GM Aram Zey's Reign of Winter for PFS part 1 (Inactive)

Game Master SwampTing

Master of Spells Aram Zey has heard of a noblewoman who has gone missing near the Taldan village of Heldren. Kidnapped by bandits, is the rumour. Whilst a rather minor noblewoman in her own right, her disappearance coincides with the appearance of a curious pocket of winter reminiscent of the eternal frost that covers the land of Irrisen.

Intrigued by the opportunity to gain allies for the Pathfinder society amongst the Taldan nobility and to discover the reason for this strange phenomenon, the Master of Spells has decided to teleport a team of pathfinders to Heldren to look into the matter.

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Grand Lodge

Monk 5

GM on HP?

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Yeah, I put Mu on 3hp prior to the channel, so he's now on -3hp and still healing.

If you have a PFS reroll, you could use it to reroll that save. Failing that, I don't think anyone in the group has UMD, and Exiel looks like he's going paladin-mode.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Wizard (Transmuter) 7 | HP 57/57 | AC 15 T 15 FF 11 | Saves: F: +5 R: +7 W: +7 | CMD: 18 | Init: +7 Percep: +12 SM: +1

Shu, do yuo have an IH wand? I've got nothing in terms of healing with me that I can use anymore. I have a Protection from Evil spell and an Enlarge Person, that's it besides attacking, which for us is proabably sub-optimal.

If I can get a wand and get near people, whpo needs it most - can we get a rundown of everyone's current HP?

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

Edit: repost to correct thread..

Grand Lodge

Monk 5

-5 hp

Scarab Sages

Masterwork Nodachi +5 (1d8+1/18-20/x2) ]Masterwork Musket +8 (1d10/x4) Halfling Gunslinger Musketmaster HP 26/26 AC: 20/FF16/T15 Fort +5 (+7 circumstance bonus vs. cold weather), Ref +8, Will +4; +2 vs. fear Perception +8 Init +4

I suggest Exiel goes in there and just smashes his symbol so this stops^^

Scarab Sages

Masterwork Nodachi +5 (1d8+1/18-20/x2) ]Masterwork Musket +8 (1d10/x4) Halfling Gunslinger Musketmaster HP 26/26 AC: 20/FF16/T15 Fort +5 (+7 circumstance bonus vs. cold weather), Ref +8, Will +4; +2 vs. fear Perception +8 Init +4

Also remarking that i can´t post tomorrow due to some business.
You guys ok with taking it a good bit slower over the weekend?

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

I'm fine with any pace.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Wizard (Transmuter) 7 | HP 57/57 | AC 15 T 15 FF 11 | Saves: F: +5 R: +7 W: +7 | CMD: 18 | Init: +7 Percep: +12 SM: +1

Tomorrow will be a very busy day for me too, with no computer access until evening, so I am ok slowing down.

Scarab Sages

Masterwork Nodachi +5 (1d8+1/18-20/x2) ]Masterwork Musket +8 (1d10/x4) Halfling Gunslinger Musketmaster HP 26/26 AC: 20/FF16/T15 Fort +5 (+7 circumstance bonus vs. cold weather), Ref +8, Will +4; +2 vs. fear Perception +8 Init +4

Going aslepp, trying to post in about 8h, shortly after that away over the day.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

From here it's mop-up, looting, then deciding what you want to do when if you re-stock. That can go slower

The Exchange

Init +4(+6)|AC19/Touch15/Flatfoot14/CMD 18||HP 21/[28]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+7 ;Wil+4|Percept +7/Sense Motive +2 Keleshite Human Male Gunslinger (Musket Master) /3 (Favoured Class)

Post combat, IF you are more than 6hps down, take a tap of my wand of Infernal healing and mark +10 hps. If less than 5hps down, apply to Elandar / Exiel for a touch of their wands of CLW if they's ok with that. Again I don't mind helping out with wands... Everyone starts fresh and needs help but would prefer if we all shared the burden of wand charges used to keep the party up... If you do need one of my CLW charges though, tell me.

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

Lets hold the charges until we've searched these guys and their rooms. I'm guessing they have a couple potions laying around.

