About Logan HawkesLogan Hawkes
Dodge [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.122] Your training and reflexes allow you to react swiftly to avoid an opponent's attack. You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC. A condition that makes you lose your Dex bonus to AC also makes you lose the benefits of this feat. Improved Grapple [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.127]
Improved Unarmed Strike [Paizo Inc. - Core Rulebook, p.128]
Caretaker [Paizo Publishing - Ultimate Campaign] As the child of an herbalist or an assistant in a temple infirmary, you often had to assist in tending to the sick and wounded. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Heal checks, and Heal is always a class skill for you. Ex-Asmodean (Ex-Asmodean ~ Save Bonus) [Paizo Inc. - Hell's Rebels Player's Guide, p.10]
Class/Archetype Brawler(Strangler) Abilities:
Brawler's Cunning (Ex) [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Class Guide, p.23] If the brawler's Intelligence score is less than 13, it counts as 13 for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats. Class Skills [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Class Guide, p.88]
Martial Flexibility (Ex) [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Class Guide, p.93]
Martial Training (Ex) [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Class Guide, p.23]
Practiced Strangler (Ex) [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Class Guide, p.88]
Strangle (Ex) [Paizo Inc. - Advanced Class Guide, p.88]
Skills 5 ranks per level Acrobatics: 6 (2 ranks) Appraise: 0 Bluff: 0 Climb: 3 Diplomacy: 0 Disguise: 0 Escape Artist: 1 Fly: 1 Heal: 8 (2 ranks) Intimidate: 0 Knowledge Local: 5 (2 ranks) Perception: 7 (2 ranks) Perform : 0 Ride: 1 Sense Motive: 2 Stealth: 6 (2 ranks) Survival: 2 Swim: 3 Background Skills (2 per level)
Dagger Dan Bong Silver coated brass knuckles Studded Leather Armor Peasent's Outfit Hip Flask Rope (hemp, 50ft)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 Appearance:
Logan Hawkes has been in a lot of fights over the years, and it showes. Likewise years of hard drinking have taken their toll on his body. His skin is ruddy. His nose is red. His face and body were marked with scars and bruises in various stages of healing. He's not too tall but thickly built. He'd appear more muscular if not for the extra weight around the middle, a side effect of all the drinking. His knuckles are calloused from years of bar room brawls. He carries few weapons, save for a dagger that he uses as a knife more than a weapon. He mostly relies on his grandfather's old silver brass knuckles and his dan bog. Neither are strictly weapons, but do a good job of helping with hand-to-hand combat and grappling with other drunks whether in the street or in a bar. Biography:
Logan Hawkes has lived in Kintargo for a good portion his life. Although some wouldn't really call what he does "living", at least not any more. He did at one point though. He grew up in Egorian. His parents were high up in the priestly order of Asmodaeus. They were two of the few clerics who focused on healing the armies of the Dark Prince. Most of the Lord of Darkness' clerics used their divine energy to cause destruction. However, someone had to heal the wounded. That fell to Logan's parents and their small cadre of followers. Logan never really embraced his parent's beliefs. In fact, he down right opposed some of the tenants of their faith. Despite that, he grew up helping out his parent's in their healing efforts, carrying bandages and medicines and, when he was strong enough, moving paitents and crates of supplies. He was in and out of the Temple of Asmodaeus more than most kids ever were. One evening, after Logan had turned thirteen, he heard his parents whispering in the next room. It seems that his father and mother had an opportunity to rise even higher in the order of which they were members. There was only one catch: they must offer a human sacrifice to The Archfiend himself. Now Logan's parents, healers though they were, were evil to the core. That their son was not as devout as they were had always been a source of embarassment. It seemed that this was their chance to both gain power and rid themselves of a stain on their repuration. So it was that Logan overheard them actually talking about sacrificing HIM in order to further their power. He had to make a choice and quickly. He resolved to run away in order to save his own life. It wasn't a hard choice. He never really fit in with the other devout worshippers of Asmodaeus. He could never find it in himself to choose the evil path. So, later that same night, he packed his few possessions in a pack and fled to the city of Kintargo. He made sure to include the set of silver coated brass knuckles that had belonged to his grandfather, a supposed member of the elusive Silver Ravens. He had found the special brass knuckles at the bottom of an old trunk and couldn't leave without them. Later, there were rumors of his parents being reassigned due to not being able to provide a sacrifice. He supposed they were true, as his parents never came looking for him. He lived on the streets, eating what food he could find and often going hungry. Eventually, he turned to stealing, but that was harder than he first thought. After his first attempt went badly, ending in a beating rather than actual food, Logan realized that he was going to need a way to support himself. He got a job lugging boxes down by the Vashnarstill Shipyard, eventually earning enough to get himself a small residence of his own. Throughout all of this, he remained haunted by the decision of his parents to sacrifice him to their god. To deal with those thoughts, he never strayed far from a source of alcohol and became a fequent sight at the Thrashing Badger, one of the seedier bars in town. He grew to like the fogginess that drinking brought to his mind. He found he couldn't remember the details of his last night at home all that well when he was drinking. It became a habit. Even though he seemed to be doing well enough, his drinking was starting to get out of hand. Likewise, the fighting that seemed to happen whenever he drank too much. In fact, the two seemed to go hand in hand more often than not. He would go to a bar, drink a rather impressive amount of alcohol (didn't matter which kind), and get into a fight. Then he'd wake up with a headache and a nice collection of scrapes and bruises. He figured he'd won the fight, if only because he was still alive, but he was never quite sure. Sometimes he'd go drinking with his friend Saul Gibson. Saul slipped Logan some money every now and then to keep him informed on the goings on at the bar. Not that Saul really needed it. He was at that bar almost as much as Logan was. It didn't matter though. Logan liked to drink and drinking with someone else made the whole experience a little better. On occasion, Saul even took Logan along with him on a case if he needed some extra muscle. Saul took to calling Logan his partner, which was likely as much of a joke as anything else. That was Logan's version of life. Help out with a case every now and then, work (when he was sober enough to remember he had a job), drink (all the time), and fight (see: drinking). It was because of that cycle that he got himself thrown in jail. One night, after again drowning his childhood in the best beer the Badger served, he picked a fight with the wrong person. He didn't know who the person was but knew it was the wrong person because he woke up the next morning in a jail cell. He nursed a whole lot of aches and pains for then next few days, actually loosing track of time in the process. Then one morning, he was released, just like that. No one really told him why but he was escorted out of the jail and back to the relative freedom of the street. He made his way back home to find the place just how he had left it. So he went to grab a drink, only to find that the Thrashing Badger was nothing but a pile of ashes. This shook him up more than he expected it to. Who would burn down the Badger? Maybe Saul would know what's going on. But first, Logan needed to find a drink to calm his nerves... |