GM Harker |
Vivian's sling stone bounces harmlessly off the wall, while the giant bug dodges Drace's scimitar strike. Doctor Von Herzog casts a fiery cone at the creature, but only manages to scald it slightly. Tara moves slightly closer to the battlefield, drawing her dagger and offering moral support.
Sentir casts a light spell on his staff to augment the illumination from the Doctor's dancing orbs and takes an opportunity to quickly examine the sarcophagus. Although he does not recall any particular historical significance to the coffin or the situation, Sentir does note that the dust around it appears to have been recently disturbed.
Teilaenthis is up.
Teilaenthis Arcanos |
Teilaenthis shifts to the northeast to give his allies room to aid him, and continues his assault on insect creature but with less effect this time.
Fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Axe: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Note, if the bug attacks someone else, Teil will use Saving Shield to add to their AC.
GM Harker |
Teilaenthis begins to feel slightly lightheaded from the giant insect bite he received, and his attack against the burnt creature misses.
Teil, you are poisoned. You take 1d3 ⇒ 1 points of Dexterity damage. Please make up to another 5 saves, stopping when you roll 13 or higher.
Its antennae twitching violently, the insect attempts to escape through the same crack as its companion.
Another withdrawal action, although Teil can make an attack of opportunity on this one if he wishes.
Combat Over
GM Harker |
An examination of the sarcophagus reveals there are no traps present. When it is opened, the following items are discovered: 12 arrows with alchemical silver arrowheads, 4 sunrods, 6 flasks of holy water, 10 magical arrows that look similar to one another, 5 other magical arrows that look alike, 2 of a third type of magical arrow, 7 potions of the same blue color and consistency, 2 yellowish potions that look alike, a scroll of Detect Undead, 2 scrolls of Hide from Undead, a scroll of Protection from Evil, and a thin darkwood case decorated with an image of a scarab with a single eye glaring from its back—the same design that appears on the cover of that locked book in the Professor's collection.
Inside the case you find 75 gold pieces, a magical brass planchette, a board with the alphabet, numbers, and the words yes, no, and maybe written on it, and 4 magical iron and glass vials containing tiny, churning clouds of vapor. The vials sit in velvet-lined indentations to the left of the planchette and board, along with six other empty indentions.
The following checks necessitate the use of Detect Magic first to identify the objects' purpose. You cannot take 10 or 20 on these checks.
+1 arrows
+1 Ghost Touched arrows
+1 Undead Bane arrows
Potions of Cure Light Wounds
Potions of Lesser Restoration
This is a Brass Spirit Planchette.
Spirit Planchette
Aura moderate divination; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 4,000 gp (brass planchette),
10,000 gp (cold iron planchette), 18,000 gp
(silver planchette); Weight 5 lbs.
A spirit planchette is typically found in a wooden case along with a thin wooden board printed with numerous letters and numbers. Nonmagical versions of these divination tools can be purchased in curiosity shops (typically costing 25 gp); while these items can be used as alternative components for augury spells, only magical spirit planchettes allow users to communicate with the other side. Three types of spirit planchettes exist—brass, cold iron, and silver. Each in turn allows an increasingly potent form of divination effect to be utilized. A spirit planchette requires a board to move upon, but this “board” can be made up of letters scribed upon any smooth surface—it need not be a prepared board for a spirit planchette to work.
To use a spirit planchette, you must rest your fingers lightly upon the planchette’s surface and then concentrate on the planchette (as if maintaining a spell with a duration of concentration) for 2d6 rounds while the planchette attunes itself to the ambient spirits of the area. After this time, the planchette begins to slowly slide in random patterns across the board—at this point, questions may be asked of the spirits by any of the individuals involved in the séance. The consequences of each question asked of the spirits depends upon what type of planchette is used for the divination, as summarized below. The spirits reply in a language understood by the character who asked the question, but resent such contact and give only brief answers to the questions. All questions are answered with “yes,” “no,” or “maybe,” or by spelling out a single word from the letters arranged on the board. The spirits answer each question either in the same round the question is asked (in the case of a yes, no, or maybe answer) or at a rate of one letter per round (in the case of a single word being spelled out). A spirit planchette may be used once per day—the maximum number of questions you can ask with it depends on the type of planchette being used (as detailed below for your brass planchette).
