Korak The Boisterous |

You weren't some magnificent criminal mastermind, you were scum, slavers, rapists, heretics and worse. The one thing all of you had in common? You were caught and now your hearts burn with vengeance towards the royal family.
Classes: Gunslingers are out. Classes like Ninja and Samurai I'm willing to allow but there are no allowances for them in game, that's your decision. Unchained classes are allowed. If you can provide me a copy to peruse I'm willing to look at any 3rd party class. I have multiple classes from Interjection Games, The sanguine Disciple, Herbalist, and Brewmaster are given the thumbs up. You're characters will start out with 2 NPC class levels indicative of the class they choose these will be retrained at appropriate times allowing you to reach your level 20 capstone.
Starting gear and gold: Nada, nothing, Zilch, bupkis, zero. Don't like it tough, you start out as prisoners.
Stats 25 point buy, Nothing higher than an eighteen or lower than a 10 prior to racial adjustments.
Traits 1 campaign 1 choice. So long as it is sufficiently dastardly background I am willing to work with you if nothing fits the character you want to make.
Maps: Unless somebody wants to make them for me it's theater of the mind. I suck with setting up interactive maps.
Skills: Unchained Background skills will be allowed. For that matter we'll also be using a variation on the alternate Poison Rules. We'll not be using the track but all poisons will do damage DC-10 divided by 2 HP damage on top of their normal effects.

DekoTheBarbarian |

Hello there, Korak! We seem to keep bumping into each other! Sure, always willing to help take over the world. As it so happens, I just ended up in a WotW campaign that starts tomorrow, but I have no problem being in a different one.
Already have a character concept in mind. It's a goblin who's biggest goal in life is to cause an explosion so massive in size and destruction that the gods themselves have to stop and stare.

DekoTheBarbarian |

Yup, with the grenadier and winged marauder archetypes.
On a related note, I've noticed that a lot of these games allow gestalt characters. Will you do the same or are we going to be single classes? And how are you going to do the NPC classes? Are we going to start with just the two levels in NPC classes and then multiclass into our chosen class?

Korak The Boisterous |

Deko No gestalt and correct. Also there's a small write up in one of the books about a specific tribe of Asmodeus worshipping Goblins in one of the books if you'd care to know more let me know.
Captain Ford you are allowed to use races that are a bit out there, but don't go hog wild. The more exotic the less likely it is to be accepted as these are the inhabitants of a lawful good mostly human kingdom who've been chucked in prison. And I agree with you about Gestalt, I'm willing to make them for interesting games, but I find them a pain in the ass despite being initially quite excited back when I discovered them in D&D
Absolutely Gayel, I actually am quite happy to allow an Antipaladin in so long as it's interesting.

Azzerix Wyrmclaw |

Talingarde lacks a proper ruler. One of draconic majesty and power! And there's only one creature with the might to do the job! Talingarde shall rue the day they refused my charity and grace!
I've tried to get this little guy into other games and he's been turned down for all of them. Perhaps he's just not meant to be a good guy. He's evil! EVIL! And on fire!
Just let me tinker with him a bit...

KoKyu |

Hello and thanks for the invite.
Couple questions, the campaign trait is our crime, correct? And when you say appropriate NPC levels are you saying those aspiring to be fighters should have warrior NPC levels? Or can we get creative...I am thinking of one of the most evil professions since time began...a lawyer which would fall under the expert. But am not sure which way he will go afterwards; perhaps sorcerer or rouge it partly depends on the party makeup. Hypothetically though, if it were to be sorcerer then adept is better suited for later but not the type of crime I have in mind.

Korak The Boisterous |

I need to know what way you're going to be playing the bulk of the campaign as when I'm choosing the party. What's the crime? And yes, the crime is what I meant. And yes that's what I meant by appropriate, depending on what you choose there are other meanings, like the son of a noble family that became a soldier might take noble/warrior And sorry I forgot to send that Deko getting on that now.
Edit: Also, there's a vampire feat chain if anybody's interested.

Korak The Boisterous |

Okay, since there's been multiple interests in the Antipaladin, I'd like to make one small point, you do not have to have divine connection at the beginning, a warrior who agrees to dedicate himself to Asmodeus when it's appropriate can just start with 2 warrior levels instead of say, 1 warrior 1 adept

Storyteller Shadow |

Hi Korak I will stick with my original idea for a crime and put that together tomorrow. Expert NPC Class.
As far as classes go, would you be willing to entertain the Artificer from Eberron as a Class once we evolve past the initial NPC classes?
Based on my crime and background I think it would fit pretty well.

