GM Jammin's Serpent's Skull (Inactive)

Game Master YanJieming


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Alright, I've settled. Going with a Gnome Chirurgeon Alchemist.

Alchemist gold: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 1) = 12 x 10 = 120 gp.

I should have a full sheet up by late tomorrow evening.

Starting gold: 5d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 1, 6) = 18x10 180 gp

I'll be submitting Yulia Mulberry, sling wielding Halfling Warpriest of Desna. I'm changing her up now as the game I originally submitted her for had quite different creation rules.

5d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 4, 4, 3) = 18

Submitting Nadia Sayraddin, human archer (trapper). I'll make an alias if accepted. Thanks!

Nadia Sayraddin
Female Human (Keleshite) Ranger (Trapper) 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +5

AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 shield, +4 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 trait bonus vs. divinaton effects

Speed 30 ft.
Melee handaxe +3 (1d6+2/×3)
Ranged longbow +5 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks favored enemy (monstrous humanoids +2)

Str 14, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits boarded in cheliax, carefully hidden
Skills Climb +7, Disable Device +10, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +5, Profession (trapper) +5, Stealth +7, Survival +5, Swim +5
Languages Common, Kelish
SQ track +1, trapfinding +1, wild empathy +1
Gear leather armor, buckler, handaxe, longbow, bear trap (4), bedroll, belt pouch, blanket, climber's kit, compass, detailed map (Mwangi Expanse), flint and steel, grappling arrow, masterwork backpack, masterwork thieves' tools, silk rope (50 ft.), small tent, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 9 gp, 5 sp

It was a warm day in the Verduran Forest. Naadhira emerged from the tree line with a brace of rabbits. Her sister rushed over to greet her, out of breath, "It's about time you got back! It's nearly dark, and you know what goes on in the forest when it's dark!"

Naadhira looked at her sister with amusement and a twinkle in her eye, "I don't think anyone truly knows what goes on in there, Feyr. For all we know, it's just the locals playing more pranks on us with their buckets of blood and wolf calls."

The two walked back to their tiny cottage on the edge of the wood, Feyradei serious in voice, not a common occurance, "They were at it again in town. I went in to pick up some cloth, and they still treat us as outsiders. Why do we stay here, Naadhi?"

Naadhira opened the door quietly, taking in the sparsely adorned two room cottage. It looked cozy in the dark, which she preferred. Sighing, she looked at her younger sister and laid a hand on the back of her neck, "Father would be upset to hear you speak like this, you know? He wanted a better place for us from Qadira. A new life."

Frustrated, her sister lashed out, "And look where that got him! Out hunting all hours, dealing with unfair trades, and a death at the hands of the centaurs! What good is our staying here!?"

Naadhira quietly took her sister in a hug, and whispered in her ear, "Hush. Soon, you and Joseph will be married, and you'll go south with him. This will no longer be your problem, Feyr..."

Her sister weeped silently in the embrace, "It is you I worry about, Naadhi... you and father are so alike..."

Smiling, Naadhi just whispered back in the dark, "Do not worry about me. I have plans. I've been hearing some of the other trappers speak of this land far to the south, rich in game..."

A month later, a young Keleshite woman steps off from a ship in Westcrown. Her journey from Cassomir finally over, she sets about looking for another ship, "Excuse me, sir. I'm looking for passage to the Mwangi... Oh, my name is Nadia, it is indeed a pleasure to meet you... over there? The Jenivere? You have my deepest gratitude, arkadas. Blessings of your ancestors upon you."

The young woman then heads for the large ship, her step light for the first time in many years.

Nadia, a name she's taken to shed her past identity, has decided to move on with her life after the death of her parents and the marriage of her sister to a Taldan merchant. Keleshite by descent from Qadira, she doesn't remember much of her homelands and has lived most of her life in the northern reaches of Taldor. She speaks with a soft accent of her heritage.

She's a short woman with dark skin and hair. She wears leathers when hunting and carries a deeply polished longbow on her back. Aboard the Jenivere, she is friendly and outgoing, speaking of her desire to hunt exotic game in the Mwangi Expanse, and seeks anyone out with experience, pulling out an old and worn map and going over it with a certain reverence if she finds any such person.

Sovereign Court

Coming into the show late but I have a magus I would love to play in the campaign. I have to convert him over from another campaign to reduce him to 1st level but you an see what he would look like at third. Traits would be ships crew (acrobatics) and arcane temper: +1 to Init and concentration checks.


There are many tales such as mine. The tale of a vagabond roaming around looking for a chance to prove himself to others and more importantly himself. Not many are granted that chance by others. Most of the time one has to take matters into his own hands. Such may be the case when dealing with any undertaking I set myself on. But I get a head of myself.
It's easy to see looking back how I became a vagabond drifting along life with no purpose or direction. I was left in the care of an orphanage at an early age. The only possessions were the clothes I was wearing and a pendant n the shape of a dolphin with the word Shanxia inscribed upon its back. I was too young to remember the details of that time. The only thing I remember is a what appears to be a youthful elven woman with flowing red hair. Who this person may be I don't really know, but I assume that this is my mother. Likewise I assume that the word inscribed upon the pendant is either her name or has some other relation to her. I have spent most of my adult life looking for her or trying to find out more about the word Shanxia. Unfortunately not being one of much wealth, I have not been able to pay for the direct means of magically divining what this word may entail. The only other possible clue to her identity is the hope that she has made a name for herself with magical talents. You see I inherited some gift of magic as well. Wether this is from her or my father's side I don't know speaking of my 'father' of him I know even less unless you call my surname a clue. Perhaps some day I will find the answer to these life questions and I can know the circumstances of my orphanage.

My childhood was typical of one raised without parents. Cared for but not loved, I was put to work when I was able to earn an income. Living in a port city there was always work around the docks, running messages, crawling into tight spaces adults couldn't fit into etc. It wasn't long before I started living more at the docks than at my 'home'. I grew up listening to stories of the sea and how to drink and fight. About the most exotic women and strange faraway places.

Barely out of my elven teens, I signed on as a crewman aboard a 'merchant' ship. This was the life. Sun, wind and the sea taking me to places I only heard about in stories. Little did I fully understand the 'merchant' ship was a group of mercenaries looking for easy money. Well I learned a lot about actual fighting from them even though their methods were crude. Piracy was one thing, murder after surrender was another. Back in port I ended my contract and went to the local bar. Know of any ships that need a good hand. Looking for work and willing to put my skills and blade to the test as well.
Life on the sea was a great experience and probably the first real love in my life. The second love of y life was with an intoxicating pilot named Rain. She was exactly as her name described her. She could be bitter cold if you offended her and she could melt your heart with a glance 5 minutes later. It was not to be though as our paths took us in different directions. She was a pirate, born and raised on the sea and I was just passing through. I won't forget her nor the time spent on the water. I boarded the next ship that would take me on, little did I know that it was headed to the M'wangi expanse.

