Small Elk
Effective Druid Level 1
N Medium animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, Perception +6
DEFENSE AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 armour, +1 natural, +3 Dex)
hp 14 (2d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2
OFFENSE Speed 50 ft.
Melee gore +2 (1d6+1)
STATISTICS Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 5
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15 (19 vs. trip)
Feats Light Armour Proficiency
SkillsACP -1 Acrobatics +7 (+15 jump), Perception +6
SQ tricks (attack [all creatures], come, defend, down, guard, heel), advance @ 7th
Equipment: saddle, wooden barding (APG)
ANIMAL ENTOURAGE Ooljee the Raccoon (or dire rat statistics) tricks: heel and stay
Sitsi the Squirrel tricks: heel and stay
Kachina the Fox (or dog statistics) tricks: heel, seek, and track
Kaya has many friends among the forest creatures, but most relies on the aid of her faithful companion, the serene Elk, Hopi. She can also enlist the aid of Ooljee the Raccoon, with his great wide eyes that see in the dark, Sitsi the Squirrel, who lives among the treetops, and the proud fox Kachina, who can track anything in exchange for a choice piece of gossip.
Background (revised):
Born into a small enclave of Gnomes in the Stolen Lands, a sect of the Green Faith broken away from the political sniping and lavish parties of Thom, Kaya was raised among the twisted groves and fetid rivers of the Stolen Lands. Kaya can recount with a detatched glee the various deaths of her kinsfolk to rampaging owlbears, cruel fey and common brigands, but doesn't seem to see any danger in travelling alone. After all, she has the forest on her side.
However, once her mentors in their seclusion began to grow depressed and withdrawn, and then to physically wither away into nothingness under the lethal effects of the Bleaching, Kaya was driven away, only half understanding, as her kin were consumed by their curse, not wishing to burden the young druidess with her grief. Only half understanding, Kaya has found herself drawn to the leylines, where the barrier between the First World and this are thinnest. First to Brevoy, then to the Stolen Lands, on a search for understanding, a cure, and all the excitement and wonder of new lands.
Curious and good-natured, Kaya is somewhat more animal than human. Preferring the company of the creatures of the forest, the girl mimics their behaviour in human company.
A wild haired girl with a twitching, button nose. Caring little for her appearance, she is constantly adorned with stray branches and a thin layer of dirt, and accompanied by several woodland creatures.