GM Giuseppe |
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DISCLAIMER: This is not a PFS game and as such won’t give PFS credits.
“As every Neth 4th, the small town of Kassen celebrates its founding ceremony, commemorating the day in which, in the year 4535, beloved founder Ekat Kassen and his men gave their life in a successful attempt to protect the town Kassen had established 10 years before from the cruel bandit Asar and his mercenaries. Kassen and his men managed to defeat Asar’s forces, but Kassen himself died 2 days later. The townsfolk buried Kassen in the ancient crypt where the final confrontation against Asar had taken place. They placed an eternal flame above Kassen’s final resting place, so that all who visited it might find warmth in the wilderness.
“Every autumn, a few of the townsfolk make a pilgrimage to the crypt to light a lantern from the flame and bring it back to town, where it is preserved all winter, a symbol of the town’s resilience. Most years, the town mayor and a group of dignitaries perform this quest. Every few years, however, a handful of younger townsfolk are given the honor of lighting the lantern. Many see this as a passage into adulthood, a taste of adventure before settling down to work and marriage.
“This year, rumors have been heard that a group of younger townsfolk will be tasked to perform the annual ceremony in honor of Ekat Kassen, traveling to the Crypt of the Everflame and lighting the lantern before coming back in town as adults.
Hello everyone, and welcome to this recruitment thread for the Price of Immortality campaign arc. This campaign arc features three separate modules, namely Crypt of the Everflame, Masks of the Living God and City of Golden Death. My aim is to run all of these adventures one after the other, but to start small for now I simply commit to closing the Crypt of the Everflame module in a reasonable amount of time. If we’ll be having fun and we manage to create a solid and fun group to play with, we’ll be likely running also the remaining two modules.
Before anything else, there’s one thing I’d like to make clear: I need all the applicants to be able to commit to at least 2-3 post per day. While this posting rate is quite fast compared to other PbP games run here on these boards, I firmly believe in what Painlord named the “Prime PbP GM Commandment” in his amazing guide to PbP GMing: “Don't set out to start a PbP. *SET OUT TO CLOSE A PBP*”, which can also be expressed with: “Finish what you start”. Well, my primary aim is to close at least the Crypt of the Everflame module, and in order to achieve this goal I’m convinced that a fast-paced game can really prove helpful. I mean, we all know life sometimes just happens: people sometimes have to leave campaigns even against their will. But if it the game itself lasts less time, the chance for life to happen in the meantime is much less. The faster we go, the sooner we end; more frequently we post, less are the chance of real life getting in our way. So, please, if you already know or if you fear you won’t be able to post at least 2-3 times/day (but ideally a lot more) just do not apply for this recruitment.
Something about me: My name is Giuseppe Capriati, and I’m a Pathfinder translator for my country, Italy. I’ve played Pathfinder for almost 4 years now, and in my Face-to-Face games I’ve been able to successfully complete four Adventure Paths as a GM (Council of Thieves, Serpen’t Skull (x2) and Carrion Crown). I’m currently GMing a Skulls and Shackles Adventure Path in person and a Serpent’s Skull Adventure Path here on Paizo boards. I’m starting this recruitment because I want to test my skills in a shorter and faster-paced adventure than the AP I’m currently running; I’m also doing this because I want to give new PbP players a chance to get in a game which can be preparatory for players hoping to join the best games on these boards (which usually involve high posting rate). New players are the lifeblood of our game, and I firmly believe is our duty to work in order to get them involved and transform them into good PbP players. Of course, I’m willing to commit to your same posting rate, even higher if needed, and I expect my players to do the same.
I expect my players to be familiar with Pathfinder Campaign Setting. If you are not, please see the references listed below.
Crypt of the Everflame is set in Nirmathas, a struggling country that only recently freed itself from the grasp of the imperialistic nation of Molthune, which continues to try to reclaim it. The people of Nirmathas are proud of their freedom, liberty, and self-sufficiency. They are continually on guard for incursions by their southern border. For more information about Nirmathas, see The Inner Sea World Guide 138-139 (even if this book isn’t legal in terms of character’s options, its strongly recommended for the setting lore it provides). If you don’t own this book, you can take a brief overlook of Nirmathas on this wiki.
Crypt of the Everflame starts in the Nirmathan town of Kassen. As I’ll further explain below, all of the PCs are going to be from Kassen (or they need to have spent at least 3 or more years in town). As a consequence, I think that a brief overview of the town of Kassen can come in handy. All the applicants should read the following entry to develop a character who’s tightly tied to Kassen. Players are strongly encouraged to forge links between their characters, the town of Kassen and the people living in it.
Kassen is a small town ruled by Mayor Uptal, a fair, but mildly grim man. While most of the “townsfolk” actually live in small homes or camps in the woods and fields surrounding Kassen proper, the town is quite tightknit. As with most of the folk in Nirmathas, they stand up for one another and refuse to be pushed around.
Kassen have a population of about 750 souls. The vast majority of Kassen’s townsfolk are humans (93%), with halflings, half-orcs, half-elves and elves splitting the remaining 7% among them.
Places in Kassen
The following are some of the more important buildings in Kassen. If the PCs grew up in this town, they should have a home, located somewhere near the town’s edge.
- Arnama’s Home: This is the home of Arnama Lastrid, one of the few rangers who lives in Kassen. Mayor Uptal, who trusts the ranger’s instincts implicitly, frequently calls Arnama to the town council to report and advise.
- Braggar’s Shop: This is the workshop and home of Braggar Ironhame, a dwarven blacksmith. Braggar’s works exceed those of Renet’s Steel, but he works much slower and charges a higher price. Braggar can forge nearly any masterwork metal tool, weapon, or armor.
- Greathall: Typically used for meetings, weddings, and other celebrations, the Greathall is a tall, three-story wooden structure near the center of town. Inside is one grand space with a number of smaller rooms on each floor. The celebration for the successful heroes occurs here upon their return.
- Holgast’s Tower: Holgast’s slightly crooked tower stands at the edge of town.
- Ilimara’s Home: This is the home of Ilimara Oniri, the mysterious woman from Qadira.
- Mayor Uptal’s Home: This modest building along the water is the home of Mayor Uptal, who can frequently be found in the Greathall holding meetings or on his small boat in the river, fishing.
- Renet’s Steel: While Renet’s shop services much of the town’s needs when it comes to metalworks, his quality is nowhere near that of Braggar’s. Most metal items can be found here for the standard prices, but there are no masterwork items to be found at Renet’s Steel.
- Seven Silvers: Most visitors to Kassen end up at this comfortable two-story inn and tavern. Run by Trelvar Silvers, this inn features modest prices (4 sp/night), decent food (3 sp/day), and a lively taproom. Trelvar is assisted by his daughter, Asina, and the overly friendly Jimes “Short Change” Iggins, who is known for giving himself generous tips.
- Sir Dramott’s Home: This is the home of Sir Dramott, a knight from Lastwall who keeps watch on the town.
- Temple of Erastil: The only stone building in town is home to Kassen’s only temple. While the church is officially dedicated to Erastil, there are a number of faiths practiced here, including Gozreh, Gorum, Shelyn, and Torag. Father Prasst is the only priest, but most in town refer to him as the “High Priest.”
- Town Watch Headquarters: Guard Captain Wisslo spends most of his time in this building or patrolling the streets of Kassen. While the guardsmen are mostly relaxed in their duties, they become an effective force if there is trouble in town.
- Vargidan Estate: This is the home of the eccentric Vargidan family, and has a bit of a spooky reputation in town.
- Woodcutter’s Guildhall: Kassen’s primary export is lumber taken from the surrounding Fangwood. While many of these logs are taken right down the Tourondel River to Lake Encarthan, the woodcutters require that all logs bear the stamp of the guildhall, which of course requires a small fee. As a result, the woodcutter’s guild is one of the more powerful groups in town, under the firm hand of the ever-opportunistic Colbin Vetnar.
People of Kassen
The following list of individuals and families encompasses many of the notable people who live in Kassen. This list also includes an appropriate mentor or teacher for each of the 11 base classes. Starting characters are encouraged to have a connection to one of these individuals.
- Cygar Anravis (CN male human rogue/fighter): The folk of Kassen are naturally wary of outsiders, and Cygar does nothing to allay their fears. He dresses in dark colors and keeps to himself, having rented a room in the Seven Silvers for the past 4 months. He can sometimes be seen wandering around town, watching the townsfolk, but otherwise he keeps mostly to his room and the taproom at the Silvers.
- Sir Dramott (LG male human paladin, paladin mentor): The people of Lastwall, the militaristic nation to the north, take it as their responsibility to keep the orcs of Belkzen in check. Unfortunately, their forces are spread thin, so they rely on a number of scouts close to the border of Belkzen to keep watch. Sir Dramott is one such scout. Although he has no authority here in town, he regularly reports to his commanders in Lastwall, informing them of any orc activity. Mayor Uptal is grateful for Sir Dramott’s assistance whenever trouble is brewing, but he is concerned about a military officer from a foreign land stationed in his town. The people of Kassen respect Sir Dramott, but they would rather he go home and leave them to their own devices. As a mentor, Sir Dramott is capable and wise, if a bit harsh. Unfortunately, all of his lessons deal with service to Lastwall, and his pupils are taught to think of such service as a high honor.
- Jocyn Elmaran (CG male half-elf bard, bard mentor): Jocyn is the only real entertainer in the town, having settled here 4 years ago after a fight with orcs up near the Belkzen border left him with a crippled leg. Despite his injury, Jocyn is a capable performer, working with a variety of instruments and performance styles. He lives in one of the rooms above the Seven Silvers Tavern, where he performs nightly. Jocyn is a perfect mentor for bard characters. His loose style and relatively carefree nature make him a rather lax teacher, however, and his occasional drunken ramblings hint of a terror in his past that he refuses to speak of any other time.
- Grimscar (NE male half-orc expert/warrior): The forestry guild employs a wide variety of workers to help fell trees in the surrounding woods; some of them are far from polite and caring toward the people of Kassen. Grimscar is one such worker. This half-orc would have been fired long ago if he was not so skilled at tree cutting. When he is in town, the locals keep their distance and the militia keeps a patrol nearby. Grimscar is known for picking fights, getting drunk, and pawing at barmaids. Fortunately, he has an allergic reaction to a local vintage of whiskey (which causes him to pass out shortly after drinking it), a weakness that is often exploited by the local tavern owners.
- Holgast (N male human wizard, wizard mentor): On the eastern edge of town is a single tower, leaning slightly to the south, made of bricks and timber. This is the home of Holgast, the town’s local sage and mystic. Although Holgast is very knowledgeable, he is old and quite forgetful, meaning that the townsfolk (the mayor in particular) only consult him if the need is truly great. Holgast spends most of his days wandering about his tower, reading books, smoking his pipe, and taking naps. Once a week, he wanders into town to purchase supplies and provisions with his seemingly inexhaustible reserve of perfect golden coins, which he claims came from an immense hoard some years ago. Holgast makes for a frustrating mentor. His lessons are erratic and old fashioned. His apprentices are required to do all manner of chores for the privilege of learning from him, while he sleeps the day away and teaches very little. Those who have learned anything from him have done so by sneaking into the wizard’s spellbooks while he is napping.
- Jimes “Short Change” Iggins (CN male halfling rogue, rogue mentor): Those who frequent the Seven Silvers tavern know to count their coins before they leave the table, especially if they have been served by “Short Change,” the halfling waiter who has a propensity for giving less change than is due (although he insists the name is due to his short stature). Although Jimes is genuinely kind and helpful to all the locals, he just can’t help but end up with some of their possessions at the end of the night, be it a few coins or a loose dagger. Most of the townsfolk are quite aware of this and do not take too much offense if something goes missing. After all, they know where the missing goods went. Anyone who works with Jimes at the Seven Silvers is sure to get a host of tips and tricks from this good-natured thief, who thinks that a little petty theft is all in good fun.
- Braggar Ironhame (CN male dwarf expert/barbarian, barbarian mentor): Braggar is one of the two blacksmiths that service Kassen. This dour dwarf runs a small business on the south side of town. Although he is outpaced by his competitor (Renet’s Steel, near the town square), Braggar’s goods are of higher quality. Braggar is a surly mentor, capable of incredible fits of anger if one of his pieces is not turning out as planned. As such, he often has to spend time repairing his workshop, which only further slows down his work. Braggar’s teaching style focuses on craft and artifice, but he can also teach pupils about controlling their anger and unleashing it when the time is right.
- Guardsman Golfond Kir (LG male human warrior): Although a bit simple, Golfond Kir is a dedicated guardsman, manning the town’s only watchtower every day. When he is not on duty, he can often be found running errands around town for his elderly mother, or playing with the local children. When Kir was young, a horse kicked him in the head and knocked the sense out of him. Since then, he has been the victim of cruel pranks and japes, all of which he takes with a smile and a simple laugh. Kir can be counted on to tell the truth, regardless of whether or not doing so might land him in trouble. Kir respects Captain Wisslo to a fault and (unlike the other guards) refuses to make fun of him. The captain, in return, treats Kir like any other soldier, despite his many mistakes.
- Arnama Lastrid (NG female human ranger, ranger mentor): Nirmathas is known for its rangers, valiant woodsmen who have spent years carving out a nation and protecting it from foreign and domestic threats. Arnama is one such ranger. She is tough, quiet, and more than willing to risk her life to protect the people of Kassen and the country she has grown to love. Arnama was orphaned during the early wars with Molthune, growing up in a band of adopted parents. These rangers taught her everything she knows. When Arnama came of age, she left the band to find out where her parents came from. That trek led her to Kassen, where she has remained ever since, living in their old house just outside town. Arnama is a skilled ranger but not the best teacher. Those who have tried to learn from her find her impatient and without discipline. She does, however, excel at teaching by example, leading her charges on far-ranging patrols and hunts.
