1. GM Edwin's Zeitgeist Campaign

Game Master Insnare

When the people and King of Risur have internal or external enemies but won't or can't call in the military... They Call in the RHC(Royal Homeland Constabulary)

Act 1: The Investigation Begins!
Chapter 1: The Island at the Axis of the World
Chapter 2: The Dying Skyseer
Chapter 3: Digging for Lies
Chapter 4: Always on Time
Chapter 5: Cauldron Born
Zeigeist World Map
Avery Coast Train

Act 2: The Grand Design

Chapter 6: Revelations From the Mouth of a Mad Man


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Male Gnoll Troubadour 7 / Shifter 2 (Apex Shapeshifter) HP: 42/69, AC: 25/21/21, Saves: 9/14/7 I: 6, P: 12(+1d6), Spell Points: 12/14

"Shall we salute the Ambassador now that he is again a free minotaur first?" Suggested Javier once he had slipped back in the party. "Besides he could provide us with an introduction at court right?"

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Brakken says, "Thank you very much for your efforts."

He then takes off a scarf and wraps his hand in it tightly, pulls out a notebook and says, "You need to have words with Melissa Amarie, isn't that so?"

He then says, "Constable Skipwith-Darling, you mentioned to me in private that you were feeling a bit ill. So should I escort you back to the teleportation circle first?"

AC 22, T 16, FF 17 hp 84/85 Female human aristocrat 1/slayer (bounty hunter) 9 Init +7; Senses Perception +12 | Fort +10, Ref +14, Will +7

"Yes please. I would appreciate it. Gentlemen. I must leave you to your investigations. Perhaps we shall be assigned together during some future mission. For now this is goodbye."

Labyrinth HP 47/47; AC 15/14/11; Saves 4/5/7; Init +3; Perc +10; Sense Motive +2

"Iva Skipwith-Darling, it's been a pleasure to serve with you. I wish you luck in your new posting!"

When she has left, he continues with Brakken, "Yes, Melissa Amarie. Do you know her?"

Brakken nods as he escorts the team to the teleportation circle. Brakken walks over to the attendant and says, "One to Slate." he flashes his official ambassadorial card and the Gnoll starts plotting the coordinates to Slate.

He then says to Iva, "Constable Skipwith-Darling, if I ever need an attorney again, I will surely try to get your services. I wish you luck." He then bows.

Everyone, feel free to post here if you wish.

After everyone's goodbyes, Iva passes through the teleportation circle.

Iva comes out of the teleportation circle in Slate and on the other side, she sees Delft with a dwarf. Delft sees Iva looking a smidge ill and says, "COnstable Skipwith-Darling, you look much worse for wear than you did earlier this morning. You can come with me back to Flint."

He turns to Kort, "Doctor, I know this is all a bit last minute but I have a team in the field in Seobriga and they are down one. Are you up for some field work, son?"

M Drakr Dwarf Alchemist (Chirurgeon) (Eschatologist) L2 | AC 16 (T12FF14) CMD 15 | hp 16/16 | F3 R5 W0 | Init +2 | Perc +5 (Dkvsn 60') | Bombs 5/5 | Inspiration 3/3 | Status: OK

He blinked as his gaze settled on Delft.
"What? Me? But I'm just a forensic pathologist. How could I help a team in the field?" Dr. Runemace wondered aloud.
He shook his head.
"I apologize Chief Inspector, of course I will go wherever needed... But you know I've never been out of the Labs before..." He commented with a frown of worry.

@ Kort, thanks a lot.

Delft looks at Kort and says, "You probably remember the Titan that was stomping around Flint a couple of months back, well, we have a line on the main architect and we need to find him to see if we can stop it the next time it comes around. He is in Ber."

He nods to Kort's trepidation and says "I always thought you were the type that can make a difference a big way and look for a group with a Tiefling, Gnoll, a Minotaur and a couple of humans. You should recognize the ambassador."

He says to the attendant, "Send one to Seobriga and two to Flint."

M Drakr Dwarf Alchemist (Chirurgeon) (Eschatologist) L2 | AC 16 (T12FF14) CMD 15 | hp 16/16 | F3 R5 W0 | Init +2 | Perc +5 (Dkvsn 60') | Bombs 5/5 | Inspiration 3/3 | Status: OK

"Someone actually DESIGNED that thing? But he would have to..." Catching the Chief Inspectior's impatience, Dr. Runemace nodded.
"Ah, yes of course. I'll get my bag." He said, hurriedly grabbing his coat and top hat.
"Who will I be reporting to?"

