Vamp By Day's Kineticist guide


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Scarab Sages

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Ugh, finally came out with this. Still alpha build (as of this posting) meaning I have a lot of work left to do, but I have the general stuff up.

Couple of things:
1)Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to do a good star rating system. Still looking for one that won't take me forever and a day, so if you are color-blind . . . I'm looking for a fix.

2) Please, give me CONSTRUCTIVE feedback. I'm willing to put stuff in the guide if it works and you think of it (I'll even credit you.) Just. . . let's be civil.

3)I've repeated myself a couple of times throughout the guide because I figure no one is going to read all the pages in one go, and so I repeated the most important parts.

4) I copy-pasted the basic format from my psychic guide, so if you see a reference to psychics, let me know. It should be kineticists.

Anyway: here you go: I'd appreciate some feedback (and yes, I need to finish ranking the class feats and elemental feats and combination feats.)

One correction to your section going through the elements. Impulse Junctions are only triggered by impulses that use two or more actions, so you can't stack Metal's spikes effect.

Additionally, you can only have one impulse junction per round so multiple junctions are out from that. Mainly relevant for the composite impulses so you have to pick which junction you want to use.

Scarab Sages

Thanks guys, didn't catch that, I'll fix it when I can.

Any other thoughts?

VampByDay wrote:

Thanks guys, didn't catch that, I'll fix it when I can.

Any other thoughts?

Rating all the elements green suggests they are roughly equally good.

In a vacuum and as single elements, I feel Air & Wood are blue, Earth, Fire, and Water are green, and Metal is orange.

The differences aren't huge, but even if you don't agree that Air and Wood are standouts at blue, I think Metal is pretty clearly too situational to be green.

Scarab Sages

Applied_People wrote:
VampByDay wrote:

Thanks guys, didn't catch that, I'll fix it when I can.

Any other thoughts?

Rating all the elements green suggests they are roughly equally good.

In a vacuum and as single elements, I feel Air & Wood are blue, Earth, Fire, and Water are green, and Metal is orange.

The differences aren't huge, but even if you don't agree that Air and Wood are standouts at blue, I think Metal is pretty clearly too situational to be green.

I actually used a different shade of green just to denote that was the element section. I'll fix it. I actually say that I'm not ranking the elements because, basically, there's not a good way to rate them. Air might be best on its own, but maybe fire plus earth beats it? And while air is good at some stuff, it can't heal . . . I felt it was too much of a difficult thing to boil down to one rating system.

There are 3 references to the psychic:

A NOTE ON THIS GUIDE -- "building a psychic"

Character Creation 3.5 Class Abilities -- "general class features of the psychic"

Odds and Ends 7.2 -- "when playing a psychic"


Scarab Sages

Fixed all the issues mentioned.

Any thoughts on some of the things I've said? Builds? Esoteric Build?

I really appreciate your Sample Combat and Adventure Path sections. Those are unique!

I do wish the Sample Combat section showed off a bit more what the Kineticist can do. In particular, I'd like to see Kaku leverage one of the Kineticist's greatest strengths, Elemental Blasts vs. AC and Impulses vs. Saves in the same turn. On both turns, Kaku just uses 2-action EB.

I think a better turn 1 (at least to show off the Kin abilities) would be 1-action Channel Elements -> free 1-action Elemental Blast vs. AC + 2-action Aerial Boomerang vs. Reflex -> free action Impulse Junction Move or Step.

Turn 2: 1-action retrieve Boomerang +
2-action EB -> free action Move/Step

To me, this shows off more of the class and it's unique advantages.

In the Adventure Path section, I noticed you left out Kingmaker. Was that intentional or an oversight?

Scarab Sages

Applied_People wrote:

I really appreciate your Sample Combat and Adventure Path sections. Those are unique!

I do wish the Sample Combat section showed off a bit more what the Kineticist can do. In particular, I'd like to see Kaku leverage one of the Kineticist's greatest strengths, Elemental Blasts vs. AC and Impulses vs. Saves in the same turn. On both turns, Kaku just uses 2-action EB.

I think a better turn 1 (at least to show off the Kin abilities) would be 1-action Channel Elements -> free 1-action Elemental Blast vs. AC + 2-action Aerial Boomerang vs. Reflex -> free action Impulse Junction Move or Step.

