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Hi everyone,
Welcome aboard!
First, some OOC business:
Character Sheets
As I already have copies of your character sheets, it isn’t necessary to post a full one here. I would appreciate if you keep variable factors (HP, Spells left, etc.) updated once those begin to change. How you do that is up to you (in an alias description, in a spoiler box in your posts, etc.).
Prenne etiquette seems to vary across the PFS community. For purposes of these quests, I will allow prepared spell casters (it looks like just Oloch currently) to swap out their spells. The Occultist may re-allocate its focus points, assuming you have Occult Adventures, and spell out how the character changes as a result. Any other features decided on a daily basis may also be replaced. Any permanent features (feats, domains, etc.) must remain unchanged.
I’ll roll initiative for everyone. When players are grouped together, you may go in whatever order you desire. I’ll process actions in post order, unless you include a note in your post requesting otherwise (this may be important for our sneak attackers). I welcome conditional actions, like “if enemy A is still standing, I attack him, otherwise I charge enemy B.” I reserve the right to autopilot you if inactivity causes a delay. If it becomes a problem you may be replaced for subsequent quests.
I will generally allow you to roll your own saves, though exceptions may be made in the interests of combat flow.
As long as you successfully complete at least one quest, you’ll receive a PFS chronicle sheet. Each successful completion increases your rewards, and I will not report your participation until completion. If you could please post or PM the PFS number you intend to give this chronicle sheet to, that would be much appreciated. Should your character die (I don’t think that’s likely, but at level 1 you’re all fairly squishy), it’s really not the end of the world, and won’t stop you from participating in future quests. We’ll handle the logistical issues of reporting that if it becomes relevant.
Your characters have all been hired by Dr. Quolorum of the Sincomakti School of Sciences in Ustalav, to assist him in an ongoing investigation into unusual phenomena in the area. For purposes of integrating this into the in-character Society, you have been sent by Master of Spells Aram Zey, a longtime associate of the Doctor.
He has six tasks for you, detailed in the notes in the following post. You can complete them in whatever order you wish, though I strongly recommend that Epicenter is the final task you attempt.
Each task will take place on a different IC day, so you’ll begin each quest fully replenished in terms of health, spells, etc. As mentioned in the recruitment thread, you are also welcome to switch to a different pregen between quests.
Please take a moment to read through these and let me know which one you’d prefer to complete first. As soon as there’s at least three votes for a task, and our undecideds select their pregens, I’ll open up the IC thread and we can get going.
Let me know if there are any other questions I can answer before we get started.

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Letters from Dr. Quolorum
I’m told there is a small village called Dunhob only a few miles from Illirigarde Manor that could have useful information. No doubt the villagers have many stories about the phenomena affecting the region. Additionally, before her disappearance Lady Illirigarde visited the locals occasionally to perform harrow readings and seances. Perhaps we could learn more about her research and disappearance as well. My contacts informed me the villagers of Dunhob are a particularly close-lipped and superstitious lot, so diplomatic finesse may be necessary.
There are also legends of a haunted tavern called The Lucky Lantern in Dunhob that I would like you to investigate. Your mission is to see what secrets the tavern may hold and interview one or two of the local villagers. Happy adventuring!
Dr. Quolorum
I hope you enjoy fresh air, because I need your skills to protect me in the wilderness tonight. As you may know, strange red lightning often strikes in the foothills near Lantern Lake, and my instruments indicate that another strike is due this evening. I’m told this lightning leaves behind ectoplasmic residue, so I would like to collect a few samples in my new ectoplasm field containers before it all evaporates. Hopefully this will provide us with more insights into the strange phenomena of this region.
I have attached a map to a local hilltop where I would like to meet. The hill should be close to the next lightning strike-but hopefully not TOO close. I’m sure it will be fine.
Dr. Quolorum
I have acquired permission to send a team into the haunted and abandoned Illirigarde manor. I hope you can gain insight into Lady Illirigarde’s research, as she too took an interest in the psychic phenomena plaguing this stretch of the Hungry Mountains. My findings suggest that she was close to a breakthrough when she mysteriously disappeared several decades ago. It is extremely important you recover any tools that will help as we pick up where she left off-especially something her writings call “etheric compasses.”
Also, my design for an ectoplasmic container is ready for field tests. These boxes will hold and preserve ethereal material and may be useful to you in this endeavor. I am almost certain they are risk-free.
Dr. Quolorum
It would seem the disturbing phenomena in Versex county are only increasing. Apparently disturbed sleep and flashes of heat lightning of a red hue are especially common, and those following the news link these events to the bloody murders of both people and beasts near an ancient Kellid site known as “the monolith.” I would like for you to investigate the strange monument, search for any clues linking this to the bizarre events, and deal with any dangerous elements to ensure these dangers no longer plague the area. I am particularly interested in ancient Kellid glyphs that might protect against the occult emanations we are dealing with.
Dr. Quolorum
I have discerned something of the nature of these strange phenomena we’ve seen, and I think I have just the tool that may help. In my office at the Sincomakti School of Sciences in Rozenport you’ll find a small vial of a most potent substance that I-and by “I,” I mean “you”-will find useful later. It is an experimental magical herbicide. I planned to use it on the ivy growing over my office windows, but our current predicament may call for it instead. You’ll find the vial in a cupboard on the wall behind my desk. It glows purple, so you can’t miss it. Bring it back quickly so that we can move forward in these investigations.
Dr. Quolorum
This is it! I have finally triangulated the source of the
intriguing phenomena near the peak of Diremark in the eastern reaches of the Hungry Mountains. It’s so obvious in hindsight, considering the legends of the place, that I’m surprised nobody thought of it sooner.
Given the highly charged nature of the ether right now, it’s best if I accompany you to the source to learn what has transpired. Meet me on the slopes of Diremark and we’ll put this mystery to rest before the new semester begins and I return to the drudgery of reading first-year essays on the ethical questions raised by charm spells.
Dr. Quolorum

