GM Levi's Eberron PbP - For King and Country

Game Master Levis

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RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

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Hi everyone!

I decided that I really don't have enough gaming in my life, and so I have decided I am going to GM my own PbP set in Eberron.

If you are interested, please post a short character back story. I will contact you if I believe you are what I am looking for.

I need four to five players and expect a post everyday. This will be my first time running a PbP, but I've run table top games for four years. Yes, this will be an ADVENTURE!

I will allow ALL Eberron 3.5 materials, the Core Rulebook. The APG will be allowed on a case by case basis, simply because I am not as familiar with the material presented in it as I should be.

I hope you'll want to play!

Levis wrote:

Hi everyone!

I decided that I really don't have enough gaming in my life, and so I have decided I am going to GM my own PbP set in Eberron.

If you are interested, please post a short character back story. I will contact you if I believe you are what I am looking for.

I need four to five players and expect a post everyday. This will be my first time running a PbP, but I've run table top games for four years. Yes, this will be an ADVENTURE!

I will allow ALL Eberron 3.5 materials, the Core Rulebook. The APG will be allowed on a case by case basis, simply because I am not as familiar with the material presented in it as I should be.

I hope you'll want to play!

Two things.

1. I would not mind trying
2. That were touched master class is rediculous if you allows the animal form that gives you +16 strength. I can't play that one in good faith. That is the only class I know of in Eberron that might be an issue. I am not telling you what to allow or not allow, just a heads up.

How short is short?
Could we have a starting synopsis or will our heroes run into this adventure by accident. We set out to guard some random caravan, and it is transporting an artifact which we have to keep save, as an example.

If you don't want to say anything I understand.

How short is short for the background? What level will we start at? I ask because there is only so much a first level character can be expected to have done, and at the same time if you are 10th level it is hard to not have a decent background story. You had to do something to get those levels.

I DM a couple of campaigns and play in a couple. You can check my avatar to look at names like Urirawa, Zee, and Lion to get a feel for the type of writing that I do. You might also check Smerg as that is the name that I DM under.

Here is the pitch for character concept: Human Druid sect Child of Winter.

It was towards the end of the war when the people rose up in the Eldeen Reaches. Loche was a lad at the time and he saw the people gathered under the wisdom of the Great Druid.

His father returned from the war having fought with the army. He had fought in a company of rangers and was friends with several of the rangers and druids that had fought in the war.

After the war, Loche's father continued to be called up on militia duties to defend the Reaches or to go into the woods to rescue various people from dangers.

When Loche was in his early teens, his father was returned home with only part of his right leg.

Loche saw his father's friends come by to pay their respects but none of the Druids or Rangers would do anything with their magic to help replace the lost leg. They gave the reason that somethings are natural and happen in their place and time.

Loche became bitter because he felt their had to be a way to change the way things were. He even bargained for aid with the druids by offering his service to the Gatekeeprs.

They refused.

They said that you can not bargain for knowledge of the woods.

There were other druids that did not share this view. The Children of Winter were one such group.

They understood suffering and loss. They could feel Loche's anguish at seeing his father limping around the farm.

They took him in. They showed him how cruelty is the natural state of order. Death is the only absolute.

When Loche was done his initiate training, the Children of Winter kept their promise and gave Loche a scroll that would allow him to regenerate the leg of his father. Loche took the scroll and went to the farm. He sat and talked with his father. After staying the night at the farm he left.

Loche stopped briefly at the edge of the farm to burn the scroll. His father did not deserve the scroll because his father was weak.

Loche is committed to the Great Druid and the Eldeen Reaches. He travels from the wood to search for allies to help him return to the woods and eliminate a cult of the Emerald Claw that he has found lurking in the woods.

I'm not applying, just vouching for Smerg.

Pick him.

If I were assembling a dream team to do a PBP with, Smerg would be at the top of the list.

How do you handle wealth and what are your hosuerules?. Sorry if I am being a pain. I just don't like surprises, and I want to be sure the spots go to the best players for the campaign, even if it is not me. That is all for this portion of the interview. :)

Edit:What are you pathfinder version of the Eberron Races?