Scarab Sages

Masterwork Nodachi +5 (1d8+1/18-20/x2) ]Masterwork Musket +8 (1d10/x4) Halfling Gunslinger Musketmaster HP 26/26 AC: 20/FF16/T15 Fort +5 (+7 circumstance bonus vs. cold weather), Ref +8, Will +4; +2 vs. fear Perception +8 Init +4

Old Shu is right, please use things we find first. After that, i´m fine with Badr´s suggestion. Probably makes a lot sense like that.

I´ll be gone for 10 hours or so soon.

When i get it right we come back to town or so after that? I would have some restocking suggestions. Like alchemists fire. A lot of them.

Oh and i will heal Ted with my wand too^^

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

I'm assuming this is about halfway through the PFS version of the adventure? Or are we about done and considering moving on to part II?

The Exchange

Init +4(+6)|AC19/Touch15/Flatfoot14/CMD 18||HP 21/[28]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+7 ;Wil+4|Percept +7/Sense Motive +2 Keleshite Human Male Gunslinger (Musket Master) /3 (Favoured Class)
Eldanár Alcarin wrote:

...Like alchemists fire. A lot of them.

:) Lets not go toooo crazy on purchases as I am hoping to scrape enough gold to upgrade my musket but yeah! I love your idea

Scarab Sages

Masterwork Nodachi +5 (1d8+1/18-20/x2) ]Masterwork Musket +8 (1d10/x4) Halfling Gunslinger Musketmaster HP 26/26 AC: 20/FF16/T15 Fort +5 (+7 circumstance bonus vs. cold weather), Ref +8, Will +4; +2 vs. fear Perception +8 Init +4

Wow, go slowly there with part two^^
This would be about module size, guess AP should be some more.

Eladnár has exactly 20hp heal and would take two infernal healing if you don´t mind. Feel free to use my CLW as necessary.

See you later guys and stay safe^^

The Exchange

Init +4(+6)|AC19/Touch15/Flatfoot14/CMD 18||HP 21/[28]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+7 ;Wil+4|Percept +7/Sense Motive +2 Keleshite Human Male Gunslinger (Musket Master) /3 (Favoured Class)

No worries about the infernal healing if we can use your wand for any CLW needed for the rest.

Lantern Lodge

[|]Aasimar | Paladin 2 | HP:17/17 | AC: 14/ FF 10/ T 11 | Fort: +8 Ref: +6 Will: +7 | Perception: -1 | Dark Vision | Init: +4 [|]

If we take down the rogue quick, we can rest in the building, and not worry about burning more wand charges? Speaking of which...I could use some help out there! =)

Lantern Lodge

[|]Aasimar | Paladin 2 | HP:17/17 | AC: 14/ FF 10/ T 11 | Fort: +8 Ref: +6 Will: +7 | Perception: -1 | Dark Vision | Init: +4 [|]

We've got some gear to sell/use!

Assuming we sell all the stuff under "Weapons/Armor(generic)" and "Misc treasure (for selling)", we should get 856gp 4 sp 3cp. If we sell both of the masterwork thieves tools, we've got another 100gp. And if we sell the oils of taggit (they're ingestion poisons) we get another 90gp.

Combined with the coins, that leaves us with, converted to gp, 1638.61 gp net.

Recommended purchases:

Scrolls of Endure Elements x 7 175gp
Between my boon and the cloak of the yeti, we only need endure elements spells for 4 people, and we won't have to worry about the cold. We already have 1 scroll in the loot, so if we buy another 7 scrolls, we'll be good for 2 days in the cold at least.

Potions/scrolls of True Strike x 6/4 300gp/100gp
I also recommend we get some potions of true strike for the little fliers. We can use the silk rope as a lasso, and with a potion of true strike, even I will have no trouble catching one of them and pulling them down to the ground.

Potions of Feather Step x 12 600gp
This one is a recent discovery, but it's really good! Lasts 10 minutes, and for that time we can ignore the penalties for moving around in snow, even take 5ft steps in the snow! We should each get 2 potions - one for the boss-fight, one more for emergencies.

That's a good chunk of our money, but I reckon it'll be well spent that way. We still have about 500gp after that, more if we start selling some of the masterwork weapons and armor and the spyglass (which sells for 500gp on its own).

