GM Giuseppe's Price of Immortality (Inactive)

Game Master Giuseppe Capriati

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XP tracking: 18,435/23,000

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pauljathome wrote:

This raises one specific question. Can one use spell like abilities to qualify for Prestige Classes? I'm thinking of an early entry Mystic Theurge.

I presume that it is OK to create clerics other than of Erastil even though he is the only listed cleric mentor?

1. I would say no.

2. It's completely fine, even though for a local townsfolk Kassen's deities are particularly adequate.

ok got a profile done up...

Goldilocks "Sugarsnap" wrote:

ok got a profile done up...

Nice, thank you!

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Player - mechaPoet
Race - Half-orc
Class - Rogue

Presenting Shirzon! I've been playing Pathfinder and PbP on and off for a couple of years now, so I have no qualms yielding a spot to a newer player, especially since I've played this module before (although it wasn't with the depth of role-playing that this promises to offer). That said, I've grown rather fond of this little half-orc, and I hope you enjoy what I've written up for her. :)

Character Sheet:
Shirzon the Quarter
Female Half-orc rogue 1
N Medium humanoid (half-orc, human, orc)
Init +4; Senses Perception +6 (+1 traps)
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2
Special orc ferocity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee light mace +1 (1d6+1),
Or light mace -1 (1d6+1) and light mace -1 (1d6)
Ranged shortbow +4 (1d6+1/ x3)
Special Attacks sneak attack 1d6
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Two Weapon Fighting
Skills Acrobatics +7, Craft (Alchemy) +4, Disable Device +7 (+1 traps), Intimidate +5, Perception +6 (+1 traps), Sleight of Hand +7, Swim +4, Use Magic Device +3
Languages Common, Orc
SQ Darkvision, intimidating, orc blood, orc ferocity, weapon familiarity
Combat Gear acid (2), alchemist’s fire, holy water; Other Gear studded leather armor, shortbow with 20 arrows, sling, light mace (2), dagger, backpack, traveler's outfit, 0 pp, 5 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp
Orc ferocity Once per day, when a half-orc is brought below 0 hit points but not killed, she can fight on for one more round as if disabled. At the end of her next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, she immediately falls unconscious and begins dying.

Sneak attack If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.

The rogue's attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty.

The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

Trapfinding A rogue adds 1/2 her level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). A rogue can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.

When the half-orc brute Grimscar awoke one midday after the last night's drunken bender by a knock, he was not expecting to see a human woman he didn't remember with an ugly gray baby and claims that it was his. Before he could respond, though, the stranger (or forgotten one night stand) foisted the child on the logger and set off without a goodbye. Or at least that was the most common story Shirzon could get out of the man when he got drunk and rambled at the Seven Silvers. He told other versions and other stories about her origin whenever she asked him. His other favorites were that he had family visiting from Tamran, who the loggers nearly attacked on sight as Belkzen orcs, and his sister asked him to watch her newborn daughter for a little while before disappearing; the other favorite, when Shirzon asked him, was, “Shut up and gimme another drink.”

The human mother story stuck, earning Shirzon her name “the Quarter.” Of course, a quarter-orc was just as bad as a half-orc to most, but the people of Kassen weren't so cold-hearted as to let Grimscar raise a child entirely by himself - mostly for the child's sake. Between Grimscar’s negligence and the townspeople’s reluctance to care for a half-orc half-orphan, Shirzon had a lonely childhood. She got into scraps with other children, ran into the guards for petty thievery, and shocked adults with foul language that she had picked up from Grimscar (and from some of the more frustrated guards, especially the one who had apprehended her and gotten a handful of newly grown tusks for her trouble). Something had to be done - the girl had to find some other occupation than rampant trouble making or she'd end up at least as bad as Grimscar. A runt since birth, she never took to logging, which was fine with her if it meant she didn't have to spend any more time with “Uncle” Grimscar than she had to. The guard wouldn't take her because of her delinquency (and the bite marks she gave them), she got bored and abandoned any farm work she picked up, and most businesses in Kassen either didn't need her help our didn't want her tusked snarl driving away business. So she ended up where most ne’er do wells end up: drinking in the Seven Silvers tavern most of the day.

She spent what little money she had drinking the day away, mostly sulking but with a little bit of berating the other regulars for variety. To her dismay, it seemed that she was a blood relation to Grimscar in some way, because when she got too rowdy she could be knocked out by the same familial allergic reaction to a local whiskey. Normally she would wake up in (or near) Grimscar’s shack in the woods after these bouts, but one fateful fine she found herself on the kitchen floor of the Seven Silvers. Jimes “Short Change” Iggins took pity on the young girl drinking her life away and convinced Trelvar Silvers to take her on as a dishwasher (at least until her substantial bar tab was paid off). Shirzon took to the work begrudgingly at first, but it was made bearable by Trelvar and his daughter's acceptance and Jimes’ good company. The halfling taught her a lot about subtlety, and getting even through pranks and sabotage rather than blind destruction. With a new sense of belonging, Shirzon even turned her destructive tendencies to more creative ones, picking up some alchemical knowledge from Jimes in order to make tools for defense and pranks. A few sneaky trips into Holgast’s tower for books and reagents while the old fart took his naps didn't hurt either.

Currently she lives in a small room in the inn, paying room and board with her work as a dishwasher, server, and occasional bouncer. She also runs a small side business as an alchemist, discreetly selling fun toys like tanglefoot bags, as well as herbal contraception, hangover powder, and (fake) aphrodisiacs to some of the more desperate old people in town. Still, despite the pleasurable stability of a solid job involving throwing out her drunken Uncle every other week, Shirzon itches for something more. Most folk in Kassen still don't trust one of her race, and can remember one chicken coop too many that she defaced or robbed. There must be something she could do; either she would leave this place and make a name for herself in the city, or she would do something to make Kassen recognize that Shirzon “the Quarter” was worth having around. Probably the former. As if the folk in this backwater town would ever give her the respect she deserved.

Surly with most, Shirzon is generally unfriendly and slow to trust. She shows a little more respect to customers at the Seven Silvers when serving them, but is quick to snap at rude patrons and has zero tolerance for drunken cat calls. She enjoys the small pleasures she has: vengeful (but mild) pranks, alchemy, and learning all sorts of stories and lessons from Jimes about the best way to go about getting away with petty crimes. Less of a loner than she used to be, she even has made a few friends with the younger folk in town, though she's somewhat shy and awkward, which frustrates her. She has at least reduced her number of enemies. Still, she thirsts for something more fulfilling and awaits the day for opportunity to call to her.