Joao Marcos
Elemental Kin Barbarian (Water)

Ever a rural child, Joao was born in New Cyre, and in an inexplicable desire to find the sea, he made his way there, working when he could not survive off of the land. Zilargo was an interesting place, so very different from Breland. The gnomes there were very inquisitive sorts, working with things that were equally as interesting.

Still, even their wondrous creations were not as distracting as water was to him. He had followed it call through the rivers, felt its encouragement in the rain.. Even the snow and ice of the mountains it was there, and contemplating the sea raging onto the land during a storm, it was there. Seeking those knowledgeable in what holds him in its thrall, he has happened across one or two others like him; harboring a strong belief in something within, something beyond the elements, something deeper.

Information however, is not free-- so in exchange he works, looking for that connection that he intuitively knows is there. Joao is trading service for information, and is not so very particular about the work, as long as what he learns brings him closer to understanding what connection he has that drives him so. He figures if anyone would know, the gnomes would.

Grand Lodge

I don't have much time to post a full backstory right now, but I'd like to submit a warforged cleric, Walker. His motivation is to gain experiance of the world.

You're killing me, Levis! KILLING ME!

I don't have any more gaming bandwidth, and then you come along with you shiny new Eberron opportunity.

Sigh. I say again... sigh.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Wow! This caught on fast! :D

Let's see here ...

1) I apologize that the title is wrong "Interested" is what I meant, I shouldn't be up at 2 in the morning! Haha!

2) Let's say, level 3, max wealth.

3) I'm unsure of what I want the campaign to go, so I'm not able to tell you yet how you met. I am leaning towards something that highlights the Thrane-Karrnath troubles.

4) I'll have to look over the races again and get back to you on adjustments and changes. I'm kind of doing this on a whim, and need to finish my thought process.

5) House Rules ... I normally make them as needed. Although, I always play fast and loose with the rules, simply because I favor the story of stats. Oh one thing. Elephant animal companions are ALWAYS large from the start. I don't care about the bull crap stats, and they will remain the same. They are large.

6) I'll everyone a few days to post characters, and then I will pick.

7) I'd like to run the game here with extras on Obsidian Portal.

8) Personally, I like my standard fighter, rogue, cleric, wizard/sorcerer set up. But that doesn't mean I'm not open to options. I also prefer Good characters. But, story always comes first.

Let the fun begin! :D

I have a shapeshifter gatekeeper druid I worked up as a possible replacement character for a past Eberron campaign I can throw into a profile. The build involves him working toward moonspeaker, and had a racial trait that was basicallly a pared down shifter feat.

Shifter Instinct Trait (Shifter Racial Trait)
Your heritage has given you sharp senses, and you have learned to trust your equally sharp instincts.
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks. This trait counts as a shifting feat.

How are you handling stat generation?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

sunshadow21 wrote:

I have a shapeshifter gatekeeper druid I worked up as a possible replacement character for a past Eberron campaign I can throw into a profile. The build involves him working toward moonspeaker, and had a racial trait that was basicallly a pared down shifter feat.

Shifter Instinct Trait (Shifter Racial Trait)
Your heritage has given you sharp senses, and you have learned to trust your equally sharp instincts.
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks. This trait counts as a shifting feat.

How are you handling stat generation?

Let's go with 4d6 -1 the lowest, the "organic" method! :D

I'd like to hear more about this shifter fellow.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'd like to resurrect Liriel my gnome artificer who was created for a previous Eberron PBP that flamed out after a couple pages of posting.

Artux Ironhide Beasthide Shifter Gatekeeper Druid/Moonspeaker
Character Name Race Class

Male 30 5’8” 160 lb
Gender Age Height Weight

Rough, barklike Tanned Black; Long, Braided Green Skin Hair Eyes

Character Notes tends to be anti-social around strangers, eventually warming up to merely untalkative;
alert & watchful; loner by nature, but not opposed to working with like-minded allies; originally from the Eldeen Reaches;
has traveled extensively aiding fellow Gatekeepers in their efforts against outsiders

lithe, bestial fingers/toes/facial features, faint aroma of wood

All the descriptions involving plants are because the level I statted him out at he was able to have a couple of plant grafts, which if he has enough gp to start, I may keep on him; also personality and selected shifter type may change with a different set of stats

4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 6) = 23 :18
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 3, 2) = 14 :12
4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 3, 3) = 12 :9
4d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5, 2) = 12 :10
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 2) = 17 :15
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 2, 5) = 14 :13

I wish my real dice loved me as much as the dice roller here does; I think it's starting to spoil me.