Starting gold 4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 5, 2) = 15 x10

Tossing the hat into the ring with this character, a Human Rogue(Poisoner)

Gold: 5d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 2, 6) = 15x10 =150gp

Nichelle's family worked with plants. Even when she was little, and the memories were fuzzy, she could remember raising up onto tip-toes to look at the plants that were growing on the table, seeing Papa working so carefully with them. The funny liquids that were sometimes weird colors, and sometimes the smell burned her nose.. She was curious, and by the time she could see the table without having to stand on her tip-toes, she knew some of the plants by name, and knew what parts people wanted from helping her family out.

Once she had learned a lot from helping her family she was asked if she wanted to keep doing what the family did, to follow in their footsteps. If she said yes, her family would be paid well, and she was off to get training as well as more instruction. She had since learned and accepted that her family dealt with poisons, and despite what they could do, her father was still a kind and gentle man in her eyes. So she accepted the offer, laughing and cheerful. After all, it was not what they did, but how they chose to use it, right?

So she was taken away voluntarily. It was a long trip, and the training was tough and sometimes unfair on the island, but she kept on going. She would not let her family down. It took years, but once they finished the basics, she was back to doing what she had done before, tending plants, and learning to make various things out of them. Surprisingly, she found a facility with the alchemy that she did not know she had. More years passed as she refined techniques, gained knowledge and finally attained proficiency. Her duties here were done.

When her next assignment was issued, she was only told to board the Jenivere, and when it made port, she would be contacted. The method was nothing especially new, so following the assignment, she boarded...

Bob Evil wrote:
Limnen_euron wrote:
By the way, does anybody know how much a standard (i.e. non-magical) jeweled ring costs? Wearing two is required to perform the obedience, but the closest thing I've found was a signet ring costing 5 gp on the Player's Handbook...

According to Adventurer's Armory, the price of non-magical jewlery varies widely by its quality, from a few copper pieces for a commoner's ornaments to at least 100 gp per item for the stuff nobles wear.

In the Gamemastery Guide, a low-quality gem (azurite, tigereye, turquoise, etc.) is listed as being worth 10 gp. I think it would be a fair assessment to add 5 gp to that for the cost of the ring, making it 15 gp for one ring, or 30 gp total for two.

Of course, that's just my take; GM Jammin' says what actually goes.

Yeah, it's hard to price jewelry. You could pretty much have any price for it, just try to make the description fit the price you pay.

Limnen_euron wrote:
Also dotting for interest. I was thinking about a martial artist monk devoted to the Empyreal Lord Falayna. Speaking of which - it hasn't been specified otherwise, but it never hurts to ask: would you allow the Celestial Obedience feat from Chronicles of the Righteous? In this specific case, it allows a character to perform a ritual every day to obtain a +4 sacred bonus on grapple checks and CMD... plus other abilities which however only kick in at much higher (12+) levels.

I don't have access to Chronicles of the Righteous, so there's a lot of the wording on that feat I'm not understanding. I'm going to say don't plan on it for now. I'll look at it and reevaluate it later. Shouldn't effect your build too much as you wouldn't be able to get it till 3rd level anyway.

Variel Nightstorm wrote:

Coming into the show late but I have a magus I would love to play in the campaign. I have to convert him over from another campaign to reduce him to 1st level but you an see what he would look like at third. Traits would be ships crew (acrobatics) and arcane temper: +1 to Init and concentration checks.

** spoiler omitted **...

Not too late. There's still a lot of time left.

Silver Crusade

Oh! I thought you meant yesterday when you said the deadline was Saturday hehe will get to work on something then.

Alright, we've got a lot of good submissions going. For your convenience I've put them all in a list and kind of split them up into roles (although , it's hard to fit some of these classes into one of the predefined roles).

George Kinder—Human Sage Sorcerer
Vazio Tanzer—Halfling Sorcerer (Void-touched)
Shaenol—Sylph Witch
Xabala Kybwa’ka—Half-elf Witch (Beast-bonded)
Variel Nightstorm—Elf Magus

Yulia Mulberry—Human Warpriest
Malthu—Tiefling Inquisitor
Alard Gammugw—Halfling Hunter

Egerton Blakemore—Human Swashbuckler
Jordi—Human Paladin of Iomedae
Nadia Sayraddin—Human Ranger (Trapper)
Gur—Orc Fighter
Garran Oakthorn—Human Barbarian
Mosi Ndiya—Tiefling Ranger

Avarl Nolastra—Elf Bard
Nichelle Crassior—Human Rogue (Poisoner)
Carmen Terpsichore—Human Bard
Ked of Clan Metaldeath—Goblin Rogue (Knife Master/Scout)

Bob Evil—Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon)
Limnen-euron—Monk (Martial Artist)
Helio—Some kind of Divine Caster
Dirge of Hubris—Brawler

I should say that I will not stress too much about filling one from each spot. I'm more looking for people who I think will make this game fun. But I will keep this in mind to some extent.

Also, I realize that some of you will disagree with where I've put some classes. Don't worry, I do to. But this was the best I could. If you would like me to put you in a different spot, or if I missed you, feel free to let me know.

Rysky wrote:
Oh! I thought you meant yesterday when you said the deadline was Saturday hehe will get to work on something then.

Sorry about that. My mistake. I had Thursday and Friday off work for inventory, so when I wrote the OP I had thought it was Saturday. I realized my mistake too late. Yes. Recruitment will end next Saturday.

Sovereign Court

Tal, void wizard extraordinaire at your service. He focusses a lot on battlefield control and some other spells. His school gives him some fun debuffs and buffs later on. I had him created for a rotrl adventure, but unfortunately the GM dropped out before we got to the first encounter.

We had a lot of rp in that recruitment thread and fortunately Tal was chosen. His story is still great for this adventure as he is on the run from a certain Taldor noble. Jumping a ship going south seems like a good idea.

He hid at the Shackles and from drinking with the other pirates he built up some resistance to drinks and resistance to diseases from the pretty lasses. (Trait boarded in shackles with +1 fort instead of his outlander trait).

Please check the character page for all his information and note that I would need to make one or two changes to comply with your creation rules. I will make it in order when I get picked but it will not change much.