Shirzon is short for a half-orc, being just barely over six feet. She appears to be less, though, as she has a near permanent surly slouch. Her skin is gray-brown, her hair is cut short - better for fighting - and her tusked mouth nearly always frowns or sneers. Her form has less of the orc musculature of others her race, and Shirzon is more lanky, with lean limbs and hard, compact muscles. She wears leather armor over simple and worn travelers clothes that she traded for when some roaming merchants came into town, and has sewn and repaired pockets into her wool tunic and skirt several times over.

Good job everyone until now.

Do not forget (this is especially for new players) the roleplaying post at the first page of this recruitment (2nd post). As you can see, experienced players are good at submitting interesting characters, and they can also count on a consolidated posting history. As new players, you can't say the same for youself. Show me what you can do with a bit of roleplay folks!

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On one hand, I'd love to play a druid. I've actually never gotten the chance to in all of my years of 3.5/pathfinder. I'm fairly sure this adventure leans heavily towards dungeoneering/urban adventuring. On the other hand, I'm completely charmed by the description of the Druid mentor and would like to play one, so I'm going to do so regardless. I'd actually by sheer happenstance named my alias "Rilka", so I had to go back to the drawing board with names come the morning. I'm still not happy with my choice, but Miss Hollysharp is quickly taking shape. I still need to decide on an animal companion. I'd normally opt for the elk from kingmaker, but respecting your restrictions I may opt for a wolverine or badger, or something that I can ride. Will check in this evening with a finished build.

GM, how would you feel about starting play with a few trained animals? The harmless kind, such as elk, raccoons and squirrels, as Miss Hollysharps friends and helpers. I wouldn't be able to take them into a city or dungeon, but they'd make for great window dressing for my character. I can subtract the value of the animals from her starting wealth.

Build (Unfinished):

Female gnome druid/1
Init: +2, Senses: Perception +3, low-light-vision

AC: 15; Touch 13, Flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +2 dex, +1 size) ; +4 dodge vs giants
HP: 11 (1d8+3)
Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +3; +2 vs illusions

Speed: 20ft
Melee: club +3 (1d4+3) I
Ranged: sling +3 (1d3+2)
Special Attacks:
Gnome Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 13), prestidigitation, speak with animals
Druid Spells Prepared: (CL 1, Concentration +2)
1st - entangle (DC 12), goodberry
Orisons - guidance, know direction, mending

STR: 14 DEX: 14 CON: 16 INT: 8 WIS: 13 CHA: 11
BAB: +0 CMB: +1 CMD: 13
Skills: Climb +6, Handle Animal +4, Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +3, Profession (gardener) +3, Stealth +6, Survival +3; Racial Modifiers Perception +2, Profession (gardener) +2
Feats: _
SQ: nature bond (animal companion), nature sense*, wild empathy +3
Combat Gear goodberries (5), Other Gear

Kimble Hollysharp was was always prone to wandering. Long before she came of age, the young gnome wandered from the roadside inn where her family were lodging, roving deep into the Fangwood, unaware of the dangers to a barely grown gnome. It hasn't occurred to the girl to look for them again.

If her wanderings have had any destination, it's been unbeknownst to her. Sheer dumb luck, her small and easily concealed frame, and her ability to befriend large and dangerous predators kept her safe from most of the dangers of the Wood, and the kindly intervention of a band of Nirmathi Rangers saw her steered back toward civilisation.

Passing through the glades near Kassen, she encountered Olmira Treesong, and her small entourage of woodland critters. The curious gnome tailed her to her home, only to find herself invited in for tea. The eccentric druidess took the young gnome under her wing. Despite the womans tendancy to mother her, she feels for the first time in her life content to stay. Kim has learnt much of the forest lore through the esoteric tasks her tutor sets for her, and a little of the ways of civilisation, as the people of Kassen have come to regard the wild squirrel-girl (after several polite inquiries to the bewildered townsfolk about the squirrel word for "good afternoon") with a mix of wry amusement and trepidation. Indeed, while regarded as more than passing strange by the village folk, she has made numerous friends among the forest.

Curious and good-natured, Kimble is somewhat more animal than human. Prefering the company of the creatures of the forest, the girl mimics their behaviour in human company.

A wild haired girl with a twitching, button nose. Caring little for her appearance, she is constantly adorned with stray branches and a thin layer of dirt, and accompanied by several woodland creatures.

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I would love to get in on this!

Player - markofbane
Race - Human
Class - Wizard (evoker)

Neutral Male Human Wizard (Evoker) 1
Medium Size (5’ 8”, 140 pounds, Brown Eyes, Brown Hair)
Age: 17
Move: 30’
Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Dwarf, Goblin, Orc.

10 Strength
14 Dexterity
14 Constitution
18 Intelligence
12 Wisdom
8 Charisma

Initiative: +2 +2 Dex
AC: 12 Dexterity +2
Club (+0, 1d6+0, x2, B)
Club (+2, 1d6+0, x2, B)
Ray of Frost (+3, 1d3+2, x2, 30’ range, Cold)
Magic Missile (auto hit, 1d4+1, 30’ range, Force)

CMB: +0
CMD: 12
Fort: +2
Ref: +2
Will: +3
Hit Points: 8 d6 base, +2 Constitution

L1: Point Blank Shot. Ranged attacks within 30’ are +1 to hit and damage
B1: Scribe Scroll. Can craft arcane scrolls
R1: Precise Shot. No penalty for firing into melee

8 points per level: 2 class, 4 intelligence, 1 racial, 1 favored class

+11 - Appraise (1+3+4+3)
+8 - Knowledge (arcana) (1+3+4+0)
+8 – Knowledge (geography) (1+3+4+0)
+8 – Knowledge (history) (1+3+4+0)
+8 – Knowledge (local) (1+3+4+0)
+8 – Knowledge (religion) (1+3+4+0)
+8 – Linguistics (1+3+4+0)
+8 – Spellcraft (1+3+4+0)

Favored Class: Wizard (1 used for hit points)
Human Abilities:
+2 to any attribute, applied to Intelligence above.
Medium size, Normal speed.
Bonus feat at 1st level, bonus skill point at every level.
Wizard Abilities:
Proficiencies. club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, quarterstaff.
Arcane Bond: Familiar, see below.
Arcane School: Evocation (opposed: Enchantment, Necromancy).
Intense Spells. +1 damage to evocation spells that deal damage
Force Missile. Hits automatically, 1d4+1 damage, seven times per day

Memorized: Spells in blue indicate they have been cast
Cantrips (DC 14) 3: Detect Magic, Presdigitation, Ray of Frost
1st level spells (DC 15) 2+1: Burning Hands, Color Spray, Unseen Servant

Spell Book
Cantrips (16): Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Presdigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance.
1st level spells (7): Mage Armor, Unseen Servant, Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Color Spray, Silent Image, Feather Fall.

