Eldanár Alcarin |
Masterwork Nodachi +5 (1d8+1/18-20/x2) ]Masterwork Musket +8 (1d10/x4) Halfling Gunslinger Musketmaster HP 26/26 AC: 20/FF16/T15 Fort +5 (+7 circumstance bonus vs. cold weather), Ref +8, Will +4; +2 vs. fear Perception +8 Init +4
Yes thank you for the amazing game!
I´ll definately be in part two! Not sure if with Eldanár or someone else though, like i said.
Also i propose we could do the second part as "homestyle" onlinegame, which you still get PFS credits for, only we could play the whole module and also take more time for it.
GM Aram Zey |
Border of War map Reign of Winter map
Thanks for playing, guys! I don't know if my schedule will allow a "homestyle" online game, but will look into that possibility. I enjoyed running it as well! =)
Incidentally, is it better that I close this thread for now?