DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hello all. My ongoing (albeit at a leisurely pace) Kingmaker game (Pathfinder 1st edition) is in need of two new party members, one of which we would like to be a front-line/martially inclined type - the other new party member's build is a bit more flexible. The party is currently level 5 and at Fort Redemption, the former home of the Stag Lord and the center of the party's fledgling nation.
The leadership roles the group is hoping to fill/have currently open are Spymaster and Councilor.
Prior experience with the Kingmaker AP is not a deal breaker as long as you are capable of separating player knowledge from character knowledge. Kingmaker has been out for quite a while and I imagine a lot of folks have played at least pieces of it before. With that being said, I will be altering (and have been altering) enough things here and there that prior knowledge may not necessarily be all that helpful.
Character generation:
Abilities: 25 point buy
Hit Points: Maximum for 1st level, 1/2 HD + 1 for subsequent levels.
Sources Available: Paizo published only. NO 3RD PARTY. Unchained versions only for the Barbarian, Rogue, and Summoner. Monk can be either Unchained or Core. With the Unchained Barbarian being the default, all Rage-like abilities will default to the Unchained Mechanics (i.e. a bloodragers bloodrage etc.)
Traits: Two. You may take a drawback for an additional trait if you would like, but be prepared to play said drawback.
Races: I have a strong preference for Core races, but may be willing to accept one "oddball". Please feel free to ask about a race in this thread or via PM before spend too much time building a a character of a non-core race.
Alignment: I place minimal emphasis on alignment. That being said, your character should be a good team player, regardless of alignment. I've seen too many games over the years go by the wayside due to party infighting.
Background Skills from Unchained are in play.
We will be using the Kingdom system from Ultimate Campaign / Ultimate Rulership.
The Downtime systems from UC will be in play as desired.
The characters will start at fifth level and 10,500 gp to equip their characters. No more than half of your money may be spent on any one item.
Completed submissions need to be done mechanically with a brief background story, short character description (including a few notes about the character's personality).
You will not necessarily need an alias with a completed stat-block unless you are selected.
Maps are handled on a combination of Roll20.net (Combat) and Google Docs (Hex Map and eventually Kingdom Map).
Recruitment will be open for 1 week (closing 8:00 PM CST August 24, 2020), unless sufficient applications are received before then. If recruitment is to be closed early, a 24 hour warning will be given.
Here is a link to the current gameplay thread to see if this game matches your tastes or not before applying.
The party currently consists of:
Human Female Cleric of Erastil
Gnome Male Unchained Rogue (This character is likely to be switched out by the player to a Half-Elf Eldritch Scoundrel Rogue)
Elf Male Feral Hunter
Tiefling Blackblade/Kensai Magus
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask either in this thread or via PM.

Anthorg |

I swear I have been thinking of a Kingmaker character the last few days. Specifically I am thinking of a wizard/druid going towards Mystic Theurge, with focus on summoning spells. He would be good for the Councilor with his Wisdom or Spymaster with his Intelligence.
He is a half-elf and his duality is due to being torn between his human side (wizard) and elf side (druid). He goes into the mystic theurge when he finds peace in his duality and embraces it.
I'll get to building, but I have a question: Can I leave the minor equipment unbought unless selected?

Ivo Crownwheel |

Basically our ruler ghosted us (this has happened in every KM game I've been in) and our cleric is moving into the Ruler position. This specific character isn't really suited to working in a theocracy so I'm swapping to someone that'll be less friction.
We need to make sure we fill the Councilor, Diplomat, and Spymaster positions between the characters we wind up with. This character was formerly Spymaster, but my new one may switch to Diplomat. I can be flexible depending upon what new players come up with.

Ivo Crownwheel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Not every game, Ivo. Vladimir hasn't left Marisol alone in the wilds. ;)
Is that game still going? It's so slow that sometimes I forget that it exists. ;)
I'll see if I can come up with something. All the Kingmaker games I've been in fell apart not very far in, so it would be cool to be in one that has survived a while. :)
Good to see you again Z.
If folks want character backstory connections that's on the table too.
I am dotting so hard right now. I've been dying to get into a Kingmaker game. I'll look and see what the characters have right now, what religion we're looking to delve into, and then see what comes to mind!
Our ruler is a cleric of Erastil.

