GM Infinity: Iron Gods [Chapter 1 Completed!] (Inactive)

Game Master mishima

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AvernusArt 2Grid

Opened, if you guys would like to introduce yourselves feel free.

M Gnome Bloodrager 3 [HP: 31/31 | AC:17/19ug| T: 13/15ug | FF: 15 | Fort: +6 / Ref: +5 / Will: +3 | Init: +2 / Perc: +8 (Darkvision 60ft) Bloodrage: 11/11

I'm at a work conference but I'm really excited for the game! I'll have a longer post this evening.

F Android Biohacker 2 [HP 16/16 | Stamina 14/14 ] [ EAC 13 | KAC 14 ] [ Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +3 ] [ Init +2 ] [ Perception +7 (Darkvision 60, Low-Light) ]

Thanks for the selection! I'm super excited for this.

Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4

Ditto, on the super excited. Looks like we should be able to more than handle ourself in combat, but will struggle with healing.

@GM Infinity would you mind me switching out Improved Initiative for fast learner?

Its a shame all the crafting and tech feats are so far away. Planning on taking Master Craftsman at 5th, and probably Craft Weapons and Armor at 7th, but this being a PBP we'll probably be watching the 3rd Star Wars sequel by then :)

I would say its possible Tarkov and Krah are acquaintances given that Tarkov and Unrush would join up with caravans where possible for safety in numbers.

AvernusArt 2Grid

That's fine to polish and edit your characters a bit before getting started now that the party makeup is known. I would appreciate if you guys could edit your profile so that the crunch is shown in each post (like Jades) in the Class/Levels field.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Also if someone could try out the Map link in the gameplay thread and let me know if it works, not sure I did that right.

Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4
GM Infinity wrote:
Also if someone could try out the Map link in the gameplay thread and let me know if it works, not sure I did that right.

I get to google docs and can see the text below fine, but the two pics just show that little broken pic symbol even after refreshing.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Ok, I uploaded those from my hard drive let me try posting them to the web and linking off the url.

GM Infinity wrote:
Ok, I uploaded those from my hard drive let me try posting them to the web and linking off the url.

Sorted seems fine now :)

Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4

@GM Infinity are you okay with Tarkov's ability being Nanite Surge, but controlled by you for the Nanites interests, or did you want me to work up something else? I was not keen on the standard action version as I think that renders it largely ineffectual.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Yep that could be quite interesting. With the standard action I was thinking it could still be useful for skill checks and the like, but yeah.

Male Human Investigator 3 | AC 14 (15 vs traps) T 11 (12 vs traps) FF 13 | HP 16/16 | 2 / 4 Inspiration for the day | F +1 R +4 (+5 vs traps) W +5 (+2 on all ST vs Poison) | Init +1 | Perc +10 / +11 on trap location

Checking in, almost finished getting everything into the sheet. Did have one edit from submission (beyond picking gear) in that I dropped the bonus hit point from favored class in favor of an additional skill point. Craft: Alchemy wasn't on my submitted list and I might need it, given my spells are alchemically based. Other than that, almost good to go.

Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4

Can I ask what the posting expectations for this game are? Its been three days without a gameplay post from Zael which has me fairly worried at the beginning of a game. I know stuff happens, but if this is likely to be a regular thing we might want to think about bringing someone else in while they would still get to enjoy the whole adventure.

Hopefully that won't be an issue, especially since Zael is a very interesting character, but having one much slower poster can bottleneck an entire game, which would be unfortunate for all of us.

Very much hope this ends up a none issue, but generally I think its better to address potential problems as swiftly as possible.

M Gnome Bloodrager 3 [HP: 31/31 | AC:17/19ug| T: 13/15ug | FF: 15 | Fort: +6 / Ref: +5 / Will: +3 | Init: +2 / Perc: +8 (Darkvision 60ft) Bloodrage: 11/11

I too am hoping this game doesn't get derailed.

AvernusArt 2Grid

We can move on in gameplay. If he doesn't post by Monday I'll bring someone else on.

Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4

Hopefully wee can make enough on our first delve to afford a Wand of Infernal Healing, if we can find one - since nobody has UMD and it is on Krah's spell list so he should be able to use it. If not I guess we stock up on healing potions and try to address the problem as we level somehow?

M Gnome Bloodrager 3 [HP: 31/31 | AC:17/19ug| T: 13/15ug | FF: 15 | Fort: +6 / Ref: +5 / Will: +3 | Init: +2 / Perc: +8 (Darkvision 60ft) Bloodrage: 11/11

Yeah, I was wondering how we could handle this without a bit of healing. Once we can afford the wand I'll do my best with it for us.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Wouldn't worry about it, you could always take someone from town who has CLW on their spell list. You're actually about to meet a person who fits the bill, if you don't get killed instantly. Plus there is literally mountains of treasure to uncover.

M Gnome Bloodrager 3 [HP: 31/31 | AC:17/19ug| T: 13/15ug | FF: 15 | Fort: +6 / Ref: +5 / Will: +3 | Init: +2 / Perc: +8 (Darkvision 60ft) Bloodrage: 11/11

Slower, I'm writing this down...'Don't...die...instantly....' Okay, good!

Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4

GM Infinity would you consider posting map links in your aliases class line? A minor thing but it makes life easier I think.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Yep, good call.

Might just move everything over to slides at some point, seems friendlier.

Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4

:) Is there a knowledge check for the metal man, or do you need the technologist feat or something to make it? Here is hoping it doesn't have DR!

