DM-Salsa presents Rise of the Runelords (Inactive)

Game Master AdamWarnock

Storm clouds gather as the town of Sandpoint readies for the Swallowtail Festival and the opening of the new cathedral.

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Lemme just say that this was not easy, and I decided to take eight, and still didn't get everyone I would have liked to see in this. If I could run enough games to handle all of the wonderful submissions, I would, but alas, I only have so much free time, and that means I had to whittle it down to a number I feel that I can manage. That said, congratulations to these characters:

Olivius Telraven
Victoria A. Ferro
Pavanna Alazario
Horatio Aldebrandt
Thirzin Bronzebeard
Akisame Koetsuji
Noro Kasuri
Saroune Anzoletta

I'll have the discussion thread up in a moment.

To the rest of you. I appreciate you're interest, keep your ears peeled, I may need someone to come in and play if someone wanders off due to the curse of Not-e-nuff-free'time.

Again, thank you for all of your interest. I wish you luck!

Disccusion's up

Congrats to those who were excepted.

yayyy Noro is happy.

I don't have a theme song for Noro, never thought of having one thanks for the idea.

Woohoo! Congrats people!

Grats all. See the accepted in the game. :)

A party of eight, hmm? This should be interesting - especially given our spread across time-zones (/me waves from NZ!). :D

Here's hoping I don't have to drop out.... :-\

Hey Trace, I'm an Aussie myself. The other PBPs I've been in haven't seemed horribly affected by the different timezone - sometimes I just get up in the morning and find that everyone's posted and been waiting patiently for me to make a move!

Well, congrats to those who got in! And in my case, it seems third time's the charm! Woo!

Dark Archive

Congratulations to those who got in.

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