@GM Jammin I was wondering that when S&S gets sanctioned if you would offer us PFS chronicles. Even with homerules we would still be eligible to get it for we play it in campaign mode. Apparently not a lot of people have read this section accurately.

background & personality:

Tal is an elf who grew up with eyes the color of ominous black pits. His mother died in childbirth and it kept the relationship with his father strained. Though his eyes helped him look into the darkness, it did not help him find a lot of friends. He has always been a child who got himself into trouble and got quick on his feet running away from chasing angry people. He grew up apprenticing his father as a wizard and there he found his eyes weren't only good for looking into the dark. Thanks to his strange eyes he could see and manipulate the flow of magic quite easily. Offensive spells are easily to resist if you know how they work when cast on you.
Still a young elf by normal standards, Tal got in good graces with some noble's sons. Partying was fun and he was good at it. It is always fun to be able to lift girls skirts from a distance. However, at one party at the Duke's house he "accidentally" set the Dukes beard on fire for a drunken dare. Taldor nobles are quite fond on their beards and having yours burned away made the Duke take out a hit on Tal.

He had to ran away from the Duke's ire and contacts, and as far away from the Duke as possible. He ended up in the lovely Shackles where Taldor nobles do not often come by. After having enough of the stink and smell of pirates (and being chased a few to many times for bedding a girl he shouldn't have). He ended up on the Jenivere heading south.

Tal is a jokester and does not like to take life too seriously. He prefers chasing women and starting trouble where he goes to provide entertainment for himself and others. He is a bit too smart than is good for him as his running mouth has often gotten him into trouble. He wears sunglasses against the sun and makes sure his clothes look fashionable and clean. Nothing would ruin his day more than getting gore over his clothes.

GM Jammin' wrote:
Limnen_euron wrote:
Also dotting for interest. I was thinking about a martial artist monk devoted to the Empyreal Lord Falayna. Speaking of which - it hasn't been specified otherwise, but it never hurts to ask: would you allow the Celestial Obedience feat from Chronicles of the Righteous? In this specific case, it allows a character to perform a ritual every day to obtain a +4 sacred bonus on grapple checks and CMD... plus other abilities which however only kick in at much higher (12+) levels.
I don't have access to Chronicles of the Righteous, so there's a lot of the wording on that feat I'm not understanding. I'm going to say don't plan on it for now. I'll look at it and reevaluate it later. Shouldn't effect your build too much as you wouldn't be able to get it till 3rd level anyway.

Okay, I've found all the information I need. Celestial Obedience is allowed.

GM Jammin' wrote:
Bob Evil wrote:
Limnen_euron wrote:
By the way, does anybody know how much a standard (i.e. non-magical) jeweled ring costs? Wearing two is required to perform the obedience, but the closest thing I've found was a signet ring costing 5 gp on the Player's Handbook...

According to Adventurer's Armory, the price of non-magical jewlery varies widely by its quality, from a few copper pieces for a commoner's ornaments to at least 100 gp per item for the stuff nobles wear.

In the Gamemastery Guide, a low-quality gem (azurite, tigereye, turquoise, etc.) is listed as being worth 10 gp. I think it would be a fair assessment to add 5 gp to that for the cost of the ring, making it 15 gp for one ring, or 30 gp total for two.

Of course, that's just my take; GM Jammin' says what actually goes.

Yeah, it's hard to price jewelry. You could pretty much have any price for it, just try to make the description fit the price you pay.

Thanks, will do. Since Falayna is the Empyreal Lord of martial training and rings, I was thinking about putting that free skill point in craft (jewelry) and have my character having crafted them by herself to honor her goddess. So it appears I'll spend my 30 gp to "buy" 2 low-quality gem rings which I'll need for...

Chronicles of the Righteous wrote:
Obedience: Don a jeweled ring on each finger and strike a practice dummy barehanded until the impression of the rings is left in your skin. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on grapple checks and to CMD.

Of course, you're right when you say that even if selected, I'd have to wait for level 3 in order to get it. In the meantime (or even should you disallow it), I was thinking about performing the obedience just for role-playing flavor.

EDIT: ninja'd. Thanks for the prompt answer :)

Just a minor thing, Yulia is a Halfling. Can't properly go sling without one.

Tal wrote:
@GM Jammin I was wondering that when S&S gets sanctioned if you would offer us PFS chronicles. Even with homerules we would still be eligible to get it for we play it in campaign mode. Apparently not a lot of people have read this section accurately.

I have not worked with PFS before. So I am not planning to run it for PFS credit. However, if it becomes PFS sanctioned and those who have been chosen request that I do, I would consider it.


This is Wu Kong, a Vanaras hunter with the Primordial Companion and Divine Hunter Archetypes.


Wu Kong actually originates from the Mwangi expanse and knows what to expect in the jungle. He was always curious of the humanoids and visited their villages often, even though his parents warned him not to. Unfortunately on one night he got caught by a villager who thought the talking monkey would sell for a high price on a slavers market. Poor Wu Kong begged and cried for freedom, but alas he was not offered any. At the slavers market many captains started bidding for him. An acrobatic monkey would be a great rigger during the storms. Eventually it was the captain of the Jenivere who offered the most. On the ship they appreciated his ability to climb and swing from one rigging to the next with great ease. He has little love for his fellow crew members and can't wait to finally escape the boat. Unfortunately the ship's crew keeps a close eye on him whenever they make port. And so he has been on the ship for a near 10 years. He had gotten to praying to Desna to help free him, but his prayers never got answered.

A few days ago a young Spinosaurus got brought in the hold which Wu Kong had to feed during the journey. He always enjoyed staying in the hold with the other animals. For some reasons it brought him peace. On one of the evening while he slept near the Spinosaurus, he got a dream from Desna saying that Wu Kong would soon be free and that the Spinosaurus, Ziva, would help guide him on a proper path. He awoke with a start and saw Ziva looking at him intently. "Is it true? ...Ziva...? Will I be free soon?" He asked the creature. Ziva let out a low growl and seemed to nod slowly...

I am going for a monkeylike archer with a Spinosaurus companion which gets enhanced and stronger over the levels. A true warrior of nature and follower of Desna. Wu Kong strives to help Desna regain her domain of the beasts and she has sent Wu Kong his current companion Ziva to aid him in this. He has quite a few skills which will help him be useful for the group in the jungle. And his companion will be a real source of his power later on.

Crunch is rather hard to work out as he is a new class and the archetypes make it harder :). So there are some mistakes in there at this moment and it is not complete yet.


