Satinder Coric |

That's always a unpleasant thing to have happen. I hope things turn out well for you Baldric, it's been a pleasure to play with you.
On a side note, that'll be wonderful since this will be my last post for this game with internet, from here on out it's my phone unless I have internet at a hotel, which is 50/50 cause I have birds with me lol.


No worries I'll take over Baldric and write him out o the story in a way that we can bring him back someday. I hope that will be the case. I send you a PM once that happens just so you know. Until then if there is anything I can do for you please let me know.
Good luck with the move Satinder we will see you soon. I will post for you only to keep us going if needed. Perhaps you can keep up via twitter, with the bird and all. :P.
I know, bad joke, sorry I couldn't resist.

Satinder Coric |

Well I'm in Jersey, and in the new place. So that's a plus. Bad news is that it's a completely different situation than I expected, and am now having to go from a one bedroom apartment with my fiance to a single room that's smaller than anything we've lived in before. So we've spent the last two days down sizing and we're barely even 1/4th (if you want to be extremely generous that is) with what we need to work down to. In all honesty, the only reason my desktop is up and running is because I needed it setup in the room to figure out where everything else is going. And the only reason I'm responding is because we're taking a break for a little while lol. It's gonna be some time before I can actually make a regular post to be quite honest.


Sorry to hear you transition has hit some difficult bumps. When you say "some time" do you mean you need to step away from the game for awhile, or should I just keep DM PCing you? If you needed an extended break that is cool, you will always have a place in our game. If you just need another week or so I'll gladly keep posting for you. Just let me know what will work best for you.


As we are getting close to wrapping up this encounter I wanted to check in with the group about our current situation. With Baldric leaving and Satinder indeterminately out of the action how should we proceed player wise. Both are free to come back to the game anytime they want, but until then should we recruit another player? I think unless I hear other wise I will temporary write them out of the action once we get back to Sandpoint, in a way that we can easily write them back in. I am okay proceeding with three characters, but I am also okay seeking out another player to fill the "warrior" role in the party. If we do that do you want me to put up and open call or do you want to tap some other players you already know. The other option is an NPC that I control, but I think in PBP a longterm NPC is not as good an option, but If you all like that idea better I am okay with doing it.

Zwain the Insane |
- Spells remaining:
- 0: daze (DC17), detect magic, acid splash
- 1: sleep (DC18), hypnotism x2 (DC18), mage armor
- active effects: none

I'd prefer hiring a 4th warrior/player at this point.
-Posted with Wayfinder


Well I hope I'm not being replaced lol. Give me some time to catch up, and then I'll post. I got a lot of reading to do today lol.
NO NO NO we are NOT replacing you. Take your time, you have a lot going on and if you need to take an extended break that is fine, you will always have a space in the game and if you are ready to pick it back up GREAT.
I was just worried you might need a break longer than a week or so and if that was the case I thought it would be better to recruit than to have me posting for two of the PC's. Baldric resigned, at first I was not going to replace him but now I think we should even if Satinder is back.
But I am okay with just the four players if thats what the group wants. Easier than having to find a new person, but leaves us with out a heavy hitter.
How say you all?

Gillian Flynn |

That's a tough call...we really could use a heavy hitter, but I know it would slow things down yet again if we open recruitment. I'm not sure if there's anyone I could ask to join us, but I'll scan through my other games and see if anyone seems like they might be a good fit.

Satinder Coric |

Lol, I figured I wasn't. Don't worry MDDM, it would've been obvious if I was being replaced. As far as Baldric is concerned, I suppose we could recruit after this fight, but I wouldn't exactly want it to slow us down even more so than we are. So I suppose maybe put the word out now, unless we've got someone that can jump in already, that way they can join us as soon as we get out of the caves?

MythrilDragon RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 |

The next two weeks are going to be extremely hectic. This week is Vacation Bible School and next week I will be traveling for business. Not sure I will have much if any time to post, but keep an eye on the Thread. I will try, but it might be after that I will have time to get back into the swing of things. Sorry for the extended delay.

