Dervak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Yes, there is so much Dreamlands gear that Theo can spend to buy White Rabbit food.
As to the real-world gear, we could take some time in Cassomir to sell and buy equipment. Potions and wands are generally useful to keep, and the Talismans. Most of the rest of it in Party Loot we can sell.
I can go through that and figure out shares tomorrow unless someone else wants to do it.
DM_Delmoth |
The completely unused sun blade is worth over 50k by itself apparently.
Mara bint al-Katheeri |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
- Fortune:
- Healing:
- Heaven's Leap: Dervak
- Time Flicker:
- Speed or Slow Time: 0/2
We're rich in our dreams. :)
Since no-one is taking Shake it Off, Mara will take Improved Initiative. Maybe she won't go last in initiative quite as often.
Dervak |
I created a new tab called "Book 3 to sell," duplicating the "Party Loot" tab without messing it up.
The big item is the Leng Ruby. That is worth 10,000 GP and sells for full value.
Then the Confabulation Plates. 9,000 GP, sells for 4,500 GP. A little sketchy, but could see the Sleepless Detectives or groups like that having a good use for them.
Then a bunch of minor items.
All told, if we do not sell most of the potions/wands (or the Argus Mask and Eye, since that seems very sketchy to unload on someone else) then our shares are 4,003 each. That does include selling the Barkskin potions since we normally have a much better CL from Mara on that.
Mara bint al-Katheeri |
- Fortune:
- Healing:
- Heaven's Leap: Dervak
- Time Flicker:
- Speed or Slow Time: 0/2
Mara would want to make sure the Confabulation Plates are sold to a reputable buyer, who would not use them for evil purposes. She could contact Cesadia Wrentz via Sending, and see if the organization has any agents in Cassomir or Katheer.
Mara's Barkskins spells will now give a +4 enhancement bonus to natural armor. :)
Theophilus Carter |
Witches can add new spells to their familiars through several methods. A witch can only add spells to her familiar if those spells belong to the witch’s spell list.
Spells Gained at a New Level: A witch’s familiar learns a certain amount of lore and magic as the witch adventures. Whenever a witch gains a level, she may add two spells from the witch spell list to her familiar. The two free spells must be of spell levels she can cast.
Familiar Teaching Familiar: A witch’s familiar can learn spells from another witch’s familiar. To accomplish this, the familiars must spend one hour per level of the spell being taught in communion with one another. At the end of this time, the witch whose familiar is learning a spell must make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level). If the check succeeds, the familiar has learned the spell and the witch may utilize it the next time she prepares spells. If the check fails, the familiar has failed to learn the spell and cannot try to learn that spell again until the witch has gained another rank in Spellcraft. Most witches require a spell of equal or greater level in return for this service. If a familiar belongs to a witch that has died, it only retains its knowledge of spells for 24 hours, during which time it is possible to coerce or bribe the familiar into teaching its spells to another, subject to GM discretion.
Learn from a Scroll: A witch can use a scroll to teach her familiar a new spell. This process takes 1 hour per level of the spell to be learned, during which time the scroll is burned and its ashes used to create a special brew or powder that is consumed by the familiar. This process destroys the scroll. At the end of this time, the witch must make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level). If the check fails, the process went awry in some way and the spell is not learned, although the scroll is still consumed.
Theo can't fail the spellcraft roll DCs.
Theo feeds the White Rabbit 2 3rd (700gp), 2 4th (1400gp) and 1 5th (1125gp) for 3275gp.
And, since the White Rabbit is literally attached to his foot; Theo bought this!
That he will purchase in the real world (not the Mtv show)....
Dervak |
I think between selling the loot and splitting the coins it is about 6500 each.
Not sure what to get, given ABP. Probably want to save up for a Ring of Evasion or Ring of Internal Fortitude. Eventually Pauldrons of the Juggernaut could be fun.
I guess a Sipping Jacket has some near-term utility and is in my price range.
Anyone have suggestions?
I'd also be happy to extend a loan to another party member who wanted to get something slightly out of their range, like Boots of Escape.
Mara bint al-Katheeri |
- Fortune:
- Healing:
- Heaven's Leap: Dervak
- Time Flicker:
- Speed or Slow Time: 0/2
We probably want to consider another wand of CLW for non-Dreamlands use.
