Justin Travers |

you bet ya Vincent, however the merit is a 5 point merit I believe and you can only have a total of 7 merit points and 7 flaw points each.
@ST - Unless you are wanting to rule it differently, pg 479 of V20 states that a character can have any number of merits he/she can afford. The restriction of a maximum 7 points of flaw does apply though.

Storyteller Shadow |

Alright so I had 5 leftover from character creation so that mean I have 20 freebie to spend then yea?
** spoiler omitted **

Storyteller Shadow |

That's fine, I don't have to pick up Occult for now. Thank you for the clarity.
After this scene I'm sure we'll get more XP... :-)

GM Falling Darkness |

The advanced rp section of this particular schindig allows for group members to play founders who are putting the question to the other players.
First, do I have anyone interested in playing a founder questioning the party (and helping develop the party destiny in the process)
Second, if I do, then each person who does will get a xp reward for agreeing to do so.
Lastly, you will each get to play a different Founder if you are interested and question a different party member.
Please chime in.

Storyteller Shadow |

I've certainly got experience RPing Fanchon, Petrankov and de Corazon but I'd play any you'd like me to. :-)

GM Falling Darkness |

Jessica you will be playing the role of Mistress Fanchon interrogating Joel. Congratulations
Please see below:

GM Falling Darkness |

alright Justim,
I would appreciate if you go ahead and interrogate Vincent.
Daniel I would appreciate if you go ahead and interrogate Jessica.
Justin here is your person being Adana De Sforza
Daniel here is Hardestadt:

GM Falling Darkness |

Ezra will be interrogated by Joel as Josef Von Bauren.
and lastly Vincent you will interrogate Daniel as Camilla Banes.

Vincent Delaney |

Apologies ladies and gents. I'm having a very difficult time trying to get in the proper headspace today >.<.
I've tried to sit down and write a few times today and I'm just plan struggling to find my muse. I feel bad because I feel I've had this issue with this game more so than others. I'll try to get a response in at least by tomorrow evening.

Storyteller Shadow |

I'll get caught up on Josef's initial post likely later today, been sleeping a lot this week.

Vincent Delaney |

I feel awful coming to this decision as it's not something I do very often but I cannot find my muse for this character. I start to form something, scratch it or just can't finish it.
I don't feel it's anyone's fault or a fault in the campaign. I just legitimately, cannot get into this character like I thought I would. I am therefore gonna bow out. Again, I hate doing this, I don't do this very often if at all but I simply cannot find my muse and rather than causing long waiting periods or lackluster posts I think it would be best if I bowed out.
I thank you all for the privilege of being a part of this and am sorry that I've dragged things down a bit attempting to do this.

Daniel J. Sutton |

I think I'll have some time later tonight, so I'll begin the questioning of Jessica then.
Also, I had a question about Daniel's third eye. My understanding is that initially a bump forms on the forehead, and it "cracks open" upon learning Valeren 2. It then opens intermittently, like during periods of agitation, and also whenever Auspex or Valeren is used. Apparently when it's closed, it looks like a scar or something on top of the little bump, but the bump can be retracted and hidden for a scene with a roll. Of course, that little blurb also says the eye takes centuries to develop into an actual eye, and that for a long time it's just an open wound that bleeds when it opens and seals behind a scar.
Anyway, my initial thought was that it was a bump that would open as a fully-formed eye for the first time either when Daniel first used a Discipline, or perhaps for some sort of vision due to Sight Beyond Sight (at ST discretion). What would you prefer?

GM Falling Darkness |

you can spend it on anything you want or you can save it for a rainy day, or you can rub it between your fingers and up and down your body lewd-like and explicitly explaining how good it is to have such experience. My how graphic. All to say, enjoy the xp and post your expenditure ideas and unless it requires some in game learning or instruction or something not thought of yet, then I will give it the green light.

Storyteller Shadow |

or you can rub it between your fingers and up and down your body lewd-like and explicitly explaining how good it is to have such experience.
Did that 4 times today already...
IF allowed, I'd take Levinbolt 3, if not I'll hold onto it for that rainy day...

Storyteller Shadow |

Now, I'll start having the Flaws kick in as we can assume our Disciplines will begin to "flower" :-)