I'll get something more detailed worked up this evening.

Also these are the new stat adjustments the other DM used:
Changelings - +2 charisma
Kalashtar - +2 to intelligence
Shifters - +2 dexterity, + 2 wisdom, and -2 charisma
Warforged - +2 strength, + 2 constitution, -2 charisma

I want to break the mold and be evil. I will not be "stab the party in the back evil, steal from the party evil, do something stupid and get the party in trouble evil, or any other disfunctional evil. If you really don't want evil I can change to good.

We have a
Barbarian, a druid, a druid, and 2 free spots

Will the druid be planning to play frontline druids or spellcasting druids?

I am trying to decide between a ranger(ranged), TWF fighter dwarf, and a wizard. I want to fit in well.

edit:Changed the last sentence to make sense.

With those stats and the right shifter type I could either really. He was setup as a spellcaster originally. I just looked at his original stats, and I actually didn't do to bad with him; 12, 15, 14, 12, 18, 7(which went into charisma giving him a nice low 5). The dice must like the concept.

I'm interested as well, perhaps as a Cleric who goes into Boneknight, or maybe a Daelkyr Half-Blood Ranger going Impure Prince, or perhaps a Kalashtar Soulknife.

Lots of character choices there, but I've been dying to play in an Eberron game for awhile now.

Monkeygod wrote:

I'm interested as well, perhaps as a Cleric who goes into Boneknight, or maybe a Daelkyr Half-Blood Ranger going Impure Prince, or perhaps a Kalashtar Soulknife.

Lots of character choices there, but I've been dying to play in an Eberron game for awhile now.

If you are going to try to use a psionic character then see if he will allow DSP's psionic characters. They are an update of the 3.5 psionic rules, and are quiet popular.

wraithstrike wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:

I'm interested as well, perhaps as a Cleric who goes into Boneknight, or maybe a Daelkyr Half-Blood Ranger going Impure Prince, or perhaps a Kalashtar Soulknife.

Lots of character choices there, but I've been dying to play in an Eberron game for awhile now.

If you are going to try to use a psionic character then see if he will allow DSP's psionic characters. They are an update of the 3.5 psionic rules, and are quiet popular.

LOL, i am quite familiar with those rules, as I am one of the playtesters over there, and I'm credited in the book too! lol

Monkeygod wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:

I'm interested as well, perhaps as a Cleric who goes into Boneknight, or maybe a Daelkyr Half-Blood Ranger going Impure Prince, or perhaps a Kalashtar Soulknife.

Lots of character choices there, but I've been dying to play in an Eberron game for awhile now.

If you are going to try to use a psionic character then see if he will allow DSP's psionic characters. They are an update of the 3.5 psionic rules, and are quiet popular.
LOL, i am quite familiar with those rules, as I am one of the playtesters over there, and I'm credited in the book too! lol

It's lobbying time then.

Mr. DM-person I think we should be allowed to use DSP or at least Monkey should be allowed to use it.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

wraithstrike wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:

I'm interested as well, perhaps as a Cleric who goes into Boneknight, or maybe a Daelkyr Half-Blood Ranger going Impure Prince, or perhaps a Kalashtar Soulknife.

Lots of character choices there, but I've been dying to play in an Eberron game for awhile now.

If you are going to try to use a psionic character then see if he will allow DSP's psionic characters. They are an update of the 3.5 psionic rules, and are quiet popular.
LOL, i am quite familiar with those rules, as I am one of the playtesters over there, and I'm credited in the book too! lol

It's lobbying time then.

Mr. DM-person I think we should be allowed to use DSP or at least Monkey should be allowed to use it.

Monkeygod, Cleric-Bone Knight, (Karrnathi?) I like it, you're in. Roll up and story up!

Four slots left!!

