Crunch's Space Pregen |
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Now that I think on it, I'm uncomfortable with Ollurim having such low charisma. Though the former is not his specialty and the latter is, he does prefer to talk things out before beating stuff into submission. He doesn't need the high Dex and I'll sacrifice his optimization for flavor purposes. Changing his Dexterity to 12 and his Charisma to 9. I can tough that out until 4th level, he relies on more eloquent people anyway. He knows enough to respect people for their specialties. I like this joint talking for two idea if it works out.

Chief Cook and Bottlewasher |

May I present Serenity, a Grippli Monk (of the Four Winds) maneouver master. (Assuming some co-operation with Travis, here)
Description: At first sight the smallest crew member - smaller even than a halfling - could be mistaken for a large figurine. A frog-like figurine beautifully enamelled in bright blue and black. The less well-informed can learn from any of several passengers or crew members that she (she? how can you tell?) is a grippli working her passage to Sargava, and that the brightly coloured skin indicates toxicity. Which goes some, but not all of the way to explaining the crew's respect for her. Perhaps it's that she can out-climb any one else in the crew, spending most of her time up in the rigging, where she won't be stepped on or tripped over. Perhaps that she can effortlessly carry her own bodyweight, small though that is. Or, perhaps, unlikely as it seems, she can, in fact, fight.
Because the little Grippli is a monk. A Monk of the Four Winds, in fact, like Travis Brogan, although it seems they weren't acquainted before she joined the crew. It's a somewhat comical sight to see her working the forms at dawn and dusk, sometimes alone, sometimes with Travis, her head barely level with his knees, her nunchaku an odd contrast to his chained kama. But when a fight breaks out between 2 crew members and a knife is drawn, her nunchaku is quickly whipping it away, and when one of them still doesn't back down she produces and throws an entangling net at him. It seems the crew's respect is warranted after all.
(I am assuming the crew have typical stats as the shipmate in the Game Mastery Guide.)
But when the guildmaster and his brother were ousted from their guild by younger members, she felt no loyalty to the new leaders, and took working passage on the jeneviere to return to the jungle at last, even if she has not the first idea of where her own tribe is from.
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
AC 16 (touch 16, ff 13), HP 9, F +3, R+5, W+4
Melee attack +1 (nunchaku or fist or kama) d4, flurry -1
ranged +4 (javelin d4 or net or shuriken 1)
Traits: criminal (sleight of hand, hidden hand, Jenevere crew (survival)
Feats Agile maneouvers, Elemental fist, Improved disarm, Improves Unarmed Strike
Skill Acrobatics +7, Climb +12, Perception +6, sense motive +6, Sleight of hand +8, Stealth +11, Survival +3
Grippli: toxic skin (create poison 1/day), familiarity with nets. Darkvision
I'll improve and complete the crunch a.s.a.p.
I intend to take the feat Agile tongue at 3rd level, to use with disarm and sleight of hand.
Your long pink tongue is capable of manipulating small items and even stealing objects.
Prerequisite: Grippli.
Benefit: You have a prehensile tongue with a range of 10 feet. You can pick up items weighing no more than 5 pounds, make Sleight of Hand checks, perform the steal or disarm combat maneuvers, or make melee touch attacks with your tongue.

Chief Cook and Bottlewasher |

Here is Serenity with most of the crunch.
I haven't played in a PbP before. This is my second attempt at a submission. I hope I haven't overlooked anything. I will probably tinker a bit more with background and personality.

