DM Ragnarok |

E-yup, couldn't stop myself from running a Star Wars Saga Edition game.
I just love it so much.
This is going to be a Legends game, friends. Hopefully it will be fun!
Looking for 6 players.
The Galaxy is healing, but slowly. Years of war have rendered military forces and resources stretched thin in some places, and many outlying systems fall victim to would-be tyrants. But, that's where these guys come in...
There are about one hundred full Knights or Masters active in the galaxy. Their organizational structure is loose; any Master may choose and train an apprentice, and raise them to a Knight, but only Master Skywalker can declare another master. Outside of the active Jedi, there are perhaps three hundred apprentices training. Many of them are still learning the basics, and receive group instruction, but due to the limited number of Jedi Knights available, most Masters or Knights that have apprentices will have more than one.
- Notable Jedi
- Master Luke Skywalker
- Master Kyle Katarn- Battlemaster of the Jedi Order, responsible for overseeing combat training.
- Master Tionne- A scholar and student of Jedi lore, responsible for teaching the history of the Order (at least, what they have been able to recover) to new students
Spoiler alert; it never goes smooth.
Any Jedi will automatically start with a training lightsaber, however.
We will be using the Star Wars: Saga edition Point Buy with a couple of differences. First, instead of all ability scores starting at 8, five ability scores will start at 10, with the sixth starting at 8. You can choose which ability score starts at what. You will then have 28 points to spend increasing your ability scores. Droid characters will receive only 24 points, due the lack of a Constitution score, and only four of their five ability scores will start at 10, with the fifth starting at 8.
Also, I like the notion of daily force points. We will be using the optional rule in the Jedi Academy Training Manual for Daily Force Points but it will be slightly tweaked; Levels 1-10, you have 2 Force Points per day that refresh with 8 hours of rest. Levels 11-15 you have 3, and 16-20 is 4 per day. The feat Force Boon adds 1 extra Force Point to this daily allotment. Finally, here is a list of house rules, once again shamelessly ripped off from GM Phntm888 that I like;
1. Multiclassing: When you multiclass base classes, instead of taking one of the new class's starting feats, you can choose to take the Skill Training feat in one of the new class's starting skills instead. That way, if you either already have all of that class's starting feats, or none of them fit your concept, you still get something you actually want out of doing so.
2. Skill Focus: Skill Focus now only gives a +3 bonus when you first take it. When you hit level 10, the bonus increases to +6. This is to balance out Skill Focus in lower level play.
3. Force Sensitive feat: I strongly prefer to limit this to only being able to be taken at character creation, since it makes sense to me that someone is Force Sensitive their entire life, and should really only develop it mid-story for plot reasons.
4. Feat progression: You get a feat every odd-numbered level instead of every 3, like in Pathfinder.
The Rebellion Era sourcebook recommends not using the Background and Destiny systems together.
Eff. That. Noise. Let's DO it.
So yeah, we're using both Destiny and Background. Why not?[/url]
[spoiler=Sooooo what about Unleashed?]Naw brah I don't mess with that nonsense.
[spoiler=Will we be using battle maps?]Nope. Theater of the mind, friends.
That's not a HARD no, but it's not a soft one either. If you want to be distantly related to certain extant Legends characters, that might be okay; you want to be from the Thul family, or have been a doctor that worked with the renowned Jedi healer Cilghal? That's probably okay. Being Kam Solusar's bitter ex-wife ain't gonna fly.
To me, tabletop isn't a way to just roll some dice. It's a way for us to gather together for a shared storytelling experience, and that's something I love. I'm not going to care how many +1's you can squeeze out of your Soldier at 1st level. I really won't. But if that soldier is a world weary, middle-aged Sullustan that has kept living while his friends kept dying, but tries to carry on anyway and has a secret soft spot for romantic HoloDramas and a gambling problem that he's been in recovery for for a decade and a pet Gualara named Yavin that he won in a game of Sabaac and is sort of mean to everyone but him so he loves Yavin too much to let him go...
That's the guy I want in my game.
I also have a heavy bias to quality writers. I'm sorry, I can't help it. Proper spelling and grammar go a long way.
Familiar with Firefly? Roll up that Scoundrel with a heart of gold (but always with one hand on the handle of his blaster).
Except Dr. Who. You'll never convince me your plot-holes are delightful, you fez-wearing madmen!
Well. That was a metric ton of material, and I'm sure I still forgot stuff. Hit me with any questions you may have. Thankfully this seems to have taken me through the penumbra of my insomnia so I'm about to pass out. I'll get back to any questions tomorrow!
May the Force be with you!