4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 6, 4) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 6, 1) = 18
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 2, 3) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5, 2) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 6, 2) = 13
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 2, 3) = 9


Dwarf Fighter(TWF-Archetype) Garish "bones" Boulderdash

Garish Boulderdash is quiet tall and skinny for a dwarf which is how he got the nick name Bones. The first few years of his life were quiet uninteresting since he just did odd jobs. Things changed for him when a Valenar warband raided an outpost he was working at as an engineer. They killed everyone, well everyone except for him. He knew the outpost was a legit target so the attack was something he could accept in principle. He felt that killing is one thing, but torturing for the sake of torturing is inhumane. His anger got the better of him when and he somehow took out quiet a few of the invaders before they corned him. They beat him severely, and probably would have killed him, but a Blademark Guild from House Deneith had a regiment headed that way to stock up on supplies while on the way to another mission.

Bones ended up enlisting and served honorably until the war came to an end. I will finish the rest of the story once I find out more info about the current campaign.

Edit:Continuing the story

He is now a freelancer who carefully picks his jobs so as to try to serve those who have some type of honor and respect for opponents.

Now all this group needs is a Valenar! :)

Eben TheQuiet wrote:
Now all this group needs is a Valenar! :)

My guy has a reason to not like elves rather than the typical, "because it is an elf", and it is only elves that serve Valenar. There is more to the story, but that is all my character is willing to talk about up front.

Oh, I think that's fine. I still think it would be an awesome dynamic to have your dwarf matched up with a Valenar elf.

Okay, poast got eaten.

I think that's great about your dwarf. I still think it would be an awesome dynamic to have a Valenar in the group with him.

Eben TheQuiet wrote:

Okay, poast got eaten.

I think that's great about your dwarf. I still think it would be an awesome dynamic to have a Valenar in the group with him.

The evil post monster does that, and I agree a Valenar would make for some great RP.

edit:for clarification

Got a history in mind, gonna need to do a bit of research to flesh it out fully. will work on rollin up soon as well.

Edit: thinking he'll be a worshiper of the Dark Six, but he'll be a follower of their older mythos, where they are considered the other half of the Sovereign Host.

Mr. Swagger wrote:




Dwarf Fighter(TWF-Archetype) Garish "bones" Boulderdash

Garish Boulderdash is quiet tall and skinny for a dwarf which is how he got the nick name Bones. The first few years of his life were quiet uninteresting since he just did odd jobs. Things changed for him when a Valenar warband raided an outpost he was working at as an engineer. They killed everyone, well everyone except for him. He knew the outpost was a legit target so the attack was something he could accept in principle. He felt that killing is one thing, but torturing for the sake of torturing is inhumane. His anger got the better of him when and he somehow took out quiet a few of the invaders before they corned him. They beat him severely, and probably would have killed him, but a Blademark Guild from House Deneith had a regiment headed that way to stock up on supplies while on the way to another mission.

Bones ended up enlisting and served honorably until the war came to an end. I will finish the rest of the story once I find out more info about the current campaign.

Edit:Continuing the story

He is now a freelancer who carefully picks his jobs so as to try to serve those who have some type of honor and respect for opponents.

If the dwarf does not make it due to too many front liners I can roll a wizard or ranger/rogue. I would like to keep the same stats though.

4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 3, 5) = 13 = 11
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 2, 5) = 18 = 16
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3, 2) = 13 = 11
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 3) = 10 = 9
4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 5, 5) = 15 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 1, 3) = 14 = 13

I would like to submit a human wizard for consideration.

Orden d'Cannith is a serious man in his thirties. He spen tmuch of his youth wrapped up in books and scholarly activities, learning wizardry as he studied under the auspices of the Twelve.

He is a staunch member of Cannith East and a surprisingly good chef, the beefy wizard enjoys cooking almost as much as old lore and magic. He is without a doubt a gruff man, but practical and well-meaning.

Str 11, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 16+2, Wis 13, Cha 9

He's going to be transmuter, with illusion and enchantment barred.

Eberron was my first setting, and I'd love to get a game in it! With my favourite element, the Dragonmarked!

Oh, congrats on getting into the Top 32 by the way!

I have a plan for a Karrnathi Elven Rogue, but I was wondering if I could use one of the APG Archetypes? I was intending on using the Poisoner Archetype.