Turn 2: 1-action retrieve Boomerang +
2-action EB -> free action Move/Step

To me, this shows off more of the class and it's unique advantages.

In the Adventure Path section, I noticed you left out Kingmaker. Was that intentional or an oversight?

The sample combat was there basically as a ‘let’s put this altogether’ kinda thing. In other words, it is there to demonstrate how you have to open up your gates, blast, and impulse junctions. I didn’t want to make it more complicated than that because I was trying to do a simple demonstration. Throwing more impulses in the mix, I think, would have confused it.

Kingmaker. . . I dunno. It’s the odd duck for me. I’m just going by the schedulers base AP releases. Not the remake project.

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"Ancesties" is missing the 'r'.

Some of your ancestry arguments are... weird Like... kobold really isn't that good for a kineticist. Among other things, there's lots of ancestries that offer resists, kineticist itself offers resists, and in many cases, having resist to your own elements isn't all that useful.

I'm not going to pile into the debate here, but I invite you to wander into this thread both to get thoughts on the matter of advantages/disadvantages of varying ancestries for the kineticist and to discuss your own.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

For the AP section I can offer some more inside advice on AOA and BL. AOA you end up running up against quite a few enemies that are immune to fire. Some of these have elemental traits for Extract and some don't. As well as age of ashes having a ton of golems in books 2-5 (at least 1-5 per book). I would say that a metal kineticist with plate in metal for on-demand cold iron/adamantine would really help in that campaign too.

Bloodlords as well has another stipulation. Despite wood being a very good anti-undead element it also has a strict ban on positive (vital) energy. Its not a deal breaker but its worth mentioning as channeling positive energy can result in you getting the capital punishment of The Eternal Vigil which traps you in a statue for the rest of your immortal life.

Dark Archive

Small correction:
In Counter Element, you ask "what happens if you pick up a 2nd element at level 10?" but you could get a new element at 9/13 not 10.

I feel like all of the standard builds could use a little more specific build advice. Since you're not doing full 1-20 breakdowns, the way some guides try to, I think mentioning one or two good impulse feats on 1, 4, 6/8 would go a long way towards being actionable enough to get people on a path.
Like: "If you want to play a wood tank, you can pick up either Hardwood Armor or Sentinel dedication. Drifting Pollen plus Safe Elements can really help to weaken your enemies, increasing your survivability, especially after picking up Aura Shaping at level 10."

Additionally, I think utility could be broken up into two builds:
Support and Control, for helping allies and hindering enemies, respectively. Your write-up does say that metal, water, and wood are better at different aspects of "Support", but more specific build advice can help players make more informed decisions.

Also, I think a Blaster build would be a well-received build section. Less focused on mobility than the Scrapper and more on straight damage. Sort of the Kineticist version of the "white room dps build".
While I don't think it's necessarily the best way to play, some people just want big damage numbers.

Finally, only the Tank build, arguably the least complicated of those outlined, has a "How to play" section.

Oh, and you refer to "Expanded Kinesis" a few times; I think you mean "Extended Kinesis" (though frankly your name is more appropriate to what the feat does, imo).

VampByDay wrote:

The sample combat was there basically as a ‘let’s put this altogether’ kinda thing. In other words, it is there to demonstrate how you have to open up your gates, blast, and impulse junctions. I didn’t want to make it more complicated than that because I was trying to do a simple demonstration. Throwing more impulses in the mix, I think, would have confused it.

I dunno. People are smart. I bet you could explain it well, and they could figure it out. In fact, you do explain it all well just above that section. But then you only highlight Channel Elements and Elemental Blast.

And besides, the combat you describe just isn't very cool. And if there's one thing that stands out about the kineticist it's that playing one in combat feels cool. I think you should sell the sizzle a little more. Kaku *misses* for goodness sake! Why? C'mon! Make it a hit!

If I was just learning the class and read that combat flow, I'd think, "That's it???"

Scarab Sages

Applied_People wrote:
VampByDay wrote:

The sample combat was there basically as a ‘let’s put this altogether’ kinda thing. In other words, it is there to demonstrate how you have to open up your gates, blast, and impulse junctions. I didn’t want to make it more complicated than that because I was trying to do a simple demonstration. Throwing more impulses in the mix, I think, would have confused it.