- Ilimara Oniri (LN female human monk, monk mentor): While most of the people in Kassen were born and raised within 10 miles of town, Ilimara was born in Qadira in a town with a name most of the humble folk of Kassen could not even pronounce. Not surprisingly, this beautiful and exotic woman keeps to herself. She has lived on the outskirts of town for almost 8 years now, claiming that she is trying to find peace in her heart. Ilimara has had a number of acolytes over the years, each hoping to learn the secrets of Irori that Ilimara claims to practice, but so far, all have abandoned her tutelage for a simpler road. Anyone who learns from her, however, quickly uncovers that there is a darkness hiding in Ilimara, and only those with an iron will can bear to be around it.
- Father Rantal Prasst (NG male human cleric of Erastil, cleric mentor): The small town of Kassen has only one temple and it is devoted primarily to Erastil, but Father Prasst allows those who worship other friendly gods to pray at the temple as well. While Father Prasst does not offer services in the names of these deities, there are small shrines to other gods set up in some of the alcoves, including Gozreh, Gorum, Shelyn, and Torag. Father Prasst is a kind and understanding man, but he is hard when it comes to the defense of the community. He is quite young, only 24, and many in the community do not put too much faith in his council, except in spiritual matters. He was trained as a soldier in Tamran, but he left after his first battle to become a priest, and refuses to say why.
- Asina Silvers (CG female human commoner): Asina looks almost identical to her beautiful mother, a fact that causes her father Trelvar some pain since his wife’s unfortunate passing a year ago. This young girl helps her father run the Seven Silvers inn and tavern near the center of town. Asina is only 13 years old, but she is already known as the preeminent town gossip, collecting all sorts of rumors and tales to spread to those who stop by the inn for a pint. Asina works hard and has a pleasant smile, but she is secretly worried for her father. She wants to make him proud by taking over the inn, but this gets in the way of her true dream to move to the city (Tamran) and make a life for herself there.
- Trelvar Silvers (NG male human commoner): Trelvar, along with his daughter, Asina, run the only tavern and inn located in Kassen, the Seven Silvers. Trelvar is middleaged and inherited the bar from his father over 10 years ago. Although Trelvar is a good man and honest with his customers (even if Jimes is not), he has fallen into a deep depression over the past year. His wife died giving birth to his only son, and the son did not last the winter. As a result, Trelvar is left without a wife or heir. While Asina has tried to brighten his mood and insists that she will take over the bar, Trelvar is unsure and would be just as likely to give the place over to a respectable employee after seeing to it that Asina was properly married. It seems like the only time Trelvar seems to cheer up is when a wealthy or affluent stranger rolls into town.
- Olmira Treesong (N female human druid, druid mentor): Druids are not an uncommon sight in Nirmathas, but Olmira draws stares even in the streets of Kassen. This middle-aged woman only wears clothing made from natural materials (such as bark, leaves, and grass) and is always accompanied by a host of small woodland creatures. She talks to herself and her retinue constantly, having full conversations despite the fact that no one seems to answer her. Over the years, Olmira has had a number of apprentices who have gone on to become successful druids. Those who learn from her are sent on all manner of esoteric missions, such as listening to the wind for a week, planting new seeds throughout town, and mimicking local animals.
- Mayor Jonark Uptal (NG male human aristocrat): Every 4 years the town of Kassen holds an election to decide the next mayor, a position that Uptal has held for over 11 years. With another election coming up in just a few months, Uptal wants to ensure that this year’s Quest for the Everflame happens without a problem. Mayor Uptal is a fair man when it comes to his office, settling land disputes and other quibbles among the townsfolk on a regular basis. When it comes to outsiders, he is a bit more cautious, siding with the locals unless faced with irrefutable evidence.
- Moltus Vargidan (?, sorcerer mentor): If you ask a dozen folk in Kassen who the strangest family in town is, you would get the same answer 12 times: the Vargidans. This old family has a touch of magic in its blood, with each one of the children showing some sorcerous talent. Where this magic comes from is a mystery, and the family refuses to speak of such things in mixed company. Lording over the family is the wealthy and eccentric patriarch, Moltus Vargidan. This aging man has white hair that trails down to his knees, and he can often be found wandering the halls of the estate, muttering to himself. Living with him are almost a dozen children (each from a different wife) and a pair of lifelong servants. Sorcerers who come from this house have been forced to learn things for themselves, because the old man shares few of his secrets, and many of the children are starting to believe that his grip on reality is slowly slipping.
- Colbin Vetnar (LN male human expert/rogue): As the guildmaster for the woodcutter’s guild, Colbin Vetnar holds a fair amount of power in the city of Kassen, second only to Mayor Uptal. Unfortunately, where the mayor uses his power to help the people of Kassen, Colbin is only interested in lining his own pockets. Colbin makes it a habit to follow the rules to the letter, but where there is any uncertainty, Colbin makes sure that the interpretation favors himself and the woodcutter’s guild. When the weapon makers in town protested about the guild making wooden weapons, Colbin relented, but only if the weapon makers agreed to purchase any wooden components from the guild (leading many in the town to make jokes about the quality of “Colbin’s arrows” and “Colbin’s staves”).
- Guard Captain Gregor Wisslo (LG male human fighter, fighter mentor): The town of Kassen has never truly known the horrors of the war with Molthune, but occasional raiding parties from Belkzen do sometimes pose a threat. As such, the town has been watched over for many years by Wisslo, who serves as guard captain. Gregor is a staunch man who believes in schedules and regiment over ingenuity and spontaneity, much to the chagrin of the town’s residents. As an aging fighter, Gregor is a qualified teacher, but his lessons are rigid and his discipline harsh. The guards he has trained are quite skilled, but they secretly detest the old man, calling him names behind his back (Captain Is-Slow is the current favorite).
Before you start creating your character, please take note of the following suggestions.
First of all, you may want to start from reading instead of writing. As a GM, I value player’s knowledge and tend to prize those players who are able to come up with interesting character ideas which are tied to the campaign setting and to the adventure I’m going to run. This means that if you manage to acquire a good knowledge of the setting of this adventure, your PCs is likely to reflect that, implying a higher chance of being recruited for you. Take your time, read and think about what you’ve read before getting to work on character creation.
Read the guides - If you’re a PbP beginner or you just haven’t done it yet, please read the excellent guide written by Doomed Hero about PbP gaming: DH's Guide to Play by Post gaming. If you’ve already read this guide, there’s another excellent guide expanding DH’s guide you might want to read: Painlord's Advanced Play by Post Play. Even if you feel you already know a lot about PbP, these guides are going to help you out for sure if you haven't read them yet, no matter how much good you are at PbP. There's always something to be learned, and these guides are the perfect mentors for any PbP player.
I plan to run this game in my format of choice, Pathfinder Vintage (click on the link if you wish to find out more about this format). In short, Pathfinder Vintage is a format in which legal sources are limited to the materials which were released when the adventure was published. In our case, Crypt of the Everflame was the very first Pathfinder Module released after Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook came out, so this means that our campaign will be a Core only game*. You can use only Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook for character creation, and turn to other sourcebooks only as a source of lore about the setting and about anything else you might need**. This should also help new PbP players to focus more on RP than on their builds.
* If you’ve read my guide to Pathfinder Vintage, you might want to know that this campaign will be using the standard variant (so no 3.5 materials allowed).
** If we manage to close the first module in a reasonable amount of time, I will consider to allow the use of additional material which had been published when the subsequent Price of Immortality’s modules were released.
Alright, now that we I’ve brought these aspects to your attention, we can delve into character creation specifics.
- Starting level – 1st
- Starting wealth – Average starting wealth for your class.
- Ability scores – 20 point buy.
- Ability scores restriction – No ability score below 8.
- Hit point generation system – Maximized hp at 1st level, then half your HD +1 (e.g., 1d6=3+1; 1d8=4+1; 1d10=5+1; 1d12=6+1).
- Alignment restrictions – Non-evil characters only. Good alignment recommended but not necessary.
- Traits – No traits (at least for now).
- Legal sources – Pathfinder Core Rulebook only (see Pathfinder Vintage Standard).
- Race restrictions – Core races only.
- Class restrictions – Core classes only.
- Origin – All characters must be from Kassen (see above) or must have spent at least 3 years in town.
- Age – All characters must have an age compatible with participating in a coming-of-age ceremony, depending on their races.
- Mentor – Each character will have a mentor depending on his class. Be sure to read Kassen overview presented above in order to properly determine your character’s mentor.
- Lifestyle – Crypt of the Everflame supposes that your characters are neither heroes nor adventurers when the campaign begins. Please try to reflect this in your background.
I need your submission to include what follows:
- Complete character sheet
- Background
- Personality
- Appearance
Please do create an alias for your submission. After you have created your alias, please make sure to include his vital statistics under your forum name. If you don’t know how to do it, check my profile.
- Submission Format – Please use this format when introducing your character: this helps me and other players to discern your submission from you roleplaying post.
- Read my profile page – In my profile page a number of important things involving my games are detailed, such as what I expect from my players, how to roll dice in my games, how to add vital stats to your characters, how to format your posts, and so on.
- RAW vs RAI – I tend to follow RAW as much as I can, unless rules interfere with the story; if it does, I’m likely to change that rule once and for all.
- Like other applications – Please like your fellow applicants’ submissions by hitting the add to favorites button near the character you like. Of course, this in non-binding at all for me: it’s not a voting system in which the most voted characters get recruited automatically, but it tells me who you would like to play with, which is one of the main criteria for my choice.
- Roleplay! – If you think you can benefit from doing a bit of roleplay (especially if you’re a new PbP player and you want to show me your skills) or you just want to practice a bit in the meantime, feel free to use this thread to roleplay with other applicants. This is not compulsory: roleplay only if you want to. I could easily recruit a player who hasn’t roleplayed here in the recruitment thread if I think his submission is good enough and I like that player’s posting style and rate. See my next post for further details.
- First timers (Part I) – One of the primary aims leading me to start this recruitment is to give new PbP players a chance to join a consistent game. As a consequence, I plan on recruiting at least 2 PbP first timers. This doesn’t mean I won’t be recruiting experienced players (they are going to be necessary to give the new players an example to emulate), nor that I’m going to recruit newbies if there aren’t good submissions on their part. Take note of this simple observation: I can easily assess the value of an experienced PbP player by reading its previous posts, checking if he has been consistent in the game he played and judging if I like his posting style or not; I can’t do the same with newbie players. You have to strike me with something good to impress me. It’s like when you have a job interview and you have no curriculum: I need you to work hard to prove me that you’re worth the risk I’m taking recruiting you. So, as a tip, heavily invest in your character: make sure it is a great character with a correct character sheet, has a good story, an amazing personality and a well-detailed appearance. This will be your main reference. Then roleplay him/her in this thread if you wish, to show me your posting style, your writing skills and how you interact with others.
- First timers (Part II) – I know this recruitment post could prove a little bit overwhelming for you. But trust me, it was designed to be this way. If a player isn’t able to read this post and conform to it, probably he won’t be able to follow my instruction when we get into play. So following this recruitment is for all intents and purposes your first trial. Show me that you can follow my instructions. Show me that you will be a focused player.
- Party assortment – I’ll try to recruit the best players, not the characters with the best builds. That said, Crypt of the Everflame is very focused on a traditional party composition (arcane caster, divine caster, skill monkey, tank/damage dealer) and I will try to recruit a balanced party in order to let you enjoy the game. This doesn’t mean I will be recruiting a wizard, a cleric, a rogue and a fighter at all. As I said, I believe first of all we need people who can have fun together. Builds and character’s option come after, even though they still retain their importance.
- How many recruits? – I’ll be recruiting a party composed of 4 members, if there are enough good submissions of course.
- Mapping tools – We’ll be using Roll20 for combat encounters. I’m pretty good at it, or so my players have told me. As a consequence, I expect you to have a Roll20 account or to create one after you’ve been recruited. If you don’t know how to do it, I will be there to help you to create your own account and teach you how Roll20 works.
- Campaign Gallery – I’ll be using Pinterest to show you some pictures which can help you to immerse in the campaign. You’re expected to be able to access the gallery. If you don’t know how to do it, I will be there to help you out.
- Handouts and reference documents – I’ll be using Googledocs to provide you with additional reference documents. You’re expected to be able to access these documents. If you don’t know how to do it, I will be there to help you out.
This recruitment is open and will remain opened for 10 days. I will close recruitment on November 19th. Please make sure your submission is complete by that date.
I will try to keep an updated list of applicants, providing you with a link to it in the Campaign Info Tab to access the list and check if your submission is regularly included.
I plan to close Crypt of the Everflame in a 3 to 6 months period, depending on how fast we go.
If you have any question, please ask directly to me in this thread using the ooc code.