Christon Rynx |

This character didn't get selected for the game you mention, but I could be a bit luckier here. I'll rework the background to fit the era, and probably will start with a class a bit more skill friendly.
Edit: the basic idea is that, in his home planet, there are two factions and a lot of Force Sensitive people. The opposite faction is clearly on top, so Christon's faction allied with the New Republic in exchange for something (maybe natural resources), and some young Force Sensitives are going to be trained by the Jedi and vice versa. Is that ok for you, more or less?

ObsessiveCompulsiveWolf |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Perhaps this Star Wars Saga Edition Wikia would help folks?

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I am getting that Star Wars withdrawal, I have to say (and I am still to be able to see The Last Jedi, which should probably happen on Saturday)
So, one definite dot for Interest! So far, when I've been playing Star Wars, there's always been someone eager to play a Force-User, whereas I've gone for the people who sternly believe that stuff like that is no match for a good blaster at your side.
So I've decided to go and declare my interest for a Force User, but most likely not the combative type. In fact, I have an idea I need to think about some more.

Redac |

I was going to apply to GM Phntm888's game, but unfortunately I couldn't get around to creating a character for it. I'm glad there's another Star Wars game starting up. Consider this my dot.
I'm stuck between either a fairly combative Force User or some kind of mobile, long-range soldier build (if something like that's viable). I'll have to do a little more digging and thinking about it, but that's where I'm leaning right now.

GM Phntm888 |

I'm thrilled to hear you liked some of my house rules! I think they help open things up while giving players a slight increase in power. Just remember to compensate enemies for it.
I'm not going to be applying to this (trying to avoid being stretched too thin), but with your permission, DM Ragnarok, I'd like to follow along with the action!

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Dot for interest, I've wanted to play saga edition for a while, but never seem to get accepted into any games, I'll lay down my interest here, but I'd like to try and shoot for something skilled if I can.
I'd also like to play as a Droid, possibly a decommissioned/repurposed battle droid.
Although I may also shoot for a construction droid that has been rigged up during the war to help fight.
Although a Reprogrammed Imperial Protocol Droid sounds like fun...

K1-3I9 |

William here, I'm putting my Droid here, and would be more than willing to work with someone else to write that they own this droid.
Anyways, as of posting this, nothing is written. But K1 here is going to be a cold calulating droid, his reprogram having altered his personality. So even though he's a protocol Droid he's gonna be busting some skulls, or rather putting lazers in kneecaps.

DM Ragnarok |

"But DM Ragnarok", I say, "You're running a game for Strange Aeons and Hell's Rebels! Three games at once? You're a MADMAN!"
Props to you, m'lad.
Currently considering either a Noble or a Scout, and still thinking on character concepts. Will submit something by the deadline, of course!
I’m also running; a Lord of the Rings campaign (One Ring RPG rules), a Scion Ragnarok game, and a Gestalt semi-homebrew (content-wise) Rise of the Runelords campaign.
...I think I have a problem.

DM Ragnarok |

I'm thrilled to hear you liked some of my house rules! I think they help open things up while giving players a slight increase in power. Just remember to compensate enemies for it.
I'm not going to be applying to this (trying to avoid being stretched too thin), but with your permission, DM Ragnarok, I'd like to follow along with the action!
Do please feel welcome to!
I particularly like the Skill Focus tweak. It’s a good fix. One of the problems with it was level 1 force users that had UTF checks nearly equivalent to RAW Darth Vader (CL 19, UtF +17). I think this is a good compromise.

