GM Levi's Eberron PbP - For King and Country

Game Master Levis

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No need to be sorry. I was the one in the wrong.

I also give names stolen from anime characters to All my paizo playtest pdfs for the duration i keep them.

my ultimate combat playtest folder is named Train Heartnet

and my magus playtest folder is named Creed Diskenth

Darius Kirisallin wrote:
Is it just me or are we missing someone...? We have the Monk, the Druid, the Rogue and the Paladin is in the works. Where is our Fighter...?

I am the fighter.

OH!! Sorry, must have glossed you over by accident. Well it is good to see you! :)

I have a few other projects going on which won't intefere with my ability to participate, but I would like if I can hold on the posting of the fighter until Sunday.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
Darius Kirisallin wrote:

I hope you did not think I was belittling your process, that was never my intention. What I meant was, as Adventures tend to span a long space of time characters change physically and clothes get ruined, cut up and covered in blood and the like.

I understand the way you create your characters, obviously you are quite artistic and that is the medium you create through. I myself create, usually, backstory up! As I said, I did not mean to sound like I was belittling your process and I hope you did not take it that way!


i'm sorry for being so tensed up about it.

I'm not sure your idea works very well with what I have planned. How much do you know about Eberron? And if you're going to be a ninja, I would rather you be an Elf or Kalashtar ... but remember, our group is currently full, and as of now you're character is a back-up! :)

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Mr. Swagger wrote:
I have a few other projects going on which won't intefere with my ability to participate, but I would like if I can hold on the posting of the fighter until Sunday.

Take your time! :) We're all busy! :D

Levis wrote:
Oh, and traits... For now, pick out one you like from the APG,........

Ok. For my monk, it's the social trait: adopted --- pick up a race trait from your adaptive parents' race,APG,p. 329; the race trait is Human Race trait: World Traveler: +1 trait bonus on his Sense Motive skill, APG,p. 332.

So there I think it fits his background really well. Hope this is ok, Levis.

i don't really know any confirmed knowledge about eberron, just rumors from former high school buddies that it was a steampunk setting, that warforged were robots, that shifters were overpowered, and that artificers were underpowered.

Dakvor Damashek wrote:
Ok. For my monk, it's the social trait: adopted.......

By the way, I have changed my additional language to Draconic as those are the choices for a half-orc's additional language (after reviewing the pathfinder rulebook).

It will still fit his background as his stepfather is a wizard hence would be well-versed in this language (actually I do have stats for Aznak, I imagine him to be a wizard/extreme explorer but I leave Levis to fill that up should he want to use Dakvor's stepfather as hook) :)

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
i don't really know any confirmed knowledge about eberron, just rumors from former high school buddies that it was a steampunk setting, that warforged were robots, that shifters were overpowered, and that artificers were underpowered.

Ignore such things, for they are not of truth.

Serious tone: If they are calling artificers underpowered they definitely should not be listened to.

Mr. Swagger wrote:
I have a few other projects going on which won't intefere with my ability to participate, but I would like if I can hold on the posting of the fighter until Sunday.

And the anticipation mounts.... :) LOL no problem take your time, indeed. Bones is really an interesting character. And am loving the image of your elf-dexterous-like dwarf! It's really hard with all the options in APG & the rulebook & the eberron books! Enjoy making bones :)

Dakvor Damashek wrote:
Mr. Swagger wrote:
I have a few other projects going on which won't intefere with my ability to participate, but I would like if I can hold on the posting of the fighter until Sunday.
And the anticipation mounts.... :) LOL no problem take your time, indeed. Bones is really an interesting character. And am loving the image of your elf-dexterous-like dwarf! It's really hard with all the options in APG & the rulebook & the eberron books! Enjoy making bones :)

I had forgotten I could use the Eberron books. I don't know if I will need them though.

i think i will drop out of this ebberron pbp

Hi Levis & team, I'm offline for the next 2 days so don't think I'm not interested anymore if you don't hear anything from me during the weekend. I'll be definitely back :)

wraithstrike wrote:
I had forgotten I could use the Eberron books. I don't know if I will need them though. might be right there. The core & APG actually already give you a ton of cool options that in my case really makes me giddy with delight :D

Two of my character's feats were taken from the Ebberon Core book. I also took the concept of being opposed to the Emerald Claw after reading several regions and deciding on the region that I liked most for my character's background story.

