Falling Darkness

Game Master Edelsmirge

World of Darkness Vampire V 20 starting as mortals and becoming vampires

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Welcome to Falling Darkness, the chronicle. This is the place for review, out of character discussion between players, between player and gm, and general comments, questions, and concerns. I ask that all these things remain firmly outside the game thread so that there we may stay in the world of darkness, immersed and uninterrupted by mere mortal concerns. Thank you.

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

Checking in.

Checking in as well ^_^

Turns out the name for my character is already being used. Anyone know if there's a good way around that, or should I just change his name to something that's available?

Also just to put two things there for the ST. One, I'd also prefer a non-Nosferatu embrace if possible; I wrote it pretty open, so he could go a lot of different directions. Two, it didn't occur to me to consider using freebies to get merits, so I may change one or two points to get some minor merits. Nothing major.

The easiest method would be to add a middle name or initial to the name. After all, most people do have one in today's society.

Shadow's Status

Dot. I'll get my profile up tomorrow. Thanks for the invite ST!

so little Nosferatu love.

Redac: One - I will short of story collapse do what I can do for the non nosferatu embrace.

Two - If you want to move some points for a few merits I intend on starting game play on 7 March so we still have some time for revision as long as every one lets me know so I can change my character information files.

Shadow's Status
GM Falling Darkness wrote:

so little Nosferatu love.

Redac: One - I will short of story collapse do what I can do for the non nosferatu embrace.

Two - If you want to move some points for a few merits I intend on starting game play on 7 March so we still have some time for revision as long as every one lets me know so I can change my character information files.

1. I am a great lover of the Nosferatu so if you want a PC to be one, tis fine by me.

2. Yes, I think I am going to take the Merit "Extra Discipline" and bring down my Stamina 1 point (I can always put that point back post Embrace).

3. I WILL have my avatar/profile up tonight.

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

I dropped a dot of allies, willpower, and larceny to reserve 4 freebies for post embrace.

Somehow just adding a middle name didn't occur to me. Thanks!

GM Falling Darkness wrote:

so little Nosferatu love.

Redac: One - I will short of story collapse do what I can do for the non nosferatu embrace.

Haha, much appreciated. I actually do love me some Nosferatu, it's just that I'm rolling one up for an IRL game pretty soon, so I wanted a little variety. And if ultimately becoming a Nosferatu is how things shake out, I can roll with it.

Two - If you want to move some points for a few merits I intend on starting game play on 7 March so we still have some time for revision as long as every one lets me know so I can change my character information files.

Okay, I did move a couple points. I took one freebie dot out of Contacts and one dot from Streetwise and got the Language and Eidetic Memory merits. I also picked up the Tic/Twitch flaw along with Prestigious Sire. Hopefully that's all okay.

And to make a correction to my original submission: the three dots in Awareness should have been in Alertness. Sorry about that.

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

Profile up, site giving me issues re Avatar, will try to straighten it out tomorrow.

No worries, I've made like 14 aliases on here and kept changing names when I'd use something I thought was unique but someone else had made a profile for and I never thought about it....till I ran into someone who used a middle name in their submission.

Then it donned on me for the first time.

I don't mind Nosferatu, I think they are amazing and useful. It's just I would prefer to set up specific for that particular embrace.

The issues that you face that are special to the Nosferatu is particularly difficult and the handicaps of it I feel make it a little rough and more demanding of forethought.

Most all others, you can adjust as they are at least able to interact with the world at large without immediate potential Masquerade issues.

true that on Nosferatu being a surprise that is hard to work with when you create a character. FYI: First post is up in the game thread. Please enter and rp in the bar and grill as you see fit.

So, something I'm not familiar with in VtM is how you get equipment or even purchase it before game starts?

Do I just make a list of real world counterparts and their costs and we figure out if it makes sense to have....what do we do to have starting "gear"

Each dot of resources is a cooresponding amount per month of allowance of spendable income. You roll with a standard target number to establish if you get to have the full amount. Should you make the roll I will allow you to purchase equipment and then I would expect a detailed equipment list of what you carry with you right now as that might be important very, very shortly.

Ok V20 doesnt seem to have the old school chart:
1 dot 500/ month disposable
2 dot 1200
3 dot 3000
4 dot did anyone put this much into it? 9000
5 dot 30000

I would really appreciate if everyone makes a resource roll and then purchases what they are carrying making a detailed realistic equipment list for this next scene please.

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

What is a resources roll? Just rolling your resources dice? What determines the full amount?

