GM Bold Strider's PFS #00-14 The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch (Tier 1-7) (Inactive)

Game Master rpblue

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“Welcome to glorious Sedeq, Pathfinders. I trust your stay has been pleasant so far.”

The speaker is a strikingly beautiful woman, slender and dark, dressed in the most modern Qadiran fashions. Her study is opulently appointed and seems to have mementos and trophies of past adventures covering every available surface. She favors you and your comrades with a slight half-smile and continues in her thick Qadiran accent: “I am Venture-Captain Yasmin Kal’al—I don’t believe we’ve been formally introduced.”

“I am here as you are, by request of honored Venture-Captain Adril Hestram. I have been asked to brief you on the local situation as regards the Osirian artifacts. As you know, the smuggler Matzal Chaim moved the four statues out of Sothis into Qadira. The statues are supposed to be quite valuable and had been confiscated by the Osirian authorities for study. We are not sure how Chaim got access to the statues in the first place—he likely had accomplices inside the Osirian Cultural Ministry. At any rate, Chaim brought the statues here. Sedeq is his permanent headquarters, though he spends most of his time traveling abroad. When he is in town, he spends the lion’s share of his time on the Qalli. While most of the city is given over to the human-chattel trade, the Qalli Spice Market is almost as lucrative as the rest of the city combined. Much of the money seen in Sedeq begins and ends in its stalls and processing plants. The saffron trade alone—” she brings herself up short.

“But never mind, this is not of relevance to you. Chaim spends a good deal of his time at the Topaz Pavilion bathhouse. We believe that he uses it as a point of contact with his various associates. Once you find Chaim, you will have to convince him to tell you who he sold the statues to—yes, they are no longer in his hands, we are sure of that. Time is of the essence—if Chaim’s buyer sells to others, the artifacts may quickly move beyond our grasp.”

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Magus (Bladebound) 9 | HP 68/68 | AC: 26 T: 16 FF: 21 CMD: 23 | F+11 R+12 W+9 | Init +9 | Perception +13

Dervish dot

Scarab Sages

HP 50/52 | AC19 (+2 vs Flying) T12 FF17 | Init +4 (+2 Underground) Perc +10 (+2 vs Flying) CMB +10 CMD 19 | F+9 R+3 W+12 (+2 Poison, Spells) | CN Mountain Dwarf | Inquisitor (Witch Hunter) 4 / Cleric (Crusader) 2 / Divine Scion (Cleric) 1 | Greatsword +9; 2d6+5 (19-20/x2) | sheet

"Good Day VC Yasmin. I am Dvalin Stormforge; and Inquisitor of Gorum and journeyman pathfinder at your service."

Silver Crusade

AC 21 (T 15, FF 16). HP 32, Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +5 (+11 total vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB/CMD 6/21, Speed 30f
Mwk Composite Longbow +9 (1d8+8, 20/x3) (+7/+7 RS, PBS, DA), Mwk CI Greatsword +6 (2d6+3, 20/x3)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +4, Perception -2, Use Magic Device +15


Silver Crusade

AC 21 (T 15, FF 16). HP 32, Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +5 (+11 total vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB/CMD 6/21, Speed 30f
Mwk Composite Longbow +9 (1d8+8, 20/x3) (+7/+7 RS, PBS, DA), Mwk CI Greatsword +6 (2d6+3, 20/x3)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +4, Perception -2, Use Magic Device +15

"Greeting my lady. My name is Xerance, paladin of Shelyn. Also at your service." The youthful beautiful woman says with a musical voice, almost as if she is singing.

Xerance observes the woman's dress more than listening to her words.
"Erm, excuse me. That beautiful garment, is that the latest fashion around here? I do try to fit in wherever I may go." Xerance asks with a genuine smile.

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar Sorc 10 AC17/T13/F14 +1 all /CMD14 |HP 82/82 | Fort:+9;Ref:+9(+10);Will+9 |Percept.+11 (darkvision) | Init.+9 (0/1 shirt, electric arcs 0/7 used) (Whirlwind 0/1) {, waterbreath, ext_mage_armor , 4 images }

With hair streaked with gold, held back with a colorful, feathered headband, and eyes flashing with blue lightning, the young woman before you betrays her unworldly heritage. She wears a stylish robe of rainbow hues and a necklace of strange, decorative bird around her neck. Only the longspear she carries seams out of place with rest of her raiment.

