Varian "The Stirge" |
@GM Fuzzfoot, let me know if you have a preference on whether Varian would know the Professor personally.
Varian smiles. "That would be quite the coincidence, yes? But Professor Lorrimor traded in such coincidences, didn't he. And often got himself into some trouble." Varian's attention wanes for a moment as he appears lost in thought. He hadn't quite answered Sophie's question, though at a minimum it seemed like Varian knew of Lorrimor.
"Quite impressed that you've traveled to so many centers of learning, Pontia. Ustalav has a lot to teach as well . . . only the lessons come from experiencing the bizarre and unexpected. As for me, I am an esteemed fighter! But not one of those big, strong, and horribly dumb brutes. I know some tricks well beyond a typical warrior's understanding."
GM Fuzzfoot |
I think it is good if you did know the Professor.
Varian "The Stirge" |
Eventually, their meal concludes and Varian invites the group to retire to the modest space he's been renting in town. It's a single room, simply furnished and clearly not a permanent living space, but it seems likely Varian has been in town a bit longer than the others. There's a table and not enough chairs, and a collection of handwritten notes that Varian quickly gathers--though not before it becomes apparent that at least the topmost notes are about the Whispering Way. Also in the room are a few minor curios and trinkets of a historic or archaeological nature. Varian sits on his bed and invites the others to the chairs.
"I'd figured it was just Vivian investigating the activities of those mysterious riders, and that I might give her a hand. I hadn't expected the whole lot of you. But if Vivian trusts you, then I do too. The riders you're seeking changed horses and moved on to more remote parts. I hadn't realized that they were with the Whispering Way, though they looked strange for sure. I take it you think the same?"
Vivian Deberth |
Oh yes, they serve the Whispering Way. I suppose you know everything that can be known about this cult, considering the information you have here. How long have you been in town? Did something odd happen, before, during or right after the riders? And generally speaking, what can you tell us about the place? I'm not familiar with the town, just heard a few tidbits here and there, and there is nothing like hands-on experience.
Know Local: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Sophie Kundegard |
"Do you think they had allies here? Is there anyone else we should speak with before we take up their trail?" Sophie asks, and then begins nosing about among the curios and trinkets.
Varian "The Stirge" |
Varian shakes his head. "I don't know as much as I'd like. Certainly don't know of any allies here. Seems like they came just to change horses and move on."
Varian pauses for a moment, putting a finger on his chin as he thinks about his next decision, before he continues. "They probably went next to Illmarsh, at the fringes of Ustalav. But I think that's not their final destination. There’s some other village or town down there that only the musties know about. They call them the “Neighbors down bay,” or just the Neighbors for short. No one outside Illmarsh knows exactly where these Neighbors live and none have ever been seen around Thrushmoor. But I think the trail might ultimately lead there."
The half-elf opens up his hands. "That's all I really know. What about you? Do you know what these riders are up to? And do you have room for a swordsman by your side? Whatever the threat may be, far better to face it in numbers."
GM Fuzzfoot |
Niculaie Pavlencas |
"That's all I really know. What about you? Do you know what these riders are up to? And do you have room for a swordsman by your side? Whatever the threat may be, far better to face it in numbers."
Niculaie shakes his head. "For as long as we have chased them, I don't think we've gotten a glimpse of what their real goal might be. Most recently, we spent the last several weeks (days?) hunting them through werewolf country, where they tried to meddle in lycanthropic tribal politics in order to gain monstrous allies, as well as blood and power for some kind of ritual. I believe we stopped them in time."
"As for whether we could use your blade - and your brain - as we pick up the trial, I can't speak for anyone else, but I think your assistance would be welcome. We did have a warrior, Silas, who was traveling with us until recently, but ..." -- the bard glances at Vivian for a moment -- "... his road forked away from ours."
Clearing his throat awkwardly, he continues. “Vivian, I thought you heard that only one of the riders went on to Illmarsh, and that the other stayed in Thrushmoor at least to start?”