Shot Putter Funkmeister

He says, "Constable Dufrene."

M Drakr Dwarf Alchemist (Chirurgeon) (Eschatologist) L2 | AC 16 (T12FF14) CMD 15 | hp 16/16 | F3 R5 W0 | Init +2 | Perc +5 (Dkvsn 60') | Bombs 5/5 | Inspiration 3/3 | Status: OK

"Yes sir" Dr. Runemace said, getting his stuff and stepping over the circle.
Realizing he had another question, he turned and asked; "Oh sir! What about..."

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Delft shrugs his shoulders wondered what the Dr. was going to say next as he was transported to the other side of the continent.

Considering the Panoplian protests are still going on, Brakken pulls out his city map and starts doing some mild traffic calculations in his head as the party is about to head towards the location of the Journalist Melissa Amarie.

The teleportation circle comes alive again and you see a dwarf almost fall into Seobriga backwards. He gets up and starts the whole "Do you have a match?" code word and then Brakken recognizes Kort from Slate and says, "Gospodin Vrach Kortermir Miroslavitch Runemace, it is good to see you in Seobriga."

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

Cretien stands alongside the ambassador, a man of otherwise significant size if he were outside this country of minotaurs. His features are obscured by his heavy armor comprised of glittering mithril plates riveted expertly to the layers of dark leather that comprised his new armor. Added to that was what seemed to be a construct that he wore on his back, as if the two were twins attached at birth. A separate set of legs, arms, and even a head jutted from the constable’s back at odd angles; more strangely still, they appeared to move collaboratively in concert with and to support his own movements.

M Drakr Dwarf Alchemist (Chirurgeon) (Eschatologist) L2 | AC 16 (T12FF14) CMD 15 | hp 16/16 | F3 R5 W0 | Init +2 | Perc +5 (Dkvsn 60') | Bombs 5/5 | Inspiration 3/3 | Status: OK

You see a short but very solidly built dwarf. He has red hair and beard. His expression is serious and seldom smiles.
He wears a formal suit and top hat as well as multi-spectacles.
He walks with a rune covered walking stick with heavy cold iron knob.
He carries a large black medical bag.

Looking around, he suddenly spots you.
Doffing his hat, he bows to you then straightens up again.
"Ahem. I beg your pardon gentlemen. Ambassador, it is good to see you well. I am Doctor Kortemir Runemace.
"Are you Master Dufrene? Yes; I understand from your 'Employer' that you need some medical attention. Now if you'll remove your clothing I'll get right to work."
He said, pulling out what looks like a miniature oil drilling derrick.

Labyrinth HP 47/47; AC 15/14/11; Saves 4/5/7; Init +3; Perc +10; Sense Motive +2

Euphemia 'Femi' Ferka is bald, carefully shaved on a regular basis so as to show off his very fine tattoo. The tattoo is of a stylized pseudodragon whose tail is coiled around his neck ‘clinging’ to the back of his head and just peering out over the top (barely visible from the front over the top of the head) as the tiny dragon looks out onto the world. The tattoo is lightly colored in greens and blues and is very beautiful, if you’re into that sort of thing.

From there, the gaunt man is dressed in several layers of homespun cotton, also brightly dyed, and a light silk scarf - a gift from one of his lady friends back home as a remembrance. He wears heavy well worn boots. He has a large sling bag over his shoulder and chest with a variety of clanking objects within. A light crossbow hangs at his waist along with a dagger that sees more use in dinner than in combat. He leans on a fairly nondescript quarterstaff.

He smiles warmly at the newcomer, ”Welcome, ah, Doctor Runemace.” He gets out of the mans way as he goes to Cretien, but he says, ”I think there might be a better time for that. Like later. If you would be so kind. We’re rather in a hurry you understand.”

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Brakken says, "Senores, you can get acquainted on the walk to the journalist's locale."

After about a half an hour of maneuvering through the streets of Ber dipping through the different protest groups running around the city you come across a mansion sans roof which is about a half mile from the central square but two miles from the teleportation circle.