APG Rogue

Hmm, my concept may have some difficulty fitting in with some of the karnathi, but then again it would make for some fun roleplaying. At any rate, here is the basic profile for your perusal; equipment and details on the skills will probably be added tomorrow. When you said 3rd level, does that mean the starting wealth is 3000 as per the character wealth per level chart? Also, are you using traits or not? I included the plant grafts, but may not get them, at least to start, depending on starting gold (the original was lvl 6 so had a little more gold to work with.)

CN Karrnathi Elven Rogue - Darius "The Shadow" Kirisallin

4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 5, 1) = 13(-1)=12
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 2, 6) = 14(-1)=13
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 4, 6) = 15(-2)=13
4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 1, 5) = 11(-1)=10
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 1, 6) = 17(-1)=16
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 1, 3) = 12(-1)=11


Born to a dead mother, sired by a father who died before he was born, Darius had known from an early age the cold grasp of the underworld. His youth was far from pleasant. An Orphan in his own right, he was ostracized and shunned by his peers, even though he had a family in his Grandparents.

Having no one his own age to play with left him with much time to pursue other areas of interest. He read, continuously, all matters of history, biographies, instructional manuscripts and tall tales. He spent his time learning the Violin, an instrument that he became quite adept with. Darius spent his childhood, not in a constant state of joyous play, but a perpetual state of quiet learning.

He explored, as every young man did, the surrounding areas of the City, traveling to the deep forests around his home, to the mountains and even, once, to the sea and back again. But, unlike other youths his age, Darius spent most of his time not exploring the countryside, but exploring his very own little town! He had learned, from some archaic manuscript, the manner by which one could pick a lock, and had employed this piece of information, after tracking down and buying a set of tools, to gain access to wherever his heart desired.

At the tender age of 120 years old, Darius, still young in Elven years, enlisted in the Guard of a Minor Lord, there to be trained in the use of a blade. It was here that he would find his true calling, employing his quick hands, sharp eyes and ears and his emotionally numb state of being as a Spy and, if extremely necessary, an Assassin, for his employer.

After 10 years of faithful service to his Lord, Darius slipped. Messing up a Contract would cost him his life, he knew that, but he had been ordered to Poison a young Lord, a human boy of no more than 11, at a banquet he, Darius's Lord, would be hosting. Fearing for his own life and the life of the young Lord, Darius slipped... the poison straight into his employers glass. He fled Karrnath that same night, leaving behind anything he could not carry and disappearing into the night.

He traveled the lands for two decades, learning his trade first hand as he stole, lied, cheated and begged for a living. He became adept at both picking locks and charming coat pockets and very soon had earned himself a reputation as a Thief with Potential, amongst the right circle of people!

At the age of 150 he set up his home base in the city of Sharn, pulling off some minor jobs in the higher reaches to earn enough money to get him going, before he became a terror to the Middle class. He stole indiscriminately from everyone stupid enough to not lock up fully at night.

He worked like this for a further ten years, earning himself the nickname "The Shadow", till he finally slipped up. Barely escaping a noose, he fled the city of Sharn in search of adventure and excitement in the outer world, at least till the heat died down a little!

I know it was meant to be a short back story but... I got carried away. Sorry!

I tweaked the background a bit to make it work with all these karnathi folk.

Artux Ironhide wrote:
Hmm, my concept may have some difficulty fitting in with some of the karnathi, but then again it would make for some fun roleplaying. At any rate, here is the basic profile for your perusal; equipment and details on the skills will probably be added tomorrow. When you said 3rd level, does that mean the starting wealth is 3000 as per the character wealth per level chart? Also, are you using traits or not? I included the plant grafts, but may not get them, at least to start, depending on starting gold (the original was lvl 6 so had a little more gold to work with.)

The gold is going to be 3000. I forgot to ask about traits though, good catch.

The DM said it would involve a conflict between Karnath and Thrane without saying which side we would be on or if we would be a 3rd party.

Mr. Swagger wrote:

The DM said it would involve a conflict between Karnath and Thrane without saying which side we would be on or if we would be a 3rd party.

Which is why I made it so that my character would have a reason to work with Karnathis. As long as no ones starts creating vampires or summoning devils or aberrations, he should be able to get along with the party, even if he isn't thrilled with everything they do. He really isn't all that concerned about Khorvaire politics directly.