DM Ragnarok |

This character didn't get selected for the game you mention, but I could be a bit luckier here. I'll rework the background to fit the era, and probably will start with a class a bit more skill friendly.
Edit: the basic idea is that, in his home planet, there are two factions and a lot of Force Sensitive people. The opposite faction is clearly on top, so Christon's faction allied with the New Republic in exchange for something (maybe natural resources), and some young Force Sensitives are going to be trained by the Jedi and vice versa. Is that ok for you, more or less?
That can work. There are some things I'll want to know about this home planet;
What region of the galaxy is it from? If it's new to the Republic and is exchanging goods for membership, I feel like the Outer Rim is probably a good choice, but if you're thinking something else that makes sense let me know.
What natural resources are they offering? Note that the Republic doesn't require any such offer from the planet, but it might speak to the people and background that they assumed such a mercantile deal would be necessary.
What are these people's Force traditions? Why are there a lot of Force-sensitives? If this is the case, how did the Jedi/Galaxy at large not know of them before-hand? How did Palpatine not wipe out a planet of potential threats?
Much of this may be in the background already (which I will check out presently) but that's some of the information I'll want.

DM Ragnarok |

One house rule I forgot;
Force Grip.
This is sort of the most broken I-win power in the game, so we're going to alter it a bit. Maintaining the power for more than 1 round inflicts a Dark Side Point. It's Force Choke, just named to be more friendly. It's not something the good guys do. However, it only inflicts one such DSP per use of the power being maintained, regardless of how many rounds you maintain it for.

DM Ragnarok |

I was going to apply to GM Phntm888's game, but unfortunately I couldn't get around to creating a character for it. I'm glad there's another Star Wars game starting up. Consider this my dot.
I'm stuck between either a fairly combative Force User or some kind of mobile, long-range soldier build (if something like that's viable). I'll have to do a little more digging and thinking about it, but that's where I'm leaning right now.
Long-range is super viable in this game. Happy to help with suggestions if needed.

ObsessiveCompulsiveWolf |

If I can find the sources I'll definitely make a character.
Gotta get me some sci-fi pi :D
This Star Wars Saga Edition Wikia will help...

Joynt Jezebel |

One house rule I forgot;
Force Grip.
This is sort of the most broken I-win power in the game, so we're going to alter it a bit. Maintaining the power for more than 1 round inflicts a Dark Side Point. It's Force Choke, just named to be more friendly. It's not something the good guys do. However, it only inflicts one such DSP per use of the power being maintained, regardless of how many rounds you maintain it for.
You are certainly right about force grip being broken. Real broken. The house rule is a sensible attempt to deal with it, but it still leaves the bad guys able to use it w/o a restriction.

DM Ragnarok |

Question about the ability score generation:
With the ability scores starting at 10, how much does it cost to say raise it to 12?
is it the normal 4 points (as if it were 8)?
is it 2 points (the difference between the cost of 10 and 12)?
The latter. Basically if your attribute starts at 10, knock 2 points off of what the normal point buy would be.

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str 13
dex 14
con 13
int 20
wis 11
cha 9
HP: 19
FP: 5
BAB +0
Defense bonuses
Ref D 13 = 10 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 0
Fort D 14 = 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
Will D 13 = 10 + 1 + 0 + 2
Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons)
Skill Focus (Mechanics)
Tech Specialist
Skill Focus (Use Computers) - 1st lvl
Gearhead - human
Schematic Savant
Initiative +7 = 0 + 2 + 5
Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +10 = 0 + 5 + 5
Knowledge (Life Sciences) +10 = 0 + 5 + 5
Knowledge (Physical Sciences) +10 = 0 + 5 + 5
Knowledge (Social Sciences) +10 = 0 + 5 + 5
Knowledge (Bureaucracy) +10 = 0 + 5 + 5
Knowledge (Tactics) +10 = 0 + 5 + 5
Knowledge (Technology) +10 = 0 + 5 + 5
Mechanics +13 = 0 + 5 + 5 + 3
Perception +5 = 0 + 0 + 5
Pilot +7 = 0 + 2 + 5
Treat injury +5 = 0 + 0 + 5
Use Computer +13 = 0 + 5 + 5 + 3
Wealth: 3000
Spent: 2910
Utility Belt - 500
Fire Extinguisher - 50
Heat Sensor - 250
Flight Suit - 1k
Datapad - 1k
Blank datacards (10) - 10
Does everything look right GM?