GM Giuseppe |

Date – Lamashan 28th 4710 AR
Time – Evening
It has been a hard day’s work for you. Even if you don’t have an actual profession, you have still spent your day busy doing something important. And, as a consequence, you have come to the Seven Silvers Tavern to enjoy some rest: you’re looking forward to eat or drink something, maybe meet some friends and perhaps even to glimpse at the tavern owner’s beautiful daughter, Asina Silvers. You’re a week away from the annual Quest for the Everflame, and you perfectly know that Mayor Uptal has recently announced that this year’s Quest is going to be undertaken by some younger townfolks. The anticipation is palpable, especially because you are among those who are of the right age to be selected for the ceremony. The town of Kassen has been unusually quiet in the last few days, as many of the youth have been silently praying to be chosen for the exciting adventure that would mark their coming-of-age, avoiding troubles to show their fellow villagers they’re worth the honor to perform that prestigious task.
You have just made your way into the Seven Silvers. The tavern looks quiet and calm. You immediately spot Trelvar Silvers, his eyes staring into the void and with a pensive expression painted upon his face. He’s behind the bar as usual, and his hands slowly clean an already shiny mug. Jimes “Short Change” Iggins smiles at you upon your arrival and happily points you toward a table.
Alright folks, this is your roleplay hook. Feel free to post whenever you want and try to interact with each other. I will be sporadically showing up to give you some additional roleplaying hooks, but don’t wait for my answer before going on. Always try to push, to make things happen. Also, try to give other players some interesting roleplaying hooks, encouraging them to answer you or to react to something your character says/do.
Try not to roll dice, that is unnecessary. All I really need is you to roleplay. We are going to have a lot of time to roll dice and fight foes, make Perception checks and the like. Just enjoy some free, friendly roleplay.

