GM Giuseppe's Price of Immortality (Inactive)

Game Master Giuseppe Capriati

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XP tracking: 18,435/23,000

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GM Giuseppe wrote:
Shirzon the Quarter wrote:
Yes she is, but I like to think that this is a medieval fantasy setting, and in the middle ages 13 years old girls were usually already married, often with men much older than them.

That's actually a common misconception, but I won't get into it here. Maybe later. :)

Shirzon has her apron off and hanging on a nail in the kitchen before Trelvar finishes speaking. She cracks her first smile of the evening, whispering back, "Don't worry, I'll give those slobs what's coming to them if they get too chummy." She winks and cracks her knuckles.

Knowledge: 1d20 ⇒ 11

She makes her way over to the crowded table, placing a hand on Asina's shoulder once Rylka is done dancing with her. "This lot giving you trouble?" she jokes, a wry grin forming around her tusks. "Think you have a chance to be picked for the Quest, Asina? You're pretty wily, I bet."

Godi and Truffles had made thier rounds of the uncleared tables. as Lily was leaving the kitchen.

Goldi runs to her ma, Time to go? she asks.

for me, there isn't much else for you to do at home, stay here and enjoy the party, while you can. Lily responds with an encouraging grin.

Goldi nods and takes a look about the place as Lily leaves and heads home.

some dancing had started and Goldi rushes to get as close as she can to see. watching the dancing and clapping along with the music.

Truffles started to jump up and down, like he was playing with his own shadow when he suddenly stops, sniffing in the direction of the table with most of the other "candidates"

he trots on over to the tables and is sniffing about the floor under the table.

Korech sweeps some scraps of food off of the table and offers them over to Lord Admiral Truffles, smiling a little at the pig.

"Good pig. Just hungry."

Taking 10 on handle animal for 13 so Korech can endear himself to Truffles.

Shirzon the Quarter wrote:
That's actually a common misconception, but I won't get into it here. Maybe later. :)

I've PMed you about it :)

DateLamashan 28th 4710 AR

Asina smiles as Rylka and answers whispering to her ear while they dance: "Wow! Gregor's student and a bee! Seems exciting! Well, I've heard something about that Cygar who has been staying here for a few months now...Seems like he belongs to some sort of world-spanning organization and he's in town to find potential recruits for his mysterious order!". A few moments pass. That it's all Asina can resist to her curiosity: "Now tell me about the bee!"


Feeling Shirzon's touch on her shoulder, Asina quickly turns her head to the half-orc. "No, Shirzon. Unfortunately, only men much older than me seem to have some sort of interest in me. But it doesn't truly matters: I'm not ready for these things, and for now I'm just content to stay with dad and help him with the tavern. I don't want an husband! Not yet, at least". There's no sign of racial prejudice in the way Asina speaks to Shirzon: Asina respects the half-orc, seeing her almost as an older sister. Should she experience any trouble, she wouldn't resort to any man: she would simply tell Shirzon.

"If I have a chance for the Quest? I don't know, I guess not. I'm still too young. Besides, I'm nothing more than a humble cook, daughter of a tavern's owner. Why should Mayor Uptal choose me for this great honor?".


When she's done speaking with Shirzon, Asina spots Goldilocks and says: "Come on Goldi, come and dance with us!". The girl comes near Goldilocks and takes her hands, trying to drag her where she and Rylka were dancing before.

Your attempt to befriend Truffle is successful Korech, since Goldi's familiar starts with a friendly attitude towards you. You may want to know, however, that to befriend an animal I usually ask for a wild empathy check (which you could have attempted, and this is the reason why you were successful) instead of a Handle Animal check: this is because in the Core Rulebook wild empathy is described as Diplomacy for animals, while Handle Animal usually is intended to allow to train an animal teaching it some commands.

wondering if there has been anymore applicants lately. of course the few the number of applications the better the chance of getting selected.

Goldi doesn't resist at all, she relishes the chance to dance.

of course she isn't much of a dancer but she enjoys the company and that is what is important.

Truffles acta much like a friendly dog as opposed to a boar. he takes a liking to Korech. trying not to gash him with his tusks.