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K1-3I9 |

Thanks, that gives me about 4 more points to spend than I had used.
I'm working on my character still, and j think my background will be pretty simple until I get someone or something to tie it in with. As a Reprogrammed protocol Droid I'd either have to have an owner or otherwise I couldn't "harm" people.
Honestly, how I want to play it is that K1 can't kill people, but nothing says he can't "incapacitate" them. He will never deal a killing blow, but if he has the chance to he will maim and cripple.
As a scoundrel I'm gonna pick up talents that accent this.
However if it's fine with the DM I might hold off the not killing part and just do it when needed. After all, having a Hedonistic Prossesor allows me to find loopholes or sometimes even completely forget my rules.
Like if I'm asked to defend something, and killing someone is the best solution to defend it, then I'm within full rights to do that.
If I'm asked to capture someone, shooting their legs to prevent them from running is a perfect example of something I can do to prevent excape.
Being a Droid is fun :P

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Thanks, that gives me about 4 more points to spend than I had used.
I'm working on my character still, and j think my background will be pretty simple until I get someone or something to tie it in with. As a Reprogrammed protocol Droid I'd either have to have an owner or otherwise I couldn't "harm" people.
Honestly, how I want to play it is that K1 can't kill people, but nothing says he can't "incapacitate" them. He will never deal a killing blow, but if he has the chance to he will maim and cripple.
As a scoundrel I'm gonna pick up talents that accent this.
However if it's fine with the DM I might hold off the not killing part and just do it when needed. After all, having a Hedonistic Prossesor allows me to find loopholes or sometimes even completely forget my rules.Like if I'm asked to defend something, and killing someone is the best solution to defend it, then I'm within full rights to do that.
If I'm asked to capture someone, shooting their legs to prevent them from running is a perfect example of something I can do to prevent excape.
Being a Droid is fun :P
There is an Independent Droid prestige class that is suited for these kinds of droids that try to overcome their programming, reroute around restraining bolts, and shrug off ion damage. I'll type it up for you here tomorrow. It's from the Force Unleashed sourcebook, but it doesn't use any Unleashed feats, so it should be OK.

Dodekatheon |

K1, lemme throw an idea your way.
You could have been a droid that served double duty; protocol droid and sparring partner for Jedi in training. You could be the property of the Praxeum, so any of the staff could give you orders, including "X person is your master for this mission". That would give you instant connections to any Jedi characters...though they may become troubled by your maiming of enemies. You can always chalk it up to being a reflex from learning lightsaber moves that remove limbs though!

rungok |

I'm thinking of making an ithorian force-sensitive botanist. Started training in the jedi arts out of a sense of reverence for his connection to the force. Probably build more towards the physical force powers like move object and stuff. I won't force choke someone, I'd relatively be a pacifist. (I.E. will fight in self-defense or in defense of an innocent.)
I think I don't understand how the stat generation works (Even though I am IN a game with phntm888 too... :/ ) Do I just take 2 points off the overall cost of each stat (except 1 of them) or do I count the totals as if I bought them as 2 less than before?
... The point buy part of SWSE always confused me.
Okay I think I got it.
[EDIT] OKAY one last question. There was the Force Adept, which was renamed to Force Prodigy. I saw it on the web site that was provided by obsessivecompulsivewolf. I would really like to use that instead of Jedi, if possible. Is that okay? It's not the prestige class, like the technician, it was another class that didn't come out with the core book.

Joynt Jezebel |

K1-319 There is a [I think] imperial protocol droid that has flaws in its programming that tends to react to negotiations breaking down or going poorly by firing blasters at the persons responsible.
I don't know if this fits your concept, but it is certainly amusing and I can try to dig up a reference if you want to use it.
As to your background I am interested in sharing a background. But for that I need a character, which is coming up. Likely a Sluissi Jedi.