Calmlight |

Hey there stranger! Stopping by to dot, post interest, and see if any other potentially interested people would be interested in collaborating with me to make a pair of siblings, possibly twins. Just something I personally like roleplaying and thought might fit in with the close-knit feeling of the game.

Edward Sobel |

is there any freedom in our backstories to include some additions to the town, or even additional people?
I have an idea but the vision I have does not really work well with of the current businesses.
my idea is that my father owns a small (I mean literally a small) tavern in town and I work there as a family business
we are a family of Halflings that moved to Kassen from the river kingdoms several years ago.
my character would have been born and raised in Kassen but my parents are retired adventurers. actually I picture my father as a retired pathfinder Chronicler.

GM Giuseppe |

is there any freedom in our backstories to include some additions to the town, or even additional people?
I have an idea but the vision I have does not really work well with of the current businesses.
my idea is that my father owns a small (I mean literally a small) tavern in town and I work there as a family business
we are a family of Halflings that moved to Kassen from the river kingdoms several years ago.
my character would have been born and raised in Kassen but my parents are retired adventurers. actually I picture my father as a retired pathfinder Chronicler.
You can certainly include some additions to Kassen's places and people. In your case, however, it's a particularly difficult adjustment to implement, especially because the Seven Silvers being the only tavern in Kassen is very important.
I would suggest you to change the type of business owned by your father into something different from a tavern. Except for this, I'm fine with your father being a retired adventurer and pathfinder Chronicler and I really like the idea. Maybe you can even try to build some sort of background relationship with Jimes "Short Change" Iggins, as you share the same race. You could even suppose to have some sort of family tie with him.

![]() |

Interested and starting to create a character. I have a background sort of figured out and just wanted to run it past you before I kept on building.
Yarroth the Younger was found wandering the forest by his adoptive father, Yarroth the hunter. The boy was about 3 or 4 years old when Yarroth found him. Not a stitch of clothing on him, but well fed and no signs of hardship marred the boy. He was taken to the town where the local priest kept him for a time, but it was by Yarroth's own decision that he came to live with the lone hunter. At first it was a very rocky relationship. Yarroth the hunter had been a bachelor all these years, and now having a son was something that would take time to grow accustom to. When he suddenly became the object of interest to almost every widow and single woman in town, well then he could see the young lads worth. He started training the boy in the ways of hunting, more to keep him from underfoot than anything else. As the seasons passed, Yarroth the Hunter's feelings for this half breed boy grew, until finally he went to the town and had the young boy declared his son and heir.
Now several years later, Yarroth the hunter has passed on, and his son, Yarroth the Younger is looking to make his own way in this uncertain world.

GM Giuseppe |

Interested and starting to create a character. I have a background sort of figured out and just wanted to run it past you before I kept on building.
Thanks** spoiler omitted **
The concept is fine, but I fear it's too general for my personal tastes. Maybe you can link your story to Kassen and its inhabitans?

Illya-Nym |

To be clear before I tell you my story, I hate my father but using his name is the only way I can survive. Archae-Nym, is his name he's a powerful and old Shadow mage. Whatever happened in his past that drove him insane is none of my business, all i really know is it made him become obsessed with creating life.
I am experiment number 9, originally the goal of the experiment was to test the limits of what genetic combinations are safe and stable. I was created in a laboratory, using the blood of a dragon, the body of some noble born human thing, all bound together using his magic. I don't know what i am.
At first everything was bearable, he was mostly happy that I was even alive, he would lock himself away in his laboratory for hours on end leaving his small kingdom unattended. Of course i would tend to it. Then my body began breaking down, his magic only slowed the process temporarily.
Black inky blotches began appearing, i never felt weak or like anything was remotely wrong but if his reaction was anything to go by my life span would not last long.
He began experimenting on me in an attempt to reverse the process, after many experiments, I left. I gathered what supplies i could without him noticing.
several of his alchemical supplies and journals from his saner days. I was always at good at magic to a degree, mine was a bit more dangerous than his..his was all illusions and shadows, I was better at attacking, freezing, shocking it came naturally.
I left, i had no clue where i was going so i just wandered as far as i could...Until i arrived at a small town of Kassen, with no where to go i chose to stay here. Rumors spread, i was weird, odd looking. They called this man Moltus Vargidan and his family, weird as well not that i cared but i tried to at least pay attention to the locals, that family stood out from the others. That was 3 years ago...and still nothing to show for it, except maybe knowing everyone in town. I kept to myself, practicing magic it was the only thing i had left. I waited tables around the tavern to pay for what i need: room, food, ect.
Illya often acts the leader, she is confident sometimes to the point of arrogance. She can be both kind and cold depending on the situation. She has very little qualms with killing , viewing killing humanoids as no different than killing monsters. when it comes to opponents she is clearly stronger than she will often play around with them. She views her actions as just, and knows right from wrong saving her more sadistic tendencies for people very clearly viewed as enemies. Being the daughter of a powerful and old wizard she spent much time growing up studying magic and other subjects, unlike her father she is adept at manipulation. She is True Neutral, despite knowing right from wrong and mostly choosing right, she has a few less than kind moments especially when directed at enemies that balance this out.
Illya or Illia if you prefer can be spelled either way, last name Nym. Whitish Grey hair, tiny horns underneath the hair possibly from the dragon blood. Takes on a odd appearance, with pale skin due to the mixtures of blood in her. Her eye's are violet colored, like her father who changed her to resemble some family appearance. Patches of pale grayish blackness, like ink stains on her skin cover her arms, she keeps them covered this is from her body breaking down. She is tall roughly 5'11 weighing around 110 pounds.
This is what i got for a character, sorry if it's a bit long I tend to ramble. the class will probably be draconic blooded sorcerer, most likely half elf.

Illya-Nym |

Illya-Nym wrote:Clockmaker sounds very gnomish actually, always pictured them working with gears and suchthat's my thought as well.
well if my father is a Pathfinder Chronicler... perhaps a book seller
a small book shop might be in order.
one of the qualifications for a chronicler is selling a book worth 50 gps or something i think so it would make sense

GM Giuseppe |

Illya-Nym wrote:Clockmaker sounds very gnomish actually, always pictured them working with gears and suchthat's my thought as well.
well if my father is a Pathfinder Chronicler... perhaps a book seller
a small book shop might be in order.
Both clockmaker and book seller are fine choices.

Illya-Nym |

Baronsquee |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hi there! I'm definitely interested!
Hrolf Kuldarr
Growing up in a predominantly human town wasn't really an issue for young Hrolf. He found work loading and unloading the wagons of cargo that come through town, scraping together enough to support himself, his younger brother and his injured father. Not that Old Man Hringurr couldn't have worked if he'd wanted to, but he was too busy feeling sorry for himself.
Back in the mists of time, longer ago than a whole human lifetime, Hringurr had been a proud member of the Carbuncle Battalion, holding the deep passages of his clan's mines from the incursions of greenskins that occasionally boiled forth from the ground. It was in the largest of these battles, which the dwarves rightfully remember as a minor war in its own right, that the Carbuncle Battalion broke and the line collapsed. Hringurr's leg was injured in the rout and he left the clan's mines, never to return.
Presumably in that time he met a woman who took him in and bore his children but if she's dead or simply left, father never speaks of her. So it's up to Hrolf to put food on the table.
Character concept is a young dwarf who is trying to atone for the sins of his father. The father broke ranks and ran from a major battle one hundred years ago, and has slowly drunk himself to death. The son, now just of young adult age, has sworn that he will 'hold the line' no matter what, in whatever aspect of his life, and this has kind of become a stubborn streak, even for a dwarf. It's this subbornness that has seen him stoically provide for the family.
I'm thinking tower shield and armoured dwarf-of-the-line fighter. Not big on retreating, obviously, or on countermanding the orders of a leader unless the leader has been provably incompetent or malicious, in which case he'll point-blank refuse to follow him or her another step.