Was Shuriken one of the accepted players or an alternate? I guess i'm asking, is there still a spot open?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Eben TheQuiet wrote:
Was Shuriken one of the accepted players or an alternate? I guess i'm asking, is there still a spot open?

She was an alternate. Eben, I would love for you to roll up a back-up for this! :) Maybe I'll even squeeze you in! :D

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
i think i will drop out of this ebberron pbp

No worries! If you want to stick around, learn about the setting and all, that would be great! We just need players that really know the setting! :)

Levis wrote:
She was an alternate. Eben, I would love for you to roll up a back-up for this! :) Maybe I'll even squeeze you in! :D

Will do! :) I actually have two characters who I think could be fun for this campaign. I'll try to flesh out their backgrounds in teh next couple of days and get them in here.

Just so I know what i'm dealing with...

4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 4, 6) = 17 : 16
4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 6, 4) = 19 : 16
4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 3, 4) = 10 : 9
4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2, 1) = 8 : 7
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 4) = 12 : 11
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 1, 2) = 15 : 14

So we have 2 characters with Karnath connections, right? The rogue and the fighter. I'd like to bring a character that brings interesting potential dynamics between the players. How does the Bone-knight fit in? Is he Karnathi? (wouldn't' really make sense to have a Thranish one, huh?) Then one Brelander in the monk?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Eben TheQuiet wrote:
So we have 2 characters with Karnath connections, right? The rogue and the fighter. I'd like to bring a character that brings interesting potential dynamics between the players. How does the Bone-knight fit in? Is he Karnathi? (wouldn't' really make sense to have a Thranish one, huh?) Then one Brelander in the monk?

Mostly Karrns and the Brelish monk. The Bone Knight is a Karrn. I would love to see a Thranish for giggles. :)

Hey ya'll, hectic few days ahead. Wont be on till like Monday but I think I am basically finished my character creation anyway. (All I am waiting on to be 100% is the Campaign trait! :) ) So I will be back either late Sunday (My time) or early Saturday! Till then, Ciao!



Longstride Shifter Inquisitor of the Silver Flame
Alignment NG
Domain: Good

str 16 dex 18 con 11 int 7 wis 16 cha 7

Desh was born in a small nomadic tribe in the Reaches, though he has no solid memories of them. While the tribe tried to avoid the War, it found them never-the-less, and found the child Desh orphaned in the deep snow, a severe wound through the gut.

And this is how the clerics of the Silver Flame found him. The two of them, acting as healing support for a Thranish company, ran across the dying child after a pitched fight and took pity on him. Healing him as best they could, though the scars would never fade and the child would always have a physical frailty.

His memories are of a life in Thrane, a constant outsider in a land whose religious precepts once dictated that he be killed for his monstrous lineage. The clerics became his parents, though the two men knew nothing of nurturing a child. They put him through education, though he struggled with the academics and rules. They gave him religious tutoring, and though his mind would struggle with the structured rules of the doctrine, he grasped and internalized the bigger issues of good and evil. He grew fast and strong despite his constitutional frailty, having a passion for athletic endeavors and the wilds… a remnant from his unremembered childhood. His tenacity - bordering on relentlessness - drove him to succeed where his tutors thought he would fail. And though - because of his racial heritage and refusal to bend to Thranish orthodoxy - the wild boy would never become a respected member of the Silver Flame Church hierarchy, he strove to make a place for himself and a difference in the world in the name of his god… if not his nation.

When they asked him to accompany a priest to look into an issue regarding the Karnathi Emerald Claw, he jumped at the chance, even if he was only commissioned as a tracker and assistant.