DM Ragnarok |

@Saashaa- crunch looks correct at a glance. Can't wait to see what you come up with background-wise!
@rungok- I tend to like repeat players. Just ask Dodekatheon...and yourself :p
It's not precisely Jedi Academy. This is the Legends canon, so the events of all of the Kyle Katarn games have taken place. The events of Jedi Academy take place in approximately 10 ABY, if I remember rightly, though, so that was about 13 years ago. Kyle Katarn has settled into the role of Battlemaster of the Order. Jaden Korr is by this point a Jedi Master in his own right.
@Joynt- you're not wrong re: bad guys. But I can tell you that for the vast majority of the campaign, Dark Side Force users are not going to be the most prevalent enemies, so it should not be much of an issue.
Members of this prestige class usually must experience a program-breaking event. This event could occur as the result of conflicting orders, a malfunctioning processor, or a deliberate action taken by a droid programmer- either an organic creature or another droid. Players and Gamemasters are encouraged to develop such an event before using this prestige class.
Independent droids express their individuality much more strongly than a typical droid unit does. One might focus on a very narrow segment of its programming. Another might develop a complex or damaged personality. Independent droids universally reject the notion that they are owned by anyone, though the more deceptive or pragmatic units among them could give the appearance of having such an attitude if they believe that doing so is necessary to ultimately retain their independence or avoid a memory wipe.
The Independent Droid
Level Base Attack Bonus Class Features
1 +0 Defense Bonuses, sapience, talent
2 +1 Independent Spirit +1
3 +2 Talent
4 +3 Independent Spirit +2
5 +3 Talent
6 +4 Independent Spirit +3
7 +5 Talent
8 +6 Independent Spirit +4
9 +6 Talent
10 +7 Independent Spirit +5
Requirements: To qualify to become an independent droid, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Minimum Level: 3rd.
Trained Skills: Use Computer.
System: Heuristic Processor.
Special: Droids only.
Hit Points: At each level, independent droids gain 1d12 hit points.
Defense Bonuses: At 1st level, you gain a +2 bonus to your Reflex Defense and a +4 bonus to your Will Defense.
Sapience: You can choose to have your droid immunities not apply to any mind-affecting effect, allowing you to benefit from mind-affecting abilities that provide positive effects. Additionally, you have permanently disabled your behavioral inhibitor, enabling you to take any desired action. Furthermore, you are immune to the effects of restraining bolts.
Talents: At every odd-numbered level, you select a talent. The talent can be selected from the Autonomy talent tree or the Specialized Droid talent tree (both presented below), You must meet the prerequisites (if any) of the chosen talent. No talent can be selected more than once unless expressly indicated.
Autonomy Talent Tree- You are able to resist any attempts to curb your independence and can fight back against anyone that tries to suppress your personality.
Defensive Electronics: You defend your independence from all. When someone tries to reprogram you, add your class level to your Will Defense.
Ion Resistance 10: You gain DR 10 against ion damage.
Soft Reset: You are adept at rerouting your internal electronics. If you are moved to the bottom of the condition track by any means other than taking damage exceeding your damage threshold, you automatically move _1 step along the condition track after being disabled for 2 rounds.
Modification Specialist: You have become skilled at reprogramming and modifying your own systems. You do not incur the normal -5 penalty on Mechanics and Use Computer checks to reprogram yourself or perform self-modifications (see page 198 of the Saga Edition core rulebook).
Repair Self: When you repair yourself (using the repair droid application of the Mechanics skill), you repair 1 additional hit point for each point by which your check exceeds the DC.
Specialized Droid Talent Tree- You have become more specialized than other droids of the same or a similar model.
Computer Language: You can use your Persuasion modifier instead of your Use Computer modifier when making Use Computer checks. You are considered trained in the Use Computer skill for the purpose of using this talent. If you are entitled to a Use Computer check reroll, you can reroll your Persuasion check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations). Prerequisite- Must know the Binary language.
Computer Master: You can reroll any opposed Use Computer check, using the better result.
Enhanced Manipulation: You have improved appendage manipulation routines. You can take 10 when making any Dexterity-base skill check, even if you are threatened or would not normally be able to take 10. Prerequisite: Dexterity 15.
Hotwired Processor: You gain temporary processing power, enhancing your mental abilities. When you hotwire your processor (a swift action), you gain a +5 circumstance bonus on Itelligence- and Wisdom-based skill checks and a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls. A hotwiring lasts for a number of rounds equal to one half your level (rounded down). When the hotwiring ends, you move -1 persistent step down the condition track. The penalties imposed by this condition last until you receive repairs (using the repair droid application of the Mechanics skill).
Power Surge: You temporarily surge your power systems to enhance your physical abilities. When you initiate a power surge (a swift action), you gain a +1 circumstance bonus on melee attack rolls, +1 die of damage on your melee damage rolls, and an increase of 2 squares to your speed. A power surge lasts for a number of rounds equal to one-half your level (rounded down). When the power surge ends, you move -1 persistent step down the condition track. The penalties imposed by this condition last until you receive repairs (using the repair droid application of the Mechanics skill).
Skill Conversion: When you reprogram yourself, you can sacrifice a single trained skill for a bonus Skill Focus feat. You must meet the prerequisites for the feat (you must be trained in the skill you choose to gain Skill Focus for), and you can do this only once per reprogramming.
Independent Spirit: At 2nd level, you gain the ability to assert your independence and protect yourself from harm. Once per encounter, you can grant yourself a morale bonus to any defense score (your choice) as a reaction. This bonus is equal to one-half your class level (rounded down).