Sophie Kundegard |
"Neighbors, hm? That sounds interesting... We'll have to look into that when we get there,"
"As to your other question, boy, I've seen enough. We could use your help, and you ours."
Varian "The Stirge" |
"Thanks for having me--you won't regret it!" Dom gives Vivian a wink as he says this.
He double takes as he realizes what Niculaie is saying. "Wait a minute--we have a rider still here? That changes everything. A real target!"
Niculaie Pavlencas |
"Then unless we have a specific lead on the rider who remained behind, should we focus on tracking down the Seasage Effigy and work backwards once we find it?"
Vivian Deberth |
I think I know where they could have changed horses, there aren't so many stables in town anayway. But I would advise caution-yes, I know, I really sound like my mom now-because the last rider could stay behind to lay a trap or an ambush. At least that's what I would do, and I think our foes are even more devious and dangerous that I am.
GM Fuzzfoot |
You find the stable that Vivian refers to.
An old hay wain stands just inside the livery stable, its wooden side boards near bursting with the load of straw it bears. One of its wheels is missing, and the wagon leans heavily to one side. A bent old man kneels beside the wagon, struggling to fit a new wheel on the empty axle.
Varian "The Stirge" |
Varian begins to survey the scene, both in the normal realm and in the magical realm.
Detect Magic.
Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
Niculaie Pavlencas |
Niculaie looks around at the others, then decides to try the direct approach. "Ah, good afternoon, sir. We are looking for an ... acquaintance of ours. He and another fellow were traveling together and rode their horses hard for several days, perhaps they stopped here to change mounts? The man we are looking for was supposed to remain here in town; his companion was to continue on, perhaps to Illmarsh. Perhaps you remember them?"
"And while we're here, I'm sure we could give you a hand with that wheel."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
Vivian Deberth |
Better safe than sorry.
Trusting in Varian's keen eyes, and recognising his detecting spell, Vivian nods to the half elf before using another of her rarer tricks, calling Pharasma's name as the fountain of knowledge.
She scans the place from the entrance, her hand on her sword
We should have planned this better. We could have tried to detect the magical taint of undeath... This is the Whispering Way we are hunting.
Cast Detect Evil (at will as an Inquisitor)
Sophie Kundegard |
Sophie casts enhanced diplomacy on Niculae as they approach, and then scans with detect magic when they arrive.
GM Fuzzfoot |
@Sophie - you need to pick diplomacy or intimidate as you cast.
Casting detect evil and detect magic is considered a hostile act by most, and this man is no exception. He pulls out a dagger and reacts.
Sophie and Vivian cast during the "surprise round". With only one round of information, both can detect evil and magic in the vicinity, but nothing more specific. If you spend your actions concentrating on the spells, you will gain more in the coming rounds.
Niculaie: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Pontia: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Sophie: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Varian: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Vivian: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Man: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
GM: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Round 1: (Bold may act)
Niculaie Pavlencas |
Niculaie pulls his small accordion from his shoulder and immediately begins to play an ancient Shory funeral march, singing along with the haunting melody.
"Perhaps we should be certain about your suspicions before we launch into combat with this man?"
Bardic Performance (Fascinate, DC 20 Will save), round 1/24. Hopefully this will buy Sophie and Vivian time to learn more from their divinations.
Varian "The Stirge" |
As the threat of combat arrives, Varian feels the spirit of battle come over him. It takes force of will for Varian to repress that spirit and see whether Niculaie's music has its effect such that combat can be avoided.
Delay behind Niculaie. Just roleplaying the Trappings of the Warrior panoply a bit--the way I see it, Varian has attuned himself to a warrior's spirit that help him in combat.
GM Fuzzfoot |
Unfortunately, the casting of the spells put you into combat, so Fascinate will not work here.
GM Fuzzfoot |
OK, fair enough. I think this doesn't make it undetectable, since it does seem to provoke an AoO and can be detected by spellcraft. Assuming it goes unnoticed, though - any similar defense for the detect magic?
Varian "The Stirge" |
Detect magic could be pre-casted before approaching the man, at which point maintaining it is simply concentration. Does the man assume all magic is hostile?