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker wrote:Not every game, Ivo. Vladimir hasn't left Marisol alone in the wilds. ;)Is that game still going? It's so slow that sometimes I forget that it exists. ;)
There is some level of debate to be had there. Just reiterating that it's not because the Ruler ghosted. ;)

Zanbabe |

Good to see you again Z.
If folks want character backstory connections that's on the table too.
Hey. :) Backstory connections are a good idea... I'm thinking of taking the "Family Ties" drawback, so if I am accepted, I would like to have family ties to someone in the party, which could be an interesting/fun dynamic because of the drawback. :) I was thinking human, but if you are going half-elf for your new character, I could switch, or we could just be be half-siblings, or cousins or something.

Ivo Crownwheel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ivo Crownwheel wrote:Hey. :) Backstory connections are a good idea... I'm thinking of taking the "Family Ties" drawback, so if I am accepted, I would like to have family ties to someone in the party, which could be an interesting/fun dynamic because of the drawback. :) I was thinking human, but if you are going half-elf for your new character, I could switch, or we could just be be half-siblings, or cousins or something.Good to see you again Z.
If folks want character backstory connections that's on the table too.
Yeah, I was gonna do a half-elf, so I could also take that drawback and our family history could be a little convoluted, if you make it into the party!

Anthorg |

I'm submitting Josemar Muchop, a simple man who studied arcane magic and druidism in search for his self torn between his human and elven heritage. He is intelligent and wise and will be going for the Mystic Theurge prestige class. He focuses on summoning and he has quite good perception and survival, along with knowledges. He can serve as a secondary healer if needed. He will be nice with others and can fill the needed gaps in the existing party.
He will probably get along with Tove, with her closeness to nature, as well as Garethane. I am unsure how his relationship with Ivo and Kalaman would be like.
Josemar keeps his beard neatly shaved, as if he was trying to look like an elf. His hair is not as long as he wished, but it is still shoulder high and well brushed and often tied in a knot. He wears long robes favoring green colors. He has spell components in many pockets and pouches which don't seem very organized at first glance. His face usually transmits calm, but more often than he wishes, does so in an irritating way, as if he didn't care about his surroundings. His eyes transmit a strong and stern resolve, which border anger.
Josemar Muchop was born in the southern Stolen Lands. His mother Camille was seduced by an elven bard who left Kyonin to go see the political changes happening there up close. Camille's broken heart made Josemar feel sad for her and they were very close until Josemar's thirteenth birthday, when he understood that they lived in very dangerous lands and they weren't sure of anything. He suggested they left in search of his father. Camille, who was very romantic, agreed despite the imature decision.
Camille took her old spellbook that she got from a wizard who had tried to get close to her by teaching her basic magic. They set out to go north in a foolish endeavour. On their way, Camille taught her son everything she knew about magic, which was basically how a great and powerful tool it is, and how humans were the best at it, even better than elves, who should stick to druidism. In short, Camille's former teacher didn't mean to teach her anything, just boast about how great he was at it. She never cared much for being impressed, anyway.
It was a group of bandits that changed Josemar's life. They robbed them and did unspeakable things to his mother. Then they were left for dead. Josemar woke up to see his mother unceremoniously killed at his side. That is when his anger began. He began feeling angry about everything, life, the gods, his father, his mother and more than anything, himself. If only they hand't left, he would still be happy with his simple life next to his mother. He didn't belong anywhere, he wasn't even clearly a man nor an elf. After burying his mother and plant some seeds he found on her grave, he set out alone north.