rungok |

Okay, so since I actually READ some of the jedi academy books and stuff, I'm looking forward to seeing how it all goes down! :D
This character's name is Pato Bendo, he's a young Ithorian who was sent by his parents for training. His parents are Jensaraai, actually. (I'm pretty sure this matches up to what little pre TFA canon I remember)
He's a Force Prodigy and was stupidly strong in the force for his age, and being very naive, his parents worried he'd be vulnerable to fall to one extreme or the other of the force and decided that the jedi academy would give him a safer training to learn to better control his connection to the force.
Currently, with what I feel is the right stat allotment, He has 5 force powers, his focus is on using Vital Transfer to heal others since he's very empathetic, so he has: Vital Transfer, Force Thrust, Move Object, Rebuke, and Negate Energy. His Talent is Force Flow, which fits well with his strong connection to the force. Also, I took Skill Focus (Use the Force) so I can actually have a good UTF roll to back up the "Strong but not experienced" vibe.

Dodekatheon |

I really, REALLY liked the character I made for the DoD game.
I really did not like him for this game. I couldn't think of ways to tweak him to the current galactic climate without fundamentally changing certain elements of the character that I really enjoyed.
So I did something a bit different.
I have written this character as the son of the character I created for the DoD game. He's sort of bright-eyed and bushy tailed and in love with the idea of being a Jedi Knight. He has a wicked sweet tooth, a weakness for HoloDramas and will probably try to put together "Bad Holo Nights" for the group (his favorite is "Order 9 from Outer Rim");.
Mechanically he's a pretty standard Jedi right now, with an emphasis on melee damage with a lightsaber.
As the character levels up, that will go into overdrive.
I plan on leaning into saber combat pretty hard. Eventually I'll take Juyo and Vaapad and several Lightsaber Form Force Powers. If the build goes the way I want it to, Draylin will be the backbone of the party's assault, dishing out tons of damage and making a fantastic target while being able to avoid a lot of damage himself.
If I missed anything, let me know.
If anyone wants some character links, please let me know and I will happily expand my background to include those.

GM Phntm888 |

GM Phntm888 wrote:I'm thrilled to hear you liked some of my house rules! I think they help open things up while giving players a slight increase in power. Just remember to compensate enemies for it.
I'm not going to be applying to this (trying to avoid being stretched too thin), but with your permission, DM Ragnarok, I'd like to follow along with the action!
Do please feel welcome to!
I particularly like the Skill Focus tweak. It’s a good fix. One of the problems with it was level 1 force users that had UTF checks nearly equivalent to RAW Darth Vader (CL 19, UtF +17). I think this is a good compromise.
That's the exact reason I borrowed Pathfinder's rules for Skill Focus for it. It helped bring things more in balance.
I'll just be lurking to see how this goes. Having read the entire New Jedi Order series, I am most curious to see what changes you make to it.

K1-3I9 |

Being an independent droid sounds fun and all, but I don't think it fits exactly what I'm looking for.
I still want to have those limiters, it makes not only for a Challenge, but good RP opportunity as well.
Sure, I'll be dependent on one of the other players for modifications or reprogramming, but that doesn't mean I can't still do as I wish within the limits of my orders.
As for who's background I'm a part of, I think for the Moment I'll just write up my story for before I was altered or Reprogrammed, then add onto it if I'm selected by tieing it in with the group. After all, being a Droid means I have to somehow be connected like that. Even if I was to use the prestige class, I'm starting at lvl 1 where I'm not independent yet.
I may change my mind in the future and choose to use the prestige class, but for now I don't think it's what I want, after all that class allows me to resist and ignore all the droid problems, but it doesn't allow me to use sneak attack or crippling attacks.
I might play until lvl5 until I take that...