GM Giuseppe |

And here is the link to my myth-weavers sheet , everything should be all set , let me know if something is wrong or off
My impression is that your character is too general to fit into the adventure. She doesn't have any link with Kassen or Kassen's townsfolk at all. Your sheet should be fine, even though should you be selected I would ask you to put it in your profile in the traditional layout from the Bestiary.

Baronsquee |

Date – Lamashan 28th 4710 AR
Time – Evening
=======================Jimes “Short Change” Iggins smiles at you upon your arrival and happily points you toward a table.
With a nod to Jimes and a vague gesture which the bartender recognises to mean 'I'll take a flagon of ale, as usual', Hrolf takes a seat at a large round table. It's been a hard day loading a merchant's wagons with lumber but Hrolf's not about to show the aches in his bones.
When the ale arrives he takes long, languid gulps, savouring every foamy mouthful. He looks around the tavern to see if any of his friends are in this evening.

Illya-Nym |

alrighty then ill try and rework it to fit better, i'll try and connect her better with the townsfolk.
do you have any suggestions for who to connect with? should help me give a better direction to go with
the profile format i just havent gotten to yet but i have a template for it so it wont take to long
Edit: i actually have an idea now, also what is the age in general you think our character should be ? adult or about to turn adult?

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I'm interested. May I ask why you do not wish for the characters to have traits? I've found that they can do a wonderful job of enriching characters both from a roleplaying and mechanical point of view (mechanically, getting a skill as a class skill lets the characters at least slightly break out of their class stereotypes).
If you're worried about power creep, restricting things to just the list in the paizo blog (the list useable in the PFS Core Campaign) should be sufficient.

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Here is a bit of a different background that I hope is fuller. I will expand on this, if you think it meets your criteria for the game.
Gideon was orphaned after a raid by Molthune soldiers on his small coastal village. The small settlement was hardly started before the Molthune army arrived and burned it to the ground. The young boy survived by hiding in a badger’s den located just outside of the thorp.
Discovered by rangers who were drawn by the smoke and soldiers, the boy was rescued and taken to their camp deep in the forest. For several weeks he was shunted from one camp to another, until it was finally decided the youth should be sent to grow up somewhere safe. It was at this time that one of the rangers remembered a member of his unit that had settled down in the town of Kassen: Arnama Lastrid.
Travelling with the boy, the unit showed up on Arnama’s doorstep. While initially happy to see her comrades-in-arms, she became suspicious when they introduced the boy. Worded in such a way that she could not refuse, Gideon was left in the none-too-tender care of the rough ranger.
The going was difficult for both Arnama and Gideon. Arnama had also grown up as an orphan, but as a young woman knew only how to train forest scouts and fighters. Knowing no other way, she raised Gideon as a ranger, teaching him of the ways of the woods and guerilla warfare. When he was 16 years old, she sent him to her old unit for a summer of border patrol. For the next 3 summers he continued to join the border patrol.
Now 19 years old, Gideon is preparing to join the Nirmathi military.

GM Giuseppe |

I'm interested. May I ask why you do not wish for the characters to have traits? I've found that they can do a wonderful job of enriching characters both from a roleplaying and mechanical point of view (mechanically, getting a skill as a class skill lets the characters at least slightly break out of their class stereotypes).
If you're worried about power creep, restricting things to just the list in the paizo blog (the list useable in the PFS Core Campaign) should be sufficient.
Because I wnat to keep things as simple as possible. I'm not worried about power creep neither. I have to admit that traits are a great aid in sketching out a character and add a bit of mechanical flavor to a PC, so I'll think about the chance to allow you to select some traits.

Baronsquee |

Background, additional:
Braggar Ironhame lived in Kassan before Hringurr Kuldarr arrived. Shortly after, it became clear that Braggar considered the newcomer to be an insult to the name of dwarfhood. Not so much for his past dishnours (although they did little to impress Ironhame) but mostly for his self-pity and unwillingness to pull himself up by his bootstraps and get on with his life.
Ironhame's disdain has carried over to the children to a certain degree, although he appreciates young Hrolf trying to single-handedly support his family. While there is little in the way of social contact between the two (they even communicate in common rather than dwarven whenever Hrolf comes into Braggar's Shop), Braggar has stopped treating the youngster with the contempt earned by his father.

GM Giuseppe |

Link to my character sheet
Everything should be fine with your submission. Please try to put together an alias containing your character's sheet, background, personality and appearance.

Illya-Nym |

Okay so my basic plan for a build should it get that far is to do good old fashion Eldritch knight build. I've reworked her background to fall more in line with Kassan an fit her in better. Let me know what you think.
I've lived most of my life as experiment number 9, of the mad Shadow mage Archae Nym. He wished to create the ultimate life form. From scouring his old journals I learned of the many bloods and magics he used in creating me.
I spent much of my child hood under his tutelage, that is when he wasn't gone on one of his trips. WE lived in a tower on the outskirts of a town named Kassan, Dad always told me never to leave the tower there were other mages around they were not to be trusted.
It was not long before we both noticed my body deteriorating, I learned to hide the black inky blotches creeping up my arms. Archae was angry and frustrated, those were the years he locked himself in his laboratory, I snuck in to see what was going on and read one of the journals on his desk.
Experiment number 9 is a failure, the vessel lacks stability. The body will be dissected when the deterioration reaches its final form.
that was the only part I read before dashing out of the tower. It was cold outside and snowing, I ran for the town through the storm with what little I could carry with me: a knife, some of Archae's journals on my creation, and a small purse of gold. I reached the town tired and cold, I collapsed.
I woke up, to my surprise in a bed staring back at a staunch aging man smiling back at me. I came to know him as Gregor. He took me in and I told him of Archae's tower, of everything that happened. I learned he was the the guard captain of the town, he was strict but nice to me. He eventually began putting me through training, to make me more able to keep myself safe should my dad ever try and get me. He wasn't a fan of my magic, but I was good at it. I could freeze things, somethings use magic to grow claws. I liked it... the magic, it made me feel strong so I kept practicing. the magic in me was a gift, it made me unique.

GM Giuseppe |

Please make sure to properly reading my first post before applying. I can see many of your submissions are lacking in fields I explicitly mentioned as essential. I cannot review every character concept being proposed, so be sure to read my recruitment post entirely. I won't inform you if your submission is lacking something important: as I said in the first post, being able to properly read my recruitment post is your first trial.

Twigs |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Dot! An active game with a bit of meat to it (i.e. not a PFS scenario) and a forseable end in sight is too good a thing to pass up. As I said in your last thread, I'm a pbp vet and would happily cede out for a new player.
Dotting for now, want to answer a polished recruitment post with a polished application.