The rest, we should spend on cold iron bullets for our gunslingers to spam, and healing potions (or a new wand of CLW if we have enough).

What do you guys think?

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

I'm assuming we still need to make the return trip to town, so purchasing anything might be preemptive, right? I think we'll need to rest before making the return, and use current loot until then.

Assuming returning to town ends this part of the adventure (we were tasked with finding the girl and bringing her back), we should get a set amount of gold from the chronicle as per PFS rules, which makes breaking down gear for selling pointless.

Now if it isn't over when we return to town, perhaps we should revisit the conversation then?

Anyway, some of those spells Shu plans on attempting to learn (endure elements, magic weapon).

Lantern Lodge

[|]Aasimar | Paladin 2 | HP:17/17 | AC: 14/ FF 10/ T 11 | Fort: +8 Ref: +6 Will: +7 | Perception: -1 | Dark Vision | Init: +4 [|]

I think we should be able to return to town now, since the part of the mission that was urgent was the rescue. But we were also tasked with finding the cause of the sudden winter. I suspect that lies beyond the bridge labelled H4 on the map.

Lantern Lodge

[|]Aasimar | Paladin 2 | HP:17/17 | AC: 14/ FF 10/ T 11 | Fort: +8 Ref: +6 Will: +7 | Perception: -1 | Dark Vision | Init: +4 [|]
GM Aram Zey wrote:

For the purposes of this module, I will allow you to sell items found in-game and use them to purchase additional gear (subject to the town's limitations) using that gold. This is to balance the fact that if you were in fact playing the adventure path, you would have the opportunity to do exactly that. However, items bought using this gold will be regarded as items found in the game, and will not be added to your chronicle sheet unless you also buy it using gold earned on a chronicle sheet.

Ah, I knew he said this somewhere. Found it. This was much earlier in the discussion thread.

I think we should be able to return to town now, since the part of the mission that was urgent was the rescue. Though we may have a few more fights on the way back, so it would be wise to rest up before returning.

But we were also tasked with finding the cause of the sudden winter. I suspect that lies beyond the bridge labelled H4 on the map. And from what the Taldan noble said, we may need to prepare to fight an ice troll (or some other type of troll with the arctic template).

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

Good points. Forgot about that second part of the mission. Anyway, I'm assuming we rest here?

Lantern Lodge

[|]Aasimar | Paladin 2 | HP:17/17 | AC: 14/ FF 10/ T 11 | Fort: +8 Ref: +6 Will: +7 | Perception: -1 | Dark Vision | Init: +4 [|]

I should hope so! We're just about ready to drop. That last fight stretched us to our limits!

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

GM, how much time do we have after resting? Shu would like to study that spellbook, one of the scrolls, and maybe share notes with Guilford to learn a few new spells. It takes an hour for each one, and what he's interested in from most to least are:
endure elements (from the magic scroll)
mage armor (from Guilford if he's interested in comparing notes)
expeditious retreat (from found spellbook)
identify (from found spellbook)
alarm (from found spellbook)
ray of enfeeblement (from found spellbook)

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

You will have ample time to study the spellbook and scribe scrolls per normal PFS rules. Make your rolls, and I will sign off on the scribing. Also note that it is cheaper to do it this way, but not free.

As for the adventure, you're about half-way through (or slightly more) the module - keep in mind this is approximately 3 scenarios worth, and that you gain 3xp and 4pp for it (i.e. a full level of xp).

Don't worry about preparing too much for the return trip. In-character, it is perfectly reasonable and even prudent for you to prepare for dangers on the trip back. For the game, however, there is actually nothing stopping you from going back - you will restock back in town and then return to the lodge and continue from there. =)

What awaits you across that bridge, however, is of course a totally different story. There will be plenty of things waiting to bite your heads off. ;)

Off to bed now, will leave time for people to make in-character posts for role-play purposes and check back in the morning. =)

Oh and discussing how to spend the money to restock will be a good idea. Personally, I reckon that at least those potions of feather step Exiel recommended are a good idea. Good job on finding that spell! I'll be buying a couple for my PFS wizard too. =)

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

Ok, good to know. In that case let's to shopping!