Communication with spirits can be a dangerous task, for many spirits are jealous or hateful of the living. Every time a spirit planchette is used, the user must succeed on a Will save to avoid being temporarily possessed and harmed by the angry spirits. In some areas where the spirits are particularly violent or hateful, this Will save takes a –2 penalty. The DC of this save depends on the type of spirit planchette being used. Anyone who fails the Will save becomes confused for a number of rounds (depending on the type of planchette being used), and no answer is received. The spirits in the area are not omniscient—the GM should decide whether or not the spirits would actually know the answer to the question asked, and if they do not, the answer granted is automatically “maybe.” If the GM determines that the spirits are knowledgeable about the answer, roll d% to determine whether the spirits speak truthfully or whether they lie.
Type you have: Brass
Questions Per Use: 1
Will Save DC: 11
Confusion Duration: 1 round
True Answer: 01–60
Lie: 61–100
These are Haunt Siphons
Haunt Siphon
Aura faint necromancy; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 400 gp; Weight 1 lb.
These glass vials are held within stylized cold-iron casings
etched with strange runes, necromantic designs, or other
eldritch markings. Within the vial roils a small wisp of white
vapor, churning as if caught in a miniature vortex of air.
To capture a haunt’s energies within a haunt siphon, you need
only twist the metal casing to open the vial in the same round that
the haunt manifests (a standard action)—this can be before or
after the haunt has acted. You must be within the haunt’s area of
influence to use a haunt siphon. When you activate a haunt siphon,
it deals 3d6 points of positive energy damage to a single haunt.
If it deals enough damage to the haunt to reduce the haunt’s hit
points to 0, the mist inside the haunt siphon glows green—if it
does not reduce the haunt to 0 hit points, the haunt siphon is still
expended and becomes nonmagical. It may take multiple haunt
siphons to destroy powerful haunts. A haunt that is neutralized
by a haunt siphon takes a –5 penalty on its caster level check to
manifest again after its reset time passes.
A haunt siphon that neutralizes a haunt can no longer be used
to harm haunts, but it can be used as a grenade-like splash
weapon that deals 1d6 points of negative energy damage
with a direct hit. Every creature within 5 feet of the point
where the haunt siphon hits takes 1 point of negative
energy damage from the splash.
Sentir Damutu |
Sentir takes in the cache of weapons, hidden in a gloomy false crypt.Why are they here? Who put them here? And most importantly, what did the Professor wan with them? All these questions run through his head, as he bends his lit staff over the collection and begins trying to identify them. He bends his mind to the tasks and cast a spell of Detect Magic to begin.
Casts Detect Magic on the whole Collection
Spellcraft on Arrows: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Spellcraft on the five other arrows: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Spellcraft on third type of arrow: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Spellcraft on blue potion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Spellcraft on yellow potions: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Spellcraft on Planchette: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Spellcraft on Iron and Glass Vials: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
The eerie crypt is obviously bothering the young man, as he makes little of the contents of the sarcophagus. he recognizes that the first bunch of arrows are magically enhanced and powerful. The rest is a blur except for the Iron and Glass vials. A memory stirs of a book he read once.
"A haunted siphon? What an odd and dangerous item. Be wary of that one, friends.It can be dangerous." And he relies all he knows of the strange devices.
Slot none; Price 400 gp; Weight 1 lb.
These glass vials are held within stylized cold-iron casings
etched with strange runes, necromantic designs, or other
eldritch markings. Within the vial roils a small wisp of white
vapor, churning as if caught in a miniature vortex of air.