Merephel Angorat |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Merephel Angorat
I would like to present Merephel Angorat. I will continue to add to her backstory in the next couple of days, but other than a couple of items, she is about ready.
She is a follower of Shelyn. She is a young priestess, called to Shelyn at a young age, and is currently on track to be the town's first official priestess of Shelyn.
She is sort of the ultimate team player, with lots of powers that affect her allies in positive ways. Some buff spells, some healing, some social abilities. I have more backstory I'm working on; I'd love any input. I thought it might be fun, since we are dealing with “Classic” Pathfinder, to have her backstory be a sort of classic PC backstory.
A little about me as a player: I’ve been in play-by-post games off and on for years. I’ve run a few, including one by Doomed Hero, who I saw you mention earlier (He’s a very different GM for F2F games, let me tell you!). I love the idea of helping a few people new to PbP; that is a great way to pay it forward, so to speak. As for posting, I can do 2-3 a day on the weekends, but since I can (and do) get on the Paizo website at work, can basically post as much as needed Monday-Friday. So I made a talkative character to capitalize on that.
I would like to petition the Love Subdomain from the Advanced Player’s Guide; as it really helps bring the Shelyn element to the character. I’m less concerned with the power; it just fits nicely with the theme I’ve developed from the two chosen domains. That’s the only non-core thing I have on the sheet though, not to worry. Not a dealbreaker by any means; it just helps expand her a little. Will that work?
Character Sheet:
HP: 9
AC: 16
Touch: 11
Flat-Footed: 15
Initiative: +1
Speed: 20 ft
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Melee: +0
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +0
Combat Maneuver Defense: 11
Fort: +3
Ref: +1
Will: +6
Diplomacy: +6 = 1 Rank, +3 Class Bonus, +2 Charisma
Knowledge: (Religion): +4 = 1 Rank, +3 Class Bonus
Sense Motive: +8 = 1 Rank, +3 Class Bonus, +4 Wis
Spellcraft: +4 = 1 Rank, +3 Class Bonus
Selective Channeling
Turn Undead
Class Features:
Charm Domain, Love Subdomain:
As an immediate action, you can attempt to thwart a melee or ranged attack that targets you. This ability functions as sanctuary, but only against one individual attack. You must use the ability after the attack is declared but before the roll is made. The creature attacking you receives a Will save to negate this effect. If a creature has more than one attack, this ability only affects one of the attacks. You can use the ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Luck Domain:
You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Channel Energy:
Racial Traits:
Extra Feat at 1st Level
Extra Skill Point per Level
Favored Class Option:
Extra Skill Point
Spells Prepared
Orisons: Light, Enhanced Diplomacy, Stabilize
1st Level: Dancing Lantern, Shield of Faith, Tap Inner Beauty
Domain Spells Prepared
1st Level: Charm Person
Scale Mail
Heavy Wooden Shield
Adventuring Gear:
Currency Carried:
Currency Expenditure:
-50 GP to Scale Mail
-7 GP to Heavy Wooden Shield
-8 GP to Glaive
-1 GP to Shortspear
Merephel was born in Kassen, to a pair of successful dairy farmers. From an early age had most of the local populace wrapped around her little finger. An adorable tyrant; she ran the schoolhouse with an iron will. She often pitted the children against one another for her favor. The boys blossomed into an early puberty under her stern gaze, and many a girl learned betrayal at the hands of a friend, all to get Merephel’s attention.
This continued until the year she turned 13.
In her 13th year, she started getting the attention of older men. They began treating her differently, and while many were still willing to do what she wanted, even for just a smile, some men became much more aggressive and mean. She didn’t understand why this was happening. It came to a head, one dark spring evening, when a man she didn’t recognize attacked her on her way home. He pulled her off the road, into a grove of trees beside the road. She knew what he was thinking, and what he intended to do. As he began to hit her, she called out for aid.
She was answered in the form of a passer-by, who heard her struggles. His names was Luchael, and he was a wandering minstrel. He saved the young girl in heroic fashion.
Picture this: A young, handsome man, carrying a lute, swooped in and saved the young woman from her would-be aggressor. It was a story out of a dream. Until a few hours later, when her beloved rescuer died from the poisoned dagger he’d been struck with.
Nonetheless, Merephel had learned the power of hope and love. She dedicated herself to Shelyn, and has been training to be the official wedding officiant for Kassen. She plans to help her mentor, Father Rantal Prasst, with various services, and will also divide her time helping around the family business.
She was no longer too good to milk cows, after all.
Merephel, growing up, was a prissy little girl. She thought she was going to be queen someday, and acted like the spoiled princess she thought she was. She used her charm to get what she wanted, and for the most part it worked. As she grew, she realized that her attitude wasn’t making her any friends. After the events of her Calling to the faith of Shelyn (See her background), she worked hard to become a kind, caring person. She genuinely turned herself around, and is now a wonderful young woman. She has infinite patience for children, and for adults who were like she used to be; spoiled rotten, pouty, or just plain rude. These days, her humility is showing. She believe a kind word goes a long way, and uses her not-inconsiderable powers of persuasion to get what she wants. Kind, expressive, and considerate, she believes in living life as well as one can, to the best of one’s abilities. She is a dreamer, and hopes to one day be able to write love stories to further Shelyn’s cause. She maintains a careful poise as a matter of fact.
Merephel is a cute blond, young woman who will obviously grow into a gorgeous woman. Her face still retains the roundess of youth, and her piercing blue eyes are often her most telling feature. She is tall for a human woman, just under 6 feet tall. She has a runner’s build; all lean muscle. She moves with a grace that belies her age. Upon first meeting, she is often mistaken for being a bit younger than her actual age. After people speak with her for a few minutes, however, many are left with the opposite impression.

Korech |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

GM SpiderBeard (or BarvoDelancy)
I present Korech, a half-orc ranger. The concept with this character is a quiet, intense young half-orc who speaks poor common and is resolutely uncharismatic and uncivilized. However, despite his serious demeanour he's also fickle and changeable in his beliefs. He is desperate for approval and a chance to prove himself, and wears his insecurities on his sleeve - if through his actions instead of his words.
I'm a veteran roleplayer and have been playing PbP for over two years now, and GM several a few games of my own now. I can post from work and so can keep up with a high posting rate without too much issue.
Build-wise, Korech is very much your standard ranger and is intended to be an archer but that's hardly central to his character concept.
Edit: Placed character sheet in this post.
Male Half-Orc Ranger 1
N Medium humanoid (orc, human)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision, Perception +6
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10)+2
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee greataxe (two handed) +4 ((two handed) 1d12+4/x3)
Ranged longbow +4 (1d8/x3)
Melee light mace +4 (1d6+3)
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Point Blank Shot
Skills Survival +6, Handle Animal +3, Heal +6, Perception +6, Knowledge (Nature) +4, Knowledge (Geography) +4, Intimidate +1
Languages Common, Orc
Gear greataxe; longbow; light mace; studded leather armour; explorer's outfit; 2 days trail rations; backpack; blanket; flint and steel; iron pot; 40 arrows; 50' hemp rope; waterskin;
Money 40.7 gp
Special Abilities
Favored Enemy (Undead) At 1st level, a ranger selects a creature type from the ranger favored enemies table. He gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.
Wild Empathy +0 A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.
To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.
The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check
Track +1 A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.
Darkvision 60 feet.
Intimidating +2 bonus to intimidate
Orc Blood (Ex) Half-orc count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Orc Ferocity (Ex) Once per day, when a half-orc is brought below 0 hit points, but not killed, he can fight on for one more round as if disabled. At the end of his next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, he immediately falls unconscious and begins dying.
Weapon Familiarity (Ex) Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions, and treat any weapon with the word "orc" in its name as a martial weapon.
Korech hails from the Hold of Belkzen, an abused and neglected offspring of a human captor and an orcish marauder. He was raised in violence and fear, and deserted on his first raid into human lands, escaping into the Fangwood during a raid on Lastwall, still a youth.
At the brink of starvation, Korech slowly learned how to scavenge and live off of the land. As he roamed farther over a year, he found himself in Nirmathas, and discovered the logging industry. Horrified at the destruction of the forest, he did what he could to stop them, only to find himself overwhelmed by angry loggers and beaten half to death.
He awoke a week later in a jail cell in Kassen, held until the townsfolk could figure out what to do with him. The answer came a short while later as a pack of ghouls broke into the town. Korech escaped, but rather than fleeing he fought with the townsfolk, killing a ghoul of his own. In the aftermath, it became apparent the town had captured not a fearsome orcish raider, but a scared teenager who was very brave.
Arnama Lastrid was the one who saw potential in him, and took the young half-orc under her wing. However, it has always been a difficult relationship with Korech stubborn and unteachable, and Arnama impatient and incapable of teaching. Despite this, Korech knows to learn from his betters, and from simply being with Arnama has matured into a skilled guide and hunter. They have grown close, despite bickering constantly, and Korech is fiercely protective of the woman he treats as his big sister, or adoptive mother.
Korech is stoic and intensely introverted. He prefers to observe and prepare as opposed to charging in heedlessly, and is easily frustrated with the impatient or impetuous. Despite his gruff exterior, he is deeply insecure and reacts strongly to kindness or cruelty from others. He is cautious about offending, but has no concept of manners or civilized behaviour. His common is crude and simple, having only been living with humans for the past four or so years.
Korech has very much the build of a human, lean and wiry rather than broad and bulky most orcs. His face is crude and unhandsome, with curving yellow fangs emerging from his huge underbite, and a protruding forehead with a once-broken nose. He dresses simply and practically, with no adornment and short, crudely-chopped black hair. His skin is a brownish-green, and riddled with old scars.

Iff |

Dotting for interest. I really love the amount of effort you're putting in to get a good module off the ground, and I think the restrictions on character building make perfect sense. I have an idea floating in my head for a monk. It might take some prodding to push him into one of the traditional party roles, but we'll see how he turns out when he's done. I have some time on Wednesday evening to get him ready and to get the submission up to your specs.

GM Giuseppe |

If we start with ranks in a craft skill (like alchemy), can we craft the relevant items at reduced price before the adventure starts?
Normally this won't be allowed, but it's not explicitly stated anywhere on the Core Rulebook. As a consequence, I think I would allow this, especially if this enables you to value your Craft skill and to better reflect it in game having your character carry a lot of alchemical gear.
My only restrictions is that you can craft only those items you could craft taking 10 on your Craft check. This is because it would be crazy to roll dices for things outside of the campaign temporal arc, considering that you could also fail your check and have to lose money.
So my ruling is the following: You are allowed to craft items with the Craft skill before the adventure starts, but you can only craft those items whose Crafting DC is less then or equal to 10 + your Craft modifier.

Iff |

GM, just a question that might influence my background and character. Does Ilimara Oniri have a specified age? From the description she doesn't seem that old, even though she's been in town for quite some years. Is that correct?
I'm thinking about a young adolescent who's taken up training with her, because he's secretly got quite a crush on her ( even though he'd never admit it). Classic case of puppy love: a beautiful, mysterious and dangerous woman with a shady secret. What country lout wouldn't dream of 'saving' her from her dark past?

GM Giuseppe |

GM, just a question that might influence my background and character. Does Ilimara Oniri have a specified age? From the description she doesn't seem that old, even though she's been in town for quite some years. Is that correct?
I'm thinking about a young adolescent who's taken up training with her, because he's secretly got quite a crush on her ( even though he'd never admit it). Classic case of puppy love: a beautiful, mysterious and dangerous woman with a shady secret. What country lout wouldn't dream of 'saving' her from her dark past?
I imagine her as being between 27 and 30 years old.

