Tara Eliade |
Knocking softly on the doorway to the Lorrimor library, Tara appears with a tea tray. "Dr. Von Herzog, do you mind if I join you in your research? I brought some tea." Holding up the tray, Tara enters the room, placing the tray down carefully before pouring herself a cup. "I hope you don't mind, I seemed to have spent most of today getting a run around. Father Grimburrow is unwilling to let anyone in the Pharasmian library while it is being remodeled, and gaining access to the town library is harder than I would have hoped."
Reaching over to grab an old tome, Tara begins leafing through the familiar information, attempting to discover anything that she and Teil could have missed from yesterday.
Tara is willing to stay up late to help Stefan research the whispering way. Vivian, I believe that Tara is still at the Lorrimor Manor with Stefan.
GM Harker |
Day 3 evening activities
Stefan and Tara can both make checks for the Whispering Way for the evening of Day 3, go ahead and roll whenever you have an opportunity. One of you can aid the other if you wish.
* * *
Day 4 activities
"I would be happy to join you at either location, although I would assume it would be easier to access the Temple library since Tara is a cleric of the faith." Kendra advises, "Also, to answer Drace's question from earlier, stirges are not a common sight in town at all."
Feel free to discuss things ooc if it'll help you wish a consensus faster. You have roughly the same difficulty to access both, and you can try both if the first one turns you down.
Dr. Stefan Von Herzog |
"Well, good evening, Tara! I thought I'd be up late by myself. Thank you so much for making us tea-- that might help keep the drowsiness at bay for a while at least."
The doctor continues to pore through the library, looking for more references to the Whispering Way.
It might be most effective for one of us to research and the other to use the "Aid Another" action. Stefan has a +9 Knowledge (arcana)... maybe he should be primary?
Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
EDIT: Ooh! Tara: if you successfully Aid Another, that would be a 30!
GM Harker |
Late night research
The DC only goes up to 25, so Tara doesn't necessarily need to roll, but I'll assume she helps nevertheless.
Working together into the wee hours of the night, Dr. Von Herzog and Tara finally discover another piece of information about the Whispering Way in a tome obscured by its location among agricultural books.
In brief it states that although exact details on the society are difficult to discern, the chief among the Whispering Way’s goals are discovering formulae for creating liches and engineering the release of the Whispering Tyrant. Agents often travel to remote sites or areas plagued by notorious haunts or undead menaces to perform field research or even to capture unique monsters. Their symbol is a gagged skull, and those who learn too many of the Way’s secrets are often murdered, and their mouths mutilated to prevent their bodies from divulging secrets via speak with dead.
With this final bit of information, Stefan and Tara are quite certain there is nothing more to learn about this topic in the Professor's library, nor probably in the rest of the town.
That's all you can get about the Whispering Way, the only topic of research left is the Five Prisoners.
GM Harker |
Day 4: Pharast 28th
The overnight hours pass uneventfully until dawn breaks on another day. Unlike yesterday, the weather is colder again and the sky is cloudy, but luckily no more bad news arrives at Kendra's doorstep.
Ok, for Day 4 so let me know who's going to which potential library source (Temple of Pharasma, a Councilmember) and make the necessary diplomacy checks. Since we're in PbP, I'm ok with rolling aid another checks after the primary roll is made, if that is what you were planning on doing before you know the result.
If you prefer to do something else, just let me know.
Vivian Deberth |
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Trying to get into the good graces of Father Grimburrow at the Temple, probably with Tara. If you need some RP i'll post it tomorrow
Dr. Stefan Von Herzog |
Stefan also accompanies Vivian and Tara.
"Father Grimburrow! It is indeed a pleasure to meet with you again!"
Diplomacy (aid another): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
GM Harker |
Not sure what's going on with Tara, but I'm pretty sure she would have assisted Vivian with access to the Temple.
Tara's Diplomacy (aid another): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Although it takes the combined efforts of Vivian, Teilaenthis, Dr. Von Herzog, and Tara, but Father Grimburrow finally acquiesces to the group's request to access the Temple of Pharasma's library. He leads you to a relatively large room under the building full of books and scrolls and requests that you return everything back where you originally found it. He then leaves you to your studies, grumbling to himself how it's going to set reorganization back for weeks.
