GM Aram Zey |
There are some substantive changes to the rules, so I am re-posting in order that the opening post is not misleading.
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As many of you are aware, certain sections of each Reign of Winter book is playable by PFS characters for PFS credit.
I will be running the portion from the first book (tier 1-2) in this thread. A few months from now the second book (tier 5-7) will be run, and so on.
I will be changing the opening and closing narratives to weave it into the story of the Pathfinders, though the play-through of the module itself will be the same (i.e. instead of being natives of Heldren, the starting town, you will be Pathfinders sent to investigate the winter pocket and rescue Lady Malassene by Aram Zey). At the end of the relevant portion, you will report back to Aram Zey rather than continuing on. Aram Zey will handle things from there until such time where he feels he needs to call upon Pathfinders to do the leg-work once more.
Meanwhile, your adventures as Pathfinders will continue, but you will have a cool boon (assuming you survive) to remind you that this is still on-going in the background of your PFS character's story.
Returning players are always guaranteed a spot in the subsequent games, and will be given up to 4 weeks to get to a suitable level if they are under-levelled for the next part.
The tiers for the first 4 books are:
Snows of Summer: 1-2
The Shackled Hut: 5-7
Maiden, Mother, Crone: 8-10
The Frozen Stars: 11-13 (So really, only 11, since PFS characters retire at level 12. You could get 2 scenarios at level 11 before playing this for the last game though.)
The pre-amble is in the short description above. The rules of the PBP are in the long description - click the left-most tab above to read.
Guilford Baldwin |
Hi, I posted earlier with my cleric, but had to take him out.
I seem to remember that you intend to run through this very quickly (multiple posts/day). This is my wizard, who has zero XP in PFS. I was planning to use him in a game starting later, so if this one really does take only a week, I'd be able to finish here and jump in the next one.
I still need to update the skills section, but the build is pretty much there
GM Aram Zey |
Hi, I posted earlier with my cleric, but had to take him out.
I seem to remember that you intend to run through this very quickly (multiple posts/day). This is my wizard, who has zero XP in PFS. I was planning to use him in a game starting later, so if this one really does take only a week, I'd be able to finish here and jump in the next one.
I still need to update the skills section, but the build is pretty much there
I will certainly be posting regularly and trying to keep a good pace. However, whether this can be completed in a week is not entirely up to me. If people are able to post very regularly, 1 week is do-able, but if 1 week is a hard limit for you, I'd be hesitant to risk it. =(
GM Aram Zey |
True enough. I've done enough PBP recently to know how that can go. Of course, I hadn't committed to playing this exact character in the other game. I can always roll up a new one. He is brand-new after all. So I'd like to give it a try, if that's OK.
If you're keen, sure. =)
GM Aram Zey |
Mu has been checked and approved. Now opening discussion.
Guilford, you still need a spell list.
Current party
Badr al Din Ibn Badriyah
Roland Garros
Mu Shu
Old Ping
Check in with the following line in the class entry in your character's profile:
[|]Race | Class | HP:X/X | AC: X/ FF X/ T X | Fort: +X Will: +X Ref: +X | Perception: +X | Lowlight/Dark Vision (if any) | Init: +X [|]
GM Aram Zey |
Hey Bilbo, there is a slot open.
Roland, we are not likely to finish in a week, but we will be starting in earnest very soon, so you are likely to fall behind. =( I will let Bilbo have your place.
Guilford, make a post in the discussion thread when you are ready. =)
Party line-up
Gunslinger, 2 wizards, paladin/oracle, monk
Hayato Ken |
Wow this got a lot more interest. I´m still in here though, but my friend won´t come because of business trip and holiday after that.
Some thoughts:
The different time zones are normally not a problem. I´m on GMT+2 and playing went good so far with people from america and australia. Normally you are awake for 16 hours. I f you have access to a PC at that time and can post this could go fast yes. 3-5 posts a day are a heavy speed in pbp.
Probably needs more than one week anyway.
Also a group of 6 is not as taxing online as it is offline and could help the speed, since more people will post more often.
Simplifying initiative and combat turns also makes for speed and easier overview. But it takes out a tactical moment a bit.
Then stuff like GM rolling initiative for all or perception or aid another where adequate with the simple assumption that the person with the highest skill will do the roll, also a big deal.
Just my opinion.
So far i see:
Badr al Din Ibn Badriyah-gunslinger
Roland Garros-ranger
Mu Shu-wood wizard
Old Ping-monk
Guildford-transmuter wizard
Wasn´t there a healer before?
I´m thinking about slightly changing my gunslinger, so he can participate in melee and is more tanky. Will decide that in the next few hours, since i´m then away and busy untill tomorrow.
Exiel. |
Hayato, I'm a paldin/oracle. Also, it looks like Roland has pulled out. So there is one more slot. Best get in before Bilbo if you want that slot. XD
Also, a number of your suggestions for speeding things along are already part of the rules (check the 'campaign info' tab).
Line up is:
Wood Wiz
Personally, I'd favour another heavy-damager or healer. If your slinger can dish out the ranged damage, I wouldn't mind if he didn't do as much melee.
Exiel. |
Badr/Halaman, might want to heed this post from the GM to secure your place =)
...Now opening discussion....Check in with the following line in the class entry in your character's profile:
[|]Race | Class | HP:X/X | AC: X/ FF X/ T X | Fort: +X Will: +X Ref: +X | Perception: +X | Lowlight/Dark Vision (if any) | Init: +X [|]
Badr al Din Ibn Badriyah |
Badr/Halaman, might want to heed this post from the GM to secure your place =)
GM Aram Zey wrote:
...Now opening discussion....Check in with the following line in the class entry in your character's profile:
[|]Race | Class | HP:X/X | AC: X/ FF X/ T X | Fort: +X Will: +X Ref: +X | Perception: +X | Lowlight/Dark Vision (if any) | Init: +X [|]
Its already there - once the game thread is open you'll see it appear in the gameplay thread.
Eldanár Alcarin |
Allright, i adapted this guy here to cold weather tasks and applied my GM chronicle from another module, so he is level 2.
Eldanár can fight in melee with his Nodachi quite good while defending himself. He is a sturdy little fellow fighting best at range with his musket of course. Also he is very helpfull and carries a lot of gear along with his riding dog, like a tent and other usefull things.