At the front door is a bespectacled orc who eyes you warily and he says as you approach, "Salve Senores i Embajador, ¿Cómo puedo ayudarte?"

Current Goal: Convince Cavallo to make a public pledge of loyalty and agree to pay for his share of the Selestala route. HP 57 | AC: 20; T: 13 ;FF: 17 | Fort +6; Ref: +11 ; Will: +15 | Init +3 | Perception +0; Sense Motive +12 | Touch Treatment: 10 | Spells/Day: 6 (6) / 6 (6) / 3 (3) Hypnotic Stare Penalty: -4 will saves, -3 Attack Rolls | Tricks: 11 (11) | Implanted Tricks: None currently.

John followed along behind the others, apparently lost in thought. He was actually studying the passersby, looking for people who might wish to ambush the group.

He did not contribute to the conversation, and in fact he wasn't really paying attention to it.

M Drakr Dwarf Alchemist (Chirurgeon) (Eschatologist) L2 | AC 16 (T12FF14) CMD 15 | hp 16/16 | F3 R5 W0 | Init +2 | Perc +5 (Dkvsn 60') | Bombs 5/5 | Inspiration 3/3 | Status: OK
Femi wrote:
”I think there might be a better time for that. Like later. If you would be so kind. We’re rather in a hurry you understand.”

Dr. Runemace stopped, then put the device away.

"Ah. Well. Another time then."

Male Gnoll Troubadour 7 / Shifter 2 (Apex Shapeshifter) HP: 42/69, AC: 25/21/21, Saves: 9/14/7 I: 6, P: 12(+1d6), Spell Points: 12/14

"Welcome among us Doctor" Javier saluted the newcomer, but not unlike Jhon, he just keeps his eyes open just in case. The Danoran have already tried to mess with their contact, it was not unlikely that they would do the same with them once the original plot had failed.

Is there anything that Javier knows about the journalist?

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

"Master? No. Professor is fine, or Cretien if that suits your tastes. I am not in need of medical attention. If you are in fact with my employer, then you will know that we must be going. Time is of the essence. Now that niceties have concluded, you will find I say little more than needed. Do not take it personally, the job has taken its toll."

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Javier, give me a KNowledge Local roll to see how much you actually know... you may know a lot or a tertiary amount.

Labyrinth HP 47/47; AC 15/14/11; Saves 4/5/7; Init +3; Perc +10; Sense Motive +2

Femi chuckles at Cretien and smiles at the good Doctor, "Oh don't mind him. We've rather been through the wringer - and our current task is of the utmost importance. You understand I'm sure."

"Won't you accompany us? We could use all the help we can get. And I'm sure we're going to need medical help at some point. We manage quite a bit of action in this squad."

When they arrive, he lets the ambassador speak, not knowing the language or custom. He could make a pretty good guess, but when they have an expert such as Brakkan, why waste everyone's time?

Shot Putter Funkmeister

Brakken says to the orc, "My good man, my friends and I would like to have a word with Melissa Amarie, is she home?"

He nods and says, "She is over there. Here have a copy of this book." he hands you all a copy of the "La clave de Miller" the key to the Millerist philosophy.

You come through the front gate and through the entrance into the main courtyard. This must have a really beautiful home before the revolution and the fall of the dragon kings.

The person you assume to be Melissa is a droll half-orc woman with mismatched eyes—one red, one green. She is sitting with a group of Panoplists. Some painting placards but listening to the conversation and others tensioning their darabukkas for a potential protest. The little bohemian clan is debating the merits of going out to the protest. Melissa doesn’t want to, but another male full orc says that she has a role to play in eliminating ignorance and spreading knowledge, a classic if somewhat simplistic overview of Millerite philosophy.

Current Goal: Convince Cavallo to make a public pledge of loyalty and agree to pay for his share of the Selestala route. HP 57 | AC: 20; T: 13 ;FF: 17 | Fort +6; Ref: +11 ; Will: +15 | Init +3 | Perception +0; Sense Motive +12 | Touch Treatment: 10 | Spells/Day: 6 (6) / 6 (6) / 3 (3) Hypnotic Stare Penalty: -4 will saves, -3 Attack Rolls | Tricks: 11 (11) | Implanted Tricks: None currently.

John will accept the book and begin flipping through it.