Ok, you can make checks for the Five Prisoners here with a +4 to either your Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (local). If you don't have ranks in either skill, you can make them untrained without the +4 bonus.
* * *
Kendra accompanies Sentir and Drace with their visit with another local Councilmember, but even with the help of a local, their request to study in town hall is quickly refused.
Kendra Diplomacy (aid another): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
* * *
Ok, start making your research rolls! I'm fine with assuming that Sentir and Drace discover the other group's success early enough to also study in the Temple's library if they wish.
Vivian Deberth |
Know local, untrained (no bonus), help another/ regular roll (as needed) : 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Vivian is at first childishly restless in the library, and have an hard time concentrating on the task at hand.
Then she finally got the hang of it, and buries herself in obscure litterature with a wise passion and real interest, surprising herself and her companions.
Drace Kross |
With their earlier avenue proving fruitless, Drace is eager to help after hearing the group managed to get into the Temple's library. Though he does his best not to get in anyone's way, or step on anyone's feet.
Knowledge Check: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Teilaenthis Arcanos |
Teilaenthis thanks the priest, and asks people to begin looking for certain books or scrolls that might have documentation of the relevant time. He settles in to methodically review items, enjoying the feel of the books and scrolls almost as much as their content.
Each of these books has a history in addition to the words within...
Take 10 on Know History for an 18 + four for Library for a 22, plus any aid anothers that may come along.
Sentir Damutu |
Sentir is quite agitated that the Town Hall remains closed. He mutters as they go to the library about 'blind fools' and the like. He soon settles down in the library however and begins pouring through books. He seems to find many things of interest.
[dice=Knowledge History] 1d20+5
Dr. Stefan Von Herzog |
Stefan is untrained in Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (local), so he'll help Teil with his research.
Knowledge (history) - Aid Another: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
And NOW I roll a 20!
"Look here! I think I found something interesting..."
GM Harker |
With the group spending the majority of the day working together to do research under Teilaenthis' lead, you all discover the following information:
Originally, Harrowstone housed only local criminals, but as the prison’s fame spread, other counties and distant lands began paying to have more dangerous criminals housed within this prison’s walls. At the time of the great Harrowstone Fire, the number of particularly violent or dangerous criminals imprisoned within the dungeons below was at an all-time high.
The five most notorious prisoners in Harrowstone at the time of the great fire were Father Charlatan, the Lopper, the Mosswater Marauder, the Piper of Illlmarsh, and the Splatter Man.
With total result of your research check with the aid, you can choose to learn more information about one of those prisoners. Let me know which one you want to know more about. Additional research checks at a high enough result will result in learning more about a subsequent prisoner at your choosing.
Also, let me know what your plans for the evening are, if any.
GM Harker |
My apologies for being unclear, there's no additional Knowledge checks to be made for today. I just need to know which prisoner you want to know about, then I will give you that information. For information about the 4 other prisoners that you don't choose, you'll need to return on another day and make new checks.
GM Harker |
Looking for further information about the Splatter Man reveals the following:
The Splatter Man (Real Name: Hean Feramin)
Professor Feramin was a celebrated scholar of Anthroponomastics (the study of personal names and their origins) at the Quartrefaux Archives in Caliphas. Yet an accidental association with a succubus twisted and warped his study, turning it into an obsession. Feramin became obsessed with the power of a name and how he could use it to terrify and control. Soon enough, his reputation was ruined, he’d lost his tenure, and he’d developed an uncontrollable obsession with an imaginary link between a person’s name and what happens to that name when the person dies. Every few days, he would secretly arrange for his victim to find a letter from her name written in blood, perhaps smeared on a wall or spelled out with carefully arranged entrails. Once he had spelled his victim’s name, he would at last come for her, killing her in a gory mess using a complex trap or series of rigged events meant to look like an accident.