Encumbrance: 22# Light, (33/66/100).

Scholar’s Outfit
Club, 3#
Spell Component Pouch, 2#
Belt Pouch, ½#
-Chalk, flint and steel
-Wealth (8 gp, 7 sp, 6 cp)
-Scroll case, ½#
--Parchment (2)
--Ink, Inkpen

Holgast’s Tower
Backpack, 2#
-Spellbook, 3#
-Flask, 1 ½#
--Whiskey (1 cup), ½#
-Bedroll, 5#
-Wealth (40 gp), 1#
-Rations (1), 1#
-Sealing Wax, 1#
-Waterskin, 4#


Mahath’s dreams have lead him into a life of toil and estrangement with him family. Growing up listening to Jocyn’s stories, Mahath longed for a life far removed from this tiny town and its small populace. The fantastical marvels, great cities and civilization changing events captured his imagination, and he wanted nothing more than to see the world. That, however, was not in the cards for him.

His father was a humble woodsman in the employ of Colbin Vetnar. Mahath grew up in his parents’ humble cottage, which in truth was little more than a campsite. His parents would frequently send him to town to run errands and deliver messages, and while there he took every opportunity to listen to anyone who had stories of the world outside the little town, especialy Jocyn. As Mahath matured, the time for him to take on a profession; that’s when the trouble started. His family wanted him to either become a woodsman like his father or an acolyte of Erastil under the tutelage of Father Prasst. Both sounded to Mahath like he was being sentenced to this provincial life. He was determined to find another way.

Mahath started at the Vargidan estate, begging them to teach him the secrets of magic. They politely but firmly rebuffed him, telling him that they could sense no innate talent for the art. They insisted it had to be in the blood and his blood, they said gently, was utterly mundane. Refusing to believe that was his last chance, he went to the crooked tower of Holgast. He begged the wizard to take him as an apprentice, promising loyalty and hard work. Mahath was thrilled when the old man took him on despite Holgast’s reputation. A reputation, he learned, that was well deserved. It didn’t take long for Mahath to realize that if he was going to learn anything, he would have to take advantage of Holgast’s frequent naps and vast library at every opportunity.

One of the many chores Holgast assigned to Mahath was making his tea for him several times a day. It didn’t take too long for Mahath to figure out that if he added a touch of whiskey to the tea, Holgast’s naps would come about more quickly and last longer. Mahath took to keep a flask handy to spike Holgast’s beverages. He first taught himself spells that could help him complete his chores, and then focused on spells to help him discourage bullies. As time has allowed, he used his magic to work odd jobs around town, and has set aside money to fund his start in a bigger city.

Now, as he is ready to complete the coming of age ceremony, he is doing all he can to prepare himself for the wider world. And as he gradually gets closer to being able to leave, he finds himself torn, not so sure about his desire to get away from town now that it is becoming more comfortable for him.

In any crowd, Mahath would fade in and be completely non-descript. He is slight and slightly below average height, and has unremarkable brown hair and brown eyes. While his robes are a bland brown, he typically will use a cantrip to color them, trying to give the impression that he has a much more extensive wardrobe than he actually does.

As much as Mahath would like to project that he is aloof and distant, in truth he still cares for the residents of the small town. Though he still does not speak to his father, he does meet with his mother occasionally and slips her a few coins when he does. He keeps loose tabs on his siblings, trying to make sure they stay out of trouble. Perhaps surprisingly, his favorite person in town is dim-witted Golfond Kir. Before Mahath could defend himself with magic, he was tormented by bullies. He learned if he could just make it to one of the two towers in town, either Holgast’s (where he could lock himself in) or the watch tower (where Golfond would chase off the bullies) he would be fine. After he could defend himself, Mahath found he would still hang out with Golfond. Mahath loves to regurgitate all he’s read recently about history and faraway places, and practically no one in town will sit patiently while he does so. Golfond always listens patiently, nodding and leaning on his spear if he is on watch, or nodding and devouring his food if they are at the Seven Silvers. Mahath has developed a real soft spot for him, and often will defend him from tormentors and jokers.

Mahath is He isn’t proud of the fact that he has spent a considerable amount of time looking for Holgast’s legendary stash of gold coins, and has become convinced that it must be exhausted, until he produces more coins and starts the speculation again. It is one of the reasons he continues to linger around town.

I'll push a little bit on the role-playing end to help get things rolling, if that's okay :)

Shirzon emerges from the kitchen of the Seven Silvers with a plate of pork chops, roasted beets, and mushroom gravy, wrinkling her nose at the smell. She has a few new burn marks on her hands, and winces at the hot plate she's holding. "Whose is this?" she yells across the tavern floor. Spotting the dwarf seated with his ale, she gestures toward him with the plate. "Hey Hrolf! This yours?"

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It did help a bit actually, wasn't quite sure how to go about it

Now i'm going to put all the information here in this one convienient post

Illya Nym


Half Elf


Build plan:

Starting off as sorcerer I plan on going into fighter that is explaining the whole mentor thing for the future. If it gets far enough for it going further into eldritch knight.

here's the base of the build, i will also have a myth-weavers sheet ready

N Medium Humanoid Half Elf
Init +2; Senses Perception +8, Low Light Vision
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+0 armor, +2 dex, +0 shield)
hp 8
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.

Melee +2 Attack, +2 Damage

Ranged +2 Attack
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 9, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Spell Focus Evocation
Skills (0 points; 2 class, 1 INT)
ACP -0

*ACP applies to these skills
Non-Standard Skill Bonuses

Languages Common, Draconic, Elven

Grow Draconic claws 6 times per day. 3 + cha modifier. D4 dmg, two claws, full strength modifier. free action

0th (at will)
Read Magic
Detect Magic
Ray of Frost

1st (4/day) [
Shocking Grasp
Ray of enfeeblement


Money 9 GP 0 SP 0 CP

Background, Appearance, and General Personality:

I've lived most of my life as experiment number 9, of the mad Shadow mage Archae Nym. He wished to create the ultimate life form. From scouring his old journals I learned of the many bloods and magics he used in creating me.