He never managed to figure out how he made the trip. He settled in a small town near Lake Reykal in southern Brevoy and focused on studying magic. He did well until he felt confident to finally seek out his father and confront him. The elf Iraniciel was easy enough to find. He was a drunk mediocre bard who couldn't hold his own against a mouse. One glimpse of him made Josemar understand that there was nothing to gain there.
Still, he was hurt that such a worthless elf was his father. He felt closer to his elven self, since by being a derelict, his father required atonement for the elves. He left without speaking a word to his father and set out to learn druidism. That worked for him for a while, but he still didn't feel completely by himself. He decided to return to his roots, find out how he could return to the Stolen Lands and find himself so that he could finally outgrow the legacy of his parents.
Josemar is a man with a short fuse, but can always find a very clever and creative way to solve things. By understanding he doesn't know much about politics, he doesn't say much during diplomatic discussions, but tries to watch and learn. He is usually quite serious when he talks, and despite being very knowledgeable, doesn't think much of himself. His humility shows.
STR 8, DEX 12, CON 14, INT 19, WIS 18, CHA 10
Medium Size
N Wizard (conjurer) 3/Druid 2
BaB +2
Init +1; Senses: Perception +14, Sense Motive +4; Low-light vision
CMB +1 (2BaB -1strength)
CMD 13 (2BaB -1strength +2dexterity +10)
Favored Class Wizard + Druid (+5 skill point)
AC 11, touch 11 flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
HP 34 (6 (lvl 1) + 8 (2*4Wiz) + 10 (2*5Dru) + 10 (5*2Con))
Fort +8 (+4 base +2 Con +2 Resistance)
Ref +4 (+1 base +1 Dex +2 Resistance)
Will +12 (+6 base +4 Wis +2 Resistance) (add 2 vs enchantment spells and effects) (add 2 vs emotion spells and effects)
Immunity to magical sleep
Speed 30 ft
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20x2), Range 80ft
Space 5 ft, Reach 5 ft
Arcane magic
CL 5
Concentration (Wizard level + Int): +7
Arcane bond: Staff
DC: 14+spell level
DC for Conjuration spells: 15+spell level
Spell level: Slots+spec bonus
Cantrips: 4
1: 3+1
2: 2+1
Spells prepared
Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light
1: Charm Person, Liberating Command, Silent Image + Grease
2: Glitterdust, Mirror Image + Summon Monster II
1: Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Identify, Jump, Liberating Command, Shield, Silent Image
2: Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Summon Monster II
Divine magic
CL 2
Concentration (Druid level + Wis): +6
Nature Bond: Plant Domain
DC: 14+spell level
DC for Conjuration spells: 15+spell level
Spell level: Slots+domain bonus
Cantrips: 4
1: 2+1
Spells prepared
Cantrips: Create Water, Know Direction, Mending
1: Cure Light Wounds, Hide from Animals + Entangle
Magical Knack (wizard)
Grief filled
Lvl 1 - Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Half-elf - Skill Focus (Knowledge planes)
Lvl 3 - Augment Summoning
Lvl 5 - Superior Summoning
Skills - 3 wizard*(2 class +4 Int +1 fav class) + 2 druid*(4 class +4 Int +1 fav class) = 39:
Knowledge (arcana) +12 (5 Ranks +4 Int +3 CS)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9 (2 Ranks +4 Int +3 CS)
Knowledge (local) +11 (4 Ranks +4 Int +3 CS)
Knowledge (nature) +14 (5 Ranks +4 Int +3 CS +2 Nature Sense)
Knowledge (planes) +15 (5 Ranks +4 Int +3 feat +3 CS)
Knowledge (religion) +11 (4 Ranks +4 Int +3 CS)
Perception +14 (5 Ranks +4 Wis +3 CS +2 racial)
Spellcraft +12 (5 Ranks +4 Int +3 CS)
Survival +13 (4 Ranks +4 Wis +3 CS +2 Nature Sense)
Background skills:
Knowledge (geography) +12 (5 Ranks +4 Int +3 CS)
Knowledge (history) +9 (2 Rank +4 Int +3 Class skill)
Knowledge (nobility) +8 (1 Rank +4 Int +3 Class skill)
Linguistics +9 (2 Rank +4 Int +3 Class skill)
Languages: Common, Draconic, Druidic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Sylvan
Magical gear
1 scrolls lvl2, 2 scrolls lvl1 (used to write spells in spellbook)
Wand of Mage Armor (50 charges)
headband of inspired wisdom +2
Cloak of resistance +2
Non-magical gear
Light horse
Will buy more if selected