She smiles as she sees other ladies present. She bows and smiles at each of the other agents present.

"Greetings as well. This is so exciting to be on a new mission to find lost works of art. Oh and I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Victoria, but you can call me Tori."

She turns her attention back to Yasmin.

Silver Crusade

HP Max 35 | AC16 T11 FF15 | CMD 18 | F6* R3* W7* | Init +1 | Per +10 (+14 underground)

The oread in the room, roughly the same height as Caith, blinks very slowly as if he's still trying to wake up. He smiles casually at all present, bobbing his head in a very dreamlike manner.

Imagine this as his voice (except as if the voice were deeper, slower ... like hearing it underwater).

"Ah'm Jagged Stone..."

He takes a deep breath.

"You might already know me, as I have been told I'm something of a rock celebrity..."

He blinks very slowly again.

"... and I am also a rock person who makes rock music."

He holds up a few rocks that he apparently had secured somewhere on his person.

It takes him a few moment, but he soon realizes that most folks are looking past him and his rock collection at the oversized bird in the room.

He nods again in understanding - very slowly.

"Oh, yeah. This is Siz'ahs. He is also a roc celebrity..."

Jag blinks again, trying to remember the details he must relate.

"... and he is also a roc. That's kind of like a b'erd. He can fly and stuff. Sometimes ah like t' think ah can fly along side him!"

Jag sniffs at the air, rubs his eyes and leans forward on his elbows.

"Now down to biz'nus! I understand the Peshfinders are paying for us to get bathe-ed and talk to this nice fellah, Mister Chaim? Something about four large rocks?"

Jagged Stone strikes his chest and nods.

"Ah'm something of an expert in rocks. Carved rock. Uncarved rock. Mossy rock. Non-mossy rock. Rock music. Rock non-music. And oh, yeah, rocs, too."

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Magus (Bladebound) 9 | HP 68/68 | AC: 26 T: 16 FF: 21 CMD: 23 | F+11 R+12 W+9 | Init +9 | Perception +13

Aetherys is a lithe elven girl bearing long, well-kept blond hair flowing down to her waist. Some of it is braided, with small clasps respresenting the Dawnflower. Her eyes are deep blue, and she hardly ever blinks. At her side, a black-bladed scimitar rests, engraved with arabesque.

"Aetherys Dawnblade, reporting for duty, Ma'am." she says in a very formal voice before relaxing. "I understand the Chaïm won't be too happy to sell out his buyer. Hence, do we have any way of obtaining them out of him?"

Any knowledge rolls we can make to get some information about Chaïm or the statues?

Silver Crusade

AC 21 (T 15, FF 16). HP 32, Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +5 (+11 total vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB/CMD 6/21, Speed 30f
Mwk Composite Longbow +9 (1d8+8, 20/x3) (+7/+7 RS, PBS, DA), Mwk CI Greatsword +6 (2d6+3, 20/x3)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +4, Perception -2, Use Magic Device +15

Xerance's eyes widen as she sees the beautiful styles of everyone. She asks everyone about their garments, where they got them from and what the latest styles are in that region. After a while she fiddles with her bracelets and her whole outfit changes. It now resembles that local outfit of the venture captain, but it incorporates something from everyone's outfit. A small rainbow here, dawnflower there, even a small eagle on her shoulder. She inspects it for a moment in the mirror and pleased with her work she does a little twirl.

"All set! So what are we supposed to do again?" She asks with an innocent smile.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar Sorc 10 AC17/T13/F14 +1 all /CMD14 |HP 82/82 | Fort:+9;Ref:+9(+10);Will+9 |Percept.+11 (darkvision) | Init.+9 (0/1 shirt, electric arcs 0/7 used) (Whirlwind 0/1) {, waterbreath, ext_mage_armor , 4 images }

"Well ladies and gentlemen, the bathhouse sounds like a lovely place. I am sure it is filled with bubbles, perfumes and candles. I can hardly wait to pay it a visit. "

Dark Archive

Scenario and AP Tracker


Scarab Sages

HP 50/52 | AC19 (+2 vs Flying) T12 FF17 | Init +4 (+2 Underground) Perc +10 (+2 vs Flying) CMB +10 CMD 19 | F+9 R+3 W+12 (+2 Poison, Spells) | CN Mountain Dwarf | Inquisitor (Witch Hunter) 4 / Cleric (Crusader) 2 / Divine Scion (Cleric) 1 | Greatsword +9; 2d6+5 (19-20/x2) | sheet