Mara already has an Aegis of Recovery, but others might want to consider one (it can potentially prevent a character death).
A Ring of Feather Falling is useful for anyone who flies.
Dervak might want to buy a potion of Fly.
EDIT: Do we all want to contribute 1500 gp towards diamond dust? That would cover one Raise Dead, and several Restorations.
At some point, Mara will want to get vial of Stone Salve, in case she gets petrified. Too expensive for now, however.
Mara bint al-Katheeri |
- Fortune:
- Healing:
- Heaven's Leap: Dervak
- Time Flicker:
- Speed or Slow Time: 0/2
Mara's Shopping List:
Ring of Feather Falling 2200 gp
Scroll of Remove Blindness/Deafness 375 gp
Quick Runner's Shirt 1000 gp
Wand of CLW 750 gp
Diamond dust 1500 gp
Total: 5825 gp
Kat Brewer |
I'll contribute for the diamond dust. I'm not really a fan of consumables that cost that much, and I'd rather have the neck slot for something else, so I'll pass on an aegis.
I guess I'll have to get a ring of feather falling at this point.
That's 3700 right there. I'll look through extracts I might want to add to my formula book and other such things.
Theophilus Carter |
Theo will donate the "extra" 2500gp toward diamond dust.
Flight Hex is 3 spells in one (Featherfall, Levitate and Fly).
Theo has
Headband of the Unstudious Mage (+level Spellcraft)
spell component pouch
Pathfinders kit
Sewing needle
Hat (tool mw: Intimidate)
Artisan tools(mw): craft Hats
Playing cards x5
Paper candle fireworks x17/14
Summoning book
Pearl of Power 1st 1/1
Wand of Cure light wounds 50/23
Odd Harrow Deck
Wand of Invisibility 4/0
Wand of cure moderate 34/30
Mossy Disk Ioun Stone (+5 knowledge[planes]): Cyclops
Wand of clw 50/50
Plus recent purchases posted above.
Dervak |
Dervak will contribute 1,500 gp towards a diamond dust stash.
Dervak |
No other purchases for Dervak at this time.
Thinking of what I would like to do with Angrier's Boots (the old man who kicked to death a couple of cultists in the asylum).
I had thought of Boots of the Mastodon, though that would require taking Improved Overrun and maybe Charge Through to get the most use of them, and Dervak is pretty feat-starved. Still, could be fun. And sort of speaks to the boots' history.
Boots of the Winter Jarl would be pretty cool and would tie in to Dervak's father's original Boreal bloodline. It would be a while before he could afford them.
In any event, Dervak is saving up for now.
DM_Delmoth |
@Kat and Dervak, before I forget again are you on normal progression or slow for PFS? I suppose I need day job checks too.
Dervak |
Kat Brewer |
Normal! Also, I need to shift mine to 99807-17 instead of 22. I've played a bunch since then and things have shifted around.
As for purchases, Kat is also getting:
1st Level Scrolls for Formula Book (25 gp x 6 = 150 gp)
Touch of the Sea
Long Arm
Endure Elements
Cure Light Wounds
Crafter's Fortune
3rd Level Scrolls (375 gp x 3 = 1125 gp)
Water Breathing
4th Level Scrolls (750 gp x 2 = 1500 gp)
Death Ward
Freedom of Movement
25 gp left over with her other purchases
She won't be able to use the 4th level extracts until next level, but for the meantime, she can put them in her book.
DM_Delmoth |
I'll get a map going later. Just bored at my "essential" job. I've been so swamped the last month but today and yesterday I get everything done in 2 hours.
DM_Delmoth |
Oh I prefer the slow days for sure. My wife won't be back to her office for several months yet.
Dervak |
Not meaning to go too Leeroy Jenkins here... don't want to let him get the jump on us to do something dangerous, but then again Dervak also isn't just cutting Mun's head off.
A Grapple seemed a happy medium. He can let him go if you all insist, but Kat did give Mun another chance to come clean and he refused.
Kat Brewer |
I'm good with it. Now that Kat can trip effectively AND has manacles, I see this "Dervak ninja grappling people" strategy working quite well. Honestly might even be worth investing some feats in tbh
Dervak |
Dervak is really strapped for feats.