Azen |

<-- Okay, here is Zanbabe's submission. Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard, with the potential to be Councilor or Spymaster (high Charisma and Dexterity), but I built her to be more of a councilor type than a spymaster type, so if we need her to be the other, then happy to rework skills and background story.
I left the background a little generic, kind of a sheltered kid out in the real world for the first time sort of thing, but if I am accepted, then I will alter/add to the backstory with specific family history with Ivo's new character (and other characters if anyone else is interested as well). I had her go ahead and worship Erastil, so that should work with the Ruler character.
Let me know if you see anything I screwed up. I used the profile in a different game, and I think I got everything changed, but you never know. Could have missed something. :)

![]() |

Here is Tristian Lebeda for your review:
The smoky tavern was filled with noise, most of it coming from the large table in the back corner of the room. A large group of young toughs were gathered there drinking and engaged in boisterous conversation. Their dress marked them as young nobles, while their swords marked them as probable students of one of the dueling academies that Restov was famed for.
"But Tristan, where could you possibly go from here? Surely you can make amends at home, after all your father is stinking rich!"
"I've burned that bridge as thoroughly as could be." Responded the one that had been questioned. He was slightly older than the rest of the group and appeared to be its nominal leader.
"First, I'm the fourth son so I wouldn't be looking forward to much involvement in the family business even if I had the interest. Second, after I escaped that accursed monastery my father stuck me in...."
"Wait! What monastery? You were a monk?!?" interrupted one of the youngest at the table.
Tristan sighed. "Yes, for about a year. My father thought it would be a good idea to have kin in the monastery of Irori in the Icerime Peaks that overlooks one of the only trade routes through there. It didn't matter to him that I was completely unsuited for that lifestyle. Of course, back then was when I still believed all that "honor of the family" stuff. It was the most hellish year ever. Can you believe they expect you to drink water with dinner?"
The table burst out in laughter at that and Tristian punctuated the ridiculousness of the idea by taking a long draught from his tankard.
"Well, needless to say, I stole out of that place as soon as I could. Although, I have to admit that some of the stuff I learned has been very useful here at the academy."
At that comment, there were several nods around the table. They all had seen Tristian use techniques that were unique and even the instructors had commented on.
"Father was none too pleased when I returned and then when I sort of borrowed some family funds to come here, I believe that was too much for him. So, now I'm looking into some things I've heard and will strike out on my own. Besides I was getting sick of my family's insipid fawning over the Surtovas."
Several of the Rostlanders smiled at that. One of them responded.
"I hear rumor that the Restov council is going to offer charters to explore the Stolen Lands, perhaps you would be interested."
"Yes,"replied Stefan."I had heard the same. With such charters come lands and titles. With those I could completely sever my ties from here and begin a new House. Who knows, years from now you all could be visiting Lord Tristan."
Tristan beamed at the table. And was rewarded with good-natured chuckling from the rest.
Tristiian Lebeda
Human fighter (aldori defender) 4/unchained monk 1 (Pathfinder RPG Adventurer's Guide 23, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 59, Pathfinder Unchained 14)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +10
AC 18, touch 18, flat-footed 13 (+1 deflection, +5 Dex, +2 Wis)
hp 39 (5d10+5)
Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +5 (+1 vs. fear)
Defensive Abilities defensive parry +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 aldori dueling sword +13 (1d8+6/19-20) or
. . unarmed strike +10/+10 (1d6+1)
Special Attacks flurry of blows (unchained), stunning fist (2/day, DC 14)
Str 12, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +6; CMD 24 (28 vs. bull rush, 28 vs. grapple, 32 vs. trip)
Feats Blind-fight, Combat Expertise, Crane Style[UC], Dazzling Display, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (aldori dueling sword), Improved Unarmed Strike, Slashing Grace[ACG], Stunning Fist, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (aldori dueling sword)
Traits bruising intellect, sword scion, threatening defender
Skills Acrobatics +13, Appraise +0, Bluff -3, Climb -1, Diplomacy -3, Disguise -3, Escape Artist +3, Fly +3, Heal +0, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (engineering) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Perception +10, Profession (barrister) +10, Ride +9, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +3, Survival +6, Swim -1
Languages Common
SQ fuse style, meticulous
Other Gear +1 aldori dueling sword[ISWG], cape of free will +1/+2[MA], mark of the grinning skull, ring of protection +1, stagger-proof boots, heavy horse (combat trained), 380 gp
Special Abilities
Blind-Fight Re-roll misses because of concealment, other benefits.
Combat Expertise -1/+2 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Crane Style Fight defensive pen reduced to -2. When in style, dodge bonus increases by 1.
Dazzling Display (Aldori dueling sword) Intimidate check to demoralize can affect those within 30' who see you.
Defensive Parry +1 (Ex) Gain dodge bonus to AC against melee attacks after making a full attack with Aldori dueling sword.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Meticulous -2 on all untrained skill checks
Slashing Grace (Aldori dueling sword) Treat chosen weapon as 1-handed piercing weapon and can add Dex instead of Str to dam.
Stunning Fist (2/day, DC 14) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
I fill the front line fighter position. I can also fill the Councilor position ( I have 5 ranks of Profession Barrister).

