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"We have lots of people. Everyone, grab what you can! This will pay for our beer tonight."

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Logan says little as the group gets back into the boat and sneaks back into their hideout. He helps out and does his part with loading of equipment and rowing, but he's angry with Saul for blowing up at him. He's also angry with himself for blowing their cover. Every time that thought crosses his mind, he drowns it out with a pull from his hip flask. He's well on his way to being drunk by the time they unload everything.

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Saul avoids Logan, purposely getting in the opposite boat from him, and remains quiet while pulling their boats into the sewer and helping the weak prisoners get through the water to the Raven's Nest.
Raven's Nest? Good name for our hideout? Original name is Wasp Nest but this seems more appropriate.
On the way, he talks to the man that Laria sent them to retrieve.
"You have a good friend in Laria, Mac. She sent us to give you a hand out of there. Of course, we were all too happy to do anything to hurt the Dottari and indirectly, the Lord Mayor. I hope Laria has a good idea for smuggling you out of the city. But maybe all it will take is rest and a good disguise."
To Maggie, Saul says, "You more than earned your keep tonight. How about a raise? It was two gold a week before. I think 4 gold a week is more than fair. One for each of you."
Also, I guess we have 2 boats now!

Fhingle Nib |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Fhingle watches the two men not get along, getting a bit more quiet himself/ Once they return he helps with some unloading then goes to painting.
C Paint: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 Fhingle does this till he is ready for bed then goes to sleep

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"Let's talk more tomorrow, Mr. Crowe. See if Laria has any ideas. She'll be happy to see you. Probably will make you coffee and pastries. How do you know each other, anyway?"

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Logan hit his flask a bit too hard last night, trying to drink away his argument with Saul. He sleeps in late and wakes up with a familiar throbbing ache in his head.
Another day, another hangover. Good thing this hideout is under a coffee shop.
Logan had apparently made a rudimentary bed for himself in a corner of one of the hideout's storerooms. He stumbles out of the room, remembering how to walk by the time he makes it to the common room upstairs. He orders a large coffee and drinks it fast, ordering a second cup almost immediately. This one he sips slower, taking it back to the hideout when the room gets too busy.
I should go buy a bedroll if this is going to be my new home. I've got to refill too. I just about emptied my flask last night.
After finishing his coffee, Logan goes out and runs his errands. Then he returns to the hideout and spends the rest of the morning working out, waiting for his friends to show up.

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Saul spent the night at Laria's, but after saying good morning to her, and that there are several new customers for her downstairs, he heads back to the office. The tieflings may have new information, after all, or other cases may come up and it is important to maintain the appearance of a normal daily routine.
On the way back, he keeps his wits about him and listens to the talk on the street. Has news of the Saltworks spread?
diplomacy gather information: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

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Saul gets back to his office apartment, not hearing too much commotion about him, but then, he was pretty distracted.
Maybe I was too hard on Logan. Killing them was probably the best way about things. Our disguises aren't fool-proof, and how many other tall black men go about carrying longspears wherever they go? Maybe the spear should stay in the Raven's Nest until it needs to come out. Eventually people will forget I have one, if I stop walking about the city with it.

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His morning at the office taken care of, Saul walks back to the coffeehouse, sans spear. The silver morningstar, however, still remains hidden underneath his leather duster, bouncing against his thigh with every step.
When Laria has a second, Saul pulls her to the side. "What are your plans for Forvian Crowe, gorgeous? You've smuggled people out of the city before. Do you need us to help?"

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Gods dammit! I forgot to hit the bar for a refill.
On second thought, this doesn't actually make him all that angry; the forgetfulness part, maybe, but not the excuse to go to the bar.
None of the others are here yet anyway. I'll be back before they get in.
With that, Logan heads out, missing Saul by seconds. He goes over to Clenchjaws, keeping his eyes and ears open along the way.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Rexus Victocora __ |

1d100 ⇒ 66
"I'm translating them, hoping to find something about the history of the Silver Ravens that will help us to get that old spirit of Kintargo going again. From the old tales I'd say there has to be some secret to it." Rexus explains, while sitting behind his cluttered desk with the papers distributed everywhere.

Fhingle Nib |

Fhingle nods and heads out into the city to get the items that Rexus needs, playing it like he isn't happy is hard. Being a free halfling and not a slave any longer is a new experience for Fhingle. Returning an hour later Fhingle lays down gently 2 note books and some new pencils.
"Do you want some lunch?"

Cassius Sacero |

Gods dammit! I forgot to hit the bar for a refill.
On second thought, this doesn't actually make him all that angry; the forgetfulness part, maybe, but not the excuse to go to the bar.
None of the others are here yet anyway. I'll be back before they get in.
With that, Logan heads out, missing Saul by seconds. He goes over to Clenchjaws, keeping his eyes and ears open along the way.
[dice=Perception]1d20 + 7
At the bar, a handsome man with a flippant attitude has been talking to the barkeep. "And the damn bastards shut us down, just because some of the regulars may have, well, not fans of the Thrunes. So if you've any shifts I could pick up, I'd be eternally grateful." As Logan enters, Cassius tilts his head. Recognize that one from somewhere ...a cuckold? No. Heavy Road? No. Wait, that's it! That bar brawl I saw! That was crazy!
"Say, friend, buy you a drink?"