Desh has mixed feelings about Thrane; his 'parents' strongly support the theocracy, though his experiences with many of the people therein haven't been supportive. He struggles with much of the mainline Silver Flame Orthodoxy. He does, however, care passionately for the heart of the Silver Flame's purpose… to see the light of good spread to areas where the shadow of Evil holds sway. Leaving the academic thinking to smarter minds, Desh is happy to seek out Evil wherever it is to be found and pursue it relentlessly in order to destroy it.

He is five and a half feet tall, athletically built, but with scars across the right side of his face, and more slashing horribly horizontally across his abdomen… a legacy from his youth. His fervent green eyes miss little, in both the world and in people, and woe to the person who becomes his quarry.

Longstride Shifter Inquisitor
NG with the Good Domain.
str 16 dex 18 con 11 int 7 wis 16 cha 7

Capable of fighting at range and in melee. Spells bring a smattering of buffs with some healing. Excellent tracker.

Feats; Improved Initiative, Longstrider Elite
Trait: I'd lke to create one which adds a +1 to Initiative and is treated as a Shifter Feat for purposes of Shifting duration and times per day... possibly called "Quick to the Prey"?

It's a little weaker on the story than I'd originally planned, but I had to get it up in a hurry. I really like the character, though.

So what do you think, Levis?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Eben TheQuiet wrote:

** spoiler omitted **...

I really like this! :) Very cool. When I saw the race/religion I did a double take, but this is really cool! :D

Hi, I just changed some of Dakvor's items. He just realized there's a mastwerwork backpack and added it accordingly. Being lightly-loaded is paramount to a monk for his abilities to function properly :)

Levis wrote:
Eben TheQuiet wrote:

** spoiler omitted **...

I really like this! :) Very cool. When I saw the race/religion I did a double take, but this is really cool! :D

Excellent. Glad you like it. Let me know if I'm in the game or on stand-by. If I'm in, I'll post the build.

And if that's the case, what did you think of the custom trait? Seemed appropriate to the character, and helps boost his shifting a bit to boot.

Could you post all the build rules in one posts? I will hunt them down later if someone does not do it before I get a chance too.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

wraithstrike wrote:
Could you post all the build rules in one posts? I will hunt them down later if someone does not do it before I get a chance too.

I will do that sometime this week! Just as soon as I have some free-time, so it may be as late as this weekend.

It seems that I have no free time this semester! :D

I hope that lack of free time doesn't also mean lack of this game.

I've been doin some research for my character, and have come up with a very solid way to link him to Karnath, along with a rather interesting, yet very plausable way to explain his strange religious views, which have altered once more. No longer will he be a Schismatic, but instead will be a throw back to a more ancient form of worship.

I *hope* you like what I've come up with as much as I do.

Btw I believe my name will be Veorik Kraal, I think lol

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Monkeygod wrote:

I hope that lack of free time doesn't also mean lack of this game.

I've been doin some research for my character, and have come up with a very solid way to link him to Karnath, along with a rather interesting, yet very plausable way to explain his strange religious views, which have altered once more. No longer will he be a Schismatic, but instead will be a throw back to a more ancient form of worship.

I *hope* you like what I've come up with as much as I do.

Btw I believe my name will be Veorik Kraal, I think lol

Don't worry, we'll game! :) I'm still adjusting to my new semester's schedule, and I'm assistant directing the main stage musical :)

I'm happy as long as you're happy.

BTW Eben, you're in! So strap up and get writin' :)

I plan on setting up the official thread sometime next week! :)

Levis wrote:

I plan on setting up the official thread sometime next week! :)

Good to hear. :D

Cool. I'll get a character sheet together and post it up this week.

Question to the other players, what skill focuses are we lacking. I know what skills i'd like him to have maxed out (stealth, perception, sense motive, survival), but is there anything we need that we don't have that the inquisitor class provides? i.e. knowledge skills, heal, whatever.

Let me know. I don't want to build in too many redundancies.