Varian "The Stirge" |
Anyway, don't want to get hung up on this stuff--let's do it!
"Don't draw your weapon when surrounded, mister!" Assuming his hostile nature continues, Varian will attempt to disarm the fellow.
Spending 3 focus to get Agile Maneuvers, then disarm. Draws an AOO but opponent is flat-footed.
Disarm using his hands vs flat-footed: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32
If he succeeds, Varian ends up holding the dagger. He doesn't have any other weapon drawn yet.
GM Fuzzfoot |
1d100 ⇒ 81
Varian reacts quickly to disarm the man and picks up the dagger. Meanwhile, Niculae starts singing a soulful dirge.
Viv and Pontia still up.
Vivian Deberth |
By the prickling of my thumbs, something evil comes... but which way does it come from?
Vivian looks around-and up-looking first in places giving potential for hiding
where would I hide for an ambush? Somewhere where I wouldn't be seen from the entrance, but not too far from dagger-wielding man...
Spread around the cart! Beware! There might be a foe hiding behind!
Concentrating on the cart
GM Fuzzfoot |
Pontia (botting) starts casting, and suddenly a large hole appears under the wagon, dropping it into a 20' deep pit. "We can pay for any damages later."
As the wagon hits the bottom, two undead creatures crawl out of the hay in the back, but don't really have a way out of the pit.
The man growls. "You really are the biggest pains in our collective ass..."
He quickly pulls another dagger from under his cloak and swipes at Varian.
Attack, vital strike: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34
Critical: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24 (no crit)
Damage + Vital dmg: 1d4 + 2 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + 2 + (4) = 10
Varian - I need a Fort save vs Poison.
Round 1: (Bold may act)
Round 2: (Bold may act)
Varian (need fort save vs poison)
Ghouls (in pit)
Pontia Canario |
Pontia casts another spell, trying to weaken the visible enemy with dolorous words that seem to weigh on the listeners' ears.
Casting crushing despair; DC 20 Will save or -2 on saves, attacks, damage, ability checks, and skill checks.
Sophie Kundegard |
"Undead!" Sophie shrieks, and then casts chain of perdition near the man, attempting to trip him.
chain of perdition, trip: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
GM Fuzzfoot |
Will Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
The man is prone, and seems loathe to get up.
Round 2: (Bold may act)
Varian (10 dmg; need fort save vs poison)
Man (prone, despair: -2 on saves, attacks, damage, ability checks, and skill checks)
Ghouls (in pit)
Varian "The Stirge" |
Fort vs Poison: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10. Varian is stunned as he is weakened by some grievous poison. He grows angry.
"Enough from you--prepare to die!" Varian draws his rapier and stabs the prone foe.
Stab: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33; Damage: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Crit confirm (keen rapier): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (4) + 17 = 21; Damage: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
GM Fuzzfoot |
Poison effect: 1d2 ⇒ 1
Varian - please outline in your attack the bonuses and penalties rather than a flat +17. Too much work for me to reverse engineer it, and you may not always know what might not apply in the current situation).
For instance, did you take into account the prone status?
Varian feels weaker (1 Str dmg), but it doesn't prevent him from stabbing the man. He was hopeful it was a vital stab, but alas the man was able to twist ever so slightly and avoid the worst of it.
Round 2: (Bold may act)
Varian (10 dmg; 1 str dmg, need fort save vs poison in round 3)
Man (8 dmg, prone, despair: -2 on saves, attacks, damage, ability checks, and skill checks)
Ghouls (in pit)
Vivian Deberth |
I suppose a prone foe can't do AoO. Setting a Flank for future Sneak attacks
Vivian puts herself in an advantageous position, ready to strike the man if or when he gets up. She trusts her companions to take care of the ghouls if they manage to get out of the pit
Surrounded, fool. And one of us would have been enough to outwit you, it seems. So put your weapon down
Intimidate (Stern gaze): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
GM Fuzzfoot |
Prone foes still get AoO. They have a negative melee attack, but they still threaten the squares. Do you want to continue with the move?