Truffles gobbles the food offered, he always seems hungry and being in this place isn't doing much to help him loose a little weight.

still the people are friendly and there is much food to be had.

Once the offered food is gone Truffle tried to jump up onto Korech's lap.

Illya giggles to herself, head tilted resting on her hand as she looks away from her work. Smiling as she watched the others dancing.

I should let them enjoy themselves, no need to ruin it with my musings and criticism

she returns to staring at the incomprehensible text and equation, pulling out a pen and inkwell.

i wonder if i should have even told them that story, who even knows what kind of rumors will begin spreading. the youth thought to herself

Korech scoots his chair back, muttering in orcish as he leads the enormous pig up onto his lap. Looking comfortable for the first time all evening, Korech waggles Truffles' little piggy toesies.

"Kto jest najlepszym z możliwych świń ? Jesteś! Jesteś!"


"Who is the best of all possible piggies? You are! You are!"

truffles is only size small so probably not to enormous, but his tusks may poke you by accident if not careful.

Calden eats the remainder of his meal standing, in silence. He's mulling over the discussions he's had, thinking about what's been said. He notices the contact between Merephel and Korech. It seems Meph hasn't forgotten her old tricks entirely. I hope she doesn't string the poor fellow along too badly. He gives her a faint smile that could mean any of a number of things.


Take 10 to know about Asina

As Asina makes her way into the common room. Calden's face shows a more self-conscious smile. Funny, how things change. I used to think she'd turn into the most beautiful girl in the village. She's undeniably pretty of course, but she seems so... fragile. Pretty, though...

Calden allows Rylka to draw him into the dancing, still on his stockings. He almost slips once, but he's decent at dancing, flowing smoothly from one figure to the rest. His body control is a lot better than what could be expected of a lanky teenager. He complements Rylka as he twirls her around. "A bit strange, but very well danced, Rylka," he says with genuine warmth.

He has a polite half-bow for Asina when they meet in the dance. "Best of the evening to you, Asina. It's nice to see you have a break from your duties. I'm sure Jocyn isn't too glad, though, what with you taking a lot of attention from his performance." He means it as a light-hearted joke and compliment, but figures she might not take it as such. "Sorry, I didn't mean you..." is all he can get out before the dance takes her away from him. He darts a glance over his shoulder at Shirzon, hoping she doesn't think he's bothering the girl.

Artix smiled as he watched the dancing, putting his little journal into his satchel. It was things like this that gave him joy, the community prospering in merriment. He couldn't help getting in on it himself, singing lazily a long with the bards tune. He even got up to dance himself with his two left feet in play.

While he doesn't actually go so far as to actually dance, Hrolf is watching the evening's merriment with a warm smile.

Merephel, her foot tapping along with the music, finally couldn't contain herself any longer. She leapt from the table, and began dancing around with the rest.

She bounced around, moving from partner to partner, losing herself for a few minutes.

My posting will be a little slower this weekend, as I'm moving into a new apartment (without much notice). Just imagine Shirzon being grumpy most of the time. :P

Mahath looks bored by the music and dancing. With a grimace, Mahath says to no one in particular "I hope he tells a good story next." Then, slightly more aware how much everyone else is enjoying the music, he quietly goes about preparing another cup of tea.

The music is bothersome, but watching them dance like fools is rather entertaining. Illya comments offhand to Mahath

Korech makes do with dancing with the pig, waving Truffles' toes to and fro to the time of the music. He notices Mahath's lack of response as his attempt to make conversation, but shrugs it off and Korech instead engages in his second favorite past-time, people watching. He looks over Calden for a for a moment, his craggy brow creasing in thought.

Everything he does seems so easy. Same with Merephel. Where do they get that? Oh well. And Illya just acts above it all.

If you have something on you mind Korech feel free to ask. Although if your content with sitting here on the side lines waiting i suppose that's your choice She watches the half orc with interest.

I'm more than happy to help you if you want A curiosity in her voice, part kindness part mocking.

Korech flinches a little as Illya speaks to him, having caught him looking at her. He looks up from playing with the happy pig in his lap.

"I er uh.. not know the words."

He pauses, thinking for a moment before he speaks in his halting common.

"People here. They simple. Know what they want. I dunno what you want. I watch dancing - don't know how to dance. But you no like music, think dancers look dumb. What do you want? Make you happy?"