Ivo Crownwheel |

So Vindictive Bastard is possible?
We're a lawful good theocracy, so you might have a little trouble fitting in.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:We had one of those at one time.Ivo Crownwheel wrote:We're a lawful good theocracy, so you might have a little trouble fitting in.So you're saying an Order of the Blue Rose Cavalier would work just fine?...
That is Hilarious! I just checked your past characters & your Cavalier's Mount's name is that same as MY Cavalier Character!

Rufus Fitzroi |

This is Irnk's character. Background/Personality would remain the same. Build would change.

Dario Zuz |

KingHotTrash here! May I present to you Dario Zuz, inspired swashbuckler and potential spymaster or (to a lesser degree) councilor. He is quite the combat beast up close and personal, has really good face skills, and is generally a joy to play. Antagonize allows me to play crowd control to a degree and his impressive intimidate lets me shaken enemies all the time. I had to leave a Kingmaker game due to personal stuff and would love for him to come in, ready for vengeance against the Stag Lord, only to find that the Stag Lord is...well...already dead.
He is chaotic good but I feel he'll fit in just fine, you always want your Spymaster to be a bit more willing to bend around the rules to do what needs to be done. He has some hooks in the area still looking for the lost members of his family that had been broken up when the Stag Lord came into power. He even comes with a fancy tricorn and feather! A magical feather.
I'll update his appearance if he is brought on to represent his better fortune, since he was a first level character when I first played him.