I spent much of my child hood under his tutelage, that is when he wasn't gone on one of his trips. WE lived in a tower on the outskirts of a town named Kassan, Dad always told me never to leave the tower there were other mages around they were not to be trusted.

It was not long before we both noticed my body deteriorating, I learned to hide the black inky blotches creeping up my arms. Archae was angry and frustrated, those were the years he locked himself in his laboratory, I snuck in to see what was going on and read one of the journals on his desk.

Experiment number 9 is a failure, the vessel lacks stability. The body will be dissected when the deterioration reaches its final form.

that was the only part I read before dashing out of the tower. It was cold outside and snowing, I ran for the town through the storm with what little I could carry with me: a knife, some of Archae's journals on my creation, and a small purse of gold. I reached the town tired and cold, I collapsed.

I woke up, to my surprise in a bed staring back at a staunch aging man smiling back at me. I came to know him as Gregor. He took me in and I told him of Archae's tower, of everything that happened. I learned he was the the guard captain of the town, he was strict but nice to me. He eventually began putting me through training, to make me more able to keep myself safe should my dad ever try and get me. He wasn't a fan of my magic, but I was good at it. I could freeze things, somethings use magic to grow claws. I liked it... the magic, it made me feel strong so I kept practicing. the magic in me was a gift, it made me unique.

Illya often acts the leader, she is confident sometimes to the point of arrogance. She can be both kind and cold depending on the situation. She has very little qualms with killing , viewing killing humanoids as no different than killing monsters. when it comes to opponents she is clearly stronger than she will often play around with them. She views her actions as just, and knows right from wrong saving her more sadistic tendencies for people very clearly viewed as enemies. Being the daughter of a powerful and old wizard she spent much time growing up studying magic and other subjects, unlike her father she is adept at manipulation. She is True Neutral, despite knowing right from wrong and mostly choosing right, she has a few less than kind moments especially when directed at enemies that balance this out.

Illya or Illia if you prefer can be spelled either way, last name Nym. Whitish Grey hair, tiny horns underneath the hair possibly from the dragon blood. Takes on an odd appearance, with pale skin due to the mixture of blood in her. Her eye's are violet colored, like her father who changed her to resemble some family appearance. Patches of pale grayish blackness, like ink stains on her skin cover her arms, she keeps them covered this is from her body breaking down. She is tall roughly 5'11 weighing around 110 pounds.

Illya sat down on the ground, exhausted the older man Gregor stood over her shaking his head.

Giving up already?

She got off the ground, dagger in hand her other hand folded behind her back.

Not a chance

Illya stabs forward awkwardly, determined but clearly untrained in swordplay. an hour or so of training passes, Gregor knocking the youth down every time she came close to striking.

She smiles at the man holding out her hand for help up, as their hands connect she lets loose a small zap. the old man shakes his hand.

Gotcha Gregor she smiles cockily having shocked the old man knowing she could have easily done worse than a small shock

That's enough for today, go take a break and stay away from the Vargidan's if i catch you near there again it will be 40 laps.

Illya gets up waving her hand, the dust disappears from her cloths and sweat from her body. The white haired girl Walking confidently through town to the Seven Silvers. She walks in the small tavern, ordering a small meal while practicing her magic floating a few pebbles and stones in the air holding it as long as she can.

GM Giuseppe wrote:


DateLamashan 28th 4710 AR

It has been a hard day’s work for you. Even if you don’t have an actual profession, you have still spent your day busy doing something important. And, as a consequence, you have come to the Seven Silvers Tavern to enjoy some rest: you’re looking forward to eat or drink something, maybe meet some friends and perhaps even to glimpse at the tavern owner’s beautiful daughter, Asina Silvers. You’re a week away from the annual Quest for the Everflame, and you perfectly know that Mayor Uptal has recently announced that this year’s Quest is going to be undertaken by some younger townfolks. The anticipation is palpable, especially because you are among those who are of the right age to be selected for the ceremony. The town of Kassen has been unusually quiet in the last few days, as many of the youth have been silently praying to be chosen for the exciting adventure that would mark their coming-of-age, avoiding troubles to show their fellow villagers they’re worth the honor to perform that prestigious task.


You have just made your way into the Seven Silvers. The tavern looks quiet and calm. You immediately spot Trelvar Silvers, his eyes staring into the void and with a pensive expression painted upon his face. He’s behind the bar as usual, and his hands slowly clean an already shiny mug. Jimes “Short Change” Iggins smiles at you upon your arrival and happily points you toward a table.

Rylka runs into the Seven Silvers after hurriedly changing out of her brown wilderness leathers and into her colorful flowing silky dress. She gives a thankful look at Jimes for not giving her a hard time for being late. As Shirzon comes out of the kitchen with Hrolf's order she scurries over to the indicated table to take their order.

"Good evening Master Vetnar, shall I get you your usual tonight? By the way, did dad point out that old elm that looks ready to fall over about an hour north-east of town? Could save you guys some time."

The guildmaster grumbles something that sounds like affirmation, then "Ale tonight. Bet yer excited 'bout next week's ceremony."

As Rylka moves to the kitchen, she nudges the half-orc and whispers, "Gregor's been askin' 'round 'bout those aphrodisiacs. No one's talked yet, but y'may wanna hold off on any new sales til after the Quest."

Merephel was pensive. She couldn't help but feel a little excitement. She knew her odds of getting picked weren't terrific, but being selected would be a great honor; she just wasn't sure she was worthy enough.

She shook her head. She would get picked, or she wouldn't. Shelyn's Will would be done either way.

She opened the door, noticing the calm atmosphere in the tavern.

'Strange, she wondered to herself, you'd think more people would be out celebrating the Quest. Maybe they are as nervous as I?'

She walked to the table Mr. Iggins pointed her toward. She never called him by his nickname; it was too disrespectful.

She leaned back toward the fire, grateful for the table she'd gotten. It would be a good night. She looked forward to a pleasant evening of people watching. Perhaps some of her friends would visit her here?

Korech storms his way into the town, unstringing his bow as he walks. He pauses to shout irritably over his shoulder.

"You no patient, no respect! Not remember how you learn too!"

Realizing that whatever he just yelled likely didn't make much sense in common, Korech meets Arnama's frustrated expression with a scowl before he turns away and stalks into town.