Illya gives a small chuckle and smiles surprisingly warmly, I see is a misunderstanding.i do not hate the music, it is just loud and gives me a headache i'm not a fan of loud noises. As much as i insult them by calling them foolish or something akin to that, it's mostly just a lie. I enjoy seeing them dance, seeing how carefree they can act. I honestly don't want anymore from them than they already give me. She stops for a moment, glancing over at the others dancing.

But you, your just sitting here dancing with Truffles, when you could be out their dancing with the others. I want to know why, because maybe i can help. If it's just words you have trouble with, i find them easy and can help.

Korech looks away from Illya while listening to her speak. After she's done, she shrugs in a milquetoast sort of way.

"I know what you mean. Maybe foolish. But foolish can be good. For me uh, never danced. Dunno how. Better with pigs."

He carefully moves his arm around Lord Admiral Truffles' tusks so he can hold up the pig's front and waggle his feet.

Truffles seems to be enjoying the play time...

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ok, idea...

Korech, when you get your animal companion as a ranger, you should totally get a meerkat...

you see where I am going with this?

I completely see where this is going

Alright, since it seems like we do not have any other players interested to submit a character, I'm going to close this recruitment in 24 hours. If someone is currently working on a character and has't had the time to submit it yet, please inform me and I will reset the recruitment deadline at the previous date (19 November).

Goldilocks "Sugarsnap" wrote:

ok, idea...

Korech, when you get your animal companion as a ranger, you should totally get a meerkat...

you see where I am going with this?

No no no. Because my familiar (though not with Mahath at this moment) is a raven, a talking bird...

You should get a platypus lol.

Poor Merephel won't have an animal companion. But I do so where you're going, and I approve.

Merephel Angorat wrote:
Poor Merephel won't have an animal companion. But I do so where you're going, and I approve.

save your cash and put ranks in handle animal,

Lion: under riding animals 200gp or 300gp if you want it already combat trained

take a look here, scroll down to riding animals.

I'm still figuring out how companions work in this game. So far, it's mostly gone over my head, but still like to give it a try.

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Actually its pretty easy.

your companion has a list of tricks it can know based on its INT score.

each round as a free action you can command your animal companion to perform one of those tricks with a DC 10 handle animal skill check.

You can coax it to perform a trick it does not know with a DC 25 handle animal check.

animal companions get bonus tricks and special bond abilities that a standard animal does not get.

Also the character receives a +4 bonus on his/her handle animal skill checks when using it on his/her animal companion.

overall the companion is still an animal, so in combat it cannot perform tactical maneuvers such as flank (unless it just happens to flank) or aid another. It will not 5' step to gain flank nor purposefully try and gain an advantage.

Also without the Attack any target trick, it will not attack certain enemies (just check out the handle animal skill)

all of this was taught to me in my PFS GMing time have to research animal companions.

GM Giuseppe wrote:
Alright, since it seems like we do not have any other players interested to submit a character, I'm going to close this recruitment in 24 hours. If someone is currently working on a character and has't had the time to submit it yet, please inform me and I will reset the recruitment deadline at the previous date (19 November).

Good call, I think. Really interested to see who makes it in. Good luck, everyone!

Apologies! I've been hoping to jump in and join the roleplay but I was offered a new position last Monday and haven't had as much time as I anticipated to check in with the thread. Going to respectuflly withdraw and wish everybody the best of the luck with this game.

Another player has shown interest in submitting a character, so I will be resetting the recruitment deadline at the previous date. I'll try to create another RP hook for you in case you'd like to roleplay a bit while November 19th comes.

Twigs wrote:
Apologies! I've been hoping to jump in and join the roleplay but I was offered a new position last Monday and haven't had as much time as I anticipated to check in with the thread. Going to respectuflly withdraw and wish everybody the best of the luck with this game.

Sorry to see you go Twigs, your character concept had some great potential. Hope we can get to play together in another game in the future then!

Dark Archive

Twigs here! With the extra time I've been able to construct a profile before the deadline. My first few days might be spotty, but there are only a few weeks left of the school term until Australia's summer break and I should have ample time in the afternoon.