"I might be able to persuade Chaim to talk with us ...
Dvalin grumbles a little at the prospect of visiting the bath house; mostly because of his presumption that he must leave his armor and primary weapons behind. Dvalin spends some time to prepare himself for the up coming encounter:

Spells, 1st Level:
  • Interrogation x2
  • Persuasive Goad

Donning just his rather severe, black inquisitor's vestments, Dvalin meets back up with the party and indicates that he is ready to proceed ...

"I supposed we should get started then."

The Exchange

Male Half-Elf (3.0A) Summoner 3 | HP 24/24 | AC 17; TCH 13; FF 18 | F +3; R +4; W +2 | CMB +1; CMD 14 | Init +5 | Wands: Inf Heal 35/50; MA 48/50; SM I 49/50 | Spells (1) 0/4

Two more walk in the door, a tad bit late and hurried. The half-elven man sweeps a low bow as the woman companion with him stays concealed in her cloak, a broad great sword strapped to her back. Sorry I am late, had trouble finding the place. My name is Zartrel and my companion here is Skivane. Did we miss anything important.

The Exchange

Female Eidolon | HP 19/19 | AC 17 (21 w/ mage armor); TCH 11; FF 16 | F +4; R +2; W +3 | CMB +5; CMD 17 | Init +1 |

I don't think they care too much for your excuses.

A lovely- honeyed voice comes from the cloak who's contents are blended into the shadows.

Silver Crusade

AC 21 (T 15, FF 16). HP 32, Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +5 (+11 total vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB/CMD 6/21, Speed 30f
Mwk Composite Longbow +9 (1d8+8, 20/x3) (+7/+7 RS, PBS, DA), Mwk CI Greatsword +6 (2d6+3, 20/x3)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +4, Perception -2, Use Magic Device +15

"I can try to get him to talk to me, guys always want to talk to me for some reason." Xerance says ignorantly whilst others could imagine with her clothing the way it is, with the low cut, men would gladly talk to Xerance.

Scarab Sages

HP 50/52 | AC19 (+2 vs Flying) T12 FF17 | Init +4 (+2 Underground) Perc +10 (+2 vs Flying) CMB +10 CMD 19 | F+9 R+3 W+12 (+2 Poison, Spells) | CN Mountain Dwarf | Inquisitor (Witch Hunter) 4 / Cleric (Crusader) 2 / Divine Scion (Cleric) 1 | Greatsword +9; 2d6+5 (19-20/x2) | sheet
Xerance-RK wrote:
"I can try to get him to talk to me, guys always want to talk to me for some reason."

Dvalin responds with a grin. "Excellent! I see we have a volunteer to play 'good' cop. Time to go get 'cleaned up' then.

Dvalin begins walking toward the baths ...

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar Sorc 10 AC17/T13/F14 +1 all /CMD14 |HP 82/82 | Fort:+9;Ref:+9(+10);Will+9 |Percept.+11 (darkvision) | Init.+9 (0/1 shirt, electric arcs 0/7 used) (Whirlwind 0/1) {, waterbreath, ext_mage_armor , 4 images }

Victoria will follow after the rest of the group, her multicolored robe billowing behind her as she tries to keep pace.

As they walk along, she smiles at the late comers, and greets them.

"Hi Zartel and Skivane. Welcome. we are going to visit a man about some missing statues.
You did not miss much, but we must hurry. This sounds like such a fine adventure already...even better with great friends."

Silver Crusade

HP Max 35 | AC16 T11 FF15 | CMD 18 | F6* R3* W7* | Init +1 | Per +10 (+14 underground)

Jagged follows the others in the general direction of the bath house, motioning for Scissors to perch himself on whatever nearby building appears most convenient.

Adjusting his garments, Jag is reminded of the plesant smells of his herbal garden as they linger on his clothes.

"This bath now... we don't have to join in, right? We're just going inside to talk to the good Mister Chain, that's it -- isn't it?"