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"What problems are you running into? For example, would a good disguise be enough? Dress them up nicely, and then they walk right out the front gates?"

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Logan hears this new guy's offer and smiles. He is always happy when someone else is paying for the booze.
But, again, he's not stupid. He's aware that there might be those who are out to get him now that he's a part of this new rebellion. A bit out of character, he resolves not to have too much to drink with this stranger.
When the drinks come, Logan lifts his mug a bit.
"To your health." He takes a swallow, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.
"Thanks. What's your name, friend?"

Laria Longroad __ |

Laria takes Saul to the back of the shop. "Usually I only organized something. A ship, a wagon, something to get the people somewhere. But now you can't go out at night to bring someone there and no one is willing to take the risk anymore. What good would it do to them, ot put them out of the gates?"

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Logan takes another sip of his drink.
"You hit the nail on the head there. They are an interesting group. You say you're looking for friends. Any particular reason why? You lonely?"

Cassius Sacero |

"Very rarely," Cassius smirks. "More that ...maybe I've started to notice how things are going in this city. Some changes need to come, but not the kind a man can do alone. No matter how charming."

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"You are right, gorgeous. Why sneak them out if they have no place to go? They can't camp out in a forest for months. Huh... Well. What should we do with them, then? How long can they stay in the Raven's nest?"

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"Well I'm fine with them camping out down there and we can get them food and such, but I was relying on you to get them out of town. This plan was your idea, after all." Saul scratches his head. Laria was being difficult.

Laria Longroad __ |

"Yes, it was my idea that you free them. But I assumed, they might come up with something themselves. They are the big guys I hired when I had to do some work. They should be able to look after themself usually. Give them a day and some of my pies and they should be back to normal." Laria replies with a shrug.

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Nodding at Laria and snitching a flaky pastry when her back is turned, Saul heads down to the Raven's Nest. He makes sure Crowe and crew is settled in and has enough food, and that no one is dying.
Saul then gathers up a few pieces of equipment at time from the previous nights raid, and spends the afternoon going between different stores, back to the Raven's Nest, and so on, selling it off. Not wanting to be remembered, he quickly conducts the business in each store and does not engage the proprietors in small talk.

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Sorry for the delay. I could have sworn that I posted almost this exact thing yesterday afternoon.
Logan takes another drink.
"If you really are interested in changing things around here, then I have some people you should meet. But I can't just bring them anyone. Who are you, really? What do you bring to the table?"

Cassius Sacero |

"Cassius Sacero's the name. I'm a bartender by trade, a gambler by sport, and, of late, increasingly interested in changing how this city works. I can work a con, I can forge, I speak several languages fluently, and I'm excellent at disguises. Oh, and I always forget, I can cast some non-lethal spells, too." Cassius quaffs his drink. "From what I saw of you, you know your way around a fight. What's your name?"

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"Don't have much on the to-do list this afternoon, Little Mac. Was thinking of taking another walk down to the Docks to see Chuko Sharpbeak at the War Cage. Tengu, sells weapons. You would like him. Want to come?"

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Logan finishes his beer in one final gulp.
"I'm Logan Hawkes. Listen, my friends and I are starting up a group that is actively trying to change things around here. My friend Saul is sort of our unofficial leader. I think you might be just the kind of guy we're looking for. Let's head over to his place and see if he's in. I'll introduce you."
Logan leads Cassius through town to Saul's office.
I don't know exactly where Saul is right now. If he's not in, we'll wait.

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"Been here my whole life, little Mac. Seen the good and the bad. Worked for a long stint at the docks with my Dad, so this area here is like going back to an old home. Eventually a red-headed dame got me into investigating. I took to it. Got an eye for details."
In the dock area, Saul leads Fhingle up to a weaponshop known at the War Cage.
"Chuko! You around?" calls Saul as he walks in.

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"I do, in fact. Still have that masterworked mithral spear? I have... 648 gold and this finely crafted silver morningstar. Would you take all of it in trade for the spear?"
His voice goes down to a whisper. "It also comes with a promise to stick it in the Thrune's guts. Though that might take a while."
diplo: 1d20 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 5 + (2) = 27

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"My thanks, Chuko!"
And he lowers his voice again.
"And just keep it in mind: Any assistance you can provide for our fledging rebellion will not be forgotten. Any information is welcome, especially in regards to the other sailors here at the docks... who is grumbling the most about these proclamations, for example. Anyone who might sympathize with our cause."
diplo gather information: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 two 20's in a row! why aren't we fighting?