Loche's current skill list

Climb (Str) +4 ranks 1
Craft Traps (Int) +6 ranks 1
Handle Animal (Cha) +6 ranks 1 (+10 with Animal Companion)
Heal (Wis) +10 ranks 3
Knowledge: Geography (Int) +7 ranks 2
Knowledge: Nature (Int) +7 ranks 2
Perception (Wis) +10 ranks 3
Ride (Dex) +7 ranks 3
Spellcraft (Int) +6 ranks 1
Survival (Wis) +10 ranks 3
Swim (Str) +4 ranks 1

Being a Druid I put focus on Heal, Perception, Ride, and Survival.

Since my companion is a Vermin, I'm wondering if Handle Animal or Wild Empathy is the appropriate skill for normal command. Link provides a +4 either way and the ability to command with free actions and move actions is the same either way.

Starting gold. Levis said Max for level. Does that mean 3,000 for level 3 or 3,000 plus your class's starting gold maxed? (in the inquisitor's case 3240g)

i realized that i would like to study ebberron a little and would like help in creating something new.

i don't think the ninja will fit after all wih the default fluff. but i am hoping to play a ninja-like character. it could even be a rogue if that would be prefered. i think this would likely be a female human "Ninja" or "Rogue". likely of oriental descent.

concept will have to be rewritten. maybe an assassin from a special religious sect within a church that would deem it appropriate. thinking of a secret sect of assassins within the church of the silver flame. but i will need a link to the silver flame to better understand it. she herself wouldn't be good aligned, but grew up raised in the church of a good aligned god.

i will drop all previous references and seek to roll a new set of scores for this pc.

4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 3, 4) = 13 12

4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 6, 4) = 17 16

4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 5) = 14 12

4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 3) = 14 13

4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 5) = 18 17

4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 4, 1) = 12 11

i think i will make this character a rogue instead of a ninja.
scout archtype will likely be taken

Yuki Hanako

Female Human (ebberron equivalent to japanese) Rogue (Scout Archtype)

Nameless assassin of the church of the silver flame.


Str 13

Dex 17

Con 14

Int 16

Wis 12

Cha 11

she was raised by the church of the silver flame and was groomed to take the path of a specific sect of the church. not the most pure of people. at first, she disliked her job, but then she learned to appreciate it. mostly as a coping skill for being lashed due to her complaining. her mother was a paladin from a faraway land who was slain by a lich and his army of death knights and she had never met her father. she seriously beleives that she is human but cannot understand the reason for her light sensitivity nor her frequent cold body temperature. she is not "Undead Enough" to have negative energy affinity nor to be a Dhampir. but people have hinted at a small trace of undeath being in her blood. she has to bite necks and drink a pint of blood once per 24 hours or her sympoms become even more bothersome.

is it possible to create a light sensitivity flaw to balance out tacking on minor darkvision? the bite one neck per 24 hours flaw could serve as another balancing factor. she doesn't know that her father was a dhampir. even though her mother was human. i'm sure 60 feet, even 30 wouldn't be too bad. i just used the human mechanics because human is the dominant set of genes in her gene pool.

Eben TheQuiet wrote:
....Question to the other players, what skill focuses are we lacking. I know what skills i'd like him to have maxed out (stealth, perception, sense motive, survival), but is there anything we need that we don't have that the inquisitor class provides? i.e. knowledge skills, heal, whatever.

Hi Eben, first of all,welcome to the team!

Not sure what we are lacking but for your info Dakvor, the half-orc monk's's skills are maxed as follows:

Acrobatics +8,
Escape Artist +8
Perception +9
Sense Motive +10
Stealth +8

Hope this helps you choose your skills. I am not familiar with the inquisitor class (i'll read on it later).

Eben TheQuiet wrote:
Starting gold. Levis said Max for level. Does that mean 3,000 for level 3 or 3,000 plus your class's starting gold maxed? (in the inquisitor's case 3240g)

Actually, I am not sure but I worked on 3,000gp only to be conservative :)

Monkeygod wrote:
...Btw I believe my name will be Veorik Kraal, I think lol

Hey! Cool name, actually. I like it :)

The mist reveals a figure armored in an unseemly manner.