I dunno. People are smart. I bet you could explain it well, and they could figure it out. In fact, you do explain it all well just above that section. But then you only highlight Channel Elements and Elemental Blast.

And besides, the combat you describe just isn't very cool. And if there's one thing that stands out about the kineticist it's that playing one in combat feels cool. I think you should sell the sizzle a little more. Kaku *misses* for goodness sake! Why? C'mon! Make it a hit!

If I was just learning the class and read that combat flow, I'd think, "That's it???"

Kaku misses because in the animated gif above, Kaku's attack is deflected by Zoru's swords! It's linked to the gif!.

And . . . I know plenty of people that have a hard time with super intricate classes like this. So that's who the example is for. I could do another sample combat elsewhere maybe, but my idea was "I know some people who are going to say 'this is too complicted.' So I made a demonstration that kinda showed the basics off."

Did some more updates that people asked for, made a 'blaster' standard build, also explained why I don't do 1-20 builds.

I feel like the basic routine for kineticist is going to depend on a primary choice: Overflow or Stance (aura)? And some elements lean more into one than the other. Or rather... some elements have very good stances(Water, Wood, and Fire in particular, though the Air/Earth and Fire/Water composites are appealing stances too)

Even if you lean towards maintaining good stances, there's some useful overflows for openers or utility (Hail of Splinters is phenomenal turn 1, and then you can go into a stance the next turn after applying a bunch of bleeding, or stuff like Lightning Dash that can safely reposition you)

Scarab Sages

Started in on the air feats, fixed some errors some pointed out (thanks for pointing them out. If anyone has any more esoteric builds let me know.)

I've yet to give this more than just a glance, I've been procrastinating on a few things since Rage of Elements was published so I've some catch-up to do, but I will say I'm glad to see you put in the time and effort to explain this class. Quite a few things about the class took me a few re-reads to understand so I'm sure this will be a big help for some people. ;-)

Dark Archive

You mention that Vapor Form doesn't exist.
It's in the Remaster Core Preview document. At a glance, I think it's exactly the same as gaseous form, except it adds the Air trait to the spell.
So functionally identical.

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I think for Weapon Infusion i'd mention how the thrown and propulsive traits are pretty nice for Kineticists that get an Armor option. Earth effectively gaining +3 damage on their EB if the enemy is in 20 feet range is pretty great, especially at low levels. Propulsive even INCREASES the range of all EB aside from fire and air while also giving it added damage.

The biggest draw back here is that it is a free action you can do before a blast. So you CANNOT use it for the blast you can do as part of Channel Elements. For some builds that might be the only kind of Blast they do if they focus on doing Overflow impulses most turns.

Scarab Sages

Candlejake wrote:

I think for Weapon Infusion i'd mention how the thrown and propulsive traits are pretty nice for Kineticists that get an Armor option. Earth effectively gaining +3 damage on their EB if the enemy is in 20 feet range is pretty great, especially at low levels. Propulsive even INCREASES the range of all EB aside from fire and air while also giving it added damage.

The biggest draw back here is that it is a free action you can do before a blast. So you CANNOT use it for the blast you can do as part of Channel Elements. For some builds that might be the only kind of Blast they do if they focus on doing Overflow impulses most turns.

I mention several times that weapon infusion can get you the throwing benifit, but I put it in the weapon infusion feat entry. Not sure why it's best with armor options, but I listed it in the tank build, the blaster build, and the armored knight build.

I'll call out that infusions can't be used with the free startup for opening your gate.

Best for armor options because they invest in strength, presumably.

Scarab Sages

Xenocrat wrote:
Best for armor options because they invest in strength, presumably.

Yup, all there in the guide.

Scarab Sages

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Earth Feats up

You've got chain infusion wrong. It's a separate action to your elemental blast as it is an infusion like weapon infusion or two element infusion. You have to follow it up with either a one or two action blast which means it's real cost is 2 or 3 actions so it has to compete with your other likely more useful area effects.

Scarab Sages

Fixed my wording on chain infusion to be more clear, started in on the fire feats.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Some feedback:
Imperious Aura: the point of this feat is to facilitate frequent swapping among different stances on a stance-heavy build that isn't dropping very many Overflow Impulses (and therefore isn't using Channel Elements very often).