Personal purchases:
scroll of true strike x3 75gp
scroll of mage armor 25gp
potion of cure light wounds 50gp
cold iron bolts (10) 2gp

Shu's spell learning rolls:
spellcraft - endure elements: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
spellcraft - expeditious retreat: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
spellcraft - identify : 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 fail!
spellcraft - alarm: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
spellcraft - mage armor (from Guilford or purchased scroll): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
spellcraft - true strike (from purchased scroll): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

50gp in scribing costs (Looks like identify is the only spell he can't.. identify - pretty sure you don't pay scribing costs for spells you can't comprehend)

Total costs 202gp

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

I suggest we split the treasure evenly and make purchases separately. It will make dealing with chronicles much easier at the end.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Wizard (Transmuter) 7 | HP 57/57 | AC 15 T 15 FF 11 | Saves: F: +5 R: +7 W: +7 | CMD: 18 | Init: +7 Percep: +12 SM: +1

Guilford will gladly compare notes with Old Shu. Can multiple wizards scribe from the same scroll, or does the attempt burn the spell?

Grand Lodge

Monk 5

No one even bothered to pick Mu Ping off the floor, just came to from the the IH.

Agree with Shu on the indy split, otherwise just set him up with a dozen CLW potions

If need to pick from the pile, Yeti should go Mu or Shu rocking the lowest AC 15/14 (but sell if more valuable)

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

I propose Yeti cloak for Mu since he's an actual melee fighter.

Also, Mu, for a monk one mage armor potion is worth more than 4 CLW potions. Also, suggest you buy an oil of shillelagh and pick up an oak staff to use it on. As a monk you can flurry with it and do 2d6 base damage.

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

Looks like Ted and Mu need another tap of the Infernal wand, and Shu, Exiel, and Badr could use a CLW.

Grand Lodge

Monk 5

Yep, Mu drank the Mage Armor, still took a dirt nap.

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

It did block one arrow... plus, there's no defense against negative energy.

Scarab Sages

Masterwork Nodachi +5 (1d8+1/18-20/x2) ]Masterwork Musket +8 (1d10/x4) Halfling Gunslinger Musketmaster HP 26/26 AC: 20/FF16/T15 Fort +5 (+7 circumstance bonus vs. cold weather), Ref +8, Will +4; +2 vs. fear Perception +8 Init +4

I would actually get a wand of mage armor in your case.
Techincally it´s the easiest way to raise your AC.

I relegated some wand charges there from Badr´s CLW to mine and took a IH charge. Nicely done!

Scarab Sages

Male Human Wizard (Transmuter) 7 | HP 57/57 | AC 15 T 15 FF 11 | Saves: F: +5 R: +7 W: +7 | CMD: 18 | Init: +7 Percep: +12 SM: +1

I think there's no way we would have survived that encounter, as played, if we were all fresh level one characters. Would have needed to go a room at a time. Extra HP for Badr, Eldanar, and Exiel really bailed us out.

Lantern Lodge

[|]Aasimar | Paladin 2 | HP:17/17 | AC: 14/ FF 10/ T 11 | Fort: +8 Ref: +6 Will: +7 | Perception: -1 | Dark Vision | Init: +4 [|]

Aye...that cleric's channels AND THOSE DAMN SKELETONS were...nasty.

Do we want to sell the spyglass? What about the yeti cloak? Personally I think Mu should get it if we keep it, but if we sell it, Mu could get several more potions of mage armor and CLW.

Also, claim whichever of the masterwork items you want, then we sell the rest and split the money evenly then?

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

Shu votes to Keep the yeti cloak and give it to Mu. Sell the spyglass. Sell all unclaimed nonmagical items except alchemist fire. Sell the Taldor wench... Just kidding.

Potions vs Scrolls:
Don't buy any long duration potions (like endure elements or mage armor). Buy Scrolls for the mages to cast for you. They are half the cost of potions.
Buy maybe one potion of mage armor (held in reserve for times when a caster cannot cast it from a scroll)

The Exchange

Init +4(+6)|AC19/Touch15/Flatfoot14/CMD 18||HP 21/[28]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+7 ;Wil+4|Percept +7/Sense Motive +2 Keleshite Human Male Gunslinger (Musket Master) /3 (Favoured Class)

Split equally, buy individually so it comes off individual chronicles.