DeathMetalDragon |

Here is Marc Hender, an enigmatic Chelaxian seeking anonymity and freedom in the Stolen Lands. I have a backstory in mind I just need to type it up.
I would be going for the Spymaster role.
Male human (Chelaxian) fighter 1/investigator (mastermind) 4 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 30, 101)
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +8
AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+7 armor, +2 Dex, +2 shield)
hp 44 (5 HD; 4d8+1d10+10)
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +6; +2 bonus vs. poison
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee +1 rapier +9 (1d6+5/18-20)
Special Attacks studied combat (+2, 3 rounds), studied strike +1d6
Investigator (Mastermind) Extracts Prepared (CL 4th; concentration +7)
. . 2nd—alchemical allocation[APG], alter self
. . 1st—anticipate peril[UM] (DC 14), enlarge person (DC 14), long arm[ACG], shield
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +4; CMB +8; CMD 20
Feats Extra Investigator Talent[ACG], Improved Initiative, Orator[ACG], Power Attack, Skill Focus (Linguistics)
Traits bruising intellect, pragmatic activator
Skills Acrobatics +1 (-3 to jump), Appraise +7, Bluff +7, Climb +3, Craft (alchemy) +11 (+15 to create alchemical items), Diplomacy +4, Disable Device -1, Disguise +6, Escape Artist +3, Heal +4, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nature) +7, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Knowledge (religion) +7, Linguistics +10, Perception +8, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +1, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +5, Use Magic Device +11
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Orc, Sylvan
SQ a quiet word, alchemy (alchemy crafting +4), inspiration (5/day), investigator talents (mutagen[UM], quick study[ACG]), keen recollection, mastermind defense, mutagen (+4/-2, +2 natural armor, 40 minutes), poison lore
Combat Gear potion of barkskin +5; Other Gear +1 chainmail, +1 light steel quickdraw shield[APG], +1 rapier, cloak of resistance +2, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, investigator starting formula book, soap, waterskin, heavy horse, alchemy crafting kit, animal harness, mess kit, pack saddle, pot, saddlebags, torch, light horse, animal harness, cold weather outfit, furs, hot weather outfit, military saddle, saddlebags, trail rations, 91 gp
Special Abilities
A Quiet Word (Diplomacy or Intimidate, 2/day) (Ex) With 10 minutes of prep, an ally can use your skill ranks on a Diplomacy or Intimidate check later.
Alchemy +4 (Su) +4 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Inspiration (+1d6, 5/day) (Ex) Use 1 point, +1d6 to trained skill or ability check. Use 2 points, to add to attack or save.
Keen Recollection At 3rd level, an investigator can attempt all Knowledge skill checks untrained.
Mastermind Defense (Ex) 2 inspiration: penalize an attack roll against you by your inspiration die
Mutagen This discovery gives the alchemist the mutagen class ability, as described in the Advanced Player's Guide. (This discovery exists so alchemist archetypes who have variant mutagens, such as the mindchemist, can learn how to make standard mutage
Mutagen (DC 15) (Su) Mutagen adds +4/-2 to physical/mental attributes, and +2 nat. armor for 40 minutes.
Orator Use Ling in place of Bluff to tell falsehood, Diplo to change attitude or Intim to for cooperation.
Poison Lore (Ex) After 1 min can use Know to ID poisons, 1 min more to neutralize with Craft (alchemy).
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Quick Study (Ex) Use studied combat as a swift action.
Studied Combat (+2, 3 rounds) (Ex) As a swift action, study foe to gain bonus to att & dam for duration or until use studied strike.
Studied Strike +1d6 (Ex) As a free action on a melee hit, end studied combat vs. foe to add precision dam.
Horse, heavy CR –
Heavy horse (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 177)
N Large animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+4 Dex, +2 natural, -1 size)
hp 19 (2d8+10)
Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +3
Speed 50 ft.
Melee bite +5 (1d4+5), 2 hooves +0 (1d6+2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 20, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +7; CMD 21 (25 vs. trip)
Feats Endurance, Run
[b]Tricks Come, Heel, Riding, Stay
Skills Acrobatics +4 (+8 to jump with a running start, +12 to jump), Perception +8
SQ docile, riding
Other Gear alchemy crafting kit[APG], animal harness[APG], mess kit[UE], pack saddle, pot, saddlebags, torch (10)
Special Abilities
Docile This animal's natural attacks are treated as secondary unless it is trained to fight.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Riding [Trick] The animal has been trained to bear a rider.
Run Run 5x your speed in light/medium armor or 4x speed in heavy armor and keep Dex when running.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell.
Horse, light CR –
Horse (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 177)
N Large animal
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +6
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 9 (+2 Dex, -1 size)
hp 15 (2d8+6)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 50 ft.
Melee 2 hooves -2 (1d4+1)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17 (21 vs. trip)
Feats Endurance, Run
[b]Tricks Come, Heel, Riding, Stay
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+6 to jump with a running start, +10 to jump), Perception +6
SQ docile, riding
Other Gear animal harness[APG], cold weather outfit, furs[APG], hot weather outfit[APG], military saddle, saddlebags, trail rations (5)
Special Abilities
Docile This animal's natural attacks are treated as secondary unless it is trained to fight.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Riding [Trick] The animal has been trained to bear a rider.
Run Run 5x your speed in light/medium armor or 4x speed in heavy armor and keep Dex when running.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell.
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Rufus Fitzroi |

DM Talomyr, the original plan with Rufus was to eventually go into the Battle Herald Prestige Class, which requires Inspire Courage.
Battle Herald came out before Paizo developed the Skald base class which has Inspired Rage instead of Inspire Courage.
The last Campaign I played Rufus in, the GM ruled that Skald's Inspired Rage class feature could be considered the same as Inspire Courage for the purposes of qualifying for Battle Herald.
What is your opinion?

Dario Zuz |

Alright, now Dario is properly leveled up and statted and I religiously copied my work in progress. It only tried to delete it all five times :|
Anywhos, this is Dario at level 5. I really hope you select him, I really look forward to storming up to the fort's gates and demanding a rematch to find the guy I'm after is already defeated.

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

do we need to take a kingmaker campaign trait?
They all assume we're off to explore, but at this stage of the game, we might as well be inhabitants of the stolen lands.
We're far enough into the game that a Kingmaker campaign trait is no longer required. You are still welcome to take one, but it's not required.