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar Sorc 10 AC17/T13/F14 +1 all /CMD14 |HP 82/82 | Fort:+9;Ref:+9(+10);Will+9 |Percept.+11 (darkvision) | Init.+9 (0/1 shirt, electric arcs 0/7 used) (Whirlwind 0/1) {, waterbreath, ext_mage_armor , 4 images }

LOL - when I read Jagged was going to perch himself ON a nearby building, I had to check if he was a large humanoid. That would be a first for walking around town. :)

Alright, time to get this started!

The Venture-Captain is clearly puzzled by the choice of Pathfinders for this adventure. Yes, we just need you to obtain this information at all costs. Please do try friendly methods first, but this information is of great importance to the Decimvirate.

VC Kal'al pushes you out of the door. Remember, do whatever it takes!


After entering the Qalli Spice Market, you locate the Topaz Pavilion Bathhouse simply by wandering around for 15 minutes. It is located prominently on the corner of Candlewood Street and Shackle Street, a scant block from the ramp down to the Central Market. Once you arrive at the bathhouse, you see a man who clearly matches the description of Chaim. For the briefest of moments, he notices you, his eyes widen, and he flees into the bathhouse.

After chasing Chaim through what must have been half the rooms in the bathhouse, jumping pools and slipping across slick tile, the body of Chaim lies on the floor of a steamy room, a bloody gash where his adam’s apple used to be. An exasperated voice from further in the room exclaims, “’Think,’ I said, ‘before you stab.’” The steam separates, revealing two sweaty half-orcs in heavy armor, one looking abashed with a bloody kukri in his hand. A man sprawls luxuriantly in a small steaming pool in the center of the room. His visible skin is covered with horrible scars as if from badly healed burns.

Behold Grandmaster Torch, a notorious information broker who has helped the Pathfinder Society in the past—but always for a steep price.

He continues dressing down the half-orc with the kukri until he notices you standing across the room. He appraises them with a quick, sharp eye taking in their varied appearance, outlandish garb and visible weapons. Then he says: “Please forgive the mess—my bodyguard was a bit ... overzealous in guarding my privacy. I recognize Pathfinders when I see them, though, and I’m always happy to be of service to the Society.”

Is there anything I can do for you?

Victoria and Zartrel, please post in the Discussion tab.

Scarab Sages

HP 50/52 | AC19 (+2 vs Flying) T12 FF17 | Init +4 (+2 Underground) Perc +10 (+2 vs Flying) CMB +10 CMD 19 | F+9 R+3 W+12 (+2 Poison, Spells) | CN Mountain Dwarf | Inquisitor (Witch Hunter) 4 / Cleric (Crusader) 2 / Divine Scion (Cleric) 1 | Greatsword +9; 2d6+5 (19-20/x2) | sheet

Dvalin frowns at the body ...

"May I?"
Pointing at the bloody mess that used to be Chaim.
Without waiting for an answer, he moves toward Chaim to verify that he is indeed beyond any help ...

Straightening afterward ...

"This is a wee bit troubling to say the least.
We merely had some questions about a recent transaction Chaim was thought to have conducted.
A matter concerning Osirian artifacts ...?"

Dvalin's voice trails off with a hint of a question and hope that the Grandmaster may be able to help instead.

My deepest apologies, Pathfinders. The man came in here with such a passion that my bodyguards felt the immediate need to nullify any possible threat. That is what they are paid for, after all.

Grandmaster Torch reclines in his bath, letting the soothing water take away a slight bit of agony that he constantly feels. I may be of service, but what do I gain in return? My standard fee is 3,000 gold pieces for such knowledge. Surely, the Society is willing to part with gold for information such as this...

Silver Crusade

AC 21 (T 15, FF 16). HP 32, Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +5 (+11 total vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB/CMD 6/21, Speed 30f
Mwk Composite Longbow +9 (1d8+8, 20/x3) (+7/+7 RS, PBS, DA), Mwk CI Greatsword +6 (2d6+3, 20/x3)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +4, Perception -2, Use Magic Device +15

Xerance's eyes open wide at the senseless killing.
"What you can do? Why you can get a priest and resurrect this poor man." Says against this Torche fella. diplo: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
"And you! How could you just kill a man for no reason. You should be ashamed of yourself!" She continues pointing at the half-orc.

ninjad so added response

"Your bodyguard killed our only lead. I would say you owe us the information for free!"
persuade diplo: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Magus (Bladebound) 9 | HP 68/68 | AC: 26 T: 16 FF: 21 CMD: 23 | F+11 R+12 W+9 | Init +9 | Perception +13

Aetherys sighs at the sight of Torch, and doesn't show that she's at least a tiny bit frightened by that man's reputation.