To capture a haunt’s energies within a haunt siphon, you need
only twist the metal casing to open the vial in the same round that
the haunt manifests (a standard action)—this can be before or
after the haunt has acted. You must be within the haunt’s area of
influence to use a haunt siphon. When you activate a haunt siphon,
it deals 3d6 points of positive energy damage to a single haunt.
If it deals enough damage to the haunt to reduce the haunt’s hit
points to 0, the mist inside the haunt siphon glows green—if it
does not reduce the haunt to 0 hit points, the haunt siphon is still
expended and becomes nonmagical. It may take multiple haunt
siphons to destroy powerful haunts. A haunt that is neutralized
by a haunt siphon takes a –5 penalty on its caster level check to
manifest again after its reset time passes.
A haunt siphon that neutralizes a haunt can no longer be used
to harm haunts, but it can be used as a grenade-like splash
weapon that deals 1d6 points of negative energy damage
with a direct hit. Every creature within 5 feet of the point
where the haunt siphon hits takes 1 point of negative
energy damage from the splash.
Teilaenthis Arcanos |
Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Fortitude: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Saved on first try...
Dr. Stefan Von Herzog |
Stefan also casts detect magic and examines the magical items.
Spellcraft rolls on the following items...
10 magic arrows (DC 18): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 ...success
5 magic arrows (DC 21): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 ...success
2 magic arrows (DC 21): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 ...failed
7 blue potions (DC 16): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 ...success
2 yellow potions (DC 18): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 ...success
planchette (DC 24): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 ...success
vials (DC 18): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 ...success
Wow! I'm rolling well today!
"These ten arrows are magically enhanced to increase their accuracy and impact.
"These five arrows are similar, but have been further enhanced to affect incorporeal spirits, such as spectres.
"These seven blue potions are all alike, and will heal wounds incurred by the imbiber.
"The two yellow potions can restore lost vigor.
"The planchette should be used in conjunction with the spirit board. It can be used to communicate with disembodied spirits in a rudimentary fashion. However, there is some risk in communicating with spirits. A particularly strong or malevolent spirit could attempt to possess the person attempting to communicate with it. Needless to say... that could be unfortunate.
"I've only heard of vials such as these. They are called haunt siphons, and can be used to draw the energies out of a persistent spirit haunting an area, temporarily preventing it from manifesting. Once the negative energy has been drawn into the vial, it cannot be used again, but that energy can be used as a weapon. Opening or breaking a charged vial releases the energy, drawing some life-force out of any nearby living creatures."
He holds up the two other arrows.
"Alas, I am unable to discern precisely what the aura of these arrows would indicate. They are certainly magical."
He then picks up and examines both the darkwood case and the spirit board.
Appraise on darkwood case: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Appraise on spirit board: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Drace Kross |
Putting his blade away, Drace looks at Teilaenthis. "You managing? Annoying critters in either case."
Drace listens to the description of all the items nodding along as the items were identified. "This...this isn't cheap stuff. This is hundreds of gold worth of magical equipment and items...just buried here? Why?"
Looking through the items until he stops on the siphons. "In either case, the haunt siphon sounds like it would be useful if the prison was truly haunted. Though I worry if it would be enough?" Drace pointed out the six empty indentations "Perhaps the professor took what was here? It explains the footprints."
After everything has been inventoried and stored Drace looks to the group. "Lets have another quick look around and be on our way. The faster we move, hopefully the less chance anyone will have to see us. I'd rather not explain any more than we have to."
Sentir Damutu |
Sentir looks over at Drace and answers, "I doubt we will be bothered down here, and no one up above would have the slightest clue we are down here. And I think you scared off the only creatures down here..." The oracle turns to the doctor, eyeing the planchette. He had heard of such devices, in his research on his own strange powers. Perhaps this device could help him channel those strange voices, the very ones that led him here? In any case, it seemed this place was 'weal' indeed.
Sentir looks around the empty crypt, not expecting to find anything.