DekoTheBarbarian |

One day, Leekoo gets an idea! A wonderful, awful idea! Leekoo can kill two birds with one boom! Mmmm, fried bird... So, with careful planning, Leekoo sets out to the tall people's city, with many supplies and munchies for the road. Using his skills in sneaking and hiding, taking advantage of his superior size compared to all these long legs, he made his way to one of the really shiny buildings and set about putting things together. When night fell, he struck!
Taking a torch from a nearby building, for he somehow forgot his own from home, he lit the liquids he brought and watched as it moved towards his target. Then, it all went WHOOOOOSH!!! The building caught fire and made a lot of noise! But, it didn't go boom like he planned! Still, the lights from the fire were really pretty, and the people inside screaming sounded so nice to his ears.
A hand on his shoulder caused him to look up... And up... And up some more! These people are really tall! He looked up into the helmeted face of a guard! Leekoo was quickly bound and tossed into a cart, before being taken to a large, scary-looking building where he was tossed into a room with iron bars. He was caged! He hadn't been caged since he was a little goblin boy! Leekoo would not stand for this!! Or sit or lay for this! One way or another, Leekoo would get out and make this whole city go boom!

Azzerix Wyrmclaw |

Question: how are we going to retrain our NPC classes? Are we going to have them until we hit 19 and 20 and retrain them then, or will they become our other classes after we escape?
I ask because I grabbed the Magical Knack trait to keep Azzerix's spellcasting up to speed when he grabs his first sorcerer level. But if those NPC classes will go away once we get out, that makes the trait kinda unnecessary.

KoKyu |

The crime is fraud on a ponzi scheme level. Thiriston Piponem used his charming personality to lure nobility into investing with him then walked away after financially ruining a few. Unfortunately one of the nobles managed to track him down. A True Professional Rogue is appealing.

Azzerix Wyrmclaw |

...you know, having a look at the spell list for Adept, I might actually keep those two levels for a while. Mainly because it gives him access to a couple of spells he wouldn't get normally (cure light wounds chief among them)... and a toad familiar. Those are pretty cool, and the extra hit points will be a boon.
Speaking of which, I need to print those stats for the little guy...

Ego Mortenson |

Ok, here we go:
Over time, the mayor visited the shop more often. He and Ego struck up a rapport, and Ego learned that the mayor's marriage was a loveless sham. While he had originally purchased the love potion in the hopes of rekindling the romance in his relationship, he eventually began to use it to secure mistresses to warm his bed at night.
Several months after the mayor became a regular customer, Ego approached him with a proposition: several of Ego's "friends" were interested in purchasing a warehouse that had been built over the site of an old temple to Asmodeus and turning it to more "appropriate" uses. In exchange for the mayor turning a blind eye, Ego promised not to publicize any information that would destroy the mayor's personal life.
The mayor went along at first. Unfortunately the famed witch hunter Sir Balin of Karfield came to town, pursuing rumors of an Asmodean temple. When Sir Balin met with the mayor the man suffered from a crisis of conscience, confessing all of his sins to the public. The mayor was relieved of his post, and Ego was clapped in irons and charged with extortion.
The oddest thing was that all through the arrest and trial, Ego said nothing. No expression crossed his face but a confident smile. His unnatural composure was intimidating to those souls that lacked the fortitude of Sir Balin. Even now, clapped in irons and held in isolation, the guards find excuses to avoid lingering too long in his presence.
Traits: Extortion, Bruising Intellect
Racial trait: Heart of the Streets
Feats: (1) Improved Unarmed Strike; (human) Enforcer
STR: 14
DEX: 14
CON: 14
INT: 18 (racial +2)
WIS: 10
CHA: 10
Familiar: Greensting Scorpion
0: Light, Daze, Detect Magic
1: Charm Person, Mage Armor
Bluff 2
Craft (Alchemy) 2
Intimidate 2
Perception 2
Sense Motive 2
Spellcraft 2
Let me know if I got the crunch wrong. I assume the setup here would be witch spells but no witch hexes. As far as I can tell adepts don't get a bonus spell for having high int.
ETA: Added a bonus spell.