"They say the word free doesn't exist in your mouth. Maybe there's something we might do for you instead of your fee? It's too high for us and you know it."

The man clearly is amused by Xerance's response. Haha... You are a cute one. Where did the Pathfinder Society find one such as yourself? All full of righteous indignation...

He sees her compatriot and recognizes her... Aetherys... We meet once more. You are too correct and you are too smart for my juvenile tricks. In my current state of affairs, ones such as yourselves are unnecessary, but I could use a to-be-determined favor from the Society. Is that something you would be willing to trade for this knowledge?

Scarab Sages

HP 50/52 | AC19 (+2 vs Flying) T12 FF17 | Init +4 (+2 Underground) Perc +10 (+2 vs Flying) CMB +10 CMD 19 | F+9 R+3 W+12 (+2 Poison, Spells) | CN Mountain Dwarf | Inquisitor (Witch Hunter) 4 / Cleric (Crusader) 2 / Divine Scion (Cleric) 1 | Greatsword +9; 2d6+5 (19-20/x2) | sheet

Do we have any authority to negotiate on behalf of the society?

"Indeed ... while our purse may be limited, we are not without other means. Some boon or favor might prove well worth your 'usual' fee

The Exchange

Male Half-Elf (3.0A) Summoner 3 | HP 24/24 | AC 17; TCH 13; FF 18 | F +3; R +4; W +2 | CMB +1; CMD 14 | Init +5 | Wands: Inf Heal 35/50; MA 48/50; SM I 49/50 | Spells (1) 0/4

We would be glad to owe a favor if you will give us the information Grandmaster Zartrel says as he sweeps a wide bow.

The Exchange

Female Eidolon | HP 19/19 | AC 17 (21 w/ mage armor); TCH 11; FF 16 | F +4; R +2; W +3 | CMB +5; CMD 17 | Init +1 |

As if we had any choice in the matter...... You never were the bright one. *Sigh* Skivane softly scolds Zartrel

Grandmaster Torch seems positively mirthful at the idea of a free favor from the Society. Hmm... Yes, that will do quite nicely. I believe you are looking for Nasir Tandir, Viraj Arpani, Buri Buri-Ban, and Saldin Marafi. I will even throw in a freebie since you lot are so keen on being great Pathfinders. Keep the statues in a thick bag and don’t let your arcane friends there hold them when they practice their art. Bad things will happen.

He grins widely as he asks you. Anything else?

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar Sorc 10 AC17/T13/F14 +1 all /CMD14 |HP 82/82 | Fort:+9;Ref:+9(+10);Will+9 |Percept.+11 (darkvision) | Init.+9 (0/1 shirt, electric arcs 0/7 used) (Whirlwind 0/1) {, waterbreath, ext_mage_armor , 4 images }

Tori turns up her nose at the body and pouts at Torches' deal.

"this is not as much fun as I was expecting. Now what are we doing running errands him? are we sure this is even the right path? . "

Silver Crusade

HP Max 35 | AC16 T11 FF15 | CMD 18 | F6* R3* W7* | Init +1 | Per +10 (+14 underground)

Jagged turns out his pockets, wondering if he has enough gold coins for the Grandmaster's request.

Shaking his head, he frowns when he discovers he in fact, does not.

The oread concedes to the exchange of favors while considering what "bad things may happen" might mean.

"Jagged will commit these names to memory so we don't need to write them down. Writing is bad."

With a nod to the others, the druid begins repeating the names to himself.

"Nasid... Vee-raj... Buri Buri... Saldin..."

Scratching his head, he wonders how they may find them all in a busy city like Sedeq.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Magus (Bladebound) 9 | HP 68/68 | AC: 26 T: 16 FF: 21 CMD: 23 | F+11 R+12 W+9 | Init +9 | Perception +13

Aetherys appears dismayed. "Why are you helping us? What's your gain in this?"

The Exchange

Male Half-Elf (3.0A) Summoner 3 | HP 24/24 | AC 17; TCH 13; FF 18 | F +3; R +4; W +2 | CMB +1; CMD 14 | Init +5 | Wands: Inf Heal 35/50; MA 48/50; SM I 49/50 | Spells (1) 0/4

...and what do you mean about keeping your arcane friends clear?