M Drakr Dwarf Alchemist (Chirurgeon) (Eschatologist) L2 | AC 16 (T12FF14) CMD 15 | hp 16/16 | F3 R5 W0 | Init +2 | Perc +5 (Dkvsn 60') | Bombs 5/5 | Inspiration 3/3 | Status: OK

Dr. Runemace takes a book and peers at it closely.
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
Appraise: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16

Shot Putter Funkmeister


You leaf through the book and it is a very rudimentary explanation of Millerite thought definitely not a text that really gives an educated reader a handle on the intricacies of William Miller and how his writings and thoughts. The book is designed for the first year University Student not an intellectual. Feel free to read the players guide on Millerism.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric 7 (Verisian Pilgrim) hp 59, ac 20, f +7, r +4, w+12(+14 vs spells), init +8, perc +14 cmb 16, cmd 18

When the doctor arrives Rognar welcomes him with the rest and bids farewell Darling as well as follows along to the visit with Melissa Amerie and accepts the book as well with a smile thanking them and trying to listen and watch to see how much Melissa is into this whole thing

sense motive: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Labyrinth HP 47/47; AC 15/14/11; Saves 4/5/7; Init +3; Perc +10; Sense Motive +2

HP: 46/47 AC: 15 (f14/t11)
Weapon Equipped = Quarterstaff
Crossbow Bolts = 10/10
Conditions = Detect Scrying (1/24h), Mage Armor (1/9h), Heroism (50/90m)
Melee: Attack: BAB +4, Str +0 Damage: +0
Ranged: Attack: BAB +4, Dex +1 Damage: +0
Reconnaissance (1/1)
Instant Doorknocker (1/1)
Quick Runner (1/1)
Arcane Reservoir (su): 7/7(max12) (+1 DC or caster level (free), quick study (full), dimensional slide (part of move))
Consume Spells (su): 2/2
Runestone of Power (first) 1/2
Spells (Caster Level 9, Concentration +13, SR +11)
Special: (7/7) Force Missile*
Zero (15): Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Spark
First (16): (6/6) Burning Hands*, Feather Fall, Grease, Infernal Healing, Mage Armor, Magic Missile*
Second (17) (5/5) Admonishing Ray*, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Knock, See Invisibility
Third (18) (4/5) Clairvoyance/audience, Fireball*, Haste, Heroism
Fourth (19) (3/4) Ball Lightning*, Detect Scrying, Locate Creature
* +1 DC, +4 Damage

Femi ignores the book for now, and walks up to the journalist with his hand outstretched.

”Greetings. We were wondering if you would be willing to chat with us a while. We read your piece on Tinker Oddcog, and we are hoping you will be kind enough to expand on what you wrote there. Perhaps fill us in on any newer developments. It was quite an exceptional piece. My name is Femi.”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 18 + 2 = 28 (heroism)

Current Goal: Convince Cavallo to make a public pledge of loyalty and agree to pay for his share of the Selestala route. HP 57 | AC: 20; T: 13 ;FF: 17 | Fort +6; Ref: +11 ; Will: +15 | Init +3 | Perception +0; Sense Motive +12 | Touch Treatment: 10 | Spells/Day: 6 (6) / 6 (6) / 3 (3) Hypnotic Stare Penalty: -4 will saves, -3 Attack Rolls | Tricks: 11 (11) | Implanted Tricks: None currently.

As the group settles in to speak to the journalist, John will stare at her intently for a moment, then seem to go back to reading through the book.

Hypnotic stare plus Detect Thoughts. Using Covert Spells to cast it without outward components.

Bluff to hide my casting: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (4) + 26 = 30 This is the DC for Sense Motive check to realize I'm spellcasting.

DC 20 Will Save with a -4 penalty. I'm just going to use Detect Thoughts to verify she's telling the truth, unless she specifically thinks about Oddcog's location.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

She looks at Femi, nods, takes out a pencil puts the eraser in her mouth as she nibbles on it a bit, "Femi, Femi, ah yes, Femi..."