"Who's that?", a peasant nervously whispers to a militia. "And that armor? Are those...ah...uhm...bones?!"

The militia replied with a respectful tone, "Yes. And that, my friend, is Veorik, the Bone Knight."

Dark Archive

Friendly neighborhood Rogue checking back in! :)

Eben TheQuiet wrote:
Question to the other players, what skill focuses are we lacking. I know what skills i'd like him to have maxed out (stealth, perception, sense motive, survival), but is there anything we need that we don't have that the inquisitor class provides?

I am not sure what needs covering but here are my skills:-

Acrobatics +10,
Bluff +6,
Climb +6,
Craft(Alchemy) +6,
Diplomacy +6,
Disable Device +10,
Disguise +6,
Escape Artist +10,
Perception +6,
Perform(String Instruments) +3,
Sense Motive +6,
Stealth +,10,
Use Magic Device +6

Quite a list... I am proud of that! :) The Perform is just backstory filler. :)

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
she has to bite necks and drink a pint of blood once per 24 hours or her symptoms become even more bothersome

I doubt that she could keep that covered up from the Church... And sadly, if the Church found out, she would be dead. Very. Very. Dead. Think of the Silver Flame as the Inquisition arm of the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages and Vampires Were beings and any other types of Undead as the equivalent of Witches and Scientists.

Dakvor Damashek wrote:

The mist reveals a figure armored in an unseemly manner.

"Who's that?", a peasant nervously whispers to a militia. "And that armor? Are those...ah...uhm...bones?!"

The militia replied with a respectful tone, "Yes. And that, my friend, is Veorik, the Bone Knight."

I agree. Great name. Also, great visual there!

Damn... I edited my post and accidentally posted it with my CoT PbP Bard. Sorry.

Lol. No problem. I got it figured out. So the only skills were missing are the paladin's and the fighter's? It looks like (if our bone-knight is willing to max out knowledge: religion) that I can go with knowledge: dungeoneering, with some support points into intimidate (which I'm sure the bone knight will have :D) and survival, and the rest where I see fit?

Bone-Knight willing, that seems about right yeah. Should make for an interesting addition to the group. :) Happy creating! :)

I will definitely be maxing out K:R and most likely Ride. Beyond that, I guess it depends on my Int, tho being Human n favored class skill points will help as well.

Btw, can I just point out that I *HATE* rolling for stats and much rather use point buy

I don't mind. Though it's been forever since I've done it.

Regarding your skill points, no sweat, if you can't cover intimidate, I will. Just thought the towering Karn in the bone armor might want first crack at it. :)

Rolling for stats isn't ideal but hey... To hell with it. It'll be interesting yeah? This way we have to play our weaknesses just as well as we play our strengths.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Darius Kirisallin wrote:

Rolling for stats isn't ideal but hey... To hell with it. It'll be interesting yeah? This way we have to play our weaknesses just as well as we play our strengths.

I chose rolling stats because it's more organic, and to a certain extent can prevent power gaming. My style of play and gming puts more emphasis on roleplaying and storytelling, so I tend to play fast and loose with the rules. Of course, PbP is easier to dictate, and less on the fly.

I'll set up an alias eventually, but let's do my stats first:

4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 3, 2) = 11(10)
4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 4, 4) = 15 (13)
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 5, 2) = 13 (12)
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 3, 1) = 10 (9)
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 6, 5) = 18(15)+2=17
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 3) = 17(14)

Str 14
Dex 9
Con 12
Int 13
Wis 10
Cha 17(+2 Human)

Not too bad.

btw, I saw this on these boards awhile back:

Eberron PF Racial Bonuses:
changling : add a +2 to one stat
Kalashtar: add a +2 to one mental stat
Shifter:change to +2 dex +2 wis -2 cha
Warforged: +2 con +2 int -2 cha

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