Not everyone can hit a bird's eye at 100 feet, and I never will with her. I wish she'd stop trying to explain things and just take me on more rangings, we both have more fun.

Deciding that after an incredibly irritating day he deserves a drink, Korech stalks into the Seven Silvers. The brutish half-orc looks around the quiet tavern sullenly, not meeting Short Change's eyes, but he makes his way to a seat nonetheless. With a groan, he collapses in his seat near a young blonde woman.

Accchh my shoulder hurts. And who is this pretty human? I've seen her around town. I don't know names. Should I say hello? I don't know.

He grunts an awkward greeting to Merephel before raising his hand as he tries to get the halfling server's attention.

Illya, looks on watching silently as others come into the tavern. he mind more attracted to watch events unfold or maybe some gossip whatever could hold her attention.

Matching names to faces, stupid but she made it a hobby to know names even if people didn't pay her much attention.

The half orc...what was his name...he spends his time with Arnama, i'll ask Gregor later. Do they know each other? he's sitting beside Merephel?

The young girl thought as she stared at the odd pairing with curious eye's. She giggled to herself quitely, going back to watching others around the tavern.

going to pick up where my backstory ended, for a little continuity. also I am posting this while actually eating bacon...

Truffles...Bacon... huh?

Goldi sat there listening to her Pa explain things, but despite here eye on him and looking rather attentive, her mind was someplace else.

she was having all sorts of visions of great heroics and possibly some brave halfling warrior was going to go as well, with a big muscular chest, and he would be so strong that even his feet hairs could slice a goblin in half.

Lily noticed the look in Goldi's eye and immediately knew what was going on, she had that same look when she was younger seeing Fulito for the first time.

Olmira, finished her tea and quietly left. she whispered to Lily on the way out that she had some important things to do.

Goldi, are you listening to me! her father shouted. The sudden sound jolted Goldi back to the present.

Yes father. she replied, head hanging low.

nothing is definite yet, the selections still had to be made, but I am sure you will make the cut. Fulito finished, trying to explain the process.

Lily noticed the worry in Goldi's eye. I have another batch of cookies to take to the Seven Silvers, why don't you join me. There may be other applicants there, and you could meet some of them. Or even meet up with some friends. trying to get Goldi out of the house.

Goldi quickly grabbed one of the baskets full of homemade cookies and went with her mother over to the Seven Silvers.

In her excitement, Goldi never noticed that Truffles was no with her.

Truffles had slipped out with Olmira, but instead wandered over to the Seven Silvers. when there were crowds there he knew there would be goodies in the trash.

Making his way around the back of the tavern, Truffles starts rummaging through the garbage by the back door.


knocking over some crates looking to see what was inside.

to those at the Seven Silvers and near the kitchen, there is definitely some commotion going on back there. Also any that are regulars or lived in Kassen probably know exactly who and what is happening.

giving some people a chance to respond to truffles before Goldi enters bearing cookies.

GM Giuseppe wrote:


DateLamashan 28th 4710 AR

It has been a hard day’s work for you. Even if you don’t have an actual profession, you have still spent your day busy doing something important. And, as a consequence, you have come to the Seven Silvers Tavern to enjoy some rest: you’re looking forward to eat or drink something, maybe meet some friends and perhaps even to glimpse at the tavern owner’s beautiful daughter, Asina Silvers. You’re a week away from the annual Quest for the Everflame, and you perfectly know that Mayor Uptal has recently announced that this year’s Quest is going to be undertaken by some younger townfolks. The anticipation is palpable, especially because you are among those who are of the right age to be selected for the ceremony. The town of Kassen has been unusually quiet in the last few days, as many of the youth have been silently praying to be chosen for the exciting adventure that would mark their coming-of-age, avoiding troubles to show their fellow villagers they’re worth the honor to perform that prestigious task.


You have just made your way into the Seven Silvers. The tavern looks quiet and calm. You immediately spot Trelvar Silvers, his eyes staring into the void and with a pensive expression painted upon his face. He’s behind the bar as usual, and his hands slowly clean an already shiny mug. Jimes “Short Change” Iggins smiles at you upon your arrival and happily points you toward a table.

Alright folks, this is your roleplay hook. Feel free to post whenever you want and try to interact with each other. I will be sporadically showing up to give you some additional roleplaying hooks, but don’t wait for my answer before going on. Always try to push, to make things happen. Also, try to give other players some interesting roleplaying hooks, encouraging them to answer you or to react to...

Artix tiredly took a seat down at the table that Iggins pointed him towards, plopping his satchel of notes down at the table. After working in the garden all day and making small repairs to the temple, he could finally take time to rest, or what he called rest, writing out notes of the days work in the garden.

Ever since he had begun his priest hood in Kassan, it had been his long experiment to study the plant life for the betterment of the community. So with his chlorophyll stained hands, he began writing notes of his work, documenting his findings for the day.

Returning from the kitchen with the guildmaster's meal, Rylka grabs a mug of ale at the bar and drops them off at his table before heading over to the half-orc Ranger cadet and the blond cleric. "You look crankier than usual. Arnama teaching today instead of hunting? Must be staying close to home in preparation for the celebration. What can I get for you two?"

No sooner had her words left her mouth when a dreadful clatter came from he back. "Oh my, Sugar must be on her way over. That pig always makes such a mess. Anyway, what can I getcha?"

She heard the clatter coming from the back, she was curious but not enough to draw attention by going to look. Illya stayed at her corner table, continuing to floating the pebbles trying to rotate them now.

Celebration for the upcoming ceremony, should be interesting to see what happens...So he's cranky, from not being out hunting? understandable.

There were always interesting things going on in the tavern, always more exciting than training. watching people come in and out, some wearing their emotions on sleeves.

Today was quiet though, everyone was gathering and things would soon get louder.

Why is the young priest boy...Artix i think...Why study here? interesting

Her mind wandering, questioning everything that was going on. Trying to answer even the pointless little questions just to keep her entertained.

Shirzon sets the plate of food down in front of Hrolf without waiting for an answer, clenching her fists in relief then wiping them on her apron. As Rylka slips past with her message, the half-orc makes an annoyed sound but nods in thanks. "Thanks for the heads up," Shirzon whispers back. Doesn't Gregor have anything better to do? Like getting lost in the forest?