Perception for any hidden rooms, doors, writing: 1d20 ⇒ 3
GM Harker |
There is still a group of 2 magical arrows that need identifying if anyone else has the spells and skills to identify magical objects.
Teilaenthis' Tiefling physiology quickly fights off the effects of the poison, leaving him only slightly unsteady.
Dr. Von Herzog appraises the darkwood case at approximately 50gp, while the spirit board is a little unclear to him, but he does recall that they tend to fetch around 25 gp to the right buyer.
Sentir attempts a more detailed examination of the crypt, but finds nothing else of significant interest. The only coffin inside the sarcophagus, while the rest of the burial niches are empty. The cracks the insects escaped through are far too narrow for a human or smaller humanoid folk to pass through. There appears to be no secret doors or writing to be found either.
When you are ready to leave, please let me know if you're going to dummy lock the crypt again, and if you're going to keep your light sources going while exiting the cemetery.
Vivian Deberth |
I hope one of you got a bow and knows how to use it? If not, we probably have enough money to buy one by now.
Looking at Teil
I can try to help you fight the poison in your body if you need, Teil, I got some salves in my backpack.
On the way out: we cut out the lights on the last 10 feet before the door, and I'll "lock" the crypt again (using disable device?)
Sentir Damutu |
Sentir has a thought as they leave the crypt, moving away from the chilly confines. He takes a breath of the clean fresh air, enjoying it. That is when the thought strikes him.
He turns to the group and says, quietly, "Do we want to check out that Memorial? Perhaps our vandal or whoever is back again for another visit? We are already out and about, it might be worth a look. Anyone agree?". Sentir knows it is a long shot, but if they could catch the vandal, it might give them a clue to what is going on!
Drace Kross |
"With how strung the town people are, I'd consider looking at it first thing in the morning. I also feel bad enough leaving Kendra alone at home overnight. At least during the day time she can meet with other people." Drace shook his head. "I'm sure whatever vandal is long gone. I certainly know when made trouble in my youth, I certainly didn't hang around to see what everyone thought of it."
Teilaenthis Arcanos |
To Drace, "The insects were nasty, some minor venom. I should be fine by morning."
To Senti. "I agree we should check it. While our efforts here were fruitful, they have not explained much."
Teileanthis will also appraise the items.
Appraise Case: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Appraise Board: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Vivian Deberth |
Well, Drace, I think we can do two groups, one which goes back to Kendra's with all the stuff we found in the Crypt, another, smaller, at most two persons, that goes and check the Memorial.
Drace Kross |
"I'd rather we not split up." Drace said "Do you think there's a pressing need to visit the memorial again today? I was thinking to focus our efforts on the prison itself in the morning."
Sentir Damutu |
"I'd rather we not split up." Drace said "Do you think there's a pressing need to visit the memorial again today? I was thinking to focus our efforts on the prison itself in the morning."
Sentir nods at Drace, understanding his view. Yet...he had a hunch. "I want to catch them in the act. A giant bloody V? No explanation, no clues? The vandal got away without a trace. I am wagering they'll be back. Maybe we can find some clues if we get there tonight or even..."His voice drops as he looks around the dark cementary, "Catch them in the act. You know as well as I we need more leads. Anything, even a...long shot in the dark?" He smiles as his own joke.
Sentir Damutu |
The oracle shrugs, "It is possible. He got away clean last time, with no trouble. Why not terrorize again? Even if we miss them, we may find clues from a fresh incident before it has got muddled by the whole town. But yes, perhaps we should hide. Maybe there is something to splitting up. A few of us better at hiding can go to the Memorial and see if anything happens. The rest can go take our...winnings back to the house." He looks around to see if anyone agrees or disagrees.
GM Harker |
Teilaenthis also looks over the darkwood case and spirit board and agrees with Stefan's initial assessment of their value.
Finding nothing else of interest inside the crypt, the group extinguishes its lights and exits, with Vivian resetting the lock to make the stone door look secure once again. The party then begins to make its way out of the cemetery while discussing options.