Edward Sobel |
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ok here is my character's story... I hope it is complete.
Goldilocks Sugar Ferrywarden (AKA Lady Sugarsnap or Goldi)
Player - edwardsobel
Race - Halfling
Class - Druid
Born to the name of Goldilocks Sugar Ferrywarden but she prefers the name Lady Sugarsnap. But her friends sometimes call her Goldi.
Her father is Fulito Fulto Ferrywarden and her mother is Lily Curry Ferrywarden. Sugarsnap was born in the forest town of Kassen, on the Tourondel River running through the great Fangwood. Kassen is named after the great Ekat Kassen, who led an expedition and cleared this town out of the stubborn wilderness almost 200 years ago.
Goldi’s father is a well-known Bard and retired Pathfinder Chronicler, her mother a renowned cook, Well as far as Goldi was concerned. Her Mother would occasionally make baked goods for The Seven Silvers Inn. But mostly she made cookies for the local children and would always give each person heading out on their annual pilgrimage to the Crypt of the EverFlame, a small bundle of homemade baked goods for the trip.
The Ferrywardens were the proud owners of “Small Adventures Book Emporium & Curio”, Fulito, being the scribe of renowned that he was, would right everything down. He did have a problem with his compass points though and sometimes that was evident in some of his writings. Who knows how many Pathfinders were led astray without that small piece of knowledge.
Goldi was always an animal lover. She would chase squirrels all over the place and has even been known to take in the neighbor's cat thinking it was a stray.
One day she was out attempting find a baby deer that she saw the day before and came upon a baby boar caught in a trap. Taking pity on it she freed him, but this upset Arnama, the local Ranger a little too much and chased poor Goldi back into the village, warning her to never come on her property again. From that day on, Goldi and Arnama never really did get along.
For the next several days she looked for that poor little boar but to no avail.
During her searching she came upon a small hut, the home Olmira Treesong. She was a druid and protector of much of the plant life in the woods about the outskirts of Kassen. Funny Sugar never found her before, but then again Olmira was a rather odd sort and Goldi wasn’t so sure that not knowing her was such a bad thing.
Thinking back, Goldi heard that Olmira would lure little boys and girls to her hut with Chocolate, and then she would eat them. But those were just stories, right? After all they wouldn’t say stories that weren’t true, right?
Just outside the front door of the hut was that little baby boar from the trap. His little leg all healed up, but he had a nasty scratch across his eye. Goldi ran up to the little boar to see if he was alright, but she barely took three steps, when Olmira came from the hut.
What are you doing here little girl? she asked hoping to shoo Goldi away.
I saw this little piggy. I got him out of a trap a few days ago. Is he yours? she asked with a slight tremble in her voice.
Why are you so scared? Do you think I am going to eat you? Olmira responded. I know the stories you kids tell. Besides, I don’t have any more Chocolate, that little pig there ate it all.
Goldi couldn’t help it but she tried to hide a little giggle at seeing the boar, his face covered in chocolate.
Is this all that brings you to my little abode, young Goldilocks.
Goldi tilts her head in curiosity, how did you… she starts to say but Olmira quickly shushes her.
The spirits of the woods told me that there was a new candidate to join the druidic order. Olmira interrupted.
Of course Goldi had no idea who it could be and it took Olmira quite a while to eventually convince Goldi, it was her.
For the next several months, Goldi kept disappearing into the woods as she met with Olmira to learn all about the forest and nature, and trees, and animals, and squirrels, and nut, and berries, and bushes, and….well you get the idea.
All during her time with Olmira, Goldi and the little Boar became quite attached. Goldi decided to name him Truffles as he and quite the taste for Chocolate, and he had the belly to prove it.
Truffles became her companion, she later added the title Admiral which came from his bath, but that is another story.
Admiral truffles still bears many of the scars from his trials and fights and the traps. And he isn't much to look at, and he sometimes smells funny, (but maybe that’s because he's gassy).
Things were pretty normal after that, ma (Lily) really liked Goldi’s abilities to keep the grapes ripe and fresh, and life was great in the sleepy little town of Kassen. But everything changed when the time finally came for some young people to make the journey to the Everflame crypt.
Olmira arrived at the store one afternoon as Goldi was busy stocking some shelves with some new arrivals from the Pathfinder lodge in Absalom. Goldi loved to read those journals, she even dreamed of one day traveling the world just like her parents did. Truffles just slept under a table.
Goldilocks, Olmira began, It is your time. Your final test will be the journey to the Crypt. Remember the lessons I have taught you and you will do fine. She finished.
Goldi’s eyes lit up in excitement. Me?!? I mean I always wanted to, well actually, I never believed I, No, I am pretty sure I would, I...
SHHHHH Olmira interrupted, just do your best.
Goldi could barely keep still, she paced all about the house wondering what she would do, who she would meet. Finally, Fulito pulled her aside, Goldilocks, come have a seat beside me. I have a tale to tell you. her father told her as he pulled an old book off a nearby shelf. As though it was placed there specifically for this occasion.
Goldi sat beside her father on the floor as he took a seat on his favorite reading chair. Olmira enjoyed a cup of tea that Lily made as she stood by to listen as well. Olmira knew this tale, she heard it numerous times, and still she enjoyed hearing it. And from a master storyteller no less.
Kassen Fulito began, as he opened the book to the marked page, was established in the year 4522 AR by former adventurer Ekat Kassen, the settlement that would become known simply as Kassen was named Kassen's Hold. Located where it was on the river, Kassen's Hold became a stopover for those traveling the river to and from the city of Skelt. He continued. Hoping to teach Goldi the importance of the event she was about to partake in. Truffles woke up and edged his way over to lay on Goldi’s lap. He remained mostly quiet but an occasional snort could be heard ever no and again.
Fulito flipped a few more pages, bypassing lots of geographical maps and old survey notes. Ahh yes here we go. It was in 4535 AR a man by the name of Asar Vergas arrived in Kassen's Hold. Asar was a large and very powerful warrior. Claiming to be a former adventuring companion of the town's founder, he felt Kassen had cheated him of some treasure from a dragon’s horde, before they had parted ways. Fulito continues adding inflections in his voice as he tries to mimic the voices of the different characters.
Vergas and a group of mercenaries raided the settlement for a period of two months before their camp was located. It was during this part sounds of battle could be heard silently in the background, as shadows of soldiers danced along the walls in the candle light of the room.
Kassen mounted an attack on the Asar's stronghold, slaying him and scattering the mercenaries before succumbing to his own wounds received during the fighting. a somber moment as the story continues. Those killed on both sides were buried in the crypt that served as the site of the battle. And it is here that the Everflame burns to this day. The Crypt is to honor those that fought so bravely for the prosperity of this town.
Fulito looks to his bright eyed, yet a little high spirited daughter, I was not born in this town, but when we arrived here your ma was pregnant with you. The people here gave us shelter and helped deliver you. From that day on we have always felt welcome in Kassen, which is why we chose to retire here. Now it is time to solidify our family presence, by you completing this pilgrimage this town will officially be called, home.
I got info off of the Pathfinder Wiki on the history of Kassen
Female halfling druid 1
N Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +2; Senses Perception +9
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 size)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6; +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee scythe +0 (1d6-1/×4)
Ranged sling +3 (1d3-1/range 50’) (bullets 10)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st—entangle (DC 14), magic fang
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, light
Str 9, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 12, Wis
16, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 11
Feats Dodge
Acrobatics +4 (+0 to jump)
Climb +1
Diplomacy +2
Handle Animal +6
Heal +7
Knowledge (geography) +5
Knowledge (nature) +7
Perception +9
Stealth +6
Survival +9
Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Climb, +2 Perception
Languages Common, Druidic, Elven, Halfling
SQ nature bond (boar named truffles), nature sense, wild empathy +3
Gear leather armor, scythe, sling, sling bullets (10), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, holly and mistletoe, ink, inkpen, parchment (2), spell component pouch, sunrod (2), wooden holy symbol of Gozreh, 19 gp, 3 sp
Special Abilities
Animal Companion Link (Ex): you have a link with your Animal Companion.
Fearless +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
Share Spells with Companion (Ex) can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells.
Wild Empathy +3 (Ex) improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
N Small animal
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +6 natural, +1 size)
hp 20 (2d8+7)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 40 ft.
Melee gore +3 (1d6+1)
Str 13, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 4
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 12 (16 vs. trip)
Feats Toughness
Tricks Attack, Attack Any Target, Defend, Down, Fetch, Guard, Guarding, Track
Skills Acrobatics +1 (+5 to jump), Perception +5, Survival +2
SQ attack any target, fetch, guarding, and track
Special Abilities
Attack Any Target [Trick] the animal will attack any creature on command.
Fetch [Trick] the animal will get a specific object.
Guarding [Trick] the animal has been trained for guard duty.
Low-Light Vision see twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Track [Trick] the animal will track a scent.