NG Medium Vanara / Humanoid (Vanara)
Init +6; Senses Perception +7, Low-light Vision
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +5
Armor Studded Leather, Light
Spd 30 ft/x4
Melee Nodachi +2 (1d10+3) 18-20/x2 brace
Ranged Longbow +4 (1d8) 20/x3
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 6
BAB +0, CMB +2, CMD +16
Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT / MEDIUM) (PFCR 118), Point-Blank Shot (PFCR 131)
Skills Acrobatics +10, Handle Animal +2, Knowledge (geography) +4, Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +7, Profession (sailor) +7, Stealth +9, Survival +7
SQ Wild Empathy (PFCR 50-51), Nature Bond (Animal Companion - Spinosaurus) (PFCR 50)
SU Primal Transformation ()
MC Druid Spells (PFCR 49), Druid Spontaneous Casting (PFCR 49), Forbidden Spell Alignment (PFCR 41, 49)
Traits Jenivere Crew (Campaign: Serpent's Skull) (PFAP: SpSk PG 10), Magical Talent (Magic) (PFAPG 329), Reactionary (Combat) (PFAPG 328)
Languages Common

Spinosaurus 2
Init +2; Perception +1
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (3 armor, +2 dex, +3 natural armor)
hp 13 (2d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1
Spd LAND 30 ft; SWIM 20 ft
Bite +5 (1d6+4)
2 Claws +5 (1d4+4)
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 3
BAB +1, CMB +5, CMD +17
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light) (PFCR 118)
Skills Acrobatics +1, Climb +3, Escape Artist +1, Fly +1, Intimidate -4, Perception +1, Stealth +1, Survival +1, Swim +3
Special Qualities 0, Link, Share Spells
Tricks Attack(DC 20), Attack(DC 20)Come(DC 15), Down(DC 15), Heel(DC 15), Seek(DC 15),

The struggle is real with this story. I have had the crunch completed for since yesterday, but the background is killing me for some reason.

Quick question: Would you be against an amputee? I am considering a one-armed brawler (which may sound like a blind fighter pilot.) I was going to see if you would allow me to have a wooden prosthetic forearm (non-mechanical.)

GM Jammin' wrote:

Alright, we've got a lot of good submissions going. For your convenience I've put them all in a list and kind of split them up into roles (although , it's hard to fit some of these classes into one of the predefined roles).


Yulia Mulberry—Human Warpriest
Malthu—Tiefling Inquisitor
Alard Gammugw—Halfling Hunter
Also, I realize that some of you will disagree with where I've put some classes. Don't worry, I do to. But this was the best I could. If you would like me to put you in a different spot, or if I missed you, feel free to let me know.

Alard will fit better in the Martial (he's ranged, Chiko is melee) group than Divine group. While he gets divine spells at every level as a Hunter, I'll be playing him mechanically closer to a Ranger than a Druid.

Also, with so few Divine/Healer submissions I may withdraw him and submit a Cleric or other healing focused build.

Bob Evil here, with a Gnome Chirugeon Alchemist, Eizzach Bitterbalm.


Eizzach Bitterbalm
Male Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 1 ( Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 26; Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 18 )
NG Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7

AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2

Speed 15 ft.
Melee longspear +1 (1d6/×3) and
sickle +1 (1d4)
Ranged bomb +4 (1d6+4 Fire) and
light crossbow +3 (1d6/19-20)
Special Attacks bomb 5/day (1d6+4 fire, DC 14), warden of nature
Alchemist (Chirurgeon) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5):
1st, 2/2 — ant haul (DC 15), cure light wounds

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Toughness
Traits boarded in the shackles ( Serpent's Skull Player's Guide 10 ), devoted healer ( Quests & Campaigns 18 ), precise treatment ( Ultimate Campaign 58 )
Skills Bluff +1, Craft (alchemy) +10 (+11 to create alchemical items), Diplomacy +1, Heal +9 (+5 when not using Precise Treatment), Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Linguistics +5, Perception +7 (+5 to sight-based checks), Profession (chirurgeon) +5, Profession (herbalist) + 5, Sense Motive -1, Spellcraft +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Craft (alchemy), +2 Perception
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Orc, Polyglot, Sylvan, Varisian
SQ alchemy, mutagen, oblivious ( Quests & Campaigns 22 )
Other Gear studded leather, crossbow bolts (10), light crossbow, longspear, alchemy crafting kit, backpack, backpack, masterwork, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, black, inkpen, mess kit, pot, sickle, soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 8 gp

Special Abilities
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Boarded in the Shackles +1 bonus on Will saves.
Bomb 1d6+4 (5/day, DC 14) (Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals 1d6+4 fire damage.
Devoted Healer Heal additional 1d4 hit points when you take 20 to treat deadly wounds.
Gift of Tongues ( Advanced Player's Guide 15, Advanced Race Guide 32 ) +1 Bluff and Diplomacy, +1 language/Linguistics rank.
Gnomish Weapon Familiarity You treat all weapons with the word "gnome" in its name as a martial weapon.[/b]
Keen Senses +2 racial bonus to Perception skill Checks.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mutagen (DC 14) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a physical & -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 nat. armor for 10 min.
Oblivious -2 to sight-based Perception checks.
Obsessive (Craft [Alchemy]) The selected Craft or Profession Skill gets a +2 racial bonus.
Precise Treatment +1 bonus on Heal checks, and may use Intelligence modifier when making Heal checks instead of Wisdom modifier.
Pyromaniac ( Advanced Player's Guide 15; Advanced Race Guide 33 ) +1 effective level for [Fire] spells, Fire Domain powers, fire elemental bloodline powers, fire mystery revalations, and alchemist's bomb damage. Gnomes with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gains the followings spell-like abilities: 1/day - dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level; the DCs are Charisma-based.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.

Formula Book
1st - ant haul (DC 15) ( Advanced Players Guide 202 ), cure light wounds, endure elements, polypurpose panacea ( Ultimate Magic 232 ), shield


Like many gnomes, Eizzach Bitterbalm's driving force in life was to keep himself constantly stimulated by new experiences in order to stave off the Bleaching that afflicts their race. So it was that his family thought little of it when he decided to leave his Varisian home of Whistledown at a young age to go out and see what the world had to offer. During his hundred-plus years of existence he has visited nearly a third the major cities in Avistan and Garund, accompanied several adventuring groups, and even spent some time in the military.

During these excursions Eizzach found he had a natural talent for healing, an interest he nurtured through stints serving in medical colleges, temples, and in the thick of combat. Although he nominally turns his devotions to Sarenrae and those celestial beings concerned with healing, Eizzach's abilities were rooted firmly in his precise and analytical mind rather than in any deep spiritualism, and with he keen intellect and deft hands he excelled in both the arts of alchemy and chirurgery.