Planning on Critical Focus at 11 and Staggering Critical at 13.
I suppose if he were to take Tactical Adaptation as one of his very few Bard/Magus spells he could use that in conjunction with Barroom Brawler to pick up a 2-feat chain on the fly, like IUS/Improved Grapple. Though at the moment he lacks the Dex for Improved Grapple, except when Dex-raging or when under Cat's Grace. And there is a lot of competition for those four Bard/Magus spells.
Or if he were to multiclass, either Brawler or Constable Cavalier (Order of the Hammer) would help him grapple. But the Bloodrager class gains so much from staying in it.
He can use True Strike plus reach (whether from Longarm, Enlarge, or Pugnacious) to use combat maneuvers effectively.
Kat Brewer |
That's a good point. True Strike + reach is good enough for our purposes.
DM_Delmoth |
Could someone take the items that you sold off the treasure sheet and add the purchases you made to your own sheet? I think its out of date. And I'm not sure exactly what everyone bought and sold.
Dervak |
I updated the "Party Loot" tab, removing the sold items and the coins. The 3 PP on the sheet are new.
So the shares from the end of Book 3 are 5,017.4 each (after deducting 1500 each for diamond dust purchase), which is now added onto everybody's individual sheet on the tracker.
I did not account for anybody's purchases.
I added 6,000 GP in diamond dust to party loot.
I am leaving the "Book 3 to Sell" tab in there for reference just for now.
DM_Delmoth |
Thank you! I should add a page specifically for vendor trash. I can even add the art objects to it when you find them.
Dervak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Did I just do 150 or so with an AOO and a full-round attack, then have Mara kill-steal with a 4-damage hit?
That's amusing.
It has been a while since Mara mixed it up in melee. The gap between PCs grows a lot with levels, but her contribution here was still enough to save me from getting attacked by the construct. Which is good.
Mara bint al-Katheeri |
- Fortune:
- Healing:
- Heaven's Leap: Dervak
- Time Flicker:
- Speed or Slow Time: 0/2
If we did still want to disarm the traps, Mara could do the Fortune/Chant combo on Kat. Kat might pick up a curse in the process (Mara can remove curses, unless it's something special).
Kat Brewer |
I am up for that if that’s what the consensus is. I really don’t want any of us to get stuck with a curse, but I’d like to fully investigate this area.
Though, which direction does Mari’s scent lead in GM? That’s where she’d want to go first. We can always come back
Mara bint al-Katheeri |
- Fortune:
- Healing:
- Heaven's Leap: Dervak
- Time Flicker:
- Speed or Slow Time: 0/2
In that case we should head upstairs first.
Dervak |
Dervak will go along with whatever Kat wants to do when it comes to finding Mari.
DM_Delmoth |
So now I have *two* characters carrying around remnants of their dead loves as they hold out for a chance to get a resurrection cast on them lol
I think that just means your characters have a type.
Dervak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
@GM, that is a hell of an RP dilemma. A well-posed problem. I could even see an argument that Kat is being LG, with the "I know what's best for you even if you don't" approach that LG can fall prey to. Or N, if it is "I don't care what you want, I'm going to keep you alive because I'm not ready to lose you." And CG could be explained too (though what Kat is doing is absolutely not what Dervak would see as right, the alignments encompass a range of opinions). Anyway, a most tricky scenario.
@All - my E6 Red Hand of Doom would benefit from another PC to get through the final dungeon. Everyone in this Strange Aeons campaign has proved to be a reliable poster and so I thought I'd see if there was any interest.
This is a rather unusual recruitment.
First of all, it's E6 (6th-level cap for all classes, but then bonus feats after that, some of which give class abilities you would have gained at level 7 or 8).
Second, coming in so late, there is not really a lot of time to explore a character's own plotline - you would be doing the long-term PCs a favor by helping them finish the last dungeon. It would be nice if a new PC were from a group of NPCs previously encountered (see below) so they had some tie to the story. Probably another few months to wrap up.