She opens her satchel and pulls out a spiraled notebook, flips it open and says nods at each person in tow, "Yes, er excuse me, Euphemia "Femi" Ferka RHC constable, was assigned to station C in Chryssilir up until Winter, transferred back to Flint, was placed on the summit detail come Spring. Helped stopped the Collosus. Knighted"

She moves over to Chretien, "Professor Chretien Dufresne, Danoran born, Professor at Pardwright University, saved King and RSS Coaltongue last year Spring. Sussed out Mayor Macbanin's treason Summer same year, had something to do with the Alien encounter Fall last year... Winter took a sabbatical and then put on summit duty and helped stop the collosus."

Looks at Rognar, "Rognar Grimtooth, Skyseer, RHC, Divinations Division up until Winter this year... worked with Nevard but was in Slate when he died. Placed on Summit duty... helped with the COllosus."

SHe then looks at John and Kort and shrugs and looks at Javier says, "Javier Delgado, hmmm, wow... you have made a name for yourself in Seobriga... hmm... how you are travelling around with the Ambassador and these RHC members... that could be an interesting piece unto itself. Color me intrigued."

She then gets to answering Femi's question, "Tinker Oddcog is a prelude to my larger piece that should be coming out later. I mean yesterday I get a visit by the Sovereign of Danor's niece and her two silly bodyguards and today I get a visit from the Heroes of Flint. Tell me about yourselves."

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Male Gnoll Troubadour 7 / Shifter 2 (Apex Shapeshifter) HP: 42/69, AC: 25/21/21, Saves: 9/14/7 I: 6, P: 12(+1d6), Spell Points: 12/14

Sorry got a busy weekend

Knowleged Local (spend 1 inspiration to get +1d6): 1d20 + 10 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + 10 + (1) = 15

"I'm pretty intrigued to meet you too myself and I'm afraid that my life might not be as interesting as you might have heard, however, I'd gladly participate to an interview, if you deem it interesting enough, perhaps after you help my friends with the matter at hand?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 16 + (1) = 37

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric 7 (Verisian Pilgrim) hp 59, ac 20, f +7, r +4, w+12(+14 vs spells), init +8, perc +14 cmb 16, cmd 18

Rognar is amazed at how well informed she is wondering where she gets all the wonderful information considering he himself wasnt all that interesting either, at least to himself and he says

You are a student of local knowledge and current events as well?

Shot Putter Funkmeister


Melissa operates independently as a journalist. The educated daughter of an orc sea captain who raided Risur for a wife across the Marrajado de Oro (see Cavallo de Guerra), Melissa attended the Dyal Revolutionary Institute in Seobriga and quickly found a home with the nascent Panoply movement

She crinkles her nose in response to Rognar and says, "I am a journalist. My job is to find out about the players in a story."

She then says, "I really want to know about your group dynamic. How does it work? Senor Delgado, no need to be coy, tell me about yourself and really how you ended up working with the people."

Male Gnoll Troubadour 7 / Shifter 2 (Apex Shapeshifter) HP: 42/69, AC: 25/21/21, Saves: 9/14/7 I: 6, P: 12(+1d6), Spell Points: 12/14

Does she look truthful with her explanation on why she knows us?
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 12 + 1d6 ⇒ (14) + 12 + (6) = 32

"I must admit that the reason of my collaboration is quite mundane, I have trade deals with Risur and the constable required a local guide so here I am." He gave her a friendly smile. "I am however impressed that you even know me, but it is a journalist job to know things I presume"

Bluff: 1d20 + 17 + 1d6 ⇒ (8) + 17 + (4) = 29
Javier is immune to magic that detect the truth and even his surface thoughts match his lies in case someone is reading them.

Shot Putter Funkmeister


She is being wholly candid. She is a bit annoyed, nay a bit insulted by Rognar's question.

She then chuckles at Javier and says, "No need for modesty, Don Javier, you have made a name for yourself on the streets of this fair city. Knowing who is who is the life blood of a journalist. I mean, according to my sources, you had difficult times with your clan as a youth and then you went missing for a few years but resurfaced about six months ago here in Seobriga, steadily gaining a reputation for cough let's say getting things done. What were you doing during your absence from Ber?"

Male Gnoll Troubadour 7 / Shifter 2 (Apex Shapeshifter) HP: 42/69, AC: 25/21/21, Saves: 9/14/7 I: 6, P: 12(+1d6), Spell Points: 12/14

I did what any youth who hasn't yet found a place in life and has the means eventually does.” He grinned playfully. “I went exploring and I must admit that I might have a tale or two about my adventures, but none I’m afraid that could match the reputation of the Constables here.