Pregen - PW |

"Bah...this will be easy," a quiet, brooding warrior says.
"Name's Oloch...my blade promises we will win. I say, we start from the top of the list."
I'd like to apply this to Erevan Stormstride, 132076-18, please.
Also, the pre-selected spells are fine with me. Also, thanks SO MUCH for running this! Looks fun!

Mavaro - Pre-Gen |

This has to be applied to a brand new character with no xp, right?
Not quite. Has to be applied to a first level character, but there is no requirement that it has to have no XP that I've seen.
What you can't do is take a break between quests and earn an XP for another adventure in between.
With that said, I'm waffling on whether I'm going to apply it to a brand new level 1 (which would be 8979-29) or to
Liberty's Edge
Can I let you know at reporting time?

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With three for Harrow, consider yourselves on the way to Dunhob! IC thread is now open.
Mavaro/Michaelane is correct about the credit. You don't really need to commit to a character until reporting, but this way I have a general idea, and we're getting questions like Paladin of Baha-who?'s resolved early, so there aren't any problems down the line.

Mavaro - Pre-Gen |

Since we're all playing pregens, our factions all have to be the Grand Lodge.
For gameplay purposes they are assumed to be Grand Lodge. For reporting purposes, the character is reported as the character that you are applying it to. If you don't know what faction that is, you apply it to Grand Lodge.

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This is Paladin. I'll use the Psychic, so we can have full caster support as well.
I think I'll create a new character for this, with the anticipation of creating an occult character of some sort after I get the book.
# 42641-12 Scarab Sages Juhnavi Ahliwylia
The stats in this character's profile are those of the Level 1 Psychic pregen.

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We're closing in on the end of Harrow (each of these acts is fairly short, and player decisions, plus a great rate of activity from you guys, can make things go even quicker).
Most people were on board with going in the order I listed the notes in above. Anyone interested in changing that?
If you're interested in trying out a different pregen for the next act, you're welcome to change. Just let me know here.

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Pregen - PW |

I will be taking a Fall Break trip with my family to Grand Canyon and Mesa Verde.
I'll likely not be able to post from Thursday to Sunday, so feel free to bot me if I'm up!

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Just wanted to let people know I have a vacancy in a Core table of 0-06 Black Waters that will be starting soon. The table will run at tier 1-2. If anyone is interested in the spot, please send me a PM (if I get multiple interested parties, we'll determine randomly).
There's also a spot available in a Core tier 4-5 table, which is either going to run 6-06 Hall of the Flesh Eaters or 7-07 Trouble in Tamran.