Garethane Seregon |

"It was green. Body the size of a.... big draft horse? Wings even bigger. Didn't get any closer once I spotted it."
He tries to signal how big the wing span was with his hands, but gives it up as a bad job. "It was big. "

Azen |

Azen looks around at all of the excellent archers in the party. She isn't sure that she is the best by a long shot, but she nods and accepts the compliment from the new party member.
Thanks, that makes me feel better... size of a horse, with wings. That's not so bad...
Thanks Wulfric, must have neglected my attacks in leveling up. Appreciate you pointing it out.

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |

So you have your alchemist fires, you have a bit of intelligence on what sort of creature lives in the dragon lair, you know where the trolls are and would prefer to draw more of them out. I think I have that right. What exactly is the plan to draw trolls out? Which hexes will you be traveling through etc?

Tove Hellstrom |

My thinking was that we could boat down to the Lizardfolk village again then move into the hex containing the dragon’s lair. Perhaps we can make a camp there and hide nearby to ambush whoever comes to investigate? Hopefully it wouldn’t be all the trolls plus the dragon at once.

Celebeth Quinciel |

Interesting idea. Anyone know how good trolls' sense of smell is? If we have a barbecue out in the forest they might come to see what smells delicious. But going after the dragon first sounds fine.

Azen |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm game for an ambush (or a barbecue). Let's try it. What the worst that could happen? (ha ha)

Rhiannon Wyngarde |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Interesting idea. Anyone know how good trolls' sense of smell is? If we have a barbecue out in the forest they might come to see what smells delicious. But going after the dragon first sounds fine.
Based on the Nat 20 roll on the Knowledge for trolls I'm assuming I know they have Scent

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |

Celebeth Quinciel wrote:Interesting idea. Anyone know how good trolls' sense of smell is? If we have a barbecue out in the forest they might come to see what smells delicious. But going after the dragon first sounds fine.Based on the Nat 20 roll on the Knowledge for trolls I'm assuming I know they have Scent

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker |

Morning comes and Godwin has The Arrow ready to head southwest along the Tuskwater and into the Candlemere before turning west toward the remains of Vesket's village.
Travel through the lakes is smooth and relatively quick, that all changed once you tried navigating the Murque - many shallow spots made for slow travel, even having to exit the craft on a few occasions to lessen the weight of the vessel, but ultimately you make it to the remains of the village shortly before dinner time.
What would you like to do?

Wulfric Tilernos |

Wufric will bring his warhorse on board the ship if that works.
1: True Strike, Magic Missile, Feather Fall, Shield, Burning Hands
2: False Life, See Invisibility, Cat’s Grace, Carry Companion
3: Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Haste
Upon disembarking, he casts False Life (lasts 6 hours).
Temp HP: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Celebeth Quinciel |

"Why not both?"