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar Sorc 10 AC17/T13/F14 +1 all /CMD14 |HP 82/82 | Fort:+9;Ref:+9(+10);Will+9 |Percept.+11 (darkvision) | Init.+9 (0/1 shirt, electric arcs 0/7 used) (Whirlwind 0/1) {, waterbreath, ext_mage_armor , 4 images }

Victoria nods at Zartel's question...

"Yes, like what's that all about?"

The disfigured man looks at Aetherys. A favor from the Society is worth much much more to me than the information that I have disbursed to you, however the information is worth much much more than a small favor, is it not?

Grandmaster Torch's face garners a small frown at Zartrel and Victoria's question. Just a small tidbit that I have heard. Heed it or don't. Either way, I wish you luck.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Magus (Bladebound) 9 | HP 68/68 | AC: 26 T: 16 FF: 21 CMD: 23 | F+11 R+12 W+9 | Init +9 | Perception +13

"No time to waste, then. Let's find these statues." Aetherys leaves, addressing a slight nod at Torch.

Silver Crusade

HP Max 35 | AC16 T11 FF15 | CMD 18 | F6* R3* W7* | Init +1 | Per +10 (+14 underground)

As the other Pathfinders depart, Jagged Stone lingers at the exit and gives the grandmaster a long look, somewhere in between sympathy and curiosity more than scorn or doubt.

Once outside, he queries his more sober companions upon what the broker meant.

"What do you think Mister Torch meant about not letting arcane friends hold them?"

Scratching his head, Jagged explores some ideas.

"Does that mean we should give it to our arcane enemies?"

Glomming onto the idea, Jagged reveals some of his knowledge about objects you'd give to your enemies.

"Maybe he wants to scry on some evil arcane'usts. Jagged Stone once knew a droo-ud who could scry using nuttin' but a pool of water."

With little leads or skills with people to utilize, the oread is ready to follow the others to the acquirers of the artifacts they are seeking.

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar Sorc 10 AC17/T13/F14 +1 all /CMD14 |HP 82/82 | Fort:+9;Ref:+9(+10);Will+9 |Percept.+11 (darkvision) | Init.+9 (0/1 shirt, electric arcs 0/7 used) (Whirlwind 0/1) {, waterbreath, ext_mage_armor , 4 images }

"Well, assuming those names are um correct, do we just ask around town as to their whereabouts?
I was like totally expecting something more straightforward from
an information broker, I guess. But at least we have their names. So that is something, right?"

Victoria will assist with a gather info if needed...or not.
diplo: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

The Exchange

Male Half-Elf (3.0A) Summoner 3 | HP 24/24 | AC 17; TCH 13; FF 18 | F +3; R +4; W +2 | CMB +1; CMD 14 | Init +5 | Wands: Inf Heal 35/50; MA 48/50; SM I 49/50 | Spells (1) 0/4

Diplomacy (GI): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Zartrel asks around if anyone has heard of the names, but it seems that no one around has heard of the individuals. Perhaps if we are unable to find them we can return to this Grandmaster Torch and he will tell us a bit more?

Silver Crusade

AC 21 (T 15, FF 16). HP 32, Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +5 (+11 total vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB/CMD 6/21, Speed 30f
Mwk Composite Longbow +9 (1d8+8, 20/x3) (+7/+7 RS, PBS, DA), Mwk CI Greatsword +6 (2d6+3, 20/x3)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +4, Perception -2, Use Magic Device +15

"But but, why are we letting him get away with this?" Xerance asks the others confused while they exit the sauna.

Xerance will also help to gather information about the individuals. diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Doing a much better job than the rest combined. Perhaps it's those platina curls, that lovely dress or the hint of a décolleté below that dress.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

HP 50/52 | AC19 (+2 vs Flying) T12 FF17 | Init +4 (+2 Underground) Perc +10 (+2 vs Flying) CMB +10 CMD 19 | F+9 R+3 W+12 (+2 Poison, Spells) | CN Mountain Dwarf | Inquisitor (Witch Hunter) 4 / Cleric (Crusader) 2 / Divine Scion (Cleric) 1 | Greatsword +9; 2d6+5 (19-20/x2) | sheet

Dvalin will help gather information on the 4 Individuals:
Nasir Tandir: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Viraj Arpani: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Buri Buri-Ban: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Saldin Marafi: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

"Perhaps we should start with this Nasir fella?"