Perception Checks
Drace's Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Sentir's Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Stefan's Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Tara's Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Teilaenthis' Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Vivian's Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
While Sentir makes his case for further investigation of the Memorial vandalism, nearly everyone, with the exception of Tara, notices the dirt from two of the nearby graves begin to bulge up, as two humanoid bodies pull themselves out of the soil. Dressed in their funeral finery, their gray drawn faces and rotting flesh make it clear that these are the dead brought back in some unnatural state.
Knowledge (religion) to identify.
Here is the new map. Unless you have a Darkvision or wish to use a light source, you'll be fighting in Dim Light conditions (i.e., your enemies have concealment, which gives your attacks a 20% miss chance)
PC Initiative
Drace's Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Sentir's Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Stefan's Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Tara's Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Teilaenthis' Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Vivian's Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Z init: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Initiative (Round 1)
Teilaenthis <= Up
Drace <= Up
Stefan <= Up
Sentir <= Up
Tara <= Up
The Dead
Teil, Drace, Stefan, Sentir, and Tara are up!
Drace Kross |
"Heads up!" Drace grunts as he explodes into motion, drawing his blade and charging the rising dead. Moving to deliver a vicious, power-aided blow to it.
Scimitar Attack - Charge - Power Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Scimitar Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Concealment: 1d100 ⇒ 38
Teilaenthis Arcanos |
Know religion take 10 for 18
Teileanthis steps around the crypt and moves to confront the undead that Drace does not. He moves with purpose, the axe in his hand starting to crackle with magical energy. He then stops, raises his hand and unleashes a ray of fire at the moving corpse. The ray deflects off the headstone beside the creature in a shower of sparks, however.
Move action - move, Swift action - Psychic Weapon, Standard action Energy ray. Gotta try out these new powers sometime...
Energy Ray Touch: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Damage Fire: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Sentir Damutu |
Sentir watches the dead rise in horrid fascination. The shambling walk, vacant eyes, pallid skin. All of this made the hair on his neck rise up. He felt fear, strong and powerful fill his stomach. Part of him wanted to run but then he saw Drace and Teil leap into action. The shame that washes over him makes him move forward as well.
Knowing he is useless in a fight, instead he lights his staff again, providing a great globe of light around him, lighting Drace's way.
"Here, let me help!" and the oracle rushes to Drace's side.
Cast Light on Staff and move 30 feet towards Drace.
Dr. Stefan Von Herzog |
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Although he can't tell exactly what sort of abominations these creatures are in the dim light, the doctor is reasonably sure that they are some sort of undead. Drawing his dagger from his belt, the doctor casts a spell. A ray of golden energy fires from his outstretched hand at one of the shambling undead horrors.
Casts disrupt undead
Ranged touch atatck: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 10
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6
The ray harmlessly strikes a headstone beside the creature.
I guess I used up my good rolls identifying those magic items...
GM Harker |
Teilaenthis and Stefan both identify these undead as zombies. The Occultist recalls two pertinent facts-- that slashing weapons are the most effective weapon tactic to use against them, and that they are typically slow in reaction time.
Drace charges forward and slices deep into the male zombie. Although he takes a sizable chunk out of the walking corpse, its dead eyes registering no pain and even less intelligence. Teilaenthis and Stefan attack with a fire ray and a positive energy ray respectively, but each only hit nearby headstones.
Sentir assists by casting a light spell on his staff once again to aid the sight of his fellow humans.
Grasping her holy symbol, Tara moves toward the zombies and concentrates for a brief moment as she pulls forth waves of positive energy directed to destroy the undead abominations.
Tara's channel to harm: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Unable to resist the positive energy, the zombie damaged by Drace falls into a heap at the Fighter's feet.
Male save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Female save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
2d4 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5
With a low guttural growl, the remaining female zombie shuffles her way into melee range with Teilaenthis and chomps her rotten teeth at him, but is not fast enough to actually attack him yet.