AvernusArt 2Grid

...and just realized everything in the Torch Map spreadsheet is already in the player's guide. Taking that down and going full slides from now on. It seems to work with files straight off my desktop so it saves me the step of uploading to an image site first.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Hey guys, invited Tessara from the recruitment thread in for Zael. Can we pretend she's been with you the whole time?

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

Hello everyone. Do note that right now my computer is busted so most of my posts will be on my little IPad. You could say Tess has been watching the pond in possible connections action to the robots.

M Gnome Bloodrager 3 [HP: 31/31 | AC:17/19ug| T: 13/15ug | FF: 15 | Fort: +6 / Ref: +5 / Will: +3 | Init: +2 / Perc: +8 (Darkvision 60ft) Bloodrage: 11/11

No problem! Welcome!

Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4

Sounds ideal to me welcome aboard Tessara :) Great to have someone who can actually use a Cure Wand!

I will point out you do not actually qualify for Power Attack since it requires +1 base attack bonus.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

I'll fix that shortly. Thanks for pointing that out to me.

Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4

No problem, I don't think it would be much of an issue, but it one of those ones I always forget.

She also seems to have +7 Perfect rather than Perception while I am being annoyingly pedantic :)

AvernusArt 2Grid

Its too bad now that Zael is gone no one has the Technologist feat, hope you guys consider that later. Probably doesn't make sense for Tess at this point.

Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4

I was considering it for Tarkov anyway, I'll probably just take it a little earlier.

M Gnome Bloodrager 3 [HP: 31/31 | AC:17/19ug| T: 13/15ug | FF: 15 | Fort: +6 / Ref: +5 / Will: +3 | Init: +2 / Perc: +8 (Darkvision 60ft) Bloodrage: 11/11

Krah will going face first into a lot of technology.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Cool, lots of the loot is tech for this AP.

F Android Biohacker 2 [HP 16/16 | Stamina 14/14 ] [ EAC 13 | KAC 14 ] [ Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +3 ] [ Init +2 ] [ Perception +7 (Darkvision 60, Low-Light) ]

I'm also likely taking Technologist, but probably not until 5th because of Ranged Weapon feat taxes.

M Gnome Bloodrager 3 [HP: 31/31 | AC:17/19ug| T: 13/15ug | FF: 15 | Fort: +6 / Ref: +5 / Will: +3 | Init: +2 / Perc: +8 (Darkvision 60ft) Bloodrage: 11/11

I live in Denver and can generally post in the mornings, at lunch, and in the evenings before heading to bed. I just wanted to let you all know what to expect with my posting rate.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Central here.

Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4

I'm in England, but tend to be a bit of a night owl.

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

EST in western Maryland

AvernusArt 2Grid

Hey guys, Zael just messaged me, going to invite him back. :)

Half-Orc Inquisitor of Calistria 3// HP:18/18// AC:15// T:10// FF:15// BAB:+2// CMB:+5

So, it will be five now?

Also realised I'm short a trait. May find a little something to around .y current blindness.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Yes, I assume that's cool with you guys?

M Gnome Bloodrager 3 [HP: 31/31 | AC:17/19ug| T: 13/15ug | FF: 15 | Fort: +6 / Ref: +5 / Will: +3 | Init: +2 / Perc: +8 (Darkvision 60ft) Bloodrage: 11/11

If he can save my favorite gnome it's cool with me!

Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4

Fine by me as long as the game is not slowed, his character is very interesting :)

Male Human Investigator 3 | AC 14 (15 vs traps) T 11 (12 vs traps) FF 13 | HP 16/16 | 2 / 4 Inspiration for the day | F +1 R +4 (+5 vs traps) W +5 (+2 on all ST vs Poison) | Init +1 | Perc +10 / +11 on trap location

I appreciate that, all of you. Sorry for the interruption... as I PM'ed to GM Infinity, life decided to sucker punch me this weekend.

I am also in EST (Virginia) and work most weekdays currently (that will change, they are eventually going to move me to a rotating shift). During work days I can only really access before heading in, at lunch, and then after I get home. (I post mostly from my phone and we have to lock them up when at work, plus they have a pretty robust policy about what you can and can't use work computers for, and sadly they don't think it is "productive" to go to sites like Paizo so into the banned traffic ACL it goes.)

I am almost caught up on gameplay so far, and everything is up to date in my character tab that I can think of (if anyone notices something I have missed though let me know).

AvernusArt 2Grid

Sweet intro, Zael. Glad you made it

Male Human Investigator 3 | AC 14 (15 vs traps) T 11 (12 vs traps) FF 13 | HP 16/16 | 2 / 4 Inspiration for the day | F +1 R +4 (+5 vs traps) W +5 (+2 on all ST vs Poison) | Init +1 | Perc +10 / +11 on trap location

:) Thank you, and so am I. Going to head to bed... hopefully Tessara or Jade will be able to hit that thing.

Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4

I'm just going to point out that in character its going to be very difficult to convince Tarkov he wants Zael as part of there group if he is not helping to direct them. It would of course be easy for Zael to say he to was blinded though as I would prefer an easy integration :) Or to actually help.

M Gnome Bloodrager 3 [HP: 31/31 | AC:17/19ug| T: 13/15ug | FF: 15 | Fort: +6 / Ref: +5 / Will: +3 | Init: +2 / Perc: +8 (Darkvision 60ft) Bloodrage: 11/11

I think he's bound up.

AvernusArt 2Grid

Bound and gagged...

M Gnome Bloodrager 3 [HP: 31/31 | AC:17/19ug| T: 13/15ug | FF: 15 | Fort: +6 / Ref: +5 / Will: +3 | Init: +2 / Perc: +8 (Darkvision 60ft) Bloodrage: 11/11

Can I activate the shield belt as a swift action?

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