Making her way to the tall white-haired human's table, she stands stooped over with her hands on her hips. "Hey. Illya, right? What'll ya have?" she asks. Her question is followed by the sound of crates falling over in the back, and Shirzon sighs with annoyance. "Sorry, that damn pig is back. Jimes! Table!" Shirzon yells toward the kitchen before setting off for the backdoor of the inn.

Emerging from the back, Shirzon gives the boar a stern look before relaxing with a defeated sigh. She grabs a crate of scraps and dumps it out a few feet away before stacking up the ones that Truffles knocked over. "Hey, pig," she greets, with a friendlier tone than most of the Seven Silvers patrons receive. As it eats, she pats it on the flank and scratches its tufts of hair, pulling out the occasional twig stuck to it. "We really oughta get you a trough. I'm sick of always picking up after your mess. Although I guess it's fair since you eat ours."

That is my name She answers oddly, smiling. You are Shirzon correct? Nothing for now but thank you for asking She follows out the back door, crouching down petting the small animal.

A trough might ruin the fun for it, although i imagine the mess would be quite a bother.

"Blessings of Erastil upon you hunter," Artix speaks to Korech,"May your next hunt be more fruitful."

He looks to Rylka, "Bread and a little meat please."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Player - Iff
Race - Human
Class - Monk

Character sheet:

Human Monk 1
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Initiative +2; Senses -; Perception +6

AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 Dodge)
hp 13 (1d8+1) (+1 fcb) (+3 Toughness)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4
Defensive Abilities -

Speed 30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff +3 (1d6+3, 20/x2), or
Melee Quartstaff Flurry, +2/+2 (1d6+3, 20/x2), or
Melee Unarmed Flurry +2 (1d6+3, 20/x2), or
Ranged Shuriken +2 (1d2+3, 20/x2, 10 ft.), or
Ranged Shuriken Flurry +1/+1 (1d2+3, 20/x2, 10 ft.), or
Special Attacks Stunning Fist, 1/day (Fort save DC 12 or stunned for one round)

Strength 17 (+3), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 13 (+1), Intelligence 10 (+0), Wisdom 14 (+2), Charisma 10 (+0)
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats 1: Dodge, 1H: Toughness, 1B: Improved Unarmed Strike, 1B: Stunning Fist, 1B: Improved Grapple
Skills 5 Skills points per level (4 +1 human)
Acrobatics +6
Handle Animal +1 *
Knowledge Religion +4
Perception +6
Stealth +6
Languages Common (Taldane)
SQ Racial: Skilled, Bonus Feat. Class: Bonus Feat, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Fist, Unarmed Strike.

Weapons Quarterstaff, Dagger, Shuriken (10)
Armor Traveler's outfit, Monk’s outfit
Slotted Items -
Wands, Rods, Etc -
Belt Pouch
Mount -

* If necessary because of party composition, I could shift this point to Disable Device.
** I will make finishing touches to equipment if I’m chosen for this module.


Calden has been fortunate enough to have led a most uneventful life so far, on his father’s sheep farm. He spent most of his childhood in the woods and fields surrounding Kassen, exploring the environment with some friends from the village, climbing in trees or setting snares for rabbits. When he was old enough, Calden was expected to help out, tending to the sheep while they were grazing, aiding is father in shearing them in spring, milking the ewes and helping his mother make cheese out of the milk.

He hadn’t really though a lot about the future by that time, until his brother Tolle came under the influence of Sir Dramott’s stories and announced that he would be joining the Lastwall military in defense against the orcs of Belkzen. This caused a heated row in the family and a lot of resentment from his parents for the knight personally, and for anyone leaving their community in search of glory. Since then, responsibility for their family has been weighing heavy on Calden.

The next big change in his life came in the spring of last year, when Calden was taking the flock of sheep a bit further out from the farm. He came upon the mysterious Ilimara Oniri while she was performing her exercises. He had known a bit about her of course, including that she kept to herself, and this was the first time that he actually saw her, as a woman. A mysterious and gloriously beautiful woman…

It took the young boy about two months to work up enough courage, but he finally approached her, asking to learn about the forms she was practicing. He studied hard and came to idolize the woman, developing a very thorough crush on her. He hides this as well as he can, and would never admit it to anyone, but he tries as hard as he can to make her proud. The teachings of Irori struck a nerve with him, even though he hasn’t found a way to resolve the conflict between the tenet for self-perfection with his humble future as a sheep farmer.

Calden has learned a lot in the year since then, delving deeper into the study of Irori’s faith while looking out for his family on the other hand: one of Vardigan’s sons has been mooning over his sister Ada, who has just turned 15 years old and is quite taken with the creepy guy’s attentions, which has made Calden quite suspicious of the Vardigans and of arcane magic in general.


Calden is known around town as a serious and dependable young man. He’s friendly and well-behaved, won’t say no to some fun with his friends, although he always tries to be honest and will never be a ringleader for mischief. He’s open and extravert to a point, making small talk with his family and the other villagers. Still, he doesn’t talk often about the things that are really on his mind. He’s recently started worrying about his future, whether he should take over the farm from his father and how that combines with his interest in the teachings of Irori. He cares deeply for his family and is grateful for the relative stability and safety of Kassen.

Calden is highly smitten with Ilimara and does his utmost to make her proud. He has made a genuine effort to learn about the teachings of Irori, as well as of the physical practice. He’s in doubt, though, how those tenets should fit into his everyday life. In his wildest dreams (that he realizes as just fancies), he becomes a dedicated follower of Irori, traveling with Ilimara at his side after having saved her from her dark past, acting together as patrons of Nirmathras (and Kassen in particular) to keep it safe from the many threats surrounding it.


Calden is a wiry lad, having grown at a startling pace over the last few years and still gaining the muscle to match his frame. He is not particularly handsome, although his dark eyes and matching unruly hair gives him some boyish charm. He is usually dressed in sturdy and practical farmer’s clothes with a tan-colored woolen cloak, if he isn’t wearing the white linen practice outfit that Ilimara gave him. He’s rarely seen without his favorite brown boots (which have been mended too often for comfort) or the quarterstaff that he cut from a hawthorn sapling himself.

About me:

I haven't been on this forum for a couple of months. I have a few PFS games under my belt, but would really like to get into a larger game, to develop a regular party with more opportunity for role-playing and character development. I've tried for a few AP recruitments, but haven't been picked so far. I hope that the posts in my PFS game can give some indication of my posting quality and frequency.

I doesn't take long before Rylka's prediction comes true. Sugar and her mom Lily enter the Tavern each bearing a basket full of fresh baked cookies.