Aerial Boomerang: you say "if you don't move" you can spam the Impulse plus the return, but I would amend that to something like "if you don't take other actions" since you CAN move if you have the Air Impulse Junction.

Thermal Nimbus: I think this is better than you're rating it, thanks to the synergy with Fire's Aura Junction. Note that your allies will usually be safe since they're gaining DR = level and taking damage = 1/2 level resulting in no damage, but in niche circumstances like an ally with a fire weakness you could potentially add Safe Elements.

Crawling Fire: I don't like using this for extended scouting because you take the damage from any attacks directed at the creation. If you trigger an encounter you could suffer up to a full round of focus fire before you can dismiss it, and that could easily be enough to kill you.

Metal Carapace: while not as strong as the other armor Impulses, this is better than worthless thanks to the regenerating shield. It lets you use Shield Block with impunity since it's so easy to make a new shield. Wear Studded Leather underneath so you aren't taking as much of an AC hit when it shatters. Beyond the obvious hardness scaling, there's extra synergy with Plate in Treasure to give the shield Adamantine stats, and with Destructive Block from the Bastion archetype.

Recommended archetypes: I'd add Medic for Kineticists focusing on healing; there's just so much value to be gained from the dedication feat boosting healing values and overriding the default cooldown, and then you have some fantastic feats like Doctor's Visitation.

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tiornys wrote:

Thermal Nimbus: I think this is better than you're rating it, thanks to the synergy with Fire's Aura Junction. Note that your allies will usually be safe since they're gaining DR = level and taking damage = 1/2 level resulting in no damage, but in niche circumstances like an ally with a fire weakness you could potentially add Safe Elements.

Hard agree. This Impulse is amazing. I see the Fire resistance to friends as a minor bonus and also a way to not have to take safe elements with this. Paired with Aura Junction you essentially deal your level in damage to all enemies around you, without a save, every turn. That just is really great especially once you get shape Aura. The damage isnt super high but the value rises the longer a fight takes and the more enemies there are.

Its also great on a Fire Earth Kin with Armor in Earth.

Fire Kineticits want to be close to enemies anyways, since they wanna trigger their Aura Junction so i honestly think every fire kineticist wants this.

Fearsome Familiar deserves a second look. It functions as a summon spell basically but scales quicker and smoother than spell slots.

Thermal nimbus too as people have mentioned. The damage will trigger fires aura junction and deal a lot of damage over time for free.

The three action overflow capstones can in fact be spammed every round once you get Final Gate. Important to note.

I feel you're underrating Shattered Mountain Weeps a bit - the ongoing damage is solid, and works when spamming it too - just keep it raining right over the front line of enemies and they're going to be taking 12d10 per round total if they don't back off.

Scorching Column has significant synergy with the fire weakness aura, I think it plays nice if you're building battlefield control stuff, as is scales up to 13 damage per square, plus another 10 from weakness. If you or an ally are forcing enemies back into that over and over it adds up.

Thermal Nimbus is one action (that can be done for free as part of Channel Elements even) to throw out damage every turn for the rest of the fight, and it has a built in answer to fire resist by switching to cold. And it applies weakness, a lot.

Solar Detonation's incap trait hurts so much, agreed. If that somehow only applied to the debuffs it'd be respectable (and utterly backbreaking against undead)

Scarab Sages

I think you are forgetting that if you use Fearsome Familiar more than once/day the familiar dies.

VampByDay wrote:
I think you are forgetting that if you use Fearsome Familiar more than once/day the familiar dies.

Not forgetting. Once a day powers can still be useful. This one isn't bad if you've got decent knowledge on the summons.

Scarab Sages

Dubious Scholar wrote:

The three action overflow capstones can in fact be spammed every round once you get Final Gate. Important to note.

I feel you're underrating Shattered Mountain Weeps a bit - the ongoing damage is solid, and works when spamming it too - just keep it raining right over the front line of enemies and they're going to be taking 12d10 per round total if they don't back off.

Scorching Column has significant synergy with the fire weakness aura, I think it plays nice if you're building battlefield control stuff, as is scales up to 13 damage per square, plus another 10 from weakness. If you or an ally are forcing enemies back into that over and over it adds up.