Selkyon |

Sorry, it took some time, but here is Selkyon!
Very little is known about Selkyon' past, because he never talks about it, but the several scars covering his body and his precocious wrinkles suggest that he's been through a lot. He boarded the Jenivere to save his life, and although he is indeed as confident at sea as on the land , his unnatural toughness, and his obvious experience with armors and weapons can't make him a mere sailor. He possesses a wedding ring, but it is marked by time, although kept very clean. He never answers when asked about it, and keeps his secrets very well.
Physical appearance:
Selkyon is a thin and austere man with angular features, all nerves and muscles; it gives him an almost feline appearance. He is always alert, always on his guard, seeming as if he was about to jump, run or grab a weapon. He seems older than he actually is, probably because of some early wrinkles, and scarce grey hair. He has a lot of scars, one of the most noticeable being the one slanting from the left eyebrow down below the cheekbone, which must have been left by some kind of blade. He also has some really bad scars on his back and on his arms which look as if they had been left by a whip, and are the most recently healed.
One of Selkyon's most striking trait is his seriousness, even for an elf: he never smiles, nor laugh, and he is very silent. When he speaks, it's never for pleasure, and he sticks to the strict minimum. His voice is hoarse, raspy, broken, the voice of someone who hasn't spoken for a long time. Although he can tolerate company, he doesn't like crowds, and he sometimes isolates himself for hours before reappearing.
Male Elf Ranger 1
Alignment: TN
Age: 134
Size: Medium (5'7")
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Deity: Gozreh
Init +2; Perception +9
Favored Class: Ranger (+1 skill)
Languages: Common, Elven
AC: 17, touch 12, flat-flooted 15
HP: 11 (1d8+ 3, Toughness Feat)
Fort: +2 (+2 vs poison, Boarded in Mediogalti Trait)
Ref: +4
Will: +5
Spd: 30 feet
Curve blade, elven (+3/1d10/18-20: x2)
Dagger (+3/1d4+1 (River rat trait)/19-20: x3)
Long Bow (+3/1d8/x3)
20 Arrows
Equipment and Money
Starting gold: 300 GP (max)
Combat gear:
Defense: Studded Leather Armor, Shield Heavy Wooden
Offense: Longbow, Curve blade (elven), Arrows (20), Dagger
Other possessions: Healer's kit (10), Bedroll, Rations (2), Flint and Steel, Torch
Spare Money:
PP: 0
GP: 57
SP: 8
CP: 9
Other valuable:
Carried weight: 53 lbs
0-58 lbs: Light Load
59-116 lbs: Medium Load
117-175 lbs: Heavy Load
Str 14 Dex 14 (Base: 10, +2 Racial Bonus, +2) Cons 10 (Base: 10, -2 Racial Bonus, +2) Int 10 (Base: 10, +2 Racial Bonus, -2) Wis 16 Cha 8 (Base: 10, +2 Racial Bonus, -4)
Base attack: +1; CMB +3; CMD 15
Light Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Martial Weapon Proficiency ("elven" weapons added)
Toughness (+3 hit points)
Special Abilities:
Immune to magic sleep effects, +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects
Immune to giant wasp poison? +2 on all saves against poison
Favored Enemy (Humanoid, Human):
Track (+ 1/2 ranger levels to survival checks when following tracks)
Wild Empathy
Boarded in Meliogalti (+2 Immune to giant wasp poison, +2 on all saves against poison )
Armor Expert (armor check penalty reduced by 1)
River rat (+1 trait bonus on damage rolls with a dagger and a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks. Swim is always a class skill)
Skills: 7 (Base 6, +1 FC)
Handle Animal: +3
Heal: +7
Knowledge (dungeonnering): +4
Knowledge (nature): +4
Perception: +9 (+1 Rank/ +3 Class Skill/ +3 Wisdom/ +2 Racial Bonus)
Survival: +7/8 (+1 Rank/+3 Class Skill/+3 Wisdom/+1 Track)
Swim: +5 (+1 Rank/ +3 Class Skill/ +1 River rat Trait/ -2 Shield penalty)
Languages: (2) Common, Elven

Fortune Brav0 |

Submitting Rankx for consideration. He is a druid (feral child) with a tiger animal companion. A good man to have with you in the jungle, as he is very strong in knowledge (nature), survival, climbing and swimming, plus the druid spells and class abilities. He was raised in the jungle by a tiger. See Profile for details.
When Ranx boarded the Jenivere in Bloodcove, he caused quite a stir. Well, not so much him as his companion, a tiger as big as he was. The captain at first insisted the beast would have to ride in a crate, but the fellow, named Rankx, demonstrated how tame the creature was, even talked to it using some strange jungle talk. The fellow had a pretty wild look about him too, with long black hair, animal skin armor made of some kind of lizard pelt, some simple weapons: a spear, club, staff, sling, etc. Spoke a kind of pidgin common when he wasn't talking to the cat. Couldn't read a word, but as he was raised in the jungle, that's not surprising.
He knew some magic that came in handy and didn't mind sharing it. When a sailor fell off the mast, he healed his injuries on the spot. Created fresh water whenever anyone needed it and could purify food that had spoiled. Knew a lot about weather patterns: predicted a storm a day before it arrived, just by looking at the clouds.
Didn't talk much otherwise, but spent a lot of time on deck, never having been to sea before, it was very strange to him. Some of the crew made fun of him, calling him a simpleton because of the way he talked and somewhat awkward social skills. But I talked with him enough to know he was right smart and wise in other ways. Just not very social. Some of the other travelers who had plans to venture into the jungle in Sargava thought he'd make a good guide and so he lined up some potential jobs, assuming clear sailing the rest of the way.

Chief Cook and Bottlewasher |

I looked at some of the submissions and thought Oh, we're all crew. And then thought I'd check. So submissions so far...
Mia Zagato Female Catfolk Swashbuckler (Picaroon)
Lothor Tornaeu Male half-elf fighter
Alesha Chosaint Female Ifrit Oracle
Serenity Female Grippli monk
Travis Brogan Male Tiefling monk (boarded Shackles, but crew member)
Dengar, Male Beast Totem Barbarian (Mad Dog) with his Deinonychus companion.- get the cargo through
Chairo Anavah Male Gnome Bard- boarded Varisia
Simeon Iskandar Male Vishkanya Sorcerer- boarded Varisia
Dahren Hallea Male Half-Orc Brawler- boarded Mediogalti
Selkyon Male Elf Ranger- boarded Mediogalti
Garr Wyrmheart Male Suli Bloodrager - boarded Shackles
Rankx Male Human Druid - boarded Mwangi expanse
Eion the Iron Wing Male Strix Ranger(?)
Selvie Female Tiefling Alchemist
Ollurim Skull-Render Male Half-Orc Witch
Ruthgar Male Human Cleric (Evangelist) (campaign trait?)
Culder 'the Captain' Hargreaves Fighter
Tengu Druid

