 11, but that is not how your stats are allotted.

Dark Archive

Oh was unaware that was what Organic rolls meant (More used to point buy than any form of rolling)

I honestly don't remember Levis' ruling, if there was one, on DSP. But I would like to strongly suggest he allows it, as it would be awesome to have a Kalashtar in the group, one of my favorite races along with Shifter.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

"Tika Swiftclaw" wrote:
Also just wanting to check but does this campaign use traits at all?

Yeah; I think the way Levi was doing it was that you select one trait of your own from published sources, and he assigns or creates one appropriate to your background. (Tell me if I'm wrong, Levi, because if so I need to give Distan a second one.)

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
I was referencing the fact that you didn't keep the stats where you rolled them.Using organic with your rolls and racial mods, your strength would be a 14, dex 15, con 14, int 16wis 15, and cha 11, but that is not how your stats are allotted.

I don't think that's how any of the previous characters rolled here worked, for what that's worth. I double checked before I rolled up Distan and all the characters currently in play had rearranged stats from their original rolls.

The Exchange

Ah, very well then. I just saw his post concerning generation from the beginning of the recruitment, saw organic, and thought that that's how he meant. if it's fine to move them around, then that's cool too.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
Ah, very well then. I just saw his post concerning generation from the beginning of the recruitment, saw organic, and thought that that's how he meant. if it's fine to move them around, then that's cool too.

Edgar, welcome.

Roll your stats organically, then assign to whatever you want.

I will create a trait for you when the time comes.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Sorry Edgar, not Kalashtar in this campaign. They bring too much with them.

Tika, the idea for introducing you doesn't work, so we'll figure that out soon. I'd like the whole "new" group to be together and merge with the "old" group.

Levis wrote:

Sorry Edgar, not Kalashtar in this campaign. They bring too much with them.

Tika, the idea for introducing you doesn't work, so we'll figure that out soon. I'd like the whole "new" group to be together and merge with the "old" group.

Just curious what you mean by "Kalashtar bring too much with them?"

The Exchange

I'm guessing it's their heavy psionic presence, as well as the Quori, or whatever they're called.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:

I'm guessing it's their heavy psionic presence, as well as the Quori, or whatever they're called.

Exactly, I love them, and have a good time playing them, but for this campaign - and due to the lack of Pathfinder Material on Psionics, I'd rather not deal with them right now.

The Exchange

Any news on Artificer? I rather like Warforged Artificers, and MG, if Eberron Artificers are allowed, you may have to hit me. If I am able, I'll be making a warforged artificer, which I've always found to be really fun, and tend to make them with at least mithral skin, if not adamantine.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
Any news on Artificer? I rather like Warforged Artificers, and MG, if Eberron Artificers are allowed, you may have to hit me. If I am able, I'll be making a warforged artificer, which I've always found to be really fun, and tend to make them with at least mithral skin, if not adamantine.

I have not gotten around to fixing the class up to Pathfinder rules, but if you want to do so, be my guest. :)

The Exchange

I just realized, it's going to be nearly impossible to buff w/o prior knowledge of a battle. IIRC, most infusions had a cast time of at least 1 minute. I'll peruse the internet and see what I can find.

Edit: Now I remember. I looked for a pathfinderized Artificer when I first converted from 3.5, and I couldn't find one that I liked or seemed balanced. However, in my later, Alchemist-crazed searches, I came across the Engineer Archetype, which I feel would fit very well in Eberron, and would fill the niche of Artificers in most circumstances. In any case, here's the thread. Just putting it out there as a possibility. Otherwise, I'll look and see if there are any Artificer updates I haven't seen. I'm not going to try and update on my own, as I am not very good at balancing classes.

Just a heads up Edgar, if my RL friend is able to join, he'll be playin an engineery, bomber focused Alchemist.

The Exchange

That's fine. I was going to be doing very little ranged combat. I was going to try and be a melee monster.

The Exchange

Forum ate my Edit hours ago.

I'm going to try to be a melee monster with some skillmonkey stuff as well.

I think the Engineer archetype would be pretty good for that.

Levis wrote:
Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
Any news on Artificer? I rather like Warforged Artificers, and MG, if Eberron Artificers are allowed, you may have to hit me. If I am able, I'll be making a warforged artificer, which I've always found to be really fun, and tend to make them with at least mithral skin, if not adamantine.
I have not gotten around to fixing the class up to Pathfinder rules, but if you want to do so, be my guest. :)

For the Artificer, instead of the XP pool, I used the Tome of Secret's Artificer which allows one to strip a magic item of.... ya know what since it is OGL I will just copy and paste it.