Initiative (Rounds 1-2)
Teilaenthis <= Up
Drace <= Up
Stefan <= Up
Sentir <= Up
Tara <= Up
Vivian <= Up
Everyone can go!
Vivian Deberth |
Vivian takes her short sword out of its sheat, and comes to Teil's help
ShSword: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
dmg, Trait: 1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 1 = 4
This abomination must be put back to rest. May the Lady of the Graves help us!
(as a reminder)
Chosen campaign trait:
Subject of Study: Vivian doesn't fully remember this, but when she was younger, she was the object of research from Professor Lorrimor after a few encounters with restless spirits into the Temple of Pharasma. (+1 dmg versus Undead)
Drace Kross |
Drace moves quickly in his jingling armor to the second zombie and attempts to set up a flanking position between him and Vivian. He swipes out at the zombie hoping to connect!
Scimitar Attack - Power Attack - Flanking: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Dr. Stefan Von Herzog |
Stefan repeats his action, firing a similar ray at the remaining zombie.
Ranged touch attack, into melee: 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 1 - 4 = 11
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 1
No miss chance with Sentir's light.
GM Harker |
The combined attacks of Vivian, Drace, Dr. Von Herzog, and Teilaenthis easily dispatch the remaining zombie. The corpse falls like a brick onto the ground, becoming inert once again.
A quick look around the grounds does not reveal any other animated dead, nor disturbed graves.
Combat Over.
Let me know your plans for the rest of the evening and if you're doing anything with the zombie corpses and/or their disturbed graves.
Vivian Deberth |
Well, that was unexpected. We should maybe put the corpses in their graves, and go to the temple of Pharasma to warn the priest? What do you think, Tara?
She adds
some of us should go to Kendra's place, and hide what we found in the fake crypt.
Tara Eliade |
"Well that was very strange." Tara speaks clearly as she bends down to examine the remains. Touching the head of the more intact one, Tara closes her eyes as she feels Pharasma's subtle manipulation to her memory take hold. "Yes. We should try to place these remains to rest. Thankfully nothing be the most powerful of magic can reanimate these corpses, after they have been used as undead." Brushing off some of the dirt from her hand, Tara contemplates rousing Father Grimburrow. "I would like to check on Father Grimburrow, but wouldn't we have to explain what we were doing here, this late at night?"
Tara is attempting to use her Lore Keeper ability to see what she knows about zombies. This gives her a DC 20 knowledge roll on them
Teilaenthis Arcanos |
"We should return the bodies to the graves, and go sleep. Tomorrow there will be further action, but it has been quite a long day."
With that he begins to drag the corpses towards their respective graves.
Drace Kross |
"What did the professor find in this town?" Drace said shaking his head as he cleaned his blade off. "Bodies don't just decide to get up on their own again after they've been buried. Lets hurry back and make sure Kendra is safe."
GM Harker |
Tara touches one of the zombies and, through the power of Pharasma, she recalls a number of significant facts about them. Their undead bodies do not bruise, nor do their organs function, so the most effective weapons to destroy them are those that slash them to pieces, although all magic and elemental attacks work effectively against save those that affect the mind or the physical constitution. Being crudely animated dead, their bodies are naturally slow and less limber than the living so they cannot react fast in combat. They can also see in the dark and are more hardy than one would think minor undead would be.
Sentir and Teilaenthis work to move the corpses back to their graves and re-bury them, although the work is tougher and less effective without the help of shovels.
After that grim job is complete, the group returns to the Lorrimor home, where Kendra is awaiting your return, still safe and sound. Upon informing her of the evening's activities, she turns pale, "My gods, the dead reanimating in the Restlands? That's absolutely horrid! F-Father is buried there! What would cause such a heinous event? Do we have necromancers in our midst?!?" Regardless of whatever is said to her, she quickly excuses herself and retires to her bedroom, clearly horrified that her father's body might meet the same fate.
Day 3: Pharast 27th
That night passes uneventfully and thankfully no one visits the house in morning to report any additional strange events. Kendra, however, does not look very well, which suggests a lack of sleep. She does provide a small breakfast of porridge and tea.