4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 4) = 11 = 10
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5, 1) = 14 = 13
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 3) = 12 = 11
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 4, 4) = 17 = 14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 3) = 16 = 15
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 6) = 21 = 17

Since dice rolls cost nothing to post, and little time to edit:

4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 4, 4) = 13 12
4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 4, 2) = 13 11
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 6) = 21 17
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 6, 6) = 16 15
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 2) = 18 16
4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 5, 4) = 17 13

got my story pretty much worked out in my head, but until i know for sure if i can worship the Dark Six, I won't be writing it up as his worship to them is a key part of the current version.

Oh, I'd like to just add that Id be more than willing to play and NOT be a Poisoner. Either way he works as a Character. The idea of Poisoning just kinda calls to me!

Dakvor Damashek, LN,Male Half-orc Monk

4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 4) = 20= 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 1) = 14= 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 4) = 14= 11
4d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 1, 1) = 10= 9
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 1, 5) = 16= 15
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 4, 3) = 17= 14

Stats after racial adjustment:
STR 16
DEX 15
CON 11
INT 13
WIS 16 (14+2 racial adj)

Dakvor was raised by monks in a monastery in the mountains of Breland. Aznak Damashek, a human wizard explorer found Dakvor’s then nearly dead pregnant human mother alone in the mountains during a harsh winter. The woman named Almisha, the wizard learned, bravely escaped from a tiny village in the borders of Droaam and Breland that suffered an attack from marauding orcs who violated the women of the village. The villagers, not wanting the orcish blood tainting the village’s lineage, were aborting the fruits of the violation which Almisha did not want to happen to her child.

Aznak rescued Almisha from certain death and brought the helpless woman to the monk monastery where he dwelled as one of the resident mages and where the monks’ tenet was more tolerant of Dakvor’s race. Eventually, the two fell in love, got married, and raised Dakvor in the monastery.

True enough, the monks did not make Dakvor feel inferior because of his race and even bestowed furtively more attention on his progress when he decided to be a monk, too. It was the first time a half-orc became a monk in that monastery and they were naturally curious on how one of such race would fare. Dakvor did not disappoint and excelled on his own merit.

While Dakvor grew up, Aznak continued his arcane exploration, traveling around Khorvaire and Xendrik. Dakvor usually joined his stepfather in these explorations when his training in the monastery required him to travel outside the monastery for three months each year. They both enjoyed this yearly episode and bonded them closer. This became Dakvor’s life for years until a year ago when the wizard did not return from an expedition. The last time Aznak saw Almisha and Dakvor, the wizard spoke of a great artifact that he had been searching for years and was on his way to follow its trail in Karnath.

Dakvor had been roaming Khorvaire since then, joining different adventuring companies who had the same interest as Aznak, hoping they may be searching the same thing as his stepfather sought and hopefully lead him to Aznak himself.

Dakvor is naturally an introvert character but is actually friendly and mischievous with people he had spent a long time and had been comfortable with (this is apparent on his relationship with the monks in the monastery). He always comes as aloof and stoic with strangers. He is a passionate learner especially concerning the path of a monk. He has acquired the nonjudgmental and tolerant attitude of the monastery and has a very high sense of justice.

What is the roster looking like? One is confirmed, so should we be working to weave around theirs, hold out and write some wiggle for the starting location...?

Edited background, also.

Smerg wrote:


4d6 = 10
4d6 = 13
4d6 = 11
4d6 = 14
4d6 = 15
4d6 = 17

Putting ideas down here but will put in an Avatar when approved.

Human Druid level 3

Str 10
Dex 13
Con 11
Int 14
Wis 17+2 = 19
Cha 15

BaB +2
Melee +2
Range +3

For +3
Ref +2
Wil +7

Druid Abilities
Nature Bond
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step

(Spontaneous Nature's Ally)
0-level 4 Orisons
1st level 3
2nd level 2

1st lvl Child of Winter (Ebberon Core Book - adds Vermin to Summon Nature's Ally)
Human Vermin Heart (Pathfinder APG - Able to cast spells on Vermin that normally affect animals)
3rd lvl Vermin Companion (Ebberon Core Book - able to have a Vermin as an animal companion)

Did we loose our GM already? lol

The DM did make the top 32 of RPG superstar. It may have caught him off guard. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he is getting the archetype ready.