To that end the gnome has intermittently worked as both a traveling healer, a guest lecturer, and an established chirurgeon and apothecary. Every few years when his wanderlust strikes him again, Eizzach closes up shop, sells off his possessions, and travels as far as his funds will take him. Recently he just finished an extended journey through the pirate-infested islands of the Shackles, and having had his fill of all that he's decided to put his recent acquirement of Polyglot to use in Sargava. So it went that he purchased passage on the Jenivere and is currently cooling his heels on deck, looking eagerly forward to what new challenges and opportunities the jungle has in store for him.

Eizzach stands at a little or 3 feet tall and just under 40 pounds. His hair and beard are golden yellow but have turned white a third of the way from the roots. A pair of wire-rimmed spectacles sit on the bridge of a hawkish nose, framing a stern set of large amber-colored eyes lined with age. A brown longcoat drapes over studded leather armor, and a bulging satchel of ointments, drugs, bandages, herbal concoctions, and surgical tools hangs from his hip, held on by a pocket and vial-studded bandolier; the persistent odor of herbs and medicine surrounds him wherever he goes. The gnome is gruff and taciturn but kind-hearted, always willing to work out a price for his services depending on a person's ability to pay and severity of need. When given a task, he tends to be so distracted on the details of what he is currently concentrating on that he misses out on new information until it is right in front of his face.

Sovereign Court

GM Jammin', if you have any questions about my character or build please let me know. I should add that I post everyday as I am running 2 campaigns myself so there shouldn't be any problems about meeting your demands.

Good luck narrowing it down as I find that is the hardest part of any pbp here on the boards. Excellent submissions with not enough space to accept everyone.

Alright. I finally finished a working story of sorts. Barrik is missing the left forearm, and has a wooden prosthetic where he attaches his scizore. If you don't want that, I can drop it.

As it currently stands as well, I have a nameless PC in my current backdrop. That is Carmen Terpsichore unless she isn't accepted. Then I will try to pair up with another PC or see if you would mind it being an NPC aboard the ship. I will have the crunch up within the hour and a drive-uploaded character sheet for simplicity.

I've just realized that I had neglected to add an extra extract to my formula book to match my Intelligence modifier. I also fixed some grammatical errors in the fluff while I was at it, and added the middle-aged descriptor as well a formula book to my gear; everything else is the same. Here is the final version of the sheet:


Eizzach Bitterbalm
Male Middle-Aged Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 1 ( Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 26; Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 18 )
NG Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7

AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2

Speed 15 ft.
Melee longspear +1 (1d6/×3) and
sickle +1 (1d4)
Ranged bomb +4 (1d6+4 Fire) and
light crossbow +3 (1d6/19-20)
Special Attacks bomb 5/day (1d6+4 fire, DC 14), warden of nature
Alchemist (Chirurgeon) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5):
1st, 2/2 — ant haul (DC 15), cure light wounds

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Toughness
Traits boarded in the shackles ( Serpent's Skull Player's Guide 10 ), devoted healer ( Quests & Campaigns 18 ), precise treatment ( Ultimate Campaign 58 )
Skills Bluff +1, Craft (alchemy) +10 (+11 to create alchemical items), Diplomacy +1, Heal +9, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Linguistics +5, Perception +7 (+5 to sight-based checks), Profession (chirurgeon) +5, Profession (herbalist) +5, Sense Motive -1, Spellcraft +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Craft (alchemy), +2 Perception
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Orc, Polyglot, Sylvan, Varisian
SQ alchemy, mutagen, oblivious ( Quests & Campaigns 22 )
Other Gear studded leather, crossbow bolts (10), light crossbow, longspear, alchemy crafting kit, backpack, backpack, masterwork, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, formula book, ink, black, inkpen, mess kit, pot, sickle, soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 8 gp

Special Abilities
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Boarded in the Shackles +1 bonus on Will saves.
Bomb 1d6+4 (5/day, DC 14) (Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals 1d6+4 fire damage.
Devoted Healer Heal additional 1d4 hit points when you take 20 to treat deadly wounds.
Gift of Tongues ( Advanced Player's Guide 15, Advanced Race Guide 32 ) +1 Bluff and Diplomacy, +1 language/Linguistics rank.
Gnomish Weapon Familiarity You treat all weapons with the word "gnome" in its name as a martial weapon.
Keen Senses +2 racial bonus to Perception skill Checks.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mutagen (DC 14) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a physical & -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 nat. armor for 10 min.
Oblivious -2 to sight-based Perception checks.
Obsessive (Craft [Alchemy]) The selected Craft or Profession Skill gets a +2 racial bonus.
Precise Treatment +1 bonus on Heal checks, and may use Intelligence modifier when making Heal checks instead of Wisdom modifier.
Pyromaniac ( Advanced Player's Guide 15; Advanced Race Guide 33 ) +1 effective level for [Fire] spells, Fire Domain powers, fire elemental bloodline powers, fire mystery revalations, and alchemist's bomb damage. Gnomes with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gain the followings spell-like abilities: 1/day - dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level; the DCs are Charisma-based.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.

Formula Book
1st - ant haul (DC 15) ( Advanced Players Guide 202 ), cure light wounds, endure elements, identify, polypurpose panacea ( Ultimate Magic 232 ), shield


Like many gnomes, Eizzach Bitterbalm's driving force in life was to keep himself constantly stimulated by new experiences in order to stave off the Bleaching that afflicts their race. So it was that his family thought little of it when he decided to leave his Varisian home of Whistledown at a young age to go out and see what the world had to offer. During his hundred-plus years of existence he has visited nearly a third the major cities in Avistan and Garund, accompanied several adventuring groups, and even spent some time in the military.

During these excursions Eizzach found he had a natural talent for healing, an interest he nurtured through stints serving in medical colleges, temples, and in the thick of combat. Although he nominally turns his devotions to Sarenrae and those celestial beings concerned with healing, Eizzach's abilities were rooted firmly in his precise and analytical mind rather than in any deep spiritualism, and with his keen intellect and deft hands he excelled in both the arts of alchemy and chirurgery.

To that end the gnome has intermittently worked as both a traveling healer, a guest lecturer, and an established chirurgeon and apothecary. Every few years when his wanderlust strikes him again, Eizzach closes up shop, sells off his possessions, and travels as far as his funds will take him. Recently he just finished an extended journey through the pirate-infested islands of the Shackles, and having had his fill of all that he's decided to put his recent acquirement of Polyglot to use in Sargava. So it went that he purchased passage on the Jenivere and is currently cooling his heels on deck, looking eagerly forward to what new challenges and opportunities the jungle has in store for him.