Eventually though, the call from home grew too strong and besides, I feel like life in Seobringa has become far from boring now, if you ask me. The land is ripe for opportunities.” He smiled again. “With the Panoply movement, that if you ask me definitely has some merit and all the new inventions flowing in, who knows maybe this so called ‘genius’ that the Bruse has as a guest could really help revolutionize Ber.

Speaking of him, my bet is that you have some insider information about the gnome and I was wondering if there was any that you might be willing to share with us?

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

"About me? I am a Professor as you say, though with things at RHC and the world at large heating up I have become somewhat adjunct and then emeritus. If I survive to see things taken care of, I'll return to teaching. Oddcog is of interest to me as you may have surmised in that we have similar passions for the mechanical."

Shot Putter Funkmeister

She looked like she might have started talking about Tinker but then gets Chretien's question and her note pad is wide open, pencil in hand says, "Of course I want to know more about you. It is not everyday that someone like you walks through my front door. So how did you get involved in the RHC in the first place? How did you suss out that the Duchess was trying to murder her brother the King?"

Labyrinth HP 47/47; AC 15/14/11; Saves 4/5/7; Init +3; Perc +10; Sense Motive +2

Femi hadn’t expected her to know so much. Clearly she could be of great assistance.

”Our group dynamic? Well, we’re all honored officers of the RHC, that’s the Royal Homeland Constabulary of course. That training brings about its own camaraderie, which helps us work together quickly, on trips such as this one. Officers come and go, but the thread that holds us all together remains strong - as strong as the strongest of us.”

He listens as Javier and Cretien each tell a bit about themselves. He’s enjoying it when he realizes that he too should provide the journalist with a little more information.

”Well, I’m fairly new to the RHC really, but I’ve been keen to get on the squad for some time, so it feels like longer to me. Before that, I was stationed as an adjunct to a captain in the recently ended Yerasol Archipelago war. I did OK. Well enough to survive anyway, though to be honest, my captain wasn’t one for the front, so it was relatively safe duty I must admit.”

He lets the others questions to her be enough. She heard them, and would speak when she was ready, so he doesn’t compound it by piling on.

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

"She was a prime suspect due to her naturalist leanings being at odds with the progressive leanings of her brother."

Shot Putter Funkmeister

The journalist arches her eyebrow slightly and says, "Sure in retrospect it makes sense but how did you keep the ship from exploding? You were able to save the King, the Pearl of the Fleet and then not too long thereafter, prevent a fifth Yerasol War between your native and your chosen countries."

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

"Keeping a ship from exploding was comparably easier than most tasks the RHC asks of us. At least that one is related to knowledge that I possess, and part of the reason I went RHC. If someone who wasn't an engineer had been in my place, that day and all days after it would have gone very differently. Watching the dead bodies of your comrades wash into the sea is one of the harder tasks, knowing that you couldn't save them or even hope to recover their bodies, and can't even disclose what happened to them."

After a long pause, he adds, "Only an engineer can solve problems caused by another engineer successfully. Anyone can make a bomb, comparatively fewer can diffuse them. Many can ride a train, fewer can drive one, and fewer still can design one. I should add that to my class."

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Cleric 7 (Verisian Pilgrim) hp 59, ac 20, f +7, r +4, w+12(+14 vs spells), init +8, perc +14 cmb 16, cmd 18

Nods a bunch of times as his comrades speak of their many exploits and he says you are all extraordinary constabuls of whom it is an honor to be made a part of and work with. You are keen specialists capable of tremendous acts of daring and courage. Yes, indeed an honor to be comrades with you Rognar says

M Drakr Dwarf Alchemist (Chirurgeon) (Eschatologist) L2 | AC 16 (T12FF14) CMD 15 | hp 16/16 | F3 R5 W0 | Init +2 | Perc +5 (Dkvsn 60') | Bombs 5/5 | Inspiration 3/3 | Status: OK

Nodding thoughtfully, Dr. Runemace closed the book.
Basic; a bit oversimplified, but a decent overview of the subject of Millerism... He thought.

Realizing he was being addressed, he looked up.
"Me? Ah, well, I am a simple physician, treating..." He looked around. "Professor DuFrene of his... unfortunate maladies."

