Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
I almost wish Tech Revolution had come out sooner. I imagine Isu would love the reality show "Wraith Whisperers."
It's about a group of priests of Sarenrae who "track down undead and help them pass on, either with direct negotiation or holy fire." He'd probably find it more engaging than just reading TBoLaT!
Male Human Technomancer 12 Dataphiles | SP 84 HP 64 RP 10/11 | EAC 28 KAC 29 CMAC 37 CMD 29 CMB +9 | Kinetic DR 5/- | F+6 R+10 W+11 | Init+6 | Perc+3 | 1st 1/6 2nd 0/6 3rd 0/5 4th 0/4 Cache 0/1
Ted can throw greater invisiblity or normal invisibility on people, though greater is 4th level and he's only got a few of those, and the command center certainly has some surprise or nullification waiting.
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
We ARE doing better against these three ellicoths than we were against the single ellicoth we encountered back on Eox a few books ago. Shows how much more powerful we've become!
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
Its far too late to fix builds, but Jelico, is your wisdom really 19? That is the wisdom of a 5th level character. You should be sitting at 20 before any upgrades, and you could definitely have a +4 personal augment at this point, and we did just find a +6 augment. Maybe you should use it after this battle, just in case there is something even beyond the Captain.
Male Human Technomancer 12 Dataphiles | SP 84 HP 64 RP 10/11 | EAC 28 KAC 29 CMAC 37 CMD 29 CMB +9 | Kinetic DR 5/- | F+6 R+10 W+11 | Init+6 | Perc+3 | 1st 1/6 2nd 0/6 3rd 0/5 4th 0/4 Cache 0/1
The freebooter armor gives +1/+1 for Ted. The two rifles are comparable with what he already has. The white force shield has fast healing! Someone like Isu that sops up damage may really find that useful?
Male Human Mystic 12 | 76/76 HP, 97/97 SP, 9/9 RP | Init +3 |Perception +25 | EAC 22, KAC 23 | F +7, R +8, W +12 | Spells/Day Left: oo/6/5/2/3/0/0
I'm going to be on vacation for the next week. I'll be back posting on the 17th (assuming the flights work like they're supposed to). Please bot me as needed. I've got a few castings of Soul Reap that might be helpful. Otherwise, the dice rolls for my pistols are on my character sheet. Thanks!
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
Should one of us use that stat-boosting worm? I don't think any of us ever claimed it.
He yells... "Run away! Run away!"
But actually, I will not run away, because our strategy of ducking around the corner probably won't work since all of your inits were pretty low
Male Human Mystic 12 | 76/76 HP, 97/97 SP, 9/9 RP | Init +3 |Perception +25 | EAC 22, KAC 23 | F +7, R +8, W +12 | Spells/Day Left: oo/6/5/2/3/0/0
I'm back! Catching up now but it's a slow process. @Isu, do you need HP healing? I can't do anything for SP but, if you into your hit points, I can help with that.
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
I feel like if we keep holding the line to try and funnel them, that big guy is just gonna keep taking potshots at us...
Male Human Technomancer 12 Dataphiles | SP 84 HP 64 RP 10/11 | EAC 28 KAC 29 CMAC 37 CMD 29 CMB +9 | Kinetic DR 5/- | F+6 R+10 W+11 | Init+6 | Perc+3 | 1st 1/6 2nd 0/6 3rd 0/5 4th 0/4 Cache 0/1
Just a heads up that I'm going to be a little spotty posting heading in to the Thanksgiving weekend. I hope to be posting, but holidays are always a distraction.
If a botting need arises :fingers-crossed: Ted's plan is to save his 3rd level spell slots for countering the caster's shenanigans, fire his boosted rifle for fun, and help with lesser invisibility and Flash Teleport to rescue party members as the party is shredded. Maybe some spell powered grenades when the opportunity arises.
(I play most of my PBP games in discord now, which has the huge advantage of being able to more easily react to dramatic moments, like the gatecrasher missing me deserves an open mouth or a scream)
One thing one of my other games does is have a discord server for questions and game chatter. Gameplay posts still are on the forums. Its great getting those immediate reactions!
Male Half-Elf Solarian 19 | SP 169/169 HP 139/139 RP 11/11 | EAC 35(37) KAC 36(38); DR 5/- Resist Fire 15 | F +15; R +15; W +14 | Speed 25 ft. | Init +6 | Perc +28
I've always found Discord kind of "ephemeral" when it comes to games like this. It's also harder to look stuff up that happened way back near the beginning of the campaign. And every PbP I've tried in Discord has kind of fallen flat on its face shortly after starting.
I've played a couple games on discord - I think it lacks several features that the forums just do better. Its good for chatting, but I don't like it for actually playing games.
Funny, my experience is the exact opposite. It actually has a search function instead of being broken down into multiple pages that you have to hunt-and-pick. It has various markup language used for ooc, bold, italics, etc, and plenty of ways to dice to rolls. To each their own, but it is also clearly my mission to win people over to discord as I do have trouble recruiting people to my discord games.
I can't remember if standing up from prone provokes in this edition.
It says AoOs happen when someone moves in a threatened square, and technically standing up is a move action.
I'm not going to provoke because that could knock me out, so I might take the turn to attack while prone, if someone could confirm that standing up provokes.