Eizzach stands at a little over 3 feet tall and just under 40 pounds. His hair and beard are golden yellow but have turned white a third of the way from the roots. A pair of wire-rimmed spectacles sit on the bridge of a hawkish nose, framing a stern set of large amber-colored eyes lined with age. A brown longcoat drapes over studded leather armor, and a bulging satchel of ointments, drugs, bandages, herbal concoctions, and surgical tools hangs from his hip, held on by a pocket and vial-studded bandolier; the persistent odor of herbs and medicine surrounds him wherever he goes. The gnome is gruff and taciturn but kind-hearted, always willing to work out a price for his services depending on a person's ability to pay and severity of need. When given a task, he tends to be so distracted on the details of what he is currently concentrating on that he misses out on new information until it is right in front of his face.

Dotting, I'm interested in the Shaman, and I'll see if I can come up with something solid.

Here's the updated list:

George Kinder—Human Sage Sorcerer
Vazio Tanzer—Halfling Sorcerer (Void-touched)
Shaenol—Sylph Witch
Xabala Kybwa’ka—Half-elf Witch (Beast-bonded)
Variel Nightstorm—Elf Magus
Talathel "Tal" Darkariel—Elf Wizard (Void)
Eizzach Bitterbalm—Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon)

Yulia Mulberry—Halfling Warpriest
Malthu—Tiefling Inquisitor

Egerton Blakemore—Human Swashbuckler
Jordi—Human Paladin of Iomedae
Nadia Sayraddin—Human Ranger (Trapper)
Gur—Orc Fighter
Garran Oakthorn—Human Barbarian
Mosi Ndiya—Tiefling Ranger
Alard Gammugw—Halfling Hunter
Wu Kong—Vanaran Hunter (Primordial Companion/Divine Hunter)
Barrick "Glaive-Fist"—Human Brawler

Avarl Nolastra—Elf Bard
Nichelle Crassior—Human Rogue (Poisoner)
Carmen Terpsichore—Human Bard
Ked of Clan Metaldeath—Goblin Rogue (Knife Master/Scout)

Limnen-euron—Monk (Martial Artist)
Helio—Some kind of Divine Caster

Dirge Of Hubris wrote:

The struggle is real with this story. I have had the crunch completed for since yesterday, but the background is killing me for some reason.

Quick question: Would you be against an amputee? I am considering a one-armed brawler (which may sound like a blind fighter pilot.) I was going to see if you would allow me to have a wooden prosthetic forearm (non-mechanical.)

Yeah, this is acceptable, and the scizore is as well.

There are some real one-hand fighters, like this ones

thai boxing

just to get the idea of some different styles that kind of character can have.

For a less serious approach, just watch the movie "One armed boxer", you can find it on youtube.

3d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 6) = 15 = 150 gp

And I believe that I am finished. I suppose there weren't that many modifications required after all.

Hunters actually have the same spell progression as inquisitors and warpriests, but with druid spells. So I guess they fit under divine category. Though Wu can add quite some dmg through his companion and later on his arrows.

Wu Kong wrote:
Hunters actually have the same spell progression as inquisitors and warpriests, but with druid spells. So I guess they fit under divine category. Though Wu can add quite some dmg through his companion and later on his arrows.

The way you had described him made it seem like you would be playing him more in a martial vein. But yes, I am aware of that. I will take both parts into account, but for ease I'm just placing your character in one spot. If you have a preference, no problem, just let me know. But, just so you know, it won't matter too much for my selection process which section I write you in.

Okay :). Didn't know how familiar you were with the class.

Was just thinking that with 7 skillpoints per lvl (+1from favored bonus) you could also fit Wu Kong under skill monkeys ;).

Wu Kong wrote:
Was just thinking that with 7 skillpoints per lvl (+1from favored bonus) you could also fit Wu Kong under skill monkeys ;).

I see what you did there.

Alright, I'll be making a Swashbuckler with the Daring Infiltrator archetype. I'll come back with more details later on.

Made some adjustments to Egerton's character, and gave him the Inspired Blade archetype for the Swashbuckler


Egerton Blakemore
Male Human (Varisian) Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Hero Points 1
Init +2; Senses Perception +3
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +1 shield, +2 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will -1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20) and
. . dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20) and
. . rapier +4 (1d6+1/18-20)
Special Attacks deed: opportune parry and riposte, panache
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus (rapier)
Traits fast-talker, jenivere crew
Skills Acrobatics +4, Bluff +9, Climb +4, Diplomacy +8, Perception +3, Profession (sailor) +3, Sleight of Hand +4; Racial Modifiers deed: derring-do
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ deed: dodging panache, hero points, inspired panache
Combat Gear oil (3); Other Gear studded leather, buckler, dagger, dagger, rapier, backpack, masterwork, belt pouch, belt pouch, bullseye lantern, flask, flint and steel, 33 gp, 8 sp, 7 cp
Special Abilities
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Combat Reflexes (3 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Deed: Derring-Do (+2 extra dice) (Ex) Use 1 panache, +1d6 to Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, or Swim check. On a 6, roll another die.
Deed: Dodging Panache +4 (Ex) As an imm action when attacked, use 1 panache to move 5 ft. and gain +4 to AC vs. attack.
Deed: Opportune Parry and Riposte (Ex) 1 panache and 1 AoO to attempt to parry a melee attack, then counterattack.
Hero Points (1) Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Inspired Panache (Ex) Gain no panache from killing blow, only from rapier crits.
Panache (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on light/piercing crit/killing blow.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.

I would love to join with Jukil. He is a druid from a tribe close to Bloodcove. He has just recently discovered some clues about his past and is in his pursuit for answers. He has served to his tribe both as a healer and an spiritual guide, and will add his survival and spellcasting abilities to any willing party. More details on both background and statistics can be found in my profile.

I have picked up the child of temple trait in order to help fill as many divine gaps as possible. I am also considering picking the scribe scroll feat, are we going to have regular contact with civilisation or we are most of it in our own resources as for obtaining magical support?

I am formally withdrawing.