So I'd like to again put my character up for consideration. I've purchased a few animals from Ultimate Equipment, but those that don't use a core statblock I've provided a possible alternative. I've preselected a few tricks for them (but they arent maxed out at six). I don't think that should be too overpowering. Let me know if there are any problems with my (mostly) finished alias.

Kaya Hollysharp wrote:

Twigs here! With the extra time I've been able to construct a profile before the deadline. My first few days might be spotty, but there are only a few weeks left of the school term until Australia's summer break and I should have ample time in the afternoon.

So I'd like to again put my character up for consideration. I've purchased a few animals from Ultimate Equipment, but those that don't use a core statblock I've provided a possible alternative. I've preselected a few tricks for them (but they arent maxed out at six). I don't think that should be too overpowering. Let me know if there are any problems with my (mostly) finished alias.

Your character has been added to the Applicants List.

oh boy another druid, Goldi has some competition.

Due to a family emergency posting will be spotty. Bear with!

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I don't view it as a competition. It's all about having fun with some tavern rp, with maybe being able to go on an adventure. Heck, I may make Artix into a PFS character later and have an actual PC cleric in our little group, instead of the pregen we use when our table numbers is too small.

Merephel twirled over to where her friends were sitting. She danced past Korech and Illya, and gave them both a wink as she past.

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Mahath Kishion wrote:
Mahath looks bored by the music and dancing. With a grimace, Mahath says to no one in particular "I hope he tells a good story next." Then, slightly more aware how much everyone else is enjoying the music, he quietly goes about preparing another cup of tea.

Keeping an eye on Asina as though the girl were her own sister, Shirzon watches the dancing rather than joining in. After a while, she's content that no one intends to bother Asina, and plops down in a chair next to Mahath. "What kind of story?" she asks with a wicked grin.

Years ago, before she had ended up at the Seven Silvers, Shirzon had spent about a year picking on Mahath and chasing him as far as Holgast's tower or the guard barracks before backing off. Since then, she had occasionally served him and the dimwitted guard Golfond Kir when they ate at the Inn, but she hadn't spoken to him as a peer since she was a young terror. I wonder if he remembers that time I pushed him in a mud puddle twice in one day...

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Aaaare you aching? (yup yup yup) For some bacon? (yup yup yup)

Korech eventually puts the pig down so it can scamper off and cause some mayhem.

"Good pig. Friendly. Most are jerks."

With Truffles gone, Korech runs a tongue over a sharp tusk protruding from his bottom lip as he looks to Illya. He offers Merephel an awkward wave as she dances past.

Illya simply looks back to Korech smirking, noticing the various exchanges,Go on, Dancing is easy as long as your having fun your doing it right. Nobody will judge you

Perform Dance Untrained: 1d20 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 1 - 2 = 16

Artix dances, to his surprise, somewhat decent in his own opinion.

Dark Archive

"Soft as a mouse and swift as a spriggan..." Kaya murmurs, bounding from one foot to the other as she approaches the inn, her bearcub at her heels. She throws her arms around the black cub, making gentle cooing noises. "Stay here, Saqui. Miss Olmira has an errand for me. Be good and there's a nice honeycomb in it for you."

Leaving Saqui by the door, Kaya hovers in the threshold of the inn, the sight of such a crowd making her fretful. Pacing on all fours, she remembers what Asina taught her about how the tall folk walk. Then, standing ramrod stiff, hands balled into fists at her sides, she sidles her way into the inn.

Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

There. The pantry. The mice there have a lesson for me on how to live unseen. Of course, there was the job of finding them, and of getting into Trelvar's kitchens unseen. Well, there was nothing for it...

Breaking into a run, Kaya collides with somebody with the force of a charging boar, sending herself sprawling onto the floorboards. "Ow! Watch where you're treading!"

Calden weaves along the dancing people until he's next to Merephel. "So err, Meph... I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?" He scratches at his neck. He might be blushing, or it could be due to the warmth of the fireplace and the dancing. "I noticed you got along well with Korech...?"

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Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Recruitment / GM Giuseppe's Price of Immortality (Crypt of the Everflame, Masks of the Living God, City of the Golden Death) Recruitment Thread [Pathfinder Vintage] All Messageboards

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