Ok, that's all for research for today. I'll give you all a brief period in case you want to role-play or do anything else in the evening, then move onto the next day.
Sentir Damutu |
So you think its next target could be ...me? Why? How?
Vivian is suddenly pale, her eyes wide open with fear
Sentir stammered, "I didn't mean you, Vivian. I mean, I assumed it was someone else..."{/b] his explanation sounded lame even in his own ears. After all, it could it not mean Vivian?
The young oracle looked at Drace and the others before going on, [b]"I doubt it means you Vivian. We only just arrived. This...spirit probably has some long held grudge against the town. For all we know the 'new' name is someone long dead, perhaps in the fire. I don't think you personally need worry. besides, we will all stick together to protect you, right?".
Teilaenthis Arcanos |
Looking to Vivian, Teilaenthis says, "He would be long dead... it is more likely that it is a copy-cat if it has anything to do with the V that we saw. I suggest we come back tomorrow for further research."
Vivian Deberth |
it's just, you know, Sentir... strange. I mean, we arrived in this town, and during the same night, someone wrote a V , the initial of my name, on a memorial. And we learn that a killer used this technique to get into his future victim's minds before killing them violently. I'm allowed to be spooked, even frightened, am I not? As a Pharasman, I'm a firm believer in Fate, so sure we were outsiders from the town but maybe now we were bring here to die!
Shivering in fear, she turns to face Doctor Von Herzog
And in the cemetery last night... I saw a tomb with your name, Stefan, and the date was old... Stefan Von Herzog, died 4661. I didn't want to say anything about it so far, because I thought my eyes played tricks on my mind that night, but now... I'm not that sure, and I prefer you to know so you can be warned and be careful...
She suddenly stands, pace in the room, and continues to speak
How will you protect me, if we're picked one by one by murdering ghosts? How can we fight against restless spirits? I know I've been born and raised into the temple... Maybe it's my Fate to die into this doomed prison, but I want to be able to fight back. So if some of you know anything useful about ghosts and rotting walking bodies and how to defeat them easily, please do as if I never listened one lesson of Father Berastos, my theology teacher. You might not be too far from the truth...
She tries to smile at her small joke, but her heart isn't at it.
Dr. Stefan Von Herzog |
I'm assuming the current year is 4710 A.R. If not, then my math is off...
The doctor raises one eyebrow at Vivian's revelation. "4661? While I'm certainly older than you, I'm not that old! That was eight years before my own birth!. I wonder if that date is significant..."
'61? What might have happened around here in '61...?
Knowledge (history) - untrained: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 ...which is '10.'
Vivian Deberth |
Before Stefan can complete his research, Vivian whispers in his ear
4661.. the year the Harrowstone prison burned, Stefan...
And with a sad, concerned face, the redhead delivers a soft kiss on his right cheek
Teilaenthis Arcanos |
As history and fears are discussed, the Teifling seems brusquely focused on the task at hand. "Since we have access to the Temple and it appears there are more records there, it might be best if we all work together to research tomorrow. We made good progress that way, and more hands and minds might help."
GM Harker |
Day 5: Pharast 29th, 4711
As the group awakens the next day and prepares to return to the library, one of the Sheriff's deputies named Leromar arrives at Kendra's door and informs you that there's been further vandalism at the Harrowstone Memorial. He offers to lead you there in order to speak with the Sheriff who is hoping you might have something helpful.
Those of you that accept his offer soon arrive at the statue to see far fewer locals milling about the 25-foot tall depiction of Warden Hawkran than there were 3 days ago. The vandalism, however, is shocking similar, with blood splattered all round the base containing the names of those who died in the fire, and a fresh red 'E' to the right of the faded 'V' still marring the monument.
"Thanks for coming. Just wanted to know if you folks found out any useful information since our last talk. There's also been, uh, problems with the Restlands. The rumor is there a necromancer desecrating the dead and turning them into monsters. I don't suppose you know anything about that either." Sheriff Caeller asks, his fatigue evident in his features.