Sugar waves to everyone there, Hello, we brought cookies, you know to like celebrate and everything. She starts wandering among the tables handing out a cookie to each person she runs into. trying to make sure everyone only gets one.

Lily just laughs and takes the second basket to the kitchen. here are some more, I knew Sugar would just start giving everything away, so I made extra this time. I got....

she never got to finish before noticing Truffles out back with some others.


at that moment, Sugar stops and stares toward the voice.

Truffles rolls around, enjoying the attention. even trying to knock someone over to get them at his level.

the play time suddenly pauses at the sound of a familiar voice from in the kitchen.

after a few seconds Truffles goes right back to what he was doing, getting extra attention, and look for chocolate.

"Huh?!" Shirzon jumps and black hairs rise in a ridge on the back of her neck as she turns around with her fists up defensively at the sound of Illya's voice. Clearly embarrassed at having been startled, she breathes out to force herself to relax. "I didn't realize you followed me out here."

Still feeling awkward for having been caught talking to the pig, Shirzon looks sound to make sure she hasn't missed anyone else sneaking up on her. "So, uhh... You one of the Vardigan kids? I think I've seen you around there, right?"

Of course, Hrolf hadn't ordered the food. All he'd wanted was an ale. Now there's a plate of hot food in front of him, that he can't really afford at the moment, and that nobody else seems to have claimed. He sips his beer thoughtfully, ignoring the stampeding pig and the slow arrival of his friends for a moment. Just staring at the food.

A test, maybe, of honesty? Part of the selection process for the ceremony? No, that makes no sense. A test from Torag then, perhaps?

When Shirzon re-enters the taproom, wiping food scraps off her hands onto her battle-stained apron, Hrolf waves her over.

"This. The chops. It's not mine. All I needed was a beer. You may have a customer somewhere around looking for their chops."

A cookie is placed onto the table between Shirzon and Hrolf. He looks from Shirzon to the cookie, then back to Shirzon.

"I will have the cookie, though", he says slowly.

I was curious so i came to see what was going on, following you was a good excuse to see without drawing attention. She responds, I am one of Gregor's students, i've been near the Vargidan's out of curiosity my dad told me not to trust the other mages said they were dangerous, but he's full of it so i went to see for myself.

Illya stares at the confection as she returns to her table, she picks it up, thank you she responds quietly to Sugar and nibbling oon the sweet treat happily.

Glancing over at Merephel, Hrolf raises his flagon in greeting and cracks a craggy smile.

Artix was just finishing up writing his investigation report into the crossbreeding of two species of corn,when Goldilocks had come in with her mother passing around cookies, "Why thank you miss Ferrywarden for this pleasant gift, and how are you this fine day?"

He begins setting out a piece of parchment and begins writing a letter to his parents back home in written Varasian, as he looks to miss Ferrywarden for an response. He gave a pleasant little smile like he always did to the town folk. After five years of living in Kassan, he still felt strange and out of place among the community. But Erastil had a plan for him he was sure of it. He wasn't a god of community for nothing.

DateLamashan 28th 4710 AR

A fashionably dressed figure makes his entrace in the tavern, haling from the Seven Silver's upper floor. This handsome humanoid is clearly an half-elf, given his slightly pointed ears and his expressive black eyes in which the light from a nearby candle dances sinuously.



DC 12 Knowledge (local) check*:
This half-elf is Jocyn Elmaran, the local performer. He has settled here 4 years ago after a fight with orcs up near the Belkzen border left him with a crippled leg. Despite his injury, Jocyn is a capable performer, working with a variety of instruments and performance styles.


The half-elf briefly smiles at Shirzon, Rylka and Jimes before having a seat on a chair placed upon a small stage in the easternmost end of the tavern. Once he sits down, the half-elf starts tuning his lute. After he's done, he tries to attract Rylka attention with a gesture of his right hand. When the halfling comes near, he whispers her: "Please honey, would you mind if I ask you for a glass of that delicious wine from Corentyn you served me yesterday?".

The half-elf is undoubtedly very charming, and his voice is warm and gentle at the same time. Before Rylka walks away, he adds: "Oh, and get me a shot of honey too, if you have more. That does wonders for my vocal cords. Thank you, Rylka".

He then clears his throat, fixes his long black hair and says, addressing the crowd gathered in the tavern: "Good people of Kassen, thank gods I'm here among you tonight once again, and I'm ready to gladden your stay at the Seven Silvers with the gifts the gods themselves bestowed on me to help me ease your evening. There's any song in particular you would like to hear?".

* Rylka, Shirzon and anyone else working in the tavern automatically know the resulting information of this check.

knowledge local: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

Illya sat at her table waiting for someone to respond to Mr. Elmaran, his performances were always entertaining. At least to her anyway, seeing someone of high stature dance and sing for peoples amusement always made her laugh. Mr. Elmeran, was good at this, his performances made it difficult for her to maintain the quiet and curious persona that she usually maintained.

I would request but i know little of music, hopefully someone else will say somthing.

Merephel had been lost in thought. She nodded to Korech, and smiled at the new arrivals. She wasn't normally so unobservant, but the upcoming events had her very distracted.

She patted Korech's shoulder, and gave a small wave to Hrolf. She was waving him over.

'It's getting lively in here. This should be quite the entertaining evening.'

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Artix doesn't seem to know whom this person is, cursing his knowledge of the town even after five years of living here. Something he'd have to improve upon with more home visits to the townsfolk.

Rylka hurries to get Jocyn his honeyed wine. She passes his order to Trelvar as she ducks into the kitchen to tell cook about Artix' order. "The entertainment would like more of the "good" wine with a drop of honey before he goes on. I'll grab it in just a moment." Hopefully he remembers to take it out of his pay.

While in the kitchen she pops out to toss a treat to Truffles. Hurrying back out of the kitchen and grabbing the wine from Trelvar, she takes it to the bard. "Here is your wine sir."

Scurrying back to the customers she checks back with Artix, Merephel and Korech. "Brother Pavel, your food will be out in a little bit. Can I get anything for the rest of you?" Interesting to see these three at the same table. Wonder what Jimes is playing at.

"One of Gregor's students, huh?" Shirzon responds to Illya. As she walks back in and sees Hrolf waving her over, she parts from the young sorcerer with a nod. "Well, good luck learning anything from Old Captain Is-Slow."