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Right! This kicked up rather fast, I guess everyone's a Star Wars fan.
Not too familiar with the story in Legends, but I've given myself a refresher course from Wookieepedia.
So, I present to you one Temil Androti.
Two powers rule everything in the Galaxy. One, of course, is the Force, permeating every living being.
The other, mentioned much less often, and with a lot more disdain, is politics. Every single being, whether it's willing or not, partakes in it, from the lowliest gang member, to the Senators, Emperors and Overlords. With organisation, compromise and order, only the Force may stop you.
At least, that's what the Adroti family moto says. Rising from the Republic Dark Ages, the Adroti have been involved with Imperial politics for over a millenium, while remaining relatively unknown to anyone uninterested with the minutia of trade regulations, tax reforms, and regional governance. The family carries in its history many great actions for the Republic (and some for the Empire), such as passing the Trader and Entrepreneur Responsibility Bill of 11 ABY, the formation of the Republic Standards and Measurements Bureau in 390 BBY and many individually boring and collectively important actions through the centuries.
Temil Androti was born in BBY 1 in the sizeable family manor on Coruscant, a mere fifteen minutes away from the (then Imperial) Senate itself. His early childhood was filled with numerous tutors and months-long travels as his parents were busy organising the newly restored Republic, developing a keen analytical mind, which, combined with his charm and extrovert personality, turned him into a fierce debateur in his teens, much to the pride of his parents. In fact, some would go as far as to consider his ability to find weaknesses in others' arguments... unnatural.
At the age of 17, during an apprenticeship in the Senate (one involving a lot more java-juice-fetching than he had hoped), Oona Meo, a newly promoted Twi'lek Jedi Master had sensed his Force potential. One of the most memorable moments of his life is the opening of the door after the four-hour discussion, the visibly tired and sweaty Jedi Master and his mother walking outside, informing him that he was to join the Jedi Order. Master Meo has since said that she'd rather go naked in a fistfight with a rancor than have to face Vice Governor Androti in a debate again.
After his induction in the Jedi Order, Temil remained on Coruscant for his initial training, showing keen interest in the history of the Order and its function in the past. Far from physically imposing, and only beginning to learn the lightsaber at the age of 18, Temil's only saving grace in the strenuous Jedi training is his incredible control over his emotions, rivaling even some Knights, learned from years on the holostand.
So there it is - I don't think it's my finest work, but as I don't know that much about the setting, I'd just decided that explaining the concept, giving some NPC and plot hooks might be what the GM's looking for!
Medium humanoid (human, Coruscanti)
Init +9; Perception + 7
Favored Class Bonus +1 to HP
hp 31 DT 12
Fort 12, Ref 16, Will 13;
Speed 6 sq.
Melee Lightsaber +0 (2d8)
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +1
Feats; Force Sensitivity, Force Training(Force Slam, Force Disarm, Mind Trick), Skill Training (Persuasion)
Talents; Block
Skills (Trained in 6):
Acrobatics + 9 (5 Trained + 4 Dex)
Initiative + 9 (5 Trained + 4 Dex)
Knowledge(Bureaucracy) +7 (5 Trained + 2 Int)
Knowledge(Social Science) +7 (5 Trained + 2 Int)
Perception + 7 (5 Trained + 2 Wis)
Use the Force +8 (5 Trained + 3 Cha)
Languages Common, Huttese, Twi'lek
Force Abilities
- Force Disarm
- Force Slam
- Mind Trick
---Don't know what'll be useful yet!---
I'm not entirely set on the combat for the moment, but I'm thinking that's what I'll go with, for now.

GM Phntm888 |

With the permission of the good DM Ragnarok, if anyone would like, I can give you advice on things like backstory or fitting mechanics to the concept you would like to play. If you would like me to look over your stats or ask for any advice, feel free to PM me. I will only do this for you if you PM me - I don't want to step on anyone's toes or give unwanted advice.
Looking forward to hearing from any of you who are interested.