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |

Definitely interested! Do you want us to explain how our character ended up in the Stolen Lands, or would we work that bit of the backstory out if/when we are selected?
I'd like to see something around why you are in the Stolen Lands, although that can be fairly vague, and we can work it out in more detail should you be selected.

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Based on existing player input and character tie in, the first selection is made.
Azen, welcome to the game. Feel free to check-in/post in the discussion thread.
This does not mean recruitment is closed, there is still one opening and the last time I opened a slot for this game I ended up taking an additional character I hadn't intended to. History could repeat itself, stranger things have happened.

Revolving Door Alternate |

I have not yet played in a Kingmaker that went much beyond the recruitment stage, so I don't actually know much about it.
I have been given info that in the first part there are several humanoid races encountered. Such as kobolds, goblins, lizard/frogs, etc... Did the group make peace with any of those or did they kill/evict them all?
I am assuming 'Councilor' would be a wisdom skill or is an intelligence skill a better choice? Or does it not make any difference?

Celebeth Quinciel |

I have not yet played in a Kingmaker that went much beyond the recruitment stage, so I don't actually know much about it.
I have been given info that in the first part there are several humanoid races encountered. Such as kobolds, goblins, lizard/frogs, etc... Did the group make peace with any of those or did they kill/evict them all?
I am assuming 'Councilor' would be a wisdom skill or is an intelligence skill a better choice? Or does it not make any difference?
We have mostly been peaceful, where we can be. Note that our DM has taken the opportunity to customize the adventure and not everything is as-written in the AP. We have made a few trade deals, but our nascent kingdom is so small that this doesn't mean much... yet.
The councilor position relies on either Charisma or Wisdom (whichever is better). It is described here.
In brief, there's a whole sub-game for administering the kingdom, and the PCs take on various roles like ruler, spymaster, councilor, general, etc. Certain roles must be filled or your kingdom suffers big penalties. This is all in addition to the usual adventuring, exploring, and role-playing. You can learn the kingdom management system and help make choices about the development of the territory, or leave it to other players, as you choose.

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I am assuming 'Councilor' would be a wisdom skill or is an intelligence skill a better choice? Or does it not make any difference?
In the kingmaker Players guide it give the stats for each role, the two of note currently are Councilor: Wisdom or Charisma, Spymaster: Dexterity or Intelligence

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |

Will there be reasonable opportunities for mounted combat, or would that be a wasted pursuit
There will certainly be opportunities for mounted combat, but of the planned combats in the AP (for the next book or two) only about 50% would mounted combat be useful.
So I guess the answer is a question. Is 50% of the time a sufficient amount of opportunities to justify the investment?

Norde |

Based on existing player input and character tie in, the first selection is made.
Azen, welcome to the game. Feel free to check-in/post in the discussion thread.
This does not mean recruitment is closed, there is still one opening and the last time I opened a slot for this game I ended up taking an additional character I hadn't intended to. History could repeat itself, stranger things have happened.
”Norde congratulates you on being chosen and hopes to join you.”

Revolving Door Alternate |

Revolving Door Alternate wrote:...
I have been given info that in the first part there are several humanoid races encountered. Such as kobolds, goblins, lizard/frogs, etc... Did the group make peace with any of those or did they kill/evict them all?
...We have mostly been peaceful, where we can be. Note that our DM has taken the opportunity to customize the adventure and not everything is as-written in the AP. We have made a few trade deals, but our nascent kingdom is so small that this doesn't mean much... yet.
I'm wondering if there is a group that it would be reasonable to assume they might send someone to keep a watch on you and see what you are like.
For example; if you had made peace with a lizardfolk tribe, maybe the chieftain would send a trusted warrior to help if you are trustworthy and warn him if you are getting ready to stab him in the back. Then I might play a lizardfolk ranger or something like that.

Celebeth Quinciel |

Lizardfolk rangers are very cool and I like them a lot. (Last time I played one was in an Ironfang Invasion AP.) Ultimately a question for the DM. Would the character be a front-line combatant? What role would they play in the kingdom, if any? (There are rules for vassal states in the later parts of the game.)