Thermal Nimbus is one action (that can be done for free as part of Channel Elements even) to throw out damage every turn for the rest of the fight, and it has a built in answer to fire resist by switching to cold. And it applies weakness, a lot.

Solar Detonation's incap trait hurts so much, agreed. If that somehow only applied to the debuffs it'd be respectable (and utterly backbreaking against undead)

Forgot about Final gate. Added a bit at the start of the Air Feats section explaining that. Also added a bit about the fire weakness aura at the start of the fire section.

Scarab Sages

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The adamantine Plate in metal trick doesn't work Rules as written, the metal has to be 'common.' Adamantine is Uncommon. So you'd have to get GM permission to let you make adamantine.

Ignite the Sun adds another die to more than just attacks - it buffs "all Strikes, spells that deal fire damage, and impulses that deal fire damage (except for Ignite the Sun itself)."

Given the functionally-infinite range of the buff (since it includes the dim light... 1000 feet total), you're probably adding several dice per round of combat in bonus damage just for having it out.

Shard Strike isn't a 30' cone, it's 30' line for piercing. The entire shape changes.

Scarab Sages

Fixed Thermal Nimbus

Added a note in the metal section about my thoughts on metal carapace,

Fixed Ignite the sun

Fixed Shard Strike

Added level 4 metal feats.

tiornys wrote:
Crawling Fire: I don't like using this for extended scouting because you take the damage from any attacks directed at the creation. If you trigger an encounter you could suffer up to a full round of focus fire before you can dismiss it, and that could easily be enough to kill you.

It's also hampered in scouting because it only lasts for a minute and can by default only travel 40 feet in a round. (it can travel faster if you have a fire impulse that provides movement)

Now, if you get *lucky*, you can do things like drop your heftiest damaging impulse on the enemy and then let the crawling fire vanish by failing to sustain, or possibly even do that more than once if it takes a while for the enemy to figure out where you are, but that's not the sort of thing that's likely to happen *often*.

Scarab Sages

Sanityfaerie wrote:
tiornys wrote:
Crawling Fire: I don't like using this for extended scouting because you take the damage from any attacks directed at the creation. If you trigger an encounter you could suffer up to a full round of focus fire before you can dismiss it, and that could easily be enough to kill you.

It's also hampered in scouting because it only lasts for a minute and can by default only travel 40 feet in a round. (it can travel faster if you have a fire impulse that provides movement)

Now, if you get *lucky*, you can do things like drop your heftiest damaging impulse on the enemy and then let the crawling fire vanish by failing to sustain, or possibly even do that more than once if it takes a while for the enemy to figure out where you are, but that's not the sort of thing that's likely to happen *often*.

I think you are forgetting that most dungeons are pretty small. 40 feet a round is plenty of time to move to the next room or two, or see if the hallway is trapped. Also, your fire guy can use any impulses you can, so he can burning jet for 100 feet a round (as long as 60 of it is in a straight line) so yeah, I think it's valid to use it to scout in dungeons.

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VampByDay wrote:
I think you are forgetting that most dungeons are pretty small. 40 feet a round is plenty of time to move to the next room or two, or see if the hallway is trapped. Also, your fire guy can use any impulses you can, so he can burning jet for 100 feet a round (as long as 60 of it is in a straight line) so yeah, I think it's valid to use it to scout in dungeons.

I did say "it can travel faster if..."

I'm perplexed how it's supposed to trapfind for you, though. I mean, you can have it trapfind just like you have yourself trapfind, but you're not likely to have the best perception in the party, you can't spend actual actions searching, and if it triggers one, the damage is coming right back at you. Also, the stealth of a critter who's literally walking flame isn't likely to be great, especially since you can't take sneak actions with them. There's a lot of ways in which it's inferior to just going yourself. The only real advantage it has is that you can release it and return to your old position... and the Kineticist would not normally be the party member I'd choose to send in cases like that.

That said, there is one potential advantage, if you have those extra mobility options. Specifically, you don't use the movement you get from your sustains. You launch yourself across the floor on jets of flame, and then of you see danger, you just don't sustain, and the thing winks out at the end of your turn.

I still say that's pretty niche, and not a particularly good value for your feat.

Scarab Sages

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Metal Feats done.

Verdant Wheel

I am holding out for your review of Wood feats!