Vivian Deberth |
Hello sheriff. There are surely strange events happening here, and I hope and pray Father Grimburrow and the priests can bring peace again into the Restlands. Do you mind if I cautiously check the statue again? I suppose no one has given you any information on the perpetrator, cause no one has seen anything?
She seems relieved when she sees the second letter isn't a "I"
Either this guy doesn't know how to spell Vivian or I'm out of trouble... but who might be his target?
Just shooting ideas here, sheriff, but do you know townfolks whose name begins with "VE"? Maybe it's just a stupid prank aimed at someone?
Vivian looks at the list of names, carefully
If its a ghost from the prison writing this, could his target be the warden, or another guard? Someone he would hate and despise? What was the warden's first name? I thought ghost couldn't left the place they were haunting? Maybe I should have listened to Father Berastos' lessons after all... too late for that, ViVian. You never got good at having regrets, anyway.
She checks all the names to see if someone's name begins with "VE"
GM Harker |
"I was hoping that you folks would have more information, I've been told you been asking about using our libraries. What are you looking for?" The Sheriff answers, "Go ahead and look, just don't touch anything. I can't think of anyone with a name that starts with VE off hand. I'll have to think about it. It's probably not a name anyway, maybe it's a word or someone's initials."
Looking over the list of names on the Monument, Vivian only finds one name that begins with VE. That is Vesorianna Hawkran, the warden's wife.
Dr. Stefan Von Herzog |
The doctor approaches the sheriff and leans in. He looks left and right, making sure no townsfolk are in earshot. Speaking quietly, he says, "Let me be frank, good sir. We are of the belief that Petros was killed, not by an unfortunate accident, but by some kind of sinister force. We have been attempting to replicate his research, to try to learn what he knew. I do fear for the safety of the town-- if evil forces are afoot, many may be in danger.
As for the blood on the statue... It does seem curious that whoever is doing it appears to be writing something in blood. If I recall correctly, I believe that was the modus operandi of one of the Harrowstone prisoners who died in the fire... one Hean Feramin, also know as 'The Splatter Man.' He would write the name of his victims in blood, one letter a night. When the victim's name was spelled out, he would kill her. Given what I've seen here, I have three theories: 1) this is some sort of shenanigan being played by someone with a very disturbed sense of humor. 2) Someone has become an acolyte of The Splatter Man, and is going to recreate his crimes. Or, perhaps most disturbingly, 3) The restless spirit of The Splatter Man has somehow awoken and is doing this. I do pray it's the first."
Tara Eliade |
Tara awakes tired and discombobulated. The strange dream that caused her conversion to Pharamsa had occurred again last night. Following the others to the second site, it takes Tara a moment to realize what had happened. "Oh my." She mumbles as she allows the others to talk with the deputy.
Tara's eyes grow wide at the rumor of the necromancer. "In the Restlands? That's terrible. Sheriff, did you need us to look into it?"
GM Harker |
"I've been extremely busy lately, it's hard to get a good night's sleep." The Sheriff explains, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "I don't want to go into many details so as not to alarm folks, but any information you may run across or undead sightings you witness should be reported to me or my deputies. I'm not really familiar with this Splatter Man, but heck that place burned down 50 years ago. If there was a spirit of this guy, I think he would have acted a lot sooner than now. So even if you're right that this is connected to him, it's gotta be one of the first two options or a fourth you haven't considered yet."
"Let me know whatever else you find, at least this explains why you're spending all that time reading."
Vivian Deberth |
Maybe the Splatter ghost was waiting for some kind of anniversary, however foolish it seems to say so? Maybe someone is related to him, or fancies himself as an imitator? The townfolks are uneasy enough, we don't want to scare them by pointing fingers and telling false accusations. In fact, I am hoping we could help each other, Sheriff: we have reasons to think that some useful informations might be buried in the books of the Town's Hall. If you could help us getting access to the books, we could very well find the answers to these spooky enigmas, and hopefully give peace again to Ravengro. And of course, as a faithful of Pharasma, I'll do my best to help you or whoever might need it agaisnt the restless dead.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 Bad dice! No bikkit!