Will Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
With the mask he is wearing, it is hard to see that he is shaken, but you know it is true.
Niculaie Pavlencas |
I thought I had retconned Niculaie's bardic performance in round 1, changing it to Dirge of Doom (foes in 30' radius are shaken, no save), but I realize that was in the discussion thread. He'll switch to Dirge of Doom next round instead - no sense wasting a round of performance when Vivian already has him shaken for this round anyway.
Niculaie stops singing for the moment, although the last notes of his hypnotic refrain linger in the still air of the stables, they are quickly drowned out by the clash of weapons and the frustrated groans of the ghouls, trapped in the pit with the cart and hay.
Moving to make sure he is standing next to Pontia, the dhampir pulls the remnants of a used-up wand from his pouch.
"I think you'll enjoy this," he says, and casts a spell he has only recently learned. The old wand disintegrates and a shimmering, blue and gold radiance surrounds him, washing over Pontia as well.
Niculaie casts arcane concordance, providing the wizard and the bard each a +1 enhancement bonus to their spell DCs, and each spell they cast can apply the Extend Spell metamagic feat.
GM Fuzzfoot |
Pontia didn't mean it as a prompt, but it is ok to poke me if I appear to be sleeping at the wheel... :)
Vivian manages to avoid the man's swipe, and watches as he tries to get up. Take your AoO's for standing
He then tries to withdraw to a better position.
AoOs first, then you can all chase him, etc.
Vivian Deberth |
AoO: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
dmg: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 Sneak attack if Flanking 3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 4) = 13
AoO Crit? (Keen longsword): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
dmg: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Vivian reacts instinctively as the man tries to get up, and her sword plunges deep in the foe's body.
Maybe too deep...
GM Fuzzfoot |
Varian AoO before man moves away
Round 2: (Bold may act)
Round 3: (Bold may act)
Varian (10 dmg; 1 str dmg, need fort save vs poison in round 3)
Man (49 dmg, 20’ away, despair: -2 on saves, attacks, damage, ability checks, and skill checks)
Ghouls (in pit)
Varian "The Stirge" |
AOO: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25; Damage: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Varian flicks his rapier at the fleeing foe.
Fort Save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12. The poison continues to sap his strength. "He doesn't deserve to live," responds Varian to Sophie. But as he charges the fleeing foe, it appears that Varian is going for the man's legs, notwithstanding his words.
Rapier, Charge, Nonlethal: 1d20 + 17 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (9) + 17 + 2 - 4 = 24; Nonlethal Damage: 1d6 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Sophie Kundegard |
Sophie moves the chain 30ft. towards the man and then swings it at him again and steps 5 feet closer.
chain of perdition, trip: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
Niculaie Pavlencas |
Niculaie starts a new bardic performance (move action) by singing the mournful opening refrain of an ancient dirge from Irrisen, before the Winter War, then follows it up by pulling bit of wax paper smeared with butter from his spell pouch and flicking it towards the fleeing cultist. An oily sheen spreads across the ground in front of him.
Niculaie performs Dirge of Doom (foes in 30' radius are shaken, no save), and casts grease (DC 18 Reflex save to remain standing, including the +1 from arcane concordance). He tries to position the area of effect of the spell in the direction the man is running, so it won't catch anyone chasing him. If he is already tripped by Sophie’s spell, Niculaie casts grease on the man’s dagger instead.
GM Fuzzfoot |
He is not caught by the chain, and feels the grease appear at his feet. He manages to retain his footing, however, and keeps moving - but more slowly and carefully.
Reflex save: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20
Round 3: (Bold may act)
Round 4: (Bold may act)
Varian (10 dmg; 1 str dmg, need fort save vs poison in round 3)
Man (49 dmg, 11 NL, 30’ away, despair: -2 on saves, attacks, damage, ability checks, and skill checks)
Ghouls (in pit)
Sophie Kundegard |
Sophie takes another 5' step closer and moves the chain again before trying to use it to trip the man.
Let me know when the chain is too far away or I need to move Sophie or whatever
chain of perdition, trip: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14