Dark Archive

Sea Glass Guardians says:
"They attempt to intercept all dangers, granting you and your allies within your kinetic aura a +1 status bonus to AC and saving throws."

Presumably it'd only heal one target if multiple crit fail simultaneously, but it'd be nice if they specified that.

Agreed. But even that case is pretty solid. It's an aura that gives +1 to all defenses for your allies (and you probably have a 20' aura at this level to boot) and counter-heals a single crit before expiring... which just means you spend an action to bring it back up. I'd say you can safely rate it as healing one target and just note that it's unclear, and better if your GM lets it do more. (But realistically, multiple simultaneous critical failures is rare)

Otherwise yes - the ability spends a lot of words describing what it looks like, but mechanically the effect is just a generic aura with an automatic response. As written, no reaction is required either.

It's definitely at least green because it just makes your party harder to kill across the board with no drawbacks, doesn't need sustained... you can basically just keep this thing running 24/7.

Well, the main downside I guess is water has a lot of overflows. But you can work around that with your build - you've got plenty of time to grab an element that overflows less, or you can focus on blasts, etc.

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imo you are severely underestimating Shattered mountain weeps:

a)one of the highest initial damages of all the 18th level impulses (only behind tsunami).
mountain: 9d10 (49.5)
million needles: 13d6 (45.5)
end in flames: 13d6 (45.5)
tsunami: 10d10 (55)

b)the persistant damage has 2 amazing upsides compared to similar impulses like million needles:
1)doesn't need sustain.

that alone means you can have a different sustain effect going simultanously with your free sustain. It is almost as good as an extra action per turn.

2)no save.
that's 3d10s that they take every turn no matter what as long as they are in the area.

million needles is 3d12 with base reflex.
this is 3d10 without any saving throw.

that makes it about 50% more damage overall.


the above upsides bring it at least on par with million needles, if not outright better (for reference, the needles upsides are slightly bigger area, immobilize+hazardous terrain vs prone+difficult terrain being slightly better)


in general, reading through your guide, i feel like you are really underestimating incremental damage, especially those with either duration, area, or both.

take fire nimbus as an example, let's say level 14, with your aura impulse that's "just 14 damage" yes. Now, in a 3 round fight vs 3 enemies, that comes out as 126 damage, without spending actions.

or how you say that the million needles 6 damage hazardous terrain is useless, but someone walking from its center to your group, will take an extra 24 damage, which is half of a greatsword swing at those levels. Make those 4 enemies? that's 2 greatsword swings "for free".

even spike skin, while starting indeed pitifully, it scales quite nicely, at the aforementioned level 14, it's "just 8 damage" per retaliate. You get hit 8 times during a combat (which really is just round 3ish for a frontliner)? that's 64 damage as a "bonus" (the main function still being at will stoneskin)

Scarab Sages

shroudb wrote:

imo you are severely underestimating Shattered mountain weeps:

a)one of the highest initial damages of all the 18th level impulses (only behind tsunami).
mountain: 9d10 (49.5)
million needles: 13d6 (45.5)
end in flames: 13d6 (45.5)
tsunami: 10d10 (55)

b)the persistant damage has 2 amazing upsides compared to similar impulses like million needles:
1)doesn't need sustain.

that alone means you can have a different sustain effect going simultanously with your free sustain. It is almost as good as an extra action per turn.

2)no save.
that's 3d10s that they take every turn no matter what as long as they are in the area.

million needles is 3d12 with base reflex.
this is 3d10 without any saving throw.

that makes it about 50% more damage overall.


the above upsides bring it at least on par with million needles, if not outright better (for reference, the needles upsides are slightly bigger area, immobilize+hazardous terrain vs prone+difficult terrain being slightly better)


in general, reading through your guide, i feel like you are really underestimating incremental damage, especially those with either duration, area, or both.

take fire nimbus as an example, let's say level 14, with your aura impulse that's "just 14 damage" yes. Now, in a 3 round fight vs 3 enemies, that comes out as 126 damage, without spending actions.

or how you say that the million needles 6 damage hazardous terrain is useless, but someone walking from its center to your group, will take an extra 24 damage, which is half of a greatsword swing at those levels. Make those 4 enemies? that's 2 greatsword swings "for free".