Artix Pavel |
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Aritx Pavel
Cleric of Erastil
Started to play table tops just this past summer, so my experience is relatively new. Up to this point, I've only really played PFS and not really a full on adventure. For this, I've planned to play a bit more supportive and opted for a character that I could make interest of good RP as I feel often my skills still need some work. That, and I've never played a cleric yet.
Gender: Male Race: Half-elf Class(es): Cleric (1)
Alignment: NG Deity: Erastil Venerates: Erastile
Init: +2 Senses: Low-light Vision Perception: +5
Height: 6'6" Weight: 151 Age: 20
Faction: None Selected
AC: 13, Touch: 12, Flat-Footed: 11 (+2 Dex, +1 Armor, +0 Size, +0 Natural Armor)
HP: 10
Fort: +3 Ref: +2 Will: +7
HP: 10
DR: None Immune: Sleep Resist: None SR: 0
Speed: 20 (30)
Space: 5' Reach: 5'
Melee: +0, 1d6 + 0 (Sickle) (Crit: x2, Damage: S, Effort: light)
Ranged: +2, 1d8 (Longbow) (Crit: x3, Damage: P, Range: 100 ft)
Spells Known/Prepared (CL 1):
Level 1: Cure Light Wounds (1), Shield of Faith (1)
Level 0: Create Water (1), Detect Magic (1), Light (1)
Class Abilities:
Channel (4):
Domains: Archon (Good), Plant
Concentration: +4
Str: 10 (+0) Dex: 14 (+2) Con: 12 (+1) Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 16 (+3) Cha: 13 (+1)
BAB: 0 CMB: 0 CMD: 12
Feats: Iron Will, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus
Skills: Acrobatics (-1), Appraise (+2), Bluff (+1), Craft (All) (+2), Diplomacy (+5), Disguise (+1), Escape Artist (-1), Fly (-1), Heal (+3), Intimidate (+1), Knowledge (Arcana) (+6), Knowledge (Nature) (+9), Perform (All) (+1), Profession (Herbalist) (+7), Ride (-1), Sense Motive (+3), Stealth (-1), Survival (+3)
Languages: Celestial, Common, Elven, Varisian
Equipped: Padded (Armor), Longbow (Ranged), Sickle (Mainhand)
Held: Backpack (Common), Holy Symbol (Wooden), Trail Rations (4), Rope (Silk, 50 ft.), Cleric's Vestments, Club, Arrows (20) (2)
Encumbrance: Medium Gold: 27
Artix born to an elven mother and a human father, whom worked as a trapper to a small village in Nirmathas. He was a very smart and devoted child, learning and cultivating an interest in the magic and sciences of nature, helping his father with his duties. At the age of 13, Artix had a strange dream. One of a mighty stag, pointing the way to a grand light. After telling his parents of this dream, they quickly took him to the local temple of Erastile. His mind had been touched by the old god with a guiding hand. From then on, Artix Pavel was apprenticed to become a priest of Erastile.
Artix found himself at home in the temple. Worship combined the two things he loved most, hunting and nature. Much of his free time was spent on this, taking long hours studyng plant life on elaborate hunting trips. By his fifteenth birthday, Artix was sent to the town of Kassen to learn under Father Prasst tutalege. There, he has spent five years living in Kassen and honing his knowledge. Often, he is found in a small garden that he cares for, creating small experiments with the plants, from the mundane to the magic.
Artix Pavel is a nice fellow, but keeps often to himself. At times however when speaking of topics he is of interest, once he starts talking, you can't stop him. He is very devoted to Erastile, and takes his worship with joyful entusiasm. Much of his work in the garden isn't just for himself, but to help and teach others.
Standing at 6'5", with earthy teal eyes and dirty aburn hair and a clean shave, Atrix is freindly looking half-elf. Often his clothes are stained by working with plants and dirt, even his vestments for clergy work.

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A few more questions.
Your Pathfinder Vintage document says you'll be using the errata when the module was printed. I have no clue what that errata was or how to find it. My CRB is something like 5th edition and all the online sites more or less keep up to date.
This raises one specific question. Can one use spell like abilities to qualify for Prestige Classes? I'm thinking of an early entry Mystic Theurge.
I presume that it is OK to create clerics other than of Erastil even though he is the only listed cleric mentor?

Rylka Sarna |
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Player - Demon Lurking
Race - Halfling
Class - Rogue
Female halfling rogue 1
CG Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +3; Senses Perception +7
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +3 Dex, +1 size)
HP 7 (1d8-1)
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee dagger +4 (1d3-1/19-20) or
rapier +4 (1d4-1/18-20)
Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d6/19-20)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 8, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 16
BAB +0; CMB -2; CMD 11
Feats Weapon Finesse
SQ +1 skill point, halfling luck, halfling weapon familiarity, keen senses, sure-footed, trapfinding +1
Acrobatics +9 (+5 to jump); (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Dex, +2 racial) (-4 slower than 30ft.)
Appraise +3; (Untrained, +0 class, +3 Int)
Bluff +7; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Cha)
Climb +1; (Untrained, +0 class, -1 Str, +2 racial)
Craft (traps) +7; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Int)
Diplomacy +7; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Cha)
Disable Device +8; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Dex, +1 trapfinding)
Disguise +3; (Untrained, +0 class, +3 Cha)
Escape Artist +7; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Dex)
Fly +3; (Untrained, +3 Dex)
Heal +1; (Untrained, +1 Wis)
Intimidate +3; (Untrained, +0 class, +3 Cha)
Knowledge (local) +7; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Int)
Perception +7 (+8 to find traps); (Ranks:1, +3 class, +1 Wis, +2 racial) (+1 trapfinding)
Profession (trapper) +5; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +1 Wis)
Sense Motive +5; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +1 Wis)
Sleight of Hand +7; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Dex)
Stealth +11; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Dex, +4 size)
Survival +1; (Untrained, +1 Wis)
Swim -1; (Untrained, -1 Str)
Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Climb, +2 Perception
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Halfling
Equipment and Encumberence
Weapons and Ammo crossbow bolts (20), dagger (2), light crossbow, rapier,
Armor and Defense leather armor
Combat Gear oil (5)
Other Gear backpack (bedroll, belt pouch (money), entertainer's outfit, hooded lantern, silk rope (50 ft.), soap, trail rations (5), waterskin), belt pouch (flint and steel, thieves' tools, ), explorer's outfit
Coins9 gp, 8 sp, 9 cp
Carrying Capacity
L / M / H - 19.5 / 39.75 / 60 lbs.
With backpack - Medium load, 31.77 lbs.
Without backpack - Light load, 18.625 lbs.
Tracked Resources
Crossbow bolts - 0/20
Dagger - 0/2
Trail rations - 0/5
Special Abilities
+1 Skill Point FCB (1) +1 Skill Point
Armor Proficiency (Light) When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Dexterity- and Strength-based skill checks.
Fearless +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
Halfling Luck +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Halfling Weapon Familiarity Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word “halfling” in its name as a martial weapon.
Keen Senses +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Rogue Weapon Proficiencies You are proficient with the Hand Crossbow, Rapier, Sap, Shortbow and Shortsword.
Simple Weapon Proficiency - All Proficient with all simple weapons.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Sure-Footed +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Climb checks.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Weapon Finesse Can use Dex to attack with light and certain other weapons. Shields give ACP penalty to attack rolls.
The Sarna family has lived in Kassen for years. Triben Sarna is a member of the forestry guild. He works as a scout and climber. Ilessa Sarna is a maid at the mayors manor. For the last few years Rylka has worked as a barmaid at the Seven Silvers. During off days she spends time in the woods trapping game. Her father has always been secretly disappointed that Rylka is a girl, he was hoping to have a son to tech woodcraft to.
Lately Jimes has been teaching her the arts of pickpocketing and lockpicking. She doesn't want to jeprodize her job with the Silvers or her friendship with Asina, so she hasn't tried skimming change like "Short Change". She does, however, like to slip trinkets into her pockets from travelers as they leave town. Once or twice she's been caught, but she's also pretty good at slipping away.
Rylka enjoys spending time with Asina. She sees the young human girl as both a younger and older sister. Spending time giving advice like an older sister, and taking advantage of Asina's larger size like a little sister. Rylka often eavesdrops using her small size and stealth to remain unnoticed, or by playing the innocent and convincing others to tell her things that they wouldn't tell others. She often passes these tidbits to Asina for her to spread, so that the blame never comes back to her.
Rylka looks like a young girl to the untrained eye. At just over two and a half feet tall and not even 30 pounds, her small size belies her nearly adult age of 22 years. When working at the tavern she usually wears a flowing blouse and skirt. When out in the woods she wears an outfit of leather breaches and pocketed vest. Either way she wears her dark hair in a pair of braids wrapped in a bun in the back.
New to PbP, but have been playing d20 since it came out (and 2nd Edition AD&D before that). Haven't gotten into PFS much (just started my first PFS game last week). Even my PF experience has been mostly homebrew campaign worlds, so Golarion is still kinda new to me. Been lurking on these boards for years and life has recently made IRL sessions more difficult, so I'm trying to get into more PbP. Have been disappointed in the posting rate of most games I've been accepted into. This sounds like just the sort of thing I'm looking for.