At 5th level, an artificer gains the ability to salvage the gold piece value from a magic item and use those funds to create another magic item. The artificer must spend a day with the item, and he must also have the appropriate item creation feat for the item he is salvaging. After one day, the item is destroyed and the artificer gains the gp value it took to create the item. This value is cannot be spent as gold, it may only be used in the creation of another magic item.

Example 4:
An artificer wants to salvage a wand of lightning bolts that has 20 charges. Originally created (like all wands) with 50 charges, it required 5625 gp when initially made, or approximately 113 gp (5625 divided by 50) per charge. The artificer is able to recover the gp value from the remaining charges. He gains the value of (113 x 20) 2260 gp to put toward the creation of another item.

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:

I just realized, it's going to be nearly impossible to buff w/o prior knowledge of a battle. IIRC, most infusions had a cast time of at least 1 minute. I'll peruse the internet and see what I can find.

Edit: Now I remember. I looked for a pathfinderized Artificer when I first converted from 3.5, and I couldn't find one that I liked or seemed balanced. However, in my later, Alchemist-crazed searches, I came across the Engineer Archetype, which I feel would fit very well in Eberron, and would fill the niche of Artificers in most circumstances. In any case, here's the thread. Just putting it out there as a possibility. Otherwise, I'll look and see if there are any Artificer updates I haven't seen. I'm not going to try and update on my own, as I am not very good at balancing classes.

There is an artificer guide online. I also think you can burn action points to speed up the infusions. If so it will be in the guide.

The Exchange

You can burn AP to speed them up, but action points are incredibly sparse, and I've seen the Artificer Guide back from when I played 3.5.

In regards to the ToS artificer, I looked over it, but I didn't really like it.

Hopefully I can get some feedback on the Engineer alchemist soon, as that seems, at least to me, to be pretty close thematically. It also retains some of the old artificer infusions from Eberron, which I loved.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:

You can burn AP to speed them up, but action points are incredibly sparse, and I've seen the Artificer Guide back from when I played 3.5.

In regards to the ToS artificer, I looked over it, but I didn't really like it.

Hopefully I can get some feedback on the Engineer alchemist soon, as that seems, at least to me, to be pretty close thematically. It also retains some of the old artificer infusions from Eberron, which I loved.

I'll take a look at it and post tomorrow - probably about this time. Tomorrow's my long day for school.

The Exchange

Not a problem. I was just concerned I was holding your game up.

The Exchange

I just realized that the link I gave up there doesn't redirect to the revised Engineer. Here we go.

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:

You can burn AP to speed them up, but action points are incredibly sparse, and I've seen the Artificer Guide back from when I played 3.5.

In regards to the ToS artificer, I looked over it, but I didn't really like it.

Hopefully I can get some feedback on the Engineer alchemist soon, as that seems, at least to me, to be pretty close thematically. It also retains some of the old artificer infusions from Eberron, which I loved.

I was not suggesting using the ToS version, just porting the one ability I posted over to the Eberron version in place of the xp pool mechanic.

PS:I have a strong dislike for the ToS one. I will look at the engineer alchemist though for my own home game since you mentioned it. It might fit pretty well.

The Exchange

@Mr.Swagger, The Engineer Alchemist isn't a dedicated crafter, but they get Craft Wondrous, which is a good one. They also have a lot of Construct related Devices, which replace the standard alchemist's extracts. They'd go well in a setting where Constructs have a large part, like Eberron. While not a direct Artificer replacement, I think they'll fit in pretty well, whether you play in Eberron or some other technologically advanced setting.

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
@Mr.Swagger, The Engineer Alchemist isn't a dedicated crafter, but they get Craft Wondrous, which is a good one. They also have a lot of Construct related Devices, which replace the standard alchemist's extracts. They'd go well in a setting where Constructs have a large part, like Eberron. While not a direct Artificer replacement, I think they'll fit in pretty well, whether you play in Eberron or some other technologically advanced setting.

Thanks for the info. I don't have Warforged in my current game because they have too many immunities for CC, but they should be ok for the next game.

The Exchange

Yeah, from what I've seen from CC, they wouldn't work very well.

The Exchange

Terribly sorry if I seem impatient,Levis, but any news concerning the Engineer?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
Terribly sorry if I seem impatient,Levis, but any news concerning the Engineer?

I'm looking over it now. I'll let you know within the next hour. :)

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Levis wrote:
Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
Terribly sorry if I seem impatient,Levis, but any news concerning the Engineer?
I'm looking over it now. I'll let you know within the next hour. :)

I like it. I think it will work, and if it doesn't we can tinker with it along the road. Let's give it a go.

Would you all mind "dotting" in quick so I can get a head-count?

Okay. I look forward to using the Engineer Archetype, as this'll be my first time playtesting it.

Hp's for character (assuming max 1st and the rest rolled)

3d8 ⇒ (7, 2, 8) = 17

I lost internet access. I am still hanging around

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