George Kinder—Human Sage Sorcerer
Vazio Tanzer—Halfling Sorcerer (Void-touched)
Shaenol—Sylph Witch
Xabala Kybwa’ka—Half-elf Witch (Beast-bonded)
Variel Nightstorm—Elf Magus
Talathel "Tal" Darkariel—Elf Wizard (Void)
Eizzach Bitterbalm—Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon)

Yulia Mulberry—Halfling Warpriest
Malthu—Tiefling Inquisitor

Egerton Blakemore—Human Swashbuckler
Jordi—Human Paladin of Iomedae
Nadia Sayraddin—Human Ranger (Trapper)
Gur—Orc Fighter
Garran Oakthorn—Human Barbarian
Mosi Ndiya—Tiefling Ranger
Alard Gammugw—Halfling Hunter
Wu Kong—Vanaran Hunter (Primordial Companion/Divine Hunter)
Barrick "Glaive-Fist"—Human Brawler

Avarl Nolastra—Elf Bard
Nichelle Crassior—Human Rogue (Poisoner)
Carmen Terpsichore—Human Bard
Ked of Clan Metaldeath—Goblin Rogue (Knife Master/Scout)

Limnen-euron—Monk (Martial Artist)
Helio—Some kind of Divine Caster
Wolfgang Rolf-swadhbuckler(daring infiltrator)
Jukil-Human Druid

It looks like we're staying to slow down on recruitment, I will give 12 hours (till midnight gmt -6) to let anyone else express interest. Those who have expressed interest by then will have 24 hours to complete their characters.

Jukil Denseginger wrote:
I have picked up the child of temple trait in order to help fill as many divine gaps as possible. I am also considering picking the scribe scroll feat, are we going to have regular contact with civilisation or we are most of it in our own resources as for obtaining magical support?

You will have a chance to interact with civilization, however, as the player's guide says, self sufficiency will be prized in this ap.

For Wu Kong his companion will be his gateway to the divine. It is where he will get his powers from and Desna sent some angelic creature to possess the Spinosaur Ziva which can use the divine power to enhance it's powers in battle. Would be fun if you could use her to guide Wu. I'm not sure yet which direction I want him to go eventually as he is unguided and needs a goal in life.

I'm not very familiar with how Wu will play in combat. I guess he can hand out some druid buffs like barkskin and what not later on.

Liberty's Edge

I express interest, looks like divine is less represented so I'll be going either for a druid or an oracle, I'll give it some more thought.

GM Jammin' wrote:


George Kinder—Human Sage Sorcerer
Vazio Tanzer—Halfling Sorcerer (Void-touched)
Shaenol—Sylph Witch
Xabala Kybwa’ka—Half-elf Witch (Beast-bonded)
Variel Nightstorm—Elf Magus
Talathel "Tal" Darkariel—Elf Wizard (Void)
Eizzach Bitterbalm—Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon)

Yulia Mulberry—Halfling Warpriest
Malthu—Tiefling Inquisitor

Egerton Blakemore—Human Swashbuckler
Jordi—Human Paladin of Iomedae
Nadia Sayraddin—Human Ranger (Trapper)
Gur—Orc Fighter
Garran Oakthorn—Human Barbarian
Mosi Ndiya—Tiefling Ranger
Alard Gammugw—Halfling Hunter
Wu Kong—Vanaran Hunter (Primordial Companion/Divine Hunter)
Barrick "Glaive-Fist"—Human Brawler

Avarl Nolastra—Elf Bard
Nichelle Crassior—Human Rogue (Poisoner)
Carmen Terpsichore—Human Bard
Ked of Clan Metaldeath—Goblin Rogue (Knife Master/Scout)

Limnen-euron—Monk (Martial Artist)
Helio—Some kind of Divine Caster
Wolfgang Rolf-swadhbuckler(daring infiltrator)
Jukil-Human Druid

It looks like we're staying to slow down on recruitment, I will give 12 hours (till midnight gmt -6) to let anyone else express interest. Those who have expressed interest by then will have 24 hours to complete their characters.

Don't know if I will be able to make the deadline or not, I had the whole thing planned with Saturday being the deadline. Anyway, good luck everyone.

Wu Kong wrote:

For Wu Kong his companion will be his gateway to the divine. It is where he will get his powers from and Desna sent some angelic creature to possess the Spinosaur Ziva which can use the divine power to enhance it's powers in battle. Would be fun if you could use her to guide Wu. I'm not sure yet which direction I want him to go eventually as he is unguided and needs a goal in life.

I'm not very familiar with how Wu will play in combat. I guess he can hand out some druid buffs like barkskin and what not later on.

Yeah, if you're chosen, I can work with that.

Wolfgang Rolf wrote:
GM Jammin' wrote:


George Kinder—Human Sage Sorcerer
Vazio Tanzer—Halfling Sorcerer (Void-touched)
Shaenol—Sylph Witch
Xabala Kybwa’ka—Half-elf Witch (Beast-bonded)
Variel Nightstorm—Elf Magus
Talathel "Tal" Darkariel—Elf Wizard (Void)
Eizzach Bitterbalm—Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon)

Yulia Mulberry—Halfling Warpriest
Malthu—Tiefling Inquisitor

Egerton Blakemore—Human Swashbuckler
Jordi—Human Paladin of Iomedae
Nadia Sayraddin—Human Ranger (Trapper)
Gur—Orc Fighter
Garran Oakthorn—Human Barbarian
Mosi Ndiya—Tiefling Ranger
Alard Gammugw—Halfling Hunter
Wu Kong—Vanaran Hunter (Primordial Companion/Divine Hunter)
Barrick "Glaive-Fist"—Human Brawler

Avarl Nolastra—Elf Bard
Nichelle Crassior—Human Rogue (Poisoner)
Carmen Terpsichore—Human Bard
Ked of Clan Metaldeath—Goblin Rogue (Knife Master/Scout)

Limnen-euron—Monk (Martial Artist)
Helio—Some kind of Divine Caster
Wolfgang Rolf-swadhbuckler(daring infiltrator)
Jukil-Human Druid

It looks like we're staying to slow down on recruitment, I will give 12 hours (till midnight gmt -6) to let anyone else express interest. Those who have expressed interest by then will have 24 hours to complete their characters.

Don't know if I will be able to make the deadline or not, I had the whole thing planned with Saturday being the deadline. Anyway, good luck everyone.

How long do you think you'd need. I can work with you a little on it.

Now I am getting all excited and jittery waiting to see who is chosen. Good luck everyone.

There is a strong array here. I just wonder how the GM picks these out in the end. Looks tough.

I never envy any GM that has to choose for a game that would be in high demand. On the upside, in the event another GM was looking to run the same thing, or would like the characters, they can snag the uninvited through PMs. =D

And this is the final built for Jukil. If you find something is missing, please let me know!
Good luck to everybody and good fun! :-)


Grown up at a small tribe of the Mwangi expand, Jukil ties with the outside civilisation are limited. Mentored by one of the tribes elders, he has received a vast knowledge of the local fauna and flora, and developed a deep bond with it in all its forms. While he loves the jungle he has not an idealistic view of it, and he knows survival often comes by means of being fast and stronger than the dangers to overcome. Jukil duties in the tribe were to obtain precious natural resources from the jungle and transform them into useful tools for the tribe, whether this is in the form of medical herbs, or the sticky resins used in tanglefood bags and other useful things production. His mentor has enforced on him knowledge about the different religions in the expanse all necessary to guide the tribe in his spiritual needs.
His relation with colonists, pirates and other outside adventurers have been reduced to the regular trade of materials and goods his tribe has been doing with the close Bloodcove city, but he sticks otherwise with a very provincial point of view of the world.
In recent times he has built up an special bond with a crocodile he saved in the Blood river which had gotten hardly injured by an elephant. He named him after one of his favourite tales, Phillip.