Zwain the Insane |
- Spells remaining:
- 0: daze (DC17), detect magic, acid splash
- 1: sleep (DC18), hypnotism x2 (DC18), mage armor
- active effects: none

-Posted with Wayfinder

Gillian Flynn |

Still here!
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gillian Flynn |

*nods* I'm sorta feeling the same myself, which I hate to say because I certainly understand that real life gets busy and takes precedent :(
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gillian Flynn |

Hey, life happens! If I remember right, I think you said good things were afoot...but either way, TCOB and we'll see you when things calm down :)

MythrilDragon RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 |

Again I am so sorry for the delay that RL has place on my PBP activity. I can now openly share what is going on. I have been called by a church in Terre Haute, IN to serve as their pastor and we will be moving by the end of July from our home in Broken Bow, NE. The last several weeks have been filled with a lot of travel for interviews and congregational meetings. Since accepting the position we have been trying to buy a house from long distance as well. On top of that my daughter has had to see a specialist (got good news, her condition is healing) and my infant son has had to see a specialist (he is getting tubes in his ears next week). Add that to my regular busy work load of serving the three churches I am serving until the end of June and I am running circles about myself it seem lately. Over the next few days we are traveling for a Gymnastics National's competition for my other daughter so hopefully on Thursday...as long as I have all the loan stuff straight, I will be able to get back to posting with a little more regularity.

Gillian Flynn |

Wow, that's a lot happening all at once; no wonder you've been so busy lately! I'm glad that things are starting to fall into place for you (and that the kiddos are doing well) and I look forward to getting rolling again once you're ready to go :)

Sniggevert |

Well, congratulations. It seems like you just moved out there not so long ago. Best wishes for your daughter in her upcoming competition, and your children on their recovery.
I used to live in Terre Haute for a year. It wasn't a bad little city. I'm just a couple hours north of there now. Hope everything goes smoothly in the transition.

MythrilDragon RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 |

Things are moving along. Thank you all for your patience. I love running my PBP games but it has been overwhelming here in the real world. We have been up and down with the house buying and I have spent WAY TO MUCH time tracking down paperwork for the underwriters. I'm thinking of creating a new CR 8 monster with that name, they have the power to suck you soul. To day is my last day with the UMC and tomorrow I begin the task of packing a house with three kids underfoot. We are traveling for a family reunion later this week as well...just to make things easier. :) I know I keep promising SOON I will get back to posting, I fully intend to and I am sorry the "break" is taking longer than I want.
As for the kids...all are doing well. Daughter is still doing well and the boy made it through surgery with flying colors. He was fussy immediately afterwards, but the nurses were shocked he wasn't balling his head off for the first 30 min like all the other's his age. He recovered very quickly and the tubes are doing their job and he is much happier..except for the 6 teeth that are all coming in at once. :P
The upside I will be in Indiana in time for GenCon, but won't be able to attend...THIS YEAR. I have never been and am looking forward to going next year.
Keep watching the thread...I will be back soon. I promise.

Zwain the Insane |
- Spells remaining:
- 0: daze (DC17), detect magic, acid splash
- 1: sleep (DC18), hypnotism x2 (DC18), mage armor
- active effects: none

I'm going to hide this campaign. Someone send me a PM if we start up again.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gillian Flynn |

It's certainly looking that way, sadly. To be honest though, even if the GM were to return I'm not sure that I would be interested in continuing at this point. It's nothing personal of course and I understand that moving and house-hunting and such takes a lot out of a person; it's just that it's been so long that I've kinda lost interest :(
Not to mention it wouldn't hurt me to try and keep my games pared down anyway...there's never enough time in the day for all the games I'd like to play in, it seems. *sigh*

MythrilDragon RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 |

Greetings, just wanted to send a big I am sorry for disappearing from the boards. Moving cross county and starting a new position has been a toll on the time I have fore extra circulars. Im not here to try and restart the game, I know at this time I can not commit to it and it has been way to long I am sure for any of the group to still have any interest. I just wanted to apologize and say thanks for all the game time you did put in for our campaign.