"To take my mind off of things, I took the liberty of identifying those arrows you could not. They are magically enhanced to destroy undead." Kendra informs those at breakfast between yawns. They are two +1 undead bane arrows
Ok, new day. Let me know what you all would like to do. Some suggestions would include:
*Additional research on the Whispering Way in the Lorrimor library.
*Further attempts at gaining access to the libraries you were denied yesterday.
*Visiting the library at the Unfurling Scroll in regards to Harrowstone. Kendra mentioned there might be a fee, however.
*Visiting the various places in town you missed, and/or selling loot.
*Canvasing the town for additional rumors.
*Returning to the inn to watch the visiting Bard.
*Anything else you'd like!
Vivian Deberth |
Tara, do you want me to come with you at the Temple to speak to Father Grimburrow about the zombies we encountered yesternight?
Vivian bites into her morning apple
Drace Kross |
"Considering yesterday, that isn't a bad thing." Drace said while eating his breakfast. "Any suggestions on where to tackle the day? Who do you think would be best to tell about yesterday Kendra? More importantly, would they believe us or run us off from the town?"
"It might be more prudent to simply not mention a thing at the moment." Drace continued throwing the idea on the table. "We might lose our ability to move unobserved about the city.
Teilaenthis Arcanos |
Teil looks at Vivian with his oddly colored eyes. "I would not inquire or speak about the walking dead. The superstitions in this town seem overly sensitive and we would not want to cause a panic or, worse, have the public turn on us."
Sentir Damutu |
"I agree with you Teil. The people are skittish and if we mention we were outside mixing it up with undead, they might just decide we are the source of the problem." he pauses, swallows some food and looks at Drace.
"What do you say we swing by the Memorial? We didn't get a chance last night, let's see if my theory of a return by our nighttime vandal is accurate. If not, then we can remove that from our list.If we find something...maybe we will have a line of inquiry. How does that sound?" the oracle asks the big armored man.
GM Harker |
"With paranoia running rampant in the town, along with the strange events, I'm afraid I have to advise keeping your findings to yourselves at the moment. I don't believe Father Grimburrow would perceive your late night journey to the cemetery in a positive light. Since all of these terrible things have begun after you arrived, the less educated townfolk will undoubtedly jump to the most negative conclusions about you all." Kendra offers, sipping her tea with a distracted, harried look on her face.
Drace Kross |
"That's what I thought." Drace said "I think it's in our interest to check out the prison itself. But we were also turned away at getting more information yesterday. I'm not the same sort of studious sort as the rest of you, so I will defer to this."
"Do we need more information before we take a look at the prison? Or should we go?"
Sentir Damutu |
"I wish we knew more about the jail before we went traipsing into it. Deities above, it is probably full of some nasty spirits. Is there any way we can get a listing of criminals or something? Maybe the names and thier crimes could give us a clue as to why they are restless. Some records must remain?" Sentir adds to Drace's general question to the group.
Vivian Deberth |
Kendra said that the local libray at the Unfurling Scroll might have information concerning Harrowstone. There would be a price, but if we can meet it, we'd have free access to it.
She stays pensive a moment, juggling with the apple
I think it would be best for everyone if we manage to get the townsfolk slowly on our side. That wouldn't hurt, for sure. We should get to the tavern tonight, listen to the bard, drink a few ales, showing ourselves as normal people and not like untrusted threats from whoknowhere... Maybe you'd like to join us, Kendra? Or is it too early for you in your mourning?
The redhead gives Kendra a look full of gentleness and sympathy
Vivian Deberth |
Stiff drinks never hurt, if you don't have to much of these. As for your company, I would be happy to spend some time with you, and I'll do my best to make you smile a lil".
She offers another warm smile at Kendra
That leaves us with most of the day. Should we get a first look at the prison, do some of you still want to read more of Professor Lorrimor's books, should I try to hear some gossip in town?