even spike skin, while starting indeed pitifully, it scales quite nicely, at the aforementioned level 14, it's "just 8 damage" per retaliate. You get hit 8 times during a combat (which really is just round 3ish for a frontliner)? that's 64 damage as a "bonus" (the main function still being at will stoneskin)

I mean, you aren't wrong in anything you say, but at the same time, I have some other issues. Shattered mountain leaves a hazard area in place that can hamper your friends, and . . . well, I'm used to a lot of paizo fights being against one really big bad guy. So when I see that they can take 24 damage walking through some razors I'm like . . . who cares, he has 400 HP? Compared to the Barbarian over there doing 4d12+6+13+3d6 (from runes) per hit and I'm like "Eh, that's probably not going to do much comparatively. But I'll go back and look at them again.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Well, if it's one enemy they're going to be taking the initial hit as well as the hazard damage (assuming the Kineticist has properly evaluated that the target will want to close to melee instead of staying at range), so in that case I think the appropriate damage figure to have in mind is (49.5*(success formula) + 24) and that's starting to look reasonable against the Barbarian's (56.5*(success formula)) -- 24 automatic damage is competitive with an attack that has a 40%-45% chance to hit, so likely a little worse than a MAPless attack and a little better than the 1st MAP attack.

VampByDay wrote:
So when I see that they can take 24 damage walking through some razors I'm like . . . who cares, he has 400 HP? Compared to the Barbarian over there doing 4d12+6+13+3d6 (from runes) per hit and I'm like "Eh, that's probably not going to do much comparatively. But I'll go back and look at them again.

the average of that barbarian hit on a first attack, when adjusted for miss chance, is somewhere around 33 damage, and even quite lower vs "single boss monster" that will have higher AC.

so, getting 24 damage as a side effect, of an AoE effect, that's basically higher than the damage of the 2nd swing of a greatsword wielding barbarian, is actually quite impressive.

As for your experience, i mean, the ratio of fights vs 1 single enemy without any mooks, vs the fights that have mooks, or all the fights leading to that boss, usually is tilted towards the "more than 1 enemy" by quite a margin.


as a separate note, on your Clad in Metal, you mention that you can only do so with common metals except with GM permission. That is infact wrong, you can do it with any metal "you have access to" OR with uncommon/rare that GM gives permission.

usually, by the time you are fighting adamantine resistant enemies, at those levels, you usually have access to adamantine.

Scarab Sages

shroudb wrote:
VampByDay wrote:
So when I see that they can take 24 damage walking through some razors I'm like . . . who cares, he has 400 HP? Compared to the Barbarian over there doing 4d12+6+13+3d6 (from runes) per hit and I'm like "Eh, that's probably not going to do much comparatively. But I'll go back and look at them again.

the average of that barbarian hit on a first attack, when adjusted for miss chance, is somewhere around 33 damage, and even quite lower vs "single boss monster" that will have higher AC.

so, getting 24 damage as a side effect, of an AoE effect, that's basically higher than the damage of the 2nd swing of a greatsword wielding barbarian, is actually quite impressive.

As for your experience, i mean, the ratio of fights vs 1 single enemy without any mooks, vs the fights that have mooks, or all the fights leading to that boss, usually is tilted towards the "more than 1 enemy" by quite a margin.


as a separate note, on your Clad in Metal, you mention that you can only do so with common metals except with GM permission. That is infact wrong, you can do it with any metal "you have access to" OR with uncommon/rare that GM gives permission.

usually, by the time you are fighting adamantine resistant enemies, at those levels, you usually have access to adamantine.

Eh, usually. I'm just remembering the start of outlaws of alkenstar that has enemies with DR 2/adamantine at level 1.

There are several lower level enemies with DR X/Adamantine, like Golems and Gargoyles. It reflects their skin being item-like or hard, and mechanically works as effectively as if vs. all physical because yeah, Adamantine is a high-level metal.

Note how Gargoyles, level 4, have such poor hit points, 40. So you'll get lopsided battles depending on how much a party relies on weapons vs. magic or multiple small hits vs. singular big hits (or ones that stack like Flurry/Double Slice). Just realizing how it'd be neat to juxtapose them w/ Will O' Wisps and/or Trolls, each so different in one's approaches.

Scarab Sages

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