Falling Darkness

Game Master Edelsmirge

World of Darkness Vampire V 20 starting as mortals and becoming vampires

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Shadow's Status

Here will post later.

Apologies, August was not a good month for me. Family emergencies of varying sorts made it difficult to even check in, let alone post. Then the forums go down on us.

Anyway, things have finally settled down again, so I should be good to go now.

Understandable friend! Glad to have you back.

Shadow's Status

Bad month. Will post now.

well, here we are again.

I hope to see some of you all posting once more.

Wait to react to my post obviously until you are done in the hall and move into the great hall

I think we lost Jessica. We could recruit any clan when the group arrives at the Red Lion In and I could take up to six(2 more). Shadow, care to advertise in your game and in your recruitment group and the rest of you can recruit a friend or good rper from another game.

Shadow's Status
GM Falling Darkness wrote:
I think we lost Jessica. We could recruit any clan when the group arrives at the Red Lion In and I could take up to six(2 more). Shadow, care to advertise in your game and in your recruitment group and the rest of you can recruit a friend or good rper from another game.

Go ahead and put up a post in the OOC thread of the Venice game :-)

Does anyone have dominate? Lol

I think Jessica did. Lol figures.

Anyone want to buy dominate or switch to it?

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

I have Dominate 1, but that's not really enough to do much with as of yet. Combine that with Justin not really knowing anything about his abilities yet...

That being said he could get to Dominate 2 real easy if there was an in character justification for doing so, hell one more XP and he could get to Dominate 3.

Justin Travers wrote:

I have Dominate 1, but that's not really enough to do much with as of yet. Combine that with Justin not really knowing anything about his abilities yet...

That being said he could get to Dominate 2 real easy if there was an in character justification for doing so, hell one more XP and he could get to Dominate 3.

Dominate isn't in Ezra's clan disciplines. :(

1 xp for all then and the founders will teach you about your abilities and you may buy dominate three

We all here?

I'm still here and I'm pretty sure Shadow is, but I'm not sure anyone (other than maybe Daniel) is.

Talomyr wrote:
I'm still here and I'm pretty sure Shadow is, but I'm not sure anyone (other than maybe Daniel) is.

I'm sorta here. Been a hectic...well basically the whole past year. :(

Been a hectic holiday season, plus for some reason my phone wasn't showing there were new posts. I'm still here though.

Shadow's Status


Ok let's move on with four then!

So yeah...still hectic. I realized today that I never even got around to statting Ezra up as a vampire and I've not been much of a player here even aside that. I hate to do it since I do enjoy the game, but I am just taking up space. Better to bow out.

Thank you for the chance to play some vampire, Falling Darkness. Wish RL were more cooperative with my doing so.

Player check and seeing if we want to continue as is?

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

Still here.

Shadow's Status

I am good.

Checking in, still here.

So continue with three or try to add one?

Shadow's Status

I say proceed with 3, we will make due and the thread will move a bit quicker as well :-)

Don't have an opinion one way or the other. Your preference.

Alright 3 it is and next post tonight after work!

Sorry this week has sucked two days at -30, water tower next to my house exploded and overflowed flooding and then freezing and then propane gas ran out. Got a wood burning stove and saved to house but it was close

So the water tower near my house burst and a good majority of my basent flooded and froze including a lot of my gaming books. I am replacing what I can including the book for this adventure shortly. Please be patient and I do apologize for the delay.

Wow, that's really rough. No need to apologize for the delay, fixing things like this obviously has to take priority. Take your time, we'll still be here.

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