Simeon Iskandar |

I looked at some of the submissions and thought Oh, we're all crew. And then thought I'd check. So submissions so far...
Wait, this is great and makes things much easier, especially for those going on to make backstory when the game starts. Funny how both of the Varisian passengers are musically inclined support based charisma casters. I somehow overlooked your trait Chairo and thought I was the only Varisian passenger here.
But man, only two Humans, that it crazy.

Fortune Brav0 |

If you're listing animal companions, note that Rankx has a tiger companion. I wonder if tigers and deinonychuses get along?
But man, only two Humans, that it crazy.
Quite literally a motley crew!
mot·ley: adjective: incongruously varied in appearance or character; disparate.
Perhaps desperate also?
And while Rankx is human, he was raised by a tiger, so not a lot of cultural identification with race or nationality for him.

Chief Cook and Bottlewasher |

If you're listing animal companions, note that Rankx has a tiger companion. I wonder if tigers and deinonychuses get along?
Simeon Iskandar wrote:But man, only two Humans, that it crazy.Quite literally a motley crew!
mot·ley: adjective: incongruously varied in appearance or character; disparate.
Perhaps desperate also?
And while Rankx is human, he was raised by a tiger, so not a lot of cultural identification with race or nationality for him.
Since Serenity is less than 2 ft tall, she's more concerned with how they get along with her! The meetings sounded rather like this, perhaps.

Tyeal |

Ruthgar Male Human Cleric (Evangelist) (campaign trait?)
In the Trait box, Ruthgar has the Boarded (B) trait. Possibly could be someone who was taken from another ship out at sea, or rescued from some driftwood after a brutal storm. As far as position in the crew, he'd be the Priest. The guy that gives out death rights and prays for safe journey, as well as helps keep up morale through song. And occasionally provides firing support from a distance.

Kelarith |

Vellious Chrix: Samsaran Arcanist, Mwangi Scholar
Vellious Chrix
Samsaran arcanist 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 8, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 198)
CG Medium humanoid (samsaran)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3; +2 vs. death effects, negative energy effects, negative levels
Defensive Abilities lifebound
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +0 (1d4/19-20) or
dagger +0 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +1 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks arcane reservoir (1/7), arcanist exploit (dimensional slide), consume spells
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1/day—comprehend languages, deathwatch, stabilize
Arcanist Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st—color spray (DC 14), grease
0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, disrupt undead, resistance
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Extra Reservoir[ACG]
Traits arcane temper, mwangi scholar
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (history) +7, Perception +7, Spellcraft +9, Use Magic Device +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Spellcraft
Languages Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Polyglot, Samsaran, Thassilonian
SQ shards of the past (Perception, Spellcraft)
Other Gear dagger, dagger, light crossbow, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, black, inkpen, masterwork backpack, mess kit, pot, soap, spell component pouch, trail rations (5), waterskin, 12 gp, 1 sp
Special Abilities
Arcane Reservoir +1 DC or CL (7/day) (Su) Pool of points fuel exploits, or can expend to add +1 CL or DC while cast spell.
Consume Spells (Su) As a move action, expend a spell slot to add its spell levels to arcane reservoir.
Deathwatch (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Deathwatch once per day.
Dimensional Slide (10 feet) (Su) Use 1 reservoir as part of move/withdraw, move to spot in sight for only 5 ft movement & no AoO.
Lifebound (Ex) +2 to save vs death/neg energy/neg levels and Con checks to stabilize.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mwangi Scholar +1 Knowledge (History) regarding the Mwangi Jungle.
Stabilize (1/day) (Sp) With Charisma 11+, cast Stabilize once per day.
Like fragments from a stained glass window, Vellious recalls fragments from an ancestor about the Mwangi Expanse, but so much of it is not filled in. Frustrating to say the least. When Vellious found out the Jenivere was going to the Expanse, Vellious had to take the opportunity. He'd poured over every tome, every scroll, every scrap of paper he could think of to figure out what was calling to him, what his past lives were trying to tell him, but it all slid away like water on an oily plane of glass. The only thing that was certain was that the answers lay out there, in the jungles...
I'll create an alias for him if selected.

DM DoctorEvil |

I don't want to pirate people away from this thread if it comes to fruition, but i was considering running a new AP and was looking at Serpent's Skull.
My parameters for character building would be much more strict (core races etc) but the game would eventually get off the ground. Send me a PM with interest and if there's enough, I will start a recruitment thread parallel to this.
If the GM here comes back, they should have first pick of players. I am NOT trying to hijack the thread, just giving interested people a place to play.