Resources: 3d10 ⇒ (2, 8, 4) = 14

Resources: 3d10 ⇒ (1, 6, 5) = 12 It's been a bad month.

All I've given him is a knife, a pistol, and a car rental. Still good? Murder weapons are kind of important for a serial killer. :)

Resources: 3d10 ⇒ (6, 10, 9) = 25

Errr... yea?

Resources: 2d10 ⇒ (9, 3) = 12

For only two dots, it could be worse. I'd imagine Daniel carrying a wallet, phone, car keys of some sort (unless he took the bus or something?), and a handgun.

The full amount is a success. A botch is a bad month, and a critical success is double your month.

So this is one of the most firearm heavy groups with good backgrounds to have them that I have had in a while...

Lol, hmm...I reckon this is not common in VtM?

I'm assuming I had critical success?

Browning 1911-380 Black Pro w/Rails 700 (Cabella for sourcing)

2014 Triumph Bonneville 900 (AutoTrader for sourcing)

I had planned on trying to squeeze in the vehicle into the background purchases but I'm fine with spending my first month to just have one paid off so I don't have to worry about it.

Dark Archive

I was out of the Country and travelling for a bit. Back now and jumping back in. My character name seems to be taken so I'll be renaming her.

For story sake Zekk I hope you dont mind being hit on by another player because I am going to replace the npc that Shadow has been flirting with and put you in, which I think is the best way to move forward.

Female Human

Not at all. I made a post but I redact that if needed.

Your post is just fine!

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

Nothing too fancy on the possessions list.

HK USP (9mm) pistol
Boot Knife
Durable clothing (for crawling around gods know what)
Rental Car

Female Human

Resources: 4d10 ⇒ (9, 10, 6, 3) = 28

Equipment List for the Scene:
Designer Suit Skirt, Shoes & Tote Handbag, wallet with a drivers licence, credit cards etc.
Basic Concealed Revolver (She's a republican in a red state and that too Texas and I don't know anything about guns)
Legal pad and pen
Cell phone
Car keys
Seemingly broken down rental car outside
Small travel suitcase with a weekend worth of stuff in it (in the car)

WP 6/10 | BP 18/20 | Per+Alert 6 |Dex+Wits 6|

Resources 3d10 ⇒ (3, 3, 1) = 7

Bad month.

So hi. I'm currently going through some relatively serious issues in my personal life and may be unavailable for a while. I also might not be. One of those things where I have no idea how it's going to shake out or when I'm going to be capable of posting. It sucks and I'm sorry, but it's unavoidable. I'll do what I can.

ok cool, Ezra will follow the group quietly until you are able to post. Hope all is well and you return to us soon.

Any of you can talk to Rodrigo.

There is a description of the wagons and their occupants in the campaign tab.

Shadow's Status

I'll try to get to this tonight...

Waiting for Jessica and Joel to introduce and roll

I'm back.

Welcome back bud!

Waiting for more posts

Apologies, to be honest I was thrown for quite a look having built for modern day only to be spirited away shortly into the game. I think I was holding breath a bit and seeing what others might do to try and get a feel for the situation better. But I fear that everyone did that to some degree.

Shadow's Status

Sorry just been brutal the last few weeks, the clouds should part this week. Thanks for the patience ST.

Vincent Delaney wrote:
Apologies, to be honest I was thrown for quite a look having built for modern day only to be spirited away shortly into the game. I think I was holding breath a bit and seeing what others might do to try and get a feel for the situation better. But I fear that everyone did that to some degree.

I almost made Ezra a historian...but he'd probably have been doing 19th century US history so I didn't have to bug my medievalist or early modern friends for references.

Apologies, I've been a little preoccupied with some stuff going on in my life lately and haven't been able to post much. It's mostly sorted out now though so I think I'll be good to get back to posting.

Great welcome back to the.. living?

Anyone still here?

7th Generation Lasombra | Bloodpool: 19/20 | Willpower: 6/8

Still here...just not real sure what to do...speaking strictly for myself...

Still here as well, I had mentioned trying to share the company of the Old Woman and her...I assume Coffee? but I never heard anything back on it.

Maybe I didn't make it clear that I had planned to continue to try and converse after eating.

Justin Travers wrote:
Still here...just not real sure what to do...speaking strictly for myself...

Same here. Ezra has limited ability to talk to anyone and is keen on keeping a low profile. Right now, doing about anything seems like it would be conspicuous.

If we would like to all remake characters to not be having this much problem with the setting

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