Jukil has embarked himself in the pursuit of his real identity after his mentor revealed to him in his death bed he was in truth the child of a colonist group a rival tribe defeated long time ago. Broken up by his lose and fuelled by the last words of his mentor talking about a serpentine danger growing over the jungle, Jukil traveled to Bloodcove and embarked in the Jenivere direction to Sargava, where he hopes to find answers to his past and the fears of his mentor.

Jukil has good heart, but he don't often understand the rules of outer cultures though he is willing to be of help to his direct environment and he knows collaboration is the main way of surviving in the wilderness.


Melee 2
Ranged 2
CMD 14

Fort 4
Ref 2
Will 5

HP 11

AC 18 (2 dex, 4 hide armor, 2 heavy wooden shield)
Touch 12
Flatfooted 16

Speed 20' (30' without armor)

Club +2 1d6+2 20/x2
Sickle +2 1d6+2 20/x2 (can trip)
Sling +2 1d4+2 20/x2

SKILLS (trained shown)
6/level (4 class, 1 Int, 1 human) + 1 initial free profession
Craft (alchemy) 5 (4 initial free profession rank, 1 Int)
Handle animal 3 (4 rank, -2 Cha, 1 trait); 7 with animal companion (+4 druid feature)
Heal 7 (4 rank, 3 Wis)
K. nature 7 (4 rank, 1 Int, 2 druid); 8 at jungle (+1 trait)
Perception 7 (4 rank, 3 Wis)
Spellcraft 5 (4 rank, 1 Int)
Survival 9 (4 rank, 3 Wis, 2 druid)

Common, Polyglot, Sylvan, Druidic

Scribe scroll
Spell focus (conjuration)

Boarded in Mwangi Expanse (Serpent's Skull): Polyglot, +1 K. nature in jungle
Beast bond (social): +1 to handle animal and mount. Mount is a class skill.

Druid +1 hp

Spontaneous casting of Summon Natural Ally spells
Nature bond (animal companion)
Nature sense (+2 to K. nature and Survival)
Wild empathy

Crocodile (Phillip)
Size: Small Speed: 20', swim 30'
HP: 13 (2d8+4)
AC: 16 (2 dex, 4 natural), touch 12, flatfooted 14
Base attack: +1 CMB: +2 CMD: 14
Attacks: bite +3 (1d6+3) [power attack bite +2 (1d6+6)]
Str 15 Dex 14 Con 15 Int 1 Wis 12 Cha 2
For +5 Ref +5 Will +1
Special: keep breath, low-light vision, bond, share spells
Acrobatics 6
Perception 5
Power attack
Animal tricks (4):

Level 0 (3)
Detect magic

Level 1 (2)

EQUIPMENT (initial 70gp)
Hide armor, 15gp 25 lbs
Heavy wooden shield, 7gp 10 lbs
Sling, 0gp - lbs
Sling bullets x20, 1gp 10 lbs
Club, 0gp 3 lbs
Sickle, 6gp 2 lbs
Cure light wounds scroll (scribed), 12.5gp
Faerie fire scroll (scribed), 12.5gp
Spell's components pouch, 5gp 2 lbs
Jungle clothing (peasants), 0.1gp 2 lbs
Rope (hemp), 1gp 10 lbs
Grappling hook, 1gp 4 lbs
Shovel, 2gp 8 lbs
Flint and steel, 1gp
Rations x4, 2gp 4 lbs
Waterskin, 1gp 4 lbs
Backpack, 2gp 2 lbs
Total gp: 68.1
Total lbs: 86 lbs (medium encumbrance)
Gold remaining: 1.9gp

Light encumbrance: 58 lbs
Medium encumbrance: 116 lbs

GM Jammin' wrote:
Wolfgang Rolf wrote:
GM Jammin' wrote:


George Kinder—Human Sage Sorcerer
Vazio Tanzer—Halfling Sorcerer (Void-touched)
Shaenol—Sylph Witch
Xabala Kybwa’ka—Half-elf Witch (Beast-bonded)
Variel Nightstorm—Elf Magus
Talathel "Tal" Darkariel—Elf Wizard (Void)
Eizzach Bitterbalm—Gnome Alchemist (Chirurgeon)

Yulia Mulberry—Halfling Warpriest
Malthu—Tiefling Inquisitor

Egerton Blakemore—Human Swashbuckler
Jordi—Human Paladin of Iomedae
Nadia Sayraddin—Human Ranger (Trapper)
Gur—Orc Fighter
Garran Oakthorn—Human Barbarian
Mosi Ndiya—Tiefling Ranger
Alard Gammugw—Halfling Hunter
Wu Kong—Vanaran Hunter (Primordial Companion/Divine Hunter)
Barrick "Glaive-Fist"—Human Brawler

Avarl Nolastra—Elf Bard
Nichelle Crassior—Human Rogue (Poisoner)
Carmen Terpsichore—Human Bard
Ked of Clan Metaldeath—Goblin Rogue (Knife Master/Scout)

Limnen-euron—Monk (Martial Artist)
Helio—Some kind of Divine Caster
Wolfgang Rolf-swadhbuckler(daring infiltrator)
Jukil-Human Druid

It looks like we're staying to slow down on recruitment, I will give 12 hours (till midnight gmt -6) to let anyone else express interest. Those who have expressed interest by then will have 24 hours to complete their characters.

Don't know if I will be able to make the deadline or not, I had the whole thing planned with Saturday being the deadline. Anyway, good luck everyone.
How long do you think you'd need. I can work with you a little on it.

Thank you and I apologize for taking a while to reply. If you can give me until Thursday night I should be able to have everything ready. I hope the character will be worth the wait.

No problem. I can give 48 hours from midnight to finish character creation. I'll start looking over applications now, so if you make any changes from this point make sure to let me know. That way I can have a decision for you all soon after recruitment closes.

GM Jammin' wrote:
No problem. I can give 48 hours from midnight to finish character creation. I'll start looking over applications now, so if you make any changes from this point make sure to let me know. That way I can have a decision for you all soon after recruitment closes.

Once more thank you for the extra time.

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