Third, it's pretty high-powered E6, since the mini-AP is meant to end at 11th level or so. High-value stat arrays and max HP. The last recruitment post. You'd have eight Epic feats and I would work with you on what capabilities they can grant. But low-power items, since 4th-level spells don't exist, nor casters beyond CL8.
Fourth, it is pretty "classic" or Core-adjacent in its feel. If you have your heart set on a really weird and exotic option, that isn't what we have in this game.
The town of Brindol in the Elsir Vale has repelled an attack by the hobgoblin army known as the Red Hand of Doom, and now the PCs have taken the fight to the Red Hand's stronghold.
The PCs are a Barbarian/Cavalier/Brawler/Darechaser, a Rog/Wiz, and an Eccleistheurge cleric. There is an NPC bard cohort. There's no one capability that the party needs.
There are various NPC groups that could have sent another ally with them. The Tiri Kitor are swamp-dwelling wild elves with giant owls; the Lions of Brindol are the elite cavalry of the city that the PCs defended; the various druids of the Elsir Vale have helped out the PCs; the dwarves of the Hammerfist Holds have aided the party (including the legendary Knights of the Diamond Wall, with Epic feats to enable the Stalwart Defender's defensive stance) and there are other adventuring bands like the Golden Drakes and the Six Blades who fought the Red Hand as well.
If this is of interest to anybody, please do PM me your thoughts.
Kat Brewer |
Yeah I could see arguments multiple ways as well. I was trying to go for one of the goods b/c she thinks she is helping Mari. It's why she's willing to do this even if Mari hates her for it b/c she doesn't expect to get anything out of this.
DM_Delmoth |
I struggled with how it would affect Kat's alignment a little bit. I can see an argument for a lot of different alignment shifts. But I'd have a hard time arguing to keep her NG. I figure chaotic is the most in line with Kat's other character developments. She (and the rest of the party) have actively worked against legitimate authority figures and have no trouble breaking laws if it suits them.
DM_Delmoth |
Starting a new job this week so a bit scatterbrained. Apologies for the hold-up!
Grats on the new job.
I'm a bit out of sorts as well, our cat had to have surgery for a lump today and they took a lymph node too because it was enlarged, they also discovered a hole in his mouth that they closed. My wife has had him for longer than she's known me so we're both rather attached to him. Waiting on biopsy results now.
Theophilus Carter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sending well wishes for the fuzz!
We have Merlin (10) and we just adopted our friends cat (Simba and also 10) because they just had a human child (weird right?) and she is deathly allergic to cats and dogs they found out.
DM_Delmoth |
Khajiit is 18 and still mean as oblivion (to the vet.) Prolly no game posts from me until after tomorrow.
Dervak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Best wishes to Khajit.
I have a dog who is nine and a half. She has very patiently put up with us adding two small humans to our pack. And now they are both bigger than she is, but she still takes good care of them. (She's rather cat-like as dogs go - rather aloof around other dogs, not that fond of walks, hates getting wet, and loves curling up on laps.)
Theophilus Carter |
Apologies gang!
This week has been a whirlwind!
Sunday=Truck broke down.
Monday=Start back to work but can't because see Sunday
Tuesday= Second day back to work...but see Monday. Starfinder night!
Also, decided to purchase a 2020 vehicle; talk to boss about a raise to pay for 2020 vehicle; get raise and sigh! Oh and got truck fix...
Wednesday= Start my first day at work after 4 months
Thursday= day Purchase 2020 Chevy Trax and say good bye to 2000 Dodge weekly PFS season 9 Seeker module.
Friday=back to work; play in weekly AoA game.
I shall catch up shortly!
DM_Delmoth |
Lol. I'm glad you got a raise though.
To be fair I didn't call for your action until now, so that's my bad.
Kat Brewer |
I did use barkskin and shield, as per this post but it didn’t save for some reason when I updated my stat line? So she wouldn’t have gotten hit
Kat Brewer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Gotta say, I'm glad I took those tripping feats, as I'd be fishing for 20s without that -4 probably. I know they are gonna be less useful later (especially if we start fighting big cosmic horrors without legs/with too many legs), but reach builds with trip are just so good
Dervak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
This enemy's AC makes me feel less guilty about those times when uber-buffed Dervak is hitting AC 35 (Dex-rage and Cat's Grace, not in use at the moment).