Shot Putter Funkmeister

She starts asking everyone questions because that is who she is...
@CHretien, She nods to him and asks, "Interesting, can you tell me a little about your experience with the alien? My sources say that it was trying to unleash some sort of invasion, was that true?"

@Femi, "SO what did you do as a member of Station C in Chrysalir?

@Rognar, [b]"Did you honestly think you can just pile on the compliments to your colleagues and avoid questions? What was your role in the take down of the Collosus?"

@John, "Excuse me, it seems as though you are a new member of this squad and I am somewhat at a disadvantage. Tell about how you got involved with the RHC..."

@Javier, "What was the wanderlust that drove you to leave Ber?"

@Kort, "What kind of maladies does the professor have?"

Male Gnoll Troubadour 7 / Shifter 2 (Apex Shapeshifter) HP: 42/69, AC: 25/21/21, Saves: 9/14/7 I: 6, P: 12(+1d6), Spell Points: 12/14

I must admit that it had been nothing more than the foolishness of youth and a desire for adventure. Not that there is none in Ber I must admit, but the world at large seemed so much… He hesitated like if he was looking for the right word. “Grand, if you know what I mean. There was freedom there that one could not have at home. Although today I see our home in a different light, I don’t have any regret about my choices."

How did you become a journalist yourself?” He smiled gain.

And while I admit that I appreciate the attention, I’m afraid that my companions might need a few answer from you themselves, it is only fair, after all, to exchange news about each other.

Shot Putter Funkmeister

She says, "While at the Dyal Revolutionary Institute I found I had the gift of words and fell in with the Panoplists and have been writing freelance ever since. And to the other point you have made, I have not been asked any real succinct questions."

Current Goal: Convince Cavallo to make a public pledge of loyalty and agree to pay for his share of the Selestala route. HP 57 | AC: 20; T: 13 ;FF: 17 | Fort +6; Ref: +11 ; Will: +15 | Init +3 | Perception +0; Sense Motive +12 | Touch Treatment: 10 | Spells/Day: 6 (6) / 6 (6) / 3 (3) Hypnotic Stare Penalty: -4 will saves, -3 Attack Rolls | Tricks: 11 (11) | Implanted Tricks: None currently.

"I'm just a guide that the group hired. I don't have an exciting story like they do, but was I ever surprised when they approached me!"

Bluff: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (17) + 26 = 43

Shot Putter Funkmeister

She frowns and says, "That is more than unbelievable, let's run down the facts because that is what a good journalist does. 1) The team that surrounds Professor Dufrense is usually at between 5 and 6 constables. 2) Considering the fact that the group has Ambassador Brakken and also Javier Delgado who is a native of some reputation... the idea that Profesor Dufrene would hire someone who is definitely not a Beran native and not a known entity is implausible. Would you like to be more forthcoming? According to my calculation, you are either her replacing a Constable Falko or Zophar"

Current Goal: Convince Cavallo to make a public pledge of loyalty and agree to pay for his share of the Selestala route. HP 57 | AC: 20; T: 13 ;FF: 17 | Fort +6; Ref: +11 ; Will: +15 | Init +3 | Perception +0; Sense Motive +12 | Touch Treatment: 10 | Spells/Day: 6 (6) / 6 (6) / 3 (3) Hypnotic Stare Penalty: -4 will saves, -3 Attack Rolls | Tricks: 11 (11) | Implanted Tricks: None currently.

"Setting aside the fact that you just openly called me a liar, there are some logical inconsistancies in your argument that I feel must be pointed out: 1) you are assuming that I am a member of the RHC, which I assure you that I am not; 2) You are assuming that I was hired in Beran, which I was not; and 3) you are assuming that the good professor would only be accompanied by 5-6 companions, which may or may not be true, but does not take into account that I was hired WHEN they had multiple companions." John does not raise his voice, but does emphasize the word When.

"Why do you think I have not spoken to you? It is not my place to do so, as I have nothing to contribute. I will forgo your apology and just wait outside for my employers. Good day."

John rises, returns the book, and then exits the building.

Bluff: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (13) + 26 = 39

Tiefling map Armiger (Machinehead) 9/ Aristocrat 1 // AC 26/22/15 / HP 62/84 / F +10 R +11 W +9 / Init. +3 / Perc. +15 / Sense Motive +13

"What alien? And what maladies?"

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