We've 10 alchem fires. 2 each for all the others and 1 each for the gunslingers? They will be shooting.

That said I am buying 15 cold iron bullet cartridges 20.5gp and 10 standard cartidges 11gp. The town blacksmith can sell me the materials and I can craft from there

Lantern Lodge

[|]Aasimar | Paladin 2 | HP:17/17 | AC: 14/ FF 10/ T 11 | Fort: +8 Ref: +6 Will: +7 | Perception: -1 | Dark Vision | Init: +4 [|]

Ok, if we sell the following as well:

mwk hand crossbow with 9 bolts (200.45gp)
masterwork handaxe (153gp)
masterwork dagger (151gp)
masterwork short sword (155gp)
a silver dagger with a hidden compartment in the hilt containing i dose of small centipede poison (161 +45)

a spyglass (500gp)
climber's kit (40gp)

3 horses + saddles (127.5)

We get to 3171.56.

That works out to be about 525gp per person. Shall we run with that?

Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

I think if we stick to a budget of 500gp each we should be safe within our means.

Shu will buy 2 more scrolls of cure light wounds.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map
Exiel. wrote:

Ok, if we sell the following as well:

mwk hand crossbow with 9 bolts (200.45gp)
masterwork handaxe (153gp)
masterwork dagger (151gp)
masterwork short sword (155gp)
a silver dagger with a hidden compartment in the hilt containing i dose of small centipede poison (161 +45)

a spyglass (500gp)
climber's kit (40gp)

3 horses + saddles (127.5)

We get to 3171.56.

That works out to be about 525gp per person. Shall we run with that?

Looks fine, but you forgot the additional 500gp letter of credit from Lady Malassene. Make it 600gp per head. Post your purchases here, and note that anything you want to take away from this adventure, including spells scribed into books, needs to be paid with money from the chronicle sheet, not with this 600gp.

I will amended the list of stuff in the campaign description to reflect the stuff you sold.

The Exchange

Init +4(+6)|AC19/Touch15/Flatfoot14/CMD 18||HP 21/[28]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+7 ;Wil+4|Percept +7/Sense Motive +2 Keleshite Human Male Gunslinger (Musket Master) /3 (Favoured Class)

Did we sell those 10 alchem fires?

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map
Badr al Din Ibn Badriyah wrote:
Did we sell those 10 alchem fires?

Not that I saw. If you did, please correct me. As far as I can see, you sold the generic weapons and armor, the valuable treasure, and the items listed in Exiel's latest post. If you want to sell anything else, post it. Otherwise, it is still available for use.

Badr, am I entitled to allow the players to treat items bought using the sold gear as items found in-game for the purpose of free-usage. I had thought it would be ok.

And by my estimate, a new party would have levelled by now (if playing the campaign), so hopefully this will level the difficulty of half the party being slightly under-levelled for the next part.

Grand Lodge

i'm no expert only have a couple games run of my own. I'd say let them sell up what they will but be sure to capture their purchases on their individual chronicles so that the cost is captured

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Actually, I have to apologise, but after looking at the guide to organised play, I am of the opinion that I am not actually entitled to do that.

You are allowed to use the 600gp to buy equipment, potions and stuff, but they need to be marked as purchases on the chronicle sheet.

Sorry boys, it's my mistake. Especial sorry to Exiel for the work he did in doing the calculations. I'll buy you dinner next time you're in Singapore. =p

The Exchange

Init +4(+6)|AC19/Touch15/Flatfoot14/CMD 18||HP 21/[28]| Fort:+4 ;Ref:+7 ;Wil+4|Percept +7/Sense Motive +2 Keleshite Human Male Gunslinger (Musket Master) /3 (Favoured Class)


Grand Lodge

Gnome Wood Wizard 1 / Ninja 4 | HP 41/41 | AC 19 T 15 FF 19 | F +4 R +8 W +3 | Init +3 | Perc +8/+10 | Sense Motive +3

It's cool GM, I was pretty sure we needed to account for purchases in game, regardless of the source of coins used.

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