He may also simply be working or something! I am sure he will get back to us in a timely enough fashion!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

wraithstrike wrote:
The DM did make the top 32 of RPG superstar. It may have caught him off guard. I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he is getting the archetype ready.

Haha! Yes, that is it. I did not expect to make it at ALL! So it came as a total shock and I am/was completely unprepared for the second round. I'm scrambling around trying to make something nice. :)

After I submit (which will more than likely be later tonight), I'll sit down and wade through all these posts. I didn't expect all this interest! :D

Also, just so you know I'm moving back to Milwaukee on Saturday (I go to school down there), so I probably won't post that day.

As for character concepts, I would prefer characters that served in the Last War, are faithful in some fashion, and don't completely throw me for a loop! Haha, so try to not use psionics, any extreme dalkyr stuff and such! Thanks everyone, I'll be checking in tomorrow! :D

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Okay, wow. That was a ton of reading! :)

Let's see here ...

@Mr. Swagger -- I would consider a short background to be around 200 words, give or take. Flesh it out. I like your character concept, but it needs a little work to fit with a Karrnathi group. Tweak it just a touch and you're in. I'm working on the pathfinder versions of the Eberron races at the moment. They may take some time.

@Smerg -- I love it. I would really like to have some strong feelings towards the Claw, even if the group doesn't agree if the EC is a good group or bad group.

@Me'mori -- Not feeling your current character at the moment.

@Dax -- I'd love to hear some more on this character.

@Sunshadow -- Your character isn't exactly what I'm looking for at the moment.

@LazaX -- Write a short description. I think we may need a Zil Gnome!

@Wraithstrike -- I would prefer to not have Evil characters in this party. Write a short background with a good character and then I'll let you know.

@Monkeygod -- I love the Boneknight idea. I would prefer to stick to the more common interpretations though, or possibly a N Blood of Vol belief. Let me know if this works for you.

@Vagrantpoet -- I'd love to hear more about this wizard.

@Darkestheart -- I love it. It's a YES from me.

@Artux Ironhide -- Not exactly what I'm looking for at the moment.

@Kuli$ap -- I think I can work with that.

So team, here's the current roster:

1. Mr. Swagger with "Bones," Dwarf Fighter
2. Monkeygod with the Boneknight-Cleric
3. Smerg with Child of Winter Druid
4. Darkestheart with Elf Rogue
5. Kuli$sap with the Half-orc Monk

So, as of right now I'm full. BUT I won't be ready to start this PbP for a while, because I would like to give it all my attention. Therefore, it may be a few weeks before I fire it up, because I'm moving into school mode again, getting settled, and I have to draft up some stuff to play. I haven't written much (yet). In the mean time, I invite everyone on the roster to flesh out their characters, ask questions, and talk with me, and everyone else, who didn't make the intial group stick around and play too, because it's always good to have back-ups. :)

Thanks everyone, and I hope to hear from everyone soon!

Levis wrote:

Okay, wow. That was a ton of reading! :)

Let's see here ...

@Mr. Swagger -- I would consider a short background to be around 200 words, give or take. Flesh it out. I like your character concept, but it needs a little work to fit with a Karrnathi group. Tweak it just a touch and you're in. I'm working on the pathfinder versions of the Eberron races at the moment. They may take some time.

I may have to darken my character a bit to work for Karnath. He is to honor bound to work for my vision of how I see Karnath. I don't view them as cowards, but I do see them as "put everyone to the sword", which was part of the issue with the Valenar elves. I will work on it.

PS:I am Wraithstrike. I forgot to change to my MR.Swagger persona, and I posted the dwarf because I liked it more than the evil concept.

Do you have access to Faiths of Eberron? I'm thinking my character would be a Schismatic, probably N. Definitely do not want to be a Vol worshiper as my character is going to be a Karnath loyalist and supports the idea of riding his nation of that group.


For the Animal Companion, I'm planning to take an animal companion from either the Pathfinder Core Book or Bestiary and Re-skinning it and calling it a Vermin Companion.

This seems the best way to keep the companion within the Pathfinder rules without any published Vermin companions. I'll call it something like an ant, beetle, scorpion, or other type of vermin.

Do you have any preference on this for the base animal and the final vermin type that I should be aiming to create?

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