She makes her way to the dwarf and crosses her arms as he explains the pork mix up. She sighs and picks the plate up again, sticking out her tongue at the congealing gravy. She looks around and sees the half-elf scribbler, the priestess in training, and the half-orc who spent all of his time hunting. Shirzon approaches with the plate of food, trying to avoid tripping over Rylka as she takes their orders. She sizes up the other half-orc and figures him for the pork chop sort, saying,

Speaking Orc:
"Hey, buddy. This yours?"

Hearing the call for requests, she turns toward the stage and cups one hand around her mouth while holding up the chops with the other and calls out, "Do the one about the lady who gets drunk and thrashes some bandits!"

Mahath enters the Seven Silvers and grimaced that it was so crowded. In a large city, I could just go to another place! But part of him is pleased to see the familiar faces about. He doesn't see Golfond anywhere, and few seats at all. When Jimes points him to one of the long tables that has a few seats at it, he makes his way over.

"Good day, all." Mahath sits at an open seat. His robes tonight are burgundy, though you can tell it is the same worn robes he always wears, just colored differently. The slight man, barely more than a boy, orders tea from Rylka as he sits with the gathering group.

Those who spend time closer to town may know Mahath as an apprentice to the eccentric wizard, Holgast.

Knowledge (local) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

At Jocyn's arrival, he comments "Ah, Jocyn!" He smiles to the others. "This alone makes it worthwhile, braving the crowd here tonight."

"Bless you, and how are you miss Sarna?" He smiles.

While Rylka waits patiently for Merephel or Korech to order she chats with Artix. "Thank you, I'm having a pretty good day. I caught two rabbits and a squirrel today." She says proudly.

Merephel turned toward Rylka.

"Miss Rylka, if you don't mind, a water would be lovely. And perhaps a small plate of whatever you have cooking? I'm fairly flexible."

She smiled sweetly.

Calden steps into the tavern with his cloak wrapped around him for the cold, and carrying a large wicker basket. He looks around the common room and spots the owner. "Good evening, master Silvers," he greets. "I've brought the lam racks that my father promised, for the celebration next week. Can I set them down here? My mum also added a sample of our new hard cheese. I was to say it goes well with lentils and honey, she hopes you'll like it."

Finished with his errands, he looks at the floor with an awkward smile. His boots and breeches are dripping wet from the knees down, despite the dry weather. "Do you mind if I err... put these next to the fire to dry?" The wiry young lady carefully makes his way over to a table near the fire, leaving large wet bootprints. "Sorry about that, Rylka. Do you have something hot? Stew and rolls, perhaps? I'll be over by the fire."

He recognizes Merephel, Artix and Korech already sitting at the table. "Hey there," he greets his peers. "I'll just stay here to dry my boots, if you don't mind," he says as he sits down. While putting his boots by the fire, he regards Merephel for a moment, before looking away abruptly. Ugh. Will I ever forget when I stole those honeycakes, just because she said how nice they smelled?... still, she seems to have changed the past year. Haven't we all...?

lively group here.... catch up a little bit and add to things slightly. can't wait for my work schedule to slow up a bit for more posting time.

Artix Pavel wrote:

Artix was just finishing up writing his investigation report into the crossbreeding of two species of corn,when Goldilocks had come in with her mother passing around cookies, "Why thank you miss Ferrywarden for this pleasant gift, and how are you this fine day?"


Thank you. My ma made em... she never did finish as it would seem Truffles was getting into a little bit of trouble.

So sorry, Truffles is, well, he's, oh you know Truffles. gotta dash, but I'll be back.

Sugar dashes off to rescue Truffles from the trouble out back, well, the same trouble he always gets into.

...out back with Truffles...

Sugar heads straight to the mess as she usually has to do. nodding to her ma as she headed out, knowing that she shouldn't let Truffles in there.

You are always getting into trouble Truffles, but Don't worry, I like it that way. she says with a smile. giving Truffles a scratch on the head.

Come on, there's some entertainment to be had, I'm sure you can come inside, If you stay out of trouble.

Sugar heads back through the kitchen, and trying to avoid her mother, she never would approve of Truffles in the main common room.

slipping through into the common room, Sugar and Truffles meander through the crowd, trying to slip past all the tall folk to get a seat for the performance.

Rylka would pleased to know that Sugar did not hear her say about what she caught today. they always disagreed on that sort of stuff. but it never was any kind or real anger.

After a few moments, Lily, (Sugar's mom), calls for Rylka or Shirzon, that the rest of the cookies are ready, as well as some fresh baked bread.

Returning from the kitchen with three plates of mutton stew and bread carefully balanced in her small arms, Rylka is happy to hear that Lily's baked goods are ready. Setting the first two plates in front of Merephel and Atrix, she takes the third over room Calden. "I'll be back with your drinks in just a moment"

With a quick trip to the bar for Merephel's water and a duck into the kitchen for a pot of tea for Mahath. "Here you go guys"

Hearing someone make fun of Gregor always made Illya a little angry, it usually showed. Displeasure was one of those emotions she never got good at hiding. The frown or look of disgust on her face, it faded quickly though

As far as she was concerned her and Gregor were friends, of course she also didn't really understand this week's joke, Captain Is-Slow ? because he's old?

She sat at her corner table waiting for the show to start, things were getting lively finally. That made her a little happy.

Truffles sits by Goldi for barely a minute, but he perks up as food makes its way around the room.

A glance toward Goldi, then back at Rylka, then to Goldi, then to Rylka.

at just the right moment, Truffles gets up and heads to the fire and plops down beside Calden and just stares at him.

after a few seconds, snort

was going to have Truffles try and trip Rylka so she drops the food, but decided that would not be very good. so the ole, beg for treats like a puppy works instead.

Calden gives the begging animal an exasperated but not unkind sigh, and scratches his back. "Come on, Truffles. You know you're not supposed to be in here. And you sure know begging doesn't work with me. Go on, get out of here."

He taps its rear to shoo the boar away, then digs into his stew and stuffs half a roll into his mouth. "Hmm...wuvewy, Wywka!"

"Greetings to you Calden. Let me move some of my things off the table," he says while removing the paper work and putting it into his satchel. Calden was the Tigg's son, working under that monk whom lived around town, if he remembered correctly.

He looked down at his meal and bowed his head, "Thank the animal that gave its life, thank the hunter whom slew it. O' Erastil, bless all that have provided this meal," he said in a quick prayer. Then, ripping a small piece of bread from his meal, dropped down on the floor for Truffles, whistling to get the pigs attention.

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