Aetherys thinks back on her previous experiences with Torch and informs the group that their window to ask for more information for free may have passed.

Luckily, Dvalin and Xerance are able to gleam the information after an hour in town. Dvalin finds a particularly gossipy cleric when he visits the local Temple of Gorum. He learns that Nasir Tandir is a jowly fellow who runs a warehouse in the Overmarket near Candlewood and Zephyr, while Saldin Marafi has a shop in the Secure Market. "It’s toward the back in one of the more secure nooks. Good luck getting in there.” The cleric doesn't know much about the other two fellows however.

Xerance frequents the bars and works her charm and assets, learning that Viraj Arpani tends to hang around the Overmarket. "He’s new in town, but he’s unmistakeable. He’s Vudran and covered with little bells.” A man on the other side of her offers this bit of information with the hopes of something beyond drinks. “Buri Buri-Ban’s a Garundi fellow—pretty beefy. His favorite café fronts on Sengali square.”

Where to first?

Silver Crusade

Female Aasimar Sorc 10 AC17/T13/F14 +1 all /CMD14 |HP 82/82 | Fort:+9;Ref:+9(+10);Will+9 |Percept.+11 (darkvision) | Init.+9 (0/1 shirt, electric arcs 0/7 used) (Whirlwind 0/1) {, waterbreath, ext_mage_armor , 4 images }

"Great job you two. Now we just go find them and see what they gave to say. Piece of cake. "

we can go in the order listed as far as Tori is concerned.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Magus (Bladebound) 9 | HP 68/68 | AC: 26 T: 16 FF: 21 CMD: 23 | F+11 R+12 W+9 | Init +9 | Perception +13

The elf nods, and departs for the Secure Market. "Let's tackle Saldin first."

The Pathfinders set off to the Secure Market. The Secure Market is designed for people who don’t like surprises. Situated in the foundation of an ancient tower and surrounded by walls with no windows, it is accessible by one heavily-guarded, narrow entrance from the Central Market to the north. Visitors may not bring weapons into the Secure Market, though the merchants, their personal guards, and the Secure Market guards can. The market is under an anti-magic field—no magical charming, pecuniary prestidigitation, or counterfeit conjuring can happen in this place. It’s a popular place to do business for those who take security to the level of fetish, and who can afford the stall license. Each license has to be visible on the stall whenever it is doing business, and even one license, transferable as they are, is worth a small fortune.

The guards stop the Pathfinders as they approach. Halt! Either show your license or remove your weapons and leave them here.

Silver Crusade

AC 21 (T 15, FF 16). HP 32, Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +5 (+11 total vs charm & compulsion). Init +5, CMB/CMD 6/21, Speed 30f
Mwk Composite Longbow +9 (1d8+8, 20/x3) (+7/+7 RS, PBS, DA), Mwk CI Greatsword +6 (2d6+3, 20/x3)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +12, Intimidate +4, Perception -2, Use Magic Device +15

"Well we don't have a license so..." Xerance says as she starts removing her quiver, bow, glaive and dagger and places them on the counter.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Magus (Bladebound) 9 | HP 68/68 | AC: 26 T: 16 FF: 21 CMD: 23 | F+11 R+12 W+9 | Init +9 | Perception +13

"How much does a licence cost?" inquires Aetherys. "You see, I cannot part with my blade, for it is part of myself. Dawnblade is a sentient scimitar, not a mere object. Won't a peacebond do the trick for you?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 = 15

The guard laughs. Hah. A license costs upwards of tens of thousands of gold for the Secure Market in addition to months of paperwork and investigations. It is not something that can be purchased on a whim.

The guard looks you over. You have two options: leave your weapon with us or not enter the Secure Market.

The Exchange

Male Half-Elf (3.0A) Summoner 3 | HP 24/24 | AC 17; TCH 13; FF 18 | F +3; R +4; W +2 | CMB +1; CMD 14 | Init +5 | Wands: Inf Heal 35/50; MA 48/50; SM I 49/50 | Spells (1) 0/4

Zartrel begins to remove his light crossbow and quarterstaff and leaves it with the